tolumo Hi. Xo.44 Whole No. 140 ACTON, ONiT,, -,' f" rrmE \t torVfi t- -FREE". PRESS Is Published EVERY TH'jnSDAY M3RN.NC, A CTOX B.IKI.KY Free Press >i*x; to Building, ho l\>st. 0:Uce. '. "r .fR".1*"" T ctai w.a year, s.rU-t'v In i jivr"-., i i.v,,-,!ir -,> wo,r.i',< oti >,!>; "i .. I<r.i ,1 .' vcar. s-iai'e cov-,.-. v i,,.--. -a o.s. r No ' p-_;y- \rill.ti> >o-i, -on.iy p.;_a.i ma-O- j a .', ,'., y "at- . i TtvT.-So.- \ ovi-i; - '.-'. Wi- - V, i '\\ o,.:U p .- 1; i , r an I . a'O ,-,-nl<j p.. .a- ( 1 -0 HI-... S-, ,- . '., '.- ~-inw> > o c'.-'u-l ..... a- >i . ] U'\'-* s't k t__- 3 ) e.rd- .: ciji trues aui u.i.icr, f 1 pvr , t i LJ *.ti _. . ' SK .V ' \ .>- -1-* lU^co-ir.l s'iow.. 1 on :.-ivcr- : .' iJ, j A.iv.-.--,r>--.'i-> :- v i.;v.> :; - - . V- >- ,i -.. i.-. i,!l lo.'.-'..., ,uia o^-.ut'J . _-_.-. i'.:.,-..'. ' " . I V.v s'c,'. -^' Notice, ^P oM.'c: 0..--V,. ch 1 ts .> i- '.'a ' * ' iH'O'.i.l.* y "OiHIi. of. k r* ai e n-. t v a . . or o-ax -any, : a'ae cciis.,1- j " .: * e:i5'..'.3.>'t::-;'i0:... > T. .- 3 *! xr _t- .,.. F,nierovi"-"'-or-y. i i S cs ur.J :. IV.__.-_ ; ..v. . - j . 'T, ii.E::i;i".aaar.x, j i...--.::'. -_. O .. . . O. . ' T aLLOI won \\:\\n wins,. H I\ip:T went (tu. gay cork Hying, Sparkled the -ay.champagne, ' l.y tho 1 .-lit of llu il;iy t-hut \v:i;i ilyiua, 'lie lill.'.l up thoii ^..ItU'H again. | l.c.t ihe 1 'i.t. l.L^t tn;i--t lio woiran, v i " WilllKiH lU':ir U.U1KU1," HHhl 111', "Kmjity your i;l.i-', my il-v.-ling, .Wlicii yoiuiiink tu ymir svx with mo." But lto o;i\ii;lu liii strong livinvt"liiigc!-s, Ami lfolii iliom tight .is in four, . lit licr f.imil voioc toll on In* e;u-:: ^ 'N.iy, i'io you ilrink.Timphire yuu, liy nil thil. you" liulil^livino, rii-.lgowouuui iiV.ti'..r ilrops H.iihor liy i'li:u> iiv wine. i " Hv wnos of tlio dfuukard'a moilu-r, llV tbo ohil.hon ih:it lioguo.l for Ii-.omI, Hy! llio f.ioo of lu-r ivlioso Vtolovcil one; o-.i tbt'o-w.bon 'lis rcil. ,]-y. tho"os oiuiugcil to .cm-sos, "i'.y the t'o.irs moi:o bittor Uian brine, , By i.i.-ny .1 foi.d lnj:.rt lii'olU'ii, l'lo.l^o no \vo:nan in wiiio. ; " Wlir.t h.i.-< wine brought to woman ! Nothing buX loai:-; anil p.un, vlt Ii^h lorn liom bor lio;ot itor lovor And pi i,von bur piv.vv.'a in v.iiir; A ii.I lior bon.--..!iol I c,...o.U nil so.ittorcil, . I.;i.;!o.l l.p in t*ao vino ; , l)h ! 1'pni'hfo I'lo.lgo no wonuin lu the oui:k. of iu iiinnv ." THURSDAY, MAY 2, 187B. {$1.00 pe^animm in Adyanc<j -. !#:' FEIQS'A^ fc^iHCIPLE. inuh,,I havo Fioi'ii:iKji-iii. with nil my hat rut) f.n havo stooped to* iikjiiiihl; plioity ; uhd; \yli<tt iij b lmvo Bt'.on yoji delittso noblo untiiio by tbo Kiim Anil to .what pmposu 1 : j1 thus boforo i can ucqn uiul t,ball we go on, ru si-hen of Lite plcttsnio in glory, anil plungo dui-piir vi" into tbo mild nnd fi rlact-jitioii ? 1 can riot parents in. th\> fucb lituniliittiDg weitso of con; knowing'us 1 do tlmt, I llmir da-iio'uter'H ben'it, believe it freo nnd I- can i endure it no In havo resolved this day to tell your father all." '- -'" And _ tvkhout :ui.y said Madeline, her face with indignation. " No, dearest ; I liVj your fieo conduit a>'d (operation. Your futliii dearly, and it' yo.u toil have so often told nic llirtt voiir whole beait cannot bo bo cruel as ^ fiihclj* J] soHKtj ui.citer. m Ilia own .hails-, deceit, I and to bccnrn doinestic harmony, 13= ;s and du- .ill worse, your own ii disguise*. It will bi ro wealth, bbing our- whieh wn and deep- tb of babe look your without; ft cious ny/ilt, iave Htj)lei while tlioy ifetCefud. stronger ngor ; rrtnd consent ?" ci-itiisonini,' i> to have entire .co. loves yon, as you , M.adeliue, in mine, he ;0 BOparutti Ijitt ho can, nnd he will ni~siS}:<s CAPii><._ )y dny. tb. with the / ST. >- - ": l - v . I O If. C- lowry; ii. P. <. .' r ..:-avo o .l1..: o C > (rj.'^.:" :' eiloy^;. i.i.-. .o; i-.s :" T .14. :..n^ r -."-1 r-. -^ A--";'-" I'lj . V T>. a r"> __ , _ , _ -r a. . It was a lov 97es^. Ba4^, Bookstore.- w(.re. ev^cv.,,,.,;, ,,,r ', ,- J( faHliiun^liloj r. \Villia'a. BO-SKSi&'STATJOaEftY S^asioc L."b:T.r:.03, - , l ir.:.-.:ao JL-'oiv..:':'^, i : "DOV'i __,!->r;, ! - ; '. ^,. Y. i_.brt.ries. ' _ -,- itcst .xoycij. t Ajju all t'a? ^ V. - i.u--(. A.-. . .'</ - tlir.iS->3^. .Vir-.-ii--. T, D. :IU -l-->. K. w. ric. olE. i.? - o r .r^-.-t <^--- ry\E.i; os J- 8 Prar'noia. I_=---.u Stirrer^~ a Civil Eng-inesr, Gu31--.--1.5. ?s .<.._:-- :> streets \y iii-.d Sloillcliiir t-usei.ped lioni l.j). oiRlo hnd pro ceeded with 'a fti/in and resbliuo i \l?p down.'the stteot.- "I can en. ! dne'. tliU condition of nfi'iiis mo, j loader,"" iiu i.:id to hiiiiseli", as b wtilkod on, iii'tt-tit -,i]iou bis own thoughts, sat! w;.e eely e^ii.-.'io.oi ol the uiMiv bowir and smiles which i g'ie(f-d hii-.i fiom ril s.ibs. V Upon u-aehinix li^i; 'dtsiiniitinn. | ll.O servant Koswoied, -' Mis.. Vit'i i iu;_ is at home, si:;" and in a mo- \, inca; raoie he wiis ushered iufb the i ban.i-ouve pallors where tbo bean Iil\il MJe!iui: Yin'oii was Un-agid bt't.or.ini.i: tiriig calls. ,. i'in lior qaa't, -Ai-11-bri-il ; betrayed to the casu-il on \ j-.erver that her pivsenen v.-;-,.s j especially phsi.v!:.^ or ctln-rwise ; r.ovei tueiess, '.a- slight, liiiniii >".n.i : qrtio'ketied with which ! the couvciaatiuti was re.sunieil, liis i comtag had int.-i icpti .1, "i made HtuVuds for i! e tlii;ht ];irt i,<- " Then, what is to Shaft we disgrace tmr.- elopemuut, wiibout e\'( to gain ^oiir falhcr's inelice our We-lded life 1 on our higia-st honor iiue ; ha it far from tit( h;\vo itr'.e.l but wi'.ikly t-r thus far ; but wiol not net so help moll iuie: o - 'J' ust ..11 flo s.u ' 1 truth. I'.O-.VliS over to suit;' 1 self'too. p-ssi': ' lil frit--;! ouiy SupposiiiL; it. ti'rst. he [ mi(: look favoi-ab es.eein highly to sup, was Hirnf-.s r.t ti-.e (Intarm ;_t tbo worth in it tie be h-s which j j,,., fast J ' it Slit-l.t ing the small cci-imoia weie poured' futth- thick : ; \if the vations lueinle'is . of tbo i circle," and yaziug in f-inJ adaiira ' tion o:i the lovely face of.tiie fair c-iii'ortai:-..-.:,'until all had paid tbeir . jiHiting c;ii.p'iiiien'.s, und the lovers I were, at last,- alone. j Seated side by side upon- the i sofa, Madel'.i.e'a still bright iwiih h'-Ot>incss. while tiiat ot,tlie i lover's was .clou-led with anxiety, idt-line, 1 have come bo done ? elv'i'n by an n one effort "tlVOi'i ? cohl y trampling No, Made- ler of us. 1 in this mat-j cdly, I will it'.'l'il " .... nu seerecy-J" .. " Again I fisMi. o s Jio'si-.lf, and insist silence.'" "Insis.t! After. 1 tliO Willi).! FO Sllb.iv II blind love, and bo-v t our lO' inlltcis npo '" Yes. I,.do insist n ..jailfiine, iiirgri.y, 'lnvii. liie half as lliji-ii you wo'i'd ba-Cr a jgre lor in v . uk-. 1 am in this c-a.?e ti'.-.ti. i aud no power" on e^r ! i I me to vn-i.l my w t: ridien'ino. scruples.1' " Madi ilia-," grill.t- in a tone that migl iv..'.-liss 'imperious 'I,' in}1 detestation of '-i rn a'- ridiculous j how have I mistaken " It BPcms tiiat e taken tiie other," K:'i'v', "and tin to timo and bur father ^ht bo W-OI1 ;.- upon m.y im and' my- ose that itu- on it is im- pou your have shown l.leu by out inch misery i tiie f" ion it," said .n-1 '-l you r.s. you hay, t'deal mo o much bettfr you e .ii be, h will move hes to -such OLlViiii-OJIit: Plmerii; mt K -. u:a-V tie m^st re i^onat/iei.r-U-, ^ao^s.i: oa gtaaranteed. . Stop 113. P ;;/..; ;r> t-._ 'j- T. -i-i n^"i.ii- >J > i'-n f',';.vV iXc. .THUS, rjA:.U:3K!.L D3_.H'S lO\ H ,;',.rr >-.%^ ISO-, .ro.-rt^o-.r. l_< n <r __.':~i i* r.i ^a '- nrle villi ucv fura'.ta *.. :i -era w; > r. a-1 t c o_ -ao lion- ^a-n;i!( *._-!.ttO I t.'V.-. t'l.tll" - ' 105, P.-ir's:l p ;.:! ilHOT'.1 Ifiq.i'ir9!ifi1 C-i^^r? ?. Gool S '-H3l!*'rB--.CT, L-icensed Auctioneer i-'ar.r. Pecs-. nr..,' in Kor tb'i.GTintle^of We-'."" ioa. -OrJers l-'t a- Ofl-, Aclo", or '. ray . .-=.-,, RoitwoTl. will n. jirO-Dptlyatienao.'to, Terms reasonable. TO THE PUBLIC OF ALL NA- If yoQ want a goo4 AUCT_<-f EER try OEOlttiE GIBBS, He -ander.taniH hi= bisl.nes^. --Suli i.M. A'iJr-_s ilitl-bur,' iJ. v.. . -^ OTltK. I 1:,e an.}er*isnc-d b.^es len^e ,to ""- iio-inc. to Farmer. , and oil:.: "'"'<? in iidifr masmg -.i tio par o-e goroii_-a n-w Clilirn .fiat lU6y w-u'o C0:i->l.:,T tti.irown iiil-rrUK by r.-r.if-rini! -.m- <>r A. Holmes' Iincrorf-a fatinlir aU rhnrn-. X am-'now la-V-itf oi'd'-r- ior them, i.avin.purcliHS-i>!.'- I-a '-"^.'S"1 to mHuu'acuire an<l -Scli I Ii--} are '-!t> doin.'tne best rn llie m ir'"i. - ToarTatronase-ts respect fan v sohnte-I. Ciroulaisand f.BtlmonlHlh,rr(-.eoii ani-rj-. cation. Territorj^ior sal., >.uau;uctu.- ed ami Bold b/ ^ ^ L;MCD0S M.D. SS-6m. -=---------*r Acton, _nt, BEATTY'S PIAH&[PARLOR, ORGAN IXSa-KUCTOK Th^ unrlerslgnci bees leave to inform the pi ou'p c/Acinn ruitt sur rounding nc-.'iii.oC'-if.c'l JL ! b^ hns proci.icd. a .e.^'ti i i eo '. Il I. M.Sii And is p;-c-p-i,-ed r> at.eoo aad'eon- tltict Funerals on loo Sim-test notice and most ntpdeia.e terms.' C:ti '- , C-ijflll*, C-.-riaiJf'ihr.l, And oil "kinds of Fjneral Fnrnish- ,:in^s kept to stock, and supp.ied .-| on the shortest notice- Hat B indi and Glovessupplied when teqnired. . -, ; ' JOiTN-SPKIGHT.. Acton,Feb. 10, 1S77. ' pies, to be acting the ; clandestine lover, who Ca but a stolon interview ; after day is obliged to smiles, that am hisr only, llpon others rather than " Ail, \Yilliam, you are. jcalon.s Acton. t;ijs- Ino;U:i,g) 1 am ! sure you aie," Said Madeline, p'.ayfuiiv, " and oi such a pei ton, too!, 'J'here now, in; quiet like a good boy, and i'i you that I wilt Dot flirt wiih Mr. yldsmiih ugain no. tiot- for .a nioiith."' Siie tlion tn.dcd more gra.ely, " Can't you seo it is; only tloiie for a blind 1" "But whv. not ler. nil be. fair find open ? What need is .hero of" t. blind or subti-ifuge in such an ( ffair as this . Surely your father can have no leasonuble objections to our engag'etjient. _\Iy. family is unexceptionable, tny cburacter tin queb-iuuunle, and, though not rich, my prospects are considerably uoi. tiian averagf f-d the lover, lave touched t than hers, ilsch'ioJ you stfrup'.e? Oh, yo'a f' rch lias mis- id Madeline, sooner d thXi lietter I am no weak i.-r a hot head l chooses to fi'ec.ioii is im on are willing it." '" My dearest Ma. not saei isice truth in to you. Blinded I passion for you, I b4ve to lead uie." "No," interrupted highly irritate with your prolvsstoi deeds are..louder.thai claiming sincere all trusling h'-art. R ove you, but.1 love better. Or, pei haps settled on the l i uiy fa'.her will b.sto'. flit daug'oter, and content lo marry n It is well . I Ullderst is too late," and the burst iiito a (load of ' Do von mean Madelii.eK" jsaid t with agilati.on. " doubt my aii'-ctioi. proven, (Jlud knows bv the dine d honor even my idolatrous llowed it Madeline, now not mock me s of pnssion ; words in pro- ctiou to the ther say, I my own way' your love is lortiou which / on his obedi scarcely feel IP. without it. nd you ere it proud beauty angry tears, -vhat you Bity,- o lover, pale .Do you really l.iost blind sub- ain.paid ,to: tin. " Oh, ^y"ll!ian^, yon don't know, mission that every n my father! All his ambition has caprice of woman, and do youjnow been to obtain wealth ; his whole believe me niercewai soul Is bound "up in it, and his _ Madeline did not l .whole heart is unalterably fixed 1 tinned sobbing in tb <Jorfta!n!ngtt>ee'.ement>i< f mostc.wltli ea> i pro^resiiive exercl<es-io pe-fecf tlie poiyer in tue art of mnt-ic ' can'.buy firnt-c'ass Pf.vsos and O'ugasscheaper of DAS- I EL F. BEATTV, Washing ^ict_ to i, Xew Jersey, thn.n any other tnttn'i.f.icturev in the U0'1?," Stales- Why? Because" he sells only for cash, lakes do jisksand has mo book accounts. Ijvery Instill- .mentis rull.v-vrarrrtaited forsixyear* as strictlv first cl!iFBf and are sent or'or'/i'.rTtVwblchi.a'l-' on lion. 5 to 15 days' test trial sixty W.iltzes, Holkas, Mi.rcli>. liaiot.ti. j mon .y i-eiU'iii*-'! -and ireignt paiu Operatic Meloalles. Dunces, e' IJan- - le4 F. heatty. A'cainnL'ton NeirJersey, onoftheb-sl works ot lis Uindev-ei. in troduc-d, ini i-honlil be. in ttir> hands of evfiry piano an'J_o'i!.ui flayer. Sent |i-fii- palJ t/any onrt oi tr,e'TJi-ltod BtaJi-i1 or C-naila for only fifty roni-i tlie pi'ee hiVin'R been retneed to intr'i-luee it evpryw_herc. Adin-ss UAX1EL J HHSTDC, W'ast-ington, Nott Jersey. i-itiier I both ways by him if Uk y ore usatia- facloty. .Send for .llofttia'.erl An- vi.iitIsk'b (Catalogue J-oition) and | ead testimoniuls ftom his patrons, some of whom you may know. Ad dress DftNlKt- K.-fJ-jAJL-TY, .Wash ington, NewJeisey.. upon my marrying a person- as ^wealthy aa himself." "In other words, .upon your rnarrying M"r. Goldsmith," Made line was, silent. " And, knowing this, you encourage his love, and if tru^. to me, would willfully blight liw happiness forever. : Oh, M/ideline, you almost mudden.iine !" Madeline chipped Ler hands and laughed heaitilv. as she exclaimed, "Splendid !: How -perfectly-; you. play the ro)". of jealous lover ! I blight Mr. "fiol.j.-oiiith's happiness? You flatter i.fe,."VJTil-him 1 Oil, no ; ^/-tliHpniness-.ctiWid only bo blight ed by setting fire to his-houses, or demeeiating his stocks." i ! *' Dear Madeline, let us he seri ous," and William took her hand, while, with his whole soul ben'uiiug in hih| hordsonie > face, .he I Haid, " Listen Mq me, my ' (lulling. Tlliongh all the months since We plighted our faith at Long Bijanch, [y ( ' ply ; tyij. con- e corner 6f the sofa. The youn before her. "Unsay those crt el wrrds ! Do yon think iuo the heartless canary being you tl escribe... must we part thus, Madeline Still she spoke not, and after a few vain entreaties, break her stuhbo madly from A few moments ran up to h^r roo but littlo effort,, sh removing all traces -ose una stood met' Am; that she would n silence, ho the house, later Madeline m, where, with succeeded in 3f tears/and by the time she-was called to join tho family at dinni-i'- she was as aitnnv nnd cheerful aa if nothing' laid oc currod tb agitate her. Madeline Vinton: was a spoiled buuuty ; vnin, pass.On-ate find im patient of control. II er mother, a weak woman, had ijilnlgml lnu' to the extent of her power';' hut that power was limited. Mr. "Vinton, from whom the daughter inherited I have'yielded' imjilicitly to your wilL With all iny legiuij "fjor her^ridt. and will' tlla'-ss, WAd i.b- tk*"g f01" llis slLkB'. porfeiit subservience to his will wan necessary. Ilia wife had learned to accomplish her ends by cunning und -double dealing;; and frequent ly, when' = tho woi'lliy irmhiind thought his huipl;. was guiding iif fairs, tho wife would take advan tage of an under current, and firing things ,uhout eX-ictly :u she wished. But it was only in sinail ins,ttetH that this was ventured upon. Mrs. Vinson's mind Was a small "one, and in small triumphs her soul delighted, Her daughter, with more intellect than hoiself, a will and inoro irritable temper, was moyt' successful in working with the sumo weapons on' both purentn, audi thus insured' to hoiself a liberty quite surprising, for the daughter of .tho ,sle, n un compromising M;r. Vmton." Never theless,. Madelino utood in awo of her .father. 'Sluilkuew lo loved her; but at the sumo tiino aho know also that not one cherishud notion would be sacrificed to hot- happiness. !' lie was proud of her beauty) of her talents/of tho] admiration she excited, and, not tlmong the least, was tho prospect of the fortune she would bring to his' diseeudants. Mrs. Vinton's | attention was mostly occupied by tliu younger children in tli'i nursery, and Mude line, in consequence, had been able to receive her. lover, to 'whom she had engaged herself while spending tho suuimcr m on litis at the seaside, under the care of |a niarriud uunt, her inotiier's sistier, ut an boar when tliu occupa'.ioii of both Would pr.vent observation, K\er siiio the con'r.iction of tiiis eng ..gemciit, jWilltsm Monl i.-laie, to whom thejvery thougiit of deception was"abhorrent, had been irging upon-tiio woman, whoso beaiuy and apparent wo'ih had gained his warmeat afTec'-ionR, the necesi.iiy of repealing its existence to her parents. -; Bat no amount of porsm-siori could induce Madeline '.o yield to a.ich a measure. Site .hue a- her faiher had sot lis bc.i-t upon a wonlthiei sui:or ; Rio knew, too, that in tiiis her moth ,-r sy with hi in, nnd it" sir.i ii'.!, the wouldn't have dared oppose hi. wll. W e can sc icely imagine to what Madeline looked forward ris the tei.tuin ilion of her' engagement, biiu had iv yiivrtio iueatiint in some way she cotilii get ro md the father; but jus- how, she had not thought: Then ihe-o.wa.-i something so de lightful, in Carrying on a seCet af fair; indeed, cbmde.v.ine marriage I i would not in any degree havo dis turbed her ideas of filial dul.v, and (bo ho.ror expressed, by William Montciair at tho thought of it had our hern.-no (fight mortific.V.ion to her vanity. Sim also loved deaily to feel her power. To seo a btroi.g man testivo under the gelling clmi.. forged by her own will'was satisfaction. The thought of a paNS'bility '.hat he might, not yield implicit o'oedieu.e did not for n second darken her mind; therefore alio did not iegret theii altercation in tiro, least, and, confident thao the .ifcxt day Would bring him penitent to her feet, she gave her self up. to her Usual occupations and pleasures. When two days lial passed, and William came not, Madeline began to be a little uneasy. On tho third day ho passed her on ihe street with a lis,ant bow; but le looked wi eternally, and tills gave the proud woman no small satisfac tion. Stiil confident in tip) power of her charms, she had no fear o^' loosing -him ; but that sue should yield, or nial-'i life slightest effort toward a reeon.eilialioii, was no. thought of. It wan his business to sue for pardon, and liLuloliuu had, in her own tniud, determined upon tho timo und place for her tri umph. T.iera .was to bo' a large party in a daif or two, at the house of one of Moptclaii-'s most intimate friends. At this pi-co he was sure to'In, and Madeline, who ready longed for ii renewal of their iir.yrcours.", looked forward to ,th;> timo with the greuiC3-:'iu-;--'.i-UUiV Before time for commencing her toilet, she threw' on the sofa iu her own room and indulged her self in ' bright dreams of. future bliss. She thought of William of the deep and aidant passion she had inspired in him, of the noblo and generous nature which must make happiness to ull with him, of his talents and acqniie- meiits, which niustwoik their way to independence, if not to wealth. And with a sigh over his present poverty, and another over his strong self-will, she leaped _v-er the d'fiicuUieB in tin ir path, and saw hers -If the presiding genius of his homo : the wife that shared his inmost thoughts and feelings, his comforter- in the, hour of sorrow, tvnd his .sympathising friend in that of joy, until"tears of imppit.<-s3 bedewed her cheeks, and^slie felt then that she -could sacrifice uuy- Jn'st thou the maid, entered in breathless delight. :. "Oh,. Miss Madeline ! Much a magnificent -bou-. (jiiet! Tho most beautiful this sea son !" And handed1--the cottly of fering to her mistress. - M'uloli.iu viewed it in inulo ad miration, satisfied with this it'idica' '.ion of. Montelair's anxiety tb'atono for the o-Tuilub ho-had givrui HciV and was indulging sonic very tei der thoughts of tlie'givor,-\vuun the maid suddenly reentered; bearing tho card which' had fallen on the stairs. She placed it in Mada'ine'.s hand, w-ho read, " I-'or Miss Vur- ton, .with-'compliments of M , Goldsmith." Tliorovnlsion of fueling vras too great .far Madeline's temper. With fl ishiifgoyes, and an exclamation of deep disgust, 8ho cast all ou tho blading fire before her. : The maid, not unused lo these violent:demonstrations of her mis- tres, ttttemptod to rescue them f.ojb .destruction ;' bit Madeline"! prevented her, and stood enjoying tho ruin until they were consumed. Her toilqt completed, she lookeu ti:imp!ianlJ.y at Lor beaulifill faCo reflected in the 'niirror, then [de scending to the parlors WA3 soori:iu (he carriage. 1 ' ' lior eyes wende-pd in u'n oyer that gorgeous assembh-gi as fBho (uitt'iod the rooms on falhcr's at m ; no Wdlliam met her view. About an hour later, mak ing her way iir.ot.U3 back parjio--, she perceived him staiid'ng inc, ose nd iik, iiOt sod nd conversation .with a gentleman, so engrossed waa he that lib did see her for several nrmilos ; then he bowed distao.'.y and con linued his conversa.iou. Madeline's olagi in whs un'.o ed, und Mr. Goiilsin'"-h advaiicirjg at this point s'ao bellowed on him lavishly her most bewitchAig smiles and.congratulated herself that siie need no longer feel tiiat was stupid ; and on his cxp"e.sing surprise had,so. wounded n't'their last iliter | When her toilette tis cmif/et^tl, vjen-l, find iwhich'liad defte, mined she.iigain descended to the ptrl'or' lmn on tho course he was p-.,'suliig, ! where her husband sat quietly prevented. - JS then cuina tho humiliating he-showed no sigifs of disnfcaMiro question hud :: sho ever, really , in Lis face, siie cm cliided 'he hid Joi'eil him? Had ho. not f.oui. tho Jyieided, am! .(lierefoi-fl addressed the 1 can Hd'ajo surprise at. not s.-om Ho.\era he h..d ;scnt her, she ntgrct- ed deeply the uufoi tunite f.-et S.uaX they had not reo:he\l 'lie.-; pixiba b!L.- there had been^.n erior iui'tlie addresn. Saon afrer this slip a! lolv.vd Mr. Goldsmith to lc_.d her to a ie ibcd corner of'the room, he de,aiin;d her tho greater of the even-ng. . . i -"- Throe times, in the course of ii, ber eyes niet VYilliani's ; there s'.emod to be no jealousy -in the .gl.'.nce; . his eye rested inquiringly on her, and she at ones coldly ..veil ed her's. How g-eat the change inl oue short week 1 Even the moiii-rjtiu-y interchanges .of Senliinent that a glance conveyed wi^s bweer, yet.she was still detoruiintid that not even I'V a look would Bhe make the first fi -..G.beeu 11- victim of her coquet: v 'l Had she not f. out the been spoi _ing wiidi his nlleclioufi," und leading pour out upon her tno deepest and best feelings of biu-heart.-LOnly for the, pleasure of bieakiug ic at last? Had he any cause to hope for anything -ioi-e iio'olfi oi- -eiterous, nGier wluit he bad dTsc^voied of h$v total want of good pi ior.ip'e du.iiig their last into, view? Moidei.ingand' painfi.l nH the disappointment, still iir ibis- he found consolation ; the. world k ie'W; not of hia former hiippinexs 01- bis present, misery, and wlien in a few days ho reap peared among his friends, tiiore was ho traces,-'of the p^in'ful con fllct evident, oxcjnt it might be Ids face was a siuidp paler; Thus 'Madeline was disupOoinied' in one foiiudly anticipated tiinmiih; but although she saw bin, unsuodued, sho, knew he fe'iifiercd, and this consciousness g eatly aided her blill to Act her part with spirit. . r Her acceptance of Mr. Gold smith was when her anger-with Moi'ielair was at its her only tliq-ight was the blow it <vou!.I iii!:ct pn h-m. But the de light with which M.'.":Golds .ij'.u lecelved her assent, tbo joy of net- p-ii-Kii-S at. tho m, und the Kjileudal establisiiiUKnt this mar- riag' would secure, was,not with;- onc tfT-ct 011 b>r. As 1.1 r. had remai-k- abl|)- noX and iiisinuaiing manners, ami was really much in love with he:-, sho -hoped to be able to govern him completely; she, therefore,- t.-ied to forgi'.t tiiat he was neither young, liaiuisome, uor-interesting ; and by jiis constant flattery and jieifect Bti'n nirtsion to :ujl her c'lp-.-iecs, aud kept in constant ex' c!ij.mnt l>y ihe rapid pi'epuratiou!) nu iting for her marriage-, srVe really believed her love for VYiiiiain was C'-mpleiely auiiihila,.cd by his oj/n ni'fo.;o_I.l act. BatMideline bad miscalculated. nulre.sseo hinf us if nouhing had l.appsutd. 'f And >ou thiuk-t ^.ok w'^ll to night." she fctjU, as ho nUisted to cla3p a bracelet1 on h'.r a tin. " Charmingly, m.y love," he rr- pliiid^. " I am . much graiifie.l by yojfr appearance. Those .n.i.ias are pxqnwi.c.on your lovely iircl:. ' But I wonder the carriage , ..n't come; I ordered ir. fit dot nine. ' - " The carrjnge !" hor Iimihnnd; ":liat cut you want vr.ii h the carriage ."I - "A re you crnaj, Mr. Goldsmith % To go to Mrs. Towhsenu'-r, of course." " I told you befori.'. Madeline, thfit you were not to go there; so k"e yourself eotull-itabie, " my -advance ia-.vai d reconciliation JI sue only flirted the_ inoro desjiCji -.1 ate _ uever its. -- ngor uy tlaleil ltie_ inoro uespe wi-.h Mr. Golds.nith, and |Lad appeared iu more brillianjc sn; ' But, oh ! ' Tho storm 'of a ;l of disappointment, of banl.d hope, that raged within that fair and seemingiy .tranipiil breast; I yet, -.midst it all, sho jneset ed the same gi'y exterior. But.when she was removed from the resJ'aiii.s of soqiuiy ; when, after Cas.irjg ofl' her ricii app.t.-el and", pi'tjeious jewels, she das'i-d herself upon the bed in. a paroxysm of. indig: aihm ag.iiust him, of whom, a l'.iv loirs bei'o.e, she had thought so t ly ; all heti-oh.l looe beeiued turnud 10 bate, ii'ud.Jiow to most I'ul y re venge her.-elf was tho ai! colisttm ing passion of her son A fc.v days after the; in-, we have reb-.ed, as Moatcia reading the inoi'uaig p.per ullice, a f. i-'iul en-etx-d in i.pirit.s, with " Ha vc you he., n'e engaged Fjjii tu tuts was in his ilirgh .1 tho Willi Madeline Vincent is" to -.'.*.ik Goid>inVh ! iately\, alon^clai'r wrtH seat, sjargu o-iiee ch.iir, else he must havo fallen! At titninered forth : 1 you siire of this,1 Clayton ?" why Mr."'"Goldsmith so himself.' I never'saw a ig'nted in my lifej Oil, edin hi certa:nlj last he 1 "A ro " Scr told mo .fellow.s its certain as fate.; aud ' I'.in eure no one'Can .be sivrprised .after the way in kvhicli she has received' his attenlioiis the entire -season. It's a capital match sho will do-the 'honors bf his grand hot|so, eii-gaut- ly ; such panics a? s'lo-'will give such k filfe, dashing, tpirited creature as she is. But Lvnj'.ist bo off! I only looked in to tijll you the nows." :.'.'And ]William was left ilone- a!or>e with his breaking hen 't ibe fine fa'irib of his once imngineil liappiuess. torn in siiieds at his feet. A Could this indeed, boi ti-i had looked upon her as his ed wife. He recalled thh which were sr.'ll hid, and to thoughi for a- time estranged Joop, and ve willj iivo a pleasant f In vain Madilino scorned; in vain she essayed^-fiuding the car-A ria|go couiitC-i-'imi-'du'!, to set out on fodt byA herself."'-The doors wero loqked, and ilO^soi k-uts, deaf to : h"r coiMiiitiud...-- In vain-she-.tried entteaiies, -rrpioacnes, teiiis, and finally .]1ys'..-'ilc... /iir. Culd-mith wis iinmov-iiole,aiid, v.hatiiuioie,. J He sat readilig hia paper, and did iiot seem to fiear a ^ord, At lus'i hit. wife threw her self upon a sofa, completely ex- hii'isted by' tue. violence of - br p-Salons, and wishing oh, -how * uiu^ilv! ihat -the had i_eve marr'i-'d. bin. - , - A" ' V i "-You, see, mylpve," he saidj-^ when ait a few hj.Ki.ei-ii.-il sons, "-'now 'uer..-lie__3: it is lo agi-ate ymrrsplf iu ibis man ner. Yo.i have sjioih-.d a Very pleasant evening, and gained- nio'.l;- i uig by it.-btit a, very uiafi'u.-cd face."" ,,..:.' " Crudl man, I hate 'you !"' ix- claimed tho wife. -, . " You will cbangef join- mind to-morrow, my den,"'replied the ims-band, "You. hated me when you buitied a boquet I once setit-- you.anl yet next day loved, me nil e-iiougii to consent ;to mivvy :ne. I understand * the 'whoio matter perfectly, my love, and I hope by this time you understand Juiat I am master here." Butwe riei-ti uot follow Madeline,;' fur-.ber in her wedded career.;- It__ was in vain siie tried iocircumvent~ her hnabund by her cunning, or to destroy his happiness by her un- g'iveruab.le. .temper. -.He seemed anued at all points'.in the most- pe.fect panoply of insensibility.; not eyen a heel wa.. vulnerable to" her ^attacks. Siie "is, therefore, her oJn tormeo'.or, and by turns a vicuui to'.d'isctmi/eiit, to en-iuii, ' aud nioi bid nielmciioly. Herr -lieauty is graduklly fading, and' her life seemingly gone. Slie,..too, enjoys the misery o- -seeiug Montclair elevated: to tit hig'-tst piunacies of fame in lit p.oi'esslqu, to w iiicli, aftei- his cruel disappointment, he devoted every energy; aitd his recent marring* n iih a beau .ifiiT and sweet-Spirited wonan proves how entirely Mitlo- liue is forgotten. In botifs when lea.0ri.1g to alter his de*teri_.iua- ber betteh n'siure predemiDatea, lion, .qiiietly sent an -HCceptilnce, Tt. .yetieswero haidiv-- oyer before she began to discover t the quiet, obsequious Mr. ldsmith wits not quite the sub-' missive and obedient lutshand she InJd expec-ed him to be. Tt is trio lie ne> er .tired of admiring his ydiit'uful bride; but .he showed a strong 'disposition to munQp'oHze bar.society himself.' He dsti 110. c' oose tii.4 bhe -should- fliit aud uce with gay admiiei'S, as she bid done iu tno days of her un fettered gii!hood; or that e^ery evening-they had no eng-gement o^it, -she would assemble around hbr a young aud giddy circle, in-. 'sEead of devoting heir time to 'him. And as fi oiu the first, sho show ed that his wishes did not influence her^-onduct iu ther least, he soon f-jutid ways and means to. reduce h;ir to obsdiauce. -Their first serious quarrel, which oce irred within two monllis after .Ijeir ma'i'iiage, . eliec.tu.liyl' in-o'i ed w'h<) wa^.to be-masier. . jl Ttey had received an ^kvi'.a'iou which Mr. GoldiCtiiih 'wished de clined. His, wife, ufter vainly en- hoping some lucky chance might l. ko him out of the way on tlio upptvuted evenings nud nilher en joyed tbo :anticipation of his dis c'uiiilitnto wheirall should be over, and he should have .proven, the uner u.eles'.ness of asserting uu: due aiithor'.cy over actions.-. . Cuutia.y to her hopes, however, uot the lealst of her sufl'eting is the thought i/iat' had' sho allowed principle iis.ea.1 of piide to be her guiding; star, how;-.' different it wouldrii*vo been Willi her. t \ . \' .l-i m ., Business Law. .- T!ie following brief Qompilatiom of biisinef^ lavv is wortii a careful. er husband remained at home,'! lireiervation, as it contains the ami after p.eriding at, the tea tabic, [essence of a large amouut of legal; ^lio -was j .1st go^ig up to dress,1,veibi. vv'.ien he 'iuquirdd why. she was leavingJhim. . ^ __ . . " To dress for Llrs. Tov. nsend's^" said ' Madeline, Varelessly. "(You need cot go if yott do not want to ; had never dreamed'of vvitiu. his allegiance. Cquld sh give hi.'m up, without b look ehdeavo.-ngio-recr.U 1 Tlia|-i-.-st. impulse iwas to b. He .lig.Vt- vows which, he ravvjug. a thus single im? h.h to her, to reiiroach her .villi her crueity, her treaehcry, and to let her i witness "th3 agony sho had eaused!. Bat \i\a pride,, which she then ran up stairs. but as 1 havo a pai ..icular ' desire to be lliere I shall go alone." "T tho'u^ht I i':eq iested you to decline f hut invitation," replied her husband; "did you m?t so under stand.mi '(" - - ,- " Ou, I. understood you pe-fect-' lv,'" said'Madeline; "but as .' I wisuied to so, I'thou_dit_']ito]ier; lo accept it the husbiinfY as sho .sp_rks,;. rang for l.lghts'iJ the d.-essing/ooTn. "There is 110 need of dressing, Madeline : you canuot go to this Party." , : ' -; "Can not?" she re'peated.- ;" Why, I liray you.'-." . " - ' " Becaitso I do not >-ish it. Is! uot that suf_ie:ent reason T'" " By nolitioaris^'said Madeline. " If your wishes afe tiuve.'is'jnable, yon surely can.'hot 'expect it "reason able woman to yield to tluun. I have promised to call for j Edna andLno'. Arnold, 2ml therefore I ' velinage : Contracts riiade on Surfday. can not be eufoiced.. j_ ./. -A note by a. minor is void. .A contract made wiA a minor is also void. _--'-. '. _ ' A conti-act made with a lunatia is void. ^ '-' A note obtained by fraud, or from a person in a state of intoxi-, cation, cannot be collected. lE'i-lv individual in parlnership is responsibie'for the vvuole amount of debts of tlie firm., ; i Ignorance of the lavv excuses no one. _/.' ; It js fraud to conceal a fraud. The law compels no 011a to d itnpijfisibilities. An iigreetnent witliont Consider ation' is. void. Signatures malo witl^ a lead pencil aro good in law. A receipt for mo ley is not al ways coii.-'; Osive.' - . . ' T'lio ai.t lot 0110 partner, bldd. .all the rest. - ' ' ?-. If yon want'*,, .- exc?J if yo-.i want finen-la Ic^, itl'tiit go," and with.-a saii'o ,.of, Jones to hu^e tho;cftrr?aSa at] tho',others^, you. .- .. door by nine," slve'said 0 aiser-i It Is the nature *of tho vant passing through th^ hall aud disposition to hate him w v y; hi'Tii^ Jaave ifijurcl.