Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1878, p. 3

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W2$s&&&$&ji$&^^ gSWBBl |gw!JS)fi5g; ' "\-! ^ '--."'-I s5sfc^S^iSi>-'Srit^a=; Ion lJ I OB soar THE FREE PRESS?, ACTON,'. -HALTOlfi COUNTY, ONT., FEBRUARY 14, 1878 >. ~^toi> tkVsk thi* tablk. o .\.'!>'" as follows : ilo'.Sv! \vi;>T.' Irt'.a* >'itht V.svM -/Toronto mv.I Pv Kinross Kinross - C,Unr.*ed -. <;oiSV. U.tST. XicM Kxprcs* -... Call mixed - r-iv Kxpross,.. Leiden railed _ _ hC.l.vin. IU0 a.'ni.' l.oop.m. ,\.IT p.m. T:OT p.m. S-.oo a.m. '.1:40x111. 11:30 a.m. r>:17 p.m. 9;o0p.n\, uts, Service in the Methodist I hureh every ' SnWwti ovenlnc t linlr-rwM six -n.d !>>tti moruliiK Hird ovon- _xig -rm the CMo_t*Rtthain-f t aeh ~ rno^tu Rivlt i'loBlVs, Pastor. 10DAL MATTERS. the County to buy your skating rinks On* Stock. tyiN's ___St. Yulentiuo-'s Day. Go to Orewsou's Corners next Monday'eveuing for a good tim. - - Morrow* D rug Storo is the b**i phwo- in drag*. Carnivals and ' are beinc fully discussed this week, in tho .Vsllvc. If you wish to attend'a good Anurtsjuniout, go to Crewsou's Coruera Monday evening. G. E. Morrow hasr-received a Jot of School Books, Slatea, Ac, which viU be sold cheap. Oottona, tvnd FrinU, K^st iiaUes,"Tower thin"crer, at Christie, Henderson & Co."S~" ^Mr.-.Jchn Tiums lias boon ap- poiuttd by the Comity Council. Trus- tee for the U'.^h School,. Mr! Wm. Bar ber retiring; It 50a don't get tttTecwe-aile love tukens' with 5 skew.- It is fiwul to bo a fact tltht a snowlcss winter is usually followed by a very unhealthy summer; Tiut tho boy who escapes shovelling snow oil'tho sidewalks, is willing to take the chances of bviivg a victim of su unhealthy sum-^/j nier. _: ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS -- one a c.-J ,1 of those " ""5 hear: it zo- 1,- lest in >T* vtxs- i.cton. epared tod with neat- 1, on th* td at the fljrioea... IT07SS isigns, ".-.- e, Eto. ring tod 8W> ided to., fClALTY. ttatrito intbM^ \bblin& -" I, Propristor. :-i :^;- IRORC^ apply to , :- |RBT. Aetot ' MISERY r.uvi, Hornby, ]has been _>r for the township of L-.r*- o: f-J'.Xi. Tho iirst masquorado cArnivnl on the Milton Curling Rink took place oil Tuesday cvciiiug. Tho ice wns in. gvHxl comlition. A irrcat number of maskers aud spectators "\vero present. The Brass Hand was in attendance. .The jUlair, altogether was a srrand succosa. t^uitc a number of Acton skaters went do\vn;aud enjoyed themselves exceed ingly. -- ' A tea. meeting was hold, last night, in Uie M.' E. Church, above A.ctou, on the 2nd line. Several rev. gentlemen wero present and gave short addresses. Readings, recitations, ic, lornied a ^ooilfcaturo in theprograinmo. A good sum \ysa realized, which is to bo applied to repairing the church. Alto gether, the tea meeting was a most en- j .yabl.o affair. L\st night about niiio o'clock the bakery of Messrs'. I). & VI Sicklin had a narrow escape from destruction The oricin of the lire 13 sup- ^a to havo beeu Iroi;l a lamp, wllieh was-.sitting on a window. Mr. John Warden, who is employed at tho bakery, happened to jo in at the time and im mediately, extinguished the flames. >"o eerier il.nmr.^e was iloiie, and the Iosb will.not amount to much. of Tin; NIC! PAL! TV OF ACTOBt, ' ~ For tho Year Ending 3ist Wcccnibcn 1877. Dr.. keceipts. I To Bslanco on hand framl87G S 172 34 Uncollected Villagn and Seliool Taxes, 1876 -.. 1123 55 Village Taxes, 1877 .. .. U23 00 Tavern Licenses...... 115 ,r>2 Interest onMortgage, Hehool investment fund.. .. ](i 48 Statute Labor Tax .... 3100 Clergy Reserve....... 27 SS Tax Arrears ... . . . . ' 10 7*.' Non-Resident Tax .. .. ' 3 72 'Public School Government Grant........ 123 00 Public School Interest on Loan ........ 42 25 FiUCS.......... 20 00 by lire. . row*"" r~ tooviS. t** t^0*i tta/ yo re nt> ^ood. .^ . If you want stationery^ go to Morrow's Dreg Store. The best assort ed sb.vk ei ill kiiidi of Statie.nery can i* hid st'MefrovTs. T - r^i>>-*.supplo- oent last "K"eek CL'Ht=.ined eraetijr the fra^ie reading matter .as the Halton JWi--s" 5rst acd fourth paseS. Eemem-ber the musicatl and literary entertainment a> Crewson'a Ccmers next Monday evening.- A sdendid programme has bven prepare J. Mr.4* -Charles iieC! r.pp>:nted ass lis [uesing for 1S75j at Mr. Angus McDonald, of Es- qaraitig, near Acton, was 1LU years old on Tuesday, 12:h inst. He is healthy aid lively yei/conriderint; his old ige. i Co.. cf the :Gol-.ien Lion, Gaelph, aro having a grand nnal clearance of winter Cry cooas See their- advertijeuieat in buctber colutjin. . . : Anv "person requiring dnigs ^urin^ the night will be waited on at Morrow's, Dru Store. A cicrk will . liiirays be in atteoi^anec at tiie store <iurln^ the night. The Licecsc-Commissinners ap- po:z;te-.i for Kairon for the ciwreat year are Messrs. Johnson, Harrison, C. W. - XToote and J. rUiiph Brlx:r. - Inspector, Mr. Jas. A. Prazer.^-6V/a/;,_;ii'j/i. " . - While this spell of bleigiing "fe-iU brit;^ a tlush of- juy to the cheek of the merchant, it will car.se deep sorrow to the young "swell who has a sweet heart fond of sleigh-riding, while he i' ia arrears tor his wishing. .-. Mr. P. S. -Armstrong, ol this Village, was surprised yesterday .mora- leg on'going to his -sheep pen to find that two of hit ewes'had,given birth to twin lambs during the night .previous. The lambs are healthy and doing weTL The party who took the pipe out of t!:e to'eket of. a young man, at the Suiting rink, last week, can have tho case'by applying for it at thioofSce. If he does not wish for the case he had better return the pipe. He is known. -On Saturday last, as Mr. Jas. Dnnn, Br. was driving a load of wood to ilcGarrin's lime kilns,, the load upset, throwing Mr. Ihinn to the'ground in juring his shoulder. It will be some time before he 'will1 have the use of hia arm again. In the communication from "A^Disciple of Christ," which appeared i in last week's issue of the Thzz Peecs, there occu'rred-a slight mistake. /)n the i>4th line from the end it-should have read the "counsel of God," in- ~stead of the " censure of God" The Central Association of On tario met in the Congregational Church, Acton,-on-.Tuesday and Wednesday. :-The: attendance at all the meetings was large, "and great interest was taken in the proceedings by those present. All of the essaya which wero read were ei- cellent. ;: Dres3 Goods, Tweeds, Flan nels, Shawls, Overcoats, Clouds, Ufeak- fast Shawls, Wincej's, Gents' Scarfs, (irey and White Blankets, &e., going - at " Very Bottom Prices." No reason- * able offer refused for cash. Itemember that famous 50c tea, sold iu 51b lots "4ec per lb, Christie, Henderson- & -Co. - , - The pblicrcan place the rnont explioifconfidence in Mr; D. P. Beatty, . of Washington, New Jersey, who man ufactures and sella his justly Celebrated 'Pianos and Organs. Certificates from _^ the offirials and prominent men- of his own city, cofnraercial reports aud testi- monialstfrom thousands who have dealt with him, all verify, the statement. See his advertisement. the very latest quali ty variety and finish in wool and fur. See them^try one on buy one and show- it to your friends, telling them ,' where you got it aud endeavor to^ in duce them to go aud do likewise. In this way many who cry dull times can find enoughmeansof keeping themselves honorably employed. Christie, lien dereon 4 Co., Acton. " ^The estate of B. Williams, fiU-vwiV..-..^. h.Tr been .lv.'ght by- Mr. Chas. Williams, for Co cents on the dollar, ;iU j' R. Williams, we aro told, has returned and will resume operations shortly. "A bon-iire was built in honor-] of his return, by the villagers. Public indignation is hijili iu that vicinity. , "This silent Glen, this silent Glen, Oh how I love it-5 solitude !" KU1 the prodigal, the fatted calf has returned. .Yt'rs. . The editor of the. Actoh Free Pi'.iys carried that cano in his hand whenjha called at our otKce. V* Shoot the cane." ^le-'jr^-Votr/i Herald. That cane " seems to disturb tho equilibrium of the /{crahl man. We are sony that he.should display his ig norance of the use of-a eajie to such an enormous extent. Where elso would a person carry a cane than^in his hand? Perhaps the Hcrahl man has been ae- ustoined to having it on his back ; Eh ? 2012 53 ASSETS. To Public School Dobontures 1300 00 Investment on Mortgage . . 412 00 - Tax Arrears........ 2t)l 0'J Clercy Reeervo Interest . . t>7 (!3- Uucoireeted Tares, Dou. 31 1225 22 l'lVYMENTS. By Public School .. Charities ...... Streets and Sidewalks. Contingent Account ... Salaries........ County Katu . Refund Account. . Gn, .SI228 GO . 31 12 . 384 35 . 104 71 .180 80 . 110 00 5 20 Tinhinco on hr.nd. MAniLrrirs. ?32UC 44 Uy IJalance S2012 53 -..8329C 44 S329G 44 Wo, the undersigned "Auditors of tho Villago of Acton, hereby certify that we have examined the book's and accounts of the Treasurer of the said Village for tho year 1S77, and found the same correct j,- also that tho foregoing is a true abstract of the said accounts. Wo, at tho same time, must express our appreciation of tho systematic and orderly manner in which the books aro kept by your Treasurer. W. H. LOWRV ) -1 Acton, Feb. 12, 1S7S. i^;. II. HUNT, Auditors. DETAILED STATEMENT Of. tho ^Expenditures of the Municipality of tho Vil lage uf Acton,for the year ending 31st December, 1877. Paid Public School Board County Rate ?122S 12 ' 'lit) 00 51247 12 STFIEKTS ASH SIDEWALKS raid Brown & Hall .. John Stephens . . C. Masehui. . W. Masehts.. 0. Wordeu .. ^V. Worden . . E. Matthews J. E.' Cobtvan Jas. 'Burns. . Geo. Ryder "J: B. Watson John Walter J. P. Allan.. Benj. Nickliu ' ' .. v S. Zimmerman S. .Zimmerman, jr. C\ T. HiU : . Jiao. Stephens 144 04 10 50 ;'o Of!j 17 87 3 50 2 00 . 35 75 9 00 . 19 25 . 5 00 2 50 . 19 25 4 75 11 05 . 77 37 8 75 . 9 OS 1 00 Complimentary Supper. c On Saturday evening last Messrs. Thomas Smyth and Philip P. Johusojn were entertained at a cornplimeiitary s '.pper, by the members.of the I.O.O.F. lodge of tll'3 Village, in the-Oddfellows' Hall, on the occasion of their leaving | the Village for new spheres of lalwr. > Upwards of forty ladies anil gentlemen were present. Dr. Mcllarviu!occupied the chair. After full justice had been done to the.good things provided, sev eral, toasts were proposed and rcsjiond- i'd to. .Dr. McGarviii ami Mr. Hender son fcjKike in high terms of the brethren who were about to remove from- their midst, and the loss which .the Acton Lodge would sustaiu by the removal of two of their most energetic members. Mr. Smyth and Mr. Johnson feelingly, replied. A couple of hours were spent in tho most enjoyable manner, after which the company adjourned. Mr. Smyth left forTsraceLridge, on Monday, where he will be employed in Beard- 'more's new tannery, and Mr. Johnston left for Morriston, on Tuesday, where he' is about starting in business. 1 l ~'. S3&* 71 -CoVTING'ES-t-ir.*. ' Paid Rent Matthews' Hall $10 00 . Iteut Temperance Hall 23 00 Advertising and Printing . "48 42 Municipal Blanks - 2 12 Chair Cushion fiji1 Judge 3 75 >' Selecting J urork . ^ . 3 00 Stationery and Postage - 3 27 Cutting Thistles - 4 00 Sheen killed by Dogs 5 00 Clearing snow off aidewalti 2 -(X) . ' - 104 iiG CniRITIES. * Paid John McFheo - . $'24 00 . Trampa - . 7 35 531 35 BALAME-S. Paid Constable - $20 00 Returning Officer 3 50 5 30 : Registrar Auditors 8 00 Clerk and Trnasurer - - 95 00 20 00 Assessor . Collector 25 00 Colleot-,r of Statuto Labour 4 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WASTED - t'OLES. TELEGRAPH Tho subscriber is prepared to receivo some Telegraph Poles, at Acton, George town or Koukwood Stations. The poles ara'to'be 30 feet long, 12 inches in dia- moter.ti feet froni butt. ... For further particular* address .ALKXANDEft .NAI11.V, 30 Adelaide-st. Contractor, ToKOSTO. Toronto, Jan.; 29, 1S7S. 31-4t JJ1AK5I FOR SALE OR RENT. The undersigned offers to sell his farm consisting of about 100 acres, being west half of lot 31, 5th Con. Esquesing. Good frame house and barn, small or chard and never failing stream on the premises. The land is of excellent quality, between SO and fK) acres cleared, balance is covered with good maple, beech aud cedar wood. 25 acres good looking wheat in ground. If purchaser requires time he may havo it for one year, or a number of years ; rent shall be required in advance. Offers will be received for either buying or renting until 15th February. SIMON McLEAN, 28-6t. on tho premises. Sales extraordinary at the Everybody satisfied. JAMES SYm6n would return' hia thanks to his numerous friends for the very liberal support they have already accorded : him, and beg form them .'hat ho has this week made large additions to his Stock at extraordinary low prices. A word to the wise Symon's cheap store established. inary low pr in the interests of cash paying customers- Style s to in- Symon'scheap goods tell their own story All credit lo come artmetta TJ3ESS GOODS, FLANNELS & T"W3BLS AND..GBNT5 FTO- Scrges'Cnow shndes) 10, 12J, 15, 25o. Lustre's, 12, 10, 25c. Black 'Silks, 50, 75e, S100. Black Bright Lustres 15, 20, 25o. Empress cloth, liarathoaa, Paramottos, Crape cloths, Velveteens, (All new shades), Winceys, Plain and Fancy, 8.10.12'. La J)iiche8eo Suitings tho latest of nil, 15, 20, 25. Usual price,25o Twocds40c, ?1.25, Shirtings, all the latestmekes,. Quinn'B celobratod Drcsa Shirts, Ties, Collars, Kids and Cloth Gloves,1, Underclothing. ' ^ Braces," "- . , Hats and Caps. &c, &S., &c. COTTONS &c. Symon has secured the services of ft first claas- Milliner wno will be^on. "h\nd for the Spring trade. Ladies you may In addition to the above Jas. __,....... .. vw Dw. *ooa vji t\ uinu uia^s- juiuincr wno depend upon getting your orders filled in tho Latest Styles Rt the most reasonable prices, i '. Yours Truly, Flannels, Canada Grey, 25, 35c, Heavy Twilled, 25, 40o, Factory Cottons, fi. 7 8, 0c, Wftite Cottons, 7, 9 10c, Special Lines 38 inches, 12c, worth 15c. &c, &c. &c. -:FANCY DZ3PAP.TKE1TT. Kid gloves, allxewshades, to mutch ' drefs, ." _ . Silk Buttons,new sbudes, '; . Fringes, ' Braids &c., - Sewing Silks, very cheap. Corsets, French wove and stwed, Adjustable laeing, strong, . lleavy Jean, 62J, Collars,. Cutis and Ties very cheap Clouds, Scarfs, Hosiery. &C, &C., &0. ...'-. " : - Bgi_Frocluce of all kinds taken ns oash^at highest market price. Acton, January 23, 1S78. JAMES SYMON FINAL j. Of all classes of T &v& Eis^iisr KJT Ealf-Yearly Ctirliie Eveiything selling verv cheap at the Montreal House. Teas from 5 cents to 60 cents per lb at the Montreal House. Good Butter at 10 cents per lb at the Montreal House. rGood Smoking Tobacco.3 for 25 cents per lb at the Montreal House. Lake Huron /Herriing, Trout, White Fish, God Fish, &o|, to.,'cheap at tho Montreal House. '!_ . -Crockery, Pottery, China, Glassware to clear it out, to make room for Hardware, at wholesale prices at tho Montreal House. They are selling a Tea for 50 cents, which cannot be bought for less than 80 cents per lb any where else, at the Montreal House. Try it, it is tho best value in the county. ..- ' For We tavo for sale one of Beatty's celebrated Pianos that will be disposed of at a great bargain. particulars apply at this office. o t m To Advertisers, Those wiBhin'g to have their ad vertisements changed would oblige ua very much by sending in the copy'by Tuesday at noon'if possible, otherwise we cannot insuro its in sertion in,:that week's paper. The boy who will howl like a fog-horn if'he hits bis shins with a piece of kindling,'will fall thirty- onp feet out of a chestnut tree and say nothing about it, if his neck ain't broke, for fear ho won't be allowed to go again. ~r We have a largo quantity of waste paper on. hand, suitable for wrapping purposes, which we will sell cheap ugpi 5180 BO KETCSD ArCOUXT. Paid Asa Hall, dog tax f- $1 0 John McConnell, dog tax 1 00 W. Rauishaw, dog tax - 1 00 A. B. Wright, dog tax - 1 00 W. Allan,land tax - 1 20 'We, the undersigned Auditors of the Village of Acton, hereby certify, that the foregoing 13 a correct detailed state- ment.of the Accouirta of this Munici pality for the year ending 31st Decem ber, 1877. ; ' W. H. LOWRY, 1 Audilora i ' H. HUNT, -.- \ Auauora- Acton; Feb. 12, 1878. . r^i EOEGE LEVEKS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Secord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Hair switpheB ond combings prepared to order. O "5T; S 1* "Sal lEfi'tS received daily by eiprcsb." TflARM FOR SALE. Tho Bnbscribor offers for sale hiB farm, on the north-cast side of lot 27 and 23, in the 5th con., Nassa^aweya, consisting of about 150 (lores, 120 of which are cleared and in 'a' good state of cultivation; There is 22 acres of fall wheat and 11 acreB of ryo in the ground ; and about i*o acres ploughed. There is 22 acres of i^ood cedar and pine and 8 acres of hardwood. An excellent orchard of 355 apple trees is on tho premises. The farm is well fenced with good cedcr railB. There aro two log houses, and three barns, one of which is a frame bank. A never-failing spring and three wells on farm. Possession given immediately if required. The tarm is four miles from Rockwood ; eleven from Guelph, and five from Acton. Convenient to school houses and churches. Title indisputable. Term3 liberal. Apply to JOHN ALLISON, 29-tf or Gm on the promises. -ftXOTICE. Tho nPflorFlgrod brcB lenvc to tin-. nonnco to Farmers, and otlieii*'vug: gt-d is butter marine who purioce getting a: new Churn Unix they -wuhl consult theirown hitf-resib by orricrlne one of A. Holmes' Improved Tnbnlar I>nsh Cbornn- I' am now tnk'iig or.drrs for them, havinppurchnBrd the patent right to manufacture and 60II. 1 hoy are without doubt tho best in ' the market. Your pntrnnage If respectfully hollrlted. Cirt:ulars and Lo&tlmoitlulB frt* on anpll- catlt)n. Territory lor s'alo. Manufactur ed aud told by d, l. Mcdonald. 20-6ra, * Acton, out. Is now going on at LI &UELPH. In a few weeks Stocktaking will begin; and by that time, if VALUABLE PROPERTY IN ATO\ ' For Sale or Let. that WILLI-DO IT, We will not have a single piece of Heavy Goods left. LOOK OUT t T. HILL'S New Adver tisoineat NEXT WSEK. Jj/ r-.tfrt The Stone Dwelling on Main stroet, adjoininj; tho eutranco to tho school grounds, is offered- for salo or rent. There aro nine roomB and large cellar, and a quarter of an aero of garden. For further particulars apply to HORACE J. HALL, Esq. i Acton, Nov. 20, 1877. 20-*3m TDERKSIUKE BOAR. The undersigned has still tho Berk shire Boar, '.'Wellington," bred-by Mr. Geo. Rudd, of Guelph, which will bo kept for Bervico. at the farm joining the Grand Trunk Station. Price $1.00, Cash. ,C. S. Acton, Dec. 5, 1877. ________'"V 1 SMITH. 22-tf pORK PACKBNG HOUSE. The subscriber has always on hand all kiudB of fresh.Meat, Sausages and Poultry, cheapi CHAS: CAMERON. Acton, Dec. 12th 1877. '23-3m CTON MONTHLY SALE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, &c.,&c. JTJST 50 B^FF^LO ROBES LEFT Vsiiir CHEAP. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Qtwlph, r|eb. 14. 1878. ' ' ' *' -T S& Co., A.GSTON To avoid carrying' over any heavy goods yet in stock ^n account of the1 tinprece, dentqd rnild winter;: annriounce a \} GRAND SWEEPING SALE, COMMENCING ON SA^JBD^S" 3"A1T. -19, 337S. All line^ |of heavy Woolen Cxoojds Diefes G-pods, Fanc^ Grpods Iri fact, their entire Stock of Dpr Gaods will ba ofipred at ^ "VERY BOTTOM PRICES V Two cold months yet to be Provided for. Heavy Over coats, Twjeeds, Blankets, Man tles, Shawls, Shirtings, Win ceys. FUri3, Socks, Hose, Mitts, &,c. &c.v will be absolutely required.^ -' Don't fail to secure them at the right place and at the right price. j - This i& a G-nuir\ Sale. ' The Acton monthly sale will be held at Aguow's Hotel, on Pair Day, Thursday, March 7th All kinds of Stock, Implements, &c. will bo sold by paying 60 eta a-pieee. Sale at 12 o'clock. TERMS. Ten months' crdoit on approved ioint notes All entries muBt bo mado to Mr. Jas. Ryder, Soo. WM, HEMSTREET, Auctioneer. 25-tf THE POST OFFICE Oasli Stor& JAMES MATTHEWS. [J No goods; charged except at regular marked Prices. In Acton, Feb. 14, 187 .. HEMEMBES THAT f ASfiOXXS 5 c'TSA. 5 lb. lots at 45 cents. CHRISTIE, HEDERS0N * Ac*n,Deo. 5, UTij K M/ 3i \m;- . 'hi , I \ !" 11 |l m $ IM

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