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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1875, p. 2

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X *amnmNTEW ..-ADVERTISEMENTS; IV^Vlirto^itw-. C. \V. Hill. ; VLvii-d "wMT-'^McIviiij S: v\v, Ouolph. ../l.im;ivi->:. ^I.irno**, 'IShop - .1. 1'Y ' flfemywjy.', ; _ <QLj __jwisi!!i.____ _1_J___,____J %KE *< TON FREE lttE|SS . ^ vMSliifccdJ R* cry FridayMommi!. ifcl Per Annum in Advance. " .1 _"" Vr ' " \__[ <__'___J; ' '-" ' ^-r---.-- , ,- -. .--- - PI 'Herald i* M MtCKIK'Q EOlTOn :t pfe,,);f^rH::/'..; V- K^-'r ' V'i H, '-'r ' : iW i.n^*rv: 1 %iS '. -, f:t-K> t<^ / -.: - pi '- - ' !>" Vi>- ; fe* p^if': "~~" T' :. pi ste,- pM:>;i>H':2-.-"".'?-r' Ib-'"'^--' mmm^:--: mm^J'Vk +,. -it H^-:: ,-x - v Bk* ' * * -'* 'Z : ; - K* -i : .- -" ' ': - t ' T *. .. i 6" FKlfrAY' MOK-N'ii>a,. NOV. -X, rslv ^REMOVED. I Jl^hti Free Pnnss Printing Otliieo is rio\y in t hf new building ttiljom- M:f.; -Matthews'" Store, . which bus bovh -_S*vijKctipTv* who-ljiivc. l>efi.r :iii thv \i4h\i.(ifij^ottiivg ihc'n' na(M?r; at Aiitrfn* Pivit Otlwo will' ploaso v.i'li tVr.tfeeiu Ijerftiit'ter ut the p'riht- -i:i^ c-ii"ca ;.:.: ' of puhlio life ifjthoy veil THE ACTO ^T: ". JFiR^S. Tho Bombasts of the jTho. OnoliVh Herald ]uhli8hcs n jtiiyxwhvv '6? atlida.viU \ ivsutrmihl 5[r.'"" TtuyVM. P.IP., rcnU'y-.ai.lmako'tljs VJii'lupt offer IroNVrtS jchni-j^'d with muring to tlio people bf 3 tount :h\ny vaf-f-thnt if tlijsy vot('^-fo,j tho Gov'r VHi*mit ciiiulidntn tlib Gsvominijiit ' n-ou'kv inulstj Mount J Purest tlio V-ouhty ,lb\vn. Our iriuiid of tihft Ht'raiil.is hot milikc (he nilitiiinirtn who was never to ho I foi nd in Rik ongngt'Wcnt but did luoio boasting tlisin.thn .whole \nrny '^fti<l" tho lwii> tie' hud: boon docide<l AVaa offered tin -ojSpw duchig" t Ireso ntlidi*vits~>M)n- a where thfy would' do :it (i p iblic inuotin< \v was pivjv>ti-d to step i; io, flcraiti pro soiiio gooil ion Mr, Hiil lo^ n fttld otit fcnthcbrti )r iT^c OiiUrio jLej^Uunrof oj<cnHipvTv'Tont'o on .rWoilnosd\"; ^rhen foviiiecr-.Srsftik'cr, Mf- JV:i tM. w^.s re-electil-iI to'tljac jk>si- i t i'>'.:i'~l m*- f\M -i?:. iE '.Mi ~.'I:U- , ^ ::fv*Jlv :-v..: WhA"'-*'?3 -"!' . f:,jV' Eg--- * -i- * ; s '$&& t'ailSv-. M ,-' VvoTl: 'j".-3:i, lion. 3LC. t'aineron stated ' ^> -the'"lLv*ie tfcit itbe.-*tanio'"-of M.ri )J,iys. .Itixl^inS'-would liavo "met ; - r.h .grt'saer approval .fipm _thc :..::;.:->mbt",rg'"-6n both shies of ihc l\^ise, but there ' were no other ':. >:iv*nations. ' Speaker. Wells itobk . mrin- : ers^ whopo," cases !aro appc.iledf .'/Usisrsi tKeelon, j Chisl)ohu, nnd ' Uiitr dKf- not ifeko their seiits. . T+ie Lieut,-Goyeroor's address;was ~' delivered yesterday. ;"-. . j "-".- : ' f :-': V ': -The -Income Franchise- ^ionsicterable discussion has re- oenily taken. pl_a<^: on tlie qestiou 'as tA whether persons assessed for : iacobis; oiily, iinder \tho Income Franchise act. hasie a right to vote _ at municipal elections. Those -who > contend that- persons so assessed anVe not the right in question, base their argument on tier-following section -bf the; Municipal Act of ^ . "Incase, of municipalities which _tra dirided-into "wrds or electonil QivislonRj the clerk . of th&. tuunici- . polity .shall, before the pollis'open- deliver to the retirnmg officer for jRveiy or;rany ': ward or electoral divJsion, a; li^t-in ithe form cS ecbedulc'C to this, Act .coatainini *fae name?, " 'a}paei>etic.illy-o/-fi// male fi-e$nol<J: i eT^arul f&nisihnlders rated upon the ... then histVrevied assessment roll for .'r^l'jpropeitT'j lying in-that prd or el-5toral diV'siort to .the ainount_re- - .qairad to qualify; them to vote at -soph, election, and sh-.ill at Best Tie said li.-t by his solemn . declara' on in'writing Under. Hi* iuuid,.nd in - cities, towns, incoqKjnited villa es and townships which hve'* pas.- -d T br-lijws requiring this to. be^ do. , shallexe'ude from such lists sui > persons'as shail: have been return-. ;-ed to him by^the Treasurer;, as in default for not having p;lid their -i iaVi!iicipal taxes resi^ctiyt-ly on or before the fourt^entjj "day of E>e- ; eiiuber preeeding the election."; That -persons assessed for iifcome, ' to 'the amount of not less than 100, have a right to vote- at muni-' cipal. elections -Is proved beyond |" disptite.-. by the, 1st clause of the '-., '; Act totxterid Elective Franchise^' psiiied during the first session, of ltJ74, which resuTs\s3 follows: ; - a ln addition: to the "pej-sons hith erto .etititled to vote at ejections,'to tfce legislative Assembly or Mnni- . -crpal Cbuncils, ,the right' of -voting shilll hereafter belong^taevery male ,|jersoa residing at the time of elec- -/t'onyin the. local, municipality in .!.; which he tenders bis .vote;.taring' - fiiside^ therein cointihuoiisly since- the completio.'. , ^..d last revised H assessment roll of/thetaunicipality; ; and possessing tire qualifications and performing [the canditi'dtis re>- q~tfirod by t^e jaws hei-etofpife in force-and not' ^ubjectr by the :ijd. lafrs tq-ahy disqualification;1 except = . arfto pY^periy.^--Prdifidftd thitt. he ".TrU-rK-esr an iricoine from ,s^me trade, cailihg, office 6^ profesgjon of inot \- le3 than four bundredTjdotlan aiir ; for such-irt \ jjCqm^in ^vA, by tbei.fast revised './ lassesSmeiW" roll of the-'iriiinicipat- -^'t'-Ks'- -!-"i. ~ ,x ClanseSovthe same act! enacts t'hatin mttkibgout the list nf voters, I 'both for/parliamentary^ and m!utii- ' cipal >electionj the clerk -shall" in- k- eltiierinl such list all inxalo persons ^assessed for income of the ralde of ing. And failing ti S|>, ]>i\)(liic thoui it 'bids it expod cut to don its war paint."nnib IVatb.-rs, aiftor Mho j public int'ctiugl )ia ttViv lenincd ii j-auil-w.ith the tliniahajvk of politici ] inoi-ality, and.'iho sc~Al]ii:>g-knife tf truth', pi-ocn.tls| to .citvt ]Mi\ ilak- up by pi.B-cemonl. T&isuis'but in-, creased its lliiist for blood, for y\\o ai\) pnlinised that tho , wholo quok- tionwill-bc laidbejoji-e thn Legisla ture, just s though Nlr.] lay's scalp d.mqTing from the btjlt i f tho . -' n/anmn was not glory en ough. Our contemporary liiiiTreaisti red a vow in heaven =th:tt ho. -will not puutje until] he his destroyed JN >. Mowat's Goveirnmeiit, and wij(ied it for even- out of Oiisitence. A\1hat with tbjo .'/<'imM on, the truck of ho Ontiirip ivCgisluturie aii-l, his ftjllcy uniiihiliL- to'r of {he FWesC Durliair News hull ing thunderbolts of lies ruction at the Dominion Goverineiit, life iuus.t sepm a solil-disappoiitii g -niockery ~ sit the //< to-the Reform party I aitV- is probably right if A Parmer Murdertid. " ' Nov. 21. A most (Ksliberiitennd cold-blootl- od; murder Wjs porpetrttteii' iibout Imlf a luilo ;from this phico about eight o'clock. The'victim w-na a fanner of 'NVnlpolu towiiBliip luiin- cd: Abel McDonald ; the object was robbery. IIo was roturning frotii;.HnmiUon, whoro ho hud been \rith gniin, Whoh ho was sot upon by Bomo jjersohior persons un known, and bis kull badly fr\otur- etl| with a chib,.:f('om tho effects of which bo dnjd about balf;past ono tins nioinihg, despite; tho modical asfiistanco- Of Dr. Hitlyoar, who wiei. called to attend him. Every effort is being put forth by; an: out raged commtuiity to-bring tho jriur- dcrers to justice ' j ' ."{ GEORGETOWN. VOUNIl tlEAU. action be to destroy the Gove'rment en" masiiet although I - n iost people would have been coritei t to kill 'off one 'politician at a tiihey particularly when that onajtravels a 1 tho way tjof Mount Forest to undonjotho. oper atioa ! Toronto .Suit. Tho dangers amiti its plan ofr- id^vtl iehr'Stanley tirat on ; in Gen- puiSQes hi? investigat on; in . Uen tial -Africa, and ' tlie \ ncertaintios attending postal-'-j coiiimunicAtion ^ itbthp,outside World, are illu's- trateiUby'the fate of ths messenger who started ;with two.l Otters -Which have just reached ijonc on front the who belonged to th ^ Khedive's force, sent into those parts under Gordon. On his ret uni .=, to his commander, Debell;fpid and thirty-' six of his roldiers weie' massaoriBd by the natives. Four only of the. company escaped t<5 re Sort.the fatei of ^heir cimmandir, and fellows.Goixlon's soldiers fihud the bodies and buried tbem. Dn Coh" De- belleford's person Sitar ley's letters, stii'ined with the nej senger's -life- blood, wer found.. *T1 ey were then forwarded by couriers' |to Cairo. ^ ! Robert ILirwood, who has for tho hiHt twelv.u yeai% boon an em ployee, of liarbot* Iiros., paper mill, was found. dead in Ids bed Satur day morning. ,- IIo bad been trou bled' with a ln'avy cough for some time past, but on. leaving work at i4ght he told his fellow workmen that he was feeling better than ho Usui- for some t.imC. About 12 o'clock his wifu was up, when ho. akkild her what she \yj\s doing. His sudden deniiso is much l-egretted, as ho was highly: 'rehpected, not only by bis employers but by all who knew him. Ho [eaves ti wid ow and faintly of small children to mourn his untimely end. . GrEMBRAL N^WS It ih uiidorstood that no cippesi tion will bo offered totbo rot urn of Mr. Dovlin for Montreal Cor tro, July. Blnnclietta ban ;bpon ^ectcd I PRESS, ^[OVE}yiBER M, 18JJ 5 oT to the Commons for HelleohriBo over two faund.rodvtnnjonty Thorn litta boun aYory ftovdro sn^w-BtoiTu in Prlncor Edvracd fa- land. jThreo hotel koehors in QttaWa liavo nssignod, tho bropriotor of tho RussbII Houbo owfig $176,0(J0, Tho SUr Base Btdl Iciub," ojf Sta- forth, last seasion played 13 guiusg, of which thoy won ll; Though tho Mark it/n(c,_JSrpr"jM prod jets a rise in tho pi ice. of yheivt, tlio market Btill rules low nd falling".-" ' , | : . .: Tho idnmediato c'auRo of IVifce- PrFStdeni Wilson's ddatb wns apo- p'oxy., His 'brain weighed Iforty nino and a half ounce)). ,j NearCobourg, on Monday night, two children while a's'luep lost tbpir ith(|r's giving gejie- -.- CORNWAU, ROnBEUS ARUfcSTED, CWvwai.L, Nov. 20.,^- Three young men, " tramps,'.', yesteitlay broke into the dwelling houso of Mr.'^Charles Smith, adjoining this towiA during the-absence of j.the family ami stole a large quantity of wearing apparel, jeyvolery, ic, Thoy were arresio.1 in town within an < hour and all tho booty -recover ed ; also a large, number of white* shirtSj two~pairs of pants and seve ral meerchaum pipeii^stolen else-- where, but which have ;'not as yet been claimed.. They were tried be fore Police Magistrate Allen td-day and sentenced to (eighteen' months at jhard labor' in the Central Prison, lives by the bunting of; their f house.", j i Yesterday | .\Vas Day in; tho Uniteell Stat(JB, and business, in co.nsequeiibo was, hilly suHpcndetl Mr. K. M. "Wellsl M. P.|p;'for South Bruce, was elected Speaker of tho Ontario Asseu bly WiadnW day. - " j :' [{' ' j A violent storm prevailed hirorind tho coast of, England bnjfr'riday night, find the. damagb to filj|ppjng atid loss of life' were considerable. -Tho deaths of Wm. B. Asitorj of New'.rYork,.Cardinal ltansc||ieri of Vienna, and Jdso Lafiagna, Foreign Minister of Mexico,arc ann:mnc{ed. Chief justice Whi to dlscbaTged Brigham|Young, on Thursday hist. lie also in his decision said that the polygamist was wrongfiilly im- pritonedJ Tho ejiporiditsro of tho United States postal service for tip pa6t fiscal year was.$35,000,00f being abont'68,000,000 in -excess |of tho revenue from tho same sourfe., , Tho estimated damage clpno in London and neighboitrhpdd, by the high; tides hist week, will, reach fully 85,000,000. Woolwicji arsen al grounds aro partially submerged. formed Church,'-wlibi-e a: fe^y. hymns, ex-Ma j :/J' 'There can tberefdrej be no fiirtbgr doubt as;'to the vote of-per- , eonil so assessed. -.^ The night of the 19ih closed the "meetings oT; Moody aid Sarikey at the?Brooklyn Rink.i' Fifteen'miri- utt^F-after *the dc^br jppeJhed "the. building was jarmiied. : Tho-choir 'lild a meeting in th North Ke- after'singing ij or Lambert,, iti their.-behalf, reall an address of presentation to Mij. S; nkeyji Bign'ed ( by its members, and tccouipanying it with ;a Very han$soi ie time-piece. Mrz-Moody tben^uddressed:.;the*au- ilience, taking for jiLs text Acts II; 14: '- Inquiry uiefttin zs held after wards were crowqed with people. After thejservicesjam.ibei^ of jyeo- ple flocked around) tb< Kvangelists!, and with teal's inj th :ir eyejk : bade them adieu and 4xod speed. .The services in Brooklyn v'i!I be coiitin- ued.under the auspice.1 of theclergV, arrangements to tjhat effect having been made*. - .' :j ' . I ..- I The-"" H'ehd Jjad:>ie." In d,e- nial of a stitemefat, originating in the.-Scottish Ain&rleiwi, which has ;one the roiinds"jof- tho Canailian- Press, that Mr; ^"yll e had met bis, cGregor, el Ver- ,yin^ played equals ie?' writes to the n :-:s.n ying : " My Mc(iregor stands eighteen wins.!one loss, and ten -draws. ' Seyei-arof th3 draws were made by himself when pointing out t6rhim how sucjh could bo accom- pliBhed. It is'hot any J>a.rt of my nature or purpose to underrate the ability off Mr. McGregor, or any man with /whom E hayo played in this country; bu; I must in truth say tbitD.dnring my'extended tour I mado/iiL. Aw erica^I have mek anum'jef, bfi much better play ers than Mr.|McGregir, and I am surprised th^t such ;claims sbotild "bo put forwiird on bi r behalf. ; Ifr however, Jdr. McGregor, or bis fiends, bel|eve he is my equal at draught's, If respectjFu]ly invite bimr or them to/nyike g6o<. tho assertion by a tnatcn-fprjono oi -two liundred dollars a ^ftd; and ty wiy bf.en- couragemfeiit, I wi 1 allow ' all 'draws'^n^ade by hird to. eTSunt as 'wini.' ujatch in Mr. moht-rthe two lu thb *: Herd Lade] Scottish Americ record with Ifc m V^i \J -r^^ejhad iutended.-tp have pub- VinheS] tfye-vFaEE Prb83 tbis ireek qnThursday instead Of FridayJ but dwiqg; to certain^ ciri;umsta:ices, '".t.'ir^ delayed,,.-Nextiweek, and .i'n Iiheifuture,f Tjhursday. will be / .r^aja^jmbliciitiou. day, explorer. The letters tre datd re spectfully April-lilt an d\l 2,' lfe7*,'JToronto. and were despatches fit-m.the north-J - ' ern shore of;Lake Vic :oria -Niyan- e .; Mr. Janies Alexander, of iB'ramp- za,'by Col.j-Debellefqidi an. o'tuceryTon,. has sold his: house and two acresof land to Mr. John, Aikens, of Malfon, for $3,700, and Mr. Alexander has bought the next lot to the above from Sir. Jas. Flem ing,, barrister, for $1,200, which Mr. '.Fleming bought-a few years ago for about, half that! amount. This tends to show how Briitupton is prospering.' Mr. Hamilton 'Row has sold his farm, lot 11,.Toronto Township, to Mr. Joseph- Swi.tzer,' pfTrafalgar,-ifqr'St-,'800. 'V A foot race for the championship of-Ontario between Jas.; Dobson, of Barrie.^nd Win; McCallj of GaltJ cfint-ofTat the former iplace oh Wednesday. The" distance was 150 yards, and the stnke. 100 a side. McCall won by about five yards. Time ICi seconds.- The result disapoin.ts ^any in Barrie, as Dob- son was considered the fastest run ner, having beaten bis rival on :two former occasions. | |A Morraort- disciple ill London, Oht., named Harvey lost two finT gore by contact with a circular saw, the remaining fingers of |tho.' hand .being cut so badly that' thoy were hanging by tho skin. A surgeon wasftsent for, but Harvey; owing to religious, scruplesV refused^ to allow him to aiiipjtitiitethe^fingers or dress his waurids, preferring, tlio servicei of a brother disciple named Cprnishl who severed tho wounded, finger .with a jack knife and bound up th bleeding hand.. ) - Mr. Henry, of Beverly, ,lias hit upon -a novel plan of destroying Hats; He tried the experiment in a friendj's.boiise in'Dumfries' with jentire success. ; He;does it with- a Varter snake he keeps for- the- pur pose. After getting it up to the bunting pitch by warming it at the fite, he took it,to the cellar-and set .it at-liberty. One after another, it iwent into every hole in the.-wall, and frigbtenejl out tho ; nits; who were finished off with the aid of some sticks arid a terrier.' . After getting through" ;work it isvas boxed up as Before. - , -'!""" J ' FiNCOBTlAGEb BYA BrRD. Speak ing of the fire . in Virginia" Cltyf Nevi, the Enterprise of thjat- city re lates this incident : "Yesterday,- after tbe Consolidated -Virginia and -Opbir works were 'in full blaze, a gentleman whose residence is east of. [the Ophir shaft, and which res idence iad: been oii fiije several times; had finally given nip that the house must be lost, and-"bad-ceased jfurther exertion. Suddenly he was jsurprised to iee a mountain' quail light at his feetv .In a moment the ibird .flew up to his breast/ and lit 'ton .bis vest. The man-unbuttoned two buttons of- his vest, j ?when the bird ran beneath it and nestled close over Hia heart. Hjj-buttoned hia coat owr ,the bird Midthen said oar ,!' A young man, ;named' Jnmes Snyder, al,ius John[ Clark, fetolo a horse, bjiggy, harness, &a,;:rom a Mr. ifefVKOn, bf Parb, and vas ar rested in St. Catherilhea and placed in limbo. j The shop and dwelling ofj Hugh Currie, general merchant, of i Camil la, was destroyed by fire bnj-Wed nesday morning. "l$o goods!books,., or notes were savej. Los), 812,- 000; instirance nearly 4,000. Hon. Daniel Macdonald' lias re signed the office of Attorney'Gen eral of Nova Scotia j and -has been succeeded by Oliver.; S. Wheels.: Tbe former continues in the Gov ernment without office. :, , Reports from the (west of Oraaba show a very heavy ^.'.1 of snow and a - severe [storm fix tending from Lararaio City on the east, to and beyond Corinne and Elko on the west; during the'past week. Tbe greater part of tbe silks and laces stolen fro;n Morgan's t tore, in Montreal, lias been recovered by paying tho (thieves S3,000. The gootls were secreted in alonse;iu Montreal. In the billiardtotirnanient which closed at New York laBt Monday, night, the first prize "of $\,Z 00 and the second orl,000 were won by two Canadians, Joseph Dion and bis brother Cyrille respectively. ' A_ movement, likely to. lie-suc cessful,'hits been begun in CJuelpb, for the purpose of closing; the stores at six o'clock every evening except Saturdays, when it .is-proposed to close them at eight 'On Tuesday a petition v^aa fyled .'.-.:.' GtBNBBAL Na^pTEj. . Mrs. Mullor, tl o insano German woman who jumped off a ' Great 'Western Railway train in London, tibout two weokH ago, was iroloosod froftv custody on Wednesday and Bont on jierjournoy eastward. Arraii[;onients have bbon \ made by'jtho Catholio denomination iri Guolph fo build a new church next season, which, it is estimated, will cost $50,000. Work-will be com menced early nexl> spring, The Youngs, airestedijoji suspi cion of having murdored.AbirMcf- Donald,); bavo boon reminded for further examination. ' Sp-farjthore is no ovidonce to implipate them, and unless something now turns tip thoy will bd. acqu itod., j .' (., Mr Gladstone is unablo to concur in Jolm Bright's opinion that the wearing of mourning ought to be ubolishcd, but ho docs think . fune ral reform is a very serious subject, and he'belicves tlio expenses attend ing the burialof ;bo dead nitg'^t be curtailed. j ' \ . . . Tho Quebec';(Government have decided to sohd. fi re hundred barrels of flour to tho pt^oplo ofl Magdalen Islands, who arc| without their iwin-' tor stock of provisions owing to tlje wrecking a few days ago of' the vessels on which they wore being conveyed to tho.islands. Tho new Town I.Hall, in Giujlph, is rapidly npproaqhing completion,' and will be. opened on tlio 10th- Do ceniber by a concert, ball, and nip per got up under tho auspices of St. Andrews Society.; Mr.: Kennedy, the Scot:ish.vocali8t, ,will give the concert. j ~ .! '"', ' Mother Stewart, a lsadcr in the Ohio tomporano crusade? of two years ago, has iniuoed alargenum-. ber of mothers in-.the'State' to noti fy saloon keqpers nptto sell liquor to their sons.'-iiTho law j there coin- pels!obedience tc such notices.-j A treaty of peace, ;friendship, maritime commerce,- arid extradi tion, between Spain Slid S^nta,' Domingo, has been'signed. In Cuba n insurgent, leader has been sur prised and shot. Tho Captain- Gen eral's headquarters are how>ii, tho field.' '.' j .- :|- .- Bowes' new brick chu|rch, Milton circuit, will bdtedicated on Friday, Dec., 10th. Rsv. John Potts, of Toronto, will prsach at. 2 p. in. and the church will bo deilicatoli by Rev. John A Williams, of St. Thbmas, President of the London Conference. I One of the njiost interesting per- jKbcr B. Wtird, The Ware ^Will Case. .(jiVo'ni </4s Ohieagti T.f%bunt;ltov. i7when' twel One of tbemj was a Mrs. Martin, sonages in the procession ;which who finds room w^th' her an pile will Tiiko place at Lucknow when frame for seven [spirits among whom yeais of ttge, was ttcabin boy on lake schooner ; at twenty-three be was a captain;-at thirty eight citizen olf Detroit, with a'fortune of $2C0,600; atiBixty.throe'Rn ri|o- pleotio ciipitalist with liabilitioa >f f 1,000,000, and; resoureds of , 000,000.| Aboutjcloven o'clock |<m 'the morning prtTanuary 2,1875, ho fell dead in ,,tbe streets of Eo- troit. '"the npwi was cdiTied hone- beforo'the body was. Two of jtlie idead man's sons jumped into a wagon, and drove down town; A n- other wagon-passed them' on)tlie way. Itj held the corpse of their Father. They did not stop,(bit Irove straight to' a lawyer's oflico. These: two'werd.'tho sons of Capta n jrViirdy first wifef He had by h ft- fivo ciiildren, including two imbe ciles, before .1809. In that iye ir ho compiled hr to; sue for at i- yoi;ce. Two tncnths; aftervit wns giunted ho marri id another wtiraa i. Tie present Mrs.. Ward has two ciiildren,!a boy | and girl. /Winn th 5 will was p]Se"ned it was fOui d th t' the bulk of the ; property w is left to h r and her children/; about rS 100,00C was ae^ apart for legacies; arid' tho -remainder was vfested : n tr mtecs or the benefit of the pld<sr children. The condition /attached to the'trust-gave'the holders (in !,l-~ most- unlimited1'power to beggar the heirs. They wero, never to pi iy them mdrd than $200 ja mon :h aj ieco, tjxeept; in case of sickneis, hi d might givo them as fniuch" If ss as they chose. This, they JmOst strin gent of jthe provisions} was added in a second codicil, dated March 18, 1*174. JMilton D. and Charles Ward, tho oldest snne jsons of tih< Capbiin,! decided to Contest tpc will. Mrs. Ward offered to nay them $200,000 and compromise the: matter, tut- this was-d^'ined. ' The'case PiSened -Sept 21,418T5 After tl^o failure of an attempt to qnash the will on technical grounds, the contest was narrowed down.tt t|ho question of insanity or uneiilt: influence. To establish one o; both of j these pointsj evidence 'vai introduced to show the dead nii n'n beliefin1 SpiritualisnL The julgek ruled that such a belief was no evi dence of insanity, because Spir tu- alism-was merely one of many ieli,- gions pilevelant in this country^-' but he held jthat testimony' of this t ort might lie prodneied to., show n l.ue influencjp._ A numbeir of noted me diums were oni the j witness-sta nd. ii -; LIVELY! LIVELY! LlVEUY! m^ Dr. Clark; of ,Princ sten, Jpas been appdiiiteil.: Superinte adontr i of the Prpyinclial, Lunatic jtsylum in To- ito -himselfj^^hat meanp tbat^my ronto, f Dr^Clark has had np asylum, {bouse can, ;he isaved,' and went to experielncp; but tbeJbs studied and "work ;again.^ Just thou Mhe un- written oa the subjei t of insanity^ certain wipd changed, the volume and is/possessed of so hiuct ability -of smokoWas ttirhed anothe^f-way, that,be will, we tn at, be able to the house was saved, ane} noW;next masted Jtbe diffiiultie s of a Very try- to the cbild^n, the bird lathe^h'ighV ing po&Ttion. < I-- :< . ) est prize^VnjeaBuro in ,that hpuBe,'* in the Court of Error and Appeal, by - Mr. Jas. Hamilton, Jos. Web- ster,land others, against the return of Dr. McMahon for the Riding of 'North . Weniwortb.- in the Local House. . ; Winter has sct.in early in Prince Edward Island. . On jWeidnesday last a severe snew-storm ;p^evailed at Charlottetowh, and cjh thei high gnides of tbe railway, snow was heaped up, delaying the movements Of trains. p .. ' The Attorney-Gorieral of British Columbia'has ordered: a strict en quiry into tho loss of the' steam ship Pacific, which", it now 'seems, was' caused by the captain of the ship Orpheus, wbicb rait.down. the ill-fated stf amer. ' The "London and Port Stanley RaM way, despite the economies ?ot the management continues to prove a loss to lessees. 'The half yearly report shows that it has teen run since leased by the Great Westeru at a-loss pfiover $30,000'a year. Dr.. Riddal of Orange dlle, has lost another of his family, i mking 4 children which be has- los; during the past tvo_weeks, pf scarlet fever and dyptheria. This sad aff iction on the pare'nte has tbe heartfelt sym-. patby of the entire epmmu nity. The rumor that the-Dintennial Exbibitipja at Pbiladelpl ia next year is to be open on Stndays'is not dorrect. Gen. Hawle y has re cently written I a letter stating that there-was not the .slightest inten tion of keeping the halls, open on Sunday, and that if there were he should,resign.J tho Prince of 1 Vales is there; will, iti is said, be tho identiejal State elephant that carried the. Marquis of Hastings wb ;n he visited Luck- now as Govorpor Genleml .a cen tury ago . :.Tho work oA the ttinnel under the Uritish Channel to unite'; En gland and France, is proceeding rapidly." Its estimated cost la over- S^OO.000,000 and the time -requir ed for its construction over ajquar- ter of a centuj-yj When done it will be tbe -greatest monument of engineering-sk 11 in the world. A meeting of the mortgage bond holders of. tho Toronto, Grey <!: Bruce Railway was held ib Toronto on Tuesdays-tie interest on 'a por tion- of. tbe bdn Is being in default. A exjmmittee vas"appointed tore- port as to the'-, jest means of deal ing with tho jbonded debt .of tl e' Company. Mr. A. C." Otborne, of the Wing- ham Times, ba i instituted an action for "libel against Mr. James Fleutyi, of tire \ Wingl am Advance. The iground of actie n is a paragraph in, 'thei"Advance, in which Mr. Osborne ib referred -to i l connection !with a; clothes line theft and a ; hen-roost robbery, SeveralletU rs have bien receiv ed at theheadc uurters of the;Pacific Railway survey enquiring for inen employfsd on tie surveyi i'n British Columbia, wb( are Bu'ppcsed by their friends ti> have been aboard the ill-fated 8t< iamship P|acific. - Full reports have notyet been received by thse^Depart nent, bubasiBOon as they are, repli 38 will be; se4t to en quiring friends. At Craigva e, on.' the night of Nov. 18, a fin; broke out in Den nis Cunningham's house, and four children "wen burned to death. Mr. Cunningl am and wife barely Htfw known. and No. 2 aft< r showing forwarded it t> No. 3, THE GOLDEN UO-i," Trains le O-XJElXi^BC Tlie best Fall Tra(?e we .have eve>| dont, and cosh that does it For cash weisuy rfaeap J"be leading boue sll j it tune*, bjuying|largely and underselling everything. Piles of hew .goods s| ri ving-Tto be rushed off at ponlo prices. T N^w fresh stock of Furs on hand, in every! cbeapel- than any hitherto shown. > 4 cases I'fe'w Dry Goods tremendous bargains, rjorthy the attention of buyers. Three cases ftew MantlesU r ' T New Flowers, New Feathers in endless variety in the Millinery Beprirtment, up -stairs. Thousands of Clouds, Kesris, Bhanla, all bo ng sold decidexMy cheap! "~_ " "~ "" NigTit ExpJ Mixed f Pay rxprd M*tT- ' ifixed J*p-ar. lclag*f A bankrupt stock of Tweeds wi'l je sojd af oinco,'tornfic bargains in every piece- 100 pieces of Scarlet Flannel, s fins qunhty, at 20c per yard. ' In the Up Stairs Department I am full of Buffa lo UobeB, much cheaper than anything in Guolph- We dp tbe best Tapes* try Carpet at 76c with 50 different patterns to cboose frord. 500 piece* of oark gray home-made Fulled Tweed, extra heavy, at 3r^i per yardl wottsr "5c Come right along where the barcims are, and get aj full choioeof sQ classes of goods , J. D. WILLIAMSON See the Oolden bion over tho door. PLATED WARE ! ' I For the S&asoni, l are those of 'Dean- Richmond,Ithje railivay| kingj ex-Sei|ator Howl re 6f Michigan, iijd a German ggeilc gist' m ith theiAineupboniotis name c f Cabbage John." |C. J. was ' a great fnvorttp j with j the capitalis;'. He instruc.ted'him in various busi- nestf matters, and j said unkind things. |about a certain Michigan statesman who-'Was: then running for re-electiort to the Senate, a|pd who was dppceed by Mr. Wanl. The successfu[-' -speculator asked "Cabbage. Join" aixiut railroaili, about mining on Lake Suporibr, about. jglaB_making| in Missouti^ about all-manner pf enterprisJL The spirit of the noted- Indini, " Red Jacket,'] who materializes i a the shape ojf ^ red-faced rnercbai it of Deti-oit, potified CJapt. ^ard of his impending death, and tlie lit ter afterwards said that the Indiin had told him to " keep his blank* 3 gathered up, for they; would cill him before ihp flowers bloom i d again."; Most of the spiritual guit :s were cdnayilted about the half-dili en different wills which, were drawn- up b'y'^r. Ward. While he see us to have taken or rejected the .bm i- ness advice of his ^oblihB acco-d- ing to his own previous .views at the nTJatter,- he followed "ghoa iy5 counsel quite implicitly in the m 11- ter of his wills. . 1 The itrial, which lasted fifty dajs, was fruitless. Nine-two witnesses swore ! to various pi-pa ' and cois. Nine lawyers earned; big- fees . liy examining the witnesses, by try ng to bully each other, and by roaring aonorou.8 sounds at the jury.; The escaped with their lives, the fire originated is hot Mr. Cunningl am.and wife are in a dangerous state through the ef fects of the fire. j Three shartersimanaged reeently to ride from Omaha,' to! Cnie^igo on one tieket. They took seats some distance from sach other and e'staV lished c'ommur ication byjijeana of a' string run ale ng the outside' of the car, on which /after giving up his ticket, No. 1 e 3nt his cheeik to No 2 latter retired.Nov. JO. After fiftjy four hours of, disagreement, It"- discharged; Eight jurors wished to break jthe vfill, and all of tptin agreed; that the codicil ought not to ataud. | Thej case . is to corner ip..------ nekt J'lanuarjf-, unless Lit be settled'Jj J)*>alIION his check Mr. Alexin ler Broddyi of Bramp ton, | and Eleanor, bik wife, celebra ted their golden vfeddiig on the 15 th inat. All peir surviving children exce >t one we-e present, also a large n itnbsr of ^andchild- ren, juncles, aunts, and others."'Mr. TTunter, of , Toronto, la son-in-law, read! an addiess to toe;'venerable couple, and -p: esented j tpein;'with" a couple of oh lira, after wbicp! ad- dresses were ielivered (by Revi J,: Carrol, Rev. Mr. MpFadden, aW the evening's celebration ; was brought to a close by singing and prayer. "' Opening st MeB6kn & C o%. ALMA BLOCK. GUELPH. We are showing th. best variety" bf-- > v I (ROOERSj SMITH'S CBLSBRATSD STAMP), Ever placed before the people of Gnelpb. ZOOAL Al mil Ur&ituch ax *ng_of txfvl/ntxvfitrtJiUnX the <ouniLiud iiuts Copy, ' * ttnd notif cetvt -\t latest >" As wel our editor w^receivej diately to| libel duties will our readeij ofeditooa Man I yet, and the appri ^indeistan would prj tn*n wSul probabilid >e illowe -there- wd| lb. the two or bers ba\t of not The name: _for .the 'made drawing in order ; , tbemselvl Ther Graad Tr tram Lnop \tp.\es Actl iR^ -The | able ftjr CJiurch clej wore u- ters are ajj Cruets, Vases. Alma Block, Guelph, Nov. 24, 1375 Toilettes, - Tea Mj ' _ eneiung _ tsa me "Union Cj when adl <H numbea jprell knrj Bpeakers.] enlivene tal mitsic be one i of the se~at bix o^e Celeries, &c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TpRIZE PHOTOGRAPHS. Now Is the Time for Cheap Pictures. Best Retouched and Burnished Photograghs reduced to 1 00 jper dozen at the Ontatio Photoffrqph Gallery, Acton. Call at once and obtain a good and cheap picture, finished in the best style, before prices are again odi vanced V N. B We were awarded all -the first prizes over all competitors^ i the late County Fair at Hilton, Oct. 13th and 14th, 1875 i C W.flILL, Photo, Acton, Nov. 26,1875. 22-3m byi agreeniebt before' then, ScAtDtJB fro Death. -WeL_re gret to jearn. that ja little be >y, aged three years and six montlis, son of-.-Mr.'..Henry jPearenjlEiin , Township, met "with Ibis fleat i .un der ;vejry distreBsiag eMTcunista nc jsr. Oh Monday evening -bis.:m3ther' took off a large .pot full of; b >ili ng. water,' and set it^dowlh at the btck of the'stove." The child eaiae in .with-a little sleigh and some ffo:>di and" in going behind!; the stote he stumbled and fell inte>, the pot baak- wardsj.! The right ir'm anci .he whole body from the sh'oulder do wn to thearikles were terribly sctld^d Dr. Mcdullongh, of Rockwooei,: \ras .at once; sent for; arid did ill he could fdr the peor child's relit f, jut the 8ho|ck to the nervous sjst em was sci grea (j that thojugh cob scii >as " - liist, and apparently. ii se jai- pain, hegraduilly sunk nnd " but l8 bdu'ra ifter. th s acci The deceased was a liri^dit; b^jy,! much beloved by his paren aj who halve Ihe sincerei. sVm- pathy ot their friends and neij jbl tors in !thi8)!hoar' of thiiir: distfesfintj. bcreafemen^. -^Mera try, to the bid to died .'about- dent, little "1" HARNESS SHOP, -T The subscriber "begs to announce to the inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that he has commenced tbe harness business in the Old Post Office Building, &ILI. STREET, ACTON, where hejs prepared to turn out work second to none in the Domin> ion. as cheap as the cheapest, and- on the shortest possible notice. I have on hand a4arge and well select ed stock ot Horse Blankets, TOiipi. Bxuaies, Combs, Trmvun. etc. Repairing promptly attended to. Give me a call and be convinced. J. F. DBJ4PSEY Acto$, Nov. 25, 1875. S' TRAY HEIFER. T Came on to the premises of the sub scriber, Lot 15, 5th con. Nassagsweya, about tho 1st of October, a rfmte Heifer, 2 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take W away. WM. JDREDGE. Nassagaweya. P.O , Nov. 15, 1875. ^yEA.iNG. , r Carpet weaving, stnppuig^ tlTHmj, and all kinds of home-made, work to mt farmers and others; promptly si id pro. perly attended to, at toy rendeUe e, near Dnbhn church, about a mile-and s-half from Acton. |HUGp BfeLL. &qnegmg, Nov. 16^ 1875. |2Mt; H TRAY SHEE1. I? Came on to tho premises of ti senberj Lot No 16 4th con.i'" fjeya^about the middle of A1 one Ewe and one Lamb The requested tcr prove- property, psy and take thenk away WM. 3. GO Nas^agaweya P OA Nov. 15, HEIGH HO, STOP! What's the Matter?- Why any -person and ttonally. they wi] leaf aroa who waataa-gosd cheap E! i SET OF ilAROTJSS,! Should call on. H rI 4 QVBSCRjEBE FOX THE Acton Free Press. ROBT. GlVp&CMt MILL STREBT, LCTfS Who is always ready td supply > tomers With everyUung jnsoiUj lj*f* { ip a firsUolase Harness Shop. t t parness made to-order oo^jtt* shortest .posaible. notioel COT.T.ftTV^ A SsdiUSXV Nov. 18,1879W | A A ?w 1 ^ , CB Acton, l antee s Ijmefeg. *<ety.

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