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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1876, p. 2

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jrpnfi AtiTON FBEE rKESS Published Every 3'hiiwdny-M-iinung. SI Por Annirm iii Advouco. Horn-get ill, and "* i . _ T .,. .Centennial Bishop jnot expected to rebovor The Sionx'arokiid to have ten thousand braves,bi tlio war path' Canada, wilt ca try-off :t ho chief d hec8o ut . tho joa. khaocmo ra-roR m tW: m m-.m i'f* - Tjiif b<r>At Moa^is,.Jvf.Y 20, 1S7G, :XjS)nEuici?iblc-Tli4>TKsio is re ported to pivvurl ii tho~ iron dis tricts of Euglaiiei." The British OoTernmcnt has in- i t minted to the United ^States that it is ready to negotiate a .new* Ex tradition Trcatj. ~ It. is understood Mr. Ijlehdrio$M n ill '.accept thp'TJombcratic nomina tion'for thu Vice-Presidency of the United ttites."'i -.' . - >-? Tho Jwrit for the election of a mc.mbet'to iv-pjcsent Glengarry in the. Common,, in! place of Mr. Arch ibald Me-Xubb, unseated; has l>een _ issued. Nomination takes plaeo on the* 24th im>t-, and voting on the aii-t., , . \ ^: /c - '..-- MurndW, the nrw Sultr.n, 'is iii .' had healtlv The micido of hfs uncle rind the massacre of jihj Mill ( iste-rs.aiv said to have sl^it-tcred his constitution,. and that his brum has 'begtinV to soften. - .His! brother is 'spokx-iji of as his successor.. .. -.. . ThoPrince of Montenegro; who - 11ms dlsjiLfved n-.oie t anility Mian .Milan .of Servia, .ennouhees hip i.i- " teiuioiv. U>f ..conducting tho war \ 6<xain$t Tt|rk'*>y on his own account, indeppiulcnt.of S*-*-viu. IIis troops "hate. beeuivTcSguons so far..' .( Tl e juice of wheat is falling eon- siderjdjy'in England. -The gi-G-w- i-.:g tivps'-.-promises well, and the. -'war in Turkey has no influence oil: -tiifi inark-e.-t. The consumption of The. (Dunkin At the towliship of M arch, last week, by a minority of f ftecn vote*.. Tlio birth of a t wna carried in cbiW -with two heads is' reported I rani" St. Fnuullc, Island of Orleuhs, Quebec. On Sunday nior iing !ti daring t- ternpt was made to store of 8. E. Step icnson, Elorn. Tlio residence .< f John Fnise'r, Kingston, -wrb.robbed on Saturday night of-$500 Worili of silver and lace. Tho Canadian yacht, the" Counte; s of Du'fferi.n, 'tu k. last Monday of earthquake Yinnna Monday afternoon. It laskod seveiiil He'o- riveiHn Nevf Yo^' night. Ml A Bcvero bIioc! \vas experienced ii: ouds. No damage '. An old man nm'i'ed Maurico En right died fiinlden Thursday fcom J>rc stnition l>y he:ii. The thermpmertj-r shade. " " SoniOj ferty or ft lying btttwtien Br; <*" :^U#l3 ir* Kastlcuian \vheat-CQittihuva.QJi'thc h',ek'on the demand, for.Riissi^.n.-aiVd American Bamples. ', . . " . ; . _J-E! . Tlie u)unici[ial..ce|ii!icn of Yar- inqiith have given ^notice1 to all par- tiesi who tfeive Canada, thistles on their hunt that the full penaltjie-s "oi tle law .Ll_':bfi erlbrml tigainst thecjj-jf. snch thittles are not cut down as by !uv.- directed. v A borresjioiideiit of the Hamilton ' Si<-'cfwV' i:j>point- nient- of u \rpol insjiector iiiutch. town, eo tbrat wool iiiKjy be. insipvet - ul in a Eome'what himiliir mannc-r- to that adoi>tfd with hides, eorres^wndeiit" claims that would dp._away .with the present docking' system,, by which he con- Thoroldon Sunday ilicatioii of.it slight tho vessel trade Mr. A..McArth ir, n farmer re siding near Alvinpton, was found ist week, in tho n house. It is lead on tho road," viciuiiy of his obelieved ho vvasstrick by lightning The married lad city hiivo formed husband Club." feet long,'and lias a brush on tho ondiof it. ml one e most respected Thomas, (lied on 1 side on Monday. The Empire'Ho and a \>rrck tent'-' uent- house occii rob tho jewclery rcpresentiitivo . i An ..Old Invitation It is precisely ono iiumli'cd yonrs sincn Camula was nskod to liecomo oiuo of tho Confedurtited Stateii of Ainiiricii. Tho; members of Con gress were ho iatisiied uho would itcoept tho invitation, that -tlio eloyoiith of the " Articles of Coii- feelloii>tian and Perpetual. Uni(ni" \MvB'fnt5eil ^bixwiiilty tontliintjior, the"following jlnnng tho vvotxls: " Canada oS noceding to tlria Con- foeloration niid joining in tho uioas- ures of tho United States, sliali bo admitted to uud entitled to all tho advantages of tliis Union; but no Other colony slw 11 be admitted into tho same, vmloat such admission bo agreed to by niro States." Though Camilla did. not accept thp invita tion, high liopBa wera entertained for aomo yeai-si that alio.would do ho. It iiiay ho said theso hopes novor died, for thoy gavo birth to a Whoso are the_DiamondB? (AFFAIRS IN THE MAN IN WOUTH 01' KT0N1CS BUlTpHKU UTOJ.ES, TOIlJoNTt) WITH 5-23,000 JlIUI.I.IAN'Tt! -V-.THK TO HAVK I1K13.N several times pro- t'o jtako this conn- : doile. v at Perth on was US5 in the *ly vessels vrere CaVliarines and .This is an in- improvement in is ample room two- great and ^es of a Western a "' Come-home- U is about four Mr. John M^K:iy,-Regi.mrar of the- oldest and sitizens of . St. 8'way- to the-sua Brockville "'The i tinent, -this mm i,f. :lS;'fj iS. r; fciders furmei-s he.ivy losers. The _-' raatWr is one well .vei dry of csire- ful consideration. - - pianera is- greatly, depressed in t India. The juormotis rateof ex- ' change is theiieaiise of dejucssion. Except-tbe nvoiiny this is the worst crisis in.iA.ftglev-IiidiAn history, and ~ theje are fe-.v instances anywhere of a calamity "so crushing and so- - tfee^lepression contin- . nea it Twill probably^ paralyze the expori trade. '"Tno Intercolonial Railway ; a{>- pears to bjiviS hjid a good -oj>en>ng and its pros(iects are *nconrnging, through fteighti and passenger ti-af- fl5 to the Ixjwer Province "being re-' _poct.ed as rapitlly increasing; tt- . frernatiis to b.e seen whether it will ' " be regularly sfnd finsify worked in ' u-inter^-when, its ad vantages, vill be [hy-ia-r nip.st valuable-1 and roost- re- <jnii-ed. ' - ' 'The instf-nse Leat...'apj"iears to be "as fatal in its resuk:r us pestilence or'plugue in Nfew"'~Ybri* and other - cities sonth> ,The thermojBeter leveraged 12G'in the sun. in .-Kjew k York on Thursday, jand fourteen more dcathsTby wiiistrokrj were ro "'porteil-to.the' jiulicy. Tlie dentlis. . .iii that city" he-it wee!: niH!il>ored 1,- 298, au inoret-KO of'-1-10" aver "the .weeki. ': - . ' . provious "ConservaMYe D^moustration. It js annousced that the Liberal Conservatives ijf Halt-m will hold a monster celc-braticm at Milton on :Aug'ist-:30th -ivli^ri Sir "tfohn A: ilacdouild.'.-iroii. M.f C-L_CUmeron- and -or.her-pToijdnejit fJonservutives will be- present and deliver ad dresses. ..' T ' r " The Canadians .ai "Wimbleton. . A 'cstlrk-iinn:- d:i*.ed Wimbleton, c Julj.'ll-Jitli' t^>.y.-, :--. -The herit- is in teu:?'r, and u';; a csonseqiii'iiice;- the shooting w inferior. In' the St. ..<i!eorg*/B Cba!i{-ng<: Yasfc eiim[}ti-" _tion-S'jrgt. T. MUchell, Kith liitt.,- 78th, Uat't., In ova Scotia / .-'aiid 'lirjnjb. Crowe, . Wellington Field.Battery, (>ntaiki, ! viiij pi-izi-H. I.itlie Prince of Wales' ! ISYvayd'Uiw vnly to iiied:i'ULsts,-Sergt". :V l>. - Mitchell, .i'Stjuliiatt., Ouwrio, ,"K!id Soi-gfc, Cku-.Ldli, f)3rd J^att., altw " -:i- -: 'A Lorrilie eitustropli/^is; repoi-fc- <.'i-from l'okul:on!.h "I-:(,^!and.. Tlia fgi'tjat; turrci t:'r.A "ThuTrtler.;^">e- . wmtly Inmiehed, -.fie-! making its .tiiu! trip, t'Yid;iy:,. in ' Stokes' liiy, :" .viiiil- Liio h'Jl'eV l,:iv.-.t fo>;r/ljrd'r . Tiiii lyfoMi- of the crew were billed (\k:i1y iifid " u^jVeat":n::-ny o-'.'i-.'.-.vy, '.y/oro. wouiided., Thf forw.-ird ; ti'd"1 tif/.er stok'i-.' holts v.-e-rc / aoithat the- stok*iB in th>:-lafctef were pebteoted from ' fragments itausetl by tlio explosion, but, it is s4jd,;lw.-ro lifcnr<i!l| boihxl to"death, i the llitsh' bt^iiig utifrjjped from-tjieir liiii'ja. Uy 'h.'i escaginft'steaiu. The convict ] Arnold, who at- temjiteel to estsipo from Ivingston peuitentmry, has been found in a drain uudir tho iirpeuter's -shoj: with a week's prcisions of bread and tobacco.1 O. W. Kent, who killed a,- man natned iJowie ill ft street fight in London some weeks ago, has, by the verdict of the coroner's jury, been committed for manslaughter. He,-however, procured bail and waa released ies, Vi'iis kleWfoy- morningr-' Loss pied by.three fami ed by lire TnesdaV 620.00Q. ilr.CJoldwin Sniith; expects to snii for Eurojw ii- OctobeV, with the intention oi. rjiending several months in'Ehglnnt. and on the, con oxp'-essttl; it. Tluiro on this continent fo: powerful nations, an(l this the more intelligent classes (of Americans now admit. -Uotli Imay grow: and prosper'. without interfering with the other, aml'livo oil thu best terms -of friendship and geW eousinship. -Wo. believe no Caliailiah regrets that tho eleventh arti cration (in- isi^ in Philadelphi anything moro than tho paper .on. which it "was writ1 en. For' 100 years wo have lived side by s^ide us two nations, ami, wi:h tho continu ance'of the frie idly teiitimeuts now mutually expressed, there is no rea- scn"to fear tha;.at the end of an other century t he-two natrons, vast ly moro powerful and great, will not ;-bor able to enter tho third as happily and (prosperously as they have the second. Ilumillun Timc-<. A Mrs. McGirr, wife of a'sboa- maker. living on1 I>ucbes3 street, Toronto, committed suicide by hang ing herself in a shed behind her boose Tuesday moi-ning. She had buried a, child the day - before, and it is Bupposeehgrief bad driven her insane. ' -" </ The barley harvest has,begun in. thel Vicinity" of Belleville. Several fields were cut. last week and se cured in good order,. The heads aroj large and Well-filled and the ber|ry very plump. But the yield of straw vvill tie short and not up to tho staudardi crop. ItMs now reported that.tho death of the.daughter of Mr.'J. A. Arm- stfong, of Eramosa, was cansed by snipide;_ that she put n gag in her iiiouth,-tid .her hands, und jirmped liewl-forcmost into the barrel of water in which ;ihq.was i found drowned. 'Tho cause" given: is dis appointment in love. - An examination of_ tho accounts of Brush, tltcraljsconding cashier of the InUjrcolonial liailway, shows that he is a defaulter to ,the extent of about SLi.OOO, and he is said to have taken ajliout .10,000 aWay wjtii him. lie;carried on his rascality by means oi forgery, but as .there is no ex't-adftion- trloaty with the United States, he cannot hb'bronght back. , ' : ^obp ObdL The continuance of tho "hot spell " this season, with soi. Little variation, is, i-ather rleiltarkable. 11 is observed that the tlangei| from sunsiti:oke-aj:'>(iears iCfrTiici-pwe with tho number "of days the" great heat lusts. Although'the mercury may not at the hottest honr^of tho chiy go (>b high as it did pt-^the opening of the;heated terrn; yet,!to a- certain -extent, tho night - temjxiratu're rises through accumulation l^oihggreator than flip radkition] of heat into spice.- It is also -v|)6inted.otit that from-want of sleep d jiring many hot nighta sueceeding! eStc|}V other, and Other eafsse.v tlkO.'systiWk-lxjcomfes redncf.-d unt\ Ies:* t"i m\Au- of vvitli-" itjinding the d.mgf-rousjnJituiiiViSof ,-tr.y |AiiH-iei(larly hot i4:i>L.- {If, t4;rer (biv,uH >tj>jM;ars likely, j'wo aro to fcare-somi) timp longer'cif tho pro-' sent hot si*>H, wo shall all be wiso to increase oor- p4'ectuitieH>s to avoid bvor-excrtiou'ivnd ovtn; oxeitomont, and -iir a. general w,iy -tif> "keep ^ool" tu the bes of our ability. -= foeling that at voked attempts try. by force ofirnis, but thoy hap pily proved futile; Our cousins by no means dcsjmijr, however, for they contiuually. express j tho wish that, tlieni. There Canada belongtd to is.no immediate proipect of its bo- iijg giiitificd, for With our relations and the _vstom-5f twernment wo have.': But the Americans are gen erally boliovora in the doctrine of manifest destiny aiie waiting, witll ovcry tho time >yhou " Canada and Mexi co, like two ri|K<ned nnd luscious pears, shall drop into our lap," as ono ot tho leading journals recently o aro content with England profess to bo patience, for liimt Tlnirsi ay Detectivo Keid received word tliat ..a party had bocn attem])thi{ to dispose of a largo number of diamonds. After calling at tho jowellor's ittoro whero tho atones lmtl boon ofl'ui-od -for sale, and gotting iv description of tho party, Detectives Roijl and Nowhall pro- cboded:in search of. tho possessor of tho brilliants. .The) wero not long in overhauling their man, whom they aiToate'd atItho corner of Ade laide tmd Chu -oil stroots. On. his, boing Uvkeii to' No.' 1 Station ho gavo tho nailio of Alexander Myers, and states thai; ho is a Polish Jew. On searching Myers tho following lain;: 'Two hundred )f fr6m nine j to. six- niy. of tliiiin vVorth as )0.; several diamond ts of ear-rings ; and S2,0d0 eacji. lie- had in his possession and gold.varo. The tlio stones -mid jew- ited at over 822,000. wero found on unset' stones, tee-n carats, m niucli as 81,5 riitgH; two le broaches wori sides theso ho a lot of silver total value o ellerv is estim h article of Confed- n|?d ;Juiy -1th, 177(1, was never worth European wheat ox t1ik Jk- Grain Trade. oil Myers was fered a lot of s be-low their was brought hi on Saturday, 22nd instant being made, this ease ma Komd of tho hi! reported as In Tho Turks Vletov^oiite albiiK tlie Frontier tiiiv uihiioTiANH' voi,Mnt :i:iu (! AUAINHT HKUVIA -TJIHjNiqW HtfJ> a^N" AUOOT TO AISUICATl: I -London, July 17.^ A Sta SPCWJIJBTO*m9aSS3JrSSBSa: OMV JULY 20, .-ii tu ut th it idar ra the The largo stones are stated Im practical man. to be of the'purest water, and th j .values of them as stated in tho vbovo figures lire not thought to be beyond thoj. mark. The'causo-which brought suspicion the fact of having of- one's for salo at much Actual value. Myers fore the Police Court ijid it,;inanded till the io {Lormit of enquiries Jt us not unlikely that jirovo a seipiel to e diamond.roblx-ries iving taken placo in England a considerable! time- ago, e remained shrouded Perhaps by the day lm'so. again comes \i]> ion imay. bo forth- comim; from tlie t)ld World. i//<a'a'. and which lwv in inj stery. on which the soino informu DOWN COME. . Lokdont Jiijly 17. Tlie Marl Lane Express m its usual, weekly review., of tho grain trade says : Wheat promises fair, both in quan tity and quality. Tho plant is now strong and healjthy. Tho probable yield will bo spmething over 12,- 000,000 quarters. Barley continues to look welh The'condition of all other cereals is satisfactory. Our market has'fceen unaffected by the war in Turkey, no intervention by other powers appearing probable. Trade has been much depressed, owing to "the immonso surplies ar riving. Kearly 175,000 quarten* Toreign wheat iave arrived during the past fortnight. Prices havo given yroy twe shillings ]>er quar ter, and unless tho weather or po litical influence check the decline it appears unlikel/ wheat can main tain (even its present depressed vainer Tlmro : i* ft largo trade in Indian thu year, and tho fiivor which this class of grain has found with the millers has. caused tho con- -sumption of Russian and American to fall off much more than might bo imagined. It iinot 'unlikely that tho future rangi of pHc-es vdll be lower than we have been acciistom-! od to. The number.of cargoes of wheat jaff the coast is;58. But few sales havo transpired. The position of tho market ia somewhat indefi nite. Buyers arc holding off, and holders am no; reconciled to low prices/ A decline of fully 2k per quarter on floi.ting cargoes has, however, taken placo during tho week. Maizo Ins met with limited inquiry. Quote tions are unaltered. Barley has been steady. - t - Pakis^ Gkeen. Tho Canada Farmer warns -its readers-against the use* of Paris green as an cxterT ininator of tho potato - ~bug. It states that several reports have lately como, well authenticated, showing !that its careless applica tion has resulted in direct poison ing. Among these is ono.-of n-iuan who narro.wly e*jcap4d with hw'life, from inhaling tho iliiKfc, though he wore a veil -by way of protection. The fuct, out jcoiitemporary. ob- serfes^. poiiits to ono or-other of 4wp issues, eitliea-not ,to use it at all,j.vhich-is the better eouree, or if it must jbo^ employed, to nso it with tho utmost; caution, und in ,ov"ery caso, to have its (intidoto, tlio hydi-ated ' sosquipxido of iron, ut imnd. Besides tho risk of person al injury to thp person applying thitt reined/,' t^hero is.to -say the least of it, a [>o_sj(ibility of ! ous effects on th<> tuber itself. This is ridiculed in ' iany quarters, but wouroiby no uiem.s convinced that itndoesjiiot find iia way. by absorp tion into.tho plant.: Moreovor, tho dijst, carried by -ho wind to adja-. xoni pastures- aid highways Jias cost ma ly. poop lo a good family caw. ' Tliti'e is ii sally lji'o necessity for using ithis risky article Tho bugs. can.!be-kiv>t down, by hand- picking withoitt ,-o.ry groat cost of time and trouble _.' A Farmer Murdered by His Xcfclibor. FlTZKOY llAlUIo'tJl, July' l.r>. List night, ;a shocking tragedy occurred in the township of Torbol-. ton over a trivial matter. Two years ngo, it. seems, W. Mehr fired some brush and. burned D. Brosen- hum's barn, and tho greater p lit of his crop. Ho went out yesterday to burn some moro. brush; when Bicscnham s:ud ho would shoot him if he did. Hot words ensued, when in the'beight of passion, Bresenham seized a gun aiid deliberately fired at Mohr. The charge tooki effect in his body, and the reauk was in stantaneous denth, The" report of murder soon spread through the district and created great excite ment. Tho authorities were infor med of tho tragedy, and a warrant wasissuell for the murderer's arrest. Mohr leaves a! widow und; small family, i Tho murderer is also a married man. |" No attempt was made to detain him. -His wife thinks he has shot himself. He had been a very peaceful man and a good neighbor. No oho in the vicinity thought him .capable of such a crime, ahd many think he was insane. j at ut m lira'id ichcry I Vienna despatch; says JTurku huvo erossud tho Tiiliok two places. Riots ure | feilred Bolgrado inconscquoiicocjf Oovei inent reticence Prince Milii [tho Ristic ato accused of 'trm iovon by Russia. PijincoMilan 1 ns (written to tho Czar, asking his : n- (torvention towards a mitigation of the brutalities practined by tho Cir- jcassiano. The Russian i|mhuku co sanitary corps aro ,passiu|g t irou^h liloiunaiiiu. A foi'co 'cjf- 22,0 10' iTurks leaves Sofia-, on Sui day to jreir.j'orco Niucli Tho Journal tin iSY. iV/ jdeiiiew that Prince Mi.laii ha^: Russia- to intercede for an an A Timv.i' .correspondent graphs from Parakiu on ith i 1 instant : " 1 had an intciyie Prinep Milan today. Ho Servia is a tool of Russia; contrary Russia advised against war. War has because Servia beliuvoj tint purity is impossible against '1 .administration.. Ho does n to diplomacy now but to army believes that Servia will'be. ions, lie does not ask any to assist, but"expects that no tian State will take part i Servia. alio will ilight to tin} for her rights,-" . - A special to tho AVVr.< Vienna says that thu-Montei took l,.r0() prisoners on Sat A 'J\li'jni}ih's C'onstaniinopl victor- Irdin egri urda Spl ial savs that tho Servians were de feated at L-jebovic, iu Bosnia, 200 killed and 1100 woundt also at Isvor, where they lo.i killed and woimdc-.l."- London, July 17. Ac from the sejit of the Servo T J, t UQ0' !"g are vary confused and cc utile Not-only do tho Turki >h in Seriau bulletins conflict, but tl o Rbbbory at GHmaby. On JC and C Sweden, back foi" onduy night John Smith njirlen Noihiqn, two young working. f;>r nrufm tinie Ira F. Calder, left their omployoi'n residonw?, near Grimsby,, und carried away (a considerable ainouii.ti^)f. valuables.i Thoy took Mrs. G\(lder'H gold watch and cliain, Mr. Ciiltlui'u ikjcllcot' book co^tiiiu- ing 12 in cash and Homo valimblo papersj a valiso, dnd a numbor, of other things amounting to nearly 8200. ' .' A CARD, 'X'l all nuirerlnif frnm tlio firrurn mid liiiilfcrctionft of yoiu.l>>-nurvoHK woiiltiicHS, early itecay, less of mauin.qil, 4c, I will si'iri a n.olpoUnit Mill euro yo,u, I'ltKU OF CIIAKOJ:. .'i'nw firont romnijy Was illHcovi-reil l>y li.mlKsloiiary lri Boutli Am rlc.i. Semi n.-HPlfr.'iil<tp-siic<l 'f-VI'loilO 10 tlio Itr.V.-JOHEI'It T. INMAN, Station I), IJlUie l'lo'iisci Mi-w York Clly. Cocii.a." . Kits' Coco.a. (.ii:ATJ!rm< ani> C-o^i-. .l-'oiiTlNi;.'. e of the natnriitln.iva.-wliic.il gn.vc rrrtln; opcratiou:i of di;^.\-;tii>n and imti.-iiion, .lud by a careful application of the.line propurticm of well ,';i;k-cluil cocoa,' Mr. 1.. ower Chrja- iiiini' dui losing in Mini ark hi s l)ir.i>. Xe-ar-Acton, on the Kith inst.* Cathe rine, wife 'of Mr. John -A!' Maivhall, :agoil 27-yt-n'.i. 17 reports of special corresjio iden lire according to their. syinj athii'S and points of observation. J-brin Stance tho Time* this inoiniig Injiij a spcciid despatch from P irak saying that there was no grci.t bi fie between O.suiim Par.ha ai.d tl Servian General -Leschjan n c Wednesday, wliile a spuci.i elevi- [>atclr from Vienna, to the Td 'jruiJt says General Loschjanin's d: cisivo defeat is confirmed. Osma Pasha has driven hiin across tlv River Timok rind is ndvaiicir Servia. GeiKiral -Leschjani his artillery and it is reporfe ho himself was killed.\ j The Ottoiiiah Ministry ha solved to allow the Turkish to assume the offensive. Lonjjon,. July 18. Tho St<i i- duril'n Constantinople correspon dent telegraphs that tho he; 1th ipf thp Sultan oaiiscs great anxiety, ii e into 0.it 1 thiit vo r- arniy ------T ----~ Fatal Oasualtiea. St. CatjiaiiInks, July 17 bodies of; twoilunknown me washed ashore at Queenstoln yes terday.: Tho body of f nn unknown was found in tlio mill-race heir terd.iy Cooksto'.vn,! July 17. TIi|e I'lnnr .,. . . White Wheat Ti-e.i.lv.ell.. .S[i:-i.n W'he.it Ite-lCIiatrWhca- Uarley '. . . ( l..t J ; . . . l'ca-.i ... Potatoes, per bar llattr.r ... liny, per ton Hacon Ham ... Shoulder. ._ J..11llb.-:kill.;.. I'e-H.-i . ...;. banl ... Tallow -...'. uiox ii.u:u:rs. i .-. J 00 ti. 1 03 .. ) 00 t..' 1 <.T> .. . o !m; to l on . .-' 0 US t0":l OD .. 0 .tli) to 0 00 .'. o\ ;io.to o ;; _' -.'. (i noii, o oo .'. o ho to o ar, .. 0 I." to n'on . . ,i0 10 to O-C'O' .. 10 00 toll 00 '.. (on too oo .. d 12 to(J M ^i 0 10 to 0 12= .," o r.o to 0 so .; o ,10 to o do .. 0.12 to 0 13 .. 0 0(1 tv. 0 07 NEW: AOVERTISI-LMENt-S." .T^TOTICa.- - '( - 'J'jioro will ] 'o Disciple- < 'iiaii.,1 in Al-ihii o':'. next 1 day, vvlivii Mr. O. (4. liejitxog r.-ill [I. V.) preach at 11 o'uloek a.'iu. aiul.3p.in. Acton, Ju'ly 19, 1S7C -, i?. G3-( ^A_ I Ta Cool tlie Hot "w^atiefc. lalf dozen Glass Ymnlders ibr on\y\25^l ialf dozeii GIjish Tiinif*Icr.s for only SOfcjj I 1 -Half dozen Glass- Tiiinblcry for only Half dozen Glass X'mibJers fol; "only Half<lozen Glass Tuitiblers- for only -lOci 45c\: pOci Half dozen Ghiss GfxbJclsf, new design biily Goq i' 1 hqndsoine Glass,Preserve Jiisli^ ncir, olily 35^ 1 liandsome Glass Preserve Dish, nevvj, dnly 40^: " I handsome Glass PrcscrVe Dish, ncif, dnlyoOirj. :- X handsome Gljass Preserve Dish, new, cjnl^Gok I...errand Glass Preserve l^ish, liew, only 7oc. I set Table Gtasswiirie, four piece% for only $0c. 1 set Table tjJassvi'hre, fo-ir jjieccs^ for only75<. 1 set Tabic Glassware, Ibnr -pieces, flur only $lJo<X I set Table Glassuitire, four pieces, for; only $l,io, X'handsome .set of JOhiiia-, 44 pieces,, only i.06j 1 handsome .srpiare o!-hoiir Clock ^3,00. N5 I-..fancy rbsewood'.i-day Giock v/orth -?5.o0 for ^.4i25 1 fancy -rosewood 8-day Clock worth ?()."50 for 25.25.-* Salt per Barrel,;- onl^ $1.QQ.[ . JSF Largo -Stock, of New. ToaCi, just to. hand, .clicaper still/ ' { -. 1 '. :.SSS0aDB3S;g V .Ml - HI ?<{ Ai T<| Or. O'a !^ dvrl D-J jtllL- Tfa ^v 1 at". .-: *te-.MrJ . ni>v 'or .'."Old R. tee -,l'.- Tl 1- st son, ageel l!5, of ThomaB Norri i, named Egbert, was drowhi; Sabbath- while! bathing in. lh|i riv with a iiuinbiir of boys. , ' Bi.vr.nooK, July 17. On nesday evening last a youn, named -Pcclthiiin in the emj T Berry, #hile engaged in uowir grass with a sdyLhc, was prottratei by -sunstroke, und in spite that'could be e'lono' for-him man o ve i- Grand Lodcre; of A JF. & |A- M. The twenty-first mini al cbiniuu- nication of the Grand Lodge of A. F. it A. M. was opened.in -Ottawa on Wednesday, about 1300 being present, including the various grand officers. M. Wl-Bro. Smith,.Grand Master of the Grand Lodge eif New Jersey, visited the lodge,-in the: af ternoon, receiving a cordial wel come In response ho jalludcd to tho cordial feelings which had.al- .'ways. existed between tho jGrand body over which he. presided, anel the Grand Lod'e of Canada] The lodgo was oi>ened in 'ample form by M. W. Bio. Ki rr, when tho min utes, of th" foj-mer meeting wero reail, and itfteri the transaction of ovenin, formal busipesi;, tho Grand Master ( On tho Bn.mo day a man jiainqd delivered his annual address. That portion of tile address referring to Weft. 'ill: loy of JJIAHIE FOK KALE. The ul!ile>r.s:L'nC!l oiVev:; to ac'll c:s farm coi;|-i.sti!in' el a'hont ."!.) r.c;c.i, lcin.^ t'ue outh-->?e-.;'t Ii::l: of Lot Z-,.i. 21, ir. th'L- 2nd coii. of J^H.-ine.-iing. <";o^il i;.,n.-i.. and lianij, tjuall orchard. T!iu Ian.l' is of exccllenb i[aalicy, well watered, i-iJ. noVeu cljuvit, ivJ.inco yooil maple) wok'.. Apply to. \V. L."l>. E^vr, Milton, or to the owner on the premises, or by letter to Acteui Post (Jiliee. UAX-I'EL.THOMJ'SON. EicpiesaTig, July 15,' 187G. 3-3m. ; OJuTES^^X^JHSStS?' D.rtfjs, 'Glfomiealsj 23yo'CtcSs,. F^t;a.t iand ProyricWry. "XletJididM,., -." i .Saints, Oils -ai'i Varnlsa'oa. "Pincy jipd EuWcp Geodfc . . PTJ33 7.rx:'7.3SlAi7b L"Qt7p3'fi? Sl3ii.'ci2.al^arpo3Cs-onl7^- . Aflgooetj warranted of the be."=t quality ane}-iit,.t.ii per cent below Toronto picres. ' " - ; . . Don':, .fardel I'.'.q place;- " ' '[ '-. ... ' ; Medical Hall,1 Mill street,> Acton::--.:<!: Acton, March 13,| 1S75-' : G. E. "MO'ihOW.- tood i-NEW AIjVERTISEM 1ST OTICE TO FAKHERS. c:d aid had beeki speedily procured lie died about six .o'clock the same tho difficult! Lodge of Ontario," was listened to attentively, unci the rebellion! summarily eicpi with warm anp with tho " Grand his suggestion that brethren'; should be ailed was received au.so bv tlio entire assembly. Ap tho evening session a motion waS introduced for .per- liianetly locutinE the session of the Toronto, which was Grund Lodge i^i negatived. - A motion brought forward with a view to holding tho next mecting- at Bnint.ford was lost, and tho mo tion in favor of St. Cathannes car ried. ' ..l The CbramittBe on General Pur poses recommended the expulsion of forty-six members of tho so-called Grand Lodge of Ontario, .which tlio Grand Lodge ratiGed, amid ap plause, ni'iunmi msly, nonb of the expelled iippcmiing to slnjiw cause why sue l oxpul rion should not bo made. Five we ro suspeneled for a year. G. Jtf. Toit was rb-electcd Grand MasJ.er. William Nicholls, while1 driviri, home from an adjoining farm on u load of hai', was sunstruck. A physician was immediately se it fo:-, but before his arrival death b|ad oi* sued. Blyth, July: 17. Mrs Wiju Baird, of tho township of II diet.. near Blyth; died very suddenly, on Saturday morning last. Shb si'emel quite well up to- tho time of heir death. Sho Went to a neighbor house on an errand about, sevo o'clock, and at half past eight sho died. There wis no pcrsoi. wit a her when sho dietl excopt he.- cliil di-en, the ojdest being nboHfc sevc:i y.Bitrs old. Her husband was away from home. At tho inquc.it th jtkry. brought in a verdict that death ns causod by i congestion of" tjio brain. ineeli Veterans op 1812.' Tho- issue of checks of :20 to tho vetjeraus of 1&12, by!tlm Militia IX-JHirtmoiit, has'lAicn cpinu enced. Tlicy nro sent to niiehj man by mail, jiayablo to his ordei-^ Tnero aio "3,005 men all told to i'icoiwo tlio gratuity this year.. This !ia al>out 1!>0 more than wero paid lust year, but who have since proved th i validity of their claims. Si^ce i.lio payinaut; lust year 120 vetorai a have died; Free ry of mad, 5t0PEMENT. I-Tho Lonclon Pri;>is relates . a startling [ste olopcment, wherein a limniod father of n. grpwii-up faniily, atict acting us an insurftiico a sejonclnd with th'o wifo cjf bor, who also loaves u,family affair seems'to have l>eiin i.iat got for:|many nioiiths, during M'hieh the two families worn intim ite illiait relationsliip being lcapt c;loso.' Thore sehmid a "prisp ;ct of its being blown upon, however,land tlio guilty jKioplo decided to omV tho mutter suiiiiniirily by ru uway.; Tho man-,has been a j mint mpuibcr of iho Board t> S|chool TriUitccB, | t, ab- it ieigh- Tho ujlng tho very Having purchased tho threshing and sawing inachiuea lately owned by Messrs. J. &. A.-:Jl5nn, with tho uiulcr- stauding that thjey did not intend car- ryin^-oii' the. bu.siness, #ftd having got the machines pat hi gooel. repair, 1 am I>re'p.-vi"ecl tee receive orders from farraerA lor threshing arid sawing. I liavu se cured the bervie'e-.; of a lir.st-cla.Vi thresh er of (soyentcpn yc.aij4 cxperieixe, ati'ti can gunranteo sati.-ifactioii in-all eases. Tho'patronage of tlio farmers respect fully solicited. . , DONALD McDON*AI.D,'.- Lot No. 30, 4th con. Bs.'iietin^. July 10, 1S7(";. , a-it; F i^AIMI for Sale Iii Eramosa. ^Sinasn s tr3 c3 <*vr?ej f>- r^ Begs to announce to tbeClH:oplo of Acton that ho has opaned out in the .building lately occupied by Geo. Stodelard, -oil the'-corner of Mill, njul"Elgin streets, wlicro will }x! fo.unel at all thae.j all kinds 'of " Caaaoi Prtiits, ,CandiC3, - ' . Granges, L'DX2.o^i3, Xoaaocosj Cigars, *' ' Casisaor-DriiilEsi ct:> !C "enEP.;^ DV.'THE- Q23.J1S Gil ^pAR7>'. ifc"---' Tho undcriie-ned ofTei-3 ^to -sell 3ii:j farm, being tho East half of-Lot\No.".3, in the 7tu conccteion of the Townsliip of I'h-ainosa, Coinprising jihout (>3, acres, about -10 -of which-arc under cultivation. (Jood log hoii.se and barn, orchard, etc. It'i.j situ.ated about midway . between Acton, and Kookwood.' For. particiilar.-i, oilcpiire of Mr. Win. Hcmetrcet, Itock- woodj-or the owner on the promisea. i JOHN McINTOSI-i. Eroniosa, July JO, 1S7G. 3-3m ' N" OTI'CE. Prosorviag Doao "witbout' Su^ar or Air Tight Cans. I beg leave to notify the public that I havo purohased tho. patent-right for the village of Acton to sell aud.u-.se E.. 1I.L Sliouril'S Patent Ijtight,' lcnowji as Sliourd'a -(New - l>oiiiiuiou: process for preserving Frait, ..-Meat, VcgutaTJieii, Eggs,-Fish, etc., in open-j vessels, with out sugar, salt pi-- vinegar, perfectly fresh nutl sound. JAll poi'soiis- selling or using the above except by my authority after this notico will bo liable to" action. \Vita .reference- to tho above, 1 beg leave to say that I will sell family rights tb nso tho above for two dollars each. No family can afford to bo without it. JOHN P. SECOltD. Acton, July 15, 1S7G. g TEAM Carriage & Wagon Main'\Strooty . - -Aotoa. : .Ice delivered at the"SUowseLi at half a cck4 lic.i-'ixj'nsid. /.-;": Tlio lughest.pi-ice-paif'l iircaih for Ieftsphcrrics. .'. - \- A BARBER SHOP In c'ounection, 'where Staving,Hair-cut . , a^'.btc.. the best style of Actoli, July 1.2, 1870'.' ting, Shaiapoom'ug.'jetc., can be done Jii .......HiJ'to'nsorial art.. " - T. MfSCMAEL SPEIGHT, General ( .BlaekGiuith, Carriage) nuet Wnyon'-iuakor. " , Beat Jl^rsc-Shoersl in tho County. Perfect. satisfaction - guaranteed ,ov no .'- pricei charged. ... rlr.-.t-C'Iass -Flowi and Collarel'n I'.-itent Iron Ilarivu.yv^ always on luuul. A good stock of Carrlngca anel Wagons. (Repairing promptly and. propcrjy.-al- teiideel to.- . ' Acton, July lb, lb7ti Mill Street, ACTON, '-1-. DEALKU1N " Grooorios, Orocliory,': ; . ;' B0Ot3 (-as S11003, - VTall Papsr," " .-. Wladowj Blinds,.. r r . Nails, Glass, Putty, . -(-'Liaatica Oil, ! Paijits, -"'Turpoatiao,' _.-- qtal-Oil,-5aWi.btc., : ' ' - - ,-1- .'j:'-. ...- - All of which will hi sold loW^foVj cask, BOOTS and,. SHOBS Stlliiig cil' at co^t/ i , .. - . Alao agent for the! RUBBSK PAINT COMPAN Y , .Of Cleveland, -Ohio;", , ' Vasb'fpr lljjdcsi ,! G-TTEIXi^S;, SpIendiicJ Stqci Q1S' 0f\lljJ3rad^.... If you wan'ta Rosa-jCbokihg P?.W,,r..1 . (- ;' '-rAlyvays in^stoci,; :', -; H-. Stoves. Scrvo Ti-IinhiinB*, (TIB,' 8***?"^ ': |roii.anil-Jni>finBVd.ya^e7 .- j .] lTadi%hu\.attintiok'jiclt( - 'Stencilling ami joWtty -doir'M -,**; * '.'ilioricstinoliei. .- ' Cotton Rage,.C<ippefl, Bras?, Iroa an4 - other pioeluco"taken.in oxoban^ -:- A Remembci-.the 'sthuel,. 6no doo^P** ejt the CaitaitvGloVo! Works, " / "r ' \ ' M2Iii'. STABET,. AOTXti^. "\ '- W. R. Wiwos. ' j.' rV'% foBSttS;^ Uclon, April 11, lS'p. '-^ ':, ^S- :y [: rpQ ^KEE.DE-|lS;__: ':< -. : - - ^^ I'ho' nioi-ewktlibrok ..ilJni^mt^Hh^- * '/ >,5.-td ",SliWt Acton, Jitly IS/ (;S.7ti". " y.El'HVU/^ (sire iN*>rteU '2fS3i'-'- dam " SanspariuJ.^Oth,"J! v[i f^Z-^A thij aeasim, on lot Njo. 27, 3rd ^^. .r.ie^ng (near G. T. i^tfon}. as.i<M**_ ";;; biirluuus10.l'0 ; Gwulcit -" .'AJU..'.imc-0,i-i476...- f^vS M .%.- . t

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