Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1878, p. 2

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^ m i^m m* \gtt?."v3z*ttzz*:t2&- tiuujsanatJiLUummm<*m THE FREE PRESS, ACTQN; HALTON COUNTY, ONT., A kVi^t:: pi Fo- .MrroN" FttEE TREKH :ui'i:t ry i'iiiirsday .Morning '-w'-.m-.-ii in Advance S. \V. liAI.nKAITIf, KnrroR; ay Mor.SiiS.?, Ari;:i, 11, tS73. ,4 Ta\ Curstlon. In tho British House of ;Cotu- mcr.s :; doh.ito recently took place on tl.o income ttvs, in-which nmny citing argiuuonts wcro advanced -*rr.-inst "lie plan of collecting revenue. 7lt!;Vr.s argued that while -thcurvticoiiy somesuch tax wss noo-'ss.iry to reach a class who wculd o'.herwiwcontrihute nothing, jt-l it is a theory* which in tunivor- Enily felt to bo. totally discredited in'~^T;-.otice. As it is practically impossii-'p to ' is.~ert.nin utty man's in.-^'c eNi-epi.through his own ad- rnifv.-r-s, rh.-i in"jv.iry offers a pre- fcii".'.".! on-lying. Thus honest men rjvy- tha t-i.\. where tho other jnnd mo-re nurrer-us sort pay or not as they p!oac.\ cr at least pay les3" "tnen th-\r W'ljild if tho truth were ,':t;3t... T.Vis the law is most un- )\:** -j?.1 ur..-y.:al-in its operation, r.srJ Lenoe becomes repugnant to every can who believes in -fair -*. j \Vhil<? the object of the taw is Ftsted ro be to reach the very It is miiil that tho Oka Indians havo refused to accept tho $20,000 comporiFution offered thorn by;tho Seminary for vacating their ltinds. They nro. milling, however, to treat with tho: Seminary, and it ia ex pected un arrangement will bo en tered into. With; reference to tho depart ure of Lord Dufferin, it may In stated it ia well known that be fore Lord Carnarvon resigned his portfolio as Colonial Minister, rho wroto to Lord Dufferin and offer-' ed him his choico of till tho Govor- norwhips in his gift. Hi" Ldrd- .nhip declined tho offer, saying'that it w"s his intention to!spend some - : i years nt homo, for tho- sake of inn family. Ho ulr.o e-S' pressed his in tention to fuko hia scat again hthe House of I/irJs, hero ho will do yeoman's sorvico for Canada when miuired. In connection | with this it is Said ho will spend nnolher Canadian summer Jvvith us, and will puss a considerable por tion of his timo in fishing'on the Siigiienay and its tributaries, and the sea side.. While thuttenjoj-ing himself ho wiib also bo :p-.ying n eomplimont to tho i Province of Quebec, which ho ia Bcsirbus of "doing before ho leaves, and '.will rtside at its capital. . On Wednesday evening 3rd iust.,' a deputation waited on tho Hon.; iMessra. Mackenzie and Mowiit; in thef-House of ConimonR V, t\ ItlEIMn' tUWIETY. anmi.u, me:i:ti>. - Tho' annual, mooting -of tho Aoton; ltmnoh of tho Upper .Can ada JHhi.o-Society was-held in tho 1 Collected hy J Mitm Ulirintio und Mi'bh-/ MoMtiekon, '8i:i:fi9 Minn ytool and Minn Cilinoi'oll, " ., I). Heiidei'son anil ]\)ter Mann, watt-Held in Presbyterian UlnudhL Acton, oii_ A Campbell uml^D. ICen- unemployed of thq city. Thor w Ah tod the Govern ment to send" a number of them either to Manitoba or Muskokn^ to give them^a free grant of land, farming implements and provisions for ono year, to be paid for in four annual instalments. Both . Pre miers held that it would be impose sibls to comply v ith tho request, because if the Ottawa unemployed were' assisted tho ,6amo privilcgo would bo claimed by thousands of others in every part of the Domin ion, and to do this it would cost several millions of dollars. Both fully sympathized with the unem ployed laborers, bat Ithe Govern ments could not. underUko to< assist them in tho- way proposed. Hon. Mr. Mowat, however, -men tioned that there was a'detnand for farm kborors in tho west, tand if they desired to go there he thought Affairs ir. the East during the ! they would experience little difE- :rv" c's'vr,', but fsi'.s-.instead-qn ths few who havo moderate and :^Kl ir-.coni-^a. Most people nro w-i'.ir.g : -> p.iy their fair share of r;::.;i.- r.ixition if they are quito zvri ihzir neighbors all do the .ssir.e-; l::t -r"-ier", r.s in tho caso of '* :jn:e'tax, the law is notori ously cr.id?i in so many eases, a sense o! irijuprlco ia created which1 Las. a co.-ncri'lziDg influence and bf~ets a wide-Fpread and constant ly increasing effort to defeit tho work of tho assessor. Tlie ground wastakf.'i that real estate' is the -only trr.o basis for taxation ; and there is z. gocj deal to be said in favor of that view. I&oiulliy ovoniinj, tho 8th iim't. .Tho Pi-euident, A- Catnphull,' E;ij., ao.oupiod tho chair, and, ppon- ed4lio.r.ioot'ing by reading ft por- tioii of {-Scripture. Key. Mr. Willianisoutollowod with prayor.' Tlio Prcsidtnt then delivorcd hi*' anntinl tiddrhSH, ua foilowti: CU'RisirAu Frilkdh, In meeting togulhor toniylit to eclobrnto another of tho nnnivnr- Ratios of tho IJppiuf Canada Hihle J36c'iuty, it bt'Coim.'O us to tuko n rotronpoct viow of tho p.'Uil year, and review tho many tokens of Divino favor hipro'A'X'd upon us. Wo havo enjoyed a comparative ly bountiful harvest, by which 1h left to un nluiiidiiuco-'both .for man and for beaut, and to spurn. And .should wo bo less grateful for th\) early promising spring, which ban dawned upon oiiil laud 1 4nd how miirh more should wo rejoico tljnt pedeo nu4 quietness reign-s in our land and in the empiro to'I which we belong. Wo have neither bi^en vhsited by war or fatuino, while other nations of tho earth havo been sorely visited by both, with all their accompanying calamities. And should it not bo tho earnest prayer of leach one of us that God in liia niercy; may overrule the negotiations whicli ofo now pending bntweun the Wvoral nations of Eurobo in ordefe' t'hat poaco- -accT <ju:etoess may bo "tho iusuo then-uf, and <4'at a wider doar may be Opinio^" for 'tlio reception uf, the Goiprd in these .kingdoms 'who have been t-ngagrd in the fearful it- 12 58 3 CC 4 20 5 40 7 1 25 25 3 80 7 4 13 00 1-8 95 fito?ial .STotes. ficl week have been of ft doocilia- ^-- torr T;ture. L It, is believed in. Ottawa that this season ttia Jfansard will be ofBcial report of fhs- df-l at-f-a bo made. The chief r-jisoa for this is understood to be that the Toronto papers have esScrt-i sicca tho official reporting was introduced. Tbo number of convicts in -the ve Dominion, Penitentiaries, on the 31st December, 1S76, Was 1,- culty in getting'a/>u rate. It was suggested that the Provincial Gov ernment might employ some of the men on the Colonization Road in Muskoka, and in this way enable I them to commence. ' Listowel brass band, has receiv ed a grant of 100 from the Coun cil Board- F. Bturdy'a residence and lot in Guelph has been purchased hy Mr. Barber, butcher, for ? 1,450. i It is expected that Messrs. Haskell and Hurd, temperance Oi8, arrion the 30th June, 1877, J lecturers, will again visit Guelph 1,031; A -totsl increase of ; n.is steady addition to the con* i F. W. A. Osborne,^ Manager of vie J population is attributed, by the wardens, to the financial' de pression for some years prevailing, and to tho consequent diSculfcy of obtaining employment. Ir- ft - . 1 If has been disputed whether tho aame of our Prairie Province should be pronounced Man-i-ri^ba or Ha.Tx-i-to-bah. Now the Hon. Mr.-^Torquay, of that country, is credited -with having declared that the proper pronunciation in Man-i- toisa-bn. Either tnose folks up thfarg do not. know how to pro- nouncjb thoir own name, or elso they don't know how to spell it. " . The Free Trade Club^ of New York challenges contradiction' when it asserts that the American people in the last twelve y^ara have pz.id the; enormous sum of seven hundred and twenty million dollars, orthree times their national debt, ts foster "industries which are now in a moro (Jistressed condition than eve*-. Not. one cent of all tbiH has passed in^o the United States Treasury. We learn from Washington that fifteen hundred distinct petitions have been forwarded thither, sign ed by master printers in all parts of the Union, praying for the total abolition of tho tax upon typo. The attempt to imposa- additional ;:duty on imported type in the- ihterc-st of twelve firms mav end the Dominion Type Founding Co., Montreal and Toronto, has been arrested for embezzlement. A young German in the neigh borhood of Haysville, named Geo. Lrnp, 18 years of age, stands' six feet, five inches in his socks. George Bakery the man who criminally assaulted Miss Penny, recived his first flogging of twenty lashes in the London jail yard on Monday. Several claims have been pre: sented to the Toronto Council. for damage done on the night of the O'Donovan Rossa riot3. One from Owen Cosgrove amounts to 800, For allowing les3 than threo pints of liquor to be sold on "his premises, Mr. E. G'Donnell, Guelph, was fined 20 and cOEts by the Police .Magistrals on 3Ion: day morning. The expenso of running 'League Clubs, .including salaries to play ers, travelling, advertising, ground rent, uniforms, etc., averages be tween $25,000 aad 30,000 per auiiurn to each club. A man named Archibald MtP Phuil, from Culross, whrir wo3 con> fined in the Walkerton gaol, oil a charge of dangerpiis lunacy,| com mitted Buicide last week, by hunt ing himself to the bars of hia cell door. /,, On Saturday, 6th ; inst., tho steam saw mill of Mr. Joshua Hanse, f Minto,r"-waa totally de stroyed by fire together with about five hundred thousand feet of lumber. The loss is about 7,000 ;" no insurance. , The origin of tllO firo is unknown. MiL.nsiJBY Show Room. Our Millkiery Show Room is filled with all the latest novelties from Eiiropo and this continent. There aro in this Show conflict. And shall we, while en joying penco and quietnesi under tho most froo and hap[iy rovcreign- tyupon which"'tho suiijshinin, with our IJiblcs m our.hands, in which wo havo revealed to, ua tlint mnr- velious schemo of; redemption through the obedience, and sirfi'-r- ihg of a criiv'tficd Saviour, set with folded arms ar.d say, "Am I my brother's keeper)" I say, dear friends, we are our brother's keeper. The light and knowledge r-f the Uospel'hns not been given to us to bo put under a busljel, but to bo put upon a candlestick, that it may give light to all. : May we not well view ourselves in tho position cf servants of that certain wiso man, rwho wont into all tho country to receive into himself a kingdom, and 'said unto them, " Occupy till"" I come." Let us, then, dear -friends, arise with renewed yigor^ to a sense of our:responsibilities, and consider it as n high honor and privilege to tho' Aqtcu Branch of the Eibfe >ocietyJ to bo asked, yei, permitted, "(iO add its mite anil lend a helping .hand to tfce diffusion of christian knowledge, to tho spread of the Bible through all lands, until all tho nations of tho earth shall see and' know the salvatieh of our God/ ' The Secretary read'the report o* the Cdrnmittee, as follows : Report of the Committee of tho Acton Branch IT, C. Biblo so ciety, for tho year 1S7S. since last re- !J>o^-t, have hold1 two meetings. On the 13th Apail of last year they made the following appoitionment of thocoliectionsand subscriptions in accordance with tho i.recommenda- tionk contained in last year's re port, and approved J cf_ by the annual meeting, viz': , Free to U, O.B. Sacietfr, 15 00 Freo to B. and' F. T>, feocloty, 15 00 Montreal Auxiliary',' for Bibledistrihution among French Canadians in Lower Canada, 40 00 On purchase account; 31 79 iit'dy, D. D. ChriBtio. and John Wnrron, K, Ounipbrll nnd James Mc'Douiihl, - A. .Kennedy and A.LnHby, P. P.. Avmstrong and C. -H'wnckhammor, John MannJ'and Win. lb-own,. Collected at mooting, Sales of Sci'ipturpj;, Total, $81 80 Tho reverpl ropoi-to hnving been adopted, fctio, following ollicera wcro ajipoiuted for the enduing year : PnBsn>ENT. A Cani))boll, Ksqi Vice PuusiuENTS.'r All resident ininiiiters. > J Skl-.y-Tkeas. T>. HeiidorHon. ' Depositor. D. D. Ohristio. CqMMiTTi:n, -Peter Mann,Kobt. Wnrrrn, Ana Hall, .John Speight, P. iS| 'Armstrong, R, Little, A'cx, lC^nheily, Jamea Matthown, Dun can jKcnnody and Wiu. lirov,ii. Also1 nil others Y'ho havo subscrib ed ono dollar and upwards). Tho meeting \va3 then nddrofisrd bytheRov.Mr.Williaiiison.Kov.Mr. Cook, Ivov. Mr.'DaviB nnil Ilov. D. B. Cameron, who gave interesting Recounts of tlio origin, objects.'ah5 operations r.f tho Biblo iSocioty. The Rev. Mr. Hobbs was unavoid ably proYiintcd fur bein^.proKenV The honediciion was tijron'ouuce'J after, wl.-ieh the tntt-ting adjourndil. imtTHH. ill /.iuiiilioiiso, Oil f lid fltll itiiijt.,- tll loth linye. ."".- I i n.tnnicn. " : In lOriu, on tho !lth iunt., nt tho Ycof- ileiieo of thu hndu'u father, hy tho Hov. It. lioblis; Mr. Wiu. lVaulce.iof Nrnisa. U'inveyn, to ICati, dmightcr o| Ml. Ate- ivedvvn, of.Kriil. .t'TO.V HIBSDTH I'lnnr ,,. '.,, . .. Fall Whcint, .. 1 \. SjiriiiK Wheat, .. . .. Sprojited Spring Wheat 3<orloy '.... .. ., Oati . ... . . .-- .-. l'oa'a ..."' ... .. liuttor (frofih rolls) Butter (Halted rollu) lAril-(light) LarJ (i|arkj _. .'. ... K^k'I (nev/ .laid) - 'JVt:lt0c'.::, per hag Applcij, ' per ,bng liny, j)cr UjU, - .. ; $2 50 to 3-00 1 15 to 1 20 . 0 75 to 1 ;05 0 7fl to 1 00 0 fiO-to.O GO 0 .'(O.to'O 3-J o co to o or, o an to o lo '0 i2 to 0 x ' 0 lOTto 0 10 0 OS to 0 09 0 10 to 0 10 0 go to o <;r> 1 00 to I ir, 10 00 to 12 00 An Ills iKXilts ami iiotrn wern (lcrlroyo'l by flrr, lui would bo llmnlcfol II HioKii n^nllK't wlioin ll held iiolei-.vnMliI-Klvo him -tlio itJttcH rn<) iimourt of Miniri,' nnil alio If tliosa xrluwu uccuuuIm huvu been rniidrrrxt would bring tlifni forWfinf uiid'xolt^c. 31c would also cay tliat tic In STlLXi 0AEt*l7HTa qn 3TT3TiJZaa .-*. : Rt-tbo oil otand, whoro ho wl I bi Kla'l t" neo'lilno'ld rns- tomrni. and, ax tlinnH-; are li'ird, Qo.lias. raculo tho |;rler toHutt thorn, Xoill nt (liclio Bntrnl __ -Lumiior Whjrcon, complete, with spring eat, $7i).Ciu. - - lJ"liio<;mt W ucu-on, 2100 to $110.' JillL'KlcH, -jlOC lo $110. ' . All. whri'roq[nli a Wnt-ijnn or. liupsy nt thcHO; rates c ivll and glvo your orot-rn nt . ' - CrCi.PCI MARtlr.TH, f>/>cricil 7rt On: Fitci: rKE.i-1, per JJcn/iin: 'un lAvr. l (Ji'hi.i-ji, 4irjl IHh, 1S78 / Tloiir, per 10a .i W liOto 3 00. White Wlie.i't, p'or l/Tinh .. I 15 to 1 i) Iwell do Spring:Whcr,t.. i' <'nts, ;. Ilark-y, Peas .. Hay, per ton. Effi, per (h--.-. TiiittiT, per -bj l.'ntr.toe.i per barf " lio^'3. per.cwt :t'liie-hens i>er pair GceoJ .._.: .. Turkey a ; ., Dacha ., .., 1 i'> to I 20 1 00 to 1 05 0 3f! to 0 37 o w i o nr> 0 Gl to 0 Gfc 10 00 t.-,12 00 o o:> to o io 0 1/5 to O 20 0 30 to 0 40 A 00 to10 00 00 to 0 00 80 to I 00 70 to 1 00 40 to 0 60 rrivnto Tficr.trkalxnt Kidoan EJjiH. On Fiulny evening lust tlio cur tain of tho theatre at ltide.au Unll roso Oft the lust of tho.-:o charming performances Which havo co fro- queutly delighted tho society of Ot'.'i'.va duriiig the resilience of their -Excellencies tho Governor- Geneial and the Counters of" Duf ferin in Ottawa. At tho conclii- T^rEAVS.V !' WEATIWfi IJ .All onion in the Weavinglineprompt-. ly-i'.t'cndcd to. . Sp'.^-ial.attc-htlo/i paid to Carpet We.ivin^'. . ' ' T :.iK...ii. iicLoarniuN', !, ["' ' ~ D. A. MACDOlvALD, CANADA. P-HOVINCE OF."ONTARIO.. VIOTOltlA.by the Grace of God, of tho United Kingdom cf.Gror.t Uiitoii and Ireland, Qukks, Do- fender of the Faith,, 4c, ikc.jtta. '.. 'FKOC.LA;dATIb-^T/,^ O. JIowat, . )\ttrHEUEAS At>:v:\-<: Qrn'.ra>.\ -\ ' *' \Vodid on the h'ixtb day! of Ootober, A.I>. 3 877i by virtue or tlie authority vested in Us by an Act passed in tho Ses- \sion of tho Parliament of Canada, Bion of t!'o Fccond jiieco tho cur tain fell,; and when it roso again, 'held inrtho Fortieth year of Our in resp'on'sp to tho : prolonged at.- ^'-'B"- intituled "An Act to provide In the propritors of the twenty thousand printing offices in the Ro0ID iikewise Shawls, Mantles, Cos. i . tnriies, W rappcrn, ParaBols, Carpets, United -States securing free trade ia thia branch of industry. CJiiJdren's Cloak, >reHses, etc. us a call and see oar i Mel/cod, Anderson * f Gii'e T9tal" ^101 79 The second meeting;held' by the Committee was on the 1st, March last, for the:piirpose of appointing collectors~ and fixing times for annual meeting, which they decid ed to hold on 18th March, but, owing to tho almost impassable condition of the roads, tho Presi dent deeriicd it advisable to defer tho meeting until this divfo. Ill accordance with the feeling of the annual meeting last year, tho Com mittee havo again- dispensed with tlio services of a paid agent, rely ing on tho assistanco of resident ministers to address the meeting; but the ' Directors of the U. C. Biblo Society having expressed tho wifik that cu-jh Branch should bo visited at least once in thVoo years, by an agent of the Society, the Committee recommend ed .that tho next annual meeting avail itself of tho fuller informa tion which- tho agents would bo ex pected to give regarding the opera tions Of tho Parent Society, Rospoctfully submitted, D. Henderson, Sec. Acton, April 8th, 1878. Tho Depositor's report was' then piesented/ which showod tho amount of stock on hand to be $32.32, and amount of sales during" past year 18.95. - The Treasurer's financial, state ment was then Submitted, which, response? to th-j: prolonged a[ plauso of the. Fj.'jctato'rs, linn 1.0x- ccllency rpoke an- epilogiio with a power which held tho whulo audi ence sjiell bound. .The case unci- grnco of gesture, and the perfect modulation of Ht-r .Excellency's Voice, left nothing to bo desired to give tho greatest reflect to tho stately and beautiful linnt. The following farewell lines, which closed tbo poem, written ty Lord Doffuriu, ate interesting : : Ir worJi' t-'OtilJ thank you foryo-jreoarr- oi.ri nlil, ... Ttjes*, 11 i-B sttould baiilirupt ho to reo you - Am!, nh ! bell"vo ns long ns UTo endures, The warm alicclluns of my heart ure yorirp, An-t. nov,-,: ono last farewell a revr morallis more, Ami ve depart your loved Canadian tlio'ra: "r >>"evcr ns'iln to iirnryonr plandliurlsr, Mrr wntcli the ready lan^ht^-r In your ryes Gleam n:it rr.^ponsjvo to oi:r nnthy'ii wit, HnwevtT-i'fxirty vro InU-fvrot It: Hor kc vrlth arllst iriao vc-tir tear^ o'orBow In i:ornii(je to onr slmnl^trd woe. Yet scenes lllro these can never wholly failo Into OollvJoD'p.rhohinclioIy shade; At,d of:, r.t homo, M-lien Chribtmas fire* log^ burn, i Oar prison thoughts Instinctively will turn To -this fair cltv with her crown of t* were, And od the Joys of rriendo that once were ours. Anil ortshiii! yenrhlt^g; fancy fill This hull with gise.it?, nnd conjiiro np at wilj J5arh dear, familiar face, tach kindly Vrorl Of pr.nlBO that e'er our ployer souls hnlli 1 silrrey, - . Till 'iic-iutf tbcmollJnrjspell of memory uur lovo flows back toward you. hko n sen, For, Know, whatever way our fortunes turn, Upon tlienlterK of cur hcarts.rl:nll bnrnf^. TIicj-o votive fires no fuel nerd rencw^-i Our prayers ftr hlesslncs on your Jaiil and you. Tho Great Western'and Strat ford & Huron R-ailway Companies havo been having lively tiriio over the right of way in Listowel. Bdth parties wanted to nso the same road and -tho result was a collision with the. Groat Western triumphant. puFFERiN- CotrxTY. The fol lowing resolution was carried at ..a late session of tho Ornngovillo Town Council :-f--SInvpd by Mr.! 'filclvirtrick, seconded .by Mr.! Eastman, that it is the intpntion" of the Council to offor some special advantages to tho county of Duffer in in tho event of separation and organization, and that a special conimitteo bo appointed, consisting of tlio .M>iyor, Messrs. Groon Mc- Kcown,: Carbet and Hewitt, to preparo some scheme and submit to tho Council," Suicipis. namod Charlton' I.r080,.J;wenty-three years of age, swallowed two ounces of laudanum at his boarding-houso, Richmond stroot east, Toronto, and died two hours afterwards. Ho was employed at tho Globe oflicc, but had not been -working for a weekor so, having Btiffei-ectJ from an attnek of " melancholia"," to whioh ho was subject; His parents live-in Lindsay. -A. young man named .'Geo. Corry aged 19, grandson of J. B, Lamb,, Esq;, ex- Collector of Customs for StS^Cath- Tor the pale cuntody of prisoners Ir. places lyhero tho Common GhoIb be come temporarily in.sf-curo," pro. claim and dtclare tho Common (Jiiol of tho County of Ilalton to'be in Bccure, and did npnio tho Common Gaol of the County oi" I'oel nstho1 i-ml to which otliindors within tho t-ihl County of Halton were, fronrr.nd after tho i^ovenleentb. day of iJcto^ Lor, i.-ic'.usivo, to bo committed and sentenced Until -\Ve>tnado further order: ,. And t/horeas the County Gaol o f the County of Halton has since been made Ct for tbo safe keeping of prisoners: iN'ow know vb, that We do hereby, and by virtue of tho au thority vested in Us by the said Act, hnd otherwise howsoover, pro claim and declare that from and after the Third day of April next tho Proclamation aforesaid shall ccaso to'havo effect, and that thence forth offenders within the said Coun ty of Halton shall be committed and sentenced to tho Common Gaol of tho said County of Hatfonj in the same manner as if Our said Proclamation had not issued. is Testimony Witercof, Wo have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and tho Great Seal of Our said Pro vince of Ontario to be here unto affixed : Witness, Tho r . Honourable DONALD -ALEXaNDEU" macdox. ALD, LlECTEyAST-GoVERXOC of Our Province of OsT.utio, at Our Government House, in Our City of Toronto, in Our said Province,- this TWENTY-THIRD day of MAKCHy in the year of our -Lord ono thotiBand oight hundred and-seventy-eignt, and in tho Forty-first year of Our Reign, By Command, i ARTHUR S. HARDY, Secretary. A <urN HOSTSIIiY SALE. Tho Acton monthly sale will bo hold at Aguow's Hotel,.on Fair Day, Tiiirsday, kay. Jad palrouu- RIL 11,. 1878. Jaixies Ryder Wlnlir.ii U ttirjillc tho public fnr'tlp o they havdo'inforred up-' i lilm hnrotofaro. -^- M onco, liatorial and "vTorlnaaaDllp HOURK-'.SI'OEINU A SPECIALTY Nrii Mhor't, i.'ic. PotlhiK MIkk'k, 10c. Kntlro Moewivi, %-'.'..14t. Tor new h-'ocj, I.f**!, for Retting uhoo'-. Laying ^li"ni, .fioe. to sr.eo. . All ot'Jicr Joholiitf.In proy.ortlon, I?S)" Th'oi:0' prices nro' for (Jash only. Al! it >rlr eliftrced the old rates, (ilarg. nvxt'iWoelC) irnr:her ini-t1 'V ll-3in oorfl tnily, t ' JAKES IIYDE1 L T. St^ OOK t wai-t os Co Having purchased ith Tinsmith brisl- nes< from MJi res]>ectfully oi the patro ed tohini- m-.re as the vicinity shall r. Robert Fiiher, would solicit the continuanee isge heretofore extend- opotber with as much public of Acton and bo pleased to extend. All work Stewart will careful alter entrusted to our Tilr. rer;ei?o- prompt and lion. .--j^q,?o:etv Acton, Frjb. 14, IS78, JAmEB: :RffAT4flf)EWfc Ifpe -OU7 OTTIEt- w iVr> --h-'./<<J V-. "5 'i Oi Friday next;. 12th itisfc k\ ^: u os:^34: v e GUvrtpeU !sadv7-iv?3Ivs.r.<ivtz< cnJ shall bb enlarged as.soon es jipssible. ' in Enr!ih, French r.nl S'ili:. Maniks. A A recent. H-ivaiii: l.idies of /. cton a prices, i.'tc. -i-:CJ"i;Cby -, S oyles I j.';.unery. Also me caseTaks Puff. : u,usu:;l!^n. fep^ of lie,, Uc,.v l^TtlU^' ' .?eot;s purchase c,^-..K) P.aasols and Stmihkde. Tht:" " ia;::.-;n-.vui to call end exnm\he slypes, e!}<inirr con; arid.'bo- conv phco to_get ineney. CS?*- Stanld >iethodfu"i ("1 41-3tn inced that tliii is file illc host value'for your Next, door urcn. to tbo . UT AH kind? of Stock, Implements, &c. will bo sold by paying 50 eta a-picco. Sale at 12 o'clock. . (TERMS. Ten monjtlis' credit on approved joint notes All entries must bo mado to Mr. Jaa. Ryder, Sec. ' . }VM. HEMSTREET, Auotionoor. 2.1-tf' " YE STUFFS All Colors. erinea port, was found on Saturday reuses, etc. uive , v -., ,i .- , , f morning suspended-by. tho neok in ma^iOcent stock. 1Dcludlng tho collcotion taken up | ono of the outbuildings i at Mr. | Lamb's residence in that city, "' . - ' i " All Shades, at J. E. MoG-ARYIFS DatTG STORE, i s,i^s CO. cs i ^ rf* a 5? \r & vl-j c AS i.ora i.STE - a?" :P. r-','? <". i\ 3 h Invito attention.and inspection to spe cial lot pf 5,OQO YARDS OF ;^IKW- AND FASniOSABLB iDRfiSS GOODS Purchased at a Discount cf ; 33 per cent. - The lot wasdetained in transit by cable honco the large sacrifice. Thoso goods are cheaper than have been offered for years, and Could not be replaced. NO FAMILT SI Iotrt.D BUT THElri Wiats? SSY S-00SS before tbey see of Now and otir immense stock Fashiouuble fJoods W. Sto 'war GUELPH,. March 12, J87S. i art & Co. -r'~r <^>. '.ilro^fi.-Te !;:u: Drcs-, r.cr;. a lid i; A| O-ioip- nricRsghijgrB;,^- > -! VW^" We beg'^o announee .that*- aur TjTew Importations- Ljave1 corhra-need t(j a*- rive from fire GSd Country, land vcr^sikjo , ^ wc sliall he nl>le lo slio% a larger ; and complete assortment of thrr-SpHii*: n% an-fi 'wr^A-v f^i^^3 Asas fe3? T- We have already op'eivpJ out a grand display of A8HTOre; BEST PBINT^ U-. So raniciiS both for.q?iaiify of! ClolS, aiiil beaiHy of Faitcm. i, jAbo, we ca!i special 'attention to a. farge| ^ bcautifril assortment of^ * Just in from 4iie r^ottin^iram-Factories, Prices; from $1.^0 to'$20 per pair. I 0ttEi : Ootts^s MASK TI-55 FOLLOVJINfii Sottoas, Oh; Wednesday, March S't,, the largest auction sale'xiCCotton Goodi fenown In' Cau-.da was held atXha Can.vla Cotton SliilB, Cornwall ., With our (iisual desiro to supply our customers with the cheap- .- . est pQssiblc'gootts, vo attended the salo and succeeded ; hi. securing a large nnmbor of. bales of the. ; *' Far Bsiow Mill prices, Which will enable usito soil these coods at lees thiin any other rtcjre * Guelph, .PAID FOR.THEM. We;, purchased at the same time a big lot of v ; .'.-- ' t Grain Bag's; i Equally': Cheap i ertf \E@a-Spr!ng:seem3 to'hnvo sot In, but the Lion Is always ready, ^Pfjo^| cmHffnfers will find our stock 6f;bT.ind=-Ne<rQ.oodB tho largest. rD^,w^ and oheapest in Guelph, j." a wiLttAMsON'.*^.^r'*^ GtielplT, Vpril -fr, 1ST9. s"

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