"y4"i:4lHlr^f.- Ui ,-:..'-: r-uil cm- lt>-. 2 j-'f; ;*tr ' >:" '!; iF.fi ' '-% ^ ,S s<C~1 &tian$\;*)oJ?m8 CK "JOS H.-H*CK1NC. tDlTCTP i. Tii.vjwwAT MoKSiSi'j.Jrf.Y 27, 1S7K. - - The Yomurs t'nueht- | /A; telegiiuu frVun Hamilton, yes-, ' *i "te'rday, suites that the two Yoiiugs, the escaped murderers, wore discov ered in a Kara m'AryllaHuHon, efirly yesterday morning-nnd.arrestedj by a jkww of police Tlie two Barber girls-were with \hem, and ull ,four were" tnkrn without much njsist- nnee, although they had five re volvers in their possession*: j .'.-- H. M. Stanltpr Heard From. Lpxnox, Jnly7'26. Thft : -DmTy Tcl*rr>ip?i announces-this imvming: that -letters from Henry M. Stan ley, the .famous explorer, have1 been reived, dated April 24, fifteen 'days' march from Ujiji." TheTKasteru Conflict* ^ The London Times* i-eviewtng Ithe diffei-enees between England nnd Russian manifested by the East ern correspondence .says the ]>olicy of nonintervention was adopted by Eiiidarid obviously because of root ed indisposition to intervene, .but t is difficult to believe Russia -hsul An Es$e* Tarine* Shoots lilt* Neighbor,% L,' f- T.i;.\.Mtxix>x, July 25, An unfortunate occurrence hap pened to-day," esulisini the death of Daniel Kenyon, of Merfeoa. ? "It ijp- j>ears that Mr, Kenyon aiiif'a mini" named Belcher, who' have been near neighbors' for a number of years, ipiarrolod 'about dr-iwing hay froin tho farm-of .Belcher, but upon land also claimed by Kenyon, and about which there had boon Ber ioiis quarrels previously. Belcher, threatened to shoot Kenyon if ho. came npon tho land, and Kenyon- persisting in doing bo, ho did shoot him, with, fatal effect-,, causing liiii death-'in a! few hours.* Beliiher 1ms been arrested; and conveyed'to the goal at Sandwich. Much sympa thy is expressed for the family of Mr. Kenyon, who', was highly es teemed as a neighbour. Another Murder; Startling details of/u'nothcr butch ery case fifteen niiles from Ottawa, up the Gatineau, are received. The- particulars of the case are as fol lows : Some time ago u.m'an darned Martin Kealy quarreled "aver a frivolous matter with a neighbour, named Hughes. List S Hurdav Kealy met Hngheiymd revived the quarrel. After some" hot words Kealy jumped into Hughes wjgon and attempted to strike him. At any other motive .for reserve thun . inabttitv to" discern- hovv to inter-:' this Hughes picked up th? blade of fere ttFi-cfively. -- " - __Loxdos, Eug., July 24.r Seini' official despatches from YietUiu ex- juvss fear that Austria will soon { s comjielltd to--inteirefeiv in the Servian .'.insurrection. The Aus- trian EoTeign Office h:is infoiuui- ^^on that the officials of the London. Embassy in iServia are about to leave, in consequence "of the bittia- ^ tifm thert. 2\o leave.of abseiu.-e hif been granted to them. s i [a The European Grain Trade. WHEAT STILL FALLINfi. a mowing machine, .-nd struck his antagonist on the head .with' it, the teeth' inflicting a terrible wound. It is s-.dd he struck liim several times after this, and hacked hiiu up -in a Tiorrible manner. The wound ed man was taken to Dr. Fall's sur gery at the. Fiiclie, where- hiswyuhds were attended to. On examination fitwus found that hisihead was hor ribly cut up-, imd the doctor gave his (opinion that he could ttdt-possi-" bly'live manydionrs. He lingered on,-Lowever,until-Monday morning, wht'u he died. -He leavis a .--wifo iu'.tI five children. Archbishop Uourget is, repgrted yvoi-so anthiot expectiM.1 to repovor. Eight Iniudred Icelanders for Manitoba arrived at Quebec on Sunday, : . . : One J uudivd and twenty thous and bitffalo worn slfiughtored on tho North-vvest plains during tho pant, yea iv ! V \Tho Toronto base ball club an$ the Maple -Leaf of Giielph, play a match in Toronto on tho civic holi day, August 14 th. In tho Canadian Log House at the Centennial is oxhjbited the Bee tion ,of a troe.which by the annual rings is fihowti to bo Gt>4 years old; tho tree measured 303 feet in height; :- ' i ' - Dr. Wallace, of Spencerville, Iuik been appointed medical superinten dent of .the Orillia Asylum; Mr, DerUai-d -Mullen,' of Cobourg, Ac- connt'int and Bursar; and Mr, .las. Patterson, of Midland, Engineer. , The "r Grangers of Canada arc :vmakiiig!arrangetiients whereby they may visit Philadelphia at reduced rates. {The details have not yet been decided ; oil, but tho tickets will be good for six \vqe.ks from tho 20th of August. Private-telegrams.from Constan- tinob'.'e say tho Sultan is Kull'tiring from: ilrlirutii 'Ircnit'iiit. The ! Sul tan's brother :has. been sent to the war, in order;to induce the Sultan, to postpuneljia intendcrVabdication. General Sheridan hiis been order ed to take command in the opera tions against tlie-hostile Indians. A despatch saysit is the intention of the Administration to thoroughly punish Che Sioux. bud'- The Mrissnorc of Ciutcr. duhcuii'Tiox ok a mkjiihjan hol- uij:iiwiio haw Tin: kiei-d.of HATTlJU.' Thb'whflisl c>pp noar Gall .ly afTectod with tho inst. Tho imports of foarml atrocitinH by tho Tnrk-a in .Bulgtiriu' aro con firmed. - -.---. Latest lulvicbs-confirm.t.ho'i-eport Liout. John <Jarhiml, a Michigan tliat the sugar crop shewed <j short-. man, writes to tho Oorunnu Amor ago this sjiiiHon of 7.0;000-';', tons. | ican, under dato of " Month of the This oxplaius'to sonioj extent tho Little Horn, Juno 20th," tho fol- adVauciuji lendoncy of tho imukut, I lowing vivid account of Custer's and so far as can ho known at pros ent, prices may bo txpoctod to koop up. In tho recent dobnto in tho HouRft ot Ijords on tho subject of.'intom- ]>eiiinco, the-Bjsbop nf tparlislo pro duced sonio startling statistics. . lln know a girl of twenty who had been in prison- fo* drunkenness thirteen times since 1872, and nn oldor wo man who had sufl'tircdi tho pamo punishinont fifty-two times within tho same period. Several cases of till tupping are reported in Toronto. O.i.Satiti'day a poor woman keeping K sinjill store on Queen Street west/had a hun dred dollars in her possession which sho had senvpnd together to. pay some.bills with. Sho had'the niont^y tied in a bundle, which tho untied to ftivp change to a customer, and on returning to look for it shortly after ii was gone , ^j 4-M ' Loxiiox, July .24. Tlie. jf/n-A- L'i:2? Esj-i\<< iu its wt-t-kly review of the British 'corn tradp says : Tlie prospects of a cood crop now seem certain of frlltilment. " Tliehjiy h-.is- -been -gathered in exi^elfent (condi tion,; though; not-quite as ]ilc-ntifti) it would ha'ye been with a moie favorable fjfring. Tlie root crojw are now suffering for rain. French andSISerman >-!ie;it crops are satis factory, lx>tJi in quality and quanti ty'. The."local trade exhibits con tinued deju-ession; ; \Vheat has de clined one shilling-jjcr quarter, wul will proKibly go lower. - Floating cargoes have ffliared the. general de- - jiresston-,, and"'have-', declined Is. (jr. Is. GtL; but the jiumber of offerings has-been stCiidily reducetl. Cur rent low rates must check, ship ments. -..! ' There an ,st:tutino[ih ish liingua fH 1 -5:~"i::4*t| The Canadians at Wimbletou (From the. GVJie. Cahlt ilfpaiehi J The last stages of 'tUo-interuatibn- _ al match were fired on Saturday. The -.competition arose out of a : challenge ftom the". Austrian rifle men to shoot teams of five men from England, Scotland. Ireland, and Canada. Ireland did not ac- .. cept Lbe challenge. For the two, " fiv;e and six hundred ranges, Mar- tini Htinry rifles were used,"the shooting "taking plaSe; on Wednes day. On Saturday the shooting at the remaining ranges of eight, nine, and one thousand yarde, with small - bore riflea, wa^ concluded, the re sult being England .530, Scotland 837, Australia 775, Canada 701. ' Extirpating the Canatln Tliistje..'_-" ~- A writer in the tScii-niific. Ameri can _E:tysr-in_ renly' to a correspon dent who is troubled' with Canada thistles: The mode that. I found most expedition's, and efiedtvve is to wait until the thistles are' iu full bloom and : before the seeds, were far enough advanced tp ripen, and '.hen mqv\fhem tlown with,ti scythe, which always ended the curse.: The reason' for this": is always that th? stalk becomes" hollow -after the plint lilossonis, and after the stalk is cut it tills with" water, whieli rots the roots ;-,and tjie seeds not being old enough to: ripva the vitality "ends. - : There may be a few plants which have not,: blossomed, and which therefore . will not rot, lint sprout- again,' -which! will require cutting again when they get in bloorh;; and as they are al] cut at once theyr-will grew and blossom at the same'time," so that a second'eu^.ting will finish them.. I have cleaned a field; that was so full not'jhe d season by this method. Or. Wednesday tho w Juntos Carsoij, of Oncidi,, who was happy, becnuso'ho has nSno scalps by-his sido. This is a truo Btiito- mo'nt'of Gon Custer's brnyo_,chnrgo. Those. Sioux were all 'from sonie ngeiicy^ as wo found equipments that had never been used. Also blankets that were new and brand ed U. S. Indian Department. There is very liLtlo inoro to-. say, and as-flie-scouts stint for .Lincoln with tho mail in a fow moments I wiirdoso. mg battle with tho Sioux. This fnar- rativo of Liout. Carlahd is doubt less tlio moat correct story that has yet been published of tho massacre of Custer and his men. Tho letter proceuds thus : j At tho.mouth of tho Rosebud on tho 22nd (if June, wo struck a largo Indian trail loading [up iho Rosebud Valley. Gen Ouster from there took command "of .tho twelve com panies of cavalry and'pushed 911 after the Sioux. .' Ho followed them to tho- ."foot of tho . mountains and found by scouting tho valley that . thuy were encamped oil a .branch of tho Littlo Horn. Tlus wn,s oil thu "night of tho _24fh. Oil the 25th ho took five .companies and followed tho stream down tm ishe could go no further. Tjie fen-ike one sido while Major Reno, :with (had bitten her twice iii tho calf of Death from a Rattlesnake. :: At Pottsville, Pu., on July 19'j Siiss Sarah Goodloo,: ngqd nineteen years, daughter of iul6aditig citizen, was bitten, by a rattlesnake while picking berries,on Wyclcoff Moun tain, a mile and a half from home, and being unablo to reach home, died a frightful death in^the woods. I Sljp. was' accompanied by two littlti girls, 0110 of whom hastened to tlio village'with tho nows,-and two physiciinH repaired to tho spot ns soon us possible, only to find her' in the agonies of death. Tlie little girlH-had succeeded in getting-'her halfa mile on the way home, whsn . fo of Mr. 2 newsjiapei-s in Con- C prinUul in,the Turk- oiie in Arabic, 0110 in Persian, 20 in French, ono in Ger man, one Eiglish, 12 "in Greek, 13 in Armen an, four in Bulgarian, two in Spuniih, and ono in Italian.. Mr. W. prown, Professor- of Agijculturqatv the ^Ontario School of Agriculture, left Guelph on ThuivdaR' rii -oute for England by the steamer Moravian, to purchase sheep, pigs, and thorough bred cat- tlo for -the Model Farm. He ex pects To'be absent about six weeks. Tho oil trade has taken an up ward, tendency, and .refined oil is- now .selling in New Yqrk at 17^ cents per gallon. This has stimu lated the Canadian oil tride, and a tirni -iii London, Out., has already sold 00,000 barrels for-"Export- to Europe. II"i:ry. Ward Beecher preached tqja large concourse of people, at the Thousand Islands'; House- last Sun day.: Tho Committee of five np pointed by Plymouth Church are now ready to hear* any charges against the reverend gentleman. . The dwelling house of William Jameson, - 5th ' con., Arran, with nearlv all the contents, was de- subjt'ci: to fits'of melancholy, mixed nearly a pound of ParisiGreen with water and drank it, thinking it would kill her instantly, but such" was not the case, uiid slu lingered several hours. As soon ns her hnsbaiid learned that sho had taken the poison he sent for the neighbors' and Dr. Dillabough of: Caledonia, who allinriiisterod antmoles and did everything that could be done for her, but to 110 avail. She leaves two children. a A. Word of Advii appears to bo an uiiusii of de^iths * aliiong youii: just now,.caused doubtle excessive heat, and -inj s by ,Tinpr>per food, such fruits. Nothing is more tho latter,1 arid'-parents sh There number children if by the .flue cases as unri|iu fatal than mid exe'r- ciso the greatest caution 1 n" keeping green apples and all suph poisonous articles beyond the teach, of their little ones, seven companies, went down on tho other. Major Reno was to attack tho enemy in the roar, vhile Custer fought theni in front. This would have worked all right, ns Reno had got in their rear. But Gen Custer marching dowti on tho other side, saw what he supposed was the front of the- camp and in;nle a charge on them, the Indians giving--way. at.d letting him right into the gap. The brave man rode-^11 %yith his 3(10 men and would havek lied the whole 2,000- Sioux, I be there had been no enemy him. But instead of charging the front, he was right in the centre of .between 3,000 and 4,000 Those that -were; behind h conctaled untiiho was rigli'. midst,-.and, then',, when-it late, he made ii bold "'dash, trying to cut through them, but tlie euon:y were too many. He foil about tho firBt,ono and, the horses lue.coimng unmanageable,-- tho -]iopr', sbldiei-s were cut down in less time, thlin it takes to'tell it. Tlio Siotix 'then lievo, Jf behind. Sioux. m kept in-their was too , i.i *v ' * ,-'8foyed by^re-Saturday morning, 11of them thatacovv could | thfi Jfumif ^^ ^ ^ riven through ,t,in,one thfcdr live^ ^^ of .tm, ^hild ldfen were carriod-out insensible.' Cause supposed-to. bo- sparks from a de- :; Canada at the Centennial. : The London Daily Netrs' corres- -pondent writes froiii. Philadelphia 1 Tlie jrart taken^fjy tbfr Dominion'of .Canada in the Exhibition redounds greatly iq tlie credit of that, semi-in dependent eountty. She shows agri_ cultural mnclnhery a.s good as any -mile in the United States,.cotton l^tid woollen cloths, shoes, pianos, 'sewing-machines, steam engines, Irardware, tools, and a multitude of articles of domestic nse.,. The qual ity is uniformly gooiL. and .with: few. exceptions American models reclcely followed, ' Itj would be. interesting to ascertain if .the union' pf the7 British American Provinces : has had, as wouldTippear from this .excellent display, a decided influ ence in stimulating -their manufac tures, und thus to findVpThapsinew evidence in .support _of the theory that a certain deOT-.-ie.'of national pride is a necessary forerunner of great achievements' in-;industfy and art.'. .-:":", Theprairiea of Manitoba are now sPfx>se<l: to attracting. Lirgel^i^ of'Ehfo|^m;VfcctlV0. St0Ta immigrants,-who probably iwish to- One day last week Mr.! Adam settle ^ogetherf ftnd CiUi easily do so Fifer, a respectable young man of there. - Eight hundred Icelanders if Iceland can be' considered .a part of EurQfie-t-are the latest in stance of this, as, being forcedr to leave their own country by a vol canic eruption, wliich . rendered nearly half the island uninhabitable, they have chosen.Manitoba for their future abiding place, its northerly position -.being to^ them an attrac tion and not a drawback. Four hundred" more jof these immigrants aro ex|>ectfd at Quebec within,a week. -AVith such rapid immigra tion, before many yeai-s pass, a strong provinea wi'.l be built up in tho Xorth-yvest. --...'. A- Ft-XXT Scexi-.^TI^ Norfplk Iii/vrmer {vouches for the following funny iucideht as having: occurred in a court at Simcoo :r;cently : "'Mistakes'will hnpjK-n i i the.be^t regulated! families," and the adage might-be very appropriat ;ly applied, to court (rooms ; ut all events a ludicrouSjmistake occuned ii^ the Siihcoe court room the jther day. A cert|iin lady unsophistocatcd in if'i/'il cbtitlt etiquette although she was evjdeiitly well versed in another kind of clotting -was ci.lled for a witness ; ishe timidly stepped inU the witness box and "the: oath was tho right leg, and ono.of the fangs was found ban "in" to her .'itcrckin^. When Mr. Goodloe and tho doctor reached the" spot tho unfortunate young lady was fearfully swollen, and her flesh was rapidly turning black. The leg had swollen so that the skin had parted in several places. - The doctor immediately pronounced her case hopeless,,: and" she-died in the greatest Agony be fore sho could be carried from- the woods. Oiio "of the little gir Laura Webb,.says that '.when the snake struck -Miss Goodloe; they were near tho top of the ridge and were about to start home, having their pails filled with berries. "Miss Goodloe. threw herself on; tlie ground shrieking, and the ilittle girl fiawHhb snake still_ hangiiig'to her leg. . She-rail up and seij.jd, it by the...tail, jerked jt". loo.S'<, and killed it with a club. It was thch that.tho fang was torn out." Tho deceased young lady was the 'only 'surviving-child of her father-whoss wife and son met with -violent turned with t.heir force upon jlnj Dr | deaths, the former dying from loci- solemnly ,1-ead over to hek wh ntlv in a qnandarv en she what ;: Wnv E.itTunt, a fanner of the townshif) of Westminster, .has been fined 10 "and costs for allowing Canada thistles_to grovr on his.farm contraiy to statute. The coniplain- aut.was the overseer 'of highways, and now Hunt has,brpught a charge against the.ovei-seer for neglecting hiB dutj' in not" enforcing tho law everywhere in his division. If stich a custom became general we should soon get rid of the1 thistle piest. ,., -J_ " E.- Gt Mellor, projirietor of an -elugaSit jewellery hop on Notre Daiae street, Moiitieal; absconded on Thursday with, jewelery anjount- ing to about;'."$50,600.", He was ar rested on Friday irr'-jPlattsburg. He 'had, in order {to oyade duty,.all the gold melted "down i intc; ingots. Conservative Pic-.\ic. The Cons'-rvsitives of Centre Wellington will Jiold :i pic-nic" at - . .. , ., Fergus, on,: Wednesday,- August i QWWJ fco the extradition treaty be 0th, at noon, at wliich Sir John A;; 'MacdonaM ban proroised't6:attend. Mesfii-K. Tiippjer, M. C^Caineron, T. N. Gibbs, W-MeDou'g'UI, ffnd others are also;expected to be" pres ent. * Pmi-lwiy-'fares--'at reduced l[ AS-OTHERsJCp^VEItT. demission iij in the Mon treJ l}r////^J*,'by; a- person signing himself Itev. Ani'jrosrj- Martin, late lioman :Catholic priest." It is: ru. Topred tnat hejias been led "to this step through Futher C'lirniquy, and. ibe jiafi joined him iiid his chifrch. "He *ays his father was an rrish Catholic ttnd his mother an Eug- lhdL-Methedist. i^Father.. Cliiniqny lias .ceased-to" publish names: of his iiig,under a eloud it is jirobablo the culprit hinjself will inanage-. to escape. !: - j There is now little reason to doubt that Mellor,. tho; absconded Montreal jeweller-, set firo to his premises a few days before'his sud den departure, and that-finding his Another"/ck"m *"or insurance resisted ho gath ered together his stock pfijew'elery and left for the other side.- He has be'eu'inade to givf up $1,000 worth of jewelery, which he ha<l with him, and another lot:-valued alT$3,000 lias been found in Montreal. But where the remainder* is is hot known Logiin -towiiHhip, was working in a field, and' being overcome with tho! heat-he was. obliged to retire to the htuse; In the evening he showed sighs of being ont of his mi ml, and couti niied to g row -worae instil j now he is a raying nraiiiac. "' - A little daughter of Smith Jlub- bard, of Oxford, was jfound in the garden pickiugi and eating potato bugs. This greatly alarmed her parent8,;Avhcj. believed the potato bug to be poisonous.. But she ex pressed ! her liking for them, aiad said that " they cracked like pea" nuts.""- The htigs did tho child no harn.-T | Theodore TJ'ilton denies the sen sational story about his abducting one of his boys. " Tie invited Ralph to go with hii sisters to visit their grandparents at Keyport and after wards1 secured board for themrut Ocean Grove for the summer.^ Last winter, learning that Mrs. tilton was in distress for money he pro posed to send 'her'-. 1,000, butjsh^ indignantly lefused tho gift, j A fen- weeks ago hor lawyer sentj for him and told him. she was :nearly destitute iiid wished he would ai sist her, and le sent her the SlJOOO All the.rest o|f;the tale is sheei|fab rication Within a week foir murd ers. three in.Ontario, and one aero! s the Ottawa in Quebec, have taken ] arid in every isiuiB the murdere his victim lia'e been farmers. Friday, July shot' by John cupant of the berland 14, Wro'. Moo iKice; rand On ro, of Torbolton toiiHiship, Carletoii< was ' -' T-' - Breshenhain, tho' oc- Curri- last converts", owing to, as -he' bringing lryubl!'i>p<'m .tbein: .says, T- - ' ' Last ^Thursday in Cumberland, Russell County, Hugh. McMullen fatally stabbed hjk neighbor, named L^ixicquo, With a 'table fork.; The innrdurer hu;;..l;e'eii une.stod. next farm. In tow lship, Russell week, Hugh McMullen stabbed liis neighbor Larocque. On Saturday on tho Gatineau River, Martin Kealey cut one Hughes, also | a neighbjor, so iiavagoly that he has since died; -J.nA on. the samo day Dauiejl Ijteny >n, of MQrsea town shil),.Essbx, was shot by one Bel cher, the tiwe living. on adjacent farms/ In eve -y one of these trage dies a woman has been'deprived1 'pi her husband, i.rid'frpm one to five children left fatherless. The Tor bolton murderer lias escaped-, jic- Mullan is irjt L'Originiil gaol, Kea ley is still iii 1 irge, and.Belcher has been lodged in Sandwich gaol. was appari! to do next. The Judge seeing tho woman hesitate, sJtid, " Kiss the book/" the lady blushed, and to the astonishment (we might add Bat'SlAction) of the venerable, crier of thd coilrt, reached doyy'n nnd gave him Ii genuine kiss. | The court smiled out loud, and ovjen the stern features of the jutlge were seen to lelax":! Again the woman was told to kiss tjhe book, ninj' again the magnetic influence of' the crier's ambrosali featutes drew her atten tion and he received a second "smack.]' The court (by this time was convulsed in liuighter, tlie judge gave evident signs of uneasi ness, and the constables cried- " si lence," atid1" order,"jto divert at tention from themselvj.es. A very caiefiil ex]>lnnati6n wits then given to tlui woman that if (was the Bible not tho orier of the cpurt that, shu was'expected to kiss,I the duty vms .perforinetliund the court resumed the enquiry- into dry facts and stern realities, j ; . ( A CoXTRAST. -Wfr; yesterday ho- ticed tiro potato patches in gardens only six!ty feet apart, ono lot being quite free from the bug, healthy and vigorous, the other lot with scarcely ^1 leaf left on the stalks Two months since! tho latter c -op gyas much' the "earlier of tho -two, Slid now gives tokens of a small re turn. Tho lot free from bugs lias had fowls through it daily, wliich have picked off tho vermin as fist as, they appeared.-; (the other garden has bean carefully kept from the ch ickens. Elora Observer. Died ruo.u a Sting. A sad oc- cuwonce happened in Montreal on Thursday in the death of Mr. ]5d. Joseph, of the firm of M. Kortosk i Co., Sit. Paul street, from the bito of jsomo insect. It appears that while driving on Sunday after noon last he felt something which ho supposed to be a fly on his upper lip, andj immediately afterwards was sharply .stung. Ho 'paid- no attention' to the matter at tho ii no, but some! hours afterwards his lip- began '-to swell and became verj much inflamed. Jin a day or two the swelling extended to his face and subspquentlyj to his body. Ho took-to liis bed on Wednesday, but his friends did not anticipate fi.tal results until Friday m'orniiig, when ho becariio delicious. His deith took phuie about nine o'clock. De ceased was a son of the late J. G. Joseph, of Toronto, formerly serlor partner pf the "wolhknown firm of J. G. Joseph it Co.j.i'jewellers, Kir.g street. I ' Ii1' , Reno, lie charged them "jvitli one company aiid returned with jonly elev'en men. Ho then retreated a short distance, placing his". men on a bluff.' Ho fcept them 'off {until the night of the 27th, his men going without water forty-eight hours. Ho was relieved by Geus. Terry and Gibjons, who saw'this smoke from where they were on the LitUle Horn,-and thinking, it a signal of the Sioux, marched that way': just in tinie to.save'tho last handfulof the Seventh Cavalry. Out of the whole legi-ment only 328 nnn are lef-7-aiid forty of. them a'ro badly wounded. It makes ones heart tick'to look ovei the battle gmuud and sec the pjior fellows,; some of them with their tntrals {eutj out, others with their eyes dug out and laid across their face.' Tliey jeven stopped tp'ctit their pockets to get their money, and watches, j Tlie most fearful sight was Col. Cook ; he was a splendid looking j man with long dark whisker^ iThs'y dug bis face all Out, so as to get bis line beard it is supposed. [Thcy did riot disfigure General Custer in any v/ay, but his brother Toiii Cusr ter, was opened and his heart {taken out. Tho following aro the.names of the officers .nd citizens1 who were killed: Gen. Custer, Capt. Tom Caster . and-Boston Custer,. brothers of the General; | First" Lieutenant Calhoun, brother-in-law: pf the General, and. A. H. Reid, the General's hephowr who came to Fort- Lincoln with mo (these five brave men all fell within ten feet of each other) ; Adjutant .Colonel W. W. Cook ; Mark Kellogg, .re porter for the New York Herald and Harper's; Capt. Smith! mar ried ; First Lieutenant Sturgis; Capt.- Yates, married; Second Lieu tenant Van "Riley'; 'Second (Lieu tenant Crittendon,- son of Colonel Crittenden;;. Second Lieutenant Harrington ; First _.___ ....... Porter married ; Keogh, married ; First Lieutenant Mcintosh, Indian; First Lieutenant Hogah; j Drs. Lord'and I)e Wolf ; and Charles- Reynolds, chief scout. The wound ed are. now in tho' boat and will start for! Fort Buford fo-mprrow. We estiujiate the loss of the' enemy at 500, though it is hard to tell how many were killed, as thpy car ried most of them away. - Soino of tho men claim that Sitting! Bull was killed, a8 ho is known bylsome, and an Indian answering his.: dfesy cription Was found dead; But no doubt:-this is false, as they would have tirietl to take him along. | Geii. Terry ;aud tho remaining""officers aro foiling very badly. I was standing i by Gejneral Castor when General Terry came up, nnd ns he looked down upon the noble Gene'-j nil the tears coursed down his face, as lio said, " the flower of the army is gonejat last." Ciiiter. is suppos-' ed to have been the-first ono who died, but I though he fell first we found seventeen cartridge shells by' his side'Svhere he bad kept] them off until thp last moment. jThero can bo na bin me. attached tp nivf. one for this fearful "slaughter. If Custer j had had tho whole regiment it would liave be^n worse,-. as. the Sioux wero top many. Of course, there will bo some blamed by East ern papers. ' But, nsan eye wjitness- "of the wholo battlfi, I cannot c.e'n- suro There is pno poor Crow Indian on the boat ;wliO has five shots through him1, yet jaw caused by runnipg u. needle .in", her foot, and the latter hav'ulg been gored to death by a bull. .TpAUM' -FOlBj'SALE. iGreat 3>u.?tra2tio:i of {Life. 1 Sax Fii'AX'cisco, July 2!.^ A despatch frmii" Eureka says ; Abo-it nine'o'clock last night a cloud burst on Diamond Range Mountain, thir, \ farm cm^i.jtitig nf al>rait Tiil acres) being teen miles east of'-here, ? lic'h to-r1;"-' f1;'1':^; }.^ J'[ -b"t >.'.-. 21, in i.i- .1 1 .! . ( linut:e suited in. the .death ot thirtrurn ' * TALKER LODGE No. 331, Bega^annouhcc to the people of Aeb* ' A. r. tt aL JI. ' j that he has opened out in the building-. The Ilegukir fleeting of, the above j lately occupied by Geo. Stoddard^ on) Ix>lgL- will lie litlfll in the Masonic ITall,' the: corner "o Mill arid Elgin streets, |. Actou, on Moiid;jv, July. 31st, at 7:30 | where will be -found at all tinreg U' p.m. JOHN Itq.S.S, .Sec;1, j kinds of 'TpHE, ;".'./, ' : r~^ Caqaai-Fruits, 0aa'fli03.s .1 -^X SlJm G&m SiNGERS ['Will retuni. and give one of them pjc>>r>r <ti ej jr Ts In a 'qwjhtys. "Lo.nli cut for sjrill bills!with full par ticulars. . .' " :" Positively, bat <ne night: VJOILX ASilFOIlD,"Manager. Chinese wood chopper.*, turlpr.'ibi- bly a large number of Itdialis leunped ill 'the. canon getling'out timber. Without a moment':) no tice a column of water two feet high rushed upon .'th (in, throwing all but oiie Chinaman. ' The Ital ians were ' camped a short tli.shuiir.- above, itlid as no trace can be found it is feared all'perished.* EvEtt "tue S'asik.-^-A contem porary, who possibly suffers as he reflect?, pens /the following/-: -Cen turies come and go, and how great the changestbat take plice. The king of to day la the beggsir of the morrow. Dynasties are overthrown, and the,i insignificant province springs into, a mighty nation.' In the rapid, (light of'time countless deeds of valor and bravery are ; wrought, only to be j forgotten, dike the everchaiiging scenes in a kalei doscope ; but the boy of to-day wbo eats green apples, experiences the same sensation of pain as didfthose. who existed lon centuries ago A CAJJD. To'-o'l RiitrerlriR fri>iu Uie wrttrH a*ril iudl^crc-tions ot'jcuuti, ni?rv<nis w.'alcue^^, early' deca.r, Iopk of iniiiil'i^oil, Ac, I will send a ivclpe Unit will cure yuii, ,1'UKK OF CH,AK(IK. Tins great ro'iieily was discovered by a niLsslijuuiry lnHomtiAm rlc-i. 'Send anell'adt*i'sspil. pvelope to tho Itev. Josteji T. I^man, Station ivlilble House, New VoikCitj'. Eri's' Cocoa. Ghatkful A-n_o Com-, kokt'ing. "By a thorough knowledge: of the natural lawB wlrich govern tho ___________ operations oLdigestion and nutrition, Lieutenant ' aadliy a careful application ol. tho fine propertied ;of Well selected cocoa, Ml*. Epps has1 provided our breakfast tables' with a - delicately flavored beverage which mayeiTe us many'heavy doctors? bills. It is by the judicious use of sueli articles of diet that a constitution may1 be gradually built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies arc floating around us ready~td attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many .1 fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood arid.irpror perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. " Jambs ,- Errs & Co.,. Homieopathic Chemie,t,i 4S, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." if Near Ajcton, on the 21st inst, tho v/ifo of ijr. John Mitchell, of a s^on. JFlour ... White Wheat, . Tread well.. Spring Wheat . Red-Chaff Wheat Barley '.'.-. Oats. . '.,".. ,- -. Peas! \ PptAtdes; per bag Ijiitter.: ... ' ^S8- ii !. 11 ay, pCr ton - . Bacon .-. Ham '.... Shoulder___ Lambskins.. . Pelts "'..; Lard . ... . Tallow .;.T - . ACTOM MABKETK, .. 62 00 to 2 50 ho' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- SERVANT CilRt WANTED, ; for general housework. Apply to' MRS. JOHN SECORI). un.ler.-.:g-ieil alid barn, small orchard. Tlu l.i:n1 .if c-xceliuiit' <i:ialiV.', well"watered, _. , _ , LtTLji eltrircil, Liata'ncc kboiI ni:iple-v.-iod. | alv,ny.s:<m hand Ap^.y WW. .L. lk. 'Eager,Milton, or to.! '>_y. the JKiih- ' the liwnt'r .rn the pR'iniaeb, or by letter',-7-' ' '- to Aet.oi. I'u.it Olip-.a. - T DANIEL TIIO^IPSON E::que:iing, July lS,.18r<>." 3-3.ni. vjOTli'i .Tb -FAHJ1ERS. - Having parchased the threshing".ind sawing machines lately owned by' Messrs. J. & A. {Mann, with the under standing tliat they did- not intend car rying on tho business, and having got the machines put in good repair, I am prepared to. receive orders from fariaefrs lor threshing aiid sawing. I liave se- ctireil the "serviefcs of a tir^t-class tlireiili- er of. s**veu".een: years' experience, and er.ll guarantee satisfaction' iii all casca. The- patronage ,bf the farmers.respect fully solicitett. ' :." ' tiONALB McDonald, Lot No.j 30, 4th coiu Es'quesing. July 19, 1S74 _ 3^4t ! T^ARM for Sale in Eramosa. * The undersigned offers; to sell hia- farm, being the East'Half of Lot No. 3, irt the; 7th concession of.the Township ot Eramosa, coinprisiugabout 63' acres, about 40 of which af^uudercultivation. Good log liousp and "barn,- orcnardl :etc. It--is . si,tuaiedj about mid\i-ay between Aetou and KocUwo<fiL For particulars, enquire, of Mr. Wm-. Hemstrect) Rock- wood, or the. owner on the. premises. -JOHN McINTOSH. Eramosa, .Tidy 19, 18J6. -'.. 3-3m O, T. Hfl_L, Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER JN 1 00 Tb 1 03 1 00 to 1 05 .0 9G to 1 06 0 98 to 1 oa 0 00 to 0.00 0 30 to 0 32 0 00 to 0 00 0 30ito 0 3o 0' 15'ta 0 00 r 0 10 tod 00 10 00 toll 00 0 11 to 0 00 0 12 to 0 14 ' 6 10 to 0 12 0 50 to 0 80 0 50 to 0 GO' 0 12 to 0 13 0 OGtoO 07 Grocerios,;:- :. Ci5Ckor7, : Boe'tgj & Shoes, Wail Paper, Vlndov BUals, ,.v Noils', C-lass, Putty, Linsood Oil, Paints, TurpDntlno, Coal Oil, Salt, etc-, ' All of which will be sold low for cash. BOojrS and. SHOE^ 1 Selling off at-.cost. { )' Also agent for tho., j : tBUB]KBR PAINT COl^&M^ '-j6f Cleveland, Ohioj ..-'-"-'. Cnsli for Ilidcss Acton, July 18,1876: ' \0 BREEDERS. Splendid Stopkl TlNWAllI If you want a Boss Cbokhy? or : ': WILSON& v Always in stock,! t. -_ _...^- StoVes. Stove TrlmmlB,i*I"! ^**|. V Iron attd JuplMed^M?: Particular attention Vi^> ] Stencilling and Jobbing d?B^| . shortest notic*?- '."':j[ Cotton Rags, Copper, Brass, VfyV? her produce taken in eicharnge- |.,,y- The I thoroughbred :' Durhaiii -, Bull, 1 ^her V*>&<* tak* * ff^Q^fg: " ZEPHYRi" Jsir'e imported f <, Sheriff,"-i -4 ! 3-Call UtiiL SeeUwTr^^f. dam "Sitnspuriol 10th,1') will stjrve cows "Kcmember the ^tandirona^d^^g-:-: this sea8bn,-o'n Ibt No. 27, 3rd i coil, Es- of .^0 Canada Glove Wqjrks, ; /j T dMfi. quesing (near 0.T. station)js{foUoWsv ;-'-_ " 1?iB'B>TS!'p:!lACftwi'-^*-l Durhams-?10.00; Grades 2?50. " .! . MIL*^ ,STBE5TijArrJLij^;'" NSKWEY SMITH.. W.- E, Wiisox. ? dpl^l| Actpn, Juno 20,.lS76.x,'v " #-2in ." " Ac\on, April 11.; 1876* j ' - ! :^^5I{| ^^ ^&$&m