:'fil 3 is- 5" ^ Q. "-"( w. r- H. IOWKV. r. I\ s.-,.,-,,).: t\i;'-c-,:.\ Moiu! roiv'^i^ <iiid rMirc.\oiiN.~ Mil.i. sit; ( II. It., M. .>!.' i<f Tiinitv ,- of 1V!V\ s:oian^ l-r \ci-.>N- ?- Leap, AC.MS. U. NOKROW.- Phvsl *:\'Mrii. flv.iUr.ld.l-.ll-i.v! Yi.-l.iri:. r.ui;*,1.1. l~.allMllt.it..11 <t:t\^- - a"U Fri.lnu, i",,mi ii -a. m, nil * litsUcnrv-Wc-t j;.i\ve,- v.ivi't jV>lMO.\ . HARNESS SHOP- / 1HEAP UREAI> FOR THE MILLION Vo AMES MATTHEWS.; Con vf,vir..-cr Is.-urro: Mafi i.,cf L6y.< ;,..,.s '.Hl.i-l.~r.- l:iM!r;i!h'i' Ac.'iiIt- * - ivy Jo d ..via; A-oi.t -Mi>:i:r :.I .l<;,- v: a C^t.. l1 o: tl .1- t.ir h i |v[^,-lt lYnut :n. ::i .;. -i:., i,'., Arr.ix, on r it i BHKXnKRSOX] Coiivov- aiwr, j:j- . a-'.so- Aftom v\in:i.1.i l.i:o As>.:ri-i.'o c>. K'.iS, .Mor|.-..i;, 4r.."pri-y>.ired iiea'lVjVriMn.nly ,-..rr. , :!v :;.i on roai.'ll i!i'n' U'rm-.,;Mi'!;,.f t"> V< l^>^o\T tou>.-. ActPU," " TOHX HtlilNDSEY, ?l:tifiri tf IK'XU-lj 1 >. So'.JlSMr !Ul-J;ii.-.-iiri >i>:.iry l*H]>:ic. C<'i!v'oy;iiii-t-i-, <-n\ -i':;i.<i': live Will* STsuro 1VU- 1 .M.^us.isi-,?r. The subscriber liigs lo',atm6unee) to. tho inhabitants of Actiiil and vicinity th.it lie hna'cvmiuienccd' the harness, business ui tho '. i. Old Post Office Building \ MILL STREET. ACTftX, 'whore lie-"is prepared to turn-out .-jvoik second to nonem tho I)dm,in" ion. as ohoap as the ehoapest, anil on the. shoTtoit possible'notice. I have on hand ii huge-:inti well 'lect- o'd stock ot : - - . ~". ;-Scrso. Bl&niets. v7Mp3. Brushes, j" Con'bs. Trusts, otc. i ^Repairing promptly' attendee! to. | Qivo mo a 0:il! ami be convinced. J J ,;:-; ' . \ -\ j.f. demivsey j ' Acton. Nov. ^.*>. 1S75. | ]\et B. & E. NIOKLIN1 g to aniioiinrn tli.it they have aceiirod 4, the:-services of ii '; First-Class Baker, NS. J, *JSSi.aJSS*; ,J'^5"Sf STOVE S TINWARE! iuuT th:it tlU'ir Hakiiig buHinrss is now in full iior.vtion, ili'tl.io jireniisM oMUCil by'-J/'rs. ll^uiiiv.' 'i i lireail'will t>i> iloiivoriMl daily nt tho [houses in tlie village ami vicinity. ; Vaddins Cftkes.^Ted Cakes" f; ,^- Pastry,-Buii's, pc., j iii:uUilii the very best nianiu'.r, aml-kcpt 1 :i!\yays on li.'imt, gooil liiiillfrcsh. - Also I all kin.ls of (.'oiifectiotKiry, Hiscuits, l_-Clivy, "v\;c. . i . - . f ti... ...ii..___... ...t ii OtKT I The- patronage iif : iieotfiilly s'olicitcil.i ihli, - rt-s- it-^Ei KJCKLIN. .VPP PLEBE ______ S.ims:.er, A - Maln'S'treo!, <<r-.u:i SIMPSOW U'.v>- jl-l. ;v.-_. S^'f- : .;:vi-y.i\.eer^. Ac. "Acton. Feb. 29, ISTti. iV Gl EELPII AttMOBY, w TUl. LAIIJLAW. Ii;irri>torJ \t'.-.-n..-\^:il-l.:-i\v - >,:.,-.!. T ill" ^], 1:,V . '.. inei Mlii-i^ l':!':o'f \ri.l L ; l:!l;:-.-r Uu- 1:1.1:1.i^,-1 m-.-n: ft l'. W.:-r..*.i'.j 1- : In-.-,- vrf.: a":.-!^! :.: ;": on t-Vi.i-iy i>.'i :. I VMUt .^ H. or Parlor LI.VKtt O.V T1IK LI\D rOKT. SULTO.N. ny MnH.,nowKi,i,, or rniLADKt,niiA. I nm old ami blind! I Men point at mo ns Binitten by God's Afllicteil mid deserted of my kind j Yet I am not cast down. "I nm weak, yet wtrong : I mnriner not that I no longer eo : 1'uor, old, and helpless, I the moro be- lo'iR. ; ^ Father supremo ! to thce.i 0 merciful Onq! When men are farthest thou thou nrt . most near ; | rWhen frienda paes-byjino, aiid my weak ness bhun, , , Thy chariot I henr.. Thy glorious face Js, leaning toward liio ; mid its holy Shines in: upon my lonely dwelling- - place, ' ' And thcru is no more night.. On my l>eiulei\ Uiiee-. . I rwogniw Thy piiTpose flenrly Bhown; My vision thou. hast diriimed, Uitit X may seo Thyself alone. \ i 1 have ii.iught|to fear ;- This darkness, is the. shadow of Thy .wing-; Beneath it I ani almost saertMl here Can come no evil thing. r ' tow, i;o to H EXRY-L. DKAIiE, ods.^ xxs.rp.iMx; A-E^r.f Y/r":l.e M. Ai: b-=:ui^~ out:: Xr;:i :-.:!:; c::o.-:-.i. ..c:;vJ, it;ext, c;ixi.r!i; ro.-.ut !,-'..:i.i Vi ..tt-r'-.j :~!t:i ;.. I 1- IM.'f 1? 1 1. J u>. 2>..:rr- iiyrm: - H'. !.. iMlAKi: ; - - Always in stcck. Stove*.. St.o\ r'Trimnilnf*, Tin, Sheet* j Iron ait.l Jai>:uiuctl are. I'.'.riie'ular attention paid to 1 EAVETEOUGHING-. T>ATEXTS ir. C*x~l~:.'ill;- it J'lto::; i-.ir.^itv forrrl=-.eJ :n:.-j -? : u-~~y*.\r-. COr TJKS v W*c : t-r..5 .-. I-",!:: for !XYEXJ"It>XS" lv ^i:u i^i.cr;'. >... - \l j :.:;.. iSj".! - -n.iHj:..;.;. :e^ r.;.-;. ..-.!; -_ r - ' . A ]\:-.j<. l'.pii r.-i .,,.:.:k.xi' T.r.-.s o;i ih: It.11 iA MYSTERIOUS WARNING. -Vi ~1LLI\M v. at: tall anil Si-f. X's:. :::iber the >:.-.!:',!'. ,. e .!i ( . W.'.ri^. ' ddHli KIRKHAM, 1 <;t!!:s::iith, Silvor-PlaK-r, Ac, jluarr llarri.i ^.' ii^' -l L:cr:i*r> V-<>r:i'l;: 1 r..:,-.l.~. (i! r West Wi- to ;nl ..riii the renvuvi pnblii J to that lie has J"'. P. ^: LEFT. -oui: re- Prints SRICB. . . -, -. .";. - - - "-ive-eds,-" >.w -p.-rioe's. V J .-'" . j) iriust i - j 'c.;;. Towel- . : :..-'.' ~ ' ' .:MUl. 5uall p that <re |ur*t cla-s i bznin^'onr .'- 1 J P'*/ =*, psifriwit:'". * J ' " "'? ,L. RS.-S. C.tiiTLjC. pearlier of.Mn Ir, x>raw Ja^ 5;; ^ t'TOX . ^ PLANING MILLS. 'O .XI) liVi:r"lozij/J-:. imusk n-r, A CTO.\ I ::!!>. [10 1 i'ai-lory. I^AS' E3SAGE, J-:w-..-:.:;rf T\OMIXI>" HOTEL. fo; 1 2t>Kj oe*".- Ho:--, v style, witn -m Travellers vi and conirrio.i!.>^-i >;,;trp. .v.tKrjtirD-i ;-h' to U;f- ^^: 'j;nc-p-j:.i:c. -P.ar -ar;-.e L1 _. . . r- . . a tit il-r Ai'ton,' .'i .- : rp ' Scors, Venetian .Blinds : ( : Houldin"g3ji Aad ether Iiiiildius Rc<jiisitt's Hatch's Block, Tyson'3 IVutijlier Shop AJUMDNrTIOK^OIt. ALL Bai?ECH ' i ' LOA,DJi"G ARKS. F.;y A- Kvimcl1".-. iC'arlrl/lye Onso- and l.'nj-N f..r iri)-l..iuiii:< ;iipf._ ltt!-lo.iid.*rs, K--i;ii..v^. t'^p Kj-.-L.os, Corlera. ni^il rre.'.sor-. i leyiiii <2. iv.>:N; jiml all arllcleti ti. ee*-N:-ry f r a S]i.t: sir.nu's outfil.-. Ail .-.iris of It, p .iri 1:tr and Jooblnc execut f.l 011 ihl-^lioriesl liifllet* at- Oil el! April-27, is;*;.. iv- -i .is. W 7^1. HEMS'TIIEI Jjicensed .Auctioneer i^of tb? Counties 0? Welii-.'gtor and Also ^nttf^ f; ion. . ufu^-rs lr;t titSce, Acton, or Koclivro ^1, w:!'. be Serins rc-u>.auat.;6 ' IZiPEOTSD SUCTI027 IPUISPS -Vip-^ '- ,'-:i>"r^r ' CTOX at ini' re-: i-*i 1 to.. HUE MILJJi. ^rhe un/fersUrr-eJ Y>^- tr, t'r.u: tonierv f r tl^e liberal prtr;.:;::. during "tlie-l'a-:*. >u;z:irer,.a:..d tnat lis is ^.o^vJ)r -- ditioiuil number of ra> el II: ri : Lucpiicr Planed ami Dressed to orde , i iu ti.e be=t manner. XS?" All work guara'htecd. i. " Acton, Jan , 1>"1. : pure,frjfesii mliii ^i-*Iiv^r" inc. ar/d tvice : ltry, tha* Ifflafel'r, ..-i::.t..y ;,n aci. - .ers w;'a ecrrj, ; ';1 .every oif rii- ' . '.fur oiijSatur:ia;.*s: ;lvr- JI<"S who keep ci.ws MTil ;irJ it n,.-li ( cheaper ati'llt s troubT* lg<:i ir.il;:<l--;ivi , ereft.at thf^ir door.-;, and til* y wmld do ; ui:Jc-' 1 T^ehtyK'ne ^uart ticket.- K.r-rl. il ri!'/ ' In advance, cr twent v-on'- jiint -lir-koti tor W cents. r. s. AKM.S'rli;'J>'J. Acton, Nov. 10th, l^T.5^ ' ,i TyflLTOV ; PLA^IIG-^ MILLS J iJ.Jl;" MITCHELL, ; -Manufacturer of ." - fash, Doprs, Blinds, -Slo.uld- inus, Door and Window . " Frames, pickets, <*tc. Al LIVERY &$ALE STABLE J. P. A'LLAX' TaT:c= v.lp-istire In announclhir to the Mil.llc'yenerully that- lie is prepared fto 1 furnish . 1. rirst-cla'ss Horses and Oarriagcsj At Kcasonable Kates. Hls-'ltiijs and Hrf arc the hest that can In- had, arid lie Ik dcl'-Tinliied /tioi to tie surpassed hv anv^Tlty Stable. , Acton July 1st. ISeo. ' I. i iCTOX !'. , r>; Ire in -thff pf ^oo(ds- i.tgntc. f ping Plurunj, Scroll Worbjzmlj Matching JJoiit to Ordtr: ~ , . - . JS3S" Blinds 30 cents j>er-foot. "*K> AH wjork deliverc-d-in Actop;free. .. Orders left- at 'Sword Bros, will be promjitly attended to. ..^ j ' 'Milton, ?une6, IS'G. j 50-ly :. TD1 TRQLLOPE ClfiAPMAX, Practical:: -Bookfeiacfer. /< :A1I DescriD.Ublis ..of Binding j Xeatfji.-JExe6iit.cd*' M Account Books of- all Kihda M,ade\.to Order. ' j ' - .:: ft Actoa m Euling-PrDinptly Attended"to. IJiKnEi;r^-.St. George's Souarc^ CJ-nqlpl. - car Orders Uft at the. Fjjej:'Pj:M .CBeewiil reeeLve prompt Jittcntion. CSErfD -2.'^.: to a. P. KO-vrfTJjf^ < CO., ** New York, for I'ampldntonoupaKOS ^ontat-nlne JibLs or a'jOO newspapers, and JJ.tJmalcb sUowlc/c:jhtx)f advcrll'iiDt;. .1 Wagoa and. Carriage FACTORY, ,i JAHES RYDER, Proprietor,; "Wagons, Carrlajjos,' ^ r Slolffhs, Cutters," &cJ "Kept In stock arid made. to-Orier on tho 1 " Shortest .Notice. I j Strict attention pld!.,U> ! * .'" ! i Sorso-Sliooin? & aoaoral Jotting' and satlsf-ictlon euaranteod. iloton July 1st, 137S. - j . | <^EBS RIBE FOR TIlE ACtON FREE^RESS, Only One Dollar aiYcar; i ' JOOO Cords ol aOOO HEMLOCK BARK, -For which I will pay . F.IYS'DOLLARS PER CORD At the Acton Tannery, if delivered <" punier, ' fi. L. BKAHPMOBE. Z. A. HALL, Agent. -. ;: i . June, 1876-. . ' i 45-3m I UNDERTAKING. ': The undersigned begs leavo to inforfn the people of Acton and vicinity that lie will furnish all .. . - . . . j. Requisites |n Undertaking on short notice and reasonable terms .as can "be had " , Who the detico <?iin sbo be? wasj the question wliicU| filled Lis niiud when.ho.Avoko 'earlier than usiiitl tho dilli- gent iuquiiies mtidb of all The ser vants about failed to" satisfy it. Should ho.uisk Annie? Jfo; ho wiis n little piq_ueil vvith Annie. It was absurd, tu supposo that these two were not in concert. Arid how unfair to inuku him promise not to .speak of wliut should pass, and then so rid this person to lecture him ? True he hud "this person's" permis sion to talk it oyer with Annie, .if ho could not make up his mind to follow her advice ;': but he had done so/and there was inn end tp that part of the case. He hud ninde/a saci-irice ruueb.' ogningt tho grain, nnd therefore ho hedged by getting'cross'wjth a. woman.' , He wandered about from one room to another, fretting, fidgeting}" unsettled. He trisd to resul. ' He bjiened one book and it was too heavy another, land' it was too flippant. He went out into the garden, and tho ehjiTupiug of birds annoyed him. He returned to the house-atid: made for Mr. Annesleyts stii({v. II i.' host was an early'riser, mid-'lie w'anted some one to talk to. JMr. Annesley was not dowb yet; On his table lay a black leather I, who. toll this story, was d sur goon in he navy, lind spending a short leiivo,of absetico ua a visitor in the house, where tho scenes I hive attempted to: deacribJo took, pluco. Annie's shrieks callelj her father, who called mo, and betv een us wo restored poor Frank to x>n- sciotishesa. I did not like the iook of this Beizuro ; but said nothing.' No onei . consulted me. Still I watchedihim closely, and at[br;ak- fast, when the mail bii^ cajno in, and as he read his correspondence, I*6ticocl that he-received a secand slidek. ~7| . . -That afternoon ho called me into his ownjroom, and told mo what had happoned to him, almost, as it ib wordep hero. 11 e added evidence' {acquired since, morning) which proved beyond the possibility of doubt that! Annie was niileB a from the house when wbut heHook for hci spoko to biui in the libijary. I beard hi.ni out #nd made usual i-eply. He had been ing liis'.'-nerveB were out^of ot '"Thejy are now," ho said, supposofany had asked you the before yesterday; what would have said?" Had I. been obliged to rep1 must have admitted.that ji, less vous. person, in the.senso-- of b likely* to give .way to -delus could hardly be found, but he not wait for an answer and won ; on " A8 for dreaming that is--ex cuso luo, doctor absurd, 1 wido awake on Tuesday eydning, and 1 did not go to bed for ah! Lour at least after my visitor left me on Thursday night. Now let .us con sider the surroundings. Ii: was warned of a warning ! Warm d in the kindest,gentlest manner, y rhy? If I had been unprepared lot the second manifestation, it would lave startled shocked me. Why was I a hale strong man (as you and all the rest thought me) tic be guarded against a shock,!/ Why was I to be turned from pun uits which you nnd ull the rest w ml J jhave'said yesterday-had made rue bo hale and so strong, by stipe -na ural means 1 Read that.".. j He handed me a letter; the bne po hacrireadat breakfast. It was jtrom'tjie secretary of a Life Insur ance Company; thanking him for the preference ho had shown the feociety^jbut declining:his proptisal i " Tlie week before last;" he :on- tinuejd, " I .was examined ^y tlieir. medical officer as a matter of fi rm, they eaid. Ho rueasnr^d'nie round theh cbe-st, and tapped, and ste ,ho- Bcoj^ed me and this is the.rest:It.' i ~" Insurance comjiinies have ull the dream- qdor. but day you y,i ner- sing Sions, did mise. " Perhaps she her mindJ If si tbat something 'vas wrong when you spoke to hei about that pro- did for tho mo ment, but my fait ting fit I could not help jit, doctc r put it out of o returns to the subject, IJBhall get round it some how-. Of; course [ uiay rely upon your silenke;" ;. " Are y^ou two joih'g to waste all the day jup theie t" 'cried Annie from the |garden. ., "jCoine down, Frahk ; I! want yii't id help me cut Bomo flowers."\. ' ' He joined her, and I stood watch ing them! from the-" gallery. To morrow I would 'lell him what 1 too well knew alniady. 'There was indeed; something awfully wrong with his heart. And ;who would .have thought it, -o look at. him? He seemed the very picture of qi net- ly taking off his coat and vest, and slipping the brace off his, left si oul- der, "you know as well as. 1 do what it means. There is somotl ling wrong! hare, case, with silver clasps, that Frank , _ . . had not: noticed before. He undid\ sorts of crotchets," I. began, the clasps and opened it. Itc ontain- ( j " Doctoit," he interrupted, edj ii photograph of the woman, who bad viiiited him the flight before. "^Tow I can find put all about you," he chuckled, " without breaking any piomise." As he .-gazed at the.pic- tuiie, and took in its details, a re collection arose which puzzled him. Man as he was, he remembered that bra-visitor's dress, though of cosily materials, arid in jejcqellent taiste, tvas niado in it fashion which had long since-gone out. The dress of the' picture was in the same style, I How was this ? ; ; As he mused, Arinin tripped in, gay nnd bright as jever, and laid a soft hand on hLs shoulder, "Up so early '('? she cried gaily. Then, as she saw-what- he held, h.er face bebnme suddenly likeness is this 1" he usked sad. ' Whose not no- ^ Desired. ticing the- change, " Poor dear l.-l; - ' $6.to.$20-ESUJKy free. at home >vorth $t St;nsox it Co,, roriland, Maine, i JJearse - Supplied ; v:\ien ,' Also that he.wJU Fitlp Stores & Offlcqs ' ' ' 'in-tho Uestfityle'. | SUowii<.'ases, Book t'ascs nnd &?*% made to order, ; FVRXLTURE-REPAIRED*. L Shop on Willow Btreet, uear'AIftin st. < -P.M. M-cCANN. Acton, March 2Q, 187'0> . . 39-Gm- JOB PRIXTIXJ of all kinds neatly and promptly executed at the '; TOEE PRESS OFFICE, . ' Jitxt tUe Post Office, Mill Street. CO. Agents wanted. tilt and tcrmsciree. 1'11UJ2;4 AU^uhta, Maine, ' rtj-l^) a diiy'at fiome maruina'-s," she rejilied after a sob. Then bis heart gave a great bound, and a cold sickening stupor I fell upon- him, I : . -'f Annie, dear," i he Raid, when, after a; mighty effort, ho regained some command over his suspense (she, poor child, only thought he' was sharing her sorrow, Svhich the sight of that loved and long lost face had,awaken.ed), "you must give me back my'promise."j. ' What promise!?" j " That I made you the day you rode over to see the Melvilles." " I don't remember your promis ing any tiring that day. What ib it?" " To remind you would be half breaking it. Surely you cannot have forgotten?" . " Let me see. , Yon read to me how Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar, out of ' Bret Harte,' and pre tended it did not make jon cry." (" That was aftexj dinner." ' Jn the morning you and papa were talking about fishing, and 1 listened." _ '! " It was not in the: morning or ih tho evening that II made you that promise, Annie. lit was in the twi light wliep you EetiirnBd From your ride," ' "Why, Frank.!, j went straight up to iiiy roorii,| It was so bite, I' had. hfirdly timej to .change my things. I never saw you from-the time you mounted me &t eleven o'clock till when we met:at dinner, What are you dreaming about? Ofy Frank, darling!- wliat is the matter? Are you ill?"- ' j Again t|e cold sickening stupor ran through; him,;and he, fell for-- ward over the table speechless. health ; but the lest ten minutes of the foot-rice the last fifty strokes of the oar-^-when the spirit forced the flesh to more t lan mortal doing, had done their silent work. I should have to'tel him ioHie very, very careful. - I s lould bel able to comfort him by saving that men as" ., i>adly off;as he was Jiad made old bones, ai}d died in their [beds, at la8tj of something slse. I stood re hearsing how this was to be (told, wbori I li'eard Ant io!a voice again,: " No,'not that one'; its tooi;full blown. iThere is a lovely bud a little higher up. No, ho, you stn- pid great fellow to your right," 'j.-.'--. .j..." They I were standing .under a climbing i rose-bush, and she] was pointing to a spot about a |yard over his head. Standing on tip-toe,, he could just touch tho stemj of the coveted flower, but not hold it, and of course;it bobbed from his fingers, i; " If yo.u jump you can catch It,"' said Annie. !- ' As she .spoke he sprang, seized the-rose '(which was pulled down by his weight), and fell against the fence upon which, the bush was trained. ! I Ob, jhow awkward you arje to- why it to mo ?" * The next moment he* slid to" the ground a!t her feet dead ! The Gbainpion Athlete of his day way killed in a struggle with.a rose-bud j ; .7 " j . day !" Annie cried. " Well, don't you break it off and give nnl" .1 .'. ' < . wrong awfully (placing his hand on his hej!rt). That is why I was. warned against a surprise that is why my.poor < lar> ling's dead mother conjured nui to avoid violent sports th*t is vhy the insurance company rejected me -] ^tlnitiis why 1 confide in you. Now tell me "ttio;truth." . I"' I placed my" ear'to his side and 1 .ouk three different soundings. 1 hen .[ told him-, as carelessly as I could, hat I had no stethoscope with me, mdheiwastoo agitated just i hen or a fair examinatiou. "I'll see f I can't' borrow some tools " I iaLJ,i" iind seeyoii to-morrowjn jrn- irig, when you will be more cdui- posed." [i " As you will," he replied ; ' but you urq mistaken about compos ire, I shall never' Vie more compi sed than I am at this.moment." " How can.you say so after ymr attack only a. few hours ago "M asked, ": " That is over. I know all n< w." "Tush V I sneered, trying to get out of my difficulty by appea -ing impatient. " You know absolutely notbjng,"- .tl; 1" All right Doctor," he said pith one of his bright smiles, andresum. ing bis coat; "I admit it. pt don't know how I breathe or how I swal low,' I don't know how-1 was join or what will happen to make me die. I don't know why I win c an eX'e.wheh a grain ;6f ,dust c< meS along in the air, i But Tdo brei the, and swallow. I have beeh iorn anoVI shall die; and somehjow'the grain of|dust will be caught; on i my eyelash,: I don't know why these visitations haye come to me; Shut they have come, Doctor, and for a reason. Look me in the face, jand tell me .that I have a sound hewt," 1 could not do it. j "So farewell," he. went on c lfeor- fully ; " a long farewell to ;th jlold fun. rOthello:s ocoupation!s gc ne.'" "And he shall settle down into a quiet married man," I addi d to hurfior him ; but his face dark med. ' ' Do yOu think I am justited:?" ho began, j " But you shall-answer 'me that tomorrow." " I bppe you have not said any thing about this to.Miss Aninei ley?" I asked, lifter a pause, ! , j "God forbid)" j . .. - "But fihe must have 'gveased George Mullrr. Founder at tlic Orphan' Ayiam, Crlmol. ' : { AN IXFAillOU!M OlTJttAttJB. DTADOLICAL ATTEMPT TO, DF,STEOT; HUMAN LIFE-^-oiNE ' MAN DrES;; FORM illS INJlJit<ES A MIRACU-J LOUS ESUAPE OF JA LARGE NUMfl BER OF PASSENGERS. . by joiiN iiARBis^TijE coionsn poet. '"An'Express Train on the Lakej Law him when his life had-fnrn'i. 3hre Railro^i.Wreoked.'; [ Into its autumn day; And on-his brow.tho-elnetering hair ,Was changing iuto'gray, A nohlo man, with lioule mein,- And such a trustful grace; ; MethoHL'ht I.saw ajholy fight : ' - Which shone upon his face. How. great the:faith by which Jic lives"} Oh, that such faith were mine^.t He seems to reach his haftdjjn high, __And grasp the arm Divine. \'J I cannot hope, as oh Igo c - Across this world of pain, To meet among the sons of men ' A faithi like nis again. i And,' far off from my own fireside, How did my hcari rejoice, .. - When sitting where.he often preach'd - To hear his faithful voice ! ' He magnified the Saviour's name, " MoroMear his love than gold. , i His meek' eye. led me oft to think w ' Up'on- the seers of oldT' Great is tho power of such an one The Measureless Love. I can.- measure paternal lore how broad, how long and strong; and'deep it is ; it is a sea a ^eep sea, which mothers "can only fathom. But the love displayed on jonder hill and bloody cross, where God's own son is perishing for us, no man, nor angel haaa line to meas ure. The cu-cutoference of the earth, the altitude ;of the sun, the distance of the planets have been'determined, but the height, depth, ljreadth, and length oi the iove' of j God passeth knowliedge. Such is j the Father against whom all, of ub liave sinned a thousand times j 'Walk the shore where the ocean sleeps in the summer time, or,lashe<l into fury by the winter's tempeat, lis thundering on her sands; and whei you have numbered' the drops oi Jier' wayes,- the sand oh her sounding:beaeh, you have number ed God's mercias And'your- sins. Well, therefore, mayjwe go to him with thelcdnfa-ition ef the jirodigd in our ears and his eonieasion on our lips. "Father,! have sinned against heaven and in thy sight." The Spirit of God helping us to go to God, be assured that the father, who seeing his-son afar. 6ff,-ran to meet liiin, fell on. his neck, and kissed him, was; but an_image of Him, who, not sparing his own Son, but giving him up to death that we might live, invites and now: awaits our coming. Dr. Guthrie. .. ..-. . ' -.-;------------; ^Tatchmaking In GeneVa. One of: the principal; kinds of employment at Geneva; for a;large part of i the population, is watch making,' We were informed that ten thousand persons were engaged in thiS particular branch of indus try. Even little girls are employed ' in polisliing the delicate parts of the machinery. The best workmen rarely earn more than two dollars each a day the poorer, ot course, earn less,! One simply.makes the chains, another the springs,'another certain wheels, while others ,wpik at the 8etiing-up, aif*it is balled that is, putting the plates tjogether. Very beautiful watches, of superior quality too, compared with the or dinary run of such articles in the United; States, appear very pheap Indeed. A lady desired to eicchange, at a manufacturing establishment, a superior goldvwatcb> of lajrgp size, for a smaller one, by ^paying the difference^ H)nly*len dollars would be 'allowed for hers^-the weight Of the oase rthe inside being condemn' ed as execrable, although a good To aid Jehovah's right, And hasten'on the peaceful time When earth shall bathe in light. And spears are into sickles turn'd, ] To reap the fruitfal mead';' His life is one great homily To Bhame' the -sceptic's creed, r And when I saw the orphan ones ' By hundreds clothed and fed, Who else perhaps would lrdmeles3.be, And steal- for lack of bread. Now taught to read and write and work, . So cheerful,- good, ami1 wise ; ' " ! I thanked the Lord foreucb a man, And tears cami in my eyes. .-- How wonderful the mighty deeds ! . Which be.by faith has done, / Which shall"go on to bless mankiud,. j Till darkness shrouds the sunjl ': " _' HiB memory will forever live I Among earth's precious things, - ' j And_ MuTler's name henceforth be rank'dj With heroes, bardB, and kings. i Old Proverbs. ' , After dinner sit awhile. . . After supper walk a mile. ;* : After breakfast work a while. * , '.'". Adversity flattereth no man. ; .. A man may buy gold too dear. A light purse is' a heavy curse.. ^' A little leak will sink a big hip. ' All lay loads on the willing horse; - I A quiet conscience sleepb in thunder. A guilty conscious needs ho accuser. ; Borrowed clothes never fit. Better go round than fall in the ditch. Better go alone than in bad company. Be alow to. promise bat qaicklto -per form. Better go to bed supperless than to get in,debt. ' - Cut your coat according toyour cloth Catch the bear before you sell its skin Charity begins at home but should not end there. Do not rip up old sOres.~ Doing nothing is doing ilk Diligence commantis suceeis. J>ebt is the,worst kind of poverty.' - Dependence is a poor trade to follow. Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves. Do unto others-1 as you would have them.dp to you; Every couple is not a paip. Everything's good in it3 season.'} TEverybody's business is nobody's business. ' - - -,--'. - ^!alse friends are' worse than open eh- emies^. . Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate. . ' r - ; . i Fire and water are good servants hut bad. masters. Great barkers are not great hitera. Great gain and little pain make a man weary. -". Give a roEiie rope enough and"he.will soon hang.himself. Home is home be it ever so homely. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. .. Haye yonr-. cloak made before it rains. Idle 'folks have the least leisure. ' Letnotypur tongue cut you|r throat. Liars are not believed w.hen they tell the trutdi. ' ^ . Make )hay while the sun shines. Never split wood against the grain. ; Never light your candleat both en^B; i : Never.make a mountain put of a njole' rhill. . None are so deaf as those who willnofc l*Sr. . - -: . One is not so soon healed as hurt. One eye-,vitnesB is- better than ten heresays. . "' . One bad example spoils many.good precepts. .... One hour's sleep" before midnight is worth two after. Praise a.fair day at'nighfc. the (:. (Buffalo'Courier, Any. 17.) L-, It was only a few diiys jago; tha't--^' ^we chronicled the partial wrecking1 of a passengev- train on the Lake. Shore and Michigan'SojithWn'-Ran-ij road, spme. wretch iiite.nt upon! rofi'-jQ bely or^ murder, or bothj havin premiditatedly changed tiro "switch^ and throw'n the train from track". - We, are.now called upon.'to report -a. fee.eoiid lirid even. a. -.mora"-.- y' )[ tban the first, the peculiar.-- circutn- j stances connected with it goingTtoj show, 'a u.ove malignantly wicked design than was: manifested in the] 'previous case. THE EXPRi:SS TRAIN*, which left Cleveland at elevesif o'clock Tuesday night, auclp;whieh was due in this city at 4:15 yesterr day morning, readied a point abputij a quarter of a mile1 w'est of Northj East at 2:25, w:hen: the engine anxt tender, baggage- and tlitree expressE cars, and three passenger coachesj- Biiddenly-flew the tii-dck, and : PLUNGED OOWK A>? E3IBASKMEKT Korne .foifty feet,% high.,:^ The engfne1 was-tumid completely upside down and lodged near tbetoji of the bank. One o' the baggage cara rojled to' the bottom, while the other, two. were piled upon it ends tip. tween_one'- of the ;tiprigbt baggage cars and the engine, the teriderrwais jainnied near tiia top of the bank.;':'. The smoking-car] ' which ia tho smash up became detached frof& the *; reac baggage or express car, found ' its'way to! tbe plnin below,-carry ing with it. two other passenger cars which] had been separated frofa the sleeping coachee.: ]Th'ese' three cars.hung. together and- went^dcrWii the bank as if moving down ^an in- ' - clined jilane;; and while the front.' end of the smoking icar rested"kfc1. the bottom of the bank,-the rear"' end of the tliird passenger car -was -"-; nearly on a.leval..With its toj^.f Tlie > " sleepers "t remained on the track' and their ! occupants werte iLlh nil-. witting of ,the disaster for: 'some; Httle.lihie after ' its occurrence. .< ..Those in the other, cai-s had, no time for^ reflection,; and many -,igf them awfoke only ' as -tbey weretlirpwn from their seats in the rapid-de^-. scent. The excitement which fol lowed cannot very .-readily be de scribed, butT with: one exCbgtionL>. -nobody was injured, and ;a feehag of tbaiikfulnesS soon-took of place' of terror. -1;-'.' .: ". rl" WIIXIAM E.'. btEMMESS, ;-' ;' .* \ ' a conductor on the! Gieatv Western' Railway,; was in""]the snTokingkisar at the time,of thid dipas'er.. JBlnow^ - ing that the carWhacPjumped the : track he piilled the bell rope, .and unfortunately stepped out upon tiia... front platform, fi-bjn which he was thrown. ^When fqund Ije layupon the upper side of the 'baggage.car, which had rolled jtp tlie bbttom of- the embankment, With both legs . broken, and othenjvise injured. He was promptly taken care of nd' re moved to North East, 'where., he died about Jaoon. : The engineerj.firemiia, and bag gagemen escaped without any in jury, and ihvie\r of the nature^of the uatastrophe, their freedom from; harm must be considered almost a miracle. ~,The passengers,who went down the" embankment with, the cars ' were .helped to the, -top^jas speedily as possible, and onW-iwas ' brought out of chaos in due-time.\ . THE WORK .OF A FIEJO)'.- - . . The wrecking 'of the tmin" Wag , thfe work of some fiend in human shape, who had determined to make the destructionoflifej]an^"ptpperty;' Patience and; time run through the -as complete as possible. The spikes longest Jdsiy. " Quick at meat, quick at work. Reckless jkrath makes rueful age. Strike while the iron is hot. ' Short reckonings make long friends,. ' Temperance is the. best phV|8ie. "Tis-thre seoond blow- that makes the fray. '..' The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merry'nian. Welcome is the best cheer. , - Where there is a will there is a way. When the will is ready the foot is light. - ' . -.- What may be done at any time-ia never done. ' { They went fishing. She looked ianguidly at liim and, said. "Twish the fish w6ula"biie;.yijiir-'hook.. If I were, a-fish I would," And he said ; " If you were a gold nshTd haul you in." /. time keeper, and cost a roupd sum,! Punch's^^ recipe for the preserva- Watohes that might cost ijme hun- tion of furs is excellent'; Pull out had "been drawn from- seven ties,! and the bolcs^of- thafisbjoints had been taken opttindjerft in thq mjd-'^ die of the;road bed.- i'DieTopsineST;" rail was but slightly-removed jromi' its bed, but was.evldejritlj. arrangeid with reference to" precipitating; thlev train down the steep embankment,, and the accuracy pfj the wretch'B?' calculations'; was prejtty seriously 'verified. ^ ^~ ?: ' .-' .< -.' \ Language wtferfy fails^to charac terize this terrible act; and we can' qnly hope and pray that tbe-human devil who worked the disaster may be brought to speedy punishment. The .railroad authorities are]_not idle, and'.will leave ho means iin employed to. secure ]the arrest of this fiend of toe raiL !\V dred dollars in Boston or .New York, according to the representa tions of tbe manufacturers, .would not exceed forty, or fifty in Geneva. all hairs with tweezers and varnish tho skin; In tb,e; Spring remove the varoisa>and carefully stick all th& hairs in their old places. u Can thei-e bo anything brought into this House," askeda disgustedu, member,during the. lust session 'ofv: the legislature, *' that will not be repealed sooner or laterl" One of the opposition suggested "askinnsl . orange." , L-.