Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1878, p. 4

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':! -.' . ne aMa^MBi IlllUfHlMyaBgaa. )B L-. In- a THE FREE PRESS, ACTON; IIALTON COUNTY, ONT., FEBRUARY 7, 1878. -T3&--- rBASEH OK VEMS. .,) i: sl.KN Al'NMlll MUildir AOUSS, !:t '!ir. . ,[ A nioiuitai h.- a vino " ' A mi.^s A wln^-rei- - mine ?-- tliilU'-- - .. ' . A U-i.-i-. i A Conundrum Aiusvuit'd. Om> of our citiwm in blessed, or oiherwiao, with a von-- ^t-nl>lu-u j wife, lu hia. cnBO ho timhi (bat when ii woman will sho will,; vim .1 Vliase. Cooing.d\vc'.-< ece.* V>n t.ust C.U'..U'V bird's I'VS "" ' Ivu iva:t. ; rii.-veo. Orange !lowers ,-i veil Ohc - present- lu isil, Aiul tears. CAST OUT But not Destroyed. Having mmlo arrangements with Mi. Mitchell, of Milton, lor mi agency for tlio snlo of lii.-iy depend on't, nnd when "l>"j won't she won't, nnd that's nn end oii't. 'riiis peculiarity of disposi- Sash. Dooro. Pr.inios, SKouldlacw, tion in ids M-ifc is no secret'amony Kro?.0^ ^i0?1'1?,^, 2?^.^' ' hi:-, associates, and. oiio of thorn I Waaoot, BXdinir. &0. >t rhasc. Pi I A twomstioU some hair A cms.' - lte'.atives thviv - lhverce '. lit'. tS OKU. , ito livcil j'.'.sta milo U>>;u tho village, (.tat tho.ro liv the f.'ik.. >'Lt!:o road ; ilis farm. l<y i lie hvlj. of ico.i.1 tillage. Iuore.-sod wbr;t l:o pirated -.r.ut sou Oil. His elwelKra; >\ :^ love a:*..I r.hl-!ashi.i;.e.i; The roof was all covered w:;h ino-ss ; l?u-t still, by liis lixir.^: .-.nd oa'tehing It kopt out' the rain and the frost. _ife lived very peaceful and ijliiet ; Wo knew him as eU'remy-Todd: So plain wfts his div.-'s and his diet. TUo neighbors all s.-.id -ho was odd. The fashroiis lie- never would follow. Nor try to put on a'.-y style, i>ut owin^ a o.i'ne or vU'IIar H*p.\id it when duo, with a smile. . Hiswordsvere but tow, a'.'.d well ehosvii; "Tivasclfi'j tli.it ho !i>i : His temper not hta'ed, nor fro.ien. 'Aiul.calm was the i'.fe tha: ho led. to the uuvtini,'. And, ^aui -vory litilo of Uod ; i'.;i: orphans Wvro v.lau nt his creeting,. And evorwne t.'.'d -he \\a;- iild. li ever he oiiVred to .-v!! you A cow, pr.au ox, or ,i hor>o, lie iuade it^iis busii.oss to toll you Each one of the oi.'.u;;.; s faults. He hired Billy l'eto.-s, tho e.i.i.p^-. To husk *.mt iiis o.>ni ly the day, .Atld heaped up the.i;r:ii:! 0:1 the bushel . To measure the wheat for !.i.- p.iy.' iiis name wi^s not 011 t!ie sr.l soriiuion To save the po.>r"hea:hoii abroid ; "His nei^rhlKir^ he }ielp-_'-i in .itllioiion. The people all thought lie was odd. He n;ver nu-40 any "jirofes.-ioii,'.' Xorsaid.that he ha-t .1 "new iio.irt/' But something he had in possession, Of which many more uoed c part : -\ something, tlia: rn.-..lo hini so ^vu:Ie, So honest, 50 kindly r.r.d tnu-; . _ If not church religion wo Vouture-^- That Jecus wouli say "it will do." Ilemifiht.intheehuro'h, havebeeh hotter, And roxvlered Eii;:^ tt-r\ ice to *rJod ; He'd more of the "spirit" than "Utter," And that was what made him so odd. The preacher mijjht.say he was 'Godless, Because he subscribed to 110 cretj ; But still, it was ro:ct ...f his oddness The wretche i r.u-'t^.uu.-i-j- to feed. If Jerray failj-.i of .--dvsttou, Becausofhe stayed out i<i. die chuich, "We cannot see ho-.v in cro.i'tion Professors w'ill .-hun tho k-..- lurch, '-^iVho wear the fni! Lrari' < :" tlio r.i.ms. But love no: their nei^hbo-s, -...r (!<-'r %Ve choose, when our Maker sh dI try us, To be like the old farmer odd. 1 urn proimrctlto furnish any of tlio liovo, nt piioe:; that ilol'y com- polition. I'lt'iiso call ami koo biuii- plos of moiil'iiiig, iVc, uoloro pur elms.lip olKin\hon\ - BLINDS 30 CtHTS PER FOOT, Kindly (liuiiltjiii; cusloinrrn for piist favors unci Hoping utill to lucrit'a lair'Bliaro of your ,patronago, 1 uiu lespoctl'uUy yotiiti- ' THUS. KBnAGlJ, Agent. LIST OF nii't'ting Iiim llio ollnu' day, ituko'd " -, do yon know why you aro liho 11 donkey V " i.iko ~a doukoyl" oclio'fl W-------, ojiontiiij liis oypa wido. ' No. 1 don't.", ' " Uo vou gt'vo it up I'1 , " lnv;tUM\ yourAlicUor. half ia stubb irnncss itself. ' j T , ,,t!l,ul. g;ve that to tny wifo when.. I get . Anon, Die. 27tli,lsT7. SU-ly. homo." I -._.--,.. . ----------------- JK^^-tSi.sJ; oash for mm. wliv I urn like u^onl-oy ?" He waited a moment-,' expecting his wife to jjivo it up, hut she didn't ; sho looked nt him some what coinmiseratii'gly as alio answered. " I supposo bccatiso you wore born so." W------has abjured the lmbit of putting conundrums.to his wife. _----------,-----~-*m* m Just as 11 ell. An old farmer, mailing it letter at the post-otliee recently, edited u\i to the stamp window and enquiiid : " I supposo voh don't keep sheep shears hero, do you )" "Of course not," was the.reply. 1 " Never did keep 'ciri, did you i" " No, sir, and never, sluill." " Well, iilieep shears, sell pretty well nt this time,-of the year, but if you haven't-got 'em I muat go somewhere else. It's just u.s well, probably, for-I nmy conclude to i;et me a pair of socks nnd'-let the- Khears go until next year." Ifo are prooared to jiay tho liii^her.t cash price west of 'feroitti) for all clasiefi of . ' Shoeiisjtii's and Calfskins ' in i^.iod eondition'dolivered at our '"tannery. '. { l!'e wish it to b'e distinctly understood that we pay the HniiiKST 1'uier. for snoli. Farmers will study their inter ests by brinL.in.Lt their ukintt to 111, in stead of soiling thoiu to Middlemen and IVddlors. STOREY, MOORE k (.'(). Tersons leaving skins at the factory of SV. H. S-roititv Ar t'o.' will also re ceive the highest price for them. 1USSCB00KS 11 Hold who\eunlo and rotall by John Andersom !i3ooksoller, Quolph. UurrowoH' l.'ianoforto Trimor. Jouuso's Musical CatechiBtn. ltortlni'B Now Method for the Piano, Olarko's New Mothori for tlio rinno. Iluiitotro Tiniio Forto School. IIowo'h l'iatso without a Maslor. Rieharddon's Now Modorn fc-chool^ Oitzo's Tarlor Organ. Silver Wrenth (Vocal), 10 diflordnt M^usic Hooks. A Big Discount on nil U.SIC BOOKS AT M R S n k" ' CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East side of Wyndhom Street GUELl'H. KNOW A Long Time Getting Back. Got. Duval, of Florida, was the son" of a poor Virginian, a stern, strong,: taciturn man. The boy was a huge yos,uh of fifteen. At ', the,-cabin fire, at; bedtime, according "to the custom of putting on a b^ek log, the old man sard, between the -whiffs.of his silent pipe-: " Tab, go out and bring in that . gum log, and put it on tho fire." Tab vrer out and surveyed the log. He -inew it was no use ex plaining that it was too heavy, not prudent for Hun to return WiiLou> having it on hi3 shoulder. His little sister, passing, was not sur prised ituat he requested her t( Uring out the gun and pow=r-horn. -is a' pcissiini or coon might havi- V^BSfd,' pr the brother might kavu" - ~:--en bear ii^ns. She brought tl.e link, and Tab started. Ho found d4 way through the woods into '- iventucky, in 1791. After an - .bsenee of eighteen years, ho was iected to C'ongres. A man of . nuiense size .and strength, hi- . arted for Washington^going by i'iQ way of his old home to see the ! folks, who had long .since jjive^ him np for dead. Entering- ...e little cabin door near bedtime, i,3fj^ j0^;hav'e1vou^mCrabbo'B bo saw the identical gum log. He r When is a fowl's rieck like .a bell i \\ hull it ia 'icrunj for din tier. i . - Wl-at is capital ? Having moro uioiev than vou knoww&at to do with," . ' [ ' 'An Ohio man has paidK?27.0.00 lire insurai.c.' and has iij-yer "yet hid a fire. r \\ h_v is a new-lv-burn babvliko a heavy gale of^svind .- Because it begins with a squall. Biigham's wives are mcTurning mainly in twos ami" threes, like! small Ktrings of onions. ' Why is aj solar eclipse liko a wo man whipping her boy i Bec^uso it's a hiding of the sun. V hat is the difference, between the North and South Pole i All the diiierence in tho wor-ld, ' Why have chickens no hereafter 1 Because, they have their necks twirled (next woild) in'this. Satan is the first tramp mention ed in hiotory; h.u went to and fro on tho earth looking for a job. The man who said ho had just got out of Htight place hud been seen a few minutes before wiping iiis mouth in a bar-rooui. " I always sing to please myself," said a' gentleman, who was hum ming in company. " How nice it is to-be so easily pleased 1" respond ed a lady who sat next to him. *> Sydney Smith once commenced a. i charity sermon by iwying : Benevolence is a sentiment com mon to human, nature. A, nevei sees B. in distress without asking C. to relieve him." Sir Jolin . Trevor, who had, fc>~" some misdemecnors, been expelled from Parliament, one day meeting Archbishop Tillotson, cried on1, " I; hate to see r.n atheist in tho shape of a churchnmii." "And I," replied the bishop, " hate to see a knave in any shape." Literary young man at a nartv : GRACE'S CELEBRATED $ALVE .1 Stirc Keller Tor tlio Sufferer. . PRE-PAUKn 1>Y SETH W. FOWtE & SONS, SO HAlU-.ISiN AVItNli:, H0STON,, MASS. a .ouldered it,pulled thelatdistrin', iiad, with his load, stood bafore the !d man, pipe" in mouth, ais quiet us usual. . ' " " " Here is . the gum back log, .lather." " Well, you've been a long time " getting it. Put it on the fire and .^'o to" bed," was the reply. How to Get to Sleep. The Philadelphia Pr'cxfi fiays that .iifliijy man will draw brcat'h quickly ..-t:id_" deeply for the sjjace of three iiuutes or le.-s, !i(.-- will tliereby !-<se acute seiii-jibility .-to pain > that liecau endure a^uiiuor surgicol Jocotiveiiieiieo. The editor of the 2s"ew Vol k WnrlJ .'ays he has tried the above and found itdosn't work. Well, here's a thing that will \vor.k, and it is related to the above experiment. Tales?" Young lady, 8ccrnfully: "T was not aware that crabs nad tails." Literary 3'Oting man, covered with confusion: "I beg your pardon, ma'am ; I should have said, rend Ciabbe's?" Young lad}', ungrily- s ornful : " And I was not aware that red crabs had tails, either." Exit young man. An ola house in ,-Paris was re cently torn dosvn, and in the wall" in the yard tho workmen found hidden a bundle of bank notes amounting as could be seen, toover 100,000 . francs, originally, : but which the mice atid_r;tt.a had ho nibbled and torn that they were of no value.. It was ascertained that many years, since a miser, known to be wealthy, had resided anil died in the place in question, and it is supposed that he hid tho treasure. In the.State Prison at Charleston, Jlass., is a than named Dunamlim, UB\CE'.S CEUKIiltAr'-tD HALVE, Is a Ve-'tab.'e Preparation, Inventoit In tie-17th e-ntiuy. I>y Dr. Wil li.li! Uraeo.' Siir^ooli lu Kin,: Jam-s' army- Tliromtli lis a.^ei.ey l:o i-ui'ij tlioi.s nuts of tho most t,.-ri<iis s..ro.-- a:ul wounds tiial ballleil (lie slili; of tho nio-t omTnolit pli\'stoIans of .liiii day, aial wa^ roir mlt-J vy all wtiu knew liiia ^s a pan Ic t_-nt.'fiiVttir. I'iucii 'J"> ei:KT.s \ nox. . Gn.lC'E'S CELF.DUITED S.ILVE CC.lt KS Kl.Kr.n woi'N-ns, Kl:ozi:x mmiis. SALT lilllttM, C1II..11I.AI.NS, snKfc Illtl-AST, s-i:i: lues. i:i:Vriiei:r, as, uino- WOllHS.c'AI.I.fSKM, K'ALD IIEaI) on a i rj:r> iiani*;, O.iNIJKllS, KKI.ons, souks, ui.enas, "i> sri.so-s, hiiinoi.cs, . WK.NS, STIItS, a r-k-;s, ki:i>ki,vs, Kl'iHIS.-i, Iii>II., IlL'lt-V-S, SfAt-DS, Wot'NOS, FK-STKltS, Plt.KS ' .III-NIO.\S, I1ITK," <fTS WHITLOWS WAltTS, III.I-STUIIS, TAN" i'Implcs, 1-np.Ns, sceiivy, ITCH, ISfiltowf-O NAII.S, NKTTI.U HASH, ML'SqL'ITo-amj km;a oiiTi^s sriDKR STINOS, .-Vnd all cutaneous illse.-vs'es and t ruptions Ceiiernlly, For sale by all ilrnjxiKs, ^rticers, amt at ail i-oiuit'-.v'soTc-: tli romciiout the ti'nl- ted Stat-s and lirltlsh I'rovliKos. I'rlce by mail ;!j cents FliOTOi-;HAPiIh.'R.s' should for ward nie their'udliress if they wish to obtain a'Piatio or Organ in exchange for I'tiotoernpliing. Ad-, dress DANIEL F. BE^ATTY, Wash ington, New Jersey. WAGGONS. By reading nn<J prftctlclni tho inc.um&blc truth* con talncd In tho best mcdic book ever issued, entitle* SEU'-l'KESEItVATlOS l'ricc only Jl. Sent by mat _______________on rcci'ipt -of prico. I' trents ofKxhiuirted Vitalllv, I'rcnmturc Decline Kcn-oin and l'liyileal IJ'ebllity, and the cndk-n cocci'mitaiit ill.T initl untold uilserics thnt rosul thiTtfroia.andcontainninoro tlmn Worij,*in:dnro uriii'.io:'.:', nnv one of which li worth the [irico ol the book. 11:1a book was written by the most ex t.-n.ivcoiuliiroli.ibl}-tliemo.>t fhilfulrnictitionei In America, to wliotn wits awarded u told and jctv ellcd medal by the National-Medical Asrociatlon A Pamphlet, illustrated with tlio_vcry unci P'.orl Enpruviii?5 a in:ir. Tel cf art nnd beaut)' cm ritr/i: to all. Send for it at once. Address rEABODY MF.DlCALi||f<kfl"| p ]nstitute,-ko. iiiui.XHYSfeLr ncl St., Boston, Mas*. wfcfcl I DANIEL F?_B|ATTYJS": PIANOS & ORGANS BBATTY mv& sMV^n1;, ANi> njMtKJUT, ;iii UK Vi'TV'S CKLK- RUATKI) GMLDKN 1 "uN(i UKD PAIN l.oit OIUiAN arc the Hwc-ctesl mriccl nnd most perfect jnsti uint-iiis evi-r h(-f>;c mimnfticu.rri] In ihmornny -ct n-r roun- tl*\\ 'i^jo worll Is Clillllcll^t (1 Hi (fjUH, t"tit'iii>-.; |".-st itlhcoimh "n,i tnrm - ever Ur du i> irlV. n. JCooi; butfoin j-nt:lo pri<'-sl, nnw rcfuly to ju'.b-r-;, jutiiik; and Ihc tru'h'in ^fiifriil. An (.II't.*r. TIit*sf_-c(]t.'- lirnUM. irj-lriim iiIk. .tlMi'-r '1'luno or >r^i:r t>oiC(J :imJ sliii'iH'i] :iuyy,-ht.'rV, r*n five t ilficcri tl:iys* tot trial. Moni'y re- 1 fund-Mt iin.j frtiKhl '(*hnr>:> paid" li>lli way? if in nny way ut.sau.-rju-lory. Kuliy. warrimtiTtl r<rr six vturn :.s strlnly fir<-i- clii^i. MXTilA<-)Kl)INAlfV fJltmiAl, DI^COUNTSkIvoh toChurrhrs.SrLorils. I^txlgt's, Halls, iltnl^tcrs Tcrh-is, c**-., in crtl**c to hiivo Ihcin nlnviuced at onco- whorc I lnv\ no nfcril.^ TIiommuuIs now In use. Nfew tilu^tniU'i AdvcrilfrrtCa'n- lo^ue K<lftI<KU Willi li*-t <f tvllniol)J:ilf, in'W h-ni.y, M*nt. ipp, 1>. ?ahlisl:p.l lit l<on. A0ciFfs< DANIEL. F- BSATTY, WukIiI Tiff ton. New Jorvcy. W. STEWART & CO NOW SHOWING A very large and vory choico assort ment of WovDigr'Seods" FOB / faiIl wear IK Nw BlacK and Colored Silks. New French CarhmcroB, Now Ribbons end Ties, New Drees Goods. New Staple Dry Goods, .:. OF New jPall aad Winter Gp048 AT i N LION We desire to call attention to the very large assortment of -choic* goods of every description whleb we are no* oflfering; neir Our importations froifa Britain are now all to hand, and W clainv witi. fear of contradiction, that our Stock of' ^""Mut '.- ."_ . | TBE LARGTESTj : l / ] - CHOICEST; ATO ; BEST ASSORTBb i 0DU STOCK or Tweeds, Cloths, [and Overcoatings Is votychpice nnd cheap.. Wo hold a vory superior and largo lot Of .1 HEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY, W. Stewart & Go., GUELPII. October 10, 1877. 0OTSIDE T0K0NT0. I Our stock of Dress Goods i. so large that it is impossible t<J ehume^Si the varieties. i,ndies may depend, however, on findin&fU THE LJoN^ll "---------muteriar1 -" ' -^' - . heap63t Q through "uo <menc:. i.uie3 may uojieuu, nowevor, on nnuingL(*t TILE LION stl the new materials -all the fashionab e Bhades and at tfesame"tunefojae Of the cheapest goods ever seen. Tiiis is acknowledged Ey all who hat# looked through our stock. . " No lady ever leaves THE HON without getting exactly the dress wants. i he l=yii*Tr^'<'"^mk..tl am iH'K iniic-ii-iu JCliVE CENTS AGAIN*. !" ~ On amt after the 1st of November, 3IIL1L will bo sold at the following rates : . Per Quart, 5 C'ets; Per Pint, 2i Cents; i New Imperial Measure, 21, Quart'Tick: I* On,' Dallm. 21 Pint Tickett> for Fijtij Ccntx 'In advance. P. S. AHMSTKONO. ACtOll, Oct- IS, 1S77. Now is the time to leave your order At J.; Ryder's Factory for a Stylisli Bugsy or Serviceable WajfKon. I am making up a large stock for the present season, from the best material. Call and Sea our Handsome Bv<jijic . Now ia a good time to secure hargama. ^ Strict attention given to Uorso-SLoeijis & GoncralillRbii.- eruithijiEf. i .tKmes itYUKi;. Acton, Job. M, 1677. If-any one fa troubled with sleep- | w|, ]1U8 \lv\ 1U1 eVeutful Cll'rfcer When tlio war broke out he was -Iipinusf^let him fasten his attention on his breathing arid fix his eves, aas-it were, on the stream of breath, .as it enters and leaves his nostrils. Of Course, he k lying in bed, with his eyes closed,, so that this process ,is imaginary. If he continues io watch his breathing in this way for three minuses, he wiU'fall into a dreamless and refreshing sleep. We have tried this and know it to be eifeotive. Boston fo.it.' ~*------- "Keep one eye on your, isrood jiile, and take the other fobbed with yon. serving a sentence of thirty years, but was pardoned cmfc on condition that ho would enlist in the" army, His bravery Roon won tlio good will of his officers, who knew nothing cf his antecedents, and after the battle of Fredericksburg io acted as a spy, gaining important infor mation". Ho was afterwards cap tured and sentenced to Libby prison and paroled. He broke tho parole, re-en.listed, deserted, committee' a burglary, and is back in his old rrnarters with twelve years more to serve. . ' - . . }- . BEATTY^S. :'V';'n^ 1...... grand, sijuure "p I fA 8x3 *L O prononneed by Uie p,c^s mifj the people AND'" t!ie most t eau 11 fill and sweet est tom-d J'innoa ever iniinu/acinr- 1 ~ ed. .Sent on to .t trial nnd pronounced ttie WASHINGTON, best In the world. NEW JERSEY, Eeally's celebrated ','olden Tontfuetl Parlor Oryan. Any mannt.ict'irer cnallengcd to equal tliem. They posKc-KH power, ilsptlv hril.laney and sympathetic delicacy, exipilsltoly beavUii'ully soloell'ecls, and the only stop action evet Invented thut'oannot be dis arranged by u'ko. The bellows capacity is Kourcnttliat but little ellort lsrequir- od wKn the fee; to Kupjd.v ali the air neccfsary. Best made and most elegant eases l!i_tho mar-kel. All solid wood ornaments. Kvery instrument fully war ranted rorsl.-i yea ra as strictly ilr>t-ela's, and Ken ton from 5. to 15 tlie/ij' lest trlul. Aildrwf.U.IXIKI, V- BEATTY, Washing- ton;,Ncw Jersey. I RrHTTPIAN0 ^"MI B0R1AN Thero is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received as.many unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Realty. From every State and Ter ritory" comes the samp verdict. " They are tho best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANlElj t' UEATTY, Washington, New Jersey' WA? ,1NTEI>. Ladies njul gentlemen to learn Tele- graph Operating for olfie.es opening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. Address JlANAoiut, Box 9a5, Toronto. N CONSUMPTION CURED. Ax oi.n Illvr-lriAN.-rc-titeil Irom ncllvc prtc-, I tic*, ho-rlnp J.n.i i.tot'L-d lu t,| huml. bv nn E. I 1 India MiMioii.ry U>c lornmln ot a Vcgatable I I Kemedj- fur the ii)eed>- anil permanent curt of I \ Consumption, Anlliuiit, lU-vncliUU, I Ctititrrh, ami all TBront nnd Ln Affeotloni! : alio a 1'oiitlre and ll-ilira! C.'u e (or Nrrvnns Do- plllty aiill'ul) NioVnii, Ciilii|i'n'tili. alKr liuv. Inp tli'.r.ai^l^y n.ii-a it. wLml.-ilii! eurntlvc Imwrtfc lii inuii'ui-.L ..t ..,.,,r. Ic-i!. fr hi, ilutr ! nial:c ll kiiuw-ii I., IiU .Milh rin^- MIm-as Ai-tii- ctL-,1 by l!i., nmllv,. i'Mi> iledtc lu t] lelk-VL- huiiiuu rnll.nr.;-, 1..- u, m-miI KJO.r; ot ciiaki.i:, i . will, l,:l| -tirr-.-li..i,. l,.r|..-,.,.,irh.Kn.-? . ..,v..n,l.' Iy.lli.llli.'. SHU liy n-liiln li.Lil ' jly.lli.llli.'. SOU liy n-liili, n,u\\ I. ailiJiei.UiJ 3 Willi *lciu]i, ijuiiiinj.' Iliih j.iij.,..-, 1 ' i-it. o. s-rK\i:x.-i. i- n.b.lr. - Jltii tG, lluoua na.E. UST, rnre I Any person wno will mn|t<i PllaCaW and forward me a-llst.o/ the names of relinUIo persons of their ac quaintance who'Wlfch to procure en in^ Btrnment, either Piano orOrgnn, I wilt use tny best, endeuvors to :.sell them one, and for overy Piano 1 sucepedlnsolhii to their list wltliln one year, I will ore (lit thorn with 10, and for every Organ $5, to be applied on payment of either n Plnnoor Ornnn; and when It amounts to a .sum Biifflcleut to pay for an Instrument 80lrclbda,L tne lotresl lVlioIOHale price, 1 wllliinmf.dlatelyslilp the Instrument, free,orafterany amount is credited the balance may bo paid mo In enshand I will then ship them tlio instrument. They need not be known in the matter,, and will h.e doing their frlendls a real ser vice, as I shall malto special offers to Ihcm, selling u uperlor instrument for fron\ one-hall' to two-llitnls what 1b ordinarily asked by agents. Plcnsesend meallslal once and after you have made innulrv you can add to it. Address HAJ^IELiF.BEATTY Washington,New Jorsop. : ' CROWDED STORE, Imraense Sales pf AT FA3HE0NABIE; WES G-UELPH. MB, . : MILLINEKY, .TRIMMINGS AND ilANTLES. We invite special attention to the bargains we are offering in this de partment. In the. Millinery Branch 'I tLE LJ.ON has alwavg carried1 lh palm, and this season w are showing choicer articles than ever rTiilebur ditjiiay of Ladies' Jackets is unrivalled. We have imported an immenw assortmout which we guarantee to be the Cheapest ever shown in Guelpb. ; DRESS alAKIXG. -: r> ' .' -' Ladies, do not forgit tl is branch. Mrs. Thompson, as she befeomei known, h llionupolislljgjall the best work ol thetow.,._ Styles unequalled, Trices moderate. I >, i -..-... " V ' READY MADE .CLOTHING.- -v; .Ju*t received a largo stock of Clothing, including Oveicoats ia trerv style, very cheap. <-. : TWEEDS -AXH OVERCOATINGS.v . ' New styles for fall wear, latest patterns, figures very Jo'vf. GentlemU ' reQi.ember.we have the best cutter iu town. A perfect fit guaranteed. ' -' '. WINCEY.- AVIXCE-Y. WINCEY-- -' More than 1,000 pieces, plain arid fancy; from C cents a yard-tieihearj.' " est in totvn. "'.' I3TJFFALO EOBE3." " -V^L - r Cheaper than Her, Prices from 81 upwards. A'lnrge lot ]agUn:.!ha': highest brand; A 1, prjrlect, Irom 8 to <~10 each. - - ' ' ^" - "! "i -." GREAT BARGAINS lIN WQOL AND TJNIGN ^HIRTrsqa - Co to tbe Lion, tbe Peopfe's ilieap~StOFe. : v. J. D/WILLIAMSON &;db. Guelph, Oct. 30. 1877. '" 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY. . \Ve are showing, .-without exception, tho Largest, Most; Attractive and Cheapest stock; of silks Aim1 mess G-oors Ever shown in tliis town. Ladies visiting Guelph and>buying Dress Goods, Silks, Velveteens, Mantles, Millinery, Fura", etc., without first seeing our ininieiiEo nnd boautiftfl .stock, do themselves a great injustice. We esteem it a pleasure to show odi; goods. . ' Ladies, come direct to the. Fashinable West Eud, the leading house for Bilks, Dress Goods, Afantles and Afillinery. Fllll Stock of fllSuioil- ablo Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes; etc., to match all our materials, v.. 1 A. Q. BUGHAEV1, Fashionable West End Dross, Millinery and MantleKstubllsbment. Guelph, dot, I'Ip 1877. v. ' SCHOOL-BOY'S Oloth-inGr! A large lot of MAGHIHOSHT TWEEDS! suitable for Boy's Siotiiing at the [ EAST END CLOTHING STORE. Cleaning out the Stock to make room for Spring Importations. Special Inducements to Gash j^f Also a lot of" Gents' Under- j clothing to be sold cheap for caslil Remember the Bast End Clo- ihing Store. THBFREBPREBS PrilNtlNG. HO V To' Merchants and oth^r Business ISM ia Apton, a?, well' as throughout "thei;.- :l' County, th Free Press is an: \ :" invaluable Advertising, .,-' Medium. ! r-\~ . - . . ^-i i - Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kind&ot> j : ' BOOK AftlD tfOB PRINI^rfe ".. iV *"- -,. JEnafcle.U81* turn oat werk e^tial to 8nythingdone in the oijtiJ. 1 - :..-*-> Grand, Square & ;- . .i ] ' Ag-eiits wanted everjwliere. Address : j ; . _1 "-,.';. DANIEL f/BEATTY. p^f. T" Washington, New: Jersey * U" -1 ^-,: TO BUSINESS SlEN.f-Tf yon want Billheads, Statements, iiPt- terhemis, Envelopes, Mercantile Pi Int- InR, of any kind, done In businessstylp, send your orders to tjift Fr^e Press offlCR. 8nUsfactlonEuitraqteea1 'ACtou,February 1,1878. SIGN PAINTERS 7ZM. t ion of tho United Shue and Provine.H rvnimwflr Lhl advertisement. Adure^?- FYFE & MCNAB. Al P. BISATnr, Washington, uew Jersey- ' 1- CjCHOOL TEACHERS :.TQa,'W b easily increasa your If] J ; devoting a very ^":>.; your leisure time to fV^^\t^2 do not expect you to oa?^f.I&, my celebrated Beattj's ^?g' : Organs unle^you see fl"'^ \ ;, , the .service I require of yf W ". ,-^ pleasant and P fitobJ^ Aufitf*. X-i^i Oculars free. Address DANIW. r ^ BBATTY, WsibiDgtoiV'lew W .., ^> 4

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