Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1878, p. 4

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V jg-z_ -I ^VWitiSWSMCS3!nW.<i.BMiW&^Wi*i7^>l^'^'13 THE FRRK PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., APRIL 4, 18^8. KOHKlUmi'S DAUllX;. nil and r.vT^vu nml The vve.rr-.-n Ma,s e. ' !v\dumHa, i;r,\\... And Lent with Hip chill of tin' wiuU'.v's dV. uL_-* A parly iif yiiiiii:; ..ui-n are about leaving Kincardine for .In'iti-.di A hi in haa ncni-ly tulkt-d Lim self tivdea!Ii in kot.n fount v. Ij'ali -' The s'tvet v,.,s vtotvtith a rcre.it pmiv I ,-. Unoun And the M'oraan s tcet were imeil nn.l ,. , ',. , -,. . -. jfIow ' | us Murphuo iiimiv,.; In \va;;or : ..U -i, ' ', <-. p-.on "(.lLin:i I'm She stood .it the etvs-ui:.' <md v,a::ed I , ,- - - ,' ' *-" is, . without in: i-rr-iip! inr.. nn.l v.iili no " -..ll-.rUv. I"!'"'!' sti.iiulantjth.in IV Jam. whist None h. - -dv.\ 4.h: ' ".' ' "> t f|.T ;>l'l\ivv.;s ! ki'V. wliii'll W Us.d <> ! it' f-Ulllished ill ?\o. | tins'in'.eil . .imiu'tiiics- ;if (ho losn-'s J,..,. .,,.,1 .;,,,T.. 'i'V|iri::.,'. d'i.f :i;;'l"'J'. tahell I'Y I),>-:i !'>.- sir.' i -.-. :;'i :...uliior -.nd *;...'.:( <xi.viifi.t'::.'T.-.. ':. ::. .-1 h 1 oa i." t'.irae tin- hoys, like a the!; ""sheep. ll.vliiig ti;c s'.nnv. plied write ami deep. l\ist the woia-in s>. old ami iT.'.y, Hastened iho children itu tboir way. -~">\.r e'.l'cred a hclmm: liA'.i.n.. h-v, Sd ir.i'o'.i, so timid, r.fr.id to stir. Cest the carriage wheels or the horses' lee-, Should crowd licr down in the slippery flri'i t. At Ir-si came one of the merry troop Tlso u.iycst l.-.ddie of all the grorp : vc.?c,l Iiomiu- !itr unrl whispered low. " I'll help you ^cn'ss it y^:i wish to go." Her acc3'.-rfin on his stront; younc ;tnn 4ho I'hu-od. ; i'.d so. without hurt or . I or - l.'.!'i".-, mnl iij? ol-;it'i)|-, niounUli:: tlio slump. I>i.;;ui ii li!ii-.iiij;uo on ( ho ; ul j'Cl of Kcaiiu'V ami tlio kfllM oi" tijll. - 'iTl'o ^t ill was itiailr \\l vs:iii* u.m. |-0:.>0 .p in. l!:o. ili')nuiii.li hail- 00:10 unnii Oi liar lliu'i'; liuu'S to o.iioli livatli. with no vi|siUU>" .hoioasv' in Mm plu^o's stoolc of -words. At rJ-.Stl tlio .I'.ovt uioiniu ; Koaitioy lia:5 boon ilisposod of, t.;:;o'.!icr with tilt' con touts \'f a. uo: hor doin ijohn. ,\ n aryuir.oii! in fa\or .>:' the ('liiii".-.' Was tholl tal'rli 1:1;. M iiiplnio'.- artionlatio:-.' at 7 a. ju., lioonnr ratlu-i- Iinshy ai: 1 tlio Uooad of his ai';;iuuont r.ithor, tl^iVjo.ull to loilow. I *t !'!? 3 Oil n <^ H i o ' g3 m 4 \j 6 n &* p5*'TH J. J; <5 d a *4J \< <; m 5* pq ^ 'O - tfj .fe t > <t ' ^ r I nJ . IcOABVlN Chomist & Druggist, .Mcnibor pf Oollego of rharmany i- lly Kx iinination, Nrt!i Hhlp SIU1 Slroo.t, ACTON OI^T. DANIEL -F. .fiffiATTY "S ! ^ I - =: ut luj- ki.'pt ut i'. OnV hot..of i?7<J; f*larai ; Ho ^-.'.idod tho trcmMiti.c-toot nloni.'-.' P.-cnui th.lt his owu T'oxo tirm_ and strong f " ' Thi"i '.'irk s-Jr.Hi to !.is '*:i.Mu".s ]u- won:. His v.'.J|il; luL-.r; !.sj'".'\ and u\ iloont.11.. " She's jsornvboay's 211.1tIv* r, l-w-ys. yoa k'.njAv. f 1 ; For .ill, jho's njcil, tvr.J. \'-\'r, ':iiul :-'rt".v : 1 l 1 'Hi position 0:1 v'.io oh iii- j o\ in 1 w.is otVi't'i'il anil iH-ivp'oil tl.a' ho 1 wi.u'.il-i>t holil i.'\>\ , as ho had .swat U-w i'il,' ilu' in 1 ti;o tiio.o of ih ii\ 1 rv-. ) four -iHous ,f whi hoy. Whu: iiino v/a.s' at 1...-'. i'.i.o .1, atul iho / \0 8 . GUI But not Destroyed. O.TTI .\ rprp-v PI.1NO1 "a l: Y>'" aS'ii I'l'iii. ;i:T', an nl-t vi TVS i'KJ,l- - JiHA'L'ljU- <i H.lllN lllMilir.ll I'AII. |.^lt ulti i 1 .Vjiiv.Mi/' sn i'.'i< .'.I li'iioil aial lno^.1 r' 1 U-i-l. Ills! : i.HO 11'S i-li I l. foi 0 in all I 'ii'S.,1 ril In iln-- in' any < I r. cimn. tr,. ilio ' ill 1 1.- i'"allolii 1 il id ci|liir, 'llUltl, II Sl Ml l'"ll|ll^ "lol li-l 111 - lll'l hi- for- ^lv- p. line ii'i'ii'ii 11.111I0 t-rloisl now ii-.nli- to Jo t r^, 11:1-11 siiilol tin- Ira I" in ;:"Hor!il, . All olid. 'I'Ih.'si . lilo- ln.it "il In -t ri.in 11 s i I'll- r Ijano 01- 11 ;:.in' li;i\oii an.I slilpi ill .'iJi.\ ivhol'o, on ; _ O" r lll'li'.-li 'lavs' |. >1 liln!. Mi 11 > 1"-' JUST AER1VED, A uplendid m of .Spring B^ots &Lsiip:s -at rnK- CEriTRAL & A HOE STORE. Call ard c~cniir,o them Ijcfsio 3 f ECIAL ATT^ITTIOK. GIVJCiT r n ti s i] 5: U i i i'tt I \1 La Aolon, M11 ua.;.'i' doo! ir.-.i f.iiilv won, .1|nr- ' o's iH'W'oi'-i of 1 nd;ira'o'."j v. oi' Having ma.loJarr tnuomn-it,) witl> Mr. Miu-li,']l,.(ir .\iilion lor an j f"'"l'"' ani m 1-1.1 .'i.nrv.-. |...nl iii.ih !. . ' ' '" ! <> y\ .-. it III 111V 11 in- lll.satl~ln'li'i\ . V ally Atid 1 h^-pi1 501:10 tVIiow will lot; '. :: h -: "To lu-ip ray r.u-tlior, yo-.i ;:t:dor.-:.'.:i-i ; If over she's poor, av.o old, raid itray, NVhcn her own v'.er.r hoy is fitr ..it;:- ."' And ^.-'oii.t lioav-'s lu-'ther " l>. \i ed ! - - her hv=.l -i in h i- ^-i'm-- thr.t ni.uhr, r.:itl the l-^a;, 1 she s-iiil .haus'.fil. Ho t'.;! lVnin his i't.,1 ' ' :".al "u.aopiu-y (or ilu> salo of ; j Sr.rh.por.-3. Jrry.a-jj, ';Io-.ilAia!r vVa-.nccot. Jiidin.7. c::.'.. " 'U, lurun^' I'isii', his lips in t! Is _>o!:ti..n. I'iiM.f. I'.iil ami soo s 1111 iiii'K.. ,fi!iiii."..vi stui niin-o.l. ^--plo.- of inmii tin-;, ,U\, nolo: __________________________ -- ______-. ; chasnig olsou he; o.' I \s-.H i-..nt.-a'a' sl\ > . ;il> :.s st 1 no'\-lll>l^" o'ii-s. |.'.\Tit.\(iK!>IN.\UY I.M'.r:ii.M. Ill -I'ai: '. 1'- .41. 01, in I'lni olo s -Si'..111 ill-, I I, . s.. Hall.-, Minl-loi.-. Ti'i.i lo is, i-iii., I In -iiili-r in luii- Hi -in it:! 1'n 'ilia"I at unci' 1 wli-aii' 1 I'uvo an ai;. nls. T'liii'isainls now 1 am proj-.r,.! fin-t.i,,, !tny of r^^n^U i^7\"lW%M> ""' s. in II'. .'..' K- a'.llsl.. .1 In i-vi. ami. s OAMJEL-F. Bt-ATTV. W'a-'.l' 'an.11. .Vol Ji'l.f. . mass el ., -,a am w..:.-..-,. . ,, (|lU (j(4,> (,ol|1_ V.";.s Who !-.y. ad p:tde...... ^y-r'5 Oatiiai'tiC ir'ins, BLt.?JD3 30 GENTS .P2R FDOT. P"or tla.' rolitf -!>'lal!y thinking cu-tonurs for -' I'll". By reaillnp nnil praetlclm ' the lnf-ntiinable tru'.U* coir : taimil tn the best iticdica I book ever l*ur(l, cnti^le-i' .............. ,. . . . . - - _. _,-. _i.si:Li---viti:sBnvATioji 1 Hid euro 01' all 1 a-,1 fai. -rs am! liopm -j -I il I to merit a I T W If SB* S. pIVicconl>-$l. SentbjBial I ;"-::i-:i'Mf!l!s i;i 1 ,jr ',,. U 1 - i-.iie.-l.. lit- i' .. 0i ->olr Patl'Oinigo. 1 ' ' ^eats orExhau.tcaVitnlitv.IVem.itnre Decline '- ! i-iit|... 1 1 * am respootluliy joura ', Kcrrons mid I'lij tical pcb'llity, anil tlic cmllest I ^, Grcccries, Cro'ckary. Ci-1 E -cr.iii'.i. -iift v v ' ' s a i'.ii!.l'i and :.n TH'io. liiinA.';!-:, Ajjont. s<"tiio. I). :u.i;t': Ai-t l'if. -V.li.IS77. Kcrrons ttnd I'liytical Debility, and tlic cnaiest I A , w . r B t T: conconiitunt ills and utitold miseries that rc.ui:i '. f ; tf'5 [' t? thi n from, ar.ilcontolas more than 6!)ori^'ln:il pro , ; \ e u y~'J f- jcriptions, a^iynne of winch Is worth the price ol : . v '-' " * h"P :.t Mr- i) .rt,)::*^ f,ul ,", ..-------- ----- ' 'iiilv I Ihn ooofc .TMbpokwaswnttcnbyfilicroostcj \^ l.A \'\\ .,: .. 1 i"" 1 - ^^ "" -fv * s r~ tcn<ivc and probably the most sUilfulpractitionei . in Amerrca.tbvrbomwasiiivardcdaRoldatidjcvj i .\nt\ t0 arrive clled medal bylhe N'ational Medical Asrociation ;; (iET YOUII Picture . Framing DONE AT C W.HILL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY' Ail l:indo of Mouldings'l:opt-in Ptec3s.. :i'2 (itn ; :T.SB-'AJTON .V JOB I'UIXTING fallkind'H neatly ill > rntnytly oxooutccl nt tli Kitp: rK'kss okihck. Scxi llic i'o<t O/licc ,11111 rilr<-c. r-s*- is the -cli 20, 1.87S. Tt'IE" OLDEST fcnOCESY HOUSE IN ACTON Is the plnro t) get gooil cheap : atd !CK 1 t-^iLS.J i. j U "> s Ci J'j .-v..-': ',.',. A I'amphlet. illustrated with the very IibM a mar. ' * --- -nd t V ;t;,n ',|||..- : I : t ..-in-'-.i'i ,;-.,-i I ill'-e s :..- e .-. . E-jr I: I :Viy C ;, " \ I.' Cr.t.r Ki-. .a l ".'. eN:: F'.r v.^r - ' f'.- -' it :> l%-! 1. .; rBEC to all. Send ,-v .-..is .I.-r-eiv olIl,.tiin, M u ,r lt at oacc. Aildresi :. rial--------=--------------------" - ________ PEABODY MEDICALi mark.: instituti:, xo. -t Bui. .a ex- : - M'S'lO ! v ir.-Iiv i '! .-:,,,. : I---------"---- u i'l-ly of fcici St., Boston, M!l. THYSELF Ir. a tinitlc.1!! row one P'.'t.", of <I'lai ke iewnsliijr, 'killed a noir;iibor nnned OneLiap.i. 4- boinis of $05,000 is being talked tip in Weiteley for a r.iil- n-ay from Onir.gevllle t.3 Stfitford. The school boys of London, On-. tano, evidtntly take an interest in w^r news. Tiie. I'/oi.-'iV-'y- says that ono'of iiit most popular games there is entitled. '-Tut Its and Hooshians." The i;cvE leiye noth ing undone fro render . the combat j. 2 complete S'icc?as. and th.o other uay Fi-unk Weijl>'s leg .was bre-ken. ,-a n*a tli? v.-.: .- ::i-r. Flir.rii- I'i , v.i:'.. '.: tae a o' ?r to - ( '. - /'- -"r. IF*-- &&* S"1:I(;)I, 'i'KA'JHEIiS : You can o isily increase youi-jsalary by I ilevotii t; .a "vary Email jiortion ol J your it'istiie time to my inte're'st. 1 j do not expect you to canvass for I my celebrated Beat.t\ 's i'ia'nr 5 "ai J , tlrsniis unless 'you see lit to; bwt the sei'viee I rcipme of you is fiotli pleasant and profitable. i;nll par tic'ular- free. .Aihiiess P.AMKI, F. BICATTY, Wosliington. New Jersev TTallPapor, V : In the latest Sty also 1;< ej Mftsrs .- tiich'r- ";: '. ' OR/UJE'S fELE3.1ATD QALVE ..I t 5y.-;>t>i:-.i-.! -t inii~rMleu. X..l^f- - I'i It/ ...i--. ^^taw*. !-.'>'.iies. SLaniru :r. rai'i 5xi^^ of ,t;i;e- tiro, they t-'aoi'i.i I.-.- :ii:e:i ino-1.Tr.teiy- pi A Sure U.-liefriir Ihr MBiTiTiT. 'ia6pw-Blir.s, &c. les nvil Patterns. I (}n htUKl a few of Inn ly <t Die- , celchiaied I.ANCBTC-OTH The boh now will be soldiijo duce. GROSi-CUTSAWS. in use. All goods vv for cash or. pro r.i'ate the =t.-ui^e!i, ;uid restore its health' tone and : :!. h'v? ILiTrr (\->:ilpIaln: .Tr.::,:t? vnrir.;;5 rv.inioia?. f.'i.i-i.i:.. E!p.'.<li-.cbc. Sitclj ESwail-^cIle. .T;tjriuic< or<rrt*u Srrli- nen, Itilion* ft. lie .".r.i! I?!![o;: >".-- rr. trey .-'a..';" 1 I i. e.i--:. 'o-e. t.. : -..C"! a -lieu, or t'TjiTM-tiTerv -' :itvit, la'.t or.e ria.i'.uiKD r.v SE i'H W. FOWLS & SONS, S|li ll.VUnt.SO.V AVKSl-E, .BuiiTOV, rtAsri. GRACI.'-S rKl.lCUUAPi'I) SAI.VK, Is a 'Ve '-ta.b:. I'.-t'inra'.ioa, San Frai.ci.sco noyv occupies wit }i Ciiicago the prou-i prrStiois of beitig -" eioad broif." There is ii'jt enough wor.-v h-ft ft. provide ft-od for the- 1.S.I-.-.-S .,f t'li: fire th-part- I - lufnt, Thecity has an i-pjnesstv. ly - heavy d-b: ;o:i it-." si..--phleii al ready, but k will ho fij;c.e.| to add f-o the burden now, or "put op its iahtjtCcrs. 1 >-r t^h I'liiuhtNin, C-'<'.c?, Arrive?. "ilJ:it::>n oftiip Eleilrr. E-j!n in t!:c- Mills. i:-ack. :.r..i r.oin*. pay -h.j.ii.J in.-ent<--<l in th.-17th o-ntu-.y l.y Dr.W'i!- : ',-': :'-~ ,."'.::I.L"<i".V-'o.::"."" U ..pur Or..c-. S'j-.-L'i in Kius Jani.-s- '.V-'..,.,,-: " "" antiy. -Tiinamh its a-euey lie "area ,!JP&H'Z ' """ ' " -" ....... --.i.i ... ... -_. .... i .- - p.inin,,,,.. piiysaiats of His iLt>~,u>.(l was i rcirirdeil by all wiio Jtiiew ii'iu is a pub- P- r ."li;"ar**i.slni:. a ]:l-- - ;.en. .--'it iir'o<iu--e.- tin! .:-;ir.-i! ea i-^ to '.a 't'ne t:.e e: ! i>- lc l'-'n':"':'r't"r- >/ ', it.iok -". ccs'ts a nox. A- a lii-,it J'!!!. An' .'.'a;; ': ,:,' ']" r,e r-rtivo J'j^'.s t-a- i -1; } Muckiy, the C-alifonii-i uiillion- aire, <::,:> r- r J.'Uh iiov. S'.ewa.it. the X.."v - York _ i..iilio!i.iiri", ' mp.:.~io thit- cotintry a poor Tri.-h hoy. Wti miglit jfive o'lier illustrations, Lir these two are su;i:.-i"iit to sliow- ihat 'oar s- riiLT^'ii:.^ Ameiican yomiis- mad.: n'o.-eat mistake J.;, not .coming to tliis country pot r Irish boys. MorrUt-jTrllernld. -As a rat.roa.l train was passing tiirousi'i 'he for'-st, about 3.3 mil^s from K-ingo'.ri, Indii, a -Lort time *JO, (hiven by Mr. S'filie,. In.;.mo - tive snprriiiteinient, assisteiL bv M'. Stewart, locomotive Sreittaii.a large elejih-ant was seen to break t!nniiih the^Jens.' ani^ get on 'lie li: e. Sle.nn_Wiisi:liiit off, and .Mr. .Stone trieif to open the waste coek. wliioh. being in front of the engine, .von! I. 3i_ij^ectiri2 hot vv.ifor koui". disVanc" /ihe^/l7in7rTrt>i>" tsirik-." to leave th." "track. The coefcvw.-'.s slightly r.iifi'i and could not reiiThs: be opi-u.o). and the enginp was snjff-siiiiori . tj;.. Unfdrl.unate beast. Tiie beno?r-4irid t lrned and lied on .s"eing the enu'ihe but Was speedily caught. The imfT-r beams of the engine being Vhry loo/, the beasl's hind legs were taken from under lriin..'an<l he was icrced to sit down, us it were, with Jiis h7ndcpiartei-3 against the smok--- jiouxe iloor, which v.ms, of course, red-hot. 'J'he poor beast inaiiaged to keep his fore-feet going, though Jmstl'-d along faster tleiu ever he liad gone in his life before, una jn p. few minutes the train came ty n fita.ndst.il.'and he got away, II. mover! off tho line at-the ilouid", . upi'DOU'd ai.clump'of liamboo, then : wniu'jcfcj <],ru v-iigeauce.on "a tree, an<J was.hmt sacn ru:diiri<_' through tbi junjxlo, Ir-.-'.i-ingT :iij.1 inas.1iirig vVrytiii!it{ iii' lii>.."'j,:fj|. ; H .y;e XaiYly c-.il and'hur.'.r.ll in -the^ hind qiiiii terrs. and will probably never be of t nji'i again. The rnahou- luclti.y . jeapeiifwith 1MS life, v/i.-J. tiiose nti, th-e !pn:,i:p. 1:|..v ' !;!lr .}v ^ igi'-ftuliiti? t'uoriis.-jves on the../ . , . . '-.v-'Jiia'-i .' -.oi\ - :.-..-e,':'-'it--. :.:.'. a:'.lira-. '. "a i.'-- Ivanli : '.]. "lo-t: lanl-'tfin. - e y,V.-r._ in:.;:.: - ):ii,i f.,-1 .ie.'-ii. '3 _- na:i'.ii:i:n nv Dr. J. f AYZU &. CO., Prac'vical Chem.':t3, :,oir;;/.>..-ti.se.. r. s. .1. ' roe sac*;: i-.v .lis, dc "Wi^r.s ::vi;::vv/Jir:'r.t ..I . I tE.ltXS ( ItttBItlTLB S.iLVT. : fl-ilKS. ' ri.iair -.rnrMo, riaziix i.f-ii:s. salt !:i:i:i'M, I'liiniu. vl.v"--, sn:i: iii:>:ast, sn::-: i.jp.-,, i:uv--i p;:i. \ s, pi.mi- lo.ua.-.r.ii.i.r-i^, -i'a i.i. iin^ij I'llAI I'FI. IIAVIIS, ::;a:vs, c..:.a ::l:>, Ktp.'^rs S'.o.l", sous,-" tria'K'as, sumo, sursoi.its. Ki>r;:i:s., . \vi::.s, sin s, pir.l s -"' , ai: ::- ',. 1 ma Ki.its, Il'-s'I'.NS, sl'il \ I.N', - -., It"ll.^, 1:1 tf:s, . ens ' Whitlow.-; WAilTS, IlI.I-TllflS, T.l.V. it-I ei.r.s, .-. ii.vs, sorit\A', it. 11, 1 Kicn'ii 1; N.vir.s, Nitxr-i.:: j:-\sir, . ML'.sstfrri. am. .1.1.1 mi i:.-vsrrn;.i: ^riwi.-, _ ' ' , And all cutaiieaii- ilisea^. s and 'iiiplioiis i e,.M,.r.,i|y, ' Forsale by all Uru^rists, itrorers. and ______j at all o ami .'More--1 nroiulii.'.il 1 lie I.'ni- . ., -'->. ! I'm! SLut'-s ari-l Jlrltisii l'roviiHcs. .Price Fot restusring to Gray Hair its ! by inaii.;iee:.ts I ;rie.i-n*.ol TT-ifnllt-ri ns.^ /^I^l___ i _________________________'.________________ I'*e are prepr.re.1 to pay the highest. '. ^: h price West of Toronto for all t-l.1r.se:. Ill Sboo'iiskins and Calfskins in ij'"'d eonilitimi delivered at our ' tannery. H'e wish it to be distinctly- understood that we pay the HluiiltsT I'PKK fur' Mich. Fanners will study their^intcr- e-ts by brimrine their skins to lis, in- .ite.-.il of BelliiiLt them to .Miil.lleii'tii and I!eddkT3. , . STOKKY, .MOOKJ; & CO. Persem: le.ivintr skins at the factory of \\~ H. Sroriitv t'c Co, will alto re ceive the, highest price.for them. Mill feb. !3lh, 187S t'ash forlSidcs. CHARLES f. HILL, j rot-t. Ax ton; tr*i>?s- ' V T3H 'S3: *. AyerJ's inatnral Vitality and Color. -A-dressing ' pnoTor-RAPlIhlHS shoui.i, for- fhich i-- '^ ward aie thf 11: liddPess if/They "J wish to obtain-a Piano or Di'gin in HOI'OURA.PIILU.S slioulilt for- ey ____ .,........... .____ -. -.gin in once agi-eoa- ; excjnnf?fi tor Photogra|>iiino. Ali ble, healthy, j'firess D^VIEL F. Uliai'Tr," Wash- and effectual j mgton, New Jersey. for preBerr- I----------------------------:-------'-.----------------. ing tne Lair. It soon re stores faded. or gray Jiairi-, to its original color, with the gloss andfreshTiess of youth. Thin hair is thiekened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness oftea, (.Lough not always, cured by its uae. ^Nothing can restore .toe hair .where the follicle^ are desrriijed, or the glands atrophied and -(delayed; jbut such as remain can bej^savod by thls^elkatjiDn^jirid stinfulated infn actprttr, 3o~rnat~3~ne)r-growtf- of hair is produced. Instead of fouling thp hair with a pasty sediment,'.it will keep it clean, and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair from turning gray or falling off,. "ind consequently preveiit baldness. The restoration of vitality it givea to the scalp arrests and prevents7 the formation of (landri'iiF, which is often r;o up cleanly and oflensive. Free from tliose deleterious sub stances which rnake some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to fee hair, the Vigor can only benefit, hut not harm it. If wanted mereV for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing" else can be found so desirable. Oontain- ;r!g neither oil nor dye, it -loes-not soil white cambric, and jet lasts .erig on the bfiir, giving 'j-p rich, >ilos?- In^tre, and a gratefn. perfume. Prepared by Dr. J, C, Ayer & Co., y-lctical and Analytical Cneml- '. z.otrET.7:, j<r,Lss. " ow f.r all DituooisTs Krrny'uEES Mtimfimm mills - li.-W. CAM-PIJKLL, Prop. Y PS A HO IHTJ A N I? C3= There is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who lias received as many iinPi.limited iiiilorsou ents as has Mr. P.oatty. ' l'roii) every .State and Ter. ritory comes the same verdict. "They are the best in;, theworld " Illustrated Advertiser. {Catalogue Edit ion) free. Address T)A NlKh f. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. XaS7"A\*TEI>. ' ' Ladies ami gentlemen to learn Telc- graj.h Operating for offices opening in the Dominion. .Stamp for answer.. Address .Manaoiu;. : ' Box !'.").">, Toronto. coNsurviPTforj cured. IIr.ving,purchn.^ct.l the aliovu nanu-il est.-ibli.shiiiunt, I a:ii- prup.ircd to inaiui- facLure SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c All lund.-t of r'n * & 1 * A ^ Pii.mp.tl}' attended to. " j ' 1>. \V. CAMPBICLL. r Acton, De<'. -ith,' 1S77. '.2t>-3m Bi^AXXX!B..r,;|;;'"-\;g 'ES 3 '\ P*? (?*v 5 "'"' I'll'rlKbt, are $i 8 J*i K'J " *$ pi'Otioiilieeil by |l,0 ."--* inil tlio people AND tis I. lie most l.eiiuiifu I aniisiveet- .--A*-y est ton.-cl I'lanos ev. r mai.nlactur- r& -rr> f* A t?i8:'s5 ' "' -s-r.l on .# - ' 5.-.V 4. ZtyS)' i.i I trial and e l'rC^-J^2CZ32VSSiaiSBE2>-pi-(iii.,nii(-e(l tlif .VAG5-Si-:GTO. >.frii-_tn_th--wm-ia NEW J ~.H-i'S ii. 1! 'ally's e-lebraieii ol 1-n Pi-ne'iiea . r.-n'lnr ili:m, ..Any inauiit.ietsirei eleilleii^e.' Li. ei]li.-il tn.Tii . I'uc\- pn-;sess po'.ver, .i.'ptli, hrll ianey iinlVympailietle .delicacy, I'X.pi.suely iicatil-ifiijly's'iloell'eeis', anil Hie only slap lotion ever invelilTil niateainol l'e i|is- I'rraiiocd l.v use. Tlio Ij .'Hows cipa.'liy p: so ureal thai lint little e/Iorl lsro(|iili- r..l tv-itir tlio fee. to K!tpp!> all the nlr necessary. Br-st mnileaii.l mosl elqti'liit 'lasi'K lii the tnarltoi, ^11 snllil \vned Tli am --nil-. I'lvci".' I nst mi in 1 <iit fully., hr- rkntcil for six years.-est' let l.v lii'st-jjlasn, :iiiilMiin (inlrom a to ! "> ilays' test trial. Adilr.-s JKVIIil V. BtAT.Ti'.Wusllli",'- ton >.ow Jersey.'. t 1 :.-.] Ii'im n.'.Oc rrar- n Imnit. t.\ m. linM jai 11 ..I ii Yijs'ailili' I 1 iriiiniiriil cut- ol' . AN flI.l.rtIV.Ir|.\. 'Hi, luivii'^ l,a ,,-:i,, ,1 I.nli.1 Mi.Koi-Vav i; . llHiii-dj' 1..I- Hit->j.1 til, CoiiKiiiiijitioii, Ai'.Uitut, i.yulicUUiH, - (ittii it!t, rml nil Tbrnnt r^a T"--- ^rAci-'r.^H: n!-o 1'o-iiiv ?, ^ r,c. lnl.lv o:tl n.l .\rit-..!i* ('..aa.'.-i -i'.. nlli-r liuv- iiiK' tiiarnu-lrt- ao.-.l il. \-...i.,l ,tu; tur.-aiti- l""|'l If il'U......3l'll> "I ITS.., In-a |l Iij. ilntl' |,i MEkf It ki'..v.ii 1.. 1,1. m.iI.O.,- u ill.-.,;. ..itn. otcfl l.y III.......:ii- ma! 1. <,..,., mi: ii. 1:1. .I.-Ort- ... relieti- 1.....iiUi .iiil.ra:;:. l.t- t.i.. .,],.! la.l-.l I). -CIIAJa.l:. I,. :! tt'l,.. il.-.ir.- il..u,l. r.-c-i-..-- witlllilll Jirt-,-::..|;t l..r e:. j :ai.-^ wv K..-H-..| I,.- ly no.,?. Sim l.y ,,.! U-i.ll 1'.i.iii|i, minium t|a.-|,:|i,.r. l 11. ('. sriAKNS, U.B.V. JJui-ui, I1IH....VII.I.I1. Osr. Ki a few days a lull NEV/ D0MIKECIJ BOOT s LSH0E STORE Opposite Agnfw's Hotel, Main ' - Street, Acton. Wish to call the attention of the in habitants of thfc Village of Acton ' and vicinity-to their irumerise sto^k of BOOTS, SHOES & GE.O0SP.IBS- Comprising idl the latest styiefe-in Boots and Ishoes.. - OrdereJ Work receivesourspecial attention. Repairing promptly at tended 10. . '? Our Grocery Department Is well supplied with Teas, Sugars, Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, : - Coffees, Sic, Sz: BEST NEWSPAPERl .fi, *T PaMisIied & Haitoa Gouafcy I til Ai tt<} OrVLY'il ' f --i *- . ' v- -PI $ -Please call aiid examine Our Stock. !.".: KESSEY t SOiv Acton, Dec. 12 1877. I ^ "V ,AT THE la*-' iS ! l^er yiar, in advance. g-tjelfh:. Be t malse in -"fiaglieli aiad:.American "WMte ' Oottea?. Best.make in Ga-nadiaa Ootteas and S3aegtings. ^cst (Seeds"made in and Shirtings. J-CtST OPENED Another lot of Josephine -Kjda, in black diud colors. Another lot df handsome cheap Embroideries. ; fj':'.' Alwaysioj'iii:ig.New Goods at the Fashionable-"West End-|-the Leading I louse-Jin tlie Tnule for Choice Goods. ' j , 1a. Q> 'BUC'HAMk FaslilonaPle W-est JcnU Dices, Millinery and Mamie Fstubllshmei.t. Guelpli, .Mai-en 1!. 1S78. _ _^ rnno bf-siness me.v. if v..u a. -want niUhendf, Ktateir.pntF. Lel- tju- hentifi, Knvelones, Mercantile I'llnt- ln'g,of any kim1, done In huslnrsss-fylo, semi your -onleis to the Kiike Pn'i'.ss ojllce. .Satisractlon guaranteed. S Any person who will make _______> iind forward me a list oriho names of reliiible persons ol Inei).ac quaintance- wlio-vvish to proiurtfii in", strument, either f.iano orOrpriT., I vi'ilp. .isctny host enilenvors to Sell them one, iiiul.Tor everv 1'la'no I sticcredin sellmi; to t he i i Us! wlfhln ore year, 1 ve ill credit, them villi $10,1111(1 for eveyy OrtouiiJ5, to t>e applied on payment of either a 1'lnno or < h'jran; nnd when It amounts to a snm.ruifnelcnt to pay f. r an instrument selrcte.'at t e Iovitsi fvhol^mile urlcp,- I vtlJIImm.'diatt'lyship theinstrnment, free, or a fie rany a)*' )anl is creillted the iinlfiner- inn.v be i-.iid me in rnslinntl t will then n Ii I j-i thrni the Instrument.. T! . >' n"eilnntbe it-novrr. Jn ti.e nmltrr. nml wil I be deinfi thr-lrfrfertdp n renls->r- viee, ns I shnll mnlre Kprrlnl l.rrer* to ttietn.KolUnir n iiperli r IiikIi iniicni for from iincli.ill in luotliii'i's whnt, Ir ordlPin Ily aslrr d hvinji nls f'lensesentl me a Hsi nt onne and after yon have made Inrillirv von run', add fo !t..: Ad.lrrsn tiANlKI.F.BEATTy Washlrgton.New Jerficy, BbHOOL-BQY*S. I '._.: | A large lot of suitable for Bpy's Clothing I ^ at the eastIend clothing store. Cleaniiiig out the Stock to make room for Spring lmportntions. Specia,| inducernents to Cash .Buyers!, f Also ^ lot df Gents' Undler- clothing lo be sold cheap for casli. Remember the Bast End "Plo- To Merchants and other Business <M^n ia-- Actoriy as well asv throughout the County, the Free PressHs:^n invaluable Advertising ; Medium. T-" M Oar Unrfvailed Facilities for Exeonting all kinds ot BOOK ANX) i JOB PRINTING Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. tiling SI ore. Acton,Febnlnrj' J, 18/Si FYFE & McNAB. MOORE & GABBRAITH, PuWisliers and Propneters* u . H m iM

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