Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1877, p. 3

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-' i^R^SS-mtt *? <&V. -rJ ^jcKi^i. J >s END, 3Kl* for tB. V pprotchbjp Jtjlea; ' '. ant ehoioenir End. AM, I KrtbiirtaBU EI ON ftlNS C&imtry [ireai l&ls Soiled It >ye ! : lice. ":. v' >l - [{ore been (GOODS [Place. .' --J EBY, beslHaraeii- aoney. . - f luced- ^- ,-" Won. :'.i-" -;7 ', Lis t-a ; :" >PLET , famotu ' | Whips i [besold<?b^P ' '"-. BAX> TKl.Mi TIMK rABLk. ' Trains lvc Acloll'fca foil ow: : . WKST. JJijht Kxprww Toronto mail . liOia.ih. 9.'10 a.m. rtv Krprc - - 1,57 p.m. Fir ' 0afj jnixtr* - - . Si SO p.m. 7:07 p.m. 0 01 NO KA*T. SiMKipr** - 3:3S turn. Oilt robed Sl:10 a.tn. pxv Express "" . " ll:o4 a,m. \r*jtcrn mail * .*>:-0p.m. London mixed - " * 10:10p.m. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. Jfew Goods A.k\ Bucham. >'ewSilkt John Hogs A Son. Cheap Goods 3. D. Williamson & Co. Insolvent Notice Robins *t Co., Assignee. : LOCAL MATTERS. Our fall stock of Boota and. Skew comprises full liues of the beat tnatc*. i!raine * Son. Do t'OS anything. Pay. Fall wheat is looking remark- ably'ircU in the fields in this vicinity. Evenings are longer. Yojo can go The programme for tho Con cert to be given under tho management of the Knights of Pythias neat Tliura- day evening, embraces the names of several popular vocalists and instrumen tal musicians whose eel-Vices havo been secured for the occasion. But as a final answer has not yet been received from ono or two parties whohavo been. corrcsporM.hjd.Vith, we are not in a posi tion to announce tho names Kt present. It will probably be completed and ready for printing tomorrow. Wo feel assured, however, that tho entertain- ment will bo in every (enso a very mined to spare no effort en tlioir part to male it worthy the patronago of our best citizens. The largo hall will be comfortably.arranged to admit of social promenading during tho intervals of the concert. Dr. J. S. Kjng, Grand Chan cellor K. of P. of Ontario, has signified his willingness to deliver a brief ad dress on tho principles and nkcrila of the Order, -which we are sure will bo both eloquent and entertaining. -An abundance of peaches anil; other Accom paniments will be provided. ' referring to butter, Bays that tho AmoricaiiB have takon our trade away so far this season, by selling their ordinary dairy and western butter ohcapor than wo could. ThiB is precisely what wo havo en deavored to point out nil along. Yot.aoino.of-our Canadian butter men havo gono nnd thrown tho trado still more in the band of Now York nnd Chicago dealers by bul ling up tho markets hero to u figure which has put a complete check You can go an hour earlier Sunday nights, voting man. Fall goods are arriving in Jrge quantities, and onr stores \re now , astKming a more busy aspect.r ^ ' Tho Dominion T?elegraph office was removed yesterday from Se- "cord's store to Christie, fienderscai & Co.'s. . The Annual Fall Fair of the Covnty of Hal ton Agricultural Society w?Il be held in Milton on the .11 th and 1 ;Mi of October.:, s Mr. H. Hunt is attending the Grand Lodged Masons now in, session at St" Catharines, as delegate from Walker Lodge, Acton. ' ' j Promenade Concert and Peach Festival in the Drill Shed, next Thurs- iij eveninj. See advertisenient and programmes for particulars. -"" At a meeting of Messrs. Se- cord Bros.' creditors, last week, Mr. Eobics, of Toronto, was appointed Assignee of the insolvent estate. [ Mr- Jjtmes Ueaty, of Toron to. " win (L>.~V.)_ Freach in the Disciple Meeting Hoose, Acton^ on' next Lord's -' day, at 11 o'clcK:k a. m., and 6 o'clock P--m. "*' .' Mr. James- Warren, Provin cial Lend Surveyor, will be in this neishbortiood for 'a few days," Any- person Te^iairir.g hi senict.-s will ple.-e citlos b;m as eariv as passible. Men of Hal ton, if -v'-ou want a first-class, nobby, neat, cheap aud styl- joyable one, as tlic committee are dcterv -tll>on buEiness throughout tho coun try, and the result is, English buy ers Bupply their wants almost ex clusively from American sources, obtaining a better article at from 3c to -to per pound cheaper than they can buy- here. Purchasera who bought nt . 20e to 2lc per pound for realizing here, have been compelled to ship on consignment to Europe on account of their .be ing no market ou this tide,' aud they frankly admitted to us that they wished tfiemselves out of their bargain. Werrepeat what wo have before remarked, that it was a great mistake on the part of Canadians to allow Americans to Control the trade this summer, as they have done without a rival,' and except we materially alter our tactics, thoy will control in tho coming full, to the exclusion of our RoodB. Whilst thei North-western States and New York have been steadily averaging 8,000 packages weekly, to England, our make has been allowed to gradually accumulate, and we have now the bulk of our summer sup plies on hand, which, auded to the heavy full product, may yet prove a drug upon the market. -i-Christie, Henderson k Go. are daily receiving piles of new'Jgoods of all kinds. Feeling assured this fall will witness a groat revival of trade,_their purchiises have been larger than ever'and consequently more varied. Instead of Crushing iuto the market early before prices came to a level, they' have, waited until stocks wore full, and -bottom price's established, thereby enabling tbera to offer inducements far -superior to any house in the county. Cash and small profits will still be their motto. Give them a call. ranse Mr^rtlnc. ;Thi Union Division Grange wHl meet in Ospriuge on'Saturday 2t)th of Sep tember, at Ten-'o'clock, for. the transac tion of- business. The doors will be open to.the public at two o'clock p. m., and addresses delivered by various speakers. The public cordially invited to attend. J Koiiert Dkepge, Secretary of Division. Tolnnirrs; Xollce. The members i No 6 Company 20th Battallion, will meet in the Drill Shed, Acton, ou Saturday evening, 15th inst., at 7 o'clock sharp, to commence their annual drill, A few recruits required, tj (ill vacancies. * By order of JOHX SHAW, Captain. KNICHTS OF PYTHIAS 1 IN ACTON.'; In connection with tho Dedicatory Ceremonies of their Hall, the ' members of Calanthe Lodgo Knights oft I'ytliias, 'of Acton, purpose having a i Promenade Concert AND PEACH FESTIVAL IN'THE DRILL SHED, i ON H THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 20. GREAT ATTRAGTION. sile department. the i>h suit of Clothe^, leave your order at JiiLeod, AuJerstm & Co.'s, (Jcorjfe- t J n. - They arc doitir^ the tirst ordered clothing bnsinexs in Ontario. NotetV lor rhf-ip and big sales ot I>ry O ooda. Messrs Williamson it Co. an counce that the Golden Lion has fully - recovered from the effects of the recent fire which-came-so near spoilins his good looks, sod th*t he rs now able to roar more effectually than "ever. See the announcement in another column. Some half-grown boys in this viTTage" roam up-and down Mill St.- .at mg'fiti, Lent on'mischief- They throw ttones at houses, mitie horses, hook watermelons, and make themselves a nt/Tsance generally. Several : double- hatreUed gnus are watching for their next visit. j - A" . Picnic will be held in a grove neat- Rannockbaro school house, on the afternoon of Saturday, 22nd Sept. Largo committees have beeni' appointed for making arrangements. Music will be in attendance, No efforts will be spared to make it an enjoyable occasion. The public are cordially invited. i -What came near being s ,-peri- ous accident occurred yesterday; by the breaking of a hay rack loaded with fciy, catising the horses to kick and run at a fearful pace for a short distance, until they were stepped, opposite this office. The three men on the load were . in a dangeroos predicament for a while, and were badly scared. I The old fable about the boys and the frogs occurred to us !yesterday as a comic tragedy was being enacted in front of the post office with a host of innocent little mice and two sportive o\ogs. The poor little'mice do doubt thought that. what was sport to the audience was death to them. The alac. rity with' which they were dispatched was amusing although it was tragic. _ There is no better place in Canada to buy Horse and Cattle . Pqw- ^ftra than" at ifcGarvin'a Hall of Phar macy. V It is: always lietlertobuy your : Boots and Shoes from a regular dealer, ' where you .can have a choice of a large *ud carefully selected, variety. The hest place in town is at Craille t Son's. Two young men from tho country started quite a commotion in front of the .Post Office, Saturday exen- *ag, by drawing one of onr peaceable ^nlagerg into a general scrimmagei Ex- -j citement ran high for a while, and, a jarge ennrd quickly gathered to see 'what was the trouble. The assailants Ware separated, but they soon came to- t jgether again a little further up street, where they were joined by. the villager's better-half with a potato-masher in her hfnd. In the midst of the tussel the assailed party was cheered with the oft- repeated 'cry, " I'm her.5, George," and :wa encouraged to go in-and win, \finally, however, a" well-intended tfoke at the head of the aeaailant was d94Red, and the'tato-masher fell with . crashing force on the back of George'g ""^k, thug disabling him for the time -from farther action. This ended the melee, ahd the audience adjourned. "-Better value than ever in ' wota and Shoes at Craine & Son's, Woolen goods of all kEnds. Splendid lot of new Tweed*. Shawls che^p and choice, at Christie, Hender son a- Co.'s. Passing Stkaxcie. That Sic- Ledd, Anderson & Co. are the first in the market with new Dry Goods of all descriptions, and they have now to en- nounceihat their Millinery Show Iloom is replete with all the latest novel- tic? in Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Feathers, Flowers, Kibbons, Sc. Mam moth House, Georgetown, is the spot. 100 piece? of extra vabie in Wincvs. jnst what is wanted in every family. Call early ahd get choice of colors Cfiristje, Hender- EOIi it- Co. A Curiosity. Wm. Armstrong of Enamosa, owns a six months old calf, which is quite a freak of nature in its way,' and has puzzled more than one learned head. The heart of the animal is situated immedi ately under the jaw and throat, where it is suspended, a large lump, in tho skin. The pulsations of the heart can be distinctly seen and felt, and the calf, which is apparent ly as healthy and playful ns any other, does not seem to suffer any inconvenience from the somewhat unique distribution of its internal improvements, beyond an inability to keep its head straight", owing to the deformity of the neck. Three medical men have examined the calf, and pronounce it extraordin ary; but do not know exactly what to make of it. The services of several popular sing ers ami'instrumental performers have been engaged for the occasion, and no pains will be Bparcd to rentier thu uti- tortninment of a lirrtt-ulnss character. Tho Acton Brass .Band will also bo in attendance. Tho Dedicatory Ceremonies of the Pythian Hooms will be conducted by Dr. J. S. King; Toronto, Graud Chan cellor K; of P. of Ontario, and will ho- open to the public free of charge. To commence at half-past six p. in. Concert to eomiwiice .at half-pant tcvcit. Ailmi^-:ion 25 Cent*. Thu Knights will attend i|i:-Ful]-Dress Uniform. "A number of brethren aro expected from Toronto ami elsewhere. Come and have a pleasant evening's: enjoyment. By order of Calanthe Iyodgc No. 18. Geo. 'Hyniw, F. H. Stof-.et, J. H. Hacki.nu, 0. S. Smith, Isaac Fiian- hs, Committee. : All New, Fresh and Fashionable Staple and iTancy Dry Gooas, JMillinery, Mantles,., ; Shawls, Dress Goods, etc. 321 OASES AnsriD bales DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, Il-Bales of which are Bed Blankets of the best kind, wonderfully cheap and good. ."- , j Especial attention is requested to our Silk Department. We ofler finest asssortment of Black Silks to be found in the Dominion. Wo unhesitatingly say that we offer a saving of 20 per cent rto 65r patrons in Colored end Fancy Dress Silks. - Also fn Evening qhd Wedding Silks we have very attractive styles and colors. - . I', _ - Our stock of Ladies'Jacket Cloths, Ulster . Cloths- and Trimmings for sam?, Is well worthy of attention. Indeed our stock of all classes of goods this season; is remarkable for excellence' of quality and i; cheapness of price. We take the lead this season, as usual, having the the finest assortment - of Ladies' Dress Goods in town, also of Ladies Quilted Lustre Skirts, Filled Felt Skirte, and the Prinwre Walking Skirts beautiful goods. h aroma: isr <ss- sionsr Eespeolfully annonnce to the pnblie that'the greatest care has been exer cised in the selection of their immense and varied stock. Every article is warranted as represented. TLe goods ate all fresh and direct from the manufacturers, t . ' i-t" m ml Carpets of the newest designs and colors. Tapestry Carpets. Beautiful Brussels and Sept. JOHN HOCC & SON, L 7" " Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street^ fcfnelp.h T OOK AT THIS : JAS. RYD-ER'S Grekt Credit ;^ale OF Buggies, Cutters, Wagons, Sleighs, t Plows, Harrows, , Horses, Cowsy Hay, etc., etc., To como off on Great Inducements at jJie END STORE. The proprietors of the EA5T END CLOTHING STORE would again tender their sincere thanks to their numerous patrons in and around tbe Village of Acton for their past liberal support, and in connection would Beg leave to inform them that by buying early and for cash, they are better prepared than ever to exhibit r Hats and Caps in great varie ty at Fyfe & McNah's. Get your posters, circulars, billheads, letter heads, etc., at the Free Press office. Yon will be satis- fiedTwith their cheapness and quality. A splendid Checked English Tweed Suit made to order for 512 at Fyfe &. McXab's. > A suit of the heaviest Cana dian Checked Fulled Cloth in the mar ket for Sll.atFyfe&McSab's.' Christie, Henderson, & Co. will pay regular market price in cash for any quantity of good Dairy Butter, delivered at their store in Acton. -^Grain Bags, Cotton and Ca.r- ?et Warps, cheap. Extra bargains in owels 60 cts. per dozen. A fresh lot of that famous 50 ct Tea to hand yes terday, sold in 5 pound lots at 45 cents. Sugar, nice, 9, 10, aud 11 lbs for $1.00. All at Christie, Henderson, & Co's., Acton. Fall Shows. Provincial at London, Sept. 24-28. Guelph Central at Guelph, Oct. 2, 3, 4, 5. Hamilton Central at Hamilton, TJct. 2, 3, 4, 5. - . Dafferin .at Orangeville, Sept. 26, 27, 28. - ., Halton at Milton, Oct. 11,112. Peel at Brampton, Oct. 8, 9, 10. Ksquesin;$ at Georgetown, Oct. 10. Xassagaweya at Brookville, Sep. 2S. Eramosa at Rockwood, Oct. 9. at Erin Village, Oct. 18. A young man nanied.-3,'boma.s Gardner, cabinet-maker, well known in Brampton, and for a long time in the employ of Mr. Henry Burnett, Sr., cabinet-manufacturer, died rather suddenly lust-Thursday evening. He was troubled with a rupture, and on the day of the circus, got the worse of liquor, ns was of too frequent occurrence with him, which aggravated his com plaint and took him off suddenly. Seaforth, Sept, 10. A young man named John Yeomans, clerk in the Consolidated Bank here, committed suicide by shooting him self through the heart on Sunday evening in his room over the bank. An inquest was held, and the jury found a verdict that tbe'deceased had killed himself while laboring under temporary insanity. The young man had just returned, from Montreal where he had been spend ing his holidays. ' -----More cheerinjg news has been received from the Indian famine districts. Tbe prospects are im proved, in Madras, Bengal, Scinde, Mysore, the Punjuub, and the cen tral1 provinces, but the situation continues critical in Oude and in the north-west provinces. John, Holt, of Maryborough, keeps a temperance hotel, but the inspector and the' magistrates mis took seme of John's temperance drink for whiskey, and he was fined $20 and costs. It is hard to dis tinguish between some tomperance drinks and whiskey. [ Tuesday, Sept. !i8th,j In the I . f ! i - VILLAGE OF ACTON, The following valuable property : 15 Democrat Waj-gons, new; 10 Buggies, new ; 6 Lumber-Wagons new; 10 Sets of Bob-Sleighs. new; 10 Cut ters, new; 10 Ploughs, now;:"5 sets of Gananoquc Harrows, new; 4 3et3 of Wooden Harrows, new; ' 1 Light Wagon, nearly new; 1 Buggy, nearly new; 5 Secoud-band Buggies ; 6 Second-hand Democrats ; 4 Sets of Second-hand Bobsleighs ; -2 sets of Single Harness ; 5 Good Young Horses ; 2 Cows iu calf; S Skips of Pure Itallian Bees. ,3: The public will consult their own interest by attending this sale, for the Auctioneer has received iustmctionsito knock down all of theabove articles to the highest bidder. | DON'T FORGET THE DAY. TERMS. 12 months credit by fur nishing approved security. Terms on Bees, 3 months. Sale to commence ai 12 -o'clock xTiarp. GEO. GIBBS, Auctioneer. Acton, Sept. 5, 1S77- 10-2t. A Stock Varied and Complete in all its ; Branches. OTJB CLOTHS Are of the newest designs in the market, and at prices to. suit hard time*. All we ask i3 a thorough inspection "and cbmparison'of our goods with those of any house west ot Toronto. & Co. Acton,Sept. ), 1877. FYFE & McNAB. FRESH ARRIVALS OUR FALL STOCK OF. B1 Guelph's . taxes this year are based on the following assessment rates: County rate and High School, 3 mills; Public Schools and School buildings, 7| mills; inter est, debentures, 'and general pur poses, 9 mills^making in all two cents in the dollar. ..__A. man -named Abraham Argiie, of Chnrchville, a saddler, committed suicide on Friday, 31st alt., by hanging himself in the up stairs part of his shop with a leath er strap hooked to a nail in the wall. Deceased was of intemperate habits. He, evidently, was de termined on carrying; out the deed, as he^bad to hold up his feet to accomplish it. An inquest was held by Dr. Heggie, Coroner, and the jury returned as their verdict " that the deceased came to hia death by strangulation by his awn hands, while under the influence of liquor." '._'.' The Grand Lodge of English Freemasons has granted two hun dred guineas towards the relief of the St. John suffeiera. ' Good Advice. Come merchants all. Both great and small, No matter what your trade is ; Whether selling toys For girls and boys, .. Or trinkets for the ladies. No matter what It is you've got, . For nabob or mechanic ; ; Just make a show I ' "Of prices low Till we get through the panic. Let us advise ; Just advertise With us all through the'winter; By doing this You cannot miss, To help yourself and " printer." p< EORGE LEVENS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Secord :Broi.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Hair switches and combings prepared to order. RICK DWELLINGS FOR SALE. The}two dwellings, built of brick, situated on Main street, near tlie Do minion' -Hotel, are offered for sale, on reasonable terms. ' The lot consists of three-fifths of au acre, with .good gar den. . The building is new, and well finished, adapted for two families. A go&d stable and driving shed on the premises. Apply to the owner. | ' JOHN KENNEDY. Acton, Aug. 15, 1S77. Mm GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE, A Sure Belief for the Sufferer. i .-' . Is now Arriving, Ami will soon be complete for the ^ALL TBADB. CALL AND SEE 0DR NEW STYLES. Special Attention Given to Ordered Work. Repairing Promptly Attended t. Felt Hits \^' Acton, August 7, 1877. CRAINE * SOIfr. PHKPABKD UT; SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 80 HAKSIBOX AVZ^JOE, BOSTON, MASS. I . j .' . Dentistry. S, L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on- the first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnew's HoteL T\TANTED. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for" offices opening in the Dominion. - Stamp for, answer. ' Address Manager, Box 955, Toronto. SBEEP Strayed or Stolen. URACE'B CELEBRATED S^LVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, Invented in the.inhiceniuiy hy Dr.Wil- llHin Urrfce. Surgeon In Kins James' army. Through lis agency; he cured thousands of the most serious sores and wonnds that bnffletl tho'skill of tho most eminent physicians of his d ty, and was regarded by all who knew him es a pub lic benefartor. f ..; ; _.. . "' ' " " "PKICB 2l'CkKTS" A BOX. 8 Missing from the premises of the sub scriber, about the;55th July, 3 white Ewes; and also about the 5th of Au gust,-"5 white-Ewes,' one of them baying a black *pot on hind leg,- ? Nearly; lull Leicester breed. Any person givinH information as will lead to their recov- ery.i will be suitably rewarded. i ; JOHN BENNETT, J Lot 32,6th con. NasBagaweya. Acton, Sept. 5, 1877 10-3t GBACES^ELECKITED SALVE CURES. ; ,' , ixesh wounds, btio^en / j/imbs, salt hneuji, chilblains, sorb ijbeast, ; soiib mps, erysipelas, ring-' worms, cailtjseb, soalu head cuappkd; bands, - . .cancers, psei^ns, ; : sjbbs, ulcers, -..: . riNQLES, ; WKNS, STIES, Ancesa^:__ yRECKLES. SPRAINS,,-, noin, Cuts -' -Whitlows blisters, *an; . - __ '.. cobns, s'curvy, ITCII, INaROWISO.NAILSfljIBTTLE^RASU, MUSQUITO AKS H.EA BITES, Bl'ISEB' STINGS, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions -.. - For sale by all drugjUts," grocers, and at all couut'-y stores throughout the Uni ted Stotns and BrltUh Provinces. Prlee by mall SO cents...-. ; - { . BURNS, SCALD <, WOUNDS,!. FESTBRS, PILES BUNIONS,' BITE", WARTS, riMPLES, tvL:^L-3srs:oG>x> = HOW LOST, HOW RESTJDBED. We havo recently published ft new edi tion of4r. Cnlvcrwcll's Celcornted es- uy on tue radical and permanent cure (Without in. dlciue) of-Nervou-i, >;ebUit., Mcnialond Pliystle-jl Incapacity .Impedi ments to filarrlage, etc., resulting nom "^riceTl'ii a sealed envolore, only 0 cents ir two postage itnmiw- -J . . The celebrated utUorrtn this admlr- 'i tile'Essay clearly demonstrate-, from thirty years*- sureessTul Practice, thyt alarming consequeacesmay ba radically cured wlthouttl>euaiigarau* "^r'nt,e,r: nal mcdlclno-or^the !>rlleatipr.or the once simple, certain nml effeeiiml. bj menrisof WHICH every BitHircn|i^iit.iH what his. condition mi>J\-n.e,'Hni'i; c himself cheaply, privateiv and i-uiicr). '}.. This I ectureKlionldbein the hnnrts of every youth'anUevery tanu ln.tne nana. "ME CDMCRWELL flll.Otdll. ;>-. M .*.jin-St Nk\wiorlE, Po^t Offlje Box J5S6. ' ' . |*'ly rriAILORING. taflor, has' roturned from New York city where hi? bos-attended tho School of Instruction in the act of cutting garments, and is now better prepared than everl^ to give the best of satisfaction..tohis ensto'mers.' He is now in a- position- to warrant'^a perfect fit, and to make up gaimohts in the very latest American styles. The continued patronage of. the cojmmnjjjty respectfully solicited. ' ' . P , : . JOHN.McARTHUR. Acton, Ang. 8,1877, 6-8m THE ROYAL HOTEL, EXCHANGE In all tlie latest^ Engiish, Amer ican and Canadian styles, suitable fbrrthe^arty' . Fall Trade.' v O-ror 5| Styles to select &om. >T. i' ' -u surjerior Felt in 3|}yle, quali-- ty and finisn-fb^ 'AOTON. This well-known house has recently- undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished with new and modern furniture of the best des cription, and is prepared to provide first-class accommodation, to the public." The present proprietor has received a license, and he will keep fjhe bar well supplied with the very host of liquors aiid cigars. The stabling: ij? lar^e; and well-fitted up ; also ample shed-room. The patronage of ,tlie publig:is re.spect- ull'y solicited. JOHN :MANEY.. Acton, June '26, IS77. ' SEND 25c. to (i.JVROWJfliJi* CO. Now York,forPftmphietoflOOpage, containing lists of SOOOnewspapers.an MllsrateBaho^TlnBcoBtofadverH6lB(f| ^yOTERS' LIST. ' Notice is hereby given that a". Court will be held pursuant ,to the Voters' List Act of 1876,'hy His Honor the Judge of the County Conrt of the County of Halton, at' Matthews Hall Village of Acton, on'^he 21st day of Sept. 1877, at. 2 o'clock p. m., to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the municipality of Acton for 1877. All persons having business ot tjie Court are requested to attend at the same time ai_d place. ' -J. ROSS, Clerk of said Municipality. Acton, Aug. 30, 1877. 9-it They show the very'lasteSt at : close dut prices. .': A n^tr consignment of th^t 50 just tjo h!and. Ifl LBSjp(MK FOR ONE 3)0LLAK. CHEISTIE, HENDEES0N 3c CO, AlotOn, Aug. 15, '1877. SffS iifti I

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