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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1878, p. 2

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EUX-tf *-*. '.*11 I- i: vl^Mf -: - IS US UI sis a*>: sr^ i38 *^' r 5S-- Mi.'M la^: ll sS<- ' 13: ffi ST5aiKSSi3S*tBS3 'p.IB VINTON VltCK Pt'iK: - In tlm ix-rSi A;:i'U"iiinio :>!ihed every Thursday Moi-mni; | Annum m Advance 1 find that it ; immigrants i 1877. The I')!" s'climated thii-t -7,0.71' i-o'til'ifd in l-amahi in number of. insolvents tho ..'liabilities, as I'uv- ., . . .- - nishod bv the iirs.i'.vnits.uinounlrd "" Mt";MMi- "ll -'-Js:s, to*;i.airt.i;.i-: ^ e!.m>.< r^d ,---------z--------.. ------------- - 1 . ... u.iL7.,!L T|u( THE FREE PRESS/ fir! of'the Mi.ast.'i- of'uiil'hrm Now I'mil miyn, I ('or. I . jo ) -l aim.. Iran;. -.rut;....'!, n\v .- vou ignorant, hdw -^SEMTirTTj ^^,7:.3n'TWlgJtCTgJ^.g3.'V<PAf.':li ^tdrni^olfrossj^lr! Pny t-tf! am nintou t>, >so Wis. are. Ill ill'll'lll'S tor nisfri).lions tothe l'Y.n: rims.- n>> ivipieslod : t Kittle nt oiiee. i miralvr f patents issued by < ; fee*, it-ivivi'ii, .*;!"',-"Sithe "'3 ; We :.t<- sending cut firoiihre to; A writer in the Mniiliv.il //'.. tl-ojo in uncais, and hope that '! says that ' biVd ilnlV.'rin has th"V will receive duo utteiifieti. hibited such capacity .us a .,..- OK ia'.rs- I 111:111, Utld Sltl'll til '-t US Jill luilllUlis i 111 ;t!io -> t rat or. ': nunit should. In" ".i.v.c nun lor a \m.<i:al. Tlte IVar-.Xi'ivs, - "ino- European situation veitii'iivs ; r. tiy- much iu tin- position"' in v.i.:<.-h ihuV weio, .-bll\ to :itl ;ip- pe.uanee, the chancs ol rupture uro-,daily ditniniidiing.' Uussi i a]> pears, on bieoh.l thought, more ll:"^^v,^ed' towartl pcact- llutli >.ho yo.'incii to l>c a few d ivs tiEO. wh.u ! o | every Ku.ssiuu lirtii t'wtitt tilh'd with | :ral indiiNuuion .xit Ktml.tnd's ^ hostile to lirotit Ui-it.iii.- li>i';H'ri;il Civi-rn- "jii ; ;i|i['nil!t or- S.IV W<- illl.. An intfi'vii-wi'r oiitnu'cioJ will) the. Kt'iff of "the Now Veil; > Bliogi'.i that thou tluit. nil our f.it.hura wciv iind.'r t-n olini.l unci nli piu-si'il iIhoii^Il I.Iiu Mi.i'r.iid woro Impt.i/i'il unto Musi's ill tl;i'< oionii :illd jjl lllio hf'il " .Wo ivad thtil tho.- Ki'H was on citln'r hard of 1 iii hi anil that th>y v..ere all unilor tlm vlijud ; limn wcro (hey i!ntii"r;.od, or liuriril. 'I'his is i'.nd's liMvbitig. Sm-.-lv he will nut im'rr'thut ilu'v wi'fo spiinUlcd, 15,it wo wi.uhl hUo to know ivho it is ';(',].i'."rjikoii from <-Iniosis _to Jii'VrhlU'.nis tn 11 till |i:i;i.s:"iyi'!l I'ofol- rirjj to Jew i.-di pill lliritiiniN (not l>ap(<ism1, to liol.-.li'r up am) Fori*u ."ionu'thiiijj into liio now to.staniont. whivh liUh noit'.n.'v |'luoo linr omiu- li'inMico in it. '1'ho i;Oiilh'iiiaii nivi, I'aitl oalls .sprin!;ling hiOo_.tl,sni, Will hi'"ph-:i'ot: tt-11 lis ivliuti-f bin iVirii'l to!!vii.", iliiit Wcl;;tiT. niul a numiiot' of othvi.'f, say llmt fpriiikl in:; is liuplisni. W>'ll, I huvo not i'\iiiiiiiii.'d all. lhv\i:' woik.-i ho i I'fi.'rs to, 11;11 , taking his wold for it, .i l;n:)-.v not wimi o'ljocl they have in \hw iu s.niu^; what to mo in n OOllll'.-idi'otioU of ti.TUts; ltilt- 0I)(! ,*rr.tt a'.livit ^ thiiii; I know that tin', word bipti/.-' 11:11 ]in.'.->uiniiig to t.;and hutw-tH-n !icr ' platod. Jl!,vl the j.l-iziC^he h::s longed -.-for , . , is not iin !mij:1:in1i word. If it_ among tlm K.iiiau lhoiherLi.. ,d of.j Wl.]V| \vt. ijm^Ih'look fa' its uma.il-' that city, nnd tl.at somo. movi in,ail j iiij,' in mi Maglioh , I it-; ioiiary ; lint ii hi'ii:g a l.iroi'k w-unl, v. o luu-tt j look for its iiii-uuiiig in a tluvk diclion.irv. .Will oar fih'iid t:i!;o !' < c.-u'.i-ni- I' ivo that this (iiLtk - .- ,- - .- e stand to j ever since her utubumus (.Vais/us- 1 ^r- ^iliiaiii 1'.. Jtass, U- Hall- ! Word li:i.1.11:1 ,0 .^idk and not to tuu.eJ.-tLb eagle of tjhe' E.sU-ui ' ?"* -'rri>trv, has lnw. ^pjiuinti-i | i.:nov.-.i'. In tvlciynoo to tho = )'.i:.',i, tlin i.vni.li'iiiaii fiiiy.i In; i.-i willin.tj'.o lake the woi,i aiui tc-liiliony, in M-it:. " "' 7, in tlio in Ho.-, I S'.inso Eaij.iro. The Turks, ui-c bjlm' tojf'ivate Secretary '-t 0": t i e becorcinij uioiv and more re- of ^JiHtiu :it:J nofen-,' edeitmnt in tho niatter of peace ; was Sscretiiry of tla' Miui.-.ter j -Mj-.-n...--, Hon. .Mi. negotiations. A collision between ' Jones' .'elcc'fion coiou.ittee S ::a ii and Kuiiiai.-i mentioned a.s : Eji_ H.-ie recent, .contest. one of the possibilities, owing to i tho desire of the former to annex i SHinicy, tho Aftie.-in i'S;.l.nvr, tka whole of old S-.tvu, while j was lately rov,;!!v"i'oe,-iie I by tin li.ussia propotci to add tho 1'ash- I E-nsli.^h Geo:;: anbi.ea! fcj.>ciet.v. 'i :u 1 , ,ii- i jot t.io til'ai, alia liiice.-i Ins stand on j the Ci.OoiUVU iafj'-.-n,:,,, iuel.nling ; j .Scribes, J.'Iia: i^ei.", an,I all iu op- j j position to evurvthing-the-word of-i | UjiI includi'.l, which distinctly j I .state h (hat tins,', rrjiclcd the conn- i | t.e! <.'! God i\^:iirir,t t hiausi'l v> s, rnjl j b.-iug bajni.-.i'M of him, Luke 7, oO ; i ACTOiM, HALTON vyei'O not tin; expressions of new coii'rago nor, indeed,df couiugo of of any Hurt, ua in now ovident. la it not u lit.llo reinurkulilo that Mr. llnbh.s ulionld inliiuale that 1 would not. have asked him to ilia- cut's tin; iiuijHtiou if I hud not known that, lie'would not do ho? niul yet in the ijiinin lottor ho inti-. iimtos that t.hu DiKoiphm " livo on controver.Ky." If wo I ivo on con t.i ove'i-HV, in it not most likely that I uskoil t'lio iliseirHHioii in I Lis ilciftiru or hojio of obtuining it? Tho twi' ntuteiueiifM of Mr. 11oIJ)h, agree not together. Tho roiuion Ao uivoH for .not lieiiijr willing to (inter into din- eussion, aiid thim; lmvo hiH agroo- inofit toHtciJ *V '"V ]v,iena',.'ui hot liiilihfaoluK,. Toitsilily, mi ho Buys, ho 1i:ih " nothing to leurn" oti tho 'subject; but would ~it. not greatly Htretglheu the faith of thosi) who heliovo in sprinkling, u.a well uh ei.'lighton othera, if he wouhrahow in tin.1 preneiice of boarching texts, that the i'aiuiersioiiistH ' ' have, not ii haii'-hieailth to Htaiid Ujinn," us his private reply to nio im.'-ioi'tK ? Thu " h'tif-brcUlUi" trouble miijhl b,, on the other sido. Thin, t,ooj mitjlit be tho reason that my cliali leiigo' is not uixcploil. 'J'ho fact tfint /id has " notliing to lonfti" Ly controversy is'a poor roa;ion, or, rather,., onci;bi>. Does ho fcpeak and ncl only with a view to in crease hiti.owii vvi.yJoin.'?- Wbuli.l .it 'not bj -well;for oiiii who. knows no uioeli to allow his knowledge to be iL^ted in his presence, that olhors may feel burn that it i'. knowledgo ol a truth.' Tenth lni& always time to la: le.sti'il. It htllinlH tho tt'iit. ICiror does !;::*.. I will Cud a com- ji.'."ient hcholar who will, iu the !pir:t>once of. any I'briuIo IJ.iptist uiini-iier, . liair- 'breadth" /.-'. Lat each sp.'i-il: etjual timU..' ; [ Yours truly, L. II. OllEWrjON. b0UNJY, fONT., FEBRUARY jlistitioi him in Haying what lio did, Ii do nut think Unit all hm preach ing and vowing of otorhal vengo- lAici) will hnvo the effect of keeping any respectuhlo poi'Hon i'rbm the rnk. Yours truly, An Oi.'CAHio'NAt Skater. Acton, Fob. 19, 1877.,.. , I ANMUAI. TEA MKH 21, 1878;. TING. fatal Accident. W..1-..1 ; H-id he. fL'i' Si:al',l!l tile vS.'l'ip'.U'.'es"' <0 SlVh'.ll p(:l'M 11 eaililia Di.-cii.!e of C'hii.-.t toll's us el id's ir.di lJ-<-' iik of NiEcb to 13ulc-.ii'ia. A'n iu-! riince of WhV- 'Si.- Siimo! l',ak -r i "", ,.. -.- ,- 3 - b ' ' "Jl.uul i.:m. tii.tt ( iiioas ,!,M-ip!r:, v:ov. Sir. I!ubbs aiitMho XHulL l.'.ea j l..ipr:/.-it more than Join;, Juiin i', ! ... .. _____ ' f 1. ijliail we I.Lii.-\e our friend I iufcrev.a 1110! belt .-A.^iiin, j ii.m:.-;,!' >,.a:th snrreotion, which has been jgoing I ar.,} -,;]iers w;a:u,Iv c-. on in Thessuly, is. inereasmg, the j thp ]!ltIvp;a j^.-.-.-Just. ] Turks having been befeated at i ..------------=._______'. Yolowith a loss of 000 killed. In '; The nanu,,of il.-r J.^epU Gihson,! ^sia JKnor the'Uuaainns aro rep- 0f IngcrHiH,. is menti'oi.xd as the leBectod as suiTeiing from an epeT ' Conservative eundidate fo. detnic and scarcity of provisions, ' Oxford ' ' unci a fauiino is believed to be I ------ ,.LueviUble in the spring.; I 'l'ho Clovunior (J^iiei-ul lyi . i j his. usual liberality,-.m'adof* a grant An important step j has been jof ^'400 la the Ails Asatvi.it taken^bj the-Imperial Crovernruent. ^Idntrcal. t3ft'arda settling the veicJ ques- j tioi arising out of French claims i ta the west shore of Xewfoundluiid. It has been decided that two aia"is- ; t.tlJ .lie: t he J'Ka :'; >'. l,'o to t':i. ; I lV.--f.i'nicn: (.nly wiiei: drawn j Now, .-.vhy .does, he -take thi.> i a', o! with i.thli iMii'iiec'.i^ii in v, hi, h il ;v.,i., ' pl'-H-;-,i in inv Iv'.ter and iiihii uaie iin iflea which i.'js not contained 10:1 of; j;, \\Su-% hater, uud which -I repudi ate ! 1 ia lieve that all -ISciiptine Oorrespo.adencs. iv; .- given by 11.-p;i'ul mil, a' pro- , ! CJl.lirCt tiatea shall be appointed to ad-' minister justice and preserve order ! in that district. We hope that ' now jurisdiction bus been assumed, | an effort will be made to end thisl dispute once for all. Soveral Uvea have already been lost, and. the best part of the Island ha3. been ke^it in a backward Btate, niainly through the too great tenderness hitherto shown by the British }l'c ,rU7t ;i -fi> be K-.-./-iy'--'"' .' / / The Subject of Ilaptism. To ihe K-i;Lr nf'th.: y,-.:, /'/>.(.s. Deaii Hi::, ., l.-r d^ciiine, for reproof, for ! __ ion, fjr in.-'i action in rii/ht- i ]r_; i e;jUi|ii:;s, that "ilia taaii of God a. ! Ill .V be lil.,il','i;gi.l_>' i'lllT.iahl'.1. unto ' ,.la!l i'l-'od ivories, Tim. o, 10 17. :Tu i 'fill ; Oi ' . ' ! : hay thii-'Ieaat of this, 1C was utjust ; : and uubec jming a tcachor of (jjd's .' i tiutij. T.'.at 'clause iu my j.-t'.er ; i taken in its -connection -needs no i ; CTniiiic:it3 to show what H mentis:, I J Did the gentleman do this know-- | 1 ;,.,.!,. to mislead ! Lut this taking j i I have before mo . yo.ur issue of' j>j:-tiai.3 uut of their coiinceti^im is list week, containing a letter from j ft fa;l'iI1K t,f |,js M (|lC following the Ilev. Mr..llobbsin answer to | illustration will .-'how. I take it one which-you kindly published in from hi.i. teiuion, and consider it your issue of the week before, re , too absurd to come'from a school .. ... 'i questing the rev. gentleman to j l,ov t01 x vo;.... ,,f b ,^, Ui0r,, Oovorniuent in asserting < their j g:vc us t],ft BUro foundation of !, ' ' ' " rijibts. which he hpuke iu his st-riuou on , 0f Uo.l so coming from a profei?sed .i:iio;n:r s won!, iviiuin we presume baptism. Fmtour. fneu.I ev.id.-s ^,;l:ijinK to have aii intelligent mind, doing this, altogether. IL first | He Sili<!, if rev op;,'oneuts can prove states'that ho did- not announce j jufuuirsion from tho ]!as.BJg(.',' Julill tiiAl he was^going to preach on ^tu .'baptized ill i-'Etlun beciuso infant baptism. -L did not say he J e was much water there. - I ,.T ,. Jid : I mo rely said I was informed , wilhako prove that Christ fed the Lemojnes crematory at W ashing-rtf,a ho intended doing so. He multitude on grass. He'.said the ton, on the I5th- inst. The de- I bays that will be the subject of tin- exiue.sr.itns worn the sume " much Mra Bon. Pitman, wife of the anthor of Ren. Pitman's system of shorthand, was cremated, ac cording to her own request, at . ceased ib described as a very in- ' telligent lady, proficient in Bhort hajidwritin'g, but both she and her buaband have been regarded as eccentric in eomo reg|iect8. The i xl' , other discourse when ho sees.fit. to water"' and * much grass.." We give it. I hope he will give notico,.houhl like to hear him proving of it beforehand, that we may have . this ; but before he begin.s he had an opportunity of hearing h___ He then says, I think .the intpJli gent part of that, congregation (':c wish of Mrs. Pitman that sh does "l c'1'} t]"\ congregarioii - ,. , . , - . , . I present that night his : it was oulv nilKiit be cremated instead of1.1, . , I the intelligent jiart war, his, 1 boned excited jio i|gree of wonder ] ljn,g,I!n;,^ wj]| .remrunber that he among their accjuuiiitunoes. Borne; WUB ehgug?,'J"sho'ving, by iSyliptlire, the utfter groundlessness of im of the preparations for the event were even conducted under her own supervision. better read both [lassagej again, lest ho expose himself too much, and .some of those intelligent minds ho I'f'feired to laugh, at him. But why talk iu this manner. -As we said before, the removing of our hUi'Kituro xluea not lay tho" 'founda tion for another, uml we contend that oiir friend in his sermon, In the House of Commons there are eleven journalists, fifteen far mers, eleven doctors, sfx manufac turers, fifty-six merchants, three mcrsiou as tho Christian mode of; which was composed of the empty baptism, and ho Ic-avc-s^it to. this ' urgumtl.ts we have rof-I'led to, did part of the congregation to judge nut j,iy lh(J fou,rl:ltjciiii for Kprillkl as to the suroness of ] the foiinda- \WJ,m '.\',,v.-, will the rev., gentte- tion on which they rests. Of course, I suppose. I was amongst the ignor ant j.nrtioa , of the congr^atiua, therefore, that may uccotinffoi it; but I failed to see that he ev-jn insuntuco presidents, five ship i tried to bring, forward any Scrip , ., , .. , , - , , i turo to prove the croundle.ssuess-of builders, ten lumbermen, eigl.t ' . .' , *? . . . I Miimersion, and.' in mv opinion. mill owners,- four civil engineers, . /in,!, avoiing to destroy tho foundu- one ijfewer,' one sdhool ihspector>~Xion of our structure, does not one banker, two >contractors and seventeen gentlemen of leisure. The- remaining fifty-five,- if not'know how a person can rogues, aro lawyers. We imagine j Disciple of Christ and not do as we hear some ill-natured reader ' CljriBt' commands (that is what I necessarily lay tho foundation another entirely different one. Our friend says in; -would like to iccoiiie a remark that here is a distinction at all events without a difference). The serious illness of Garibaldi makes it highly probable that the -present year will witness-the death ~of the trio of man who have been pre-eminent in Italian public affairs during the; past twenty years. rE*!c\\ of tlipm has exerciser! nn ;m rn?nse inlluencS, unl, though1; one onl^may bo said to have succeeded 'B'Lis aims, the work accomplished by tho othurHj'wifl have Rheffect in moulding the beliefs and the de- sireB of Italiun3 for several genera tions. ^lie Nova Beotia - Legislature C^cU to-day. would like to know too). IK-sajs Christ said "ye are my. friends if ye do whatsoever. I command you.' Christ commands'us to search the serif, turt'b, etc.- i es, and oile of the ."i'te'h" is -." believe and be bajitiKed."' AVell, ti.e rev. ge-ntle- ]jrove that baptism was [.art of the Jew ish ritual. It lvtids, ' take- the Lovites from ' amotii ehildn oi Israel and cleanse them, and thuo shalt -thou clcitnssr. then), sprinkle water of purifying" upon them and let them shave all their flesh snd then wash their ch-thr-:. and so make themselves clear." AVlifire diii:H our friend find baptism here '(i I rhouH like to know, lie also jjuo'tes 1 (>'or. 10 2 " oil! Kathers injie baptized iin!o Mom hi I he clou.1 and in the sea." H' ask:, were t'bey ini!il,"l'aed. J fa'. decidedly thy were, and ask v.'l.y he did iron ,'juoti; t!iO whole con ntctioa. I suppose it did not man take ins stand r.nd prove that Ciiist, when usitij^ the word bap- ti7.?i in the comniisaion, me.Uit to sprinkle?. W die he uho take his stand in the sixth.chapter of IIoiii., the sectmd cl apter of Col.,.-and prove that, tho l.leaning of the bapli^m spoken, of and termed, by Paul a b'.irial is exhausted in sprinkling, and thus rob that beautil.il er.i'm.uice, iiiotltai ted by Christ, of it.s-glorioiio sigui iiciUiun. Vouin truly, A DlSLUl'LE OF ClUUST [We wii! allow ~Mv. Hobbs to reply to'this coliiiiiiinication, if he desiies to .do so, after which al! correspondence on this subject must oea.ie. Pkk&s ] r .IJy. 4'hallet^e. To the Kdlhu- ,,/ tit.:. F.-cm'Press. - Beau Sin,- .- , ' In reply to Ilv. it. Hohhs, let me .say It,is true that he did say to_me. in person some weeks ago -,that Ira w.Htld not, junter into con- . Iroveijiy on tho Milject of baptism; J5.it whenll heard" him so boldly ' defy" the iiiirnersio'rist, iu his date sermon, I thought taut i>oi-b haps lie had received a new supply of courage from Homo iinexpueteill M.-uree, and that {irobably.he would now discuss the question hinisellj, or oblain tho services of Homo nwiister. who .would. In this, .8 now nppeats, I was tnistakoni ilifj- bold utteratico in his owu- pulpit, when no oao could reply,; !>! la'M San-lay evening the liev. Ml. ll'jhha UOCll-.ed US. of ll'ihCOll- atiui'.i;/ his word*, used tho jir'O- e.ding S ib'.;Uh, from prejudice--- .- I action iin.l the : opinion of others. Th.' won!.-," are almost, without e.v.'j'p'iiit), the .siiino he iisial iu tiro pulpit} and we euniot fake them iu aii',- other ueuse. What mean- ing .Mr, Hobbs attaches to them we are, of cjur.-if, nimble" to i:ny. . . In addition, he states that ladies .-hate three, four and iive hours at once. In thh. w. have no hc-situ- ii' ii iu accusing him of stating what is not so, whether wilfully or from ignorance of the truth we cannot say. ' And,while the sub- yjci of late hours is under iliscus- sioii, \vj nmv mention that Mr. II ok bo attended an -entertainment on the.lSth inst., i at Crewsou's Corners, where ono ;-of tho attrac tions was the select song known a.s " Tommy make _ioom , for your uncle," and whero they did not break up till after eleven o'clock, r.nd most of those present did not ",et home tillaftci twelve. Is this yery Consistent, do yoi think 1 And then, "it is not necessary for liiin to go into the dirt to know tl.at there is dirt there." Wo aro proud to let him know that the! most respectable parf, of tho village are in tho habit of visiting the rink, and, though they will not feel unicl^'flattered by the compari son wo hope they will bo able to bear it, and if they can, wo will luivs no reason to feel ashamed. ' We are sorry to be compelled to vindicate ourselvoB, and did expect niTire gentlemanly usage from Mr. Hobbs; but when a minister' of the Gospel, in public print, com pares his fellow Christians to-m'dn- keys, wo can" hardly bo Hurjirihed at any language ho may see fit to use. in the pulpit. And, much as we may respect hi3 office, wc will not quietly t-ufFer him to abuse and misrepresent us. . Voiii-s truly, Acton Skatiko Club. The SUatine KlnK. To {hcjy.lilur <;/' the Free Press.. D-EAn'Siii, ' I seo -that the Rev. Mr. Hobbs indulged in another of his red-hot, 'uncalled-for denonnciationa of tho Acton bleating rilik, at tho Metho dist Chinch, hist Sunday evening. lie seems to have taken the idea j into his head that the hkating rink, together; with the carnivals, must, anil *!trill be stopped. He pro fesses to know a great deal more than he really does oh some subjects on which he spoalts. ; For instance, on Sunday evening he said some thing to the effect that" ho knew that my communication, which up- ppai.fed in the lust issue of the Ei/ki: Pru-is.s, was written ,by n feiimle. It must have been anoOior freak of his imagination which in duced him to) say so, us he ia en tirely mistaken. Ho must, and doc.-:, draw considerably-on his im agination when he speaks of the way in which the skating rink is conducted. I might buy that I think the proprietors and managers of tho rink are just as decent and rcf'P.ectubla aa Mr. Hobbs, and con duct themselves with as much decorum. . - . U-woiild again advise Mr. Hobbs to go and.sire what is going on at the rink, and, if he sees;-;anything wrong, denounce it a.fte"rwards| und not so much on inferriic'R. '-Until he. docs.,find out something which An accident, which resulted'in tho, death of an old man nrfined William Glover, occurred on Uio farm of Mr. Joseph Arthurs, ntnr Acton, on Monday last. .. Tho facts of tho case, ns far us wo uro able to lourn, aro theso : About nine o'clock on Monday morning Mr. Arthurs, accompanied by Glover, went iiito tho bush to chop wood. Mr. Arthurs was cutting down n flaiiliifg, whim Glover rouiarkotl that it would fall in the way, and went up to the trco and commenced pulling nt it, so ii3 to iiiaki) it full in'n different direction, nt tho snnio tiuio setting his foot on a root, which gavo way and ina,le his leg slip around to tho front of tho s/ipJiiig. Mr, 'Auburn was just striking at tho tree, when tho use slipped and struck Glover on the leg, below tho knee, with full force. Mr. Arthurs immedi ately put Glover on his back und carried 'him part of the way home, when Glover told him to lay him down, .or ho would faint, Mr. Arthurs laid him down and ran homo for a team, and' when he re turned ho found that Glover was very weak from loss of blood. lie eoiiyeyed tho dying man to a house and drove to Acton for a doctor, but before his return Glover was dead. Dr. Lowry -did not ; think it necessary to hoi.) an inquest. Glover was about 58 reurs of Cardinal S*ccci Elected Iie. (Sjjcrtal to the Fnc Press.) . ' Rome, Feb. 20, Cardinal Pecci ban been elected Pope. The now Pope.'o title is Leo XIII. Tho annual Toil Meeting will be held in th CONGREGATIONAL C H U R C H, A CT ON, On tho evening of Tnursday 7th March, Tho following roverond gontlo- mon nro expected to bo present; Mr. Silcox, Toronto, 0. Duff, Spcedside, J. Unswon.h and Mr. Lynch, Georgetown, li.. Hobbs, D. D. Cameron, of Acton, and J. DavieB, Pastor. ' Do >ra Ofxm at 0:30. Tea served from G:30 to-8- o'clock. Admission, iioc. Child ren under 12, l/5o, P-. H. A'K'MSTrlONG, Tcoas. Acton, 1'Vl,. 20, 1678. 31-2t WA-TS ' : DIKI>. I , 111 n.allrriafai), on the 17th inst.,'M.ir- garot; wife., of. Peter Vcmen,^aged 80 years. ; - * -'" " . " ' ' I-..... Ll'l'S t'uf.'OA, Ol:y\'ri-.KUl. ANI) (JoM- FOKTrNf; "'IJy.ft thorough knowledge of the ijamral laws'which govern the ope'raia.iiB of .li^eHtioii and nutrition, and b; a eareful.application of the fine proa-ia-Jcff of well selected cocoa, .Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfast tablea with :a (lcli'Mitely; flavordjl beverage which: may savo us many heAvy doctors' bills, j It in by the jtidicioti's iiseof such articlqsi of diet that a constitiitioiiJnay begraduolly built up until atrongeiiough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies arctlnating around us rsftdy Ui attack where-ver there is n weak point. "We may caca'pe many a. fatal shaft by koepiiig ou/vadves well forfificl with pure blood arid ft pro perly nourished frame." Civ'd SArvicn Ouvttt. Sold only in' packets labeled . "James Kers.t' Co., Ilom.eoi.athie Chemist, i<i, Thrcadueedle Street, and 17'1-j Piccadilly',, London." ON the Moral HUMORIST Will Lecture in TEMPERANCE EfALL, I' 1' On the evening of ITo .Advertisers. .Mond&y Fefe si 3 J EOT " :Thoso wishing to have their ad vertise'ments changed would oblige us very much by sending in the copy by Tuesday atrioon if possible, otherwise we cannot insuro its in sertion in that week's paper. Oshawa seeks incorporation as a town. Scarlet fever is prevalent in some soctions of West Garafraxa. There must be a hell, for we re member having beon requested by bad men to go there.- The Hamilton and Dundas Street Railway Company have de cided to have steam motors. . It is not expected that two- thirds of the Houso of Representa tives will vote for the Silver Bill. The Court of Quoon's Bench haa refused the application of a rule to quash the Petorboro' Dunkin By law. A bonuB of 87,000 and oxomp- tion from taxoa for five yearsia offered to any jioiron who will orect a Bteam grist mill in the village of Lutherr Tho Waterloo County gaol is overcrowded nnd eight prisoners aro unprovided with sleeping ac commodation in cells. XTnlfappy priaonors they mast bo. The Milton New3 thus gives its opinion on a. matter of some inter est : " We do heartily detest tho practice quite prevalent of late of making the occasion of a church opening an-opportunity to test the extent of a man's liberality, and devise various meansio absorb the few hard-earned dollars lie niay have in his wallet, and which, if properly expended, might liquidate some of his own personal debts. Churches aro growing mud in the competitive.raco, and it is really shocking to hear of some methods ado])te d for ruising money." TUMI POE SALE ORBEN T The undersigned offers to Bell his farm consisting of about 100 acres, being west half of lot 31, flth Con. Esquesing. Good frame house and barn, small or chard and never"failing stream on tho premises. The land is of excellent quality, hetweeu 80-aml 90 acres cleared, balance is covered with good maple, beech and cedar wood. 25 acres good looking wheat in ground. If purchaser requires time ho may have it for one year, or a number of .years ; rcut shall be required jn advance. OfTera will bo received for either buying or renting until 10th February. SIMON MoLEAK, 26-Gt. ou the prcmiecu. J0II7 Jokes for Jolly Folks, 02? Society "P'amaslsQa." ;. Doors opon at 7:3j3. Lecture to commence at 8 oolo'ek. . ' .?, "/---. For partiouloxa see. hand-bills. Admission 150. jOliillron 10c, E,e3orvod Scats 25c. Prinsle's Jewellery Store, Guelpli. I TO FAItMEBS AND KVERiBODT ELSE; Why is Pringle's jewfillerjf store in Guelph tho bost place to'deal atl Becauso nil tho watch, clock and jewellery repairing is cither done by himself, or under his personal supervision. He being a first-class workman in alj the branches, and having the greatest interest in keep ing bis customers, it follows that all tbo work' will bo done well. Every job which comes into the shop is examined by him before it is taken away. You can buy watches and clocks cheaper thero than anywhere else, because Pringle having bought from Thos. Russell & Son for cash the whole of their stock in Guelph, and. got it cheap, he can afford to sell cheap. All stock bought by him in future will'bo.bought for cash. Merchants nnd traders know that this is a "great advantage. Pringle has no connection with the firm of Russell & Son, any more than he is-Btill their authorized agent for the Russell watch, which is ac knowledged to be the best watch made. G. D. Pringle has also been established as'agent for the Wal- tham and Elgin American watches, and a full line of them, from the lightest to the heavy six-ounce case, will be kept on hand. Remember that all those watches aro now bought entirely for casjh, and there fore can and will bo sold by him cheaper than they can bo got- any where else.. Beautiful Christmas goods coming in overy day. Gold chains, gold rings, lockets, brooches, <tc. '. ' 22 3m. Oxi Wuo Knows Xcnrv MACikETi*. I-'Ion r '. ..' .. > . . . . 62 ,a0 to ,'J 00 Fall Wheat, . . . .. i 15 to 1 20 SpriiigO.Vjie;.f\ .-. 0 7." to I 05 Sprouted Spring Whc at 0 75 to 1 Of) Barley . 0 50.to 0 CO Oats .. 0 "0 to 0 3-t Teas ... .. 0 o0 to 0 G5 liutter (fresh rails) . 0 15 tail 1G flutter ("salted rolls) -. . . 0 12 to CIS Lard (light) . .j . 0 10 toQ 10 Lard (dark)- . 0 03 to 0 0'J K:s {new laid). "' - . 0 14 to,0 15 Chiekeaa -.-'. - . . 0 05 to 0 -05 Oeef-.e .: :'. OOotoO'05 Turkeys ^T,. .. o (it; to o og Potatoes, per-bag . 0 fi'J to 0. 70 Apple.?, par b\g.. . . 0 75 to 0 90 Hay, j>cr tou, . . j 10 00 to 12 .00 Syria] to tii. Yv.v.v. I'liKi-*, prr Domi.f lull Lisif. , - Grtia-u, F. Fi'iii\; per '100 Wiritfe lVhe.it, pc-rjaid. Trt^'hvell - ila- .Sjiring Wheat. '. Oats,' .. . . Barley, , Peas . . ... Hay, pert .a - .. . E_r;,'-, per doz: Batter, per lb. Potatoes i>er ba^ Hogs, per CWt l.Uiickcns per pair '. . Geese .Turkeys ... . Ducks!...... :>. 21 st,. 1-878 Cits') ta i :r> LIO to 1 18 , 1 '10 to 1 15 0 '.90 to 1 00 0 H3 to 0 S5- 0 -1,5 to 0 03 0 o'S.to 0 65 . 8 00 to 10 00 0 17 to'O IS O -14to 0 IB O GO tr, 0 4 M to 5 OO to 0 -80 to I 70. to 1 40 to 0 NW DOMINION BOOT^i SHOE STORE 0ppos^e^r'M-': KBiriTET & 30ir :Wjsh to call the attefitioh' of iu; ' . habnants of the Vil We of ii ' 79a stock or ? - Jain< BiioT*,.sBbaa a SEoogw Comprising alPtb? latest stl."- Boots and .Shoes. ' ^'T^m <)rdered Work rrceiTesour'gw,";' attenuonj KepalriDg pr0ffl%^ 'V -i^ ' ' .'>-: . Is well (supplied'witfi V Teas, Sugars, : . Fruits, i^sciiits, 1 Tobacffetf, Soaps, Co^ees, t&c, &J Please call and' eJaminebur.Stock> KENSEt tm.Acton, Dec. 121877. J. E. Mc&ARVIN'S S f> B ?^ p^' n if! r WOERS 05 00 00 00 f Of)!/ 00l iTl^ I J. W v,' *C , - DONE AT i p., ' ." ...'..' -k., C.-W.-HiLL'S' - - ' ' '- ' " PMJQ&MPM JQAiLEBV AU tinfi.3 of Houl4ia2:3 Sjpt ia 32-Cni MJie the best iii> USB/ P ^^0'37035a- J".E.McGAE Vm, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST Mains Sttcec, Acton." The undersigned is prepared to do ail k.nds of WORE^ wiln neat- neiia and despatch, on th* '- ' sin H.lest notice, anil at (he- ' most seasoiiahle i p'rieei..-. iieiieep^ constantly on, . hand all kindsiof ;" '.- and STOVES.' 'r--' r * ' oT tb.e latest UesigB^j ' Japan ^are^Etc. AH order3 for Kepairing and ere-'j troughing strictly attended to. POAL OIL A SPECIALTY. Call and be convinced thai tb ( 4hope statements are not baldw " dash or frothy babbliflgs .WM. L;!Tai-Trbp'4e'<'r. L Acton, Dec. 29, lSTJ^ ' ;. \ ] PIANO &PARL0B0RWJ IXSTElTCTOfi ' V r-i- s & ShoiUu CRAIN-E &"'S0N have iLT just received a full line of GOODS, ' "OVEI2SI80S ilContaliilng the elements I'fmBgMJl*. eai-y ami prosresslveexo/ciieirKtp?"^ . the player-m the art. of njntjSJ "!/ piano or orgau). to which !<" - - ratio Melodies. Dances, cto.,ni"w- slit Ope iel F. ricntty, Wnshlnjrton.jiaf J""J| one or the best TrorSs bl Its ttno^'Ii'~f - irodticeii, aud should be in the."* !,?, every piano and organ player.. BeniJ" paid toauv part oitbe United 8ttW" Canada for only flrty cents. tt*P? *5 having been reduced- to >n"?SS-f' everywliere. Address P-V*"^ HEATTY, VVashtagton,Ie'W Jeraey. jtob, s^.i^B-." ' - _' ^ . r. The uudersignccf .offers for ^J^' desirable . property situated.on u ^ street, now occupied by Mr. Vg^. Camer&n a3 a store and dwelling. ^ property is in first class con&tio . ; with a cood eellari Terms liber*>- Forfurther particulars apply to -._ BESSES. ^DAKUSCtgit Or, '^ W.H. STOREY, Astoa- ! Acton, /ug. 22d, 1S77. _^_ , AND RUBBERS' for winter use". . t.THE..GREAT CATJSp !0F KUSSAM MISESTi 't'-' We have rocentiy published anfJJ^j, tlon ot r.4:9vcrweir il^JSnt eor4 tn on me rndltal and_perma"tiiiwi- SPBOIAL ATTENTION &IYE2T TO 0B.DERE3 "V70EK, Repairing promptly attended to. CRAINE & SON. December 17, 1877.' .* I ';' i ' "" I excesses. '-,_ . , __ j,_ifreent* ^ f rice; ta a soiled envelope-.<>Dly,,,i or two postage stamps. admtr- Tho eelobl-nied author. In V^.^^ able y.ssuy clearly demonitrMes, ^ thirty yr,rs- sneoesstul prue^oa||jf ularmlBfrcoti80aUPBCesroay^*nnUr- cured without tho dangeroijjww* -j^ nat inedloino or tho aprtlcaUOD^ rf Ntnlfe; pointing out a nrteJJc. W once simple, certain, and |f^S mans ofwhlchejery8Ufrercr.no what his cnniirtr*} W Sn'd?"*J him-clfcheaply," ^'^Yn theh** * Ti.ls I.ecturo shohld be In " * every youth anflevory man H> """- ;rostCinijeKoxi580 " r

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