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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 20, 1877, p. 2

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K&fcre'W" -X *' *' l,lB a<~v" THE FREE PRESS, ACTO^f, ' BALTpN COUNTY, ONT., SEPTEMBER 20, 1877. f m> rM ?|jULE. ACTON FREE PRE&li. PaMishod Kvory Thursday Moruing. j, in HACKING, Proprietor. . SI Per,- Annum in Advance" JOS H HVCKiKa ioitoh Tuxk.auY Monxisu.iSrrcr. 20;. 187-7. m 7 i*#t:i- Tho mora, battle* t-Hu 'iUx'kx win the longer will the war last, ?o that Hie reccut defeats--of the' ""Riissi ins, may, after all, Ix: tO'tliotu a iuixed[ blc&sing. On tho other h.tud, if'tho Udssiaiis ?ould do soniethiirg, to rtjltiove their lost laurels and vri)ic out f-ho humilia tion of tvcent defeats, it would very likely put an viul to .the war, us th;> Ci.ir is personally lor peuct, and tlie Ti:cJus?i Km pi re is not only t U.<> tad xit'its resources, l>til- in dun- ger of breaking up in till directions. ;Tho Tutks are not a- nation : like ; the. slave-owners, thiy ar a donii- aant race,, nod th aul-jcct> race i n'orywj^pe against them. ^j * i-" 'jiSfJIl!-'" mmh 5-?)*!i : V-V: ': K "M ." Wifc- -F Details of the tvcagture ha the Turks of the redouUts. at Plevna- ahow it was one "of the Moodiest, struggle*vocorded. The proportion of officers kjHe-ei was immense. Only oue. commander ofi n regiment waii left ilive. '.tifem-SkobeletT in hia rvf>or4 says': *- I didjjiy best,, and couiil noC do more,. ^Ly rogi- uiants dn not exist;: they have no fficors Jefte.'" A. roo^ni despatch says that Suleiman PaHlia has - effected a- junction with Mehemet AIL It seoms probable their combined forces'.znuy attempt something. 'ayainst the army of thu C^irewileh, .wliich, silreadj- obligi-d to re.tiro befijre thu junction was efiboted,. nmj now bo i'oi-ceti to rutreat still further, although the Imperial. CJiiunl nw arriving rapidly rutty p.ut another face on uiFai. Sbjb- eltff fet,t "vGHXi men in attacking:, the redoubt and 3,000 in Holding if. An; immense jjrojwrtiou of officers were killed nad wounded. There is sc;irce';y a head of battal ion li-tr. ,Two officers of the staff were-.^killed. I saw Skobeleff in his tent at uighi. He wus qite calm and collected. He snid, I have done ray best. * * * My detachment in helf destroyed. I have lost three guns.' ' Why did they refuse you reinforcements 7 I asked ; * wlib wiis to blitmo ' I blaaie nobody.' he replied. It -is the will-f God.'" - , r! It is comforting to know that ftn effort is' to l>e mtde at the next Taessiou of the Dominion Legislature co'au*ed the Dimkin Act by gir- ing j>j-oper facilities for voting, applying bribery clauses similar to . those reLiting to Parliamentary elections,, proviuiiig eiiicient ma chinery for it-i enioreemeut, aiid" ;makitig suob. other improvomenU as i are calculated to make it serve the - pnrpo.su of its eaastBi^nt. ~ But the t question suggests itself, why where -all these matters not uttecdej to . before i rim Suniey Laa arrivoi %} Ihb -mouthoftka Cuuge, after a jour- . iiey across Afric, which .has token him since the lf>th of November, juid ^-bich has been one succession of hardships and hostilities with the native tribea. During the journey ho engaged in thirty two battles with the people of the in terior, and lost hia companion, .Francis Pococlc, who was swept brer the fulls of a river and killed. Pbovinciai. ExaiBiTiox. The London -Adtertiier says ; Every thing goe$ to show that the coming fair will be the best ever held iu. Canada. 1Mb total entries are as follows: Livestock, 3,774; agri: cultural implements, 514; agricul tural pi-eductions and dairy pro ducts, 1,205 j fruit, vegetables, pluuu, and cut flowers, 1,964 ; artb and manufacturers' department, 2,- 264. There is some falling off in -the entries of-poultry, fruit, and field roots. . Itndly Unndldi; The Rnssiim owtlook south of the Dbnubti certainly docB uot btighton as the sftiiton dnrinjj which cam- paignir/g is __ possiblo . na*r its close. On tho contrary, t>ch day reiidora it muto gloomy for tho invaders, as rc-vealiug defpett in nrntngetneiits which they: had their own tiu'o to work up to coiiipleteni'ss, and the inconi- fvetolica of t.ho-so liiyhest in com mand to handle tliu umgiiirieHit force, which tlirougli vacillation and rashness is crutubliug away without having accomplished imy- thitlg-at all. It will Ku-tio.laiill.ul the rank uml lilo or of tho.su in sub- oidinuto ooinmatul if the campaign of ll*7.7< end- in. mortificution and disaster,, us titux) is every probabili ty it willi:: Tliero- him been no flinching from duty,', hiwwwr urdu- ous or perilous. 'Bho qiinlities we rt< proud to roniruibec na-displuypd by the Six -llundrad in dianoudletw, gloi'ioiiH oh:irge of BahikJava,.hnvo been exhibited on a vast scale bit every occasion in which ,tho.. Rus sians have been engaged since the war began tho Banio steiidinoss, ardour for figliting, and contempt of jH>rsquiil danger. " But ull the valour lvas been- wndered- nugatory 'By tb errors of ttoao who were charged \witn> atrectinjj. these sol dierly qutilities to tfto uccoriipligh* ment of substsntiol oojpota And tho propensity, to blunder seems in curable by experiences of the stern est kind. Every error has been pointed' out in ad.uanae of its- Heiny eommittedl .' ; Tho braTest army in tho world can do little, if acything, when underj the guidance of htuidbtrong and feeble-handed oouiinanders, men of no experience, and working on. no previously well considered and pppfcotly nriderabood plan ~r and this has been the chief cauju of the .misfortunes, which have attended Che Russian movements from the first till aow.; The Turks have had the advantage of skilful handling ; their principal commanders have mostly been far-steing and resolute, and have acted, latterly especially, in -unison,, supporting, each others' movements, and thus the good qualities of their troops, not in one [Mtrticuliyr superior, to- tao- enemy's,, have been turned to the best ac count. When, the caropiign is- oror, and it is possible to take a bird's-eye view of trto movements of the two forces, those of the ono will be Been to"have been a-series of spontane ous and: capricious "expedients, while thoso of tho other hove been on a plan fairly constructed and deliberately worked (rat. 'Eho lixa- bian commanders first thought of taking Plevna by assault; it w*a tried and we know with what sacri- fico of lifeand jirestigo ; now. it is. Skid to liavo been determined to lake it by regular siege, to starve Osixian Pasha into a surrender;.but, if as reported, Suliemen Pusha lias forced the Shipka Puss und haa effected a junction with Mebcmet A}i, and the Czarevritch'b army has been compelled to retire, thtr idea of besieging Osinan Pasha will in tarn h&ye to be abandoned, and ' wh'at may be the next change of programme no one can tell. History will blame tho leaders of tius- expedition, and not without reason ; bat for tho brave men who havo been so miserably man a-uv red und exposed to such needless and terrible hazards, it will have noth ing to say Liit in tho -way of praiso. Ono of the most afiectiug pictures of tho war is that described by Col. Wellesley, in a. recent telegram of Gen.Skobeleff, after this yalient bat fruitless endeavor to retain possession of tho two redoubts, say ing as he sat sad bnt dignified : in his tont," I hnvo done tny best; my detaehment is half destroyed; I could do no more; I blama no body it is the will of God." The failure :of J. F. Macfar- lane, dry goods merchant, of Wood stock, has been announced, with liabilities of about 60,000 or ?70,- 000. . The principal creditors are ' Metsra. T. Jas; CJaxtoit & Co., of Montreal, in whoso establishment he Was formerly employed. The amount-due"'Claxton is some $40,- 00O. "'-. County Fair. -We would remind our readers that the time for the anpual County Fair draws ttenr. What are you going to'exhibit? Don't say you haye nothing worth taking. There is hardly a liousehold in tbecounty but lias something -which, would prove an atttuctiou to someone at the Fair, though to you who are accustomed to seeir;g it, it looks common^ Bring anything and will add to the K.-iir. Tne olHcei-s are making "feat exertions to havo the exhibi tion so attractive that every one fihall-foel that they cannot ad'oid to stay away, but they cannot-'get up a good and succeKsful fair without the people exhibit their goods. Let every one do a. little und much will be done. Let e;\ch <try to make our (Jonrty Fair what it should be, -public benefactor. The Thivd-Vtaas Certificate. The Huroli Expositor has some thing to say about'the law govern ing teachers, which i worthy of attention. It says: . "A teacher may be ever so efficient, and may thoroughly satis fy those whom ho is paid; to serve, but, if he haa taught three years on his. third-tlasft certificate, no matter how efficient he may be, he is forc ed to abandon his situation, and either take a second-class certificate or retire from the profession. Ten chances to one he does the latter, and his experience is lost, and another who has not had experience takes bis place. If this is in the interest - of. education, it ia very Htrange. I What is wanted is, in the firht place to lower the educational qualification, and give more weight tp practical experience and natural aptitude-for teaching. In the- sec ond place, third-class certificates should hot be liniited. If a teacher is competent,to secure only a third- class certificate let him have it, and his own natural ambition, combined with increased remuneration which all improved grade will bring, will be sufficient to induce him to ad vance as rapidly aa his abilities and circumstances will permit. By so' doing, the schools could retain ex perienced teachers when they .de sired to do go, instead of, aa now, being forced to give up the services of a good teacher and taking in a green hand, simply because the certificate of the former has ex pired." i i " 1 . ,------------, . ------------- . r It is.reportcd that the Marquis "of Lome will come'to .Novu Scotia next month to hunt moose. Pen nud. HcIhsop Selects.- '. Rush firca are raging in the wcjoda to the north of Ottawa. i Z Tho Sitting WAX Comuiitaioii left for tho North-west on -tfutur- tluy. Tho Odd 1'Vllows of Welland -aro ereotinj; it new hull, which will cost thorn i?.l L',000. Stanley has been homd from. Ho hast MiioceHslully explorotl tho Lulahaba Itivur iu Africa. --Tiu'io. is much iiti^iesy in Win- ni|H>g rt>sfM>etiiig the result of tho BlackiVi:t tU'ttty negotiations. Tho famine Htricken proviucea in. the north of China uie also af fected with I ho locust plnguo. Tho iieHt annual convention of tho North American St. Georgo's Union will bo hold at Gut'lph. --^-Gnelph puts in a claim, through the columns of the Mrr- eur.ij, for the Provincial Fair. --Tho yellow fever opidemie ati> Fvrnandina, Fla., is Btill on the increase, tho weather continuing unfavorable.. A Ooderich gentleman recently returned from Manitoba advises the young 'men of Ontario to stay where they are.. .' -^-Tho' track of'the Hamilton & Nprth western Railway is laid to Clarksville, and a conaidurablo por tion of it ballasted. -Lord Dufferin jiaa/<been- warm ly welcomed by tho Icelanders. His Exellency will finally lenyc Manitoba on rouic for Ottawa on the 23th inst_ woman,, named Catliarine Levitt, of Hamilton,. wbilo enttoapruig to light tho fire,, burned herself so severely that sho is nbt ex|iccted to live- Some foolish man sowed grass seeds in the streets of Napaiiee when tho Dunkin Act becomu law. there. He haa since been sent to- jail for a month for illegally selling whiskey.. , Better crop- prospects a*e re ported from tnoat of the East Indi an Cuaine districts, but prices are Btill high, and much distress pre vails smong. the poor. it hni Been decided' in Brant- ford that a ^torekecpercannot,under tho Dunkfn Act, give away beer to- his customers without being liable to a twenty dollar find for bo doing*. Within toe past row months three distilleries in Ontario had to close down. Their failura<Jis-a<>- tributed to tho falling off in the consumption of liquor and exces sive competition.. . j Tho miner's strilip in tho Lehigh region of Pennsylvania iB at an ondy n concession having been innde by tho coal companies where by the miners-will receive the.rote of wages given previous- to the re duction in May last. The Warm Spring - Indiana,, who recently left their reservation in Arizona, havo commenced a series of raids, murdering settlers and attacking freight trains and teams.! Fourteen kn" Renown to have been.killed by them. Republicanism in France doe* not mean liberty. Gambetta has been heavily lined and sentenced to three mouths' imprisonment for making a speech, in.which ho freely ciitieized the actions of the party in power. s The Ottawa papors tell 'some amusing stories about tho fright occasioned amongst tho French Canadians by the desceut of a ba- loon tho other day. They regard ed it as an infernal machine of some sort, which hid been sent amongst thecn for their destruc tion. . Walkertori 'in 1872 had a. population >of/between eight and nine hundred, and Was without a railway, and [had no Bide walks, and hardly a street. At present the town has eight, miles of streets, four uriles of sidewalk, a popula tion of 2,700, and a debt of 20,- 000. > Some time since a young girl threw.a bottle containing her name and address into the Ohio River. It was found by a youth, and a marriage in the result." This seems, at first Bight, not Yery objectionable, but tlw.Paducah -Netes has been thrown by it into a state of lively trepidation ifrpra the fear that upon the fact becoming generally known the navigation of the'-river will be permanently impeded. Florida, tbenortlrern invalid's resort, is in parts at least, being swept by the terrible plague of yellow fever. At the headquarters of the malady, Ferijandina, there have been twenty deaths from this caiise,since- August. Known cases of attack are numbered by tho hundred, nearly the whole popula tion, is sick, and the trains have been filled with persons sufficiently well to;fly from the infected dis trict. There seems "'to bo no lag- gardnassin dealing witlrthe enemy, and medical men-describe the dis ease as more easy of treatment than it sometimes is. Tlio Trmtii> Question. Wohavo.got to faoo another ir ruption-of tramps very soon. The 'cold season has commenced in tho nortIv-east,'and tho advance guard of tho army Imh already shown it self. Tho sturdy thiuvos aro get ting more aim inoru common, and buok awan that aro accessible, and 'hall-ways Unit uru carelessly left open, aro being aheady robbud. TllUI'U ifitUl nlnt'iuillg increase of 'Biurdy, tiiiidiuvoii, iinsliornr uirkept men Htiiuitiug'juii the sticet,H, look ing with vilhiinuiiH eyes into'-houses, to see whether robbery or beggary will do bunt. " Oiiuof.them was asked which ho profiTrud; tliu city or the country, With . charming frankness hu answered, " the country, of courso, when tho Weathur is warm enough to admit of alucpiug in tho open air, or in barns. " You see,-' iid tho vagabond, " in the city tho ' cops ' urn uhvays a watchin' of us und you cun'l do nolhin' without takin' a blasted risk. But in tho country, bless you, ther' uin't nolhin' to stand in the way.-' Two of no wutcliCH till tho men aro away in the fields, ami we know ther' ain't nobody in tho housu but women. Thou w goes up and ueks ffor suthin' to eat, which we don't reely want, for we kin kill and roast as many chickens as we want. But whilenho women aro giviu' us aithin' to eat, wo sights about, and if ther' is any looso property' luyih' round, wo gobbles it. If the women make any fiiss^ wo show a pistol, and that ends it. \ Wo don't steal enough to make it worth thoir while to foller us very farj und besides tlioy aro afraid for wo have a dozen or tvyo in a neighborhood."' "-Don't you find it rather hard to find comfortnblo plucoH to sleep, iu the city 7." " Sometimes. Now ond^hen wo git iuto the station house, ufid thoro are always empty boxes, aiid warm corners. It ain't as pleasant as the Rossis IIouso, biut we are satisfiedi" " Wliy don't you. try work a little while T The man's face took a curious expression. ' Work! we work i we might as well bo labrin1 men to-once ! none of that for me. There is one city which I got into lust full, where they arrust~'ub,. and pul us in a stone-yard, broakin. stouo for the atrot'ts IXauiUt'oR.. They got ine once, and kept me at it two weeks. I wouldn/t go'within twenty mileapf that city,, if I know it, for a for tune.. Tbihk of- workin' ten hours U, day,, and foadiii.' us on bc<ad' and water.'. They don't know how to treat poop!* ther' " _- -. The vagabond want away, with an expression, of sadness on his countouuncc.. Tho remembrance of 'his brief stay in ILiaiilton, whore tho eity ia .wise enough to make thorn earn the bread they eat, was too much for him. flo doubtless brooded over it all tho- day. ; What Hamilton docs, every city land town ia tho country should do. 'Tho moment a beggar, appears on. the strocts.of that city, he is arrest ed, is taken to barracks provided for su<jb' cumberers of tlui earth,. arJ if able to work, isstt to- break- Ulg stone. When his timo ia "up, ho,is given a louf of bread aud a l>ieco of rneat, and is dismissed with the assurance if he-returns ho ill be retained a still longer peri od. NuUO of them return. livery magistrate should bo empowered to commit thete pests, ut sight. The tramp proper:camo to thin ooiiutry from England, but it wasn't long till tho AuiericiMi vagabond adopt ed his tactica.r They have signs and language of their own, and where one or two are seen, you may bo sure there are more. They Work ill gangs, and can bo rallied within a few hours. Thoy are vicious, useless and dangerous, and society owerit toTitsolf to extirpate them. There ought to be the mot stringent Legislation against them this winter. ' Scddex Death and Ikquest.-^- The Fergus News Record says that a girl named Mary McLean, dailgh- : ter of Hugh McLean, Erin, a do mestic servant iu Mr. David Brown's family at Douglas, having died in a very sudden and unex pected manner, about three o'clock, on the morning of the 9th inst., formal application was made to Dr. Johnston, of FergiiB, to hold a coroner's inquest on. the body, to ascertain the cause of death. Mr. and Mrs. Brown gave testimony as fo the nature of tho illness of de ceased, who cdnipluined of severe cold, and first went down to Dr. Tamblyn about nine o'clock on Saturday 'night, some six hours previous to death. Dr. Tamblyn testified that death was caused by congestion of the lungs and heart disease. Mr. Hill and Mrs. Blyth testified to the good treatment al ways shown to deceased by Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The.jury re turned a. verdict to the effect that deuth was caused by natural sick ness congestion of tho lungs, ac celerated by heart disease. Grand,-Reform demonstration lit Gait to-4,ay. ? Large gathering at the Bramp ton pic-nic yesterday. j Tliu Viinkln Act in Kraut. The License Inspector for Brunt has add reused tho following to tho Editor of Mm Expositor : - Sni:--In view of yesterday's experience I huvo come to tho con clusion that it is impossible to en force tho Dunkin Act in tho city of Brantford. Up "to'tho recent dnto-1 held tho opinion that it was impossible to state correctly wheth er it iwaa-a failure or u 'mvecene, Imt 1 liuvo now no hesitation iu saying that it is, und will boa failure, and tho sooner it is repealed tho better for all parties. This being my de liberate opinion, I can no longer consent to hold the position of Inspector) and have therefore ten dered my. rohigjiation to tho Gov ernment, retaining the office nomin ally for ii short time, merely to adjust some unsettled cluimsugiiinst tho License Fund, and ncrfurther proceedings will bo taken" by mo for any infractions of the law. Your obtidiant servant, James Guack. : B&frTTY'S 1 PIANO & PARLOR ORC AN /JBfHTHlfCTOH.. I (JontfiinliiK the cli mt ntii rilie.Hlc, with cn-y him j>roK|ej.HH'e nxcrciHcH lo'perfect tlie player lri_tlic iirt of niu>Ie ;eltli"cr lhinr> nr orirtr;) to wlilcJi l mltti it over i-lxty Waltzes, I'oIKiih, MurclifH, (ialopK. ii))eratio MeJodlcH. IJimcu'i*, oic,', h.r ^>jm- Icl ! '. finiilty, Wimlilimloii, Niiw .Jerftiw, one of Hia hi.Hl works ol 11k Ifhiil uver'lu- trortticfct, nml -Mu.nlii ho In Hie IiiiiiiIh of every pliiiiiinniioi'KHIi jjnyer. Kent po.-t- imldi'Miiiy purl i>) the Unllcil 4taun or ('hii/iiIii lor only llfty eentH the pFlce hivin,; ht'uii leJnceU to intr'tKluco It pvorvH'ln'rc. A<l(Ir'HM. UANIKf> F. 1'IUTIY, WiiiihliiRlcii, Nev; JcrBe-y. pKAIND Di;.TIO.\.SrK.lTION ' :BV T1IK KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS IN ACTON. UTttW; GGODg AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST EM o-xJEL^ia:. Fast Tnrir. Tho Bpecial train on tho Canada Southern which cur ried Bishop Burgess, of Michigan, from St. Thomas last Thursday made good time. Milo after mile_ wiis.mudo in fifty-eight seconds, and a stjretch of seven miles ,iu rive niinntes; only 0110. stop...Of foil! minutes, for wood and water^ was made at Charing Cross. The truin left St. Thomas at 5.30 p. in., und arrived at Amhorstburg ut 7.23 p. in., looking the run of 111 miles in 109 minutes,-allowing for the stop at Charing Cross. -Duo day last week, Mr. John Walkor, farmer, of East Flamboro', lost four valuable cows iu a most unaccountable manner. It uppears that as hia sons were, going in to dinner they found ono cow lying dead, having apparently died only a few minutes previously. . At this time four other cows und a bull were not fur off, apparently well, and grazing as usual, but on going out to work again in about half am. hour, tho young men found three more of the cows dowii ono dead and tho other two struggling in tho lust ponies of death. Tho four cows all died within three- quarters :ofau hour, and the causo of thoir death is u mystery. Tho tramps.**^ becoming a terror in Pennsylvania, and -the farmers havo been compelled to aim themselves and their families for the protection of their property. Kven trains aro wrecked and fob- bell with impunity by tha. bodies of lawless vagrants who liuvo in vaded tho state.. r Iii cfthiieriticm with the X>c<licatory CYreinoiiitH of ttteir'HHIi, the member?! of C-ilanthe Ix>dge Knii;htn ut I'ythinH, of Aetou, purpose liavinj^a " - Promenade Concert AND ;, .1 PEACH FESTIVAL IX THE D1ULL SUED). THURSDAY EVEMINC, SEPT. 20. The services of several popular sing ers and < instrumental performers havu, b/'eii ciiKayed for the ooeasiou, raid no 'j/iiuB will bo spared to render the cn-_ itertaiiunfiit of a fir<it-elitH.i character. The Acton Braaa ifand will also be in ULttendance. . ! The Dedicatory Ccrcinniiies of the I'ytliian Itooms will l>e t-onfliictt--(l by ))r. J. ..S. King, Torojito-, Grand Clian- etllor K. of 1*. of Ontario,' au'l will lib Open to the public free f\ charge. To coiiniicncc'.it; half-p.'lst|six p^ in. Cunctrt to c()7ii7nerice (it htilf'grtxt eercn. jidiilijtMOn i?<> Cent*, ' _ Tho Knights will attend iu Frilf-Dreas Uniform. A number of brethren are expected from Toronto' 'and elsewhere. Come rind have a pleasant evening's ,enjoyn<ent. --By order of C'.il.intlic Lodge Xo. 18. Gr.o! Ilvyns, F. II. ^TonET, J. If. Hackinc, C. S.-Sjimt, Isaac Fit as- cis. Committee. DANIEL F. BEATTY'S PIANOS & OP.aANS 0 coses Kew. Dress Goods in plain and fancy materials fasBi'dflaKfa' t F season.' . -! . '. , *p,e !IW; ^,- ' Full ranjio ofBlflck-Lustrea; . ,-.. '.- .-j >.'; *','"" 1 caso Colored Lustres, in all the new g?ia<le.s, 1J2J cetJt a faJf^V'i 20 dozen new Black" .Straw Hata, lu'teit styles, for sarin.jVt ^ - season. , . :k . ~~B6-- .. CO dozen new Kid Glo"/eg, in black'arid coI6j>e'd^- -, " ;! - 2 caeos Mantles, English and German, eorrecfjiTjii- ^ ^ T 1C boxes IJibhoUS, in all the desiraWe'and scarce'-iiMrf^ i'; Our stock .is well up.merery department, and ladies who wimt cSoiAm^. goods cheap should come to the Fashionable West End/ X'v"' t : VV6 aro already selling a large quantity of early fall,xoogf,- ' '.. A. Q. BUCHM&h Pashlbnable West.Kml Droits, Mlllinory and -^aatleKiftia&|^iiJ Gtiolph.-9.ojit. 10, 1R77. ; ' ; * ,'r' .- ' [> .-" ass- Grand,- Square ^IJpng^ Agents; wanted ..everywhere.- Addresat 'i'." DANIEL P. BEATTI^;^ FIRE! FIREa FIRE! soesB DIKD, Ba.nm:hmak. Near Miltou. on fko 13th inst., Mr. Angus Bannerm.-ui, niied 31 years. Deceased was a iMciiiiheiA of the firm of Douflaa Ic Bauncnrian, lumber merchants. AfTO'S MABKETrt. ^lonr ... .....^3 00 Fall Wheat,new.. .. 1 24 Spring Wheat, new . ..12-1 Sprouted Spring Wheat 0 7;"> Barley ... .. ., 0 SO Oats ... .. .. 0 30 Pc .......0 60 Butter ... -f..... 0 16 Kkk. .. i.. .. o io Potatoes, per hag ,. 0 75 Apples, oarly, per bag . . 0 CO to 3 00 to 1 00 to 1 00 to 1 00 toO C5 too' 35 toO 65 toO 18 toO 00 to 0 0(1 to 0 15 Errs^ CoroA.^-GitATEFL-L and Cost- tortixo. "Ryn thorough knowledge- of the nntnrnl laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, mid by a careful application of the fino properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which jnay aave iis many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious usc6f such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually built up Until strongenough to reBiBt every tendency' to disease. Hundreds of suhtle maladies are floating around' us ready to! attack wherever there is a weak point." We may escape many a fatal shaft by keepiug ourselveB well fortified with pure blood and a pro- perly nourished frame." Cirif Service Qazttte. Sold only in packets labeled "Jamks Errs & Co., Homoeopathic Chemut, 48, Threadnecdle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j The. present style of ladies' dress pocketB may be very fashion'* able, but they are not good to .car ry valuables in. We notice that a great "many ladies use them' as. a reeeptacle for purses. This" is a foolhardy proceeding. Any ordin arily deft-fingered person could tako tho purs9 and the owner be none tho wiser, JpAftM FOB SALE. Splendid grain-raising Farm, -west half Lot 4, 3d con. Erin.; 100 acres ; 80 acres under cultivation ;. balance good hardwood bush. Will be sold cheap. Apply on the place, or address : JOHN SIBBALD, Acton, Ont. Erin; Sept. 17, 1877. 12-4Y SIGN PAINTERS ???% tUm oftho United Btates nDd Provinces to answer thU Hdvertlt-eniPnt,' AdtlfeFS BAXIEl F. BEATTI, iVashlDgtbn, few Jersey.; JNSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. And Ajmending'Acts. ! IN THE- MATTER ,OF : ' . / Secord Brothers OF ACTON, INSOLVENTS. All persons indebted to this estate are notified to call lit once at the late store of the Insolvents and settle their accounts with our agent, Mr. Charles H, Murdoch.; ',,. . All accounts unpaid on tho 30th inst. will bo placed iju suit. MURDOCH..HOBiNS & CO. ; Toronto, 10th Sept. 1877 BEATTY plflNO and uritiauT.amiiiKvrry BHaTKD C'lLDBN 'J ONO LOK OltOAN nrethefM'colc lnoi-t perfect him ueh-ius nninofaeLured In this orany f.tr-i r ^joun- try. Tho or|d Is ehallcnRpd. io equal I hem. ITcst dlscoiints und temi ever be fore glv.n. ;ltrK-ic bottom p.irrle pricrf-, now rt-ntly tv Jo:jbertt, likens. hhU the Lmfi*-.)ji KeiH'.ral. An^t'fTrr. TtieKt: rele- hrated - litdrtiiu nit leiiinr M:iiio--'or Orb-un1 OoicU imU sllllif^il llliywliprp, Oil (ivo <r llfteen linyh' ttst tilul." Mon'I-y re- ruitdcd and frelKhl clia'rRO paid both ways If In any .way UMintisfaetory. Kully warranted for h\x yearn as sltirtly flrht- cla!.!i. 'KSTHAOltUlN-ARV tniEHAL DISCOUNTS glv&ti to CluutlK . Schools, Ijodgep, Halle, Mmlsler*, IVnrJicrs. el<-., in t.itli-r to liave itu-m xntro-Juocd itioncn where I l'n\'e no agents, Thontamls now In ti^e. New Hlohliaeil Advc rt^er (Ca'a- l'KUn Edltluui with list-rf leklirminralp, iu>\v r.-atl.v. s* lit in p.. KM.-iUli-ircM In vr"-i .A,,dr?H\PAI?,El- F- BCATTV, \\ aKhliigtnii, Neiv Juney, . / ' To secure th4 '^ -*:;.I'\S" EXTRAORDINARYBARGftfffS r QEXTKAL EXHIBITIOX, WILl. HE HELD IX THE TOWN OP "atTELSH 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th Oct. OPES' TO ALL. Prize Lists and Kntry Papers can be. had at the Secretary's oiiice; Guelph, j and also from the Secretaries of other Societies throughout the Province. Parties not receiving their.entry tick ets prior to the Sljow, will find them at the Secretary's otlico. The several Railways will carry freight and passengers to and from tho Inhibition at single fare. '. TH0S. -SIcCKAE, Pres. (i. MURTONT, Sec. . Guelph, Sept.;1, 1877. 10-4t CS)CC I Any person who will tnafie rllCb s and forward me a list ol the names of tollable persons of their ao- quaintnnce who -wish io prorure en in strument, either Plauo or Organ. I will use my best' endeavors to sell them one, and for every Piano I succeed in selhnir totbolr list within one year, 1 will credit thorn- with $10, and for every Organ $5,1 to bo applied on payment of either a IMn-no or Oreati; and when It amounts to ft sum sufficient to .pay. i< ran lustrumf nt selected at't'-e lowest wholesale price, 1 will immediately ship the Instrument, free, or after nny amount ts credited tho balance may bo laid me In cash and I will then ship them the. Instrument. They need not be known In the matter, and will be doing their friends a real ser vice, as I shall mnlce special offers to them, Belling aignpcrlor Instrument for ftoraone-liolr to two-thirds what is ordinarily asked by auents. Please send roe a list at once and after you have mndtv Inquiry you can add to it. Address DANIEL F.BEATT5T, Washington, New Jersey. ' ' -..- 2T0W BtEXNG OFFERER. Tho Store Is tMonged ete: Growds of People come from nil tlie Coiiiiiry Round to Take Advantage of this Great-r:; Ghance. . ; >-i ' EVERY OTHER STORE IS DESERIE| We still have heaps and Jieaps of Grood* Sf>iW'; aiid "ibaraajred during the Fire, which we ' .'^ I are bound to Clear Out at Any Price. ; 't fRiHT^, -. 'Vu cottons, .;. ::^tS; BLANKETS, - -'fiikt ; DRBSS GOODS, - MILLI^EBY, All at SU;ch Eediieltiona as have iievef feefort offered. .:1~ WOW'S THE l\m. FOR CHEAP V' : n- X * COWSUMPTIOW CURED. '.i^CH'!D A'vSlrflAX. retired frf>m ctlv prC- alM.havlngllinil plocca la !il, hnnd, av ait Ewt India Mlisionary tlie iiinifnU of a Vegetable KMncdy Jbr.tho tpccily ana iianudnent'cun) of " Coji4-iiuij)to;i, Autlimn, Jlroncliitls, CcitftiTh, and all Throat ar>c\-x.unFr AjrecttonB :' also S,?P'al iKl I'lMllraVCii-eft.r Nervous e- rii if 1""1 f1 k" '"' r-iMiipliCnt*,-aflcr hur. WlfOlt JllOWII to hl< HitliTlllK IdKiKl. Acta-1 atwl By thin nintlTe ami a consctcnliou. tiecinf to 1 JS-nV.'i'i'V'W .'uflVri,!F' >'< "ill lend I'ltRKf with full <Um-lioni Icir.i.r.'11-iriiicaiiy ucci'll\il-l ly Ullnit. Sent l.y return man l. adUrcuIiiei With itamr),iiaiiiitifi tlijg paper. B la. C. STKVENS, Iios to, UKOcuvuLr, O.tr. I 1 - AND V " THE LION" is ..tlie |g J. D iSueiph, Sept. 10. "1877. J3f -j. d: wmLLAMsd^M BE&TtY^R ri E0KGE LEVENS, Barber and Hairdrosserj adjoining, Secord Bros.' Store,. Mill Street, Acton. Hair switches and coiiibiiigB prepared to prdor. fleotty'6 P f a ii o s 'graHd, fquare PIA WO S pronounced by the -^t~~' ' ' " projs and the people AND ns the most beautiful and sweet- jaaest"toned Pianos over mauulactur- ORGANS, and r nniViTiwiff-Mu^^ pronoonoed the WASHINGTON, best In tlio world. NEW JERSEY. npalty')i celebrated l.'olden .^roDsued Parlor Organ. 'Any manutadtiirer challenged to equal them.1-. They possess power, depth, brllitincy and sympathetic deltoacy, esqulEitely beautifully bo1o elTects, and the only stop action .ever Invented that cannot be dis arranged fcy life. The bellows cnpncliy Issoiireat tlmthutJittle eilort Is requir ed with the fee- to auppb' alt the air necessary. Best made and'most-decant cases In tho markot.'.All solid wood ornnmerrtp. Every Instrument fully.war.- r.inted for six years as strictly first clrisi,. and sent on from 5 to.l."i dny.-.' tt-yt-4rtat-. Addrn-H I1.1MEL r. BKATTJ", Washing-, ton, New Jersey. . ' -TXVKJK-AU I HIJIUftlgl!-.^ ..___,_ J. On and after the 1st of .SeR*?*^ MILK ifitt" ho sold at the -fwPWW- rates : '; ' -^. :T. I1-" "".' Per Quart, 4 Ceiits^g Per Pint; 2 -Oe^r New imperial Measure,, to".ii*'"*>?? . f' , '"._ ^ <jt liiA. SS-^mti Ticket* &$*,$">. 25 Pint- Tklcets ^orF^iU^P. .. In advance. _-' ; ","' ;.: . P. S. ABMSIB^', Ac'ton,-Aiig. 'H, W~i~, >"- -':-:j ... >

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