Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1875, p. 3

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mm ,*!- ? i-|| RE - J'l - ?. ill :-J.'J :-" TBr^K TIMK Waulc. ^ViutU feat1* Actor as fiill] owe : t V floisti West--: ' iteming m*u . . " . 9.10 a.m. ifcyfepret* i 'V 2^00 p. mJ ItxHW* *---- w "jS.5flp.in.! Kigfct Kxpssu -. " " * T:l.">p.m< 12:4.5 a.in.! , -GOtXC EAST. ' ! Tijkt firpreu ' > fl:37a.m;; *id - ." 9:0a.mi i&*r - - - -.11:35 a.m.; " 5:20p.m.! ii4 * * * < % 8:35,p,ru,; M SPECIAL NOTfOIt?. %-. I ^TIMY STEKK. AjUpsrtiosh^ol.ivJtoriiFist.K', IK-.!-, . , <ters,on V o.,anther by note pr-booU-ie _ *--aii.<. on the premises of th tuibsori- covult, Arv. ts^ucstod 'to call and settle ' ',or' '^Hmt t,K' ^ ,>f -November, nl Hod thc-iaamw ati imre, ami all persons '(if i '")l'XM.i- Tll |,,vwl' ' requested t^provu _ ,.- . .^.^^""^^""^'Wi'iwttJicmnre'ro-- WVlu'rAv. W charges and fako'l tlie i:l.>p.m^'pio.>a^l to rrvscivt t)r sh'iio tW ,nv. !'""' 'I 12:4;,a.in. ,meiif as.nll nc-onnls. oK-J, must be closad before tho end of the ivoar * o th, aimnat 'away. Vfoe. o\ IS' :"wMr, ItEED, Knato.hjmlb i7o- . i>4-3t' " the -S^sr- |reE ' Wm. $tewa|t &Co; w ca-s; r*! Hd*iHg Wort arts eked at 8:45 .vin. Oeug BmI * ffp. m. <. iWrtwtsl Letters roust .bo:in five tailrttca Vk&* tin* abov* hours.:. KaatehbdB mail,TTn<days-and Fridays.,;} r&OCAL A'SITX. ft't shaft -bfffi'dil, at mil timtf, fr> recritr i!nn.iof /iwii tutcs,r tmck af tptiiai-'ckurck 'strrifrt, n>c<;- Otcide^i or atijf iachicnt irfiici fitav btitnytiag,eitJi(r in (.his i<*<iHtv or hi! - tit esmtiy-^jrueraUtt^ 'Matter <>/ ibis' - terf tnHtf tV. *tnt m<trtrij . ' JFViH/rr'.<! C>>)Si" BfW mrr u'" o"^- rrnf ;>rr oi. 1 Brf o/ *rai<*L lit- u r to inxmy' Tt's", fmhHftition iri M-<-s>n i, < ur-ut-'to re-! fcttot. ' * -,.. Nfei^ Goods for Ohristnios. '. 10 llitTfrout pattbnis of China ton sets., ' 14 uliflcront pattcn> of gln*a t'ablq sets. [ . ;; !' -4 difTc seta. crcnt jwtturns of crockery lei ^rice 1 -**' :lfjtff:tt>*, r;lp'prie^# atiipl^ !iouv irfshi ir.on: w. iaaho rr an App*B^t* f especial inU*' Tab-'e <*- R^VT. ADyBRTISEMENTSj Hl8U^n C?anl -. Viftagt Lot for Sale - CSffUtiBas..Presents at.'Pay-a Book:! More, Guelph. ' - " ;: >. 1 V MoBcari * ICa . LOCAL MATTERS. ~ ' ' . ' ' I ;-^-Bc 8urt>. to cdll -And s?er'. Se^i ! tord- Bros-'s ?src.Vt. stock: itf t'lirisi nis Kea^ Htie intertsling >leitcr !. from Vir^aia, on tie IJTst IS".^* .of thi' -FbekTkxsSi ' "- -i-StoreB will b'cr closed i>n Sat urday. ' :tay in a fhH snriily of .prpvis-" : iota and tfcifcga-te-day arid to-riiorn>w, "" See j5eooftr.!Bros.'s aJvenisc- toent on'ibe fourth, pa^e of the Fi:KK ^J'wm.^JG ; :".;.- T7. .' ^Mudicijw.1 rioniications. ne\-t Monday, at noon. ..Mictions <<n the vToHoirins Mowljy; etuumvnciu^ at !> _, -Jl compaiiv"-of cqiored folks ^ivo a 'Concert of sacrtiii 'music U Mattb-?i" Uall, ; last tviaijjg. T::c iiEgilig iras goodjltnj; a'"s!paii audieiwe. .4 The rapid: tbavr "tif the {uist 'twTS daj" Has eSwturJIy . jpiijvJ ov.t " the good sleighing,-'and \riiii:L<.ar<.- iigr.ia __inrdeft '-'< .'" - TEis/Tbursclaj-ev?r.ihjr. ti:i innirersarj" of.the Mcihi*:i.<t . ii'>.i>:.[(: -Schil~jfiil 1-CL'.:t-l:ra:oil in il.e "i\a.:\'. ptranctJiall, -R-hiia te-i-TueeiiuL-, '$oS i&encisK'at J o'dixkf .",--.' " ^AMiversSarT"'5serTioes;Wriir:bft h^Id.'ueit ?nriiir.T,- fit fhe :Kbtneier tea-meetinf; en th^-foIloTriiig .M-jaday - ~ fercnin^.- c' , jDn New YeS^i T>-.iy, n 'gr.ir.d .,-,-- 'tairec and literarv ehtertainin-inti nul: f i' 'r,' "tbr auspices pi ihe Acton DjvLsioir;So:.8 I rJ,| t>( Temperance^ irill Ik'.givea in ih ; Ttaiptrance Hall.. A -~., D. Heiideiocm announces kiaaelf fu a eaSdjdaU? for'th' Iteeve-- - hip. HeTias^had- two trr three years ' eiperia4 i*1 P3? Miltcfti Gcanctl .ia<l, if tScttts' moustaclio cups and saucers. ,, Ladic^-' fancy ' cupa niui sanccrs ji groat,variety. ; S"cVeral new JvihI l>oimtifuI; designs ifmliojany clopks. ' I Vciy liauJsouto toilet sots in great variety. '-' .Spljliiilid dlsiilny of l.-.mim. ' Allj;.kinda..of glass preserve dishesj ltappifa, tunilxt'rsv goblets, pitchers, o;oi A splendid assortmeiit of all kinds of tovs. r. . .._.. .-.- Vint assortment of i-iUe. cuttlcry, spoons, forks/cruets, &c. " " Guns, pistols, and "other , sporting, goods. . . A new and fresh stock of Christinas groceries. ' "".' : And any quantity of that eclet>ratcd j0 cent meteor te;i.: ' / r\ : ' : ": SKOOKl* BlIOS; ' Jdi^! Jobs! Jons ! CUinstip, HcmU-rson & Co.,,in order fo'cleau out Ur.huife of Avimlca g>K>.ls. . milliner}-, gents', eajvs, etc,', will offer theljvliiain- li-r'nit-tlieir-Ptork' at gn-atl'y !reduced price* K.1re Imrgslns'wiU In.' given as thcic(lines inust Iw'soid at tmct).- Extension of .lim^. that all iy oustoinor.-i will have ijoJico.ive.hsye dvvi.Kil to e'::tend ne till the I:i>t of d.-.:ii!::ry.;vhen l:u-n s^.'.^lr^T: up. will all aj-e'or.iits Kd uver fur c:iHc<i;o;i. ^'vor" man- can s.junre Lis ;>c^i;::u ,1'V 'that Jii::e :! he::liUcs. -;mti . \ye 4:uit the { CHRISTMAS PEESSNTS. Ji::i}-J.?.\'NT. ii:l>i.t.:::-'i-i., i-sr.tt:1. .an: m Tea iifis, eU:.. is:-: : seve L-le Clips .-U:'.' ar.-.l r. ih: tr.d useful; J ov cVtn Wit 'c!". A;Cc>r.cf'i-.t. \v;]J }>e ^jveii in Uie ^ ilidl, -Jroi-k-.v(..a. ^i 'Tuesdav jiS-.i: jr=.-'t., :: n:d-: Si.-J..!:::' K'Vii*.\".-v *., c t:n:iivuf-i"*i": would make >.a j hiva a a xao:e tx- ; ' ^4- rf end to frlei#r. J fen. . 'j - of iMc*. ; (mr Cbea|K U " '-.- *i .- f'- ': ratie bet* mi* Krdei jfi ;t6r opetitora,** JtUtoa, bet- steoiv -ai ; JiCMOftr. . aptis*' P. ^:J r.' ' "-fl'^J W*>cw^> ^ i;fvvi :: elected, ,We believe"; h .- .'! Onr village barber leVaiiteU lait Mrgjday mnming, leariug aa unr>i- teipted : rent Vill to-' trouble Ids cMi-' .Seiencel' A fe* trusting ir:cnd3 aho "^riujorn his-Barly flight." There fa a b:r- _-ier ahop to rent .' On GLristtnas Eve, (t-omo:- ... row evening),; ihere -vrill be a concert ." and literary .etatertarnrn^ut, tjy the . Yofijig People'^'Jjteniry Society in con- rieetion with the ilethodist Chnrch. A Chriabsas ,4ree Trill l>e preparerl it 3 o clock in the -aftemc-on,^^ on vhich the ipirblic are invited to hang presents. - -Eoya wbo are in tl e habit of ... *1b^ down the.hifls <jH hand-sleigh.'] Tin great riak of having their hects ' "nrokoL; We have been repeatedly told K instances where they came:near being"] rim over and trampled upon: by. foam? fcomifig. dow the hill riear< Speight's hop.. It *onld be advisable! for Ihem: to keep off.the public streets with their hand-sleigh amosemeiit3, where there h leas risk of iBjnrj-.-- -- . , ) j..-:1 - **CmeU."'V . CouncO met, Thursday erenirig, ICth, in the Temperance-Halt.' Hccve in the thair ; members all present, iliatites .-.. of.previous meeting n&idand apprpved. '. .Moved by K. ixickia, Wtfdnded byr] ^ohn Speiglit, that the report of lUihert _ J'uher, Iieense; JnspgeV!>rr be Adopted. Moved by: John Speight, seconded by v.. E., ^icklin, that the euifi of .ten dollars - oe paid to Hiram Eyd^r a3 his fees. t';i :' fc Campbell.-. '.-'." .-_-'. , ? "A communication Swin Henry P. . Soore, Clert, Was read, tendering his resignation as_derk and-' Treasurer ..of ' ' tpia municipaCty.-' "-. . Moved by X. ircOarvin, seconded by ' P-'T- HiH, ihit th^^mmunieation of Henry P. Moore be. received aijd laid \: "].' Toe committee on! financft submitted. "-. je following accounts and rc-t-oinirreiid- T } the same to be paid :' - ".; '! -Hart & Kawlinson. fetatioiery.. ..^4 43 Q- Gallowav, breau.for Minbt.... -8 98 ^J*. Matthews, rent ofjHall..;.. .. ! 900 PBM', stationery.....------> 1 16 .'- -"'79 C>mpbelL keeping iravellers^.' 2 20 ji Bona of Temperance; rent of hall < 13 05 '. . Brows & Hall, lunrberV. //...,,.:-' 1 GO : "'* ?^*r' ePi?S.*!?VelleC--'-"- '^-00 AS kind r.ttrr. an -e teste iter- fcij. . tVt of anit^ry oar txecpirtU'.rt. wi!": i.e three :noiiii 5 sunri:ier im-Eth<. . .' -: SlXMKtl'lJl: Chi-istit', -HciiJersGn i- Co. their'-many -pasro'ns. ;th.e cm'.p'i- of the sc;\s"i!.; and .Til.p-'elfidly *t tls:vt 3 trial o ,- uld i.-rmt!v r.dihto i:-- r-.:Tl cnii"!-- H.vj":i;idK--.thc. i. value evtr i'ui . pre- .'.id C! . ah- -a < J leilVe.l a V'-H.-Mtilatie'ior. ' '.-.h ' .-.-? Silver S:lver Table 'iStSleni, tS i;ia.^-:v:ro of.ail ^.'St a-:;l i:V'::t bril- have-, j'i Al . v: - ', A t-.yie-7 '-I P--.-.'.!! ra:..er^ ;.^r hviiie; and other vjrv = :! Tg^A.R|I..'rO'KI^NTj The snliscriber rrffers to rent, x>r let oh shares,-liis furin, being- I^it Ivo. Ill, on the ifirii Concession of.TJsipiesinc, com prising 100 acres, SO acres of which are umhr cultivation, the balaneo o'xcollont iccdar and 'hard wood; Good frame luuisq and barns, with plenty of good _\vntcr,- and other <vnveiniaice^; About Si miles from Aetou. Apply .on the -premises to ' ' _ : .-' 'Kaqnesing, Oct. 1, lc'75. .DR. BOBERTS' Celebrated Ointment '..'cuvjii.KD TIIK. - POOR 'MAN'S: FRIEND, Is "confidently recommended to tho Pub' Ileus tin iicitilllH); rX'iucily lor wounds of pvoiy (Icscrlptloif; a ccrlitln cuto for t'leernted Sore I'.eCH, cten of.'t-ftonty. years' stntitlliifr;'^Cuik, Duros, Squids, Itiuls/'s. C'liHolnliis. ScoTtmtle Kruptlons, aii<l Pimples on 'lie Fco, Rore.untl lh; tin mod Kvij, Sortr Heads, Koro JUrrnst*. Piles, Fistula, nml fivilc rous Humdnr?; iio.l is n Sjv. dine for Uiuso'iilllfctlng Erui>- llons that sometimes follow vneinnntlon. t>olvl lu ^'its hi l.. ljd. and is. ivl.'oarli Or. SoT3:rt3'Pilulo Autlaetopliulse ur AliTKKNATIVK-ril.LSy conllrmed by sl'aiy years'.e.ri^rlonco to bo puo'of tl'te best ntedlcancs evcrcomiiouiiued for , imrlfyii-'B t,le bltxMl, uiHliisslstlnjj Nutttro / In her openi.Ions. Heuro Lliey lire usefiil " In "^e;-\ifula, sc irbulle Complaint*, Hlnn- d"Iar ^welllngK, particularly those oftho X e:;.<te. Tuey fcrra a inll-l and superior K:iiuiiy A] eVieIit,'_J\'lilcti im>y be tnkee at all tunes without coniiiieiiient or etianire' of diet. Sold lii.l'JoM-s nt Is .1 J<I., 2s. Pd , " 1^. Od", lis. alul V-^. eaclt. . 11Y TSii: pnoi'lil-ETCHW, BEACH. AND BAKNICOTT AT THKlll . OliSri'.y.'f.VKtV BKIIORT, KXLANt>, iin.l tiy|ill respictable MedicineVondors Bpwlirc k>f poirnterfeits. : For Hie protec-rloak)' tbr public of Br'lt- isli Noi'tli Aluei iea, td'er-rn II mydutv to s!atei-at my i'n.i.s'ani> uiNTvnxT*aie ueillier in.iii'ar:*\*':ur.eLl nor ,'oM in any ia:-t OF tiU't-N't n;o .< :A'fi.s. I'.ieli I'oi ni.il ilJ.fcc W'.ars the "lirlilsli- ovemment Siaiii)., wtlh the words " H.iI.l.i.lVAV'S 1'll.I.S ANI> OINTMENT, IV,.Mi r>.V ;ai:r.iv-t! lli.'ionti. un. lln- label !s tat a.tdress, 3SM Uxkoiid STKKirr, Li-Nher. - -. Tln> notice, ha^ b^r..TU'a necrs.nrv. In cfrti<ein- nee o: ..vile aivl s.uiriou'i lmita- :l".ri< o; " Il.>lU)W.i,v-H 1'itlsaad iilnrm.-nt bi liii; labrical CTiI-aiK", New ti, 1 siyliv.-.' j&W fKft' " - ms'ii Ivor s|l^_l.|a||-o." .with' as tmje-J ^ Rjf^tJt gf .mile rair/s, IVVlTOILtM gjritEtitf dtJ Eli Ato howihg Spcical Lirie i in Cliea [> Jiickcta. Special i/iiieiof tfbca'i' Special LiiicA of-CJlieri Spdcinl Lines of Chen|> Siltfl. Spcdul" Lines of Cliea Special Lines of CAeap Ulankets. A. Siiccial Lot of C'afl A Special Lot of Chcki] tweeds. t'luis EiiJal'i? J' PS, hOr* BrcssX3oods fJoitohsf.- tlanrielS. t6Ti -Flannel^; ut- 1.: v<Kaii- e II'..-;! i:;i: : -M:ii (.si '-TUeU'h, aud-.a na.'ai'i.'er 'f lady entleinen .ainateiirj fr.un f..:e!ph, i,.'_P^:kv.-c.^d and .i.ou-^-01e have .- eousec.tod'- to as^ijt. - '.Another Vive fer.tt:re":u tpe programme -is epaiit Christmas cake, to! i>e coif-' fin- by three young lad its. , An excel :ent niusical programme is arrang ed, .a id a most enjoyable cvemujj- inay fee 'e:;pect<;<L Seseraf huudred tickets -ire loam, l*een disposed vhso thai a croj-.vded hnuEe isialreily assured. AiTOX Jf AE:kLT."i ' !.' Wheat.-..-. .'....'..". 0 '.>.") tol 0m Trcaif Spri^ BarHv Uats Peas Potai ;iJr:e.. 0nii>:~, per bushel _l. E'_'!H. HTyJ D.-esi La elts. Chrcl: Dhcfcjs, Turki fiees<| well'. .-*"... Wheat. ies, per bush... . Applen, per lb'. per tod..'...-. ed Hogs. .. . skins..-;T....'. eni,. p-ar lb .. . '-O.fi.", to 0 py: . CI &."> t-i 0 -90 . 0 (JO to 0 US .- 0 3.1 to 0-(Kj 0rGU jto (I C3 . -0!-H.lloO 00 y 6'03 t^0 b'J O75t<il50 . -. 0 iJ to O 00 ,' . . o is tob oo y . loOOtol'sJOo] .: G .50 to'7 00 .: 0 50 to'O 60" / 0-59 to 0'CO ,; o or>to-o 60 . ' 0 0.>to 0 0(> :_-0 C6, to. 0.07 . 0' 05 to 0 00 T.'iit r'.reip'rd vend.-rs can oMnln tr:e li at a very low j.rice, nnd f-odt-erlv* y.,11 b\- s..ujnV . iic sanicior my sci;u ne 11 -Ko'.vav's l'i N dill Oininifi-.t, which are-Tsfan'.fiieiurc J only at 53, O.vlord -'. e -tjl.ciiee.a.. .l'er.~ius v.i-o.may b so deeelyirU with be il. a.-...-d :.. coiniiluijic'te v ithriie^ -ji i Manv r?-re(:t:ib!o firms in the I3rlt!sh ' l";o-iac.--, <vhoo:..:aiii my meiili-l^i' s ill- i-e-t f'-om Here, have've.y pioper'ly su^- '- hnilt of l::.-:fi<.-lves Had ia.- f'tib'ic.ilr'i-ert their limits lu the i.i->;-:S, that*. It- may-'he Rui.ivn. iivnt my- nudicKies can 4c jihd g -pulee fr-'io tbom. ^ X'1-.e. f-/i-mriic: Is a 11-: oftlie-.flr.ms.aHud- " i e.l. !o: r.iel J. p:iriiciilar'.>- recoiutnc;ii; 0 ' u.r^e w\a> ilei--ire" to t:et my m-tlicipi-s to \. | apply to rein.- o: tae Hor.s-s namL-el KVXN^-Mritf'r.i: A Co:, Monlrea?. ,, A-.T.I:v, Hl:ii\w . a! Co.. .".allfa^j N:S.-: F.OKSTTH <t Co., liaiirn'-, N. 3. T.-IS. Ilvuivi.i: >v ^ons" *!. Jot.ni, >?. R.' -.Mtin.-.111 ji.l Co.,C'harloiltto'sn IA.".<ii.f.Y .1 Co , v.cloria. 1J. C. >!.>-ni!: .V Co.. Viowot-i, II. C I>r J-riuN- PAbi.t^.-, CIiiitKam, N.B; .Mrxaui Co., Moli:r.::n. - . J v.'ixEi: & Co., Hamilton, Ont. fl. 3. Ilo-4E,5'ofnnto. ' ' . A. Ciiii-mas S.v<TH..St. JoKn. U.S. -Joii'n. iio.sn, CjO'lerlrh., Out. I:t.i:iriT i Co., Toronto. , .IiANlNUToNiBROTJIKIUi, .St. John; I, B. 1!. S. Pkidhy, Wlndrior, Ont, .Mrs. OKPESi Monlvll, Jf. S. , -Ge'jiwe c. Ht'NT, Juti.,'Kre<!erieion; N.H. W. HeTHOMPS.^- IInrly>r<inicc, Ji.F.L. J. M. War.v, Krt-d rlcion. Xi II. W.'il.K Yrii.K,--Wc.ntri-a(. CHA.S. I. 0AVIE.S, Fredrrtclon, J?.B.' , THe m. tllelncs-rire sold nt the lowest v. hale^alc "'at prices, lu quaf'tltleR of noi !e.=,.-4 [baa $l worth , and o'l'.f'per doz'-n boxes of Pills or pois of iJii!|tinent, fiar avlrci .rehiittanefls iriiist he yenL in aitvanef. ' '. , ':- THOMAS HOLLOV7AY. KZ, Oxford Strefi, W.C. ' -;" lAailz. June 1-1, liToi. ' ,o_i at 7s Maid- I A Special Lot of: tVijiCcys, Cheap. \ ori<. o.v par- | . l - * .. r Clack L-iistfeSj Special "Value?. this GFELPa TI.lKKIa-, : Fajjl'? wheat, 97c to.^l-Ol"; triadwell; 97c t >'- 9Sep sjirrng- wheat, (Glasgow), 93c t) 95c; spring wheat (red chaff), SOc -o 8oc ; oats, 33c to 354; ,'lJeas, tOe ti 70c; barley,. 50c to C2c; eggs, per dozen, L7c todOcr-.butter; ilairy packTed, 1 iGc trJlGcf potafde3,"per ljag, 50a to (i'Oc: TOaOXTO' JIAUKKJSw ! Spring . wheat, ' new' wliit.e wheal, $1.02 to 1,03 f-oats; oJcj bar ley, Cpe-to Sic. - , ' j ri IJELPil. AK.UPSY,! . Also1' .. ' v.? .Crpldr Silver & Nickfel Plating'Works,"' 148 Q&SSEC- 5Tr.23Ir GU,ELP3,^j / . t^T"' tfVfa. t.-"veueri ...-. i: ;-^l^ey,-teepmgtrav(aiers,.,. 41 ^ Matthews,, com. cf statoo " ^ labor tax'.,...,........-...,, 00 JoW^6*-b?X ft^^vin, Se<:on.fo?K,v: |oua Speight, that the _bove iieeoHutli ?^for_tha'sarne.iiC'arried; i . I adjotiroert- . ,. , . ; ,; . 'V" J] anufactarer anii\IjHpoi'ter jit . . Brcecli ah'4 Jtfazzlo Loading |i iflcs. Shot Guns, &c Ilei.-olv th qf all descriptions .alztays'on hand*. | - ; : "" ; aSOtljainON! FOIS. AW, BREECH LOAUING AEHfS, ,' ' I'.'rirjJ Wy 4= Kj-nocjj'8 Carlrhlge' Oases and l jw fjapH fj,r i'e-'Nmaiii Karh.e.1 lte-liiadors, -------r rt-cappor>i. Cap K^f.fltors, IfJurlers,-and fCreasf^S. Cleaningftodsy vti<S alPurilclcrx nccesfi ry for aJSTiorusruon'KioiitiltL All -I* >."<Kro.r . Iff.;nlrJnj(/ mid J^bljliig I ieJKOiifcqd oik till: e|iori.cnt liolHee nt; ikS-.Oucbbc Street." j i ':: JOHS"KiHKHAM. 23*ilftfe ^iilleryon'thoprc-ini ds- crijon frluimio'eli>vlt}u.m. to 10 j.'ta,. IGHHOiSTOP! W'Iiatrs!'-iib,e. Matter? Why ar>y person who wants a gctod ' -. .' ana cheap $BT,.yP:a^^BSSi / Should call OH -RoBT, Creegh^ MILri STKEET, ACTOTi, Who is always ready to Supply cus tomers with everything usually k^pt in a iir&tclu.sB Harness Shop. - Harness made to order- on the' shortest possible notice. . C0I<L4SS^A SPECfAwLTT^ ' ]: .'.} '&: CEfeeFJ.-Aetori.- Nov.J8y 1^75: : -; -.' BAliGAIN. ~; 'A FOR SALE. !fa>'t3$C;. 30/3rd Con., Bequesingi^o^- o Inilo from the flourishing village- of Actqiij containing 100 acres: , About 50 acres heavfly'.titjrberecr-with Pino,- Hetn-:. lock and- Cedar, suitable for telegraph poles or. posts. Excellent Frame House,-, eight rdbmed, m thoVongh' rapair ;frapie Btablq and log. barn ; orchard of choice fruit; a never failing sprjrig creek runs through the preiniRCS.: T(;rpiH enay.- Ap ply to] ." . pHAS.".CAMERON/ - Main lit.,. <5r by.letter to.Box 02, Acton.. P.S. -1V.1I. STEtrAJXT & C6. 3JEW GOODS. lie Student's tylicrostope With Dissecting Apparatus", for* ex amining liisects, plnnte; flowers, cloth, cifcointiph of llje blood, alii- malculAin water, &c , 5J1 cents. Pipe Llghtors, TiJOTfi.' aRtrottrs; 70 Opoaers, AltrayB rfseful, nfways n fiswSring, al- nays instructive- !TowSrfurr P o cr-2^_61 MicJroscoJe, '.SO/CENISI. Best Finished fleadi Dg Glasses', powerful magnifying po ver, for flow ers, photogniphs and pictures. A large and cheap stock of lew goods at i CHEAP BOOKSTORE On'East side WyndLan Street^ r GTJEtPH. JrCT&ii ;ai WACOM AND CARRIAGE ; FAGTQE.Y.; SAMid iti'DEE* Pifoprietor. "vTaafbtfsj ';' Spt l'*s64 aSd SWe: t*61 rifer" 64 &d ! sh'di'te'st A6trce: iStrl'tSt a'tforrtfofi ^oJ 1 ^61 Jtci'6-sii66ikg k dtoiii vi ^obWfi? 1 aVrt'pat'lsfictYbhen'irontced1. ' -Aclon: Jruiy'istyiiBTdi- 103 78 Pidees T vat " & 2&^&iMi&&ig. I- Tl " tibivo jtobd the Doml ilou. Ufll ea^lyai^d soldct Oct 27, 1875 iliain i . SKBiOlL^. AT fS delite T I- < 3^ Q?<3) 0+HE ETJELIO: QRdSBY' riUB'EXtKEiiELT CHi'A^ Assoxtsd S and1 S TAPllT^ : -.V _r*X.' BEAUTIFUL G0(J \ ifav^ beeh bought by tfio atless tl'ian .V Boots an Ml ds, at a hM&k KEDirmoN .on usual i?HicEa- . : -j.- j iti6 rn'ake'rs' cjatf^ arid I offer' for" the next iyro man tits tiie-cheape'st!eatpetc. &>| b'e ffiet-yifibii: Boots A large Btock ofj ^6en receivtd at l\^:^.' }feAiiteE-&,-*'ON MILlL MEr\, ^laMJEN.: AND ^GHlfLDI^jt, had anywhere Will be found 13 sble'qt ffqm, at prices ais.loW as can" b M'-.&r C^ill and See Us. ^ al led to our wbich at all times'; feCeivf3 our caftfful p:crsoEal supervisi..- Perfect ss||tt8^ factiori gaaranieec i Repairing n6atlj! and rjromptiy attended1 IS. Acton,; Sept. 28, which is now cb'r|iplete,i and |ShoeSj of the voty NIW |O0T & SHOE STOBf ! best nlarjiifii'cturo, has - rr- ' 3 ply Kidderminster -i I-'AJifl'a ftoc^,,yj)pef-Wyndliam $itjeet, Guelg^ ; 4 I A full line of all sizes foif 1875. CHAINS Sc SON. DOMIltsJldN EMiPGfRllJf^ Agtot| is larger, tetter aisojrfed, mijii'o attractive ijuid cliettpet tian .ever before, compTiaing in jj>art All 'Wool rim.43, Slaeb aad Ooloroi LustroS, la Plain aad' Figutol ^aa{^,.Wiaccy8;Sair1a;5|hirtiagr!. T?ader- sairt^: and| Drapers,...Felt Bkirts,- El.a'W'lSy Blaaiots, All "Wool Tabla Ooyors, ({very 1 j prettU patterns), OleSdS. ISafflOrSy; ' Hosiery, Gloves; Hollands/ ' Tablo liaoai; ; I ... T-pwbli, ' '_' j Xftrelinss, Faotjory sal |iea:hol Cottons, .Ladies"; liada- fiotS tadies' and /Goats' Ties* fee*, &ciy t nd A vbfy good stdcfc jof | together witii Crrocericis, Crockery 5 Glassware 'Call e'arly a{id sec^r6 bargdins.- '3 &i-M. SGOTT^ sndimost elegant Bt^les mannfactnre1 (t5 Ordersprorni ifa,ve jisfc received-: thejr fl&NICl PRIGlliS, " ' . ! Fall Stdbk Arid are detsrhntin. id te 6 ifrtirrafi,(o sell ciie&'pei' ihars, io cbeapestj d-rid better val le for rournionby tbala.chn be had elspwhere. - 3t Call sind Sqe fopMYburselyes^ ^iidf lj)rihg: yo^i|/ Fiiliid^ with you, ; 'JBxainln*dur sforijc w^ioll^.cbri'prjiW^er^fiinr^iifttn^i^e-of.the1 iaf-'j^t anpt pattefns' 61 English,1 Catriajlian and AmerrfJaln jpll^ Executed oncf g'tfod1 ffts gu'aMntecI 5liB.- All accoa'njjk rrfns*!] : |..- I--! " Aefcony^ov. 4..18J' .TB<A.terf'F6[' S|liil, , One', hundred nciiis of wob'fC'l,' being th6 e^pt- hifK in7 tljd'3rd Cace9sioi)| 6i J5i^eTaing.-j- For ^{tr'tifclnl :EriuP.0!/;6ut., r-o THOMAS" Gl^RYJlNr ;tyf ^6,. be'seteie'd ti'K tii6iitk'? arid, Svcll |of-.Lo't 21, in |th()'.ToNvn!shh_) is address 1875.- S! LiiiJ^feib' iii KiiNlNEDY BUOSJ iFQIC THE ':&$. M m ^ress ** - -I Li ELEPHANT CLOTHIR^ - .. .. . '. " . M&MlM$; The,Lea(3ing; diotliingMoixsq <&.^|Vj|otia|^ ~i"!^- Just receired; ! ." 500 Mefl'a C/vercoati,. rangingj'iri price from 5.o6 up". 187 Boys' Overcoats, ranging in price from vg2j 00 np.- A treinendoas stock of lien'Heavy Sufits-in Scotch, English ahji Caniuti; Tweeds,.rang'ing ia price from S7-00 up?T A beautiful stojskToT Children's. Suits, rafiRing in price fFoni:$3.50rup." '. Bigstoci: of Wooien Underdo thjng,' to" be Sold ve^y:IqTC""" -I Cardigan Jackets," rangirrg iri price from 1.00 tip;' . .x Magnificent lot of neif Shirts, Collars, 5carfs,B6v?s and GTqvej jtjst to hanc Hats and Oaps-^just received i cases ^JbeTfun oif very Iot. _Partres,yl,ftlhgGuVlph;b'ymablngjtapoint"to call a^ the <5U|EPHAkt tefo. going eis.ewL.eferwlTisa've^; leastSto3Uercent.<jn eTrerydohar tWm[.*uher^ October 13, IToi- 31, Lower.'W-yadiiaai' IJiey'sieni :^trpqt,-GttcipJ The above Go'idahnve been imported direct from the -lending maaksti ~ck Siiroi thereby saylnsa Ufrge pei'eeutag~e,;of whtcji the public.ihaltgel Ui ad^-qatags*'1. - * H^inmotb Souse, Georgetown, 6nt;,"'j ; Beg leave .,<j esj tfiat Ibey nave .receired .large imiortetij WHITE COTTOMS, P3mTS, f ABtE UNEH, DRILLS, Sr EtTlHCS.: Fancy (Jood's and Kinall,iWarfe's ^F kU'.-ilii'dijit-.. ' Millinery, ]\Sa/ntl6S ^ 'm^a^l Osrpots, Broi^cletas,-Dpssiiiisjy . . ;;' ' Englisa aad Scotch. Twocds, Overcoatiai, .":;": ReadT:aa4e Overcoats aad Clothing, ' !".-v : Sp7.s Eoady-a^s Overcoa'3. aadl '""' ..Otjttaittgy" gtets' 'Ft#Ti,i'piVi i;.. m-- Vfli! -n si fegs Srhijnte our c^nM>ian i^pi:R&,idfe&i' Is large,'viif led and' attractive* and ds the fnnnnliiettjrlnk interests] oTthlSvi. areof oonslderable ipaportanoe. nndas we betfeve In fiationfznig'-likiHie.'ihir have laid iiilarge'llnes o'itile": tallowing f . ; V .-'--.. -: :| Tcreeds, Full Glotbs, OyercQa{ingsy' -.-i.'iJ,, \: . i\ . * : 'Knitted Shirts and'Drawers,, Jtfu|lers^' U\'~\ , Yarns, Checks, Fine and .Fancy Flnnijels*,' ^Gjrey sad 'Scarlet FjDshhels^ i)rng>re"fs^ Alt Wool and TJmo'ri"'Blanted," Factory'Cottons, Besniin's,' Brills!' 'i.i' - -.-'., fiotiot, Yarn', (jjottpn BagH? .:.-;' Shirtingji, [: ' ,: ^..JSten's rVaiteShirEs BOOTS" AND'.SHOES,-! .a BUFFALO SQBEa.i i ; tADlES1 FUB"8ETTS,'.V.. -\:_ ; .'MJEN'S FUiTcAPS, - -.,: -: , -T^ . The0n6veGcoas',havebfen',pttr6hiased from the. ifis^aitd cheaptsst maijl -In the Domlnlbpahd wltlbe sold-at asfhailf itdvancsoajcost.v - . -L' ,! grBer Jed -qiiPTiaiN j#epa^mii^ Xnpaci t>i"'n'H e'6rhnet'tl6n, ji Our. stock is immpripaT-- The.djferpntliiinK!iiieltii4i] p^ wcted-wtth great care." Ariygetilleman.can be Sulsidta tasf,'. quaiiiy tLuT #r'~S^~^ , beautiful Hue of; the newest thing iii Overcoatlngsi' Our JUcltlitea for;cB'ttfrif"(ii- htonklngourgafnJeutsarenasarpassfcd. We have Kll'the talent tbtl evperiiiuet. --~r rjctnidy can procure,'ana can.'therefore guarantee saU4racU'cnuieverj-irlstjie:'." """ vv^ i'Jbcturer. ~ - .:{---. ttm :';-! ; ; - Mnj^EJctfi Dur Sho.w.f3io6m is complete.wlfcn"jali. iHie"'.'rarest si.vles'feni'iiolii&ii ' ' ^ -: Our HBuBOibas bj^f ir't-iQied.t&ritffBtdrJlih^B'nd unique miainervd'Tti! stirpnssall our former edorts, because J. e.,E'"~ r- new Colors in Klbbont,' feathers, Tonplols V ':; fHR*-Kr(?l {..yr f |: .vo the jtnlent !nfid gbdds luj'do it: Orauaraenis, &6. ;v . \ " |~ fcADIES:ArVD G'ENTjLEME^'Ai^r^mirjg !sa.u^Wekitp| mftuse stock, aslii wuulatuke oil tug pages oX a mewspsvjjer.t* <le.se? -"'-"- * --------""-' ebeanness rind teherai atj.raritMns 40 :srve ibo'publfc tbitwetr tJarg. hereto'orJe to7neet;thewi^pVlproutrivif J^ferelviiriir tri nodoiibJ, B'tth rfeturnlngprosfierlty aifdJ*?.erfcefedlngl^rki!wirfli gcoHs ats-jwo' shall- sturass all our former-a^vaaefes;' y^-ajfeiijasiriu. eoftds"" Sold .for pa^y-a^t&Sefp^iPrice; . Georgetown, bot. 7,. 1875. , : j^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^lrri?' JKLVL EIND^ OF-" !" "-.i-^!.'- J- j'flO^P'r^Y^EK^tJT^B- jj|!' vr^^ Alii IS onrljs-.-. iferi'Jii t-^Cf KU- j^leSVr

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