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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 3, 1876, p. 3

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^,w.^...^ ^^-f^SP^-^i4A^^Jj^ei|r, -"'^riii.'s*iaria.j^iii^u i --. flj! *? " tate I0 .? .& * S. !-AwTL Uli 5 (STIIRE . j4 I Wyndham Stie^ [ rft -ySccrqahtt at, HI ACTAX,Is is : Patty, TarptatJJM, A OttSilt,to^ low far T fc1 I at cost. ;\-r-' -OOMPAHT Id, jQfeio. be. /- Books Lory -.!r^ Cfce*-; *'# ism '!" THE FREE PRESS; ACTON, HALTON COUNTY^ ONTf] AWttST:f%' l7m B.iXb:TII\K TIMK T.MU.IS Trains leave Acton as follows: OOING WKMHorning Mail -.- - . . Pay'Kxpre*8 L- " . : Kxprcis * - Mixed--? - . ^ .. - Sigkt Express Night Express - MiM^l %. . j-r:" pv Express . - - Ml *-' Mixed - " 0.10a.m. 2.00 p. m.. 5.1";rt.nu: ' ?;liSn.mi. 9;10*ia 5tl? p.m. 10:05 p.m. SE NEW ADV-BRTISEMBNTS, Horse wanted-^-J. B; CVyrtcs. / T-v Clearing fcalc Goods at any price^-D. McNsir; ^ OttW Tweods-f Dickson <0 MeNab. ChcairBooks and Stationery T. Pay. Tigs strayed or stolen Kdward Moore. LOCAL MATTERS. Actpn Cattle Fair id day. Quite ' a number of our Vil lagers-attended-the pic-xiie yesterday at the McLaren's castle in Qalcdon. -Tlie " New York Variety com pany " entertained a email au-.licnee in Prill Shed on Tuesday evening. The date for the Concert to be ".given" in behalf of the &t Albans par sonage' has J>cen-fixed for the loth mst- Xverythin^ promises well for a grand success. ! ' On the Grain!1 Trunk, next Wednesday^ to the great base hail match "at. London. Pare from Acton and return only'$i.*0. It is pro- : bable a special train--will start"early in the morning- ' ' ~ ' - Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Morri son, of Xassagawpya," started on Mon day for Montreal, thence they -will pro ceed to New Brunswick and around: t>y 2\ ew York to the Centennial. They expect to he away about two months. On .Friday "Slight the shingle mill owned by SC~*Irwin, of Erin, occu pied by Mr. D. A. Cooper, and located at GlenwiUiaais, was destroyed by .fire. XojAnst can.lie assiirlitHl for the nrc. IB : ]&. =rr- CORD -AiOTOIT- -R <3- -A. ilisris The MarrioRc Vow. As 1 ani nlnnit to take a very import tant-t<;p in life; I write you to ask who were the framiirs-of U\o inarriago' vow.J I know they wero^iot ladioa, mid that is somo sa^isfaetiou, hut not-suflicicnti I ^W li^o-to know theirQiamos.. 1 3:37 a-tti {"W^ntto bo as personal as. poisiblo, for thbyhavo mode it a, very personal mat* tcr to tae, jiut now at least, oihI not"' wishing to "go it blind," 1 have takon the "trouislo to loolc into this matter a. -little, and I fear it \vill perhaps bo ft personal matter all my lifo, that is"ttk- | unless I. docamp thej night ^beforp njy marriage, which thought, I jpray miy be forgiven me, as 1 liayo no real inteiu- tion of carrying it out '. I said I want;- ed to know their names, for I must needs let off a littlc\if the strain of i'niy wratli at them. j\Vhy-havo.ladies Wen silent in the pait, suiferihg much and jsuffoiing long ? (I have-: seen that re mark " somewhere before.) Why have they Wen -willing tij take down such a word-as^" oWy " tuid^iieVer raise' their ,\lonie against those lonls of .creation Svho'ipresume to ask.such a tiling. 1 for ouo will not be surprised if that word chokes nio yet.' I never think of it;but my thyroid, cricoid crico-thyroid and arytenoid muscles are stretched to .-their utmost tension. AVhat \\-illLit W 'when 1 go to pronounce it and that" be fore all my blood relations! 1 shudder at the .possible result.' Brit as I said before 1 am a lady of .honor jttnd thero,4s no chance to. Kick out. lv is a vain thoiikjht,- but if, if I had only1 reflected calmly sooner. iXow I submit to your judgment, "Mr., Editor,' when we are asked 6b loiv ami h-:uwr and promise to do so, oughtn't that to W enough ! Oh, how exacting men are!" ItVcannot mean "ih.it wo are to obey them in what con scious! tells us is wrong, and won't we obey them in everything else if we lova' and .honor, "all people and potentates to the contrary potwithstauding!" {Punch.) "It cannot mean more than -this. At least it won't in my case, audi wish my future lord and master to understand this at once. Iwish to ;-r-r- n v ril mil / I An give him ample time to change his muul Haf f UOZeil CjlaSS ,1 UlllblerS for Ollly 41>C s,; OSAT WONISEIBFUL | MAN, ^(mN HOGG, Upper Wjiidhani Street, Almla Block. Tremendous Ezoitement X A Panio I See the Ti^Opolthe aat.^tethte / Half dozen Crlass Tuihhlers for '.billy 25c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 30p. _ Buihling injured, bit for what amount is not known. The Slave Cabin Singers gnye ' a concert in the Methodist Church last - pridaJT- evening. Tho audience" was small, but thesin'^ihg w^s reallv_govxl, and those who didn't attend missed a rare treat. They hndji larje and ap^ preciative acdiencejn tlie GuelphTown HaD last Moaday evening. "We are informed by Mr. O. ~-toner that last -Saturday night, some . one "WJis ' he^ird prowling around his house, apparently "trying to get in." The following morning, it was disco'vered that an attempt had been mr.de to pry open one of the windows wiih "some ""ijon.-instrumtnt. Those tramping seal- liwags are a igrcat nu"sanceT_ "__, it.duty should so direct. Ixniking sit tiungs in this light isn't the ivord'suporr lluou*, to fay lionuVre? But 1. do say li^ore, it is a relic of l>arl>arism and miist" have originated iiithe good (?)-old times ^- ion do as 1 say, Hot as I do," was the .golden, rule. I -knoyr. some people, -who consider -themselves more orthodox tkaii 1 ani will gnnte the good oUl tnok and say, *' ^Vi\jes. obey vonr husbands." Well, rthat. is aH right, and if they hail transferred a little of the eontejit V would not object, but the true sense has -Wen perverted, ant) is Wing perverted daily. If I "were only a mem ber of parHameiit,= or a_prinie minister, or Wtter still, secretary of the war .de partment, do ycu "suppose I'd givie any' oijarter to those' Turks. I go iit for" emancipation from-all kinds., of slavery, -thcoretitxd as well as practical.- Many 'lnriles ; h:ive fonnd arid 'acted "in their true and uobbvsphere of life, free fro^n all kinds' of" Intndage, but ladies asja class Wye not Wen able to do so. I shall cimeludc,]however, by giving you, the following verses sent me lately by a! friend, iii .which. I if ear there, is more than poetry:. - i__. i If we could know ! if iie could know S^yrnethiug of that whieii lies Wlow . The foa:u;ng.:froth r.nd bubble show Uf man's JaS-e^ fraught with woman's woe^! :.'-,. ' i .new,, only'40c ' Far tkf Shetland-IslantU. We leaTni that^Mr. and Mrs. John JahnsonT-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jarm4_ son,.jind Misa. Willia Xichobjon, intend - starting to-day for the Shetland Islands, arhere we presume ibey intend to resides i| If we couldMinow Wfort'haml^we' Who launch-iip;Hi that unkiiown sea- Its fathomless uncertainty, SwrUtlm; Sew Tot XmIIm. The ladies of Acton and vicinHy ar? -."invited to call at McXair's-Millinery airf'Pry Goods Store, and examine the new" and delightful Perfume called j_ " Pzefzctios," the only Perfume and j Lily White Combined, in the Dominion. - Every lady should callind see- it. D." - McXaxe Sole Agent for Acton. 4-3nv Fottpvaemcnt. -On account of us hiving!let the f Drill Shed to St. Alban's ChurchJ Acton, for their . Concert, our Peach Festival and Grand Promenade Cohccrt^ which was to W held in, August w postponed until SeptemWr. We have secured the -.ser vices of some first class singers and. a time equal if not superior to our last concert may W expected.' Acrox SociAi Clcb. |So*swift"to' surge; so*wift to flea Should we thus hastei to scatter" wide Our thoughts^ otrr hopes, our aims, our .pride - . The love that never can divide Itself, nor slacken though denied ;>, That, not like man's but still and strong Tender yet framed to suffer long Toisuffer slights and suffer wrong ( ' . And never but to one Wlong. . If;we could know; if we eotild know ; We women Should we liave strength thisway togb? 6at I forget s ' _" Truly " there are more thing3 in Hea ven and,earth Horatio, than-are dreamt i?f in our philosophy," /.. -.' " One Acorr to Map.ky. Acton, August 1st, 1876. : ~'i- ; Cptet -and Euuwa^, Yesterday,- ^Wut noon, Mr. Eiehard 'Hemstreet, of Trafalgar^- was passing through this village, in a buggy, and - when near the Mill street railway cross ing, his horse was startled by a shrill - -whistle from an engine at the tank, and - suddenly -wheeling around, tW buggy - was partly, npsek Mr. Hemstreet and his son were both thrown violently to the ground, andiustained slight injur" ies. After running helter-skelter down Mill street" and!turning the', corner at -.- Secord's store, the1 horse was caught W- ' fore any inrther damage, was done. J* Xttwi Council. ':.' The Council met Isist Biursday "even ing, at flic usual -hjjnrj; All the mem bers present except.Mr,i:Hamilfipn.: The minutes; were read andjapproved. Mr, Christie, chairman of the special com mittee to make enquiries respecting the road allowance leading towards Nassa- gaweya, reported that they had meats-. nred ?the road and fpitnd it to W only from 25 to 30 feet in width between the. village and the Jfassagaweya town-line,. r 'whereas the" result of their investiea- =- , . ,Trl . , > ,, . - _ .. .-.-. ,.,.; . . . ... .-.-.-:fat*L -Whiskey-wan the, .cause turns and jart*ibg of maps in.the office ,*rZ '- - - J - - - ot the lisquesmg" township cle.rk, had shown that the original aQowanc^was '"TheMethodists of Georgetown are abr^iit to build a handso'die. brick church. . v ,' ' Tho charge of the Presbj'terian .congregations" at Georgetpw;n jind LimehpuBe Las been declared va cant. " ~ Some tinie between 12 .and 4 o'clock Monday morning burglars attempted to enter tlie office of the' Guelph -mills' and distillery, but owing tb the presence- of firmly fixed insider shutters on the l;wo windows thfiy tried to foree through their efforfcswere frustrated. An old ia>ly namei Gillies, living on.the 2nd con., Nas^agaweya, was on Thursday working TOund^afire in the yard when a large apron she wore anight fire and she was severe ly burned. 8he managed to extinr guish the flames by jumping into a large trough filled with water, that stood a short distance from the. fire. Her cries Jfor help brought Work men from the cheese factory of her son, when she wafa assisted into the bouse arid Dr. Winn) sent for.' At Hfaal doing well. One day "last v/eek two ^njiyyies working- on Mr. McBains Section of the H. <fc-N; W. had an aifclrcation, when one of them drew' W large knife and stabbed the other. The wounds are not lively to. prove of I 40 feet. On motion Of Mr. Record,-sec onded by Mr. Christie, a comihittee was appointed tb confer with the Towbsbip' Council "in regard to having the road properly surveyed; and securing the full Width.: JThere. -rwas no other business done, 'except granting $1 to John Mc- Phee. Council adjourned to the 24th L August. ' . - .'-. ..." ]. I : -.Te^t.-Teas! Teas f Secord ,9*;. are doing a rushing business in T!fa 3ust:now.. .They are oflcring ez{ trajordihary ba^jains.." pvery porsoi. should buy one of their five, pound ca<V diesof^50 or ff3',cent Teas ; they -ar|' :*0rth 70 or 80 cents per pound., " .tlieVrowiand we believe Inspector \ Frazer has prohibited dtplerfc from selling liquor' to navvies^.j * TheOalsvillesirawberry; crop was not sojlirge this year &i i\ was one time anticipated, but may be con sidered quiet. up to "tho" average, ^Tbe growers complain #iat .great drawback has been big e- ' press charges,. and .they propose forming an Assocwtioii to deal with .tliis-'and other 8ii1;jec^8 relative to the btreincss ih whielt they aK>.. en- gflged.';; >-';:! .; -' , A disgraceful fight: between pu- gnis^s took place:in the Queen!8 Park^ Toronto, on/Saturday morn ing. . '"' .."/ ": : :i~ Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 45c. ' " Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 50c. Half dozen Glass Goblets, new design only 65d. 1 handsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 35& 1 handsome Glass 1'reserve Dish 1 handsome (rlass Preserve Dishj new, only 50c. '-"' ' ' ' I ' ' :.['!: 1 handsome (rlass Preserve Dish,! new, only 65c. 1 grand Glasj Preserve Dish, ne\y, only 75c> [" 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only, 50c. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only! 75c. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only1! $li00. ."' :'":ll -' ' 1 set Table Glassware, | four pieces, for only $1.25. ! !' - ' -T " - - " ; ^ . 'J'-' - -i ' 1-handsome set of;Cliina, 44 pieces, only $4.00j ' ' -\. ,!.-": -i '.!' :. 1 handsome scrttare-30-hour Clock $8.00. i ^ : 1 fancy rosewood 1-day Clock Avortih ?5.50 for $4.25 1 fancy rosewood 8-day Clock worth $6^50 for$5]25. !' .. S^lt p^r Barrel, only $1.00.! : --' I 1^^" Large Stock of New Teas, just to hand, cheaper still. . j -1 \ ' i y I SBC0SD BROS. Husi.1 '*;' Great N0 Old Bankrupt iBtock to Palrri Qff: 1834 Cases and Bales of Fanoy and Staple Dry Goods at Prices that will /astonish the Peop'eJ: These m limes that pec^le must have good^sotind and honest goods in retpmfoK their money; rtnoth eaten and ba present intelligent day], i H .-... ^ ^t to battle against'Ugh prices, . . t.-.- ., -.-'*_ nkrupt stuff won't ito for Uie 1 hare had toome to.the rescbe before to day; and now that the Trade of Uuelph requiresreguljtitig, 1 am again called in 3s, inferior classes of goods and old fogy notions. 1 ha?e this day marked off .' - An. Immense (^antity of Staplel and FailiGy Dify Gobds^ And Iwill astonish (he inhabitants at the.oheapneai of really first.olass goods. j(SrDonrtdclay, but call and her taste In Trimmed Hats, &o., are almost beyond description. I would earnestly request a visit of the Ladies to my Black, Gblorfed and'Plaid Silks, Ihd -^tvi:-X'l>?,3'J'-fe^.'5rtC*i!SiS:-Isr** ^jxrrr i^ Slaughter. be satisfied.' , Mantillfla, and all tho New- fiKLUVAN the Lady-Milliner,:' ' sea "the eulogies bestowed on 'I. Such exceedingly good and oleiant qualities as are on sale at such extremely tsheap prices, cannotfail-to satisfy all that 8bire cannot be a do^ot about purchasing at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth Store. Ladies fancy.dresstfoods are k marvel of beauty, elegance and'cbetUmess.; Don't forget thos6 wonderful Lustres at 12J jcen^s pet yard, well worth 20 cents, amazimr valuer My pricesall through thU department f* a terror to competition ; [it's, weakness i J me, but J can't help it, to give cheap goods.] i i .' . '"' - My Old Motto in: Large Sales; Cheap\'Goods,j Sma/l Profits and Ready Pay. " '":-- S My old friends and customers will bo glad to hear of this large arrival of kjheap aijid good goods bjr double better than any bankrupt Stock t . May 5, 1875 Alma Block J drugs! drugs. Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, featoat an4 Proppieteyy ISedioiXLOi, i '_ ! ' : ] Fancy anl Toilet Soaps, Sponjes, Srusles. Paints, Oils'aul yarnlshos, Fancy and Eubbor aeods. PXTRB "WINES AITS LZQ%0B3 for Moliclnil Purposes only. All goods warranted of the best quality and at ten per cent below. Toronto picres. ' -/" Don't forget, the place. . -~ . ' . : Medical Hall, Mill streeti| Acton. Acton, March J3, 1876!,; -\ . :_!..., |.' - G. .E.* MOBBOW. TCTOTi^E. Presorylug Done -without^sugar i . tos\ Air;Wgnt Oaas, .-' " ! t ' I hcgileave.toinotify .the public that I have piifdhiised the patent~right for the village!6f Acton to sell arid use E. H ShourdLS Patent Right^Jknowa-as fuyShohrd's.;--ejr. Dominion ^prMes.^or preserving! Fruit, Meat, Vegetables, Eggs,. Fisni etc.; m open vessels, with out sugar,! salt or .vinegar, perfectly fresh and sound. All persons selling or using the above except by my authonty sfter this notice will be liable to action. ^VHh reference to thc:dbove,l beg leave to say that I will sell family.Tights to use *he; above for two.dollanj each. No family ban afford to bo with'oat it. .:.".. T i JOHN.P.' SEGOBD. - Actoij, J|uly; 15, 1876. , .. v. OTEAM Garriagfe &, Wagoii Main Stroot,. Aoton I MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General - Blacksmith, Carriage .....I r ' Wagon-maker. Best lIorse-SkperB^ in the and -Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. ,or-no - v - . . ' priM charged.. Tlnl*>lui*..rioTB and Collar^'s rte* V -;.Ir* Hiajrwri.alwajr^^'-*!"^* A good.stock of Carriages and Wagons, Repairing pronptly and properly at tended to.' '.'-;.- VAp^m; Jtdjr'lSi 187*.'; x -; CARD OF THANKS - Christie/ Henderson & Co.,. Acton, desire: to tender their sin cere thanks to their many custo- niere for the large share of business accorded 'them during the past season. _. . : ' - JOHN HOGG, Ujjper WJndbam Street, GuelpK. B!A R G A \N a RAMPAGE. <&eap G-odd^v Mot OP, ANSBES0W &Xii On the 1st April.last, in order to meet the viewaof the closest buy ers, tbey determined to adopt the POPULAR CASH SYSTEM, doing business at the least possible - ; : J -'- expense and. selling goods at the smallest possible profit. ' - This step they have no. reason to regret.' -The result has proved most f satisfactory to themselves, and they trust much, to the satisfaction and . -pecuniary, advantage of their custo mers. ; . Notwithstanding;' the great, de pression in money matters gener-- ally, their sales, since adopting the cash principle, have been largely in excess of former 'years and their circle of trade much extended. They trust that by close applica tion to business,:(always watching. . carefully the wants of their'custo mers, and selling goods .at closest prices, they shall continue to. merit the large.share of trade bo liberally accorded to them. . . ;- . ':.*!" : They invite close inspection and comparison both in prices and qual ity of goods offered, and have 'no fear of the result.! ; .. ^ Hoping.that a bountiful harvest may. crown the labors of .the hus bandman, and that a good price may be obtained for the same, they again assure their numerous friends that no effort vem. be -spared 'on their 'part to supply good reliable goods at the least! possible cost. CHRISTIE, HENDERSONf& CO. *>AKE HAV1N(}_0KE 01 i" THEIB For Thirty Dajfs Cafy. CUTTING AND SLASHING No quarter will be given. RIGHT AND LEFT. All-goods marked down, and will be sold re- -'.: gurdless ofccJst "T " D^ess Goods, Muslins, r^^G;renadin0s andlpriiits; I At Cost Prids and Ljwer.' -\ ' MILLINERY mani%es Ready-made and Ordered GenU' Furnishings, Hats and Carisy &q., Call and examine; it will pay yod Ca rpets, p?I' Clothsi Rugg^&c., be macje of these .goods. ! Cottona, TaWitfg^s, Oucks, -Diiiiiil^-Tewel-- lings. Ac., at very low.prices.' .-..j T-- ; . We commence our Annual Sale ob Thursday, July 20th, and-shaU confanae it for 30 days. Kemeniber Wj nev, riadvertise a'nHhing-ihat we do rot perfprn, so.that you can rely" upon'-g Jtiing bargains and first cIhm' goc<[s cheapir than ever. Come and see ~:" --'-? - - -" gooes, l -r S AT HALF PRICE. at extraordixiary low prices ; i' ~r - - ^ - a c!can.::velep ItSust .our prices and examine our ;, '; ! M.AMMQTa HOUSE, GEORCEtbWjr., J0|T P.S. Try our famous {50c Ta, .the best valup in the maVket. ./',- ,L,q.fH.'*.oo.- A^cton, July 19, 1876., (* - -A-OTc^isr- odsnx4v SHSTlJRl '1 "VThen. yon have paiJ your,"sbare doing a Credit Busines^, please -call nt the Cash Store, Whereyoa git.Gk^OsCUeapjind of ;bad de jfcs tjo taose Post Office fc per cent Discount fq* dasK ../:"fe^K;3':-4^'^ 'j .'. . J*** iash for Produce, -a* Gonveyaacorr Issuer of Marriage Li(si|cesr Ju. J A WES Acton,' jttly 19, 1876. ; -, ALL KINpSr P?i W&$^A$&;b3$& EaQMPTLS EXECUTED AT V. ': ' i='!-.-..

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