Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1876, p. 3

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!fc** v^SW^/i^ 'r""~ Lfe fcV*^^S*i W, fcTKHBJijSj: sj 3- H~~ jf=^*ii* i'WsAiia-j.;t*-ittifci m. J (ose He** f" i -j i INS *ple if AcW the tsiidsng ^t<vlilijrd, on "irrr-. streets,' ill times all' Sriais* eta;. : 'Vl ! D2.3H OB h* Houses1, j ' - pbuild. ;5 rv> "~ "? > Is fih fo rv' *. -: :.ni. Crcara -' irnus,{or sale?.- ' SHOP m^Hair-Scat- -sa be <lene in [ rial art. IE, -*: or: Pado*V^. * <^I >S. ck,- Ware.; L^ n pjiia to, ""' -3 C*\ TIU*SX TI*K TABLK. Trains leav* Actin. as follows; , . " aoixo WKhT. * Morning Mail - t KlOalm. IHyBxpwsa - * 2.00 p.m. ""$.17p,m. Ripross --.- . .'*- Mi**4 * T:15p.ni, \Xifht K^l'res* - 12:45 ajta* -, OIXO .KAST. b?iM Express - ' SiS7 a;ki. Mured : 9:10 a.m. Ml * * . - 11:35 a.m. 5:17 p.m. Miie4 * *-- * . 10:05 p.m. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C<meoYt . \tssonic~Notice=-John Ross, Soc Servant Girl Wanted Mrsv SeCe-rd. FostiOfficc Gash Store Jasj. Matthews. Ho: for Bsrgaius McLeod. Anderson LOCAL MATTERS. T Acton Hiir^next: Thursday. t -'v--. *<? '. i OurnHhankV to -Mr. John Milne for'another package of St. Louik ..newspapers., ( '.. ^ heat-of last week -.' has suddenly chaivgi-d to coot-, weather, requiring warmer clothing. Clothes-liiuj thieves, are-again _on the rampage. Mr. Kbhage and Mr. Grant are the ^ctiins of misplaced cou- '-. tidence. ' ? > ;.'.-. j I Return .tickets to Guelph. are now issued at the Acton Stition. for 65 i cents,-good to return foi four days froni date of issue. J Rustand the Midge have made 1 ratber scrioaa havoc with the f.-JI whcit ( hereabouts, making it in a few instances -| .hardly worth cutting. Spring grain'and -. other crops look-remarkably well. The rnejnbers of St, AlbiiuV .. fiurv-h arere,-tuostoUt*i mot at the chErch -on; Tuesday evening at 7:30 oeipci, foi the transaction of important business. A full attcmlcncc-is earnestly - requested; _ Tili.igo Council.' meets this ereninj;. It is hopel sximo aetion will le taken to>var>is buildirig a sidewalk to thejsiation. Thu tidwi". petition,'which- . wai| sent in some ir.i;cths a^o, should not Ii*e lonircr-Jcnored.- .v , : A minstrel troiirvelcntitled'the yew York Variety Oinibination. under the n--jir.gcn:cut 'of J[r. Lew Gardner^} is annour.^--d bv^ peters-to -give an ezi- . tfrtainraent ::r the Vr.'.l Slu-d her, .nest Tuesday- efftiiibg. We--presume th"ey will be wt!l }>atr(>u:ze:L: - . ' ^ Of ..all thelady csnd.idnt-es 'for ~ teachts's certirlcaV-s at tlie CVmntj- ix- miinatjcn, i'uly two werv Successful, viz i'. Mus~-Mciirl!ar and Misi.:JIoore, lioth"of-Acton Sehtvfl. ; Feathtra'mnst have leupk-nt:fi.I around ^Jilt<in, alter J. the Examiners gut. ilirongh their ialiori.: The pinckfcd oi:us will have the ratisfae- : tion. however, of/'kinivring they have plenty of company tliis ycir, all over the .. IVoyince.-; ; _T'JJ". j:j_ -^-Tiio mar>:iger of the Gibiu t^tve Singers, wLoj were here a few " jecks ago, writes ns to announce that they will give, one of their inimitatfle conoerts in, Acton, in a few days. ^Ve presume all those-who heard their, ting ing before will want" to. hear them again, and thote who didn't.bear thejn, should Dot miss this' opportciiity. _ We notice ly the Toronto pspers that they had a flattering reception in that cityv where -they remained about two weeks. - '^ A Grand J?romenazle Concert will be held in the Drill Shed, Acton, in about two weeks. A rare treat may *| be anticipated, as the promoters have." been ^nost rbrrunate in procuring cele brated tilent from Toronto.,G.irelph, and other-places, in readings, vocal and in- stromental music, dx. . The programme * will be a most attractive one. If yon! wjsh a superior treat, patronise this laodible -nndertakiiig. The proceeds will be applied towards liquidating the debt on- St. Alban's Parsonage, Acton. riieoQng with very Rratifyittg sUpcws, and ttat tho work of aurv^sying and gathering inforWtion i rapidly pro- grewing. f The^ proposition i? ^to publish the Atlas in book.iform, to contain from 125 to 150 large pages, embracing maps of every township,-towti'and villago in tho county, portraits, of our loading citi-1 xcus, views of public and private build ings and placet of local Interest, also*' fill and authentic history of thp county and biographical sketches of prominent local men. The Atlas will be a beauti ful wwk of art well printed on heavy toned linen paper, bound in muslin, with leather'tips, and embossed si.do stamp. Itwill also contain Dnoly executed dou ble p.ago' maps of Ontario, Quebec and the .Maritime T'roviitccs, Manitolm and the United States, all handsomely color ed in Counties, also maps of the counties of Brant, ^Vcntworth, Lincoln \ and Welland ; also a Patrons Directory giv- ing'the names- of all subscril>era, their location, date of settleriieut in tho couri- 1 ty, i their nativity," post office adifress, and nativity. \Ve- fell sure the work will bo Well worthy. e4 patronage. "Kithor, Mr. Mathieson oc some one else connected witli it, will bo in this sesetion of tho Count}; in the course of %\\t> or. three weeks, for the.purpose of taking'brders and; prtKuriug information. . Tearben" CxamlaatloB. At the County of Halton examination for certificates of qnalilication as pulJic scho<>! teachers,- 'fifty-ono applicants were present. -There were eleven can\. didates for second class and forty foif thirvl class qertilicates. One second class candidate was successful in obtain ing lifty. per cent-of the marks assigned to eavh of the papers in Grammar mid Arithmetic, and also fifty per.cent of total value -of all the papers, anil was awarded a second class certificate. The following arc the names of the success ful candidates : ; '.' ' , ; SKt\>J<"P class. " Joseph; Martin. r THlfel> CLASS. M.i2ea; David Brocelbank. j ' - Miles E. Bacon. 1 Janies Collins. Colin Cameron. Malcolm Gonlon. ,"Wm. H. Grant. T1h. H. Meikle. Matthew Maxwell. Thompson McCran'ey. Thos, Moore. Henry A.'.iYentieyj- Fernafcs C.-irollna Moore, f "i J~ - Mina McKellar. , f: CEKTincAfES EXTE.NDEP. Thos^ Comer. ' 11. A. Fleming. Uarrie E. Cunniugharh. ---- Matruie Jar\is. - - * ' li.af>cUa MeDowlU. Amelia Smith. ..'" ..": THE FREEj PREBSi A0T<|)^, HALTON COUNTY^ ONTl, i JU SECORD B -A-OTOOST. LB.-A. -tEi' G- --A.^ M s To Cool the Hot "Weather. ! ' . of gflod butter, frejh .ecjrii, and- go<Sil, cleali tallow Acton. Their famous 50c Tea is still ahe.'d.. , , - j arriving ^_ , flailj'. new lots of those famous low- - I2?ctfd Aiiierican T>rint^, , from .Tc wp. The. Larrocse: Mlrli 6,1 Toronto, ; ( .Tickets to Toronto and return: for . isingle^fare will be.issued at the_Acton -^. Station on Saturday .next, good to retnm :' until Mondays ';' .----- o -----.-----: , Something ?ieir lor Ladles. The ladies of Aqton and vicinity ore - -invited to. pall at McNair's Millinery t, and Dry Goixls Store, and examine" the : ':new and delightful Perfnms ;called "PzErEcno'y," the only Perfume and ' Lily White Combined, in the Dominion. ._, Every lady should call and .see it.-? D. . McSaie Sole Agent for Acton, L4-$m TU Stale a b/a Tramp. . List Friday morning, when Mr. Jas. Syder's wtikkmen entered ^iie.shnp, it was discovered that a tfamber _of tools had beenTBtoXen. 'A large pane of glass wag broken out of the window in. the carriage show room, and here it Is sup posed the thief entered sometime doling -. the night. A boarder at Campbell's ,Hbtel:wbo happened to get up about break' of day, saw a suspicious looking character walking up the "middle of the street, trying to avoid beihgdieard or ^eeh. AThen the tool* were missed, "' ,n*picion at once fastened updn ithis -. man. On the following day -lir.fEyder rot-Mr. Barber drove down to^j Silver Creek and there found one .of the tojots, *hich had been traded off for^whiskey, -p*d after they got -'twee of"the rest" of them. fShey ' bad been sold at different places 'along tne road between here and Georgetown^ The culprit however, got beyond their ^ cli, and is no doubt still on the , tranp. : :;: attstartcal AOju of BaUbn County Wehad the pleasnre the.-other dayo: J.lffleetmit with Mri Robert Sfcthi Joir, formerly publisher of die Mflton Chi - fi who is now engagod^-with others] eompUing an hUtorjcal atlas of thif *nty. "Mri Mathieson. bells ui he i See them. Christie, frolh Henderson Co. tJvsi to' Hand. Two large lots of ;tho3e 516. eadilies of Tea at $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, S3, 3,75 and 94}per icaddyv Ahio another lot of our celebrated Me teor Tea?, 50c per lb., of this, past sea.- soii's pick, choice and fresh. It'has no rivali. At the Tea House. SlX'OEl> Bros; men One gy , asked for a Abdnction. O^i Tuesday, the 11th itist., two with a horse and-b.u>;gy drove t)o the residence of Mr. James VVarQ, aliout six miles from Oak- ville[ on 'the Gth line Trafalgar, of tbem.remained in:the bug- t|he other went to the bouse and; the daughter of_ Mr. Ward dritik iof water. -Whilst sho was | absent proenriing; it, the man skzad her illegitimate child, n girl "about three years old,-ran'with'it to the buggy, banded it to his com panion, got Tin himself and drove .off. Two boys- ran. after them for -a coriiuleral)lovdistance,-but one of. the. men drew a-.'/revolver and threatened .tofihoofc them if they did Hot, ret urn.~The boys then gave up the chase. Suspicion fell upon a farmer on tha lake -.-shore, "who wa3 irrested, biit he proved jto be the. wrong" man, and.; ws Conse quently discharged. ' Nothing; haB been heard up.to the present time eithelr of tho child or captors. One e men is described as tall, sal- complexion, and basra large- on, his right thu"mb.: Oak- Express.* [- ].-. of tl low wart villc UBGLARY.- On Saturday night last] Mrr. Thos. Beamish's hotel; tfas broken into Jind four bottle? of brandy and $17- in money -Btolen. Th^ burglars effected" an entrance tb A a _ window into the1 bar room of the hotel. | No clue has as yet been discovered which -wduld lead to the apprehension of the thieves. Qeorgetoiim Herald. .' StabJjinq AFFAiB.'-r-Ohe_day this ek two navvies working- on Mr. 'cBrien's "section of the H. <k N. '. Railway, had an., altercation, 'ben one;o tblam drew a large nifo and stabbed the other. .The ounds are not likely to prove fatal. | j The Independents of Milton went to Hamilton on Saturday 15th, and played a game of base ball with the Standards of that city. The News sa^s the Milton club started the game; well, whitewashing the Ham- iltonians >the three first innings, and.bad it not. bean for ihe crippling of two. of their men, the game would have been different. They intend gotpg to Hamilton again in a fibjsrt tiiue.j fjTho score stood 4 for tBe Independcnte, &hd 15 for the Stan dards, i- - :.: Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 25c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 30c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 40c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 45c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 50c. Half dozen Glass Goblets, new design only 65c. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish,; new, only 35c. ; i -i . I' I . ' '" ." 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, ne!w, only.40c. I handsome Glass Preserve Dish, nciw, only 50c. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 65c. ": '. Preserve I)ishf new, oinly 75c. assware, four, pieces, for only 50c. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only 75c. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only $1.00. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only $1,25. 1 handsome set of China, 44 pieces, jonly $4.00. I handsome square 30-hour Clock ^3.00. 1 fancy rosewood 1-day Clock worth $5.50 for $4.25 1 fancy rosewood 8nflay Clock iworth $6.50 for $5.25. Salt per Barrel, only $L00. ' i -"'*- -' :.-. i ' , ' <T Targe Stock of New Teas, just to band, cheaper still. : i- , Y-Bigiiriiliij <Y 27, 1^7j6 f THAT WONDlBR^trij MM^, $Oim Hfe&^^TJBLPH Cpper Wyndham Street, Alma Block. Tromeadoiifl Excitement I A Paaio I Sse tlw Bush. I Great Slaughter. No Old Bpiikrupt Stdfcta^ 1M4 Caaea and Bales of Fancy and Suple Pry <iood altTrioea tbit wUlaitemiBti the P ' TheMaratloMii that people murtbaire good, aouiad and honeat foods lii return for their money $ [moth eaten and bankrupt 6tun*won'ilo for^ho" PfMent iatelligent day],' 1 bare bad to come to the rescue be for* to day t and now that the Trade of Uuelph requires regulating I am again called in t^> battle against high prioes, inferior ehuses of goods Mid old fogy noUons. I h>T ihU day marked off j . T " , --,..' An Immense Quantity of Staple and F$iricyl>^ and I will aatonUh U^ iitfWuhU at thej*^ "K/TllllTliiT^T TV/TltliriiSlT^rr ^:MostB*qqisltTaste is to be hadln Ladies'^ Hate, Bonnets, Jackete.Mantillaa, and a^ JXI.llXUi.piv , JUlliUiQl JT . est Designs in the Millinery and Mantle Departmental MISS, SrjLLlVAN-.t'be Lady Milliner^ p^esen.te to the public the most elegant Uste and designs in Ladies' HaU and Bonnets to be found on this Continent. Indeed the eulogies.bestowed on pr UsU In Trimmed HaU, *o., are almost beyond description. I would earnestly request a visit of the Ladies "to my " _" Black, Colored an^ JPlaid Slks, U m - w.-: Bhoh exceedingly good and elesaot qoalitiea as are on sale at snob extremely oheap prioes, cannot faiLto satisfy aU that there cannot be'idoubt about p|archaslng at that Wonderful Man's MammothStore.; l^iesfano^diwgo^sawia marvel oif beauty, elegance and cheapness. % grand Glass 1 set Table Gl| Don't forget those wonderful Lustres at 12| cents per yard,; well worth j 20 centsT amaztng value. prices all through this department are a terror to competition: [it's weakness in me, butl can't help it, to give cheap goods.] ;" ' - My Old Motto it My old friends and customers will be g!ad to bear Of May 5, 1875 SEC0BD BROS. |)RUGS, 0R1I0S. Smsrs, Ohpaleal*, Dye Staffs, Patent and. Proprietory tfoOioi&ei, . Fsacy a4'loilet Boap^ Spoaarei, Bruebee. : Points, Oils and Vamlsiei. Paacy and Rubber acods. praz A2TD LIQTJOas for MellclaaJ, Purposes only. at ten per cent below Toronto All goods warranted of the best quality and plcres. , ", ' I "'- . Don't forget the place, MetiicalHall, MiU. streeij, Acton, March 13, 1875. _Acton. G. E. MOEBOW. Jj^OTICE, Pmprvins D^n. wWiout 8^(0^1118^6 & WagOll or Air Tifat'Outs. I.beg-leaVe'tO. notify the public that I have purchased the patent-right for th village of Acton to sell arid use E. H. Shourd's Patent Bight, known as Shourd's New Dominion process for preserving Fruit," - Meat,. Vegetables, Eggs, JTish, etc., in open vessels, with out sugar, -salt or vinegar, perfectly fresh and sound. All persons Belling or using the above except by my authority after thip notice willJ>o liable to action. , With'j reference to the above," I fbeg I leave toj say that I will sell family rights to use the above"for two dollars each. No family can afford to be without Jt. . j '.'".- JOHN PrSECOltD; Aoton, July 15, 1876. 3U1& St Acton. MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General Blacksmith, '. Carriage and ; Wagon-maker. Peet Hor6e?8hoeirs in the Gouhty. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no price charged. rin*-Clasi neirs ansa CaUarO's rateat Irsa lamps always kaad. A good-stock of Carriages and Wagons. Bepauing promptly and properly at tended to. \ I > Aotoi My pi 1876. V Large .Bales; Cheap &o\>44; Small Profits and Beady Pay, ' this large arrival of cheap and good goods by double better than any bankrupt stock. f JOHN HOCC, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Gutlph. "% CARD OF THANKS ChriHtie, Henderson ti Oo., Acton, desire to tender their sin- cere thanks to their many custo mers for the large share of business accorded them during the past season. to On the 1st April last, in order meet the views of the closest buy ers, they determined to adopt the POPULAR CAjSH SYSTEM, doing business at the least possible expense and selling goods at the ; smallest possible protit. ..' ' This step they have no reason to regret. The result has proved most satisfactory to themselves, and they trust, much to the satisfaction and pecuniary advantage of their custo- -i -i i mera.- r ' v !' ' ! : - i - Notwithstanding the great de pression'in money matters gener ally, their sales, since adopting the cash principle, have been largely in excess of former years and their circle of trade much extended. They trust that by close applica tion to business, always watching carefully the wants of their custo mers, and selling goods at closest prices, they shall continue to merit the large share of trade.so liberally, accorded to them. They invite close inspection and comparison both in prices and qual ity of goods' offered, and have no fear of the result. Hoping that a bountiful harvest may crown the labors of the bus* bandman, and that a good price may be obtained for ;the same, thiy again assure their numerous friends that no effort will be spared en their part to supply good reliab le goods at the least possible cost. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON A CO. P. S. Try our famous 5Dc! T^i, the best value in the! market, i 0., H, <k Co. Acton, July 19, lfc)76. \\' ! - .WS.>-". h HQ! FOR BARGAllls; OUT THE RAHFaOE. Ljaofc Out:&* Cheap iCJiaocls. MAMWOTH HOUSE HoLEOD, ANDEES01T fij Co. " [\:".\.- .'-"/'Pop Tbjrfjjr Blayff Calyj. ' : CUTTINC AND SLASHING RIGHT AND LEFT. No quarter will be given. . Alt g'oods marked down, and, wifl be sold rer' ' '.. ,""| Dress Gctods, Mil^ini Qrena4ine& and Priptai At Cost Price and Lower. '"': [} AlItLINp&Y $MAti^ made and -Ordered ? Clothing, v tweeds, r GenU' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, &&., at extraordinary low price*. Call and examine; it will pay you. '; A-.:.- <i\ , r Carpets, Oil Cloths; Bugs, &c.,. a clean sweep ttiust ; ' be made of these goods. Cottons, Tablings, Quekf, DnHiags,;4*we'K -^ lings, ftc., at yery low prioes. . -'_ '-... '- -;\ "' We commence our Annual Sale! on Thursdiiy,^ July 30th, and shU - continue it for 30 days.. Kemember we never advertise Anything Ukat we do"jnpt perform, so that you can reif upon getting b^rgnios and first-o1p goods cheaper than ever: Come and see our prioes aad eramipe our gOQdB.^ 'f- . HAMMOta HO0SE, QEOBGEljOtVH. Sfal# DRY OOODPf isTow G0ing;pn ati j " ! I'-i Croods Sold at or "bslo-Tr Cost. No Housq 'w^st o;: Toronto can or-will sell Goods as Olxeap.: The Stock mqst be greatly reiluced befdre me>vlps tot, onf - '. 5newBatldliUc. SUMMER PRINTS fNl) GRENADINES Specially Oheap. J sa-OALL AK9 CtX$- BARd AJQ13.'ta Acton, July 12,1876. D. McNAIE. ALL KIN.DS OF BOOK AND rBOMPTLYiEXOBCUtKD AT FRE m

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