Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1876, p. 5

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THB ACTON FREE PRESS ' " TkbiiA. bn dolUr \h'yi+r, strsotly l dv&mw. . \t not paid before tore* months. j>(M iioltar fnd ttsut vtltl be ciharfcd ; or two dollar* If not pxi UU tho ana of Urn year. -^Nopapar w 111 fte sarit to any per* -aoororot* than ou year onpattd. .... . _ ._.___ ---------kifcgi K*Tsor Ateraanaiso . _. jwr Line Am* drat Insertion, and vwo cent* iht op&U aeh cubaraoaiit InkarUon. tlimtPtt fef elht lines and *tw* Ina+rUocus. BxnilDeas " Uaaaaod uqder, $4 per |Vi^' '--rf-'ifL^r. ' -f^/C^ ** "i '" utxtr, Card* Ksnum ' A libera) discount uowed on adrerU*e> tneol* >u*erie>l f >r estvndad periods. jVstverUstBttenU without special mstruit- ' toons InWtted till fwrtoid, and. charged - according!?. - s i-; ' Any Special NoUee, the o*j}et of which i to promote tbep^cuUtaryt^ncm ofjiuy ' Individual or company, u>l>*] considered an advertisement. - ;' I Tmnslejni advertisements xo be paid for . Ac-ben ordered. All sxfrre&lslps; account* rendexH Quarterly. I i fioUoiiot Marri^fesJ BlribMsaut Paatbs inserted.pee - ]. f j -. - WsUT TSB LASSIE . JLI** ;gtiL__ ____ . ._________ JlA she Mm tol the loon 1~ "Gin I'aS.to be my Oaordiafs -wifa, .The world's jjesj -will;cause use strife j I'll link toy fate and be his wife, Though fartuiw's but1 a croon. V A*' what care I forjhraws or geat, Let buaj bodies dsur. whs. fear j - .- I'd rstoeir wed my Gejordia dear - " : -; Tlion wear a bcnrvi\'il gown. HWeraaj-Hbe We crt^pTike : An'.(ill.Our honse uri'.little ' ' J ^bealthbest^lo^l^ b^it that's naesin ; .ma afore -ye rin'; duv TV ;. i '" v^-S 3 V ~>K. vu*:;. s~V>. . ' si' %jv;- ;; >:- - K-^ * i - --: 1i 1 m ^ % ' : \ -- .,-:-~w,. 31^1 GRAND To, clear out CHFMSTIE, THE ACTOJiT FpEE PRESS, FEBEIJARY 3, 187C. SWEEPING SALE * balance of Fall and Winter Now is Stock, HENDERSON Are no'tv ofl'ering-.their."chti'rc' stock jfit DECIDED BARGAIN '* The erjryiui mind ta*a& aye feel sad. The mem- heart makes ithera ghul; Be ltl ap' true, thenj Gcordie lad, LTutil life's journey's done.' -'.' '--'^i-fh 7 \K-y--: ".';$' &/., - N-^'rfJ- KfiJ* TBR3VES: STRICTLY CASH. No Coods trices. jVEaiiiniotii Hoiise, - , - :-;- i " I-:ii'.-r.-5-l -;.: .|-i rs 1 ] ai' . :: j- | ;-=t{:4tr; .. .rsru.r' ;^-; t i 1-T: cc BIG- SAL ^fisin JMtete vr!-jj-.:-iSBis3 -'/ ts^r-i -- -ettiin-- We.. --- if^TM FT.- ;i "^bt He-"Wanted. ^. The Soft on the back door-had iie^ded [replacuig for a lorig time, .but it [was only ijhe other nigbt that Tbjrocton had |tho presenoe of - mind to buy a uew xme land .take it honae; Ailer suj>}Jer he^hupted up his; toolp, removed the nld bolt and weaisur*U the location for the new - one. fie, must bore | some no"w -""- hole?, aiioffMrs. Throcton hoard nini roaming around tbe kitchen and ^roodahW, ElamniLng^oors, pulline : put dra-were.and kicking the) furni ture around. -Sfee "went -to iht head of the stairs and called down": : RicoArd, do yoa-rant aajthingf . * Yes}. I -want: to know -where in Texas that corkscrew is !* Gor^jcrew, Ricfiard f corks crew! Ridhard ! I've Rooked She -bouse {oter and can't .' 'AYfljr, we ibeTeit had one, Rich ard." . . ' Bidin't, eh,! "V^e've had a doz en \>f them in'thejl&Wt two rears, ard I bought one not four weeks "ago. : It's, always the way when I " want anything.* ;. j ' i i ' But you moat ho oat of your head, husband," She -said, as she descended the stairs. , ' We hare kept house serW years,, and I nerejir remember of seeing you bring a corksoiew home.' -* Oh, yes, I'm out of ay head^ I am "he gruuiblad,. !aa he pulled out the aewiag mftchiae liiuwer and 'turned oxer its owtents. Per haps I'd .better -pa. to j the lunatic asylntn right away f .'. \'- _ -l VSTell, Richard,jl kjoow that I . have never Been'a corkscrew in this .-shouae:' i r ' : ' ' Then you're as blind as an owl in daylight, for I've bought five or six! The house is always upside down, anyhow, i and I: can't.- neyer find anything ": _ ; 'The house is kept; as well as any of your folks]can; keep one !*. . she retorted, growing red in the ' -. '.I'd like my mother here to show - ^ou a few things,'! her said, as he Stretched his meek to look on the high she|lf in the pantry. ... ' " ' Perhaps she'd boil her specta cles with the potatoes 'again f ana-' wered the wife. _:.! \' . ' TJkr you know' who you are talking-to!' he yelled, as he jumped Ugwn, " / 'Tjas,Idor . - ; "".. '* Well, you-ll be going for York ;;, State! if yoa don't loot out!' 'lid like to fei/myself! When I go thjis house goesT 4 Ijoojt o&t, Nioy V'; ' I'm afraid olno man that livef, Richard Throcto4!' < illl leave ye^'!';-_- . ' Jpd 111 laugh, to see you i' Gciing close up to her lie extend*.. _;. .. fed hit finger, shook it to emphase' ' liis wjords, and slbwly'caid : ' '. '.'^ancy Thrpotoa^ Til apply for -la divprce, to-miorrowl^ I'll teU- the ; judge) *hat I kindly'and lovingly tiskett you "where Jthe'; gimlet was, nud you said we'd never had one in tlie. blouse, which 4s a bold false- Uopdjas I can. prove f . i jGimlet.!' she gasped. ' Yes, gimlet!' J L .' Why, I know where'^there are t^ree L or four. Yoa, said cork* acVe*!1.' . ; ?,. j: .<3>id.lJ he gasped, sitting down oa-tbje porner of the ta^le! well - "*,- - ' 'j4Ld you went jand abused me like aj slave becauSe I wouldn't say- it gln>let, was . corkscreWj' she sobbed falling on the lounged : 'Nandy,' he said, tenderly lifting " her upV " ' : - - " Oh," Richard i' she chokingly - answered.. j."". 'jTancy, jll.go right outdoors ^andkilliBjrselfr I .;, 'No, yon needn't I love yoa ' till v-only-^ gimlet is hot la . tforkserew!'- '-. ,' j '| 1,' Jt{ ain't foir- giniDi, and le's|be 1 appy f ;i Aai^itit hottsehold is so quietly iiappi that a canaiy bird would hing its head off if b jbg up in the Sr CO., S FORi GAiSmONLY. th|e fcinle for Chearr Suits, Overcoats, Qhirts, jDreiweirs, HatsJ Qaps,; Boots anci Shoes, Shawls, Cloudy Millinery, Mantles, Flbwers, Blankets, etc., ,etc. riViELPJI ARMORY* Soo tlia;-: ifeanous ^rd-T7ido Factory, first quality,; only 10c, No R(js^rve.--AII Goc ds at Bottom Prices. Drives, Jobs!,a(nd ain|s in every dep8),ijtnient. charged at v^dijiced Produce taken COMMENCED AT THE On Friday, Jan. Itii, 187C. The ibalance of our ^'inter' Stock | . will be cleared out at Enormously Low Prices. as cash. IB} 33 Georgetown; Big Reduction. THE C00DS MUST BE SOLD. Prepare for Bargains^ . Note the pticrs of a few of our lead ing lines : Extra heavy Full Cloth, 40c per yd. Extra heavy WoolTweed, 50c pr yd.; Extra htfavy Blankets, 3.00. gplendid-Shawls, gi.SO. Splendid Jackets, 81,50. Fur-Sets, 8?00. Eitira heavy Flanoels, 25c per yard. Extra heavy Factory Cotton, 7c pr yd 8001 Ladies' Wincey Skirts, made up, 50c each. 200; "pieces Plain nnl Fancy Dres^ ! Goods, 12.ic per yard. , 100! pieces Beautiful New Serges, | JJOc per yard. The above is only a few, lines of goods which we. shall offer- at this our1 Big Sale. Remember this iB to be the grandest " PUSH SALE we have ever contemplated. Call and see us if you want to buy JOODS XT PANIC PRICES. We shall be "pleased to see our customers, and Bhow our stock whether they want to buy or not, , SFNa trouble to show Goodi/^JX | McLEOD, ANDERSON & CO. . }'i- Mammoth House, i v Georgetown lif. B. Remember our Ordered Clothing and Millinery Departments | McL., A. & Co. - Georgetown, Jan .11,'1S7G. Steam Carriage!Wagon Works MAIN STREET, ACTON. M J CH A ElT SP E I G H7, General Blackhmitli, Carriage and IVa^on Maker* Be^t Koike-Shoei^s in the County ferfect s&tisfaotton guaranteed or no price charged. 1 FIRST-GLASS PJLi}WS AND ..... 1LARD& PATENT IRON HARROWS Always on hand. Si,ock of Carriages as d "Wagons. s.PAIKI9 4i promptly and properly attended to. JUton^ Juljrl. 1KIJ5. . :.! BOCK Another Reduction in Price! AT DMioN AIR'S _ t IN MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS > Call a:id sej our beautiful stock of Wooloa Goods, liilliaciT. Drcs Goods, j CMldron's Suits, Haberdashery, j - Gcntlemcti'a rumlsMn? wools,' ' Toilot Articles, To^s, Borlia "W'ool, bt ; Also a nice stock'of JE^VELERY ^ be s0'^ oTv'-ry low. HOLIDAY GOODS In greai varietyj, just received, to be rushed off -at extraordinary low jButter, Eggf, Acton> Nov. 17, 1875 Poultry, etc.j taken in exchange for goods. ;ANOTHER LOT OF CHEAP OVERCOATS; Plating W^rks,: 148 QUEBEC STaEET, G7ELP3 Sweeping Sate of Ready-Made > meneed to-\clay at.tlie Clolhtng com- ELEPHANT CLOTH INC HOUSE, Earo Chanco. Call and See Our Pric3. , WM. RUTHERFpRD &, QO^ . ; iTpl31, Idivrov.'WTnpa.am, Street, Ouolph. January 4, 187C. . ' j --" ." ; ' e w oodi | CONSTANTLY;ARRIVING At THE " G EN fa M EM PORIUM, MILL STBEfiT,;ACT0^ John JlnnutiWtUrerand ItBpojicrof Breech and Mnzzle Loadlur' Rifles, Shot Guns,< &er Revolvers of all d&cripliami Muxigttfft*' luXnd.' ' J' AMMTTNITION FOB AJjIi BBlUGsi | :'."" A*"/ ' Ely 4: KyriocMi Cartridge Cjaics s*l' ' Caps for ire-lnajHrig; dame. Ke-IoadSi. Ke-oapponi, C*p KiP-ctonijCarlersiMir Crensorn, Cleaning K<xIh, and all nlSS- ncrcssery for a'Sportaiiian^i outfit. . ! ' All aorta of Repairing nn^ Jojablns fexocuted on ihe^iihori.etiJ)tlce at vjT'. 148 Quebec Street. -" J/oHSiKlBKHAii ?*)ainn G.tllcry on'the' premises- open from.10o'clock a.m. to liip.m. ] ; Yoiarl ^Snrg8a| J clan. %.. ttev ' Allege, CI /uesoays al p. m. Be ".CTOjr.- % tj yeyancc FostcnafUjr Motfey to " graph Co.. Copa.:Ut Q. Beware of 'Oouqterfeitjj^: J. W. MANN'S " Winter Stock of. JDaR, ^OOZ) etc. prices AND RSEADY-MADE CLOTHING , r; ' Ib no\V sob Xii i ir ^ o tf ^f V At GRisATLY REDtJCFjp Prices.'- s t- GREAlB A R GAI NS ,Are offered for cash or produce. .' " ' ;N ! In (jroceries, ICrceker^ and (Jlas^ware Will be found acbmpieto nssorCment of the best iquality. '"^ V J. W. EJlAMitfi For the prfltectloii of the pnTfTlc of Sfli., iBh North America,'! deein It m-y dnty\fol strttt- tiiat.my ?u.Ls asd Oiktmes* sre*- neither manntoctOred i npr HOld In a hi* partV>r the UisiTjib Si axes, -- EactiPo,! and 3&>x l>-ar8 the S B'rh; lovernmeht.Stamp, with tfle "UolfAWAY'S PILLS AND ' tilNTtfgi^ ; Ixindosc," ensraiffd thsreon. On the l:ibol Ib the address, 533 Oxi'oliD SoiXBt, :Lokdos_.- ..-- '; ' \IT^ This notice has become necfs^aty.'nt conterinf-riee' t>i .vile and slmrloux'tnilis. llonsoi "Hollowj\>'KH51UaiKf*">irit'ni>i<t," bi-lnrflnbrirat *-^0^^ ed at78 Xsjjd< ri Liine, New j^^- ^9nL York, ojr pef tl-K_ styUtirjg^ : V%shmiilre( " Htdlow^y 4 Wl^sBBlB'0""- 'ith an ; assumed \ gjrTs^sW'"1^^ mart, ~"ir,iprirclpird..ve,iidi>rK can nhlain lliU : tnu-li iit"v<try lour price, iihtl o <J(--1t : . you hy selling tbe *ame tor my genain* ; ! Hollow-avV P1:U nnd OlntoiPi.u. w(iltb nre mantiCactared only at ^633, Oxftiti ' street, l/ondonr i, 1 PerisnnR.whd may be so;. d< cctved be fitr-ased u>commnnW'i'te wllhipe, M;iny respectable firmis .10 the. Bi-itisH Provinces, who obtain my mj*'tlciho dj-. re<;t f--orra hf-rc; have veiy nioberly; air^ Keeled that X'*hoald, lor thb b-p31t f thernsi-lres and the public. Insert jh4r nnmis'.in tim papers, tbiit It mQf b known Mtmt thy mt-dlclnes canjhe. osd ^ g-milrie fr-tta them. ' '." ' ' Tne following is a list-of the firms nlloa: .- ed,to:-iid I p-irticnlarV refommeim thore wlto desire to "tret my m- dlelp^s' UJ ripply tostimeol tae'Houst s name*i: .. i Stxxs, MKinn:B<iCo..:^rnntrcal. 1;^ ; A\i;itY, :;ui>v,' <t G"V. rt nil if ax, N^Si --V KonsVTirSi'Ci)., \i:iH(nxiU.S. '..'. ") T.u. HA!tKKj!:<j.-rtoNs, sf. J..>'n, H.n: Al'OTIIE Laxoley .'1DUKE4I____ ------ ._ , Pr John Hjii.LES, Chatham,' N. B.' Vuxtto & CtC, Monifea), J-^\VN-KB'*i>o.f Hamilton, Ont. M. J. Kosg,.'for(m|0.. Mfe AssurJ 4c, preparif '-^nd .on Jxjau"..on-- iilMSgo'w 1 J. at-l 4c. Offlea, gtreets.aed i' ' f Ohanoery, Kni street] Miltoii Offl^ tnent of V. law tf.ii.a on Friday < ENK1 BL : {. .issa Aee'ni for ; Ah btutuesd rslthrully. sollclled. " MecVinic Mas* and" Il/Ll ActoD, Dec, 29/1875., PLATED AT McBe^n & Co4 UP-TOWN HARDWARE STORE Designed for the phristmas Season. A LINE OF. DOM t NIO N EM POR| U M. FAiW. W1NTEB STOCK BEAUTIFUL LAMF^S : AT PRICES UHPARALLED IN GUELPri Alma Block,; Guelph, Dec. AT ' . ' ;' . A. MdBEAN <Sc CO.'S. 18, 1875 i " MONEY WANTED. A.LX, KINDS OF AND JOB PRINTING PBOUPTkr EXECUTED AT f; Next Dear to the Post Office, Mill Street, Acton. \t.- EE PRESS 3FFICE. ALT PANIC PRICES KENNEDY BROTHERS JBave just received! their . : ' " .f '<. Pall Stock of Boots and | Sh0es, And are deterntnined to continue to sell cheaper than the oheapc at, and' better value for your money than can be had elsewhere. Call jand' See for Tourselved and bring- ^our Friends with you. ; Examine our stoclt which comprises everythirig in the trade of th $ latest and most elegant styles! and patterns of English, Canadian and American manufacture. . .'. !. which is now complete, is larger, better assorted,, more attractive and ' - ' ' cheaper than ever before^ comprising in part i' . Xwoels, Overcoatitgg, Dress GooSs. in Fronci Hcrinos,'Cotoures, AU "Wool Plails, Slacfe and Colore'4 Lustres,, is Plain. aa4 Pigutoa PlaaaelJs, Vineoys, Sairts, EMrtingSt. Uader- '; : Bhirts aa4-':35ra7rers," Pelt"skirts, Saa-wls, r- Blaakots, All "97!ool TaTsle Covers, (very ' c .' . ; ' pretty! patterns), OlOttlS, Hufflerfl, Glovesl'Eollaads, , . ' ' . TaTjie iiaeas, - iXowels, AiiiKs'HALi,Co., Chada-ietown^j- }V & Co .Victoria. B.C. - ECo~-Vic:orl:>, l!.'C . "'." ml--.. j . sirrii;f*t. JTobh^jr, b Jo'is Bosn, orolerli'h.Oiit. A. CiHi'M Kli iot'-A Cu.iToionlo, ' . .-. .T, Ci!Al5>*-ER. rt. Jontiv^. P.: "> --, -. HXX11.I5T .,x KitoriiEiiH, si. Jolm.N. R.',: ' JT.. Pjiii>iy, Windsur, Ont-. : .^ M^-s. OafEX. .Mrtnlen, N.S. ',-'-..- ".-' GEORSK.r. HtNT.J.ir^iKredrrieton, Jf.K,'. W. H.TnoMi'.^iis, Ilyi'bor.iirHce, XJPi^.:ii J. M. Wii^r.Y, Fr.-d riSioh. N.K. "to'.. & Ji;.YrM.p/Mintri at . ^ . :L Cuas. 1. Davjes, Fredei-icion.-N.B. iThe- jn- dlcines pre sold at the Jiw/h*]~* M'hnlef ale net prlci. In qnfli'illtles, of Hot less thad 20 ivorth Y\f... fb'.vOd., 2&-^wA'\ : 31s. bw d<iE,-n bnxes of Pills or pots 'tt\-' Ulnlmftnt, fnriwhic i reihittaftc^s inaft'-', be Mint in a/lvahp^i - '"T :r;- --. riI(1>rA8\riOXJ/M?AT. -.: SJG.Usford Slrp', W.-.C.. '< - ^.'i,:-i i,oudLrii. June 1st, lfcco. ."- .}'. -i.-! DR. ^OBifRTSV :; Celebrated Ointment CAt-II> THE _ \POOR IWAN'S FRIEND. i-; c6nfldenti\ rc-emmet Je<l to the l"ub> lie a-, m uruillii retnedj lor wnnnds ol evujj dtscT'itKn, tt certain cure fbr Ulc( rrf.tcd Sort Less, even of .twenty years' standing;, Cuts, Burns, bcalds. Bruises. < hilblaius Scorbutic Eruptions, and Pimples -m ibe Fce, Sore and m- flamod E\r, bore Meads, Sore Brtastst P1U"=, Fistula, and Cancj-rous Hnmonn, and it a Specific for those afflicting Eraft tions tliat sometimes foHow TaclnoaUon. Sold In Poth at li ljd and is 3d each Ijsasr ssara . Buslne - uffieft ai.th Obir Hal ES. Tsaoher *r J,hMteri."g "j the most r Uon B-tuira T1 ToTrolinss, Factory . aad Bleacaol. Cottons, Ladies' Llaea SetsifDr.RoTserts'Pilula AatiBcrciulmli* -i *.- *!.' and a ve^y good stock of . BOYb' AINO MEMS'."-IIATS; and ' Groceries, Crockery Glassware 5^J" Call early and secure bargains, /. ' : . - ! Q. M. SCOTT. Acton, Oct: 26, 1875. V j , rj^- Orders promptly executed and good fits guaranteed.' N.B. All accounts must be settled^^ this rabnt|i, ' i , ! r ' '" . :;: V !"" !: ' 1 ActpttiNov.4,,1875, - '-. .' :' Boots and Bhoes A large stock of Boots antl Shoes, of the very best manufacture, hk| just been received aty '.'[ .; ;- CRAINE^^ NEW |0Ot^SHOtSTORE, MILL STREET, ACTOH. Or AL1FHNATIVE P1U-S, ceoflrmi* ; by.sixty jears'kxperlence to be on*J* tbe bst mii<Slnse*;ercomrondedTOr { purifying the blcod, and jtsxiaUng Jiatare: In her oi^era.lOns Hence tby aretisAli In Rcrofhla, Scorbutic ComplainUs OIsd- d"lar Swellings parUcub>-ri> those of ios N*>-c6, Ac^ Toej form a mil 1 anH snperlor Famllj Apenent, whichirmy bet*lceiiV^ all times sclthoot Conflnemenf or chante of*diet. Sold in Boxessi Is l(d,2.9it, . 4t> 9<1, lis jind ZU each 4 | | BY THiC PROPbHSTOBS, BEACH AND BAKNiqOTT , AT THKIR. 1 DISPENSIKY, BKIUPORT, EXGLi^Bi uhd|by alt respectable Medicine-Vendoss1; JOB PRINTING^ Floar ai iuAi> tax3 fel .Cio.* , lie nt, ^ Ux?palUc nr Hotel J - stjie *Ubl .-'"- TrikTellere r ,' uzxd comrao ;" Llqaore aul ": ltttwutive f : &xilple.rool Commerd J modsitoa f J ; brandsfof Ll UoOdptAblj W^M Ldci tot thfcCoJ to% , UrdeJ Offlct, Act! TtoctTTO'Xl.r Terms rea A.DJ LICEM! Fori Bals^ attel - Counyr, i/ Adl'ei A iulHine of all sizes for -: MEN, WOMEN jJlN^ Will be found to select from.^at prices as low as can be bad: anywhere. as- Call and See lis. j; ' Social attention is called to our,, Mr CUSTOM fOE^f' ./ which at all times receives our iwreful personal supervision. Perfect satis faction guaranteed. -I"- .". . Eepainng neatly and.promptly attended to; It , , : y ABtoni Sept, 28, 1875. I,- Of i every descripfion In the ibest and most at- t~ tractive styles, pr omptl^ executed at the. FREE PRESS OFFICE, (In Matthew's New Bu ACTON. J, H. JIA1PKING, Propr\e i A car Ml - PH( -Wow is | .B#st Call J; J fiheap , ,tyle, o , waaoed. M.B.-, Srtt j>riL 13th ana* Actonl w Oste~i Vrooded,] tathe 74 f~ ofEsque Erui] I .. -L V *-

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