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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1878, p. 3

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% i sdH rj. m :-."> .au-a^ aat THE FREK PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY; ONT. APRIL, I & CIMD rVK TIMK TinilH: Trine cave Acton a* foil >\va: - i OOlMI VrKkT. Xijtht FipreRs tv'3a.m. Toronto mail - , - ft. lOiiij, rv Express - - ' 1. 60 p. m". Espr-ess . - --_ ; GIl mixed .\ 17 p.m. 7:07 p. m. KAST. NicM Kxpress : * ' * 3:3."! a.m. t1t mixed > ' VA'i a.m. Hi* Kxpros* - ll.S0.-v.rn. Wetera m&il .'>: 17 p.m. London railed ' . fh"0p.-m. ws. s p: Ending"-;. ^ for the produce' mis.'etc ps. The" .eno,nira rS * ^ fctls.'iccr-fc Scftiocrin the MethodtaiTThnrch every .- &ir>b*ih. Ynlng at-Tmlf-ivvit six oVioek: rid boUrraornlml ami even ing" r>n ttit> r1r HnMVaih or rac-li mjclh. Hsv. K. llonns, Pastor. LOCAl MATTERS. - I Ssk ! Weeding nnd Birthday rrreter.t? in Ipancy Goods and Jowcllery all the year ivrmd at Goo. Ilyuds ,lew- lh>:y St.ro, Acton. Call. netirtsl Vocalist.1' - BeiuS.tU McCiarvir.'s. Sponging on his Uncle. Cordoning has cotuincr'.cod. "'^Cabbage Sood nt MoG.vrviu's. April Showers : bring May flowers. ".-t- Another dry goods st-oro is talked pi , " -- A stylish FoU list tor 75c at Fyfo Mc5sVs. . The delicious aroma of_burn .' ir.g rubbish cow scents the air. - But yoaf Gar-don nnd Flower Sov-Ag bv weVm at Mo'iarvin's. A tvmiukivhlo liirgo huua ogg was presented.to \is last night, by 2/r. P. S. Armstrong, measuring six inches And.right inches in circumference, and we-'ghing 3 ounce*. - EMcr Andoraoniift d^,cctod to Nl5w -.ADVURTISBMENTS proaoliiiu tkoDiBcipTe Afeotmg House Onion Seed at Mcftar'vin'a. "Ws-bavq to thank 'Mr. Wm. McCrnney, M. P., for s copy of tho *pooch of Mr. L.-Mucdonild, M. P., on the Budgot,- atid also for other paper*. J A number of boys in this "Vil lus amuso thomselvesin tho'evenings by marching around tho uttvots and humming a tuna in imitation of tho bagpipes. . - Mr. Robert Fislier has dispos ed of his tinware and atovo business to Messrs. T. Stewart, late of Hamilton- and J.injetfHl. Hill, of Jn^crpoll. Tho bv.sinrFs \yilHbo conducted under tho. name of T. Stewart & Co. Tho firms of W. H.' Storey -& C>., Ulovo 7)Iaimfaetnror3, and Stofoy, Moore vV Co., T:iuuer.i and Kid'if>re33; er^ have boon dissolved. M'r.~'VY,;H.; Sroroy will continue ilio Cilovo AVorlii'.j and Mr. Jan. Moore will have tho Tan- r.ery under his.control. The hot maple siignx social, nt iho Methodii.t Church, on Friday even ing ].ist vvts.' veil attended, r.nd was, [ altogether.,.jCmoc'os?. Great' credit is 1 due to the Jadies who had the manager ' nieut of t::'o social, for tho. manner, id' I which tho {>re^r.iinmo was carried out.; >0 beautiful Modjoskn is ro- o-ui.-e.l l>y the trade as 'The Hat "of Auton'uvxt Sunday,, tlio 14th, n6 11 o'clock nr.m. Still tltoy oorao. Tho noxt" Band Social will bo given by Mobbi-u. P. S. Aniuitrong aud Alex. Crown, wt tho rosideno'o of tho former gentleman, noxt Tuesday OVOniuK'. Wo a.ro.lad to ace that.i DI8S30U1TION.. 03F PAKT- >t:nsnu'. Tho partuerahip horotoforo earrlod on under tho linino and lirm of-Mooroft lialliraith lmn thio day been dissolved by mutual consent. All indebted to uuinro rcnueatod to call and cettlo im. lnuiliiitoly. MOORE & OALBRA1TH. the season. Tou can pot it in all its bc.v.-.tT and prrmdeurat tho "Fashionable Milhjj<ry Roouisof Chriatie, Henderson A lot of-splendid stories a*, tho I * (-'- 'Prosh arrivals dsily to keep " - . ^. ' ' i #t>-.ek always r.ssortcd witii the very FRES. PKn5S_Bookstore. <- !:rap ! j ,;0wost. -W'oclr.rw no far.ey ririecs'for advortis^mont of T.' Stewart oi Co.,-la thisis^ue. . ^-Tho facoof natitro vss vrp.s'^^i by & re'.r-.;V.::-.K thvTer of r^'.v. c:i TuvS- Miliinery ; pie.-.so.remeinlKJr this. . j- Tomato Seed nt JdqGurvln's. I _ X\~<? haro rocoircdla copy of i . V "Cf J-r.XCJ? enfio.lv )!cna:^ ic Lftrarios at the Fr." koro. . V . Mr. J,>>.r. ' riv'i ;.n fv.iv.ro. '- T\.o Ti:'...c: w>". the IT _* r S-iVsirip'ti.in.s -rp-^rV.-.-d 3 TO- ..-. .1 I"? ' i h:S1 ->". p. hi:?. cd b- M r. J. ,A; Wil- Ter.jr l^. T:.o C." :tvo:\ is 'iiini- .: :, T-bI Uie 0:; ^cut on "ol a r-V.r c.'. .', I-:l ::e vs :.^ :. ;o : : ? ~t>. int. T* c L r.ie -bids .'.. > :.'u Cvll! ^ I> ' '-* of Ca:i- lor, oston r..-iT7 I I tb- I . ill the A ciihi cf Mn C. B. Whit- r: iii.ii!,'.: iva, iwrrowiy c"-capod .>.un.-' ',-r.o .'.^y reooutly. The fvil ir.to a nib of water ar.d - '.:t o: si^ht. Fortunately, its ^b- r. no'.ieed, and a search :.t -U02 made, the babe wis found ;p:-i;".-i.!j t:".voted with- water, ia tht t:i*:-, r.^ I \rr.3 ~e:cuc~d ust in timo t-: -ivj jt= life.'-;/ raid. > -.Tkss .??.:: 3ook>:otv! f Xitcrary. iad Sv>ort:n>j papsrs. C-5't vov.r Hor?.': BlV.^ ~:.r.t? I .-.M->.- I1'- Y,\- hr.ve'a -Ear!- Com at Mcv^rviti's. j';!;. u li.icir-^ hij-.aVii-.fmed' .M'.'.( d'i^hted Mtth tho - ',- Lvi- : M::!'.::ery, Ties, Kk^-'H, >-.:ia:!!licciice-of the display.- -i/r. B. is -A v.r-nr,-: an, nr.rr.-.d .'Barrett -Ci:r:;tt- Ilcndersor. k Co. ore that Oomo of our citi::on* aro coming to I ActoS| ^p,,1, Ut -J 7 tho front to assist tho Band boy,, and lti 0(?nncct;on with tho ftboro# x bog leave to milroit tho contihuauoo of tho wo liopo. to eoo a largo' crowd, at this social. TJhe milljnbry dbc*w rootna of Messrs. Jamea Symon, and Chriutio, Henderson fc Co., havo lately boon tho ccu'Wof. httrnotlon to th'o ladies of this Village. . Tho display of Millinery In both o.f those Btoros aro elui'ply maguilt- coat, dnd oclip^o auythin^ of tjhat dq- ociiption over nhown in town before. Roady- made, and ruado to order. Olkfistio, iiciulcraou v^ Co. ,"thia week fibow an excclleut assortmoui of I/uIim' Mantles ami Mantle Cloths, Trimmings, etc. .Mantles made to order oil short notico aud in the newest and best styled. Their dirplay of i*'aiih:o!iabiu Millinery is really beautiful, iind c.iir.plctly puta all rivals in tho uhudo. Call aud-havo a look through. . . Good Investment, Wlioovor wants'to make .;- percent, interest on their money should fo and invest, it in i)ry lioods at MeLeod, Anderson i; Co.'s, Georgetown. U'o were tlirou^li "tlio other day, taking "ft looit at tl7cir premises, and wc never neen such iar^o piles of nice cheap goods in any placo m Canada. The diuplay is beautitul aud tho stock iinmer.iie. They also carry on Tailoring, Milhucry, etc., etc. Bible Society." Tho Cotnmitteo of tho Acton Branch Biblo Society will, meet at tho oilieo of tho Scc.'y, D. Henderson, on. Thursday even ing tho IStli iustl'J'nt 7:30 to muko an appropriation of." tho moneys in tho bands of tin). Treasurer." By order cf tho Presidout.- . Fishing Tncklo, Gut'Hooks, HuirGuti SilRr.nd LIncu l.iuej, lluets, Sinkers, ote., tie. Abo ju^t to liaud Smekcd Su^ar Cu'r'c-.l li.'.ms, ll.'iCon, hard, Dried' I'eaeh'es, Uried Apple.-',- -Honey, four diiL-rent kiinla ef Syr:i.nj, iucliliiil:,;-cheap Mola^sea f.-r culinary purposed, .M.ipie S.u^r.r and Mcj.v^e.-. .Sa'.LU'li Trotit :md licr.iJii!s, Flour. C .-ached, fvheat," < i"f.:!:ai:: flour, 1'..: Liyo. and Corn Me.-.ia at the lowest m:il prices, always kept in stoc'.c cl .^ecor.i'b Cash b^oro. ' -; The Fash ton al>!o West End Millinery Department will Lo opened :'or the Eeason, on Fi-id.yy next. 12i:i inst., and'Mr. A. O. Huc'.iam promi:e.i .u per adv. in to-day'3 i.-^'Jo to mako '.his a striking: chapter in the history of t:.e (.Jurlph .'iillinv.-rybuti:ue3?. We r.ra ..ire that all who 'have the privilege of vre'eat on i'ri.lav next -*7lli hz . I -b/vl tS~ : : 1lr.-07sofhwlvfihj.mil. ^t. -vri.t.e -co I-' j r'rrf' C.-.tit \aux Tha tnPratTrs cf t'nS'oe'T Con a-,-r~ >=&!' Cbr.reh.' r'-~-'^ \*W.j p-t s be'd b; nH-: t:r.-r ^enrrh. ' . } . [ Mr. 2zr.. M-Gufrsr-"c.-u: 'Pohl to J-^t.-l ba;:-e.t.= --rh-ich he l.^t-iy r r.rch.'i- &'.. t? :<:?, a.-. <)r*oV. vro^-3Tt> nry**.e fvper on hr.-;", ^Tiitabic tor. ^rr7T>'ng trarpossa, wliSca: w-3 viil a ell Acap., ;' . -" The BrS3 Bar.d ^rrcctiso p!3y- _ "t'og-'m .'the Tonrpdrsraco "Hall re^alarly ririce ii_weck, and care Wooni*ng very ?rf'ficicni. ia-1 :ie' :;i'ji -.!id"t.-.!;t._-displayed in tiieiir-J j,; '""'_" play no;. I'fi-aid of a crowd cither, as he cer- diV.Hy invites the whole community to e-n pre-'eut., :iud v.-e :.nc no reas'oa why every ji.-raon thouhi not be tiiere as '.v.c iihdi utand it u a ru!"- or t!:'j c.-it:i'!is!i- -.".. etc., 10.:. 1 :n retura- fts = v.Tv .iter.-us friends that no efr-^rt pire.l to hepa fall ur.rC-.veli .-:. ck of id! kir.'is of Miiimc-ry '.v U .i,i iroia the j r.-liable hous .1 heir . !" lettuce Seed at Mc'Garvln'a. Tue aU0n.d2.nc3 at the Opon Division on Tuesday' evening was J.-.rrjB. The entertainment was 05- , -fcr.i:cr'y.s ci.^.ivcr j c%.';:;Zi. a:, J consisted of speeches,' !arj;fi o-antity of of '0, aud erer. t>re ta f~-t-ir. T>xrr.chu$A, of Brnrspton. .wrfll pTcat'h (D.Yvjiln tli2 Baptist - Ch-mpsl, nntt Lord's Bay, at 11 sad .. ';' 5:30 o'clock. -..">..'. Mr. "W. P. Ttro^rn, hia rented b^ fara, East hs.'f Lc-t 27, ccn. 4, Towu- . . o^iip of Ecr;ucii!bfc*, to J/r. Tbos. Son- f . diervirje for i>175 per year. . Revised St&t'ttcs cf Ontario, -cap. If!3, irce. 10, rc-.l : "Any pcr^cn rr.37 kill any dog which he cec-r, pnrsu-. lag, -TTOrryir.z er worn:'iiri;r any ch.cp or l>mb." Befit Socd ot McGarvin'a. . tA^vertisiors~wishing WTJSto the',8 'adTcrtiEsmeats changed chould ._ Ravel the copy in by Tuesdr.y at noon, Dtherwisc wo^Qonsot ensure an advor- - tizeracnt in tlist w&ek'e paper. "1 - . "F/iiting ft paragraph column," '\ ^>>>56rve3 tho Elmire Gazette, 'M3 like every-' hotly thinks.it's an easy' job until they 4 set Btraddle of the mule's back. T ~'-i_ An Italian, carrying a rack clth pla:UT-of-pB-ifigures on top, came i-r, xritt on Main-st., la^t Friday tvep.. irfz. by f^llinjr do-^-rt. Tho "-firrers " '! am etill- lying .scattered over the rg.-\i. ,,! ." . It ia estimated that there ii a i 'lir^eT'population of do^s in this Villa/jc :'_ than there ia human LeingE^ - Vou will i hear "dogs to the right of yon, dogs to I . the left cf.yo=, barking and howling." si As will seen by advertisement J -the Street tad Sidewalks Cosrrjnittco I has advertised for teadcra for the-crec- -"} . -tfon of two bridges one at JTickli.n'a "j - -pnni -a=d another at Speight's black ;-| . '" "?ialth shop. \ _ The Rett G. V7,. Colrert, ,of ^TPpreTach an acnivor- ^ ?ry Berraon. to the Oddfellows of this ,{ s7 / ^rluTage, in tho P'resbyterrian ChuToh, % oh Sunday x-vening, 21et inst.^Subject I -' . 2t J - Now the oooiDg lovers seek ?! the Eeolndod streets ehe with her -J . ixjiom full_of the tenderest emotions as her diinty Wolct is encircled ; he full of ~ ^l6e a4 he thinks how *;aily lie skipped *be. streets wlwroon oro locstod the jee- cn*Ta*a.\6oas.r-Isondon AdbeHWr. No . doubt tlie ,1 ditrH&r local knent* How it TB'hlzoSell. . ~' r.icnt that no 0:1c shall be ur.;ed to buy mil_=5 they wi.-b to do co'r public patronage which has boon so lib- orally bnstowed upon the lato firm. I might also ctato that 1 hnvo engaged Mr. S. W, Galbraith to coiitinuo his editorial management and tho pnblio can, thorcforo, dopond upon getting tho Funn pRtss up to tho at.tndard in looal and oditorial news. ' - -T. ALBEKT MOO'lUh iISSOIjIITION OF'- PART- Notico is hereby given that tho part nership horotoforo subsisting between uh, the undersigned, as TauncrB and Kid Prnascrn, under the al|!o of Storey,. Mooro & Co., h.iB been ttiia thy dia- solyod by muturd consent, All dents owing to tho aaid partnership aro to bo aid to Janies Moore, who will continue the -said l.'uniiiecs and diuchnrgo all- olaima against the lain firm. ] laired ut -Actmi, this 8th day of April, 1S7U. ' . W. H. S.TOURY. - W'ilner.j r II..P. Monr,','. .iamk/moihu-:. EIUVARIJ MOOKE. M:::s;iip. Notice' ii hereby given that, the part ner-hip horotoforo liuluistiiit; het\Veon. lis, tho uud.-r.-iie::ted . as (il.n-'e Manufacturers under tho atylo of \V. H. Storey & Co.. has been thih day dis solved by mutual cone-int. All debts owing to tlio Raid partnership avo to bo paid to W. II. Storey, who will, con tinue tho said business and discharge all claims against the late firm. Dated at Acton, this 8th day of April, 1S73. V.'itnesn : "W. II. STOPEV. II." P. Mooitc. JAMES-MOORE.' \ NEW BRICK STORE, ' ' ?BEJfiCfl'. MI;' ' ia-AfSTLES -& COS! 1378. ^PRIN<J pPENING^ 1878. Bnii Also, a spleiidid Stock of Staple and Fandjy Dry Goods, consisting of'black: and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Goods. EZid Gloves, all the new shades (1, 2 atad 3 buttons), Lisle Thread Gloves, Parasols, Sunshades, Lace Goods, Trimmings and Fringes, Prints, Comtricss, Muslins, Grey Linens, White and Grby Cottons. j go. LD OCT., Ifavlni! dinpn.niil of my tiiminithln^ busine.-.s, I would respectfully rcjuei-t o/^ thoBo indebted to roc to ca// and Btt- t.'owitho'jt tb-.'.iy, dj'I iutt ii.i tr.ave.'t'iue; f"r my hca/ih. /.!! accou:!.!i un. >;*..".-J o:i the -Jpth nf A;,r,7. .h.vt., y.i!t he p.'aced iu.c.ur' -> I o t * ..r c'o't-.-et.'.v Kosr. Fisincp.. Pcrtios" requiring Rout'.: Bilhi this eoouou iihould head their orders to "tho II ULtit b tSii-s-vj ys i livjE,. VThi::e> tboy c.in hiivo ('u-b: oxo eutod in ii Hpleudid workman-liko mu;i:ior anJ nS rea-'ionabio rates. B^glish3 E^ixela, HOSE Koatly-Miulc " Chxhing, B 'Io(hs, Diagonals, 'English, Twcti.ls 'SUITS MADE TO ORDER, AND A PERFECT "FIT GUARANTEED, OR NO SALE. ?omo splendid cutcfio soloc frora. Acton Vlilaso Council. of the Order. It fs the ir.tention cf tho I^odgo to haro another cf those crttortainmcnts in about one rr.oiitiv . -t A ratheT novel han- hai boon batching in the stable of the Glas gow House in this Vdllage. .The other mcraing one of tho boys found tho bort was. set ting on half- a-dozen eggs," and had hatched two kittens out of two other ejjgn at least the kittens wore in .the nest under the Leo, and it Is surmLsod -that they were hatched. ^A nothcr b,ird has flown. Ho I fic-Vx^/Tne-day night. It was Mr. J. MoGuirc and family. "VVhere they went to is not known, bat it is known that they got'into some financial difficulty and went away forgetting to pay a few small sums of money. ' Ho took ovcry" tiling with him except the,blinds on the windows, which ho respectfully bo- cpaeaths to'-Jjis creditors. - First comb, first nerved. ATm. Maney also got into come difficulty last week, dad went no ono knows whore. ad- vcrtising,- Messrs. Lord & Taylor, jtho great merchants of New York, givo tho following testinion^; : **. Of all tho . method:! open to tho mcTehajit for cd- vertising his lmsinesB, an er.pcrienco of nearly half a century eaablos us to-un hesitatingly declaro in favor of tho newwp^per. It is withoat exception the most economical, persiiitoct, pains taking, and successful cauva.S3er any bur,inc." firm cm secure for the purpose- cf bringing their goods to the attention; of the consumer." ' ' . (Jucurnbar. Sood at McGarviii'o. ' Tha Council mot, pursuant to aJjonrament, in Matthews' llall, on Monday evening, 8th ir.si. All the mernbers present. The Itegvo in. th2 chair. Tha mluutoa of fast meeting were road and confirmed. All account was presented from Mrs. S. Speight, for ehcep killed, and injured by -dogs, amounting to 30. Loft over. Also e.h ac count from Laidlaw & Pcttornon for counsel fee in hearing of ap peal of Gouliiing vs. Tho Corpor ation, amounting to L Mr..Speight p'renohtod tho fourth roj>ort of the' Finance Committoo, recommending tho payment of .tho account of Laidlaw <J- Pattcrsqn, Any prnon r.ishing-to hitvo paint ing or papering done ^Iio.ihl leave their Orders with G. B! lx--vot'is. wiio Trill lie at leisuro on Thursday end Friday of each week, t'lmung and Jiairc.utiin^ do no tt tho !niiop every" day except tlioso menliOuod above, nnd ovcry nigbL ', GEO. B. LSYSSS. Acton, April 1.0,'187S. ; ;' . JXGBAFTIXG. ; -" ' All.pr.rtic-.i wi.-iiilri^ choice winter and other fruits grafted in should address ' ions citEwso;;. Actou p.o. 41-Ct ^_ mSSDEKS tVASEES. 'fondora will bo received by tho Streets a'n4 Sidowalko Qnmmitto, up to Wednesday, May 1st, 1S7S, for tho con-. strnctiou of a bridge at Nicfclin'n pond;' and.oup at Kpeight'c blacksmith el;oi>. Tho lowest or any tender not uecessaT-- ily-acccpted. 41-21 A full assoruncnt of Gc.iiltl' Fumfsliing-s. SW3L erorman lack and Blue Broad- Seolch and 'Canadian .. Haa now In Stock a; largo and welljisaortod lot of" DRY GOODS, ' GROCERIES, V ,-, QROCEBRY, Yfhkh bo wilKSelLfJheap for C'aan^ ( CLOTHING a specialty. " A large assortment of Felt , and! straw Hats for >[ Spring wear. Tho highest iCOBh Erlco paid for 'Stoduc^ of all kind*. i. Aotoo, Maroh hi, ipl8.\ 37-8m ite Dress Shirts, Collars, CuiTs, Tie.s, etc. A i>lein'id Stock of Choice Family Groceries TEAS A .SPllciALTYr . JAMES SY3ION, in refjnrnin^ ilinnks to liis nuu'ierou^ frichils and custonierrt for the very liberal support accorded to him since he commenced I>uain<?ss_ iii Acton, would remind them that nei'er .before in the hisiory of C;.nada were such bar gains offered in Acton. I. The Goods have been ad vance on cost. Protlnee of all kiiuls taken in_exchango nt i^Ue.. highest market price, SY ESSESiSSSB, -SHB SLitCS': 'HE NEW-BR OK STOi . On TuepcEiy, wo had the pleas ure of. examining the books of Mr. H. IV Mooro,'who!lately returned from Albert College, pcllcville, The boohs arc tastefully and neatly kept, and are a credit to Mr. Moore,, as well as to Albert College. Several specimens of" Mr. Moore's penmanship and commer cial work havo been framed and hung, up in the Commercial Hall of the Col lege, which, of itself, speakB -well for' him. Ho hap received a number of re oommendations from professors in the College, which refer very highly to his business abilities ; and he haa also wou a diploma, which was tho only one owa.rdod.thio terra in tho Commercial. Department. _ilr. Moore upoaka very higkly of the College and tho treatment he received while there. His namo ap- . pearod at the head of the boaor roll of ! the College for thi pajt boma. Moved by Mr. Speight, seconded by 3Ir. Hill,, that tho fourth ro purt'of tho Financn (jomrnittoo bo received, and that tho Reeve" do issue his clinquo for tho jiajmcat thereof. Carried. 5-jotno discussion took placp in reference to . nnimalu which were running at lari;e, when it was de cided that the constable should bo instructed to advfeo parties who had animate.running- at 'largo to l:oop them ohtheir own pretuises. Tho fire_^ngino queition was also brought up and dincunsed,-but nothing definite waa .doao in tho mattor.; Moved by Mr. Coatog, cecondod by Mr. Smith, that tho Council ad journ, to-meet again on tho second inonday in May. Carried. Council adjourned, Christie, Henderson & Co. would respectfully intimate to thoin- habitants of Aeton, Guclph, Kockwopd, Georgetown, Milton and nurrounding country that their stock of Dress Cloodi:, Mantles, Millinery/, etc., is now.com-, pletc. It is a fact-Sow boyond dispute that goods aro sold cheaper in Acton than almost any other part, of -Canada, and that Ciiridtie, Henderson & Co. hiive the most and cheapest goods iu Acton.. Therefore,-that is tho place to buy. Err3' Cocoa. Oir'ATTFtri. aitd.Com- roaTiKO. "I3y a therongh knowlodgo of tho natural laws which govern tlie*- oporations of digestion and nutrition, and by a caroful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr." Epp3 has provided out breakfast tables with a delicately flavored bovorage. which may oavo us many heavy doctoro' bills. It ia-by tho judroioua usoof such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually builtup until atrongonough "to rosist' ovory "tendency to disease Hundreds of su btlo maladies are lloating around us ready to attack whorevor therods a weak point. ~We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with.puro bioodand apro- porly nourished framo." Civil Service Qatette. Sold only in packets labd'od '^jAMEli ISs-rs & Co., Homtoopathfe. Oheinlat, 4-H, Throftdtieodle Stree*, smd 170, 'Piccadilly, Loudon." 'I" am prepared to pay tho highest cash price west of Toronto for all classes of Calf r.nd Sheep Skins, deliv ered at my tannery. Lacu Leather con stantly oh haud. . Sl-Iy JAMES Moonn. Tho cubscrihsr, hav:ng purchased the Actou Plow Worlia, is prepared to fur^' riisli Single ami Double .Frame Iron Plows, as well ^u the B:p=3; GaQff PJo\/ which has gained tho reputation of being the best Gang Plow made, at the usual rates. ,_AU repairs dona on the shortest, notieo'aud at the choape-st pric-is. S7>tf "" SYDNEY SMITIf. KJ "Royal Bcauford," dam, Imp. "I^-.dy fiarnes," sire,' imp, "Royal Oxford Gwynno," will iiervo eowa oil the Yn-rni adjoining the G. Lit.,"Actmi. Terms. Pedigreu Cows, 57.00; Gfado Cows, ,;2.00. 10 por cent off for'caah. AlfO t\vh"Uerlrshiro Bnnr.1 r.-ill ho k^pt for ser-vico at tiio Bamo place, Terms MAIN STEEEt, ACTOM". Aoton, April 10th, 1873 ' , ' TH3 . GS2AT . CAUSE .. of mmm 'mE8i. Wo liavc r.T.'iit'v jml.!liirro!l a newloa'.- t!on of Er. t'ii!-.'er-nrllv( IVte.'iratcill Ks- ,-you tho !! .<ilciI hiul |ienn:ul.'Hi cu.ro (withotiLiu. iiici"/-)<>f Ni-rvi.u )ulj-llty, ',1c ii ml an,I l'livs'.-'e,.; 1 nc.i|.:u,ii y. lnii.etll- monta lo ilarria;;'p olc, ryKiillnn; :iom ^ i'ncp, In aip-h'il lfiveloi-o,oii!y ilconts or t'.vo'i-o-daitoniuihl.'t. Tho i'cl"b".it(l ii-.ulior. In tlil'i mlmlr- iible Essay elo'arly iloiivtisLratis, from tlilrly years' uucci i.'nl pracUre, tii.ii ufiii-ioiue conf^qU'-neeE r n> oe rn-ileioi.r cored wli.l.ont UioJ.I-.go.Otis lISijcirlllLor- nul mrili'cliiR or thu u.i|.llcnvlon of too linlfe; p.ii:iliii(f out a nio'io of euro at unci' simple, certain mul efTeeinal, hy nv-11111 of wiileh every Mill'erer.iio i.iatu-r wlmt his condition may oe, m-iy euro !ilm-eirlifiM>ty, rrleiueiy ,,'ml ruiiicnlly. TiiiM I octuro MtionUl be In the nfinils of ovory youlii nndovory m-in In the hand. TMS1 CiUVKUIVtl-t MEOICAL CO., 11 Ann St.,New Yorti. PowtOflloo Hox tunc. 4-Iy 1.0'0, ieaoh 4'J-Gm C. 5. SMITH. 1 hereby givo notico that I will hfoT deliver Milk in', the Village of Acton after tho loth of April. Parties desir ing to t'etinilk oaii havo it anytime by calling at tho first houso on Mill streot, north of the G.T.K., r.t-tho usual price. Iluttermilk always on hand, at '1 cents per quart.. r , 30-3t : P. S. AKMSTIIONG. S3IA\IIIrVC. Wo tako this'opportunity of annonno; ing to the .inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that wo havo Btarted dressmak ing afc'MrH.Stone'a residence, John-st. Ordora left with us will rcce'ivo prompt attention. The moat reasonable prices charged. 39-3m MISSES BEI.G & STONE. Matn-Strcot, Actop. &^Oo. STOCK COMPLETE \% * M TILLAGE PROPEETY FOB ; S.VLE. Tho subscriber, offers for Bale tho lot and dwelling bouao owned and occupied by him in Actou, on reasonable terms. The house is now, well finished, and in a good healthy location. A Rood well on the promiuoa. Apply at once'to 3i)-3t Vtlt. NEI^ON,,Aoton. Thci undornlgnod Is prepared to do all kinds of tVOKIC, with ncat- t noss and dospatcli, on the shortest notico, and at tho most seasonable' prices. . t lie keeps constantly on hand all kinds of *"ana STQYEB of tho lateBt designs, Japan Ware,'Etc.,.- All orders for Kepnlring and ove- troughi'ng strictly attended to. CO At. Oil. A S3PEC1AUTV. Call and bo convinoed that the' abovo statemen ts are not balder-. dnsh or frothy babblings. WM. LtilTH, Proprietor. Acvob, Dec. 2f>, 18T7.. \MSRCHAflT TAILOR. H'6'CSKftrooji, Tali <?3 this opportunity of anno inc- ing to.tiio public that his stoik consistihg of English, efcotch and Canadian TWEEDS, CLOTHS, A(ND WOBSTED GOoioa. Is now complete. H^ la proparo.1 to ruako up Inltho ATEBT' 8TYLE]S, And good Workmanship.; Satlofaotloa- G-uiraatood. A Call Is Solicited. S JOHN NELSON Hocjkwood. Maroh 20, 1877 3S-3m a.. iit tedSy Seeds. ie.pd.s DEESS Ricls. Choice and CJheap, replete with latest novelties ^ in Style and Color at our Popular Dow Prices. rroi Full Ranges, ISTew Patterns and JTew Prices, '> . H w Immense Stbck. -h.. e Q^arden , and Flower ' j, at- J.E.-MrcGRVIN'r3 .' t IUG STOR by is are ^alue is, the marS^t Save the 20 pr cent, by buying frora us. ;.r- , - Aoton, itaroiilSre-h IS!^, . ' ^ . o i\~ i -'I j , "f.; OiJ

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