3 f l.'--.V . .,1 I f-: isnce S illefc 4 -ill and- I?1 I! . A. 1. 4 IS to d, th tfc >V3S i I and e** I to. kTY. that the aldar- igi - : *- THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT^ iANtJAR;^ 3, Tl87S- r om^isTiyc^^s ^-^rnD istie-w- -*z-jsi^r;& . goods V At J. B. Uo^ATLYl^Q ^ALL OT ^S^IIUAGY Comprising Shelte,: Bronze^ Papier Machie Goods Folios, - Perfumes, Scent Bottles Cruet &>, Razor Cases, Briar and Meerschaum Pipes, C.A.ILiL ^ :E_A_IR:LrX- ^nSHD SEOTJDEii] MIX-L STREET, ACTOST, O^T^SIO. Jewel Cases; ; Companions, 7 Surges AihnHic, CBl\D TRIMS TIHF. TABLK. Train* leve Act<|n as follows: T / \ r.Ol*tV-WF.SI. Xiyht Kxprvas ... . 1:03 jv.ni. TiwtiM mail - - [". 9.10 a.m. T>y Kxpr^ss - - '?:. l.oop.m. Express ! I- 5.17 p.m. Gilt mixed' - k GUIXi; EAST. Xicht Express - - Gsdt mixed ..- " - Day Express Western mail - London mixed - ". -' - " :07 ip. m. o:3o a.m. 9r42 vm. 11:30 a, m.- 5:l~-p.m. 9:30 p.m. Scrvk^o in the Methodist Churvh every Sahbalh .evenliu: t hlf-i>3Rt six o'clock: and h .th momlnca>deven- Irjj on the flmi fnhbni1h nf pach ninntti. Rev K. Holms, Ihistor. LOCAL MATTERS. At the regular mooting of Calantho Lodge, No. 18, K. of P., ou Thursday evening; Dog: 27, thd follow- ing officers -wore elected : ] BrvvJ. r. Record, C. C. " "Win. Smyth, P. C._- " C. S. Smith, V. C" eo. Uyuds, K. of R. & S. - " |\\\ H. Storey, M. of E. '-.% H. Storey, M. of F. " Thos. Ebbage, P. " W. Cummer, M. at A. * Jia. AVilds, J. O- " '--------------, O. G. __1873! ./-'-; Snow ' -Slippgry sidewalks. " Who Btole the cakes ? ' Electron tioxt Monday. Lot4 of .drunks Tuesday. Did you start your diary New Year VT>ay T You vote for me and I'll Toto for yea. - Try C. W. Hill for a: stylish rhotogrpaa. Big crowds on itreet corners Monday afternoon, r An organ grinder in town S&tard&y.. -The- candidates for municipal honors are ^particularly friendly just new. ' - Your Tote and influence in behalf of J. -. McGarvins's Worm Powders, Go to Galloway's Bakery for the bejt Breid in" town. It is free from Drags. .. If vou have anything to sell ii2rite_ bayere through, the colun^na of the Ff.ee "Pi-.LSi '.-. out seme nno Photos, now. You should just csil and sec ipeciniecs. . t Eureka Baking Powder at, J. E... McGaxVin's- Hall of Thirmacy, -Kte per lb. - Try it. Elder D. Camp'iel.1 will preach on Sandsr" neit, in - the Temperance Hll, at 3 o'clock p. m, I The l.-est Tta c^kes nnd Bu^iS in town arc to Lis " hid at Gallowav's liikerr. ' - '.' i - ~ ' We have a~rarge quantity of waste paper on hand, suitable for- wrapp es- purposes,-which we will self cieap. ' * '< There will ba a polling place at! the Dublin School House this year, for electors west ox the 3rd line, B=- qaesiug. VTe rb'aVe for sale one of. BeaKyls coleLrattJ Pianos that will he disDose i.. of !at a' great bargain. For inrticulars'apply at"this oluce. ntlstry. ' D. Eolph Lee, Dentist, ictown for two weeks. All i requiriug first elasj dentistry shoqidrcall !p.t English Church Parsonage- - . ' ' The skating 'rink }ias been flooded and will bo ready to state on by Monday nifjht, provided the weather keeps cold. Be sure and poll your vote next Monday for the men yon' think will do the most for the advancement of the "Village. We understand thatXMr. Jno. Secord has purchased the bankrupt stock of Secord Bros., and will open in their old stand in a few days. The second and third depart ments in the Acton Public School', will open oa_Monday, 7th of January, 3878, and the first department on Tuesday, 8th January. ~ ' -^-On Sunday last the ministers of the several churches referred to the fact that the old year was near cIoiid^, and impressed-'on the hearers thenecep- sity of turning over a new'leaf with the 2\ew Year. Is-.coRPORATiox. The County . Councils of Wellington and Grey have granted the petition "of the people of Shelbume, for incorporation as a vil lage. It has not yet'been decided to- which erf the counties it is to be at tained. . * ..i- We have. received from the 3>8blisher~ Mr. W. S. Johnson, the first -number of the Port Elgin Busy Timet. -It, is a neat sheet, newsy and well .printed. In politics it will advocate Progress and Liberal-Conservatism. We-hope times will bo busy with the. .nev paper. '- - - Your trade and influence are respectfully - requested by Christie, Henderson Co. All who accord ^hem their patronage can depend oh having their interest properly attended to. Their famous 50e Tea'is par excellent K. B. Pleaae-tell your neighlxire about at so that they may also share in . the : benefits you enjoy. CoHEECfioJr. At the nomina tions on Monday one of the retiring' Councillors intimated that as he had in; contemplation a "trip to Europe, he Take pleasure in assuring their many customers under the leadership of Mr. PilcBcr, that tile SllilTC Of bllSIIlCSS aCCOnlCfl tllCtll (Ilirill<r ^avc a concert in the Congregational . |. . ^( ^ Church,, to, an appreciative audience. tllO 1' all SeaSOU lias b^Cll UllUSUillly lar^C, llOtwitll- At tho regular mooting of of Acton West Grange last Friday evening, tho following officers wero elected: R. B. Campbell, Master. Chas. Davidsou, Overseer. Paul Kctiuedy, Treas. John Shaw, Secretary. Alex. Kennedy, Lecturer. Win. Moore. Chap, ' Maggie Gordon, Ceres, A'u'uie Ross, Poinoua. Mary J. Nichol, Flora. Allau McDouga'll, Stewanl. I>anicl Whitly, Ass't Stewanl. Elleu Shaw, Lady Ass't Steward. 'v --John Arthurs, Gatekeeper. :The Acton Viir.r, Press only published a half sheet i,hi8 week, but it managed to get iu live items stolen from tho Herald. GtK-.'i'/j' Jicrald, Dec. 27. , We wonld inform tho Hrraliif that the Foot Pkess was the only paper that was published in .the County of llalton last week, :.nd .we think it showed enterprise on our part to pub- liah even a half sheet Christmas week. "But it managciLto get five items stolen from the HernUi V Wo would like to know where the Herald stole the sanio jtems from. The funny local editor-of the Herald must not think they arettho only newspaper that exchange with the Detroit Free Pre.<i. V>o you eco tho point, Mr. llttaid-) OUB OBIOJEOE. Krl Tho festival of St. John the Evangelist was celobrated on Thursday evening last, by tho members of Walker Lodge, A. F. i. A. M: at tho Masonic Hall, in this Village, After tho instal lation of officors, and tho regular busi ness had been'finished, tho brethren ir. -., i i ,, , , ,. , , - iLl1 lliviiTpir chased tho abovo named aajourned to Agnow s hotel, whero' an establishment, I am prepared to manu oxcellout suppor was . provided for ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ACTON PLANING MILLS D. W. CAMPBELL1, Prop, THAT WONDERFUL them. After amplo justico had been done to tho good things at tho table, a pleasant time was spont. Wo learn that Mr. Charles Cook, who left Acton about eigh teen months ago to attend Spur- goon's College, London, England, is doing well. Ho has become an excellent young preacher, and lately preached to a congregation of over 8,000. facturo SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of plan lira Promptly attended to. D..W, CAMPBELL.' Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877. 2i>-3in SPECIAL DRY GOODS ANNOUNCEMENT. OHBiSTIE.HENDERSOM&CQ ACTON MANj TRADIi;'MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. Mantles, Jackets, JSoatsy ' Evening Silks, Evsnins: Kid Gloves, VESjYTH PER STEAM1CR CKLTIC. AT>.:a LADY WANTS'.' Is to be found at the ' ! Roal Koaiton and Limerick Laws,' wonderful man'S stobeJ Millinery, HatF, Bonnets, Flowers, nil'-that is new", good, elegart in <U- sign, and exquisite iu taste, is to be had of us. : 1 O-A.IRIEIE'TS, . GABPBa?S'f- "" Best quality ef Brussels, Tapestry, Kidd'erminfter and Dutch Cflipi8 are on exhibition at otir Carpet Roora'. Wo quote bottom prices; ar}leK,' J. colors, and designs of which ureviinequalledjin town. .-** .lust arrived and opened up for inspcctioii and sale; % cases of the above itoods, direct from London. Kngkriid. .Prices extremely cheap; quality of the = CJoods 1 >'- WE ALSO HAVE KECEIVED A Lar^e lot of Laclies' Jacket and Goat Cloths, best and newest prices extremely cheap. An iminnncn rrmlv -nf "lT....n,r ^.^,1,, V Ahed of all former efforts. Best Assortment of Overcoats tote met with. All imilieilSt' Vaiiety 'Ol JJailCy llOOtlS, J alley Prices warranted ^0 per cent, undr anytbina intown. An early call is Beady-Made Glothirtgv Dress Silks, Black Dress Silks, at marvel lously cheap prices. solicited. Nov. 26, 1877. JGtm H0CG & SOI Alma Block, Upper Wyndbam StieVt. Cue'i h Con^rt-gutlonal thurrh Concert. On Thursday ovening, December the Guelph ChristiauTemperauee choir, ' Mrs. Budd presided at tho organ with # i- - ' ' i I ^ i /- , ' -," .. The choir consisted of.-s,and,I,S. the depressed (state of trade,; generally, great skill, aw twenty voices, and their singing muj that" during tliu remainder of the .season HO througnout was e.tcellent. The first " . < part included the cantata "Christ tho pains will be spared to retain the coiifi<lence re- dciire of all nations." 'The second part I ' I 1> I i washed by asong. -Will if.pay." poscu in tlicni. iiy rcriilarl> assortrng their stock excelieutly suU^ by Mr Jas. Paton. ,{le ho tQ ^ ^^ fin , oftJers w,tJ, j, He was fulloweJ by the cboir.with the . . v-u "n iii^ part song "'Bj;e and Bye" and the UtlllOst prompt IICSS, aild at tile Vei'V cloSHSt PrJCeS. anthem " Praise yc the Lard," spirited- T .. .. * ly rendered a iuartettee, ".Nearer i all IllieS 01 SCaSOIialJlC gOOfls tllCir StOCk Will be Home " by Mr.. Hafocs. Mr^.Crosby, | imd con,pIete. Mr. Clements and Master Clements.. . * was much admired, as was other an- - , .- . thems by- the choir. A song, " -far- away," by Mr. Haines was very j_ ' pleasantly sung. The natioaal anthem ^i/jPi T T'5 v% a--r coinpleted the programme. Mr. Arm- *Sii4ti.4*.^.4-r JT strong proposed a vote of thanks to the v chojr, and hoped that this was but the y , rirst of a series of such pleasant even- -J g jn cjmr^e Qf cXllCriei.Ceti. llUrtds Olllv, and is in^3. ' It was seconded by pastor, Mr,.: _ :-, __ , ~ ,. , ,t _,, __ ,_ . Davics. ', [% feaass CKEWSO'S OKXERS. regularly supplied with all the newest designs, folfiat satisfaction can be guaranteed. No'fancy prices" charged for Millinery as is usual in large oroners nques. . ^ !towns and cities. A fact which the Ladies should A n inquest was held at Crew- eon's Cornera, ou Thursday 27th rOmClllber. Dec, by Dr.-Freeman, of George town, over the body of the man who was-killed on the track the _^_:__.__ __,_ ^>niaB_^&^. _ __ __ night previous. A jury was em-'j RE.|ADY-M A D E OVERC O AT S. pannelled, and enquired into the Jn great. variety and cheap from $5,00 up. facta of the case, but could not _ -_ 0 OTTAP T . , . come to anything definite .jo hia BOOTS & SHOES Large variety and cheap. name, or where he was from. Tho;KUBBEPiS, OVERSHOES, LADIES' GENTS' & back of liis akull was crushed in, whish, coupled with the fact, that bis hat was found on the track, led the jury to conclude that ho had been struck by a passing train and thrown into the culvert* The jury therefore, returned , a verdict to that eflect. The remains of the deceased were interred in the ceme tery in this "Village after the inquest. , , *-' last Number T The subscriber can 'with confidence assure his old friends and he trusts many new' ones, that he ! can offer them such inducements to purchase as cannot be offered by any pther house in town. \Eis selectioiLS are of the very latest styles. His stock will be comparatively ligh.t, well assorted, regular ly jrefitted, and carefully Selected, and, as to qualify and price he^ can compare favorably with any house west of Toronto, He trusts by due attentionvto his: Gustoiners interest as vvell as those of his own to merit a fair share of the trade of tBis community, fr^i'ullilines in Dress G-oods, Winceys, Flannels, Tweeds, Cotton Trimming's, Fancy Goods, &c. ony^hand, and arriving daily in. order to meet the requirements ^f the trade. And as he intends to adhere STBICTL.T to the GA6H PBIN- CIPLB his customers may depend on receiving the very best value for their money. :~"", ; Wishing-all a happy new year. , ,t v I am Your Humble Servant r ^ J JAMES SYMON. soduce of ail kia& tafeeaa as casi. at tlie^Highest market pjio.a. LCto'n.Janimry 1. 1878. .. J ",..'. -." -U t(f$gf; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Childrens' Felt Goods Just opened. Special drives in Dress Goods. Full Stock of Black Lustres and Mourning Goods. The Famous Tigrc Brand Black Lustres is unsur passed. Tea Meeting. A very enjoyable entertainment was given last Wednesdey evening, at CrewBon's Corners, under the auspices' of Crewson's Corners' Division S. of T. After suppo r in -the old ball the audience adjourned to the substantial new building which was-erected by this prosper ous divimon, where addresses were delivered by Eev's Calvert, Hobba, ThurHton. and others. Readings, recitations and dialogues were also in order. The entertainment broke up about 11 o'clock with only haft of the programme enacted. Dramatic. Last Fxiday night, Dec, '27tfi, Kockwood Dramatic Club favored a largo and appreciative audience, at X'rewson'a Corners, with the thrilling temperance drama, en titled "Ten Nights in a Bar-room." .would, if again elected, be unable to J=-The different characters were ably jdTeliis full attention to the affairs of filled by stbe several members of the Village, and thereby might manifest an indifference to public business. Vv'e think he should have said " his contem plated trip to the United State." filled by jtb the coinpdny. This company in tend giving a eeries of jtbese enter tainments through the winter, and are well worthy of patronage. THEIR FAMOUS 50c TEA Is too well known to need further mention, only to assure all lovers^f a good sweet cup of tea at a very reasonable price, that this line will be kept up torthe full standard. In 5 lb lots put up in a ne.it caddy at 45c, and money refuivded if not satisfactory. <ALL AT i CHASE'S cArr I WORKS, M4 <6 145 Woolwich Street, Gr TEJ E2111i{3= :EC , . i ' . For "first-class Cutters or Pleasure Sleighs, of the latest Patterns at low prices. For Neat- ! neas, Cheapness, And durability, they cannot be sur- i passed. Call early. | MUST B|2 SOLD r .24-2t YALUABLEiPROPBItTV IN ACTOX ' PorlSal or Let. '.-----3- The Stone Dwelling on Main street, adjoining the entrance to the school grounds, i3 offered for sale or - rent.. There are nine rooms and large cellar, tmd a quarter of an acre of garden. For further particulars apply to . ' HORACE J. HALL, Esq. n, Nov. 20, 1877. 20-*3m Pringle's Jewellery Store, Guelph. TO FARMERS- AND EVERYBODY ELSE, Acta irVST-UUCTO-K - " T HE ROYAL i HOTEL. EXCHANGE COAL OIL By the gallon, 5 gallons, or Bkrrel Special price For large purchasers- Good Goods, Low Prices, and Square Dealing are among the inducements offered <_ No Threads put in for tlie purpose of extorting one or ^j1 two cents more per yard. C^-LL AND SEE US. ACTON. CHEISTIE, SSNDSESON & CO. Acton, Dec. 0, 1377. This well-known house has recently undergone a thorough renovating aud repairing, is now furnished with new and niodenr furniture of the best des-" criptiqn, and is prepared ito provide nrst-claBS accommodation to;the public. The present proprietor has -received a license and he will keep the bar,*ell supplied with the very best of liquors and cigars. The stabling is large and well-fitted up; also ample.shed-room. The patronage of the publio is respeet- ully soliciterL - ' i ' - JOHN MANEY. . Acton, Juno 26, 187.7. Q.E|ORGK'LEVEXS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoiniug Secord Bros.' Store, Mill irftraet, Acton. Hair switches and ' combings prePared to order. -A. 'ZEjZEJOT-CTIREi TO YOUNG MEN. We linve recent'y published n new edi tion oPOr. CaIvcrweU'8 Celebrated K- Ray on mo jriiiiicul a-oti permanent cure (without lnidicine)of Nervous Debility, Mental and PUysicM IncapaclJy,Impedi- moiits to Alarrlage, etc., resulting fiom excesues; -. Price, In a sealed envelbre, only 8 cents or two postace Kinmps. < 'V\\o relebrateo autlior,.in this ndnalr- nble EbB.-iy- clearly sjemonsi-rtitf-s, from thirty years' surcpysful prnrtlce, th.it nlarnilPBconsefiueBciiB may be radically cured wlLliout the thingei-onK use of Inter nal medicine or the appllcallon of the i - u- knife; polnMue out a mode or cure at cheap. Ail stock bought by htm , Why is Pringlo's jdwellerj' store in Guelpb the best jdiice to deal at? Uecause all the watch, clock and jewellery repairing is either'done. by hiulself, ,or-nnderi his personal supervision. He being a first-dins:* workman mall the brunches, and I on of tll6 btS1 works oi its Irfii having the greatest interest in keep ing his customers, it' follows that all' the work will be done well. Every job which cohies into the shop is examined by him before it is taken away. ; " You can buy watches and clocks cheaper there than anywhere else, because Pringle having bought from ThoS. Russell ifc Son! for cash the whole of their stock in Guelph, and :got it cheap, he can jaffoi'd to aetl ll Uohtaininu tbeeili ia< nt<. inii'slc.-wltH any:imi pi-og'-efsiveif-sercj"!"' to le.-.ei-O: the rl;t5"c-r in IUp: urt of niu.^tc .vl.ib. r. - jiiano i>r or^ai.L to wbieh js atlwt.d i,v. r flity Wal'lies, PolBas, Mtirc)"->-. fiHlni..-..' ' '^l-eratic ikJelod(p<. l>j.nces,-'e: c, i<y th-.i- iet F. Bealty. Was'.iiujiU'n. *Ji'W J'-rse:., " nid ever It ' trptluce.l, :'tid ^limiUl be Ln:ib*.' h.-\n.l& i.fr ' very piano nnd organ player. Spot p<-Mr paid to any lu.rt oi t'::e Linitcil staui. < r Canada for oaily iifty cents uie pi'1 e hiving been-ye:!uced to Inlrnrlnce it everywhere, f Addn-?s ])A^'IKI| r .' KEATl'Y, Wab'hinBton, New JerS. y. MEW DOMJM.'OH BOOTS: SHOE?ST05E once simple, ceit^iln and .eflectnal. by means of wiilch every sufferer,no matter what his condition rrtfly ibo, may cure himself etieapty, priv.ateiVHntrT*wfically. Tlds I .ectiire should Ik; In the hands of every youth undevory man in the hind. ' THE CfHEnWF.lL JTIEDK'AI. CO., i 41 .inn St New York. PostOfllco BoxJ5S0. 4-iy - TJE3IOTAL. Mrs. Carter begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Acton and the vicinity, that having removed to more extensive prdmises, she is prepared to receives larger niiuihev qf pupils, nnd having tho assistance of her son in the musical' depart ment, she has more'time to devote to other branches of education, Acton, Dec. 12th, 1877. . 23-3t o -sr is aroE3:3PfSi i I received daily hy express. EltltSIlIItE BOAU. The undersigned has still tho Berk shire Boar, "Wellington," bred by Mr. Geo. Riuld, of Guelph,. which will be kept for service, at the farm joining the Grand 1'ruuk Station. Price SI.00. Cash. C. S.MITH: Acton, Dee. o, 1S"7. . \ in^future will be bought: for cash. Merchants and traders know thai this is a great advantage. Pringle has no connection with the firm of Russell & Son, any inore than he is still their authorized agent for tho Russell watch, ! which is ac knowledged to be the best watch made. - G. D. Pringle has also b/>en established as agent for th'9- Wal- tliam and. Elgin American watclies, and a full line of them, from . the lightest to t.he'hfeflvy 4ix-ouuee etiwe, will be kept on hind. Remeniber that all those watches are .now bought entirely for criB.li, and there-. fore can and will be! sold by him cheaper than they cujn be got any where else. Beautiful Christmas, goods coming in everjy day.. Gold chains, gold rings, lockets, brooches, - . 22 3m. One iWao' Knows. Opposite Agn'ew's Hotelyjitain Street, Acton. Wish-to call the attention, of thei - habitant of the Village'nf Aotii and vieiaity to their ltouienaa-' stock of - -u BOOTS, SHOES & SROCEBISS-. Comprising all the latest otiles in. Boots tind Shoes.' '" Ordered Work'receivesourf| eciiil attention. Kepairing proinpiiy ai- teuded to. r tli ii or ilie Umttit ^aiex unu Irnvlnct*s toiilisw<>rt!)U >i<lv..r'tis<4m-Tit "'.ildrc's ^, , IMSIM. * ^::.iT"i, \Vf t-Uluytoi., .aff ---tt i.^rivi. ,-" | ' - - :.f 1 ' ' i - i Our Grocery Depart mei.t Is well supplied,'with Teas, Sugars, j, ..; Pruits5 Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soap3_ .Coffees, &-C-, tei .< .'i , .________ Please call ahj examine Our S irdV. ou, Dj^.v12 1S"7. - ', " '" /-'v'..