v-Sffl? ;.': jgfltj ; -..;'.; . * 1 ~- ; leap good* nmr ' _ > .1. iSfc J -] oJ, rich asjfti teea ;i- |mce of oarex' '.-.._* spring-, Wife'-: ^ ha* tnr at* " largest lot, f CASH. lodi Terr ;fC)BGETO|T3f sntsites kept ^s* I : pcsaftls j SuDj^es isdy : 2only 70 easts, .be <Jieli icie^t- taken in x- trfedeHvereJa*-.- i and SBtoa,^-: ; tiroesifc. <Wn' pn, or [M l itrm JTA*' 77. ..-*- '-T fl;'- "tr . r imerqn Highest 0*** . la Stand < > 876.: i'-ls- [HEWS /=- ;ion ' j'. 3Jt, \LgteAf CKAXD' TKfXK TISHS TABLK. - Train* leave Actbn as follows :^- - cojxo WKsT, ExprtM ' - jTuced : Sight Imprest 9,15 ii.ni. 1.67 p.m. K. 50 p.m. 7:3t>p.m. 1:04. a, n\. SOINl! txrr. t(h: 1:"7 ,Hiffr,E J^ :iv: Sicht Express. pv Express .Vl - 1 - Jfuted - 3:3$ Turn. !:15 4,m. Jl).:34 .vni, -: ii:'Jllp.iii. 0:VK)p.m. 40CAL MATTERS, NEW- -ADVERTISEMENTS. Horse for S*lc-rT. S. Armstrong. Jdiu<vlic Meeting Walker Lodgc^. Gleni*">n Mills 15. & R.Toltcm. Insolvent Act of lSftWYVm. Allan. On Strike Christie, Henderson &Co. --. Christie, Henderson it Op. will pay.tho highest prico in cash for any quantity of gooYl Dairy Butter in nice new tuba, They also onV'bargains in job lot* of .Roods at all times. Have You had a trial of their famous 50 TeaT If not, ask for a sample. : I -f good 'and cheap. A live dollar Revolver for 53."o0, at Secord Bros. 7J Lots of Snow :_ every convej- jjbc* on runners and every string of bells baa been brought into requisition. i-Mr. John Rca, Reeve of Era- jaoss^ joras electeJ Warxleh of the Conn- ty of Wellington on Xaesday." 5Jc. James Beaty, of Toronto, will preach next Sunday in the Dis ciples Meeting House, at 11 a. m. and 6 p-m. . " '" v. The entertainriient. given by Jaie Watson and Company- ou Tues- dy "evening was not as well attended. s it deserved .-to be. Where were all eur lovers of Scottish song ? Snotvkh Is. On Tuesday mora- ing a lioi-8o attached, to a one-horse sltsyjh Wira fotind snowed"'!^ on the Brock Iload.ii short-distance west of Greensville. ;Tho sleigh and s hotae we're completely coVered up, all bnt the. horse's head .the snow having drifted around them. Thp Uorso belonged to a roan namotF 'Joseph Gravel, who had been stopp ing at the covnafr rather long, when ,bis horse started home without him, .jlnit'only succeeded in getting pa'i'l of the way. Tlio hb'rsu had to lie dug out of tho drift. Dundas Ban ner. . THE FREE PRESSj ACTiOF, HALTOli 'iT. _E3_ JtU BENEFIT . TO THIS ^US'fOUEfls OF . Te\ Meeting i\ Euvmosa Ou Wednesday evening, 17th inst., % very successful -. tea inciting was heldat Bethel- Church, (Episcopal Methodist) better known as tho Brown CJiurch. Eranios-a, for tho 'benefit of die.Sun<l.vy School. The chair \vii$ occu]>icd by Mr. Luttrell, and anioug the speakers-were .Revs. / Messrs.* Thurston and Duff,, and rr,, ,r - ,,-, ... , T Messrs. Hoilirkinson lind Ruddell. ' j i , i i . __ L._ t x. - " .,, .-{ iliri rergns choir, under the loader- ship of Mr. Hunt, -wnden-d some excellent music, and solos and duets were .sung by Miss Thurston itnd others, adding much to the enjoy-' ment.of the evening. ; The nmount realized for theschool was $32, for wliich the thanks of the -teachei-s are largely due to the exertioniof the latjies who furaisbed the .good things for the tejic T' During the past yooRtwe have dbno a larger business than has over been dono by a Dry Goods House in Quelph, and in return for this large -patronage wo have deoidod to 6flor our ouslOmers a Ourl stock is ths heaviest 6ver held in Guelph, amounting to ovei* $100j000; the whole of which we will offer at cost. If this will not do, we shall have to give the goods away,.for we are de termined toreduce our immense stock to $50,000 by the JatorMaroh, as our new Spring goods will thn be coming to hand, and we must make room. Our buyer, Mr. W. MoLaohlin, of Montreal, has been In the /British Markets for two months past, (w^ do not rush off there, pick up, the tirst goods that offer, and biiok again) carefully inspecting the slook,' and we shall have the best soliscted and cheapest stock ever offered. Prices at home uro low, und wo Becut^j groat bargains by paying cash. -" This will: be found to be the greatest 6hanoe for buyiner Cheap j Dry Goods ever known in the annals of Guelph. Tho Liori has already the greatest reputation for sellina oheap of all the! stores in the Province, but this time we will surpass all previous eQbrtp, and bea,t the world. ! ' i The_enorm6us Bankrupt Std(ok wo bougljt in the summer enables us to' piit e*ery other store fa "tlio shade. The bulk ofit is gone, buv.it inoludes a big lot of winter goods, sUah as Blankets, Flannels, and Woolen good a generally, which we will.ulso nffor at cost, or at .10 cents on (the dollar of the wholesale cost. \Vc guarhntee them-all perfect, and the prices cannot be touched. ' We count it a pleasure tol show our goods to the general public. It is impossible for uk to inentioo all tho bargains wo are offering! We should need every column of Tub Fautj Prkss to do so, but we will only name a fow leading lines. Ojit customers' must remember, however, thaf The Reduction is general throughout our Stook. smsisfflg ,! _ COUNTY, ONT JA^XUiKT 25, |l877i WONPEftFUL ^ITEIWEflTl1 TRi-WEHDQUS RUSljl THAT 't^biSTDBRFUIj MAN'S GIOST PRiXJE SALE. B Bost quality of Seasonablo Goods less thar. Manufacturer's Prices advantages offered. The Township of XassagaWeya will meet ou SSturday, the 17th-day of Fobruary ^ext,--instead of-Monday, the 10th, as 'performer notice.. .""" Frozen Vp.-^TUc colj we.-.thor of last'week was toivinn^.h-for.oufcouteni- porary the AVi. It -did 'not isioo 1>V- cause the employees' hail seised the books ior their wages. So says the ^Christie-, Henderson i Co. on ,atrike-^a fatal blow to loa^; credits and long prices. See their new advertise ment this week. Cheap Jackets,-Cloths and Blankets, are what the people want, and by calling1 on Christie, Henderson .& Co. the\- can bare tSeir wants sup plied, and satisfaction gnaranteed. --The tea meeting and musical entertainment, last evening, in the Pres byterian Church, was attended by. a large number of people. After the edibles liad been satisfactorily disposed of, Mr. Arch. Campbell was called to the' - chair. The speakers were Revs. Messrs Davie?, Cameron and Calvert, of Acton, md F.cv. Mf. Manlo: aid, of El,-,ra. Ex cellent music was fuini.*hed by the chnrchichoif. The pr. ceeds w-tri' about 100,wliich is tol^e devotetl to jruprovt- incnts in tie Presbyterian manse., ~'_- ^Llso^tc^ali.-----Ths Mnscmie Frater; nicy o:_MiIt<>^ have' deci-.brd to'.have a tall in tiiat WTTn'on Febmarr 'st, ^vbicli- w:U eclipse all 'ormtr _cri.-rtsi. Everything to btj Vushed off expected -.that there will be enough priests from the citie^ to ch.trtcr a spe cial train on the JI] t X. W. R. Tkt Booilek Estate. R. H. Smith, ' of. Toronto, assignee of tHe insolvent esiateoiR. 1>. Boomer, oi "Erin, Iras given notice that ie will 4ell the real property of the insolvent,- by auction, at Erin Village, February iStli lat n>jon. The BtRi.1xr.7pN Canai.-Bridge; That grand slmcture, the Biu- lington Canal swing railvray bridge, was completely ndjnsted last week for the passage of .railway trains over. It app-eared- to work with perfect smoothness aud- precision. Its nvovehtc-nts were without a jar or any irregularity of movement; Everything seomed to work with _( the ex-io'uess snd Lharmony of clockwork. The heavy' engines pissed to and fro over it," at slow and rapid speed, ; but the bridge gave no symjitom of the jiressme u[H)n it. Cons'.ruction trains will henceforth.pass"over the road, with- ( out let orrliinderance from Hamilton to Gejrgeto-wn on the Grand Trunk ; and;'there is now a continuous railway ojien from Jtrrvis, on the Canada Sc->iit-Lei-n. io, loronto, vi;i It is I Georgetown on lite Grand Titiuk at cost. No ono shoiild loso this big chance S (3- o o jd s: 65 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to 20 cents. 30 ". \> .. i 24 " (" " 19 " . 12 " ! 80 '.' " " . 22 " 15 " I These are the very latest sty.'es and colors, and no one should buy a dress without first ran king an inspection of these goods.; Fancy and Plain Silks nt Extrnordinary Figures Special drives in Clouds. Vtx -a. Shawls, Wool Shirts,and Drawera, Flannels Blankets, Qiilts, Horse Blankets, and Winter Shirta. WINCEYS! W1NCETS! WNCfiY ! " ' - 420 Pieces but down from 12J to 10 cants. 235 * ' 17 121 " 140 Ix>wer pri;ed Lines putdown to 7 cents a yard '.' Sf3E30I-A.:ili ATTENTION. Oiir Ready-made Clothing and Millinery and Mantle Branches, desertw speci.J notice. These goods we will run out at any price, and any one needing these goods Bhould come to us at once far they ' will never have a better chance to secure a bargain. FIFTY BUFFALO, KOBES STlkL LfeFT. The season is advanced and we will refuse no decent offer for them. A fine assortment of Tweeds all marked down to cost: Pull , iGloth 30 Cents. j- < Vj . WV-,-vt -iq IT" 0 The 1uestion often'askod'is, Why is it J-ij' J-O JLw. T that in a few years we have been able :' The largest amount of Goods sold yesterday' '^CD-.aW-JVfe'^^ Ever Sold in one day in Guelph. GREAT BAH-GAp S0 3ST s+ great Sale continues each day. Huiry in and partake of the great J.in. 8, 1877 JOHN HOCCi & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndnam .Street, Gndph. f'. j JLTtUtlr. 1_ " 2*ever.did the frost artist trace more Keantifnl designs an the window panes ,/thwn thoae exliibrt*d every morning tliis week. The dtlicate crystalluation is of every imaginable form, and each specimen was as unlike all the others as are the thousand pictures of a kalei-. . doscope. - i Te War^rstUir. ' j ' . ' Ai the' meeting of> he County Council ..' pn Ttfesday, Mr- MaiEew Clements,- ' Reeve ofT^falgaf, was elected Warden , for this Cwmty. The Champion of last-! Switzer, T. C. AVrigl.t, A, Waldie, J. Brownridge, "W. Pettit, .E. Cor- railway. In a short time tlif! Ilaniilton and North Western will be open for traffic und travel from Jarvis to Georgetown, via Hamil ton. : . i ""'- '. years we nave been able to increase (he small business formerly done at The Llori, to its present outside.of Toronto)? The true answer is that can for oer customers. We buy at the lowest enormous sifce, (the largest we do the' best we possibly ISalton Agricultural Meeting. . Tiiis -society held their annual meeting in the town hall, Milton, last week,'there beipg a larger at tendance than nsuiuli^'The meting was opened by. Mrt Beaty, Secre tory of the Society, giving a general sTatement of its financial affairs. He said the society was never in a more prosperous condition than at present. 'Afterwards the;following officers were elected : J. B. Bessey, President; A.^IcGibbon.llst Vice: T., Boak; 2d- Vice; W. C. . Beaty, Sec-Tieas; Dii-ectors, II. ;.M. figures; we sell at the same and we treat our friends bo that they always ,come lack to us. Honesty is the best pulicy, "and honesty and courtesy are the ruling principles at The, Lion. .;"!' ' | D. Guelph. Jan. 8, 1877. f WILLIAMSON & CO THE WTio is the true. Philantropist? "reek gives the following list of the gen^ tiemen. who nave filled the position of Warden of this County, from 1S53, the year of the separation of Hal ton from Wentworth, np to the present tame, which may be interesting to some of oiir readers: , 1S53 James YouiSg. 1854 George Ghent. -1855 Robert Miller. . 1256 James Young*- 1857-Robert Miller. - 185S------" " - 1859 , " " 1860 " 1861 " , " j 1862 William Clay. ' 3863 , - .1864-^Robert Miller. -; 1866 1867 Arch. Camp"bell. ' -i8oS "'" " :_ . 1869-^JobtrMeN'anghton. 1870-^ '* " ] 1871 P-. A. McDougald. . 1872 ' \' " . 1873 W.1 D. Lyon. 1874 -.. " 1875 John Waldie. 1876 " "" - A Pleasant SBri>rlse- About 11 -o^lockon-Tuesday morn ing last a partylninnbering about forty persons, cottsirting of members and frfends of the Churchill congregation; left the residence of Mr. James Ryder,. Acton, having every, indication of a sur- - prise party. -Baskets, too numeroos to mention, well "fillid- -with -the good Slings of this life, seemed to have spe- 1 care" and. attention until the party wfely landed at tie residence of th.5 Rev. (Joseph Unsworth; the_late. pastor of the Churchill, congregation. The greetings wered saci" 'a- nature that we cnnot describe them by pen or pencil; j ^ after w|ich thejadies fulfiUed tho task '"-%ned" them ty loading two large '? itifcg with -many things to which they nd already given much attention. After fee doth had been drawn, a:very affectionate -and. feeling, address was; wad bearing abandaoat'teBtiniony to the 1"gh erteem in whick the rev. gentle- r awn was held by-ids -fonner flock, *t. "Oift-Baine time -presentmg feim with a -porse and other articles. The Rev. - .Mr. Unsworth replied in feeling terms, after which the -jtxtyjaepaiated,;x. preasing their many regrets that the long and (neceasinl pastorate had been tvm .Hieii-rrCost. lett, _D. .Hiitcheony-W. Reid, J. Brothers. Auditors, Johnson:. Har rison and Finlay McCallum. Direc tor for Hie Provincial Board. Alex. Barrie. Delegates to Provincial Fair,;H. M. Switzer and Johnson Harrison. After the election of officers a .motion was adopted: that Professor "Bucklarid b'e-asked to give a lecturej subject, '-'Worn out soil," in the town hall, Milton, soon, also that :the Township Boards be asked to meet in.Miltoft to discuss the^ massing of, the townships fairs into one large county).fair. Cham pion.' ________; UAJtRIEP- On Wednesday, the .10th irist., by the Rev. Mr. Eadie, Mr. Wm. Macken zie, of Hustler &- Hack.enzie, to Miss Nellie Conlin, all of _Milton.^ DIED.' Mrs. Mart C. Leslie, beloved -jwifo of Mr. Joel Leslie, died at her late residence in the township of. Erin, Dec. 9th, 1876, aged 26 years. She was a daughter of David Kenne dy, Esq],.of the-township of- Gainsbor ough, was converted to God about ten .....'" :l. (The merchant who provides the hest goods at the cheapest value for his customers. YEMEN Begs leave to inform the public generally that.be is prepared during. THE HOLIDAYS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. SECORD Henderson A. Co Have laid in a mammoth Stock of ve*ything Rich, Bare, Uaefiu, ."d attf Beau iifdl, to -. ! GROCseRIES, OB1NA O-lassware, Hardwaiie, && .i -.- j years ago, and united-^ith the I Wesley an Methodist Chflroh, of which sie. re mained a consistent member till Sept. 30, 1876; when she wm united in mar-, riage to her now sorrowing husband, who being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, she at once united witn-him, and continued a faithful and very worthy inemtjef tip till her death, which was very-sudden and unexpected.' On the Sabbath before she was at church and class-meeting in her'UBual health and spirits, which were always cheer- / fuL The following Tuesday she was at the house of a friend, the evening being spent in singing, religious^and social conversation and prayer.' Un her Way home, in company with her husband and others, she sang that beautiful hyinn found in f' Winnowed Hymns,"; " My latest ann;i;ainkipff. f' . My" race is nearly ran, - My strongest trial now are past, My triumph is begun. RWUIH :. "-T know-Pm aearing the holy ranks Of friends and kindred dear, For I brush the dew on Jordan's banks - The crossing must be.rnear." . ' Being in good health, little did she, think bow applicable the words weite but such is life. The next morning she w.oke up in a fit,. unconscious_ and speechless, despite all physicians and kind and loving hearts could do, she fell asleep in Jesus the next Saturday .morning at six o'clock, ]_. to. make great sacrifices for cash on all kinds of goods. ^My stock is. now complete in toys for the little folks, and-also a beautiful assortment of goods, useful as well as ornamental, suitable for J CHRISTMAS PRESENTS For both old and youngjtjat their greatest-beaut/,is their cheapness. \-.. "* In this lin^ my customers may relyon getting their goods fresh-and good as I hiive. purchased them all within the pajst two weeks, and am selling them at prices that would have to bo "paid for goods that hare been in stock for sereraljmonths. - -- CROCEERT j AN1> I GrLAgaWARE. During the Holidays I will sell goods in this line at prices ttiat.defy competition, as my present large stock must be cleared out by tha begin, hing of the New Year to make room for a new stock. ; \,- ...... ... - ., ?.' . . . ' . _______ . ^ .' " . .k Thi? Week v^ill offer extra special values in the following Goods, to reduce pre paratory to Stock-taking: ;..]-" 2 dosen, Cardigan Jackets, $1.50, worth. $2.00 2 dozsn Cardigan Jackets, $2.00, -^ortn $2.50 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, "worth $4.00 17 pairs Blankets, $3.50, -worth $5.00 20 pieoos Pull Clothl, at 55oper yd,-wortiWo 16 pieces Full Cloth, at 60c per yd, -worth *75o CliOUDS, I ".".'{.:".,,.' WOOLE^ GOODS, limes CHINA DEPARTMENT- Gents' Mottoed Mustache' Cups'and Saucers, : Ladies'Mottoed Caps and Saicers, f r * ,^ Childran'a iCottoed Cupa and Bancer^ Glass and Flower Vases, Glass Pitchers, China Slugs, mottoed, all cobra Preserve Diahes, Goblets] Tumblers, Pinkie Jars, Wine < Masses, disss Cel7 ^Glasses, At Give Away Prices. Stone ap.d! China Tea Sets^ *~; ." - ..-.:" -. Lamps| Lanterns, '-,'-. Everything in Gniiite Ware, Everything beautiful in endless Tsriety. ' i Lay one in need of Full Cloth for Men or Boys' Clothing-, will find our stock well suited to the Positively free from shoddy. GEO ; Fresh Oysters, Finnan Haddies, Pork and Bologna Sausage, Yarmouth Bloaters, &o , always oh hand. Call and examine the goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Please note the address. Peaember 1, 1876. GEO. YEMEN Post Office Store, Acton . ii Reimeniber that jPamous 50c Tea, lu (frash paid Butter. for aiy quantify of really good CanneiPesches, Plums, Gooseberries; Blackberries^Cherries, Pears, ' ---. ' ' - ' ' i Preserves, Jains, Jellies, Pickle 8, LobiWrs, Ssdmon, Sardines, Clams,' tDystel s, Fruits. Saisins,. Carranls, - ' ^i/t. - -^ - ' .' J Figs, lints, Bruits, Confectionery, and Honey "'ft The Largest arid Cheapest&[ock iof Tea* eprffoougM^ into AXorii ~T;o.bacc6s,fcce,_Barley, Corn Starch, Etice'Flotir, Soaps^oas.:: ':;': ; ,-. -." Hardware^ 3attlery, Sj^ns, Pslinisi Oijs, *0._ V ! CEIL1STXE, HENDERSON & CO, Aitoh, Jan j 23,1877i | Sets, Sick-EJupa and TeederS- ' 'It JX- ilekon, i?ov.'i20187^ SEcoaDBaos. b .v-