*? . /"".^: J I. THE FREE PRESS, Tfin reave Aetou as follows :- - l*MSl! W-KST.' Morning Mail : - Hy KJpre** , - "repress Crt^:,^; pe ms*e* SHOP Sirica, H Mr-cat?" caa heaoeie in. -i tooks- V -' paery :stok Ihtap^ n_w L.CTOX* "is Plitty, "-/' /M*pdstia>' ill; Salt, aW i krw for cash^/ BHOEB [cost |Oi0/ -L;. . >__ EDI y ;CH/ ISS-MAKER, rest of.hti'OML lto.tw;wt^. . 'T- >. 1^ bOOSjS^* I possible noti!/? L%eCt:;s*tif*^ ,prtBcipBy.*J "' Med JCigbt Kxpross ' "I Sight Exprowj Mixed HmI - j >1 Miwl ! r oino r.\sr. !).10 a.m. - '.MWp.m. ">. 17 iv-iu. 7:1 .*> p. m. l2:4o ;v.m- 0>3:o, .V.IU. '.1:10 .vm. It :35 a.m. M17ji.itt. 10:05 p.m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ge<rf \Vhe*t-U.A,S., Smith, ' j New Sl' -4-0. Hucharo'. . ""'. One Week-tangor Williamson-&. 0-o.ij ;,\ new Hair .Time worth having. :> yflWf&U--HtjC Rutherford. 4: Co. .{ 4.0QAL MATTERS. > convincoitB*^ r;:^ __12 Hist bright-Sugar fbr!?l jit Christie, HenAetsoU & COi's. _ ..:._^ " . __for good to.-v cakes rind ^"pa jo to Galloway'e" Bros., Acton Rak-fcrV. . ~_Tbe 1**11 Exhibition of .ihc : Ersroosa Apricuitural. Society, willrbe bcid WRwkWood, on 06th. {September. - OE'ftstt^ Henderson & "Co. fei new 50 cent tea; llead about it, eco it,'and you will buy it Tt has no superior itself its only equal-. , | 2-JS.r. D. Henderson and. Alri. C. c>._ Smith aroSpoi\di!tg: A; w&k or {two t tfe*. seaside for tho benefit' of tjheir health. "\Ve trust they will return fully iltsigoratod. I Mr.-John Ho<^g,' of Guelph, tirrived homo' from dCugbind, a few) days <iip>, where he had been to purchase. h:s ' fill goods, l^is new " advertisement came to ;baijiV'too Ute" for this lissue-. See whit ho'hss to say'Tiext wec'J, . =A~pj'cnie under the auspices of the C-ongrec^tior..'d tkwie-ty, will lk> lield in Mr.'. Armst.r\):ii;'s grovo sortie ftinio. SiMn, of whieh~di:e notice will bejpiven. foe .object is to r.iise iuiida "|f.i*-:ii-tis tvuring a lot for a Conttrejjt5'on.il: Church in this village-. !'J -^ A valuable Sr&t prixu cpw be longing to Mr. 1*. S. Armstrong, ootn- mitted accklbntsl suieide th*:ot^u-p d.iy. She jot her head lat"ve'i.'f\> o tret*? and la trying tn.et_tr:c-ite. hcrfcif, broke her ' heck, and whv:v-uiS"CDVervd Vviia quite dead. --: ' ' - Ifere is what the Gi-orgotown Jhrald'Ansiiy sa\"* of one of our stores : .' *'R-ViH rvjevy asiyone to visit ..Messrs. Secord Bri3i .Teat st<ire in Aettn,.:uid Vaote prVeei - The.y. have, the' larifst tad beat assortment of i^Wt?, "and also the" eK^ajV^sii wki'.'.h have "fever l>C'.n placed before th-i r-evvie of this rouiity. yThis is HotbloW-."" Gvnts rrew felt.HalS'arriving this Week at OV.ristie:" lfcaicrsen i: Co.'a sang " Cod Ulosovir IKnninion." lWiirfty, of Uriu, performed a sido in a Very exoeHent nuuuuir: NVm". tjasnltlv sang tlio " Oomot . Mrs. piano - Mr. >f tho West,!' in a clear voice, and was encor ed. Hrass l>.ind and proinunado, Mins H." Strnnjirt-.-ivf Koekwood, sann a beau tiful stuig, and a,w<.>ll-deser,vod onooro brouglit her Kick to sinj; ai>other. Mr. SpriguinR Pang "Kxcolwo^r" ni\d tlio 'M|ssi>8 boMcy sang a dnotL A piiaio solo by ilrs. bockray and.li pieCutiy th* babd brought the prograimno to a cliwo. -Galloway Bros, make the hoet bread in tlio county. Oivo tliom a cftjl. -r-GaUaway^ Ilroa. give 10tV lbL: of bread for 100 lbs. of flour. 2sr.ffi"w" O-QOD NOW DAILY AGTON, HALfTON COUNTY, ONT.,i AUGUST 17, 1876. S ARHIVING At'TEB Xcnrlj n Cnlnl Accident. Last Thursday, afternoon a littlu l>t>y,- son of Mr. Joseph NVilliains, of Gleai- williaina llaur;inill, wont up stairs ahd procured a 'hayolvcr belonging.to one of the einjiloj-ps, anil goiiig out to hia com rades, he asked ,-v little boy, soil Of Mr. 1'iMUt, (to hold up a-taliing'to for Jiink 'to shoot at. lie did so, when youngTVtfT Hams tired. Tire liall struck lVont bn the left side antfgbineed oflf one of his ribs, making a severe tlrsh wound,); but appatently.-xliSilg. no- further Jgjiiy- Had it struck hiiu a quarter of M^Bch cither higher or lower, it would undoubt- wllyhave^killed him, as it would havo passed through his'heart. One Dollar Tea for fifty cents".. VVe have succeeded in obtaining ft beautiful tea to sell at SO eenta equal in strengtli and flavor to a ?1 Tea. We do not'make'thia assertion without having first given it a thorough testj and also" haviirg an acknowledge- m.eii't of its worth from several of our eustoiners. . Try it, anil y^m will be sat- istled .that .tlie'best M cent tea *is to bo had. atj the Glasgow Houso. Christie, Heiulersi'n i Co."" -Tlic^grojit rush.for Teas,.both by the pound, caddy and chest still continues at Seeord.Hros.j'aml they arc fairly sliovi-llihg. it out at greatly red\ie- i'd prices. YoQ ought to try a-caddy uf .their l(>\'.!hfn I "<lr.. til) ce.nfa i^cr pound, "it's good,-it is." Their new 5>i!^ars arc nice. ^ Have you got a five pound caddy of Seoord Bros.' Ccirxticil 7*ft at oO cents jrcr. pound,- its the best value tliey ever iuul, and actually-beats their fai!!"iis_Mc-toor. Kraiui. If'Hot, get One quick if you want to be happy. ' The reason Accord IJro&' fifty cent Tea is called the Celestial Tea .is, localise the Celestials drink it at tHeir select parties. FASIJ[IO]SrABLE WEST END. J list OPiiNEDi "I . : .' " . i One oaso new Seal Brown and Navy Blue Dress uooda. Ill dozen no Slock now very oompleto ohd Mtreiotlvo in each department, A. ClUelpl), August ii.1870. WM. STJTHE v Silk Ties. Now Linen Collafi and Cuffs. O. BUCHAM. Fashlonnblo West End Drew, Milflnory and ManUo KstabllBlimont, I F0ED & CO. THAT WONliiiltPUL MiAKT, JOHN HOGO-, GTJELi>H, ' Upjicr Wyndlmm Street, Alma Itlock. .{; Tremeadous &oitemeat?t j. A ganiol Sse'the Rusli.! -; Np Old Bankrupt Stock to Palm OfKl T - ;."]i; 1834 Owes and Bales of ifanoy and Staple D>y Goods at Prices that Will aatontsh the" People. ; - ' ! . Uhese afe times that people must have good, sound and honest goods in return (or their money j tmntb'paton.jtnd bankrupt stoff won't do for the present intelligent day], 1 have had to oome to tho rescue before to day} and now that the Trade of -itK:iph-requires regulating, I am again called ip to btttUo against high prices, inferior Glasses of goods and old fogy notions. I have this day marked off . -^ .,- An I^meti&e Q^ Fancjr^ptyGoodBj ' "'-" And I will astonish the Inhabitants at the cheapness of really first-class.goods.- BfiT" Don^t delay, .but call ahd be sAtisfied.*a| Millinery, Millinery: presents to the publio the most eleftant taste and I* Ttye Most Exquisite Taste is to be had in-Lodlen' Hats, Bonnets, .'aokets, MantUlRB, and all tho N>w-".- ' lest Designs in the Millinery and Mantle Departments. MISS. SULLIVAN the Lftdy MillinVr, - presents to the publio tho mpst eleftant taste and designs In Ladies' Hats and Bonnets to be Found On this Continent. Indeed tlio eulogies bestowed on ' her taste In Trimmed. Hats, Sto., are almost "beyond description. I would earnestly request a visit r>f the Ladies to my. ; ".. ^"WO pASES NEW FALL HATS ' - ' Just received, comprising all the latest English and Americaii Styles, TO BE SOLD CHEAP. I. ; _ A Large Stock of Lmeti and Lustre Ooats stillj on Hand. TO BB CLKARED OUT FOR HALF .THEIR VALUB. '} WM. RUTHERFORD &, CO, Aug.'12, 1876.' lio^er "Wyudham Btroot* Ouolph, SomcthlBi; Xfwfor Ladlr-*. The ladies of Acton and vicinity arv invited to call at NfcKair's Millinery and Dry Hoods Store, and eXamiuo the new and .delightful Ptjrfunio I'alled " I'iiKiEt-TIos," the onlj- lVrtume, and Lily. NVliite Coiubincjl, in thgDominion. Kvefy lady slo^uld Call amV"'spe it; 1>. McN.uaSole Aecnt for Autotii'. 4-3m . ^^ilr. R. Little, County-School .Inspector, started on THe-ie.ay.momiug hit Parry ?oahd asd Algoma, where he iTrilT reriain. a few wri-U otl business ^con!reOh;d with the (irganization of school sections' in thrse Disttrcts-. It Trill b* remctabered tt*& Mf\ IJttto -was ^elected fey the Education DeparttWn*,. last y*S*. to visit that soction of country ' on a [siShilsf rnission, sid we prUn>e tt js froin his having dotre tire wnrk. so Satisfactorily that Ire Saa agaia been :' tregedi.'to jretHiat -the visit, and perfect^ jj,,, them the organization s<_> we4i liegun. "We \rde!fstand th>s Inspector ffir the county tef Teei hak kindly undertaken to an swer letteri Of inquiry and attend to ahy other local business' xequired, _during Hz. Little's, absence. ! \ Tkas ! Teas ! Record >ing a rushiug business in We Mrtre-" f Pleas*-. Tke topic of the day for the next few weeks will be the;Peach Festival and 'Grand "Promenade (Concert, to ;be held in the Drill Shed, by the Acfen Social CInb. Look out for large bills on which due notice of date and other Important taatters concerning the concert will be pven.' Actox Social Clu. BcattUk Game*. .The-first annual frames of the Gnelph Caredoni an Society w^ill .take pla.ee on the Central Exhibition grounds, oa Tnesday September 12th. The rules of the North American Calodonia=t?nited .Association will govern the conduct of - tiie games.. All throughout Canada and the United Statea belonging to tie So ciety will be eligible to enter the lists on showing their certificate of member ship. A brass band and- pipers will Furnish the 'music for the occasion;. -^Teas Bros, are i' Teas jhst now. They aro offerinc; exj- tra.->rdinary bargains. Kvery- person shouhl buy^one of their five jtfmnd cad- dite> of.oJMir (i').ceat Tea3 ; they are worth Jo or 80 cents per pound. On Saturday constable McBrinn, arrested 'an - Italiany named John Hoes, [a good Italian name] at Jtr. Shannon's Camp oh the 3rd line E><quesing; on a charge, of threaten ing: some of the workmen and caus-- to Ktop working, and of carrying unlawful ~ wenpoiia. ' -He w^is Lrohght to town and tried by Ml&ssrs. Barclay,. Robertson, and White, J. P.'s, and jwas sentenced to .two day3 in the castle on tbg "fir3t charge-, and fined 20 and costs on the second. He bud plenty oLj. money and paid bis fine promptly.-! He bad about bis person when .ar rested, a magnificent silver revol ver and ir-large; dagger; The re volver will be givtjn back to liiin, lint the dtiggfiry being an unlawful weapon, was seized; Milton Neic*. BIKTHS. In Guelph, bn the 15th irist., the wife j of jMr. Jame3 Pattersonj printer of a daughter-. , ~ . MAREIED. In Acton, by Rev. G. ?W Calvert, on the lGthinst., Mr. George Leavens, to Mis3 Mary Vincent, both of Actoni 's Cheap COLDE Dry Goods Store. Black, Colored and Pl$jd Silks, uoh exceedingly good ahd ele.'aht^jalltiOB as are ofr sale at suoh extremely dheap prices, cannot fail to satisfy all that there eahtiot be a doubt about urohasing at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth Storey Ladies fancy dressgoods are a marvel of beauty.-elegance and cheapness. '\ '-,![ ~- Don't forget those Wonderful Lustres at lz^ cents per yard, well Vvorth^20 cents,; amaiirtg value, [y-prices all through this doparttnentare a terror to compel ition^ [it's Weakness in me, but I can't help it," to.give cheap goods.] './ .- Mil Old Motto is t Large Sales; Clump floods; Small Profits and Redtfy Pay.. ! j ',.'. My old friendB and customers will be glad to hearjot^this largo arrival of cheap and good goods by douTjle-bhtter.tha.n any bainkrupt Btock. ' JOH!M HOGG, Juno 5, 187& Almn Block, SECORD BROS. .A.Q'i'CDicqri J^^R Gr ^.iirs N LION I To Cool the Hot Weather. Corner1 Wyndhnm itud liacdonucll Streets* Guclph. Summer Goods to be Cleared Out without Regard To prices, STILL G-RfiAT BARGAINS. we will ONE WEEK > - Having still a heavy Stock of Summer Goods " extend/bur LONGER Fromj to-day, and iiave marked .down Our prices to such figures as will Well sustain j our well-known reputation for ic^MaM. oooaDs. -i 25 Per Cent r&low Any Othdr Hous&. BARGAINS ftroJH^nade Concert. The- Promenade Cohcert, nnder. the auspices of St-. Alban's Church, in the : DrOllSbed, on Tuesday evening, passed, off exceedingly welL There was aiirge attendaneej a eonsiderable proportion of . the aodifenee being frorn neighboring towns and- villages, and all. seemed to heartily enjoy the entertainment. The performers Jacquitted themselves admir: ably. ReV, Mr-. Lee performed the dntiea of! chairnisii; The Acton Brass Band opened the concert with a tjnicki step plajed "in their usual excellent style, followed by a humorous song by Mr. W. Panton of MUton. The Misses McKenzie, jof". Milton, gave" an instru mental trio which elicited well-deserved applause, and . were followed by iMiss Oft, of Georgetown, who Bang aaenti^ Septal songJn a very pleasing maimer. Mr. H. L. Spriggitts, of Guelph, jsang. " Ine Anchor's weighed,"..and was eh- Sfrei MUsElisa Cametoii, of'Aetna; ang selection from; her, repertoire of choiee songsj Miss McKpnzie a.piano^ solo ( Mr. James Ha^gert, of Brampton,' gave -"'The Csmeroh Men/' ahd being eucrjhBd, sang anolhersorig equally well, Tle.biisis band played, and the audience promenaded. Misses Tt; & E. Bcjssey, tf Georgetown, opened'paijt second1 with ; a vocal duett,'." Come ^liere riiyjl^ve f lies dreauiing," and Mr, Wn. P,mton Err3' Cocoa.-^GRAfEFOX and Com-- iokti-vc. "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral lav,-B Which govern the operations o digestion and nutrition/ and by a careful application of the fine properties of Well selected cocoa, _-Mr. Ep_ps has provided our breakfa'st tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may Have us many heavy doctors' hills.. Tt is by the judicious use oLsnch articles of diet that- a constitution may begradjually built up until strongenough to. resist every - tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies"are floating around-'us ready to attack" wherever 4here is a weak point-. .We ntay escape many a fatal shaft by keeping- ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service OazettL Sold only in packets labeled "James. Epps & Co., ! Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London;" ' : CARD.-To all sufTerlngfrorh thb BTTorsahd ludlf oretioiife of youth, nervotis weaKness, early decay, loss of mnnbeod, dtc, I wiU'se'nd 'a recipe that will, cure you, FRKE OF CHAKOft Tins great remedy was discovered By a rnisstonary in South Am rlca. Send aself-Hddn-RBnd eveJope to the Bbv. JoSEpn T. Inman,. StaUon n, Bible Housa, New York Clly; COME AND SECURE Dress Goods ,10o, 12Jo, iSo, worth! double the money. j . Striped and Figured LawnB 6 cents. lloyie's Best Prints reduced'to Sc and K^. Another lot of those wonderful 5 cent American Printsjuet in. Extraordinary value in White ahrl Grey Cottons, favorite 12^c cent Brands being sold'12 yards for 1.00. j Lace fjurtains from 65 cents a set up to $1Q. MiUindry, Mantles, Linen Opstu'raeB, at less than wholesale .cost. Fancy Goods, Glove3, Collars and Ouffj, Ribborts, Ladies' Hos6) Belts, &c, per cent lower than any other house. READY MAlDE CLOTHENTGr !. tO BE CLEARED AT AUCTION PRICES.. Flour .:. ., .' -Wnitc Wheat . Tread well.> Spring Wheat ; Red Chaff Wheat Barley ' .;; ; Oats ; ;; Peas ... Potatoes, per bag Butter ;.. Eggs.- ..; -Hay, per ton : Bacon .. /Ham . ;'..,.'. Shoulder..; - - . Lambskins.. Pelts ... -' -. Lard ... Tallow ': ... . ;. ACTO.N" J1AKKETS. .;. ;. $2 00to2 50 0 96 to I 00 0 96 to 1 00 0 96 to 1 98 0 90 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 30 to 0 32 0 OOtdAOO 0 30 to" 0'35 0 15to0 1G 0 11 to 0 00 8 00 to 0 00 0 11 to 0 00" 0 12to0 14 0 10 to 0 12 0 "OfttoO 60 0 50 t'oTO-iiO 0 12 toO 13 0 06*o 0 07 Beautiful Fancy Suriimer Shawls $1. AKPETS--Bc8t Provuice. Assbrtment and Xowest Prices in the Wo ohly speak the hoflesftru^-h Whn ne nsshre bhr friends thtit thtOUgh- - out every Department we are selling Goods at 25 per cent below ! ~ ahy. other bouse. ' Remethber jlhe Clearing Sale will close | 20Td OI1 ^TJOt3"S^. GuelpkAug. 14/1376. J D. WILLIAMSON |& GO. XjlAliM FOR SAIiEi j The undersigned offers- tojsSll his farm consisting of about 50 acres, being the south-west half of Lot ty>.. 2L in the 2nd con.-of Ksquesing. Gpod housS. and barn/small orchard. The land is of excellent hualityj well wittered, 40 acres1 cleared, balance good maple wood. Apply to W. L. P. Bajjeri Miltori,,dr to the owner on the promisBS, br by letter to Acton Post Office. "' DANIEL THOMPSON. Esquesing/July'15, 1876-. 3-3id. TpAltM fo Sale in Eramosa. The nndcrsigned- OfFeM ltd sell his farm, being the East half of Lot No. 3, in the 7th concession of the Tawnship of Eramosa, cbnlprisihg abdnt 63 acres, about 40 of which are under cultivation. Gdod log house ahd barn, orchard; etc: It is situated about midday between Actoii and Rockwdod:/ Fo^ particulars, enquire of Mr; Wm.THemstreet, Rock- wood, or the owtier on the premises; '- JOHN McINTOSH: Eramosa, July 19,-1876; | 3-3m Half dpZeil Glass Tumblers for onty 25e, _ Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 30c; Half dozen Glass Tumblers fOr|only_40c^ Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 45c. Half dozen Glass Tumblers for only 50c. Half dozen Glass Goblets, uew| design only 65c, t handsome Glass Preserve Dteh, Ue\V, wily 35c. ! ' ' '" ' - .-"'." i I" I " ' 1 handsome Glass Preserve Diph, new, 6nly 40c 1 hdudsome Glass Preserve Dish, neyvi only 50cr Inandsome Glass Preserve Dish, new, only 65c. 1 grant! Glass preserve i?isb, tiew, only, T5c. 1 set Table Glassware, four pieces, for only 50c. 1 set Tabli Glassware, four; pieces, for only 73c. 1 set Table glassware, four pieces, for billy $ 1,00 i Set (Table Glassware, four pieces, fW Ul^-.$1.^5. V kandsome set of China, 44 pieces* only $4.00, 1 handsome square 30-jhour Clock ^3.0p; 1 fancy tosewood 1-day Clock worth ?5 Upper"Wyhdhnni Street] Guelph. !** ! UNDERTAKISMJQ. The undersigned, bees leave to inform the. people of-Acton, and suf rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent ._, -E3Z JE3 -A- 3P; S Hi,"-; And is;prepared to'attend. and oondnct Funerals on the-shortest notice; \*nd most nrpderate-terms'". Gasketes, Coffins, Burial J Robeg, Ahd all ktridg of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, and; Supplied onrth* . shortest notice. / " / L Sat Bands aad QloVes supplied when required. Adton.Aug. 8, 1816. - _ JOIIN SPErGfiT/ POST OFFiCE CASH STORE; ^C3TIO^sr. OT&rP. When you ha*e paid your share of bad/debts to tno83 ; doing a Credit Business, please: call at! the .Post OfficS: Casb'Store, wheffe you get Goods.Cheap 'and Blight per - cent Discount for Cash* - ter <5ash for: Produce. i* ,r ; dohveyancer,- issuer of Marriage Licences,' ifec.J JAMES MATTHEWS. jTtily ia,.l87B. '"-- " '"... i '. A.cton, ..I-. DRUGS, DRUGS, "' '^^fcEl^iEfiEJfe'a?- ;- ':/"-" Drugn, Ohomicals, Dye Stnfis, Patent and Proprietory iMeiiciaelj. Fancy aa4 Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Brushes* r: Paints, Oils^ana "T'arnisaps. Faney and aaVber &cd0s' ' E'tfltfS "7TINES AHD IjIQUOES for .Moaic'lnal Parp'osos only. ' '"' ' i' - ' ' ' 1 A tlgottds Warranted of the best quality and at ten pdr ceht beloyrTorontttl plores; /'. . ' - - - - - " :.-..- ' 7= " >oh't forget the place. sMedidal Hall, Mill street, Acton. Aolttb, March 1^, 1873^ / ^>! .-" ^ K MOElfo^:" 50 for 54.25 i fancy rosewood 8-day Clock wOlfth *6 50 for $5.25: ISalt pm fiarrel, btjly j)1.004 Large Stock of New! Teas, just to~ liahdj, bheaper Si ALL"lNPB OF BOOK AMD JOB T*B >PBOMPTLY BXECBT&& AT- it *&W& FJEVEES FR15SS CFFfi?] &C0 still. & BP-0S. Prasorrlng fidno witicnit: su?ar l er Alr.Iigfat Cans. '/ I beg Ifeave to notify the public that t have purchaa'ed; the patent-right.for t.e village of Acton to Sell'" and use Ei. . Shonrd's Patent ftight; kn^wnlas1 lottrd's New Dominion process for preserving Fruit;^ Meat,. Jfegetables, Eggs, Fish, etc,/in open v.essels, with out sugar, -salt ior vinegar, ..perfectly fresh and sound. All' persoils selling or using the above, except by my authority, after this notice will ,be-liable, to action. .;.' With referenbd' to1 the abovCj I beg 'leave to say that I will soil family rights to ub6 the above for two dollars each.- No family can affordfto be without it. ' - " ' JOHN P. SECORD. I Acton, July 15, I87G.' QTEAM-- . Carriage ;& Wag ;. ^7ErC>3Ft3EC.3," / liain Street^ / - Aoton^t ..... __ ml; r Mic|HAEi^sPEi^n,|p General Blacksniitji>. Carriage. =ant| / ' W?gon-mak>r. Bist: Hdr^Shop^s Ferfees, satisfaction ^_ ' - - m m FlrsMlass Plo>vs nnd.CoUard'krati . Irun.Harrows nlways on Band. A good stock of Carriages ari.d Wagqhi . Repairing promptly and prgperly tended to.) _ ';* ' ~A Actdp, .Tuly iS, 1S76.'" ;, }