Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1878, p. 2

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-TJ |i'--'-.-iv- '-rV-'t --1 1 '-! i" :h^0 ^f mi I a i , t 'IBM miapafci, .Hi j m.,i ,iuraa ff*i--"r ,' t: m Ft 'ifi It- Ir* UNI Tap ' THE FllEE: PRESS, ACTON; IIALTON COUNTY; 0N%, JANUARY $, 1878. _L rpIE U-TON JltEE lKkS, the.County Con.uil, and fully ex I tVurdu.or. ,-> u-d wcty I'll or Annum in * plained tho subject, v)t' tin? uddiiioiis public i juv( uirMhiy iMornaig j l(j'llw^Wnty k w|l0 ,iro OI,|K)!il)l, t() 1)(JU11H It would bo a good* tuient, Tl.i'fio vary Advanco I to tlio giiol .would, wljrn finished --------- ioist SiJfi'Oth' ami fioimi odd i?M00 * j 'f i ITli i or 5--UHI. &d mii< 4: jcl?t ess i .id- ,.,... WO, winch per Ol'llt, .Tm-SHAV- Mornino, Jjk. 3. 1S7S. ."Si-; Storey's Requisition. \\V have found that tl.o villn^i', of-Acton is not entirely free from political bigots. During the pus" ' week there, lias Lcen not loss than six of those persons brought ns to task for publishing tl.o lequisition to Mr. Storey. If it would edify those parties, wo; would inform them ttiat-it wiu insetted na an ad veitisemeut, and is paid /ov an such. If those parties had wished to get' up a requisition to Mr. McGarvin, or any other person, we would have been only loo happy to ' publisii it, pro\ ideo* it was j id ft r. NQMlWiONS. VILLAGE OF ACTON". vor. nr.nvc. Stokey. Proposed liv W. II. Ransom Adams, seconded by Tht-s. Ebbage. - -" Dr. .McGauvin. FropospJ by Ftobl. Craine, beoeiided by M. Sj.eLjht. ': ... . -." fox; corsiiiLon's. It Sl'EUiHT. Proposed by Thos. McLatu, seconded by John " Kennedy. ~" t C. S. SillTH.--Proposed bv Jauies Geodall, - ireeonded bv Eli " Snyder. John Coates. Proposed bv Asa H^U, seconded" by James GoooYll. E. XlCKLIN". Proposed by John Speight, seconded by D. D". Christie. r' D. D. Chp.:stie. Propose! by E. Snyder, seconded by Asa Ilali. I Juux Speight. Proposed by D. I Henderson, seconded by D. D. tChristie. ; _ Ei.1 S.stdek. Proposed bv J. Speight, seconded by C. S. Smith,- C. T. H.1LU Proposed by Horace Hall, seconded by Robert Agnew. H. Smith. Proposed by Thos. Craine, seconded by Malcolm Kennedy. ' -; J.\S PwYDElt. Prop-v*>d by El Moore, seconded by H. j. Hall. '" 3Iesrs. D. D. Chiistie, 2*1. . ;S,>e_ight, E. Nielfiin, C S. Smith riio t'oi.ntv li;ul issued s to tlie ainoiuit of ^ll^,- had been sold for 10lU and ho . thought the Comity - Council could nut have 1 done better. The funds of thu Ciipntv of Iliilkm are in a healthy cnmlttion. In conclusion, lie lhaiikeil tliiuii for tins honor con fined ot: him in nominatinjj him fur the thiiil time mm Rervu of the Yilliiyo of Acton. JNlr. Storey was confident of election, but Komelimen poopl-.1 get disap|)oiu'e 1. It was not for him to say wher,l<cr ho would be electedor not, butfor the electorH. Ho hoped they would record their vote for one who had economized in the 'expeiidituto of tho Village inonoy. Mr. IFt>nJprsoti, chairman of tho Finance Committee, g ivo a lengthy account of tho receipts and expen diturn of .the Council Uuritii; tho jmst yeiil', which showed a good sum in thu treasury witfi which to commence on-the cominj; year. lie said he had no intention of-'niuuing for any position in the Council for the coining year. It was not be cause ho did not expect . to bo nominated, i\b ho could, havo bton had he wished. -Thero are quite- a and Jas. Ryder withdrew. Tiic: Clerk ih*c!ared tho meeting aiijourned till Monday Jan. 7, 167^, when a poll willjbe taken. Ha was prepared to 'hear the speeches of the IneT and' retiring candidates. % , Mr. Storey'thanked the electors fur the honor they hai conferred in; nominating him for the. first jpffice' in tho Council. Some peiBonb said it was personal hostility which brought him aout against Dr. Mc- Gdrviu. Hei would . inform them it was nothing of tha sort. Thc-ro had been a great amouot of indif ference manifested by the Council of last year. Sometimes they did not meet for four months, which did riot give the public an ojiuor- tunity of presenting any petitions- Ho was fa"ure of election, "as he thought-the electors had soiinula enough, to see who should be elect ed. He again thanked them for . the honor they had conferred upon bi.ni, Dr. MGarvin was sorry that Mr7 Storey had made some allu-' sions to the Council of 1877. He -denied ^hat the business of the Council had been neglected. If 3Ir.' Storey had looked into the business of this Municipality he would.-'-Aiive seen different. He * thought he had tilled the otilco of Itceve for'the- jiast two years in u. business way. The money of tho -Municipality had been spent itv a-, judicious manner. The tax rate in this Village-..-Was lower last year than it had been before, it being -four and a half mills on the dollar rlower by one-half a mill than ever before. }^d one could Bay but that the Council hud practised "economy. He titan submitted t-.oime figures to the elector?, ehow- ir> the. receipts am] expenditure of tbt> Village during the past' two years. . He said th#-bonus question vus used w> it lever to thnvi' him out. He number of person?, wivO, he thought, wero jiist as good as ho was, and who should Imvo h chuuee to get into the C>encil. Ho had been >n the Council one year and that was butlicient for uny .one person. Mr. Christie, chairman of the Committee on Streetsuind Sidewalks gave tin account of tho expenditure of that Committee during the past year. Ho stated that the Commit tee had experienced considerable difficulty during the year, as it was rather hard work to please every- bod v. liefore presenting n report to tho Council, the report was Hlw.\ys carefully considered by all the members of Committee. The work done on the streets had nat all l>eeu given to one contractor, but was given to/all the unemployed meii.in the vill.ige. Ho ltud seve ral of. the reports which "had been submitted to the Council, so that the electors could see whether the money had not toen judiciously speui. He thanked the electors for their kindness during tho past two years. He thought they had a right to hand tho honor of being councillor round, and he was one of thoso who wished to give others a. chance. Ho could have been nominated as Reeve hud he wished, but, as his time and business would not permit, and he was intending to visit Europe, lie did not want to try for an office unless he could de vote his whole time and attention to it. He agiun tharked them for the kindnes3 ho had received at their hands"'during- his stay in Acton. ' '.. . j ' Mr. C. S. Smith thanked the electors for the honor they had conferred njion him during the fast year. He thought that others should have a share of the honor during! the- coming year, therefore he would not allow himself to be nominated. * - . Mr. E. Kicklin had not much to say. He was tired of being a coun cillor. One year satisfied him, an<1 he thought -it would" satisfy most business weru tho very ouea who weit) in favor of giving a bonus to the briiHb factory. ;, - Mr. (.lOodull iil.ub' expressed his opinion on tin.) bonus question. ; The meeting then adjourned. GUELPII. Mayor,' Gei.rgo Howard, by nc- .clauiiitioii. ll-'ovo 1'\ J. Chad- wick-, George Elliott, and \V. Halt. Tirst Deputy Reuvu -George Slee uiau and David Kennedy. Second Deputy Reeye J. C. MeLiga-n. J. r. MeMillai), and, R. Mitchell. Third Deputy Reeye C. .(.ilium-, Jas. Goldio, and Dennis Coilou. Councillors North Ward, A. Robertson, Robert Mitchell, 1). McCnie, John Iuglis, C. F. Leon aid. F. Biscoe, W. H. Mills, O. McDonald, N. 'i in ley; J. (h'ldie, \V. Hearu, Hichard Mitchell, tieo. Hood, Dr. Cowan, ,1. Mays, Pr, Chirk, W. J. Fairl)ai/V, mid (J. Acton Burrows ; South Waril, D. Day, J. A. Lampray, E. O'Conner, It. Morrison, J. Roach, F.-'Gauhan, J. R iMaeMillan, J. T. Rrill.-O. Clark andfC. Adsott ; West Ward, E. Newton, Geo. Bruce, Thos. Gowdy, Dr. McGuire, F. Tyson, II. Hatch, Geo. Elliott, J. "C. Mc Lagan, and \V. lL.rt; East Ward, A. H. Goodeve, R. Melvin, M. J. Doran, D. Coffee, F.-J. Chubb, A. Dunbar,. C. Woodburn, J. Ilef- ferua.n, and C. Davidson. granting relief to Mr. Sioii-y from nil futuio liubilily on aceounl. of lii.i bond, which Mr. Storey thought would not bo sufficient, nor did he then believo the Council eoulil giant him the rprjiiisito relief, It waH decided to leave the inalterover to the nsx.t meeting of Council in order to give tho liiuuibers an opportunity to consider it. Moved by Mr. Nieklin, s-conded by Mi: Christie, that this Council lil-rii' CoroA. UlM'JT.rilf, AM) ('OM- nuri'iNii. "Jf^.n thiu-oiijili kiifiwkrigo l Hid. iiatiiial Inwii which govern tho ;iim Mr. Don.dd Cameron tuu sum of ;?.*>, tieingtwo-thiids valui.-of a lamb killed by dogn, the owners of which were not known. Curried. Sir. Henderson presented tlio eleventh report of tho Financo Comiiiitti.e, recommending the pay ment of tho following iiccountH : J. II. Hacking, printing, -.50;. John Ross, Treasure-!, postage, itc, 1.80. Total, ?4.oU tui-icii .piirlly owned by him. l/o Plided hini:,ulf that, they . had ' liuvi'r- iillowed any (.|upl . .,, (I.,..,, t .. . . i operation* of divtmlinn ami niitrition, , ' and hya uaruful ]i])licut]wii ofrthe line they alu-ayH inoronsud \lio wages-, of prnjiertieH nf well selected' co6oa,) Mr, tllOHC who Wuia deborvin^, hufore wait- i^I'I"* l'.i provided our breakfast t.itiles i'ng to bo united, provideil' t'io linn' felt i "' uolieately flavored boveVnge iUiAi in a proper-puaitWn financially, \^h "filter ' y.h*vy ,l7tor' 'lulls. It isjjy tlie jikIickmih uneof such so to do. Jlc Mna rnno lio would | articles of diet that' u constitution may always ruiiiuialie.r his ciiii>!nyeeH with j bograilnnlly )>uilt up untilstrVingetiough re.-ipuetlindkillillie.su; aild Would now ' ' ' " r<J_nitit UVOry' teiideney to disuase. wish tlieiii:iill a lmppy new year, with many returns of the same. , -Mr. Ldtwud Mooi-o said lio ditl not expect when ho was asked to K" '" the ollico that ho would l,e picsentcd with siicli a bcmitiful uud handsome present, lio was much obliged and took pleaauro in expressing his thanks to theso who Wore employed: by him, and alwayu felt that tho employees wore willing to do anything which they weru asked to do. Ho concluded by wishing all a happy now year. Mr. Jas Mooro expressed his thanks. Moved by Mr. Henderson, sec-1 nlfll ,lc,,llil;lJ(H,(l with everytl.ii.K which Air. Storoy had said. Ho believed that tl^is .present showed a sympathy be tween employees and employed which Hundreds of uiihtloJiialadioB are floating- around us ready to: attack wherever there is a weak point/ We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with puro'liforiil and a pro- jierly nourished frame. " Civil Xrn'ic: Ouvtte. Sold only in packets Irtbelod "Jamks Ki'I-h & Co.," HoiiKeJipathic (Miemiat, 48, 'riireadiiceille Street, and 170, 1'iccadilly, London.." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESQUESING. -W. Clay elected Reeve by nc- elamation. First Deputy Reeve W. .McEnery and J. S. Frnzer. Second Dejmty Reeve Geo. Wriggleaworth and John Lindsay. Councillors Paul Kennedy, John II. Shortreed and R. Graham. STASSAGAWEYA. John Ramsey, elected Reeve- by acclaniHtion. James Menzies elect ed Deputy Reeve by acclamation. Councillors D. Hutcheon, W. Watson, C. McPhail, IX Wheeli- ghan, G. Norrish and R. Catnpbyll. ERIX. Beeve, J". W. Burt, by acclama tion. First Deputy Reeve Chas. McMillan and W. Teeter. Second -D-puty Eeeve-^Robei t Reid and Henry Smith. Councillors Henry Pearrm, Henry Drn'-ar, George Smith, Dt. McNuughton and Robt. Ferguson. ERAMOSA. ,_Reeve John Rea,"James Ixigh- rin. Deputy Reeve George Duf t'n-ld. Henry Carter. Councillors '-, (W. Duffield, Henry Hoi-topr C. Bernard, Robt. Hamilton, Thoinas Waters, John Dickinson, "'Donald MeCaig, Jolni Scott. John ilmrie, Daniel McLoughlin. any pej-son who tried it.;- The clerk stated that be was ready to hear the new candidates speechify. Mr. John Coate3,wab absent. Mr. M. Speight had nothing to gay. Mr. John Speight said h'e had been requested several times to run. foe Councillor. He would not con- t ... dencondj to .go around-and ask any person to vote for him. If there' was a big salary at the back of it he would hot mind going around and shaking hands and ask how the folks were, but as it is it would not pay. He was dead against the bonus business. They had squash- 4 na the little brush business, and he could not see the gain in Mr. Beardmore getting a bonus for hia tannery. He said if they liked to elect him they could,, but he would not iwork to secure hia election. Mr. Eli Snyder said he did not ask for the job. He had consented to act by request of a number of ratepayers. jHe would leave it to rhent whether he would bo elected. If elected, ho would do his boat in- tho Coiincil. r, '/Mr. (k T. Hill was albseiit. Messrs. Christie, Speight, Mc-. Garvin ind Storey tad considerable diucubiiion about'. Borne lots in tho Village, which should have been ooi for taxes. Air. J; Secord showed, by figures, the adiautage to. be derived by'the jielp it. .II;; up'Vild his coi/wuct in C^.u'ijil grunting a bjj::^ to Mr. is Hot in farpr of :t\i - Lcnus to a uian'wlio "iiol; ;--J lent his place U> l, -ii/i-J i.e had come to the tL-t .it was nor. j-iijht to ^ p,t! ;|.a"<-)-: for 82^,000. to : ; .' [:. ^-a:dui^rB's pocket. - ;< : \, -lid Uo^uccept bim under thane Ui'iiifl, ho could mn^ ir onded by 'Air. Smith, that tho eleventh report, .of the Final.co, ('oiiitnittee be adopted. Canied. I Aloved by Air. Smith, iecouded by Mr. Henderson, that this Council adjourn till Saturday, SiKh^ at ;1 o'clock. Carried. , " i The Council mot, pursuant to ail- journmont, on Saturday, December 20, at 1 o'clock. Members all. pre sent. Tho Reev in tlio chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Henderson presented tho re port of the Finance Committee, n-coiimit'iiding tho payment of the following accounts : W. J. Hughes, cleaning side.yalk by direction of constable, $2; Mooie iV Gafbiaith, printing, $2.25. Total, i?l.2;>. ,_ Aloved by Air. Henderson, see onded by Mr. Smith, that the twelfth report of the Finance Com mittee bo adopted. Carried. Tho matter of releasing Air. Storey as surety of the Tieasurer was then taken up, when tbe.fol- lowing motion was proposed : Moved by" Mr. Henderson, sec onded by Air. Christie, that this Council approvo of Alessrs. James rMattheWs and Thomas C. Moore, us -MirutUs of Air. John I Ross, Treasurer of this Municipality, in lieu of Mr. W. H. Slore^-, and James.Moore, who desire to;bo re lieved, and that, on . completion of proper bonds, executed' by said James Matthews and Tho;'. C. .Moore, as suretiis for said jTroas- uier, and covering all liability as sureties.from the date of tlie last audit of the Village accounts, the said W. H. Siorey and jJiimep Aloore be released from all liability o;i iiccotint of s-uch smetyship. Air.. Storey said if the resolution was passed he would act upon it, but it was for the Council io.de cide \vhether they should pas* it or not, and if they found it was illegal bo did not .wish them to pass it. I . . Council adjourned till 7 o'clock tho same night. Acton Tillage Council. A special meeting of-the Council was held at Alatthews' Hall; on Thursday, December 27, at 2 o'clock. All. tho members present. The Reeve in tho chair.' The minutes of last meeting were read and'eon- firnied. ' . Tho Reeve read acommunication from Air. W. H. Stdrey, tendering his resignation as surety for lAIr. John Ro3s, Village Treasuror,^jind asking that the Council relieve him from the same, on Air. Ro'sb fyling new bonds, us he intended to run for an office in the Council of next year. ; Tlie. Ree-ve said the principal reason for his calling the special meetiutj was to consider the com munication of Air. Storey. He did not want to put anything iri tho way of Mr. Storey, and he thought it would be' better to release him, provided it was legal to do so. He did not npprehend any danger from trespassing on tie law in this case. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Christie were also willing to release Air. Storey, provided it was,legal, bu: they thought that Mr. Storey was not in such a position that he could accept the nomination at present. Air. Storeyrbeing present he was asked to give his opinion.on the subject. He said that tho only reason why he wanted the'Cq'uncil to accept jhiHTesignation as surety for All. Ross was because he wished to show every respect to the requi sition which had been presented to him by tho electors, but if the Council should find that it was not legal to release him, ho was willing to stand by their ruling.' He had been thinking over the matter and thought it would not be legal lentil ;the utidit-was completed; Buf he would like them to release him so that he could run for office at the next election if not at this. How- jever, he ,was satisfied they would do the best they .could under the circumstances, und ho was confident the Council would do nothing to burke his election. A motion .v~s then prepared, ought always td bo found there, and hoped that in future as in tha jiast they would study to work so that it would mutually benefit each othor. Hoping that they would all have a hippy new year he again 'thanked them for the beautiful present of which lie hail been 'made the recipient. Sonn onymiicrniire Kolrre. Tho annual soiree,-given by tho Acton Division, No. 212, Sons of Temperance; on Tuesday eveiiin". was n grand uul-godh. The Temper ance Hill was literally crowded by thoso wishing to sjm-iii! a pleas ant evening. The Ac-ton Brass Bund was present and played seve ral airs during the evening, which tended to enliven the proceeding*. Air. John Speight was appointed chjiiiman, and conducted himself in jhis usual happy manner. After prayer by the Rev. Mr.. Cook, tea was passed round, during the serving of which a plen'siint ~1rt.<t-(l>- trie took place. The choir, under the leadership of Mr. H. Gibbons, sahg " A Happy New Year " ill splendid style, after which .Muster James Loziei- gave n instrumental piece on tho organ, which was exe cuted in gooj style. Tho'char- man gave h.short address, and was followed by Air. Gibbons and com pany in a soiig and .chorus " Tlie Old Log Cabin in tlie Dell." ATI- Other instrun'iental pitae was given by Aluster Lozieiv Tho playing of this young man is .excellent. Air. J. J. W. Simpson, of St. Marys gave an excellent lecture on tiio subject of tcuip;:i7Uice. Ali.ss Eliz i Cameron gave a solo in her usual pleasing manner. An instrumental piece by Mr. Chas. Carter, diew forth greit"ap|,)au.se. Re\'. D.. B. Cameron moved a vote, of thanks to Air. Simpson for his very elo quent lecture, which was curried uhnnimoii.sly. ' The entertain.nent close! by the band, playing " God save tho Queen." , . TO THE HECTORS OF TtfE VILLA ETefAqTOlT GENTLEA1EN.: Your vote and linfliienco is re spectfully solicited ftjr* W.H. STOREY AS REEVE EOR 1878- Your Vote and. Influence : is respectfully requested for 01. i<M VI ft, AS lllWE.- MUNICIPAL ELEG140M. To the Kleetors of the , Village -of Acton. / ..5ii>vi:ig been rJoue,stcd by a larj,'e (number of the ratepayer* to allow iny- Isclf to he lioitiiuateUfoi-H I COUNCILLOR FOR 1878. I have complied with their request. I would therefore.'rcspectfully' solicit your voto'and inlluiiuce injmy behalf. It : ' iELISXYDEK. T OST. ' [T Between the residence of the under-, signed aud tho Railway .^tationjon the inoniiiig <;f the ,'ilst ultimo, a Ladies' Gold l'eucil case, alio a guinea and gold dollar. Theso articles being valued as keepsakes, any person findiuu' the same will be liberally rewarded ou returning i the same to iir-j ELECTION NDTlfe y 1ST Si \&&t m& ii^| your suj^port and influence is jrespeptfu% solicfted for Mr. GEO. HYNDS -In Fancy rGooda/a&i JeweUery aU the year round. ' Acton, Jan'y 3rd, 1S7S. RKV. R. IIOSCS. I The adjourned meeting' of the Council was. held on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. L AfUH- considerable discussion the motion prepared by Air Henderson which was leftover from the for mer meeting wus put and carried. The Treasurer having submitted licw bonds, it was moved by Air. Henderson, seconded by Mr. Niek lin, that the bonds now submitted uS surety for Treusuier he approv ed of, and that the same bo accept ed by tho Re;ye, on being executed by the sureties rumed, viz : Alessrs Jasj Alatthews and Thos. C. Aloore. Carried. On 'motion, the Reeve left tho _ This is a progressive ngeXow features are constantly bei'n ' i\\- tlodnced, old theories are revolution ised. Music, which hut a few years since was untliought of in that connec tion, hai bo.il iutrodueed in our Public tyhools in many sections of our country and.it has bjcoiiiu-: almost a necessity for cver^- family to possess either a Piano or Organ, or both, and it is im portant'that all should know, where the best instruments can be bought lor the least money. Daniel'F. Beatty Esq.. of Washington, Xcw Jersey" has a world v.jde reputation for making the best, and wo believe his price* compare favorably with other first ela<s makers. Wo would earnestly recommend' all to write to him fur information before buying. GC2SO0L XOTIfS. A XX UAL PUBLIC SCHOOL MEETLXa. Notice is hereby given to tlie assessed -Freeholders. Householders r.ud Tenants of the Acton .School Division, that a Public. Meeting of tlie .School Kiectjrs of the Divhion will be held at "' |r1ATTH2W.3'.' ^ALL On Wednesday, 9th January, At ten o'cioji; in the forenyoa lor the purpose of electing THHKK lit and pro per persons ,as Trances, for receiving the Amulal lijport of the .Schi'rd Trus tees aud Auditors, and for electing a School Auditor for the ensuing year, as directed by law. ALEX. KENNEDY, Chairman. . JjJH.V ItO.SS, Sec-Treas. Acton, Dec. G9th, 1S77. 27-lt CALL. ISS<JU:?'IOX .\i:u.suii'. OF PAKT- isinrus. In Esquesing, on the 2Gth Dec., tho chair, which was taken' by Air. wifc 'Mr- Alex. Brown of a daughter, Smith. i- j Moved by Mr. Christie, secon led by Air. Henderson, that tho thanks of this Council be and are hereby tendered to the Reeve for the very efficient manner that he has dis charged his duty as head of this Council during tho past year. Carried. Council, adjourned. Presentation. On the evening, of 3Tst December, tho erhployees and employed of the respect tive manufacturies of W. H. Storey .&.' Co., Canada Glove Works, and Storey, Moore & Co., Kid Dresners, met at the office of the first mentioned firm, when eaoh of the members of theso firms was mad^p the recipient of ahandsomo pho- t igraphalbum, accompanied by" tho following addrcsa : Dear Sins :-t-I take groat pleasure, on behalf of thp employees, jointly of this firm and the tannery, of meeting youjiere this evening; being the evo of the new year, for a pleasant and friend ly purpose. Wo come to offer a token of confidence and esteem, in tho form of a handsome Photograph Album. We know that you will prize the gift for its assosiations not for its intrinsic value, and when you lookiat the faces we place in t heso leaves, yoii will be reminded of thoso who hold, a grateful remem brance for the kind interest you have manifested in our welfrre, both morally! and spiritually. May tho sun every day of the coming year, when it risea, f^nd you \t ell and in health, and, at its iotting, leave yon happy aitd prosperous and held in the high oatcpiu .that you UTi held by. us today, aiid long-may you liv e to en^joy this esteem which wo kn ow yon are hold in, not alone by as, .but also by tho community hi which . Fred Sixonb. ~ Mr. Storoy confessed that-' he was greatly surprised as well ns pleased by this show of.oste.em on tho part of their omployoes. It made him feol that he maizru:d. In Acton, on the 1st inst., atthe resi dence of D. D. Christie* Esq., the bride's brother, by the Rev. D. B. Cameron, Wm. Gordon, Esq., lumber mer chant, of Glencoe, to ;.Miss Jeamiie Christie, of Acton. At the' residence of tho brido's father, oil tho 20th ult., Jrj^Jho I!ev. I). B. Cameron, John^JWdilick, of TecumsPth, to Miss Sarah Maria, eldest daughter, of Benjamin Anderson, Esq., of Esquesiup*. ACTON' 3IAUKKTS. Flour ... ... .. $2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat, .. ..1 12to 1 18 Spring Wheat,... .. 0 7o to 1 05 Sprouted Spring Wheat Q To" to 1 00 Barley Oats PeaB ... - Bitter ... I. Eggs (now laid) Chickens Geeso .. Turkeys Potatoes, per bag Apples, early, per bag Hay, per ton, .. 0 50 to 0 GO . 0 30 to 0 34 . 0 60 to 0 65 . 0 17 toO 18 . 0 18 toO 00 . 0 05 to 0 00 . 0 05 to 0 0G . 0 06 to 0 07 . 10 GO to 0 70 . i0 55 to 0 70 10 00 to 14 00 . -3STOTIOEJ.. I The partnership heretofore existing u'tidor the name and style of .Wilson -^ i. Johnson, Tinsmiths, of the Village of Actqji, .County of Halton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.' 'Tho business will be carried on Dy Mr. Philip P. Jiilflison, Mho will pay all debts, and collect accounts contracted by the above lirm. W. Ii. WILSON. P. P. JOHNSON. T. Albert Mooek, Witness. Acton, Dec. 31st, 1S77. 27-3t*J OAST OUT But not Destroyed. , ; . -----r~r~_ Haviijg. made arrangements with Mt. Mitchell, of/ililton, for an agency for tjie sale of Sasb, Doors. Framoa, Houldines, Drossoa ^Floorans', aiiootiasr, Wainscot, sldiner, &c. lam prepared to furnish any of the bove, at prices that defy co m- petition. Please call and see earn- pFes or moulrling, &c, before pur chasing elsewhere. BLINDS 30 CENTS PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customers for past favors and hoping still to merit a tuir share of your patronage, -. I am respeetfutly yours THUS, EBBA-GE, Agent. -'Pliop nt Mr Overton's oiii Btand Aclon, J3ec. 27th, 1S77. , 5U-ly.. CUELFO M.VKtiETS. Special to Hie FauK TitEss, per Domin ion Line. Guelfu, Jan. 3rd, 1878 Flour, per 100 .. S2 50 to 3 00 \Vliito Wheat, per bush ] 20 to 1 22 Ac CTO\ IHOXTHLT SALE. Treadwell " do Spring Wheat.. Oats, Barley, Peas- May, per ton Eggi, per doz. Butter, per lb. Potatoes per bag Hoijs, per cwt Chickens per pair Geeso .. Turkeys Ducks 1 18 to 1 25 1 00 to 1 00 0 30 to 0 3G 0 45 to 0 55 0 60 to 0 64 9 00 tol2 00 0 17 to 0 18 0 lo to 0 16 0 GO to-0 70 4. 75 to 5 25 0 00 to 0 05 0 80 to 1 00 0 70 to .1 00 0 .40 to 0 GO TO BUSINESS 15IE.V If you wimt, HlltlmiKl*.- PMifpii-nntR, |J(.|_ , for lioiuiK. Ki'vi-looes. Morcantlle Piint was estoemed nnU rospocted by thoso in, or miy km i, dono.lu b o v/ere employed in tho matiufnc- ojaie<-. a.itlsriieiloiiguaruiUi iiHitiPSH.m vln, teed. Tho Acton monthly sale will bo held at Agnew's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, Ja'n.3,1878 All kinds of Stock, Implements, &c. will bo sold by paying 50 cts a-pieeo. Sale at 12 o'clock. ,TEjRMS. Twelve months' ordeit on approved joint notes. . All entries must bo made to Mr. Jas. Ryder, See. / WM, HEMSTREET, Auctioneer. 25-tf H .' tf I < 9 1 r J >% Ss 1%. u o -" 1= "SS = = <-3 O u e "1 e d O . u i .1 FOR REEKS. StLSOX McGauvin, of the Village of Acton,, Pliysiiam- esxssa STOREY- VViluam II]Stori-:y, of the Village of Acton, Manufaclurer. Baasaaa FOR ~\CO ZTjYCILLOR . COATES. John' B. Coates, of the Village of Actori, Manufacturer. H3LL Charles T. Hill, of the'-Village of Acton, Alerchant. ifi jJJOHN- HENRY SMITH, of the Village of Acton,' Merchant. SMITH SNYDER Eli Snyder, of the Village of Acton,. . Carpenter. SPEIGHT John Speight, of the Village of Acton, Wagonmaker.Yj. STJESCPwIEE FOR THE .A. o a? o 3sr PRESS, TjUBSl FOR SALE. The subBoribcr is offering for sale 'his 50 aero farm, being North Went. ham. of Lot 24, 2nd con. Thq farm is nearly all under cultivation, a good houso aiid ] barn, a young orchard,' and n'e'vcr-fail- iug well on tho premis-is. Aifidy to -'-- - "IE* ' li8i.On^$l-a.Tear io-3t. I A. \VALDI "Jl on -thejprcuiises, TIN -) - i : '> " Main Street, Acton. ' The undersigned, is prepaw^-J*"* all kinds of WOBK, wlth_ M& ness and despatch,-on * shortest notice, and at tm most 8ea80n8^bl He keeps constanUjoa j hind all kind* of .j-.--. TINWARE - ! andSTOWS of the lateft designi, , Japaa ^rare,Bto." AH orders for epaJrihgMdeti; trougbing s&rietly attended to.. coai. oiu a spepiAi^V' s Call and be cdnvrn,cek * * " \ above statemenU are dbtbftKWr- N dash or frothy :babbani WJI. Lfilf H, Proj)riWt ; Acton, P'oc.29,'1877.-. _ "^ . "j In advanca. ] -nt, ajtf-

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