Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1877, p. 4

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flgsv* 'IHIA . __JUJIUfl-l -U J.I 51 JWIfJ.1) '.ll^.l.. I Htf-. CTEl.JrEB.PRESS, ACTON,\ HAftTPNi CflWJi&iy. sPSl-v WTNE r>:],1877. WkV I Left the Masons. "Want to know'why I" left the Masons. Well, I'll toll you, uud 1 rather thiuk you "would leave tco, if you got iuto audi a scrape as 1 didV J. Years ago, when I first joined, I was very particular in my. at tendance at Uho lodge meeting, mortttotfcjiiliagast pf uu- wife, *hoj ttally quitting me about our doings at bar tneetiug*, and upon my as serting the riding of the gout was a part <^ my business, she insisted on knowing all the particulars a\>cmt the animal, until, to silence her, I aid 2 vould bring hhu home tutd hoot hivu. Of course I nover in- tended to ktrplaiypromise, but an unlucky fate! ruled otherwise. , One tveuing about ten o'clock, as Jr vraa plodding home from the lodge, i heurd in advauoe-o^ me a cpatuHipalMeiid pathetic^ blettting, and 1 soon came up with.a. large goat standing upon the walk who had evidently lost his. bearings, 'wandering *way, and being iri great grief, was crying |'I want to,go SooMfc^ I neVSr liked goats,-and my first tnipulae was to kick this' one (and ; I've alm^s^wtM 1 JiA' J" At) but the moor'nlul tone of his voice created a Uttla aympatby for him in jay breast, and j pat tod him kindly oaJtoJtf^AASAJTtoton. .Butthe go*i followed cloae at toy heels, and although J -gssared,hinv bit boinor did oat He thiaj way put .probably; doynthistr^etfweSadjaat crossed, ' he perastedt _*As we approached my home, I more earnestly remon- . atrated with him on bis folly, and finally persuaded biui by,going with . him, and constantly patting him on j'the rear with the toe of my boot, J- to return one block. X- was much . out of breath myself, and I said to _*be goat, "Now old fellow, sit - down on the ourb and rest vourself, you're tired. I'll bo back in aniin- nte-^-just: want to go round the corner " and J. started on the run, but in a moment the goat was at vaj beela. I reached home, tlepai t- ed up the steps, opened the door, - and with a feeling of relief, stepped In, when-to my horror through .riiy legs into the hall boainded~tbat goat 'with a triumphant bleat that echoed through the upper hall* and cham ber!, awakeniag the- whole house hold. The hall lamp was burning brightly, but lap the stairway all was dark, an*t I raw- tLat e'very- ; thing was arranged for the special; j oanvenio^nSPof-gazers Irom above Bfc^oat|h*d retired to the fur- tfipisficTos^De baU and stood face- ingme; occasionally bleating, but as I began to be somewhat exorcis ed in my mind about then, I can- aot .""J",, ctether^. tho tone were those of triumph and ridicule or of defiance. Whatever tliey were, I declared war at .once, and made for 1I picked myself up ffqm.tho floor*. .'sut on the stairs and Saw tl)o g$at ix^aimng his corner nfc-tlie fend'of the hall giving u victorious bleat as ho did so. " Koiuid No. 2, First kuoek down for tho gout," ciiitie from aloft, au outbreak of elieers followed. " Get on the gout anil ride it pa," cried 'one of. the little children. ! " Oh.-yeW, rfo, ji," hho'ut&"an other, " that will bo so nieo." " Don't you need u Baddle^dekrl" said my wife.' " Won't that door mat do t" llmiuin nature could stand it no longer. T was furious, aud sprung lot tho animal regardless of time mul situation". Ilo:.ulso Btiutod for me under fiiUsail,~nnd as we closed; I sprung high into the air with legs wide apart, and his head und neck passing under me, I lit Kquuro on bia back, seized hia short tuii, giv ing it a twist, nnd at tlieBatuo time, to make all oven, gave u>y legs u1 twist under him. I felt that 1 Was getting the best of it this timo, and as I gave the tail an extra twist, 1 shouud," Now goat 1" but ho must tiavt) understood me to 'say'{' noXv go it," far away he went up and down that hall backwards aud for- warda, the goat wild and I nearly so, biit beginuittg rathor to onjoy my ride as I heard tho laughing and cheers of tho spectators, and. .knew they wore for me this time,] and especially when, through all the chorus of shouts, I heard the commendatory words of my *ife, " Don't fco rule nice1, fot a now be- ginnev" ' . , At t^bis ppinS tho goat, disgusted eitherAvithfthe use he was being put to, or the peculiar curvo. I was getting on hU tail, bolted out the door, and as he did so J let go, roll ing off. I sprang up and shut tho door just as the goat, having turn ed tho step, charging upon me again,- and came with his whole force crushing ngiiinst one of tile panels of the door, which he split, but frouTtbe noi.se outside Ijndgod the concussion threwhim'dowu on the step, and extorted'from- hiru loud bleat of mingled despair and contemptucu's indignation. " Round No. 3. Goat flung out of the ring !" came dowu stairs and. my wife commenced ranging : " See the Conquering Hero comes/' with the chorus hy the whole com pany. For some time I had a tender .Bpot which my cl)air greatly inter fered with, and I was invariably saddest when I sat. A charge for wheat bran ap|>eared: in my gro cery bill, which my wife said was for the-goat, although I had used it for poultices. Hutteries opened upon me every lodge night, and Rt last I could stand it no longer, and effected a compromise by giving up! the lodge and remaining at home' the lodge 4 .* :~i.t at night. Our compromise ,bag been faithfully kept, and I ad rise .all Masons, no matter how impor- * Zjzt? 'rm ^ .'3ea4 wVi?^ staJ- tunatje their wives may be in their t&yfifcifito l^gsr that I.tunat business, and he met halfway with gar&T me, following it .by: -another and another, till I began" to imagine myself-, a fortress assaulted hy a small battering ram, and about to yield to the eBe"my; When he had driven me back to. the 6tairs, ho *vertrto"his jxfcitipn at theotlier end of the hill, and again facedlme.' -*-. " Bound No. 1. First hit' for the goat," came past my ears- from aloft, and as I cast my eyes up ward a peal of laughter came tear- - ing down the stairs, and I could just j^srceiye,ji crowd hanging OTer th^biUBittersi of1 both flights, which lip^w full well was made up ef wife, children, a waggish young friend; who lived with us, two visi tors and the servants, a full audi ence in tho dress circle, looking __ down into the pit.to see the fun. " bh;\ Pa's brought home the goat I" said one of the children. V Yes, and; he's practicing with it," said another. " What degree j is this perform ance in V asked the wife. " Glad w didn't go to the thea- trerto-Tnght," chi med in one of my visltorsi " Time/tune,*!.shouted <py young. friend ftoarsthe' upper"tier, and 1: thought so too, and I went for the pecqnd -round. ; Bat now I changed my tactics ~ I advariced elowiy^ keeping close to; the wall, and endeavored to get b hind the' beast, thinking I would. try the pats on bis rear with my' boots again, in hopes'they would calm him and persuade1 him to re tire as they had done before - onfe " doors; but he evidently otjected to my " change of-paae,* and once more " charged home" Upon me. This time I caught, him by the horns, and the'-sfcruggJe commenced in earnest. The' goafjifted up his , Tcace in lond protestations, of foul play, and Iopenednny mouth and gave utterance to hopes and wishes in regard to goats iu general, and this one-in particular, which it n^gfctiiot KTprppjr to repeat here, - 'a* ? bWktajL-fcands so fullat'tha time that I .could not give my thought and attention to the seled- tion,sf,fitegaat words and expreg- sions which usually characterize my conversation,.,,I:finally. Raid "^yjdu,J brute, yon won't go out, ha ( but-^"i and be butted, and he was "the strongest butter I ever met with ao_strgng,.th.at' in apito of my hold- in|f^1ifSffl)rtB, he spread himself .*11 orer the hall^ so thorougbly^stir- ring me ?p thajtlf Uy^down to re- . cover my equanimity, at which the goat suggested a series of grand tcunblings, which he went through with^^^ta^jrselyes and the great satisfaction of the delighted audience and at-the eiid of which curiosity about the goat, never to attempt to bring him home to gratify it, or thoy may repent it as I did. A clergyman: who was annoyed by the squeaking shoes of his par ishioners, remarked that some peo ple had "too much music in their soles." . " Patrick, you fool, what makes you steal after the rabbit when the gun's not loaded !" " Hush,m? darlint, the rabbit don't know .that." " The tune I like best," said a lady, as she started on a shopping excursion, " is tho 'Sweet Buy and Buy.' I oould keep that up all day long." SUBSCRIBE FOR THE -^ o t o isr Ohly$i a Year &= In Advance. ^m^ SPRING. 1877. rvr ,-j Ll BjfieS^ 1}3SI|E> *n^- *< " ANDERSON &C0., Toite pleasure in announcing to their customers anil the pul>lie: that tliey have received and opened out for sale ithe I'tr^est, fittest, and best assorted stock of DRY GOODS, MIL LINERY una MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS, &c., in fthis sec tion t>f the Dominion.- J 'f We have ransacked, (he markets of the world-and think that we can suit every one who wants to buy good Goods, cheap. Ladies, we. ihave all the new leading colors and styles in Bain and Fancy Dress Goods, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matcllasses, Cashmeres, Persian: and I Oriental Fabrics, Grenadines, Percales, &c, jwilh trimmings and Buttons to match. Prints an immense variety. Our Millinery and Mantle Department has been entirely reorganized i well worth your trouble \ magnificent stock of Stylish Mil'inery ORDERED CLOTHING. We have the latest styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want a really superb fitting suit at-a moderate price, .call" and see our stock of Tweeds, Coatings, &c., we cannot fail to suit you. Hats dnd Caps, Gents splendid stock, very cheap. Our Staple-Department lias had our very best attention) having"., bought our Cotttona, Tickings, Shirtings, \ &.C., last .December when Cotton Goods were bo very low, we ban offer and are fiellin^ goods less than wo can buy them to-diy. > Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs. Lace Curtains &c., and House Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Housekeepers you should cull and seo our splendid stock of Carpets^ etc. Boots and *Shoes. We are this season sell ing very cheap and keep a very fine assortment on hand. ;. We propose to sell everybody who has any money to lay out this spring, tlm very best of GoodB at the very lowest bottom priceB. -} /.'.: We would return onr thanks for the very large and increasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, and we are pr ' pared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for Cash only. MoLjaOp, ANDERSON & Co., ApriL 8.1877, liAMMOTfl HOUSE, GEORGETOWN Thrf "undersigned in- tendering thalr slnoere thanks to their naraerous tron for the liberal support with which they hava been favored in .the. paft m members or the late ttria of piokson & MNab, would beg Wat patrons for the liberal support pott HS to'call attention to their ;u rge Whloh this year is larger and better assorted thou ever, pompristog-a assortment of ... TWEEDS Scotch, English iand Domestic . ' MaJiuftwture. 'J | The patterns are tho choloeit in the market. Our stock in 1 . CV- '.' , Is well assorted imd at low prices. , ; S E C 0 R D;- B R0Sv ^CTojsr Cottony s,rand Staple Dry: Goods at prices that oanndt fall to satisfy everybody. Inspection of our goods. We respectfully invite an FYFE & MoNAB. Aeton, April 17, 1ST. and improved, it is to call and sec our Furnishings, &c. a If w JU8T RECEIVED, FOR THE ,'"7 W. STEWART 2 CO Have commenced opeoing their New Spring j SPRING HAS COME. . AND WI1H IT Immense Quantities of Wew Goods FOE TIHIE XilOHST. Our new purohases are coming forward from thefOld Uountry by every . steamer. Already we have THE LARGEST, BEST ASSORTED | ; AND CHlirVPEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS West of Toronto. .!'; This is no empty brag, but sober truth '"which nobody can deny." Our aim has been, and always will be, to keep up the reputation that The Lion; is the Cheapest Store in Ontario. As an instance we may mention Crompton's Celebrated Adjustable Corset, We nave just received another lot which, we are selling at 87 J cents. ThU we guahmuie to bo the grnu'ine article, and exactly the same as that for which others are charging One foliar; Our whole stock is equally cheap. Come and inspect Oar i>ress Goods, , ': Oar Silks, plsin. and Jfjinoy, I Our Cottons, Our Prints, '" '-'....... - Our Clothing, Our Carpets, Our Millinery, etc And in every branch you will find our prices fully 20 per teen t lower than any other house. And in a few days will show ithe finest stock of FIRST GLASS GOODS submitted for inspection in Guelph. Special eSbrts have been made to how the newest ' ' Drcia "Qtoi*',.. \ Spring JasfieU. Mantlu, . Costumes, Rid Gloves, ' ! Hosiery, LatfS, j i Lace Curtains, i Shettings, mnd '- 1 Mourning Good*. OUR COTTONS were all contracted'for before the recent advance. Customers - will have the' benefit. Gentsr Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, Dress .Shirts,. Ties, Collars, etc., .'! ' Stopk of Pelt Ha'ts, Are particularly inviting in styles and price....... 8TEWABT & CO, Guelph, March 6,1877. Bought. Low, and will be -' -.' ">'i*V. - ." -: -"rs -' 'u >,'.,.-. '- I'^.i'-BtiS-v : -. tr-.^' /.%;_ ii^- i-. V neyer Hea^d of BlM& v-- Sold it Prices Barrels Of ;White arid Refined Sugars, Syrups, j] ses, Tinegar, Oat Meal, Corn 'Meal,.Ne#'| rants, Prunes, Coal Oil, Boiled Oil, ;Raw.,CH|V Spirits ofTHipentifie, \ arnisli, Japan*,\stv'j" If Kegs Of I Prunes, Soda, Ked Colors of all kinds, etc.- Lead, Whiie L4 m Qases, Boxes, Caddies i Sacks Of jBiscuits,; jfjonfeetiopery, Spaces, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, .Raisins, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Wasanig, Crystals, Pickles> jams,, Jellies, Matcbefe*^] Chests, Caddies ,and /Boxes fs- -: THE PRBS PRESS PRINTING HOUSE iii . Of ! Young HjfSon,' Gunpowder, Japan 5i#i Black Teas ranging in price frpni upwards. The best value in the county Acton, 'March 14, 1877. Mf' Prepare for the Wet IVeatitim NE & u sarAsk for onr New York lisb s the new colors. I8J cent Dress Goods 1 very sty- SPBOIAIa NOTICE. |Db npt forget the : ' \ ' ' ' "" '-.."' - Dressmaking Branch. :We have the best Dressmaker in Canada, and onr charges are lower than any other House. REMEMBER OTJK CARPETS. , We have a larger stock of ' --y Brmgeh Carpets, Tapestnj Carpets, Wool Carpets; than all the Other Stores in Guelph put together. i ' Hard Times are never felt by those who deal at The lion. Guelph, April 3, 1877- J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. To Merchants. and other Business' Men in Acton; as well as throughout the County, the Free Press ';"\';"j^aluabl6:AdyertiBixiL^ Medium. is an Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds ot [BfJOK AND JOB PRINTING I Enable as to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. ^i^v.rarTva^aeitB Save, jnow ik stock a splendid assortsMnt of : Siutable for the Spring JSeason. All Sizei and Styles from the veriest wa- -. fSk^v :MbijJV? PRICES Special Aoton, Marsh 1% UTt isajsas(ags^EasB5^V;,^i7S55 *K&-^&ZZ. &%?&*', AS WW AS THE Attention Qivea to Ordered a i ^ss-r 1: Proaaptiy: Attended -.-' ' 'i' ' ' ;-j ' -CBAXlfiB'

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