if ^siif^ 1 .!*' ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S. " ^GSaiiXSaalaiai &iS*avife faai 3*P &&. ji^j iatfBffi3bAi^Subc.^*' . - * '"'.1 V Ttr -rrr^-rr&mrmT"- , 'A-..' THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, pHL ICTI>N FKEK PRESS .;M;.*'-.i-.l V-v-jry Thursday Morning.. : ii. H\rKiNc..ri'.nmi>te. ... SI Per Annum in Advance r JOS M HASKIUC.EPITER The ttrcirt NortU Went, L^lASU^ti^.-iJlii^lcrji^aii.'liFor'- inei)-of the Giu-lph J/cityuj'w, is wrt\i_g hia K|)tu'U<,hcu of.'u tu to Ifluiiiudm' iWitiiifi piVpur, SjieiiKing ifWinnipeg, he hays it is to bo " the big city " of tho west," and that, too.eio many yearn puss over us. Its past record is an ^xttttor- dinury one. In 1871 tho pnpulu: *ion Wuk about S00 ;: in 18ZVJ, 1, -**- ONT.r SEPTEMBER &m m IT 13, I^77> on --'- ,3>" 15T7, jTuul rnow about 7,000. >Voro it tm'4;>!v\1 Mor.xistti, Swt- '._..,!........"___L--_- Ocat pivpnrations" mi> lx>ing made at Brampton for .the Reform tloir oust ration rto bo.-helM thoio on AYeducs'day. n?xt,.tlo flOlh inst. The Toronto Trlrnram confi- dvntlv Assorts that there will bo mi pt'iirr;;!, election for some time. Tho proWniHtios avo Unit tbo Ail vninisivaiioh will i;o to thu country i'nnifdiiitcly after tho lifiivest of 1S7S.-' If, however, they find n:'\t session it is likely election will tlien ehM'e.- that. the :^M- i .- f-"? : "c? ZM [- ' ">m '*v w ^ll J*I \\ :H > -' ^M v.- vM 1 * *^M p'-wsy i ;Jj I -AW ] [<m ;- 1 %3 --<-U l.Mi si es3=*w B*#&>m vmM m \h [ l?r7-i and 187o it is ti certainty the population would bnvo oven doubl ed the jtigurcs I linvo given. This y-ear's iissossed valuo'of city pro- f perty is 2,987,000. The taxation about 11 cents on the dollar. Real estate is high, 100 to $250 per foot" frontiigo being tho ruling liyores for ohoioo propei'tiuu on liiaiii street near tbe centro of busi ness. Rents nro excessively hijjli, (and buildings dear. Fifty dollars themselves sufficViuly strong to paf month tor an ordinary dwul- vr.irr.mt n ippeal at tho close of. jjuj. house"is the current rate; 1,- " '.....k"1 500 to2,000 per annum the rent for small stores ; wbilo tho common rents paid for such hotels "us tho Pacific, Grand Central or tbo Davis, are from 5,000 Co S6.000 u year. Like all tho places, Winnipeg- has felt the effect of the financiul .ilfprpssioa-jvo r now passing through. Marvellous-to ninny it is thai, any progress has been made by- tl/o city when it is considered that in 1S73' thei-o was aipartiiri destruction of tho crops by the grasshoppers, while in" 1S74 and 1S.75, thei-e was a total loss. The ravages of the " hoppers" combined with " hard times" has affected tie place to an extraordinary degree, and yet it flourishes as never did Cliiciii"> nt the sniiiu age. J5usiuess i'n jjuu-iul; hWo is over done. NVages for laboring then aie 1.37 J to l.S0-per day ; mechanics "2 to $'2.i>0, Djiuestic servants 10 to 15 per month. Prices for farm products vnry tiere as elsewhere. The inhabitants- arc exceedingly social in their habits apparently have an abuudunee of money and miiny of them ' indulge" to a con siderable extent. This I find to be thej case in all new places, especi ally where -the railway construc tions men are to be found in numbers. .. ',. Thq'ivolume of biisintss done in the:city is immense und yearly in creasing. The sale of some of the leading fcous.es averages yearly from 7o,000 to 50p,000 each. I was informed by tho Customs House official^ that the value of tbe imports for many months will foot up close on 200,000, and that ;is much as $3,000 a week have frequently been collected'in duties. A large proportion of the goods entered at the Customs here are for tbe.Great North West, which is becoming-civilized .but slowly. Few have any conception of its size, and when that is taken into ac- ;coa'nt, und that Winnipeg is tbe uaturul key and outlet of this vast area, Luvd'ly uiiy wonder can be eX[)ressed at the volume of trade now done, and the absolute certoin- t3- of its doubling yet many a hundred fold. The Province of Manitoba proper contains but 9,- 000,000 acres. Its dimensions are to "be extended to about 279,000 statute square miles equal to 178,- '7^10,000 acres an uiea larger than [that of Ontario and Quebec. After this, is accomplished there wilh re main-territory enough east of th:e .Rocky .Mountains and west of the 100th merH&ui to form "tbree other Provinces- V$\\ and Scissor Sol^fts, . -iFninlc 'LeNlio, tlnr-NjujR; Y'oi^ pulillSlier, has Hiispulitlutl. yZiiubili- tit'B).f3oO,(HHi. ";:.!;_ ,;V V_. A privnto letter from Homo states tlmt tbe. Pope is not expect ed to live till November; - The-four- boxes- th(*t- role -4 he- world : tbo balloV box, tho jury , \ box, the cortriilgo-box and the biUid- box. '.. '. Tho drill sbed nt Stratliroy, not for the grasshopper plagues.ol ;togetbei with the unifoiin^ nd rifles store there,' whb destroyed on Satnnhiy by an incendiary fii-e. j According 'to the Examiner, tho crops in tho neigbborhood of Mount Forest haTe been secured in excellent condition. ' :_ D'eveau, n well- known gaolJt>ird, has l>een nrifmed/ in Montreaij for sotting (ire to the1 St. Vincent do Paul Penitentiary Her Majesty tbo Queen has been plea.-ed to confer the honor of Knighthood on the Hon. Wm. B. llichavds, Chief Justico of the Su preme Court of Canada ; on the Hull. .A..-V. Doik>lir jUliiei1 Ji-stice of the 0l'^o's Dencii. in the Pro vince of Quebec; aiid the Hon. Chief Justice Hanitoa/- - c-'Tbc Govt-vranont of U>e five wc>:.te-h Provinces of the Domfnian lui\L'.i^ si."ii:ied thiir acceptance of the Cii-.d of November as a Gene ral . D.i_v of Thanksgiving, the Premier has addressed a circular k:;ei- to those Province? requesting t3o. lssiio o jn-oc!niiia:ionti ^t-ttiiji; upirt U.c day in question for jjune- l'i.S'ol'.ici'vaiico. " ' I: is intimated that Mr. Blake is framiliir a new JndejH-u'dence of Pnrliauu-nt jAc'r, and one which can ! nuiue to leovt-i tho "niise'liief ol rl! C'lleUces committed under it. Sncbv.n Act is very much' needed, and it is hopwd it will be free from the' indenniu-ness "which inil'ortun- i ntt-iv characterizes the. wording of "tl ti.e jii-eseut Act. ' ; ; Tbc-svalu cifcnbvr of nletulin'"^ I/ivcrpoorCrdi under date of Fri- ihir, eveamg'.") fays : "Since the beginning of the.^veek a firmer t^-iie h*is been appiU-enr. Thei-e h:is : .been no alteration in the Value of English wheat, the old crop being - pa: Lieuiariy exhausted, and the liew, from its defective condition und inferior quality, presenting few " but the value of foreign has imjiroved a Hiiiling -per' quarter, and sbows s;iil an upward tendency. Here - and' in the neighboring markets since Tuesday, business baa- been lulerably.aetiver and a fair busi ness w\as transacted in wieat at the exxreme rates of that day.. At this market, to flay,, wheat met :ind, and. all good qualities, Ltjb red arid wliite, are a penny to twopence percental dearer.. Flour is held fur fully previous rates.- S A 2vew ToVk paper publishes an exceedingly .sensatioriai and ex aggerated ttlegram to the effect that Europe is on the verge of a general war. European despatches '. make no mention of any founda tion for this premature statement, , the Powers still maintaining their reserve,-with the single exception of Germany, who, it is stated, en tirely-approves-of Servii.c partici pation in the vfar, and is prepared to guarantee the status qnu in the event of defeat. Tbe European Cabinets appear to be agreed, ac- ' cording "to a more reasonable ac count, as to tbe undesirability of intervention, feeling that any at tempt to interfere at present would ' ..' merely lead t,v a. hollow peace^ which would speedily end i'n the resumption of tbe struggle. As it -~ . is, both the belligerents are exhaust ing their strength, and .it allowed .to continue the contest they will be in no position to resome tho 6word for sonie tiirj to~conie. .The fact that so small a body of ".Russians succeeded in holding a - large Turkish army at bay at the r- Shipka P.1S3 jtistifies the surmise that with the-now firearms the ad- Vantage, is with tbe defence. This- will probably protract the struggle in the East by making it u game of chess'in-stead-of a pitched biittle. It will also blive Bomething to do in:deterininin^ the character of the war for-the future. ' Further trouble is antrciprit*d " in the L-;high coal region, us the strikers ^ire said to have - resolved qn- a general uprising if the military jit'oeeed ' to make .- arrests. Five thousand members of secret socie ties are drilling, and tho Molly ?>Lignire3_aro actively engaged in. ": " fanning the.discontent, Tliere aro idso vumorf} of an. approacbing Htrike of-locoinotivo engineers on all the trunk Iires, but this: story lacks confirmation. Business in the - Garibaldi bus written a letter in which he strongly condemns the proposed fortifications of Piome. He Bays that England, second to no power in military und political importance, and the first power on the sea, maintains her navy with maternal solicitude, without taking tbo trouble to fortify her coasts, which would be labor lost,. Should any stranger atteinpt to invade her, he would find at every *poiiit her volunteers, J-ound whom would rally tbo entire population. ReTfTal States- A New Yoik correspondent of the Boston Journal writes > Tbe i revival of business in! New York-is one of the peculiar things of oiir locality. It gives no warning, arid is heralded by no -symptoms. It comes on like the rush in a family. The children go to bod well at night and aris^ scarlet in the morn ing. Through all the panic of the last twenty-five years the recuper ation has been sudden. Tbo revi val'does not appear Jin one depart ment only; Under an intuition tho whole macninery ofitrade seems to be put in motion. By general consent it is admitted that business is reviving on all sides ; no one can tell why it is. A well known dry- goods merchant said this morning, "T don't know how it is,- bub last week I would not bav* been un willing to have taken a journey to! tbe White Mountain or to tbe sea-'1 side. Today I have no time, to see my friends. The small force left in my store were idle, sitting down oh boxes," whistling and eat-: ing fruit. To day every man is.in bis place with everytbing ho..can attend to, I don't allow any of my help to go away, and have called back all my clerks who were on tho wing.". , ! One of our heaviest paper houses made substantially the same 'state ment : " Ten days ago, without a sign of warning, we found our- selves covered with orders. We1 sold ourselves down short in the spring,.and more as on experiment than' anything ;.else, we kept our full force on through the summer. It is well we de- so. Wo can only answer our -orders, nothing more. Thc'e nevei- has been, so much money wiaitiDg investments as now. Unless all signsfail, .w.e are to have a brisk fall season.".- in August last. . -The^voting on tho Dunkin Act took j)laco in Lanark Monday. Tlio roturnB, bo far as they have been received, give u large majority for tho by-law. Tbo Elora flouring mills have been purchased by-Mr. James Tlor- toj>, of Edon Mills, for tho sum of S13.000. The-mills were lately ledscd^by-tho Garter Btos. Judicibus advertising a good, investment. Mr. E S. Wurno spent 1.25 last week in advertising his sewing machines. Kesult up to date, 298.75. iV7 Banner. Mr. W.'.W. Ogilvie, owuer of tho largo flonringjnills iuilontreal an-1 Goderich, is at present in Mani toba making arnvnyements to ship 'wheat from that Province to Mon treal. It is stated that tho Pope has definitely resolved to restore the Roman hierarchy in Scotland, and tlmt CurdinaljManning will shortly proceed to Rome in that connec tion. Two Toronto detectives who have been operating in -i-he.county of Brant have worked up obe hun dred and five caseiof infraction of the liquor law, which lire entered for hearing. -A couple of young men, drove in a: buggy, through Abeifoyle, Sunday, and loaded the vehicle with apples in thp neighborhood, .without asking permission of the owner of the orchard. r Tlie funeral of M. Thiersltook place at Pere IA Chaise on Satur day, and was attended by criwd of people. iTUe streets were lined with specjatorB, but everything passed'offfquietly. In Hamilton, on Friday last a littlejgirl three years old wis so biidly scalded by the upsettirg of a pot of boiling water, <on tbes ove, pear which she was standing, that she has since died. Tpv. I>jfiiik|n Avt iii:KaitaiH".' |Mr. %. MjfthoKokr-fiijjjjierly edit- of|of thjiJ'iNfflton 'C'/i(4/'('<"i, now rltiirinirin J^puni't*,-vi^iicH to thai piYpor ah fuIUVVva : 1 wnS pained to obser'vir nh item' in last week's Vhami-'ion, which reflected upon tho success of the Dunkin Aft here, -which was TXtrneted- from -r. news^- paper hero hostile to. tho. Act, and consequently ready to publish its fuiluio;!on ungrounded , reporta- TIio itcjin consisted of two stitte- IniPiHs^lBt,., that. .AvhittUToy,.. wus openly I retailed on tho uiarktit square : 2nd, that it was sold out of a grain wick on tho iuilwiiy truck, As to the first statement its absur dity is evident o1* 't!* very face; no sticjh' circumBlanco took placo. It t sipiply- imporsiblo for anyone to attempt"Jto sell openly without being pouueeJ 'upon and fined heavily or imprisoned:- As lo tbo second statement it is in(lt'ptl|truo that a foolish fellow attempted to dispone of whiskey by concealing it! in a grain sack, aihl selling it in a hmely place' on the track. But the result of this at tempt is best expressed by tho fol lowing from tho next issue of the same liewspaper, from which you. got, ymir lirst statement:'" On AVednesduy the jail 'opened its ponderous and iron jawi)' to take in George Leury, convicted of supply- ing a thirst public with illicit whit key from the recesses of a grain Back. Tlio said grain Back will nt least, yield him nnish nieul for thirty diys." Tho very fact that Leary jh'ad to conceal his liquor in a gtfain sack and go to ,a lonely place'Ho dispose of it, is good evidence that the monster "Rum" is driven to its last ex tremity, and thatcven in this case the law-breaker lias been caught and sent to jail is still stronger proof cf the vigilenco with which the Jaw i enforced. Tho Dunkin Afct is not perfect, but it is a great Biicrefis here, and there is nothing to prevent its en forcement in any respectable com munity. God speed the day wjien tho open retailing of strong drink may bo a thing of the Bast in Hal ton. You is truly. P.OBEKT MATHE50X. Napanee, Sejit, 1st, lc77. iEi^niy .aiid, Rape- - -' I A UOlUHiLK fax.iATUAIHBH Sl'OSiY. A Fierce Volcano. New York, Sept. i 1. A letter from Latacunaju, Ecuador, states tlik.t tho rolcaiuo Cotopax^bud an criiptloii in, the- Totter part'of July, and by tin upheaval of water oyer Jt. Cam*hiNB8-, Sep. 8. -3?k Journal of tonight has the fillow- i swept away as wo aro told, a young man named I MiiciJonttld,.cauM).-to. this.,.cJUy. from Pennsylvania, and obtained a sub contract on tho. Wei land 0anal.- Tlie tovernaicut of the .llor- iuon i'hurrh. The apostles of the Jtormori Church, joined by B. W,' Yiuing- und Daniel H. VVel.'s, tlie late coun- sel.'ora of TBrigham Young, |>ublish a circular, saying that on Sei>tetu- ber 4rh they held a rniietiug, and waitedi upon the Lord, whu blessed them, and who revealed to them tlio Kttjps they should take. John Taylor, Senior Apostle and'acting President of the Twelve, was un animoiisiyt sttstaiped in- that posi tion. Tht| quorum of the 12" upojt ties is the presiding quorum und authority- of the Church. Tliis plan was pursued at the time of the death of Joe Smith, nnd sustained m. ... ,,.^. t>Lu- by Briuhuin. To facilitate the the report that Sitting Bthll is I . J . r-. . . . , , - ' - transaction of business it is ordered It is said that Senator Christip is dangerously ill from the bite f some poisonous insect. J' stilhin Canadian lerritoiy iB firmed. On the 14th ult. he was forty miles-front Wood Mountain and expressed his intention of re maining where he was. Farmers will not be wise to calculate too much on high prices for grain. A sudden peace between Russia and Turkey is always among the possibilities, the result of which would bo a fall in prices, , -Tramps are committing great depredations in Pehsylvania, raid ing farmers dwellings; boarding and wrecking freight trains, and eren committing murder where it may be worth their while. , ' A great change for the' better in business" and crop - prospects is reported from tbo Western and iNorth Western States, and.; tit ' Philadelphia niprchants are jubilant over tbe satisfactory trade outlook. A heavy storm passed over Long Braneh," Coney Island, Atlan tic City, and the.vicinity ou Friday and Saturday. A. heavy tide swept iu on the coast, submerging the railway tracks and causing other damage. The'Telegram thinks the Gov ernment should put the combatants und- bottle-holders -in. .the .Lincoln Election Scrutiny upon a scow and anchor them out in the lake until after the next general election.. A good idea. ': '.-., ^-7-Tho Mormon Prophet left Writ ten instructions regarding ids'fu neral. Atnong other requests,: ho desired that no one should shed' tears. - That' was a' work of fiee^ :oh yea-^-a work of eupereroga-: tion, wasn!t it. > i ' : , -Airs..Regain and her son,.who are accused of poisoning the man Regan at Ltican, are held on a charge of wijfut murder, tbp.analy sis of tbo Btomach of tho deceased, haying.resulted in the,detection cf traces of strychnine. [ ^A Beries' of smnggling opera-' tions between Montreal and Boston have been discovered by tLeXJhitod States Customs officials, who have arrested the principal in the trans action and seized thre6 thousand: dollars worth' of rags -in 'traritiiiii ' ; ThB London. Thnaa, in its money article ,Bpeak -,of the Garni dian :.hnr.v98t- as, i;be largest prop' taken from, the spil of Canada fy; fifteen years, and congratulatesViif people of -Englarid, on the libenilj supplies of wheat that njay Jje ex pected from that Colony. .. :|i that President John Taylor be as sisted by Jo|in Yv'. Young, Daniel II. Wells, and George F. Cannon. The. circular" claims tliat tho last i days are at hand, and it IF'the-- Saints are, exhorted to be faithful in build ing temples and paying tithing. Glawso.v Wheat. - Mr.- jt- Bhcin, -of Dickson's mills. Gait, writes the Gait Reporter us fol- lows: ".It baa been rumored abroad that the millers of this quarter have been running down the'Claw8on wheat,' after introdac- ing it, nnd encouraging'Tarjiers to to sow it exten'sively for the past two years, , I cannot vouch for anything my brother millers niav have done,-but for my part,. I am well satisfied! with it,sboth for farm ing and milling, and as.soon as my mill is in running order again, will be prepared to offer full market values-for this grade of wheat." . Not umch.SyaB known of himl but. ho gtivo out ibnt ho wis n ningle man, and, being rather prepsBses- sing lhnppeti ranee; ho soori-in jirti- uted himself in. the faVor of such young Indies as ho oon'ld scra[0 ac quaintance with. Not Jong n;6 be succeeded in winning tljo affections of a young woman in this city., and married her. Tho pair storte'd housekeeping on their own account, btit very booh thero was trotiblo, owing to an affair of bin connected with a young girl- from! tho coun try, who had eofno to grief at his IiandH. ' Tho promised dcii'iuimient in this affair caused hiii^ to leayo the city for the United States, where, until a day or two ago, he^ remained, lira wife, iL lodkint} over such effects lis'lto left behind; madti tho discovery that he bad a wife and three children living in Pennsylvania, and it is said found a bitter from tho woman, bogging of him to uend her some assistance". A d'ty or two ago ho arrived at Suspension Bridge and sent word to wifa No. 2 to meet him at Clif ton. The young woman having made up her niind that be was a bad fellow, went to Clifton us he requested, in company with ^her mother, and there had him arrest ed on ti chargo of bigamy. A po lice officer left this city this morn ing for Clifton to take the prisoner in charge and bring him to St, Catherines. It has since transpired that still another grave charge awaits hirn here, that of rape, which is alleged to' have been com mitted by him not more than a mouth ago on the person oa young woman in this city, the particulars of which, will, no doubt, in; due time be forthcoming, but the police, with their usual sphitixlike mystery, refuse at present to say anything about it. We believe, however, that the brief outline we |;avo given will enable tlie reader to form some idea of the ease, the later develop ments of which will, no doubt, show a degree of depravity on the part of ilucdor.ald very little to h;s creu't. several plantations, and drowned a thousand people in several, places, and over two thousand head of cat tle. The whola face of tho country for tnileu .around is ;covered with subsequent) all swers 't>( ashes, de- troy ing all tbd cereals and plants. Starvation Wfs feared; Mihs Ifaggie White, second daughter of Mr. John White, of the Exeter Times, while climbing on' a treo on Fridajr nighf last'week, fell from one "of the branches, and got kcaught on a broken limb, which run into, her a|bdomen, Tuaking'-_an opening 'about a foot in length, rend completely disembowelling IAji-. Her recovery is doubtful,' . '. "' A spifcial [agent of tbo Post Office in New York detected pass ing through the mails circulars of a swindling concern, styled " Second Royal Dominitln Gift Concern," offering $250,060 in'prizes, to take place at St. Stephen, N. I?., Nov. 30th. Tho Canadian Post Office authorities lmvd been notified. Floui Foil Wheat,new.! Spring Wheat, new Barley ... . J Oats ,,", ,1 Peas . ... -J Uutter .. J Eggfl.' ; |.. - .J Potatoes, !per bag Apples, early, per! ACTON -M'.tK'KKTH. $3 00 to 3 00 bag 1 20 to 1 22 1 00 to 1 10- 0 50 tw.'O 5G 0 30 to 0 32 0 CO to 0 Co 0 16 too 18 0 10 to 0 "00 0 75 to 0 00 0 V) to 0 75 jzrvr GooiDs AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END, GFTTEi: .>.- 6 cases New Dress Goods in plain and fancy materials, feshionaBli foVBr _ ' . "_ ( . -, . " -. r K* Cashmeres, in blflck, seal, navy and myrtie. . ' Full range of-Black Lustres-. lease Colored Enstres, in a'l'the new shades, 12J cents Brd ' 20 dozen." n^w Black "Straw Hats, latest styles, for opoioilMB t season-. ;' .---'""' -y^^5 60 dozen tiewXidi Gloves, in black and colored. \- ( 2cases Mantles, English and German, correct styles;-- .""' ' 16 boxes Ribbons, in all the desirable and scarceishsir.*' Out stock is well npjin every department,, and ladies who want choice ww goods.cheap shoul'd come to the Fashionable1, West 2nd/- f W are already eelling a large quantity c-f early Fall .goods^ V .'" ,.[' . A. O. BUCHAM, Fashlonible WeBt Ewl Dre3g^ Millinery and SlajHleKgUbUiftBtear CkiBlp'b, Sept. fJ, IS'1! ' ' . - - -'-.'..'*, ~P urn KrPS' Cot'OA. l-JliATEKUL. A>'D t?OM- VOttTISlt. HIly ajthrirout-h knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations nt'digestion-and nutrition, ahd by a careful application of h.e fjne prnperties of well selected cocon? Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicntolk flavored beverage -n-hich m.-vy save as maoy heavy doctors', hills. It is by the judicious use of uch articles of diet that a constitution may begnutually built tipnntil strongenough to resist- every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us., ready! to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft! by kceinng ourselves well fortified with!pure blood auda pro- perly nourished frame." O'fif St met Ga-fttd. Siihl only in packets labeled ".Tajiks Kits ij Co., Homceoimthio- Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London.." ! FIRE! RREI AT -Referring to the general ex pectation prevailing Miat John W. Yoilug, son.lof the late Brigham Young,'will succeed to tho Presi dency of the Mormon people, seve ral of the leading Now York papers have been.discussing the coming prophet's character. HeiBdescrib ed as a middle-aged roan, whose life, has hithetto been eo quiet and unobtrusive that bis existence has scarcely been known put side' the circle of his personal acquaintance. Those who.know him speak of'him .with- the greatest respect. Having had the advantage of wide inter course with irioh,;and of extensive travel,, witlii long residence in the .chief, cities of _ the United States and in, ^England, he ^has acquired tbo taste and; manners of a gentle man and is fijee from, the fiarrow- pess and bigotry 'which rnarked th'e character of jbis father.' lie is' a zealous Mormon, and his- activity and interest have-been, chiefly en gaged in advancing projects' for the material development of the Mor- 'mph; people. ] jal tpgether' he 'is.'re garded as a grtbd type, of charade;- for nn':adti\ini8triitor, nnd he baB" tlie wishes'bf those who know lilmi best for liis'success in sectiriing";ttj'e' fert'dership f the Saints'; " ' ' .';!; . . ~ ^"':" ."'. . A BunGLAlt'8 Fate.-t-A ' burglar forced nntjatitahee to tha'.'residetice of Bichard Ilpiing,' ;nea'r St; Paul,' Ind,, on ;Siitiduy n'ighc,' iisiiigan' axe, to ojien jthe'viiid.ow!,' Wiiilej sejarchi'ngtbe.lfnireafii 'Polihg seiiu'r^ ed .the axe.'iina, striking the bur glar, on' the ' "head,' 'killed Ii'im' in- v1 li ^^.r-- Fiendish Onti:i^e on a Vounji Lady. ,. Lospon, Sept. II. Tho Adver tiser to-uight hs tbe following : 'The park was on Sunday evening the scene of a horrible outrage on the"person of Miss Catherine Snow- den, about seventeen years of .ago. She was walking to her place of residence after having , beeii at church,- when,she was seized by two men;'one of whom, put -bis hand over her uioutb, and dragged her into tho common. While there she was kept with her mouth covered while an outrage was perpetrated on her person. She fainted in the course of tho cruel treatment to which she wus subjected, und so is not certain that more than orte of her assailants actually committed the crime' no\v charged. ] In tho course of her struggles she lost her parasol and' Bible. " Gn coming to herself she; made her way to the :house of a friend, and from thence Constable Rider saw ber.to ber own home. She-did not tell the constable of the outrage through motives of shamo, and it was not till yesterday that it wae known in police .circles. She laid information against James Randall and : Charles Dinahy as being the guilty rparties, and,has recoguized iUndull as one of. her assailants. Dinahy's name -was coupled in the warrant because Tie wijs said to have been seer} in 'the earlier part.of tble day with jRandall,- but Detectives Phair and jtyurphy, who-made the arrest, are convinced from other Circumstances, jnamely, the. confession of Randall, that Dinahy was not implicutejd. An-' other person, however, is suspected. Randall Was this morning remand ed for eight days and Dinahy re leased." , .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, T.1IPORT.1XT NOTICE to the X I'ublle. I Two Hundred 'Dollars i______ % Comnjittees of the Councils of Halto'n and Wellington will he in attn dance tin Town-line between Ksquesingand Erin, a short distance west from the 3rd line, ou Thursday, the j 20th day of Septem ber, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving open tenders, to the above amount, for grading tho " Big Hill or' Hills," known as. Chisholm's Hill. Terms and descriptions of work -trill be made known on tlio ground. By order of the Councils of Halton and Wellington. Aug. 31, 1877. 10--2t TXSOLl'EKT ACT OF 18T5. And Amelndingr Acts. IN THE MATTER OP Secord Br otters OF ACTON,; INSOLVENTS. All persojDB indebted to: this estate are notified to call !at once at the late store of the Insolvents and settle-their Struck by LioHTsrxa. lent storm, accompanied by thun der' and lightning, passed- over this vicinity last Wednesday,! during which Miv R.' Hume who resides on Lot 30, Con. 1st, Nussagiweya, was struck by lightning. It hp- ipeurs the electric current entered the cbfmney, passed through the stovepipe and stove, whicbHt broke, thence through the. floor into the cellar, and struck Mri Hume as jhe was ascending :tbe: cellar stairs'. Although paralyzed for a time, We are glad to Bay that he is now arjde to proceed with his work.. -.-I ! For some'timethe papers have ibeen fiill' of purugr'aphs tothe efl'ect ithat a man bud constructed a raft, ;upan which he ihterio'ed to make the passage"-of the rapids a'iid Nia gara Falls. The day.set. fbr this 'toolhardy feat qh-ived, previous ;to wbiebj hpwev'er. it wasj annouueedj .iuai'tno" maj'n" wtjujd .be a dummy. Even /'tiie duiiiiny, ;it seems, Svits sufficient to 'raise aflutter of ek- 'citemjeiijt," and on the'day .named "quite n ciowd congregiited to w^t- iifBS: Vl9 experiment, lint " owing tojtbe" large 'body of wateiv" says t'he lipplogy, " the.experiuie'nt wis iiidt made," i There is rriore humbuie ;at Niagara,' Falls thtih' in any h'aff dozen counties'in Canada. accounts with' our H. Murdoch. agent,- Mr. Charlea All accounts unpaid on the 30th inBt. will be placed in etiit. I MURDOCH, R03HJTS & Toronto, 10th Sept. 1877 ! -: CO. ept QENTKAL EXHIBITION, will; be held rjt the 1877, 1 -I TOWN qp creatf H OK THE 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th Oct. OPEN TO ALL. .' - ___- Prize. Lusts and Entry Papers can be had at the' Secretary's office, Guelph. and also from the Secretaries of other Societies throughput the Province. Parties not receiving their entry tick ets prior1 to tho Show, will find theni at the Secretary's office. The - several Railways will carry freight and passengers to and from the Exhibition at single faro." '- ': . THOS. McCRAB. Pres. G. MURTDN, Sec.) ' ' : Guelph, Sept. 1, 1877. 10-4t J^l SIXESS PROPERTY The undersigned offers for sale that desirable property situated on Main street, .now occupied hy Mr. ChasI Cameron as a etoreland dwelling. . The property ia in;first jlass condition and wjtli a. good cell: r. Terms liberal For further particulars apply to MESSRS. \V. PARlJiNG & CO. i Montreal. Or, W.H. Acton, Aug. 22d, ITGREY, Acton. 1877.- THE CCLDEN LIOAJ To secure the EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS 1 NOW B^IITG 0PPE^ia>; x Tlte Store is th.rott^ed firer^ lay; Crowds of Feople come froriv all; the ^CpqDlrjr-' Kotiud to Take A(ivanfni(c of this Grreati > ciiifu r ' ^). - FVERY OTHER STORE IS DESERTED !"' .-*1 We still hiive- Ii nps ad heaps of Gr iods Snifed and Baiiia^ed din?ing- the Kire, which we i are bound to Clea-rO'tit ai Auy Price. ' ! COTTON'S; '" , ' : | DRESS O00DS, r MILLINERY, : 7 cLGTHixijr, mo AH I at such Reductions as have never before beea a;-. offered. ' ; ,- NOW'S THE TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS v AND "T " THE inxm;" is the / Haci J. D. "WILLIAMSON ^5 CJO] >, Guelph, "Sept. 10. 1877. CONSUMPTION CURED. neznedj ibr th. .pcdy and penuanent et% of Cmmwmgtton, Asthma, JironchiiU, Catarrh, bflSi'IIIV?nBKi,n} C?.,e T ,Nerrou De- P? . 1*ilioiiMrd.iot cp, feci. II hi. dulr to Kirl1'lvnown ! hl" "uirwlnij fcllnir.. Aclu- fa by !lu. molire and a conw-lentfoti. deiire'to or rii a nW ,n,0^ril'?- 'ie J'I'J, KSa FKBE wlia^ull dliwtira. lor prtrarlncanj .unruful. Ij Uinr. s*nt hj- ixtnrn, Irian >r adUrrMlni WiJl itamp, naming th!.-papr. f J-B. C. STETK.V8, 1XBJT. .JJOXiC, BUOCiTVILIJ^ 0=<T. yyURRAU! UIKRAU! -. On. and after the 1st of September, MILK will ho sold t tho following rates : - Perl Quart, 4 Cents; .- Per pjnt, 2 Gents; New Imperial Measure, to'suit hard i timer-. ' 25 Quart TicJsete for One Dollar. 25 Pint Tickets for Fifty Cents In; advance. - r P. S, ARMSTRONG. Acton, Aug.28,11857,^ '; "" - miiE qxtario ( 'r SADDLIRT,! Is the place to get the best Htb* " for the leas* money----- I -- . \. Owing to Hard Tunes, Price*- have been Beduced;.-.; All Order's left with me'vttU "ia** ' t careful attention. ; |:;" COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers know *eirllS!!J . cannot work with sore necks,UH** ' off the x>\d collars and get ft n*fr-< that will gi?e entke MtI The place to get Oiemis at the . ONTARIO SARDLEKT, ' Another lot of thoie famonr -American-Wni^s Just received and will be sold.cheP for cash. . Repairing Dobe Xeqtly, .Cb'tap!***1 on'theShortest .Notice. - * ^_ B. CBEBCtf Acton, Aug. 21, J877. - ' \i \-