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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1878, p. 2

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IS. - -< -*15iT^B Ik7 rS^Sl Eej 13K Wm E^dS Ml1 EsP iHiK psgi ' ' S^H BSe-7 V"-- ISM HHl *vHH Br- "}:im mm il' an Kl - " :-j^g ^Pr?C V ai^-vjS 518 ^& 1 * S^H Hi - ^^iB HB i-'^a nip -: ' Wm ^5^1 "*! lf|!Sf IRSt> ^i*-3 pi Ml i.-^ llRllr B|| *i^ IMSEl- Br SEi SSpff^Bl ' ' m IgBiJs'tiL' o^K-i jE&f3f m:% iii .^ 3 * " l-'.vf : ! ml '3&" . 1 V '-^ i \K if- .. .t:a i-m.ai-f" '-hi > j Tfgar THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, MALTON COUNTY, ONT., MAY jMilE VI TON FREE PBEN* Published every Thursday Morning \l Pr Aunutn m Advance > i i i i i . ii i ^ , S. \\\ (^Ai.r.KAIl'H, Knrrou. "NATIONAL POLICY."! i:uestn<.u.i.ii. *~t l'm-Ksi ay MWsinu. May P. 1878. To; Subscribers'. Those subscribers . who aroj in rrer* with their subscrintionn to the Free -Tunes since the 1st of July lat, would do well to settle nt once, or tliey will he charged at the credit rate*. Wo would also ask thosti who are owing us for advertising or job work to cll and settle at on>. The Quebec Elections. Tho elections in the Froviuco of Quebec canio oil" on Wednesday, 1st inst. It is hard to-toll which party baa the t lajority,. a* the Olobe claims that the Ministerialists have, a majority of three, and, on the other hind, tho -Mail claims that the Oppositiou have a major ity of one. Tho real strength of either party will hardly be known until the House meet*, which will do so about the foruth of June. Editorial Notes. A sensation wr3 caused in St. John, N. B., on the 4th inst, by -^thef pnblic horsewhipping of John Bjwes, One of tke publishers ot the Pejimj pips, bj H, H. Bowie, a Montreal contrac'or, for publishing . an article reflecting on the latter. The Canadian Aloiithjt/ and Bel- ford's Monthly art to bo amalgamat ed, ' the jiirit publication to be edited by Mr. George Stewart, jr., a vigorous and able writer. The leading features of both magazines will be continued, including the illustrated article! of BclfonTf. A new clause in Mr. Blake's bill concerning the carrying of fire arms, gives the right of sebrch of bosses where information was laid tnaf more than one firearm was kept, and that they would be for feited unless the owner could show that they were not intended to be carried within the district. There seems to be a disposition or. the part of some Lwle*s indi viduals in the' United States to enter into the.-.pirate business in the event of hostilities breaking cut between- Britain and .Russia. But it is to be. remembered -that under, the Treaty of Washington, the United States government is bound to repress all privateering from its porta. The war that has been so long delayed may_ very possibly not ccme after all. Indeed, the latest able meeting. intelligence point3 rather to a peaceful settlement! of the difficulty, though after the lengthened period of ses-iiaw between; diverse proba bilities it is sot possible, to speca- lute-v.ith any measure of certainty os the issue till some'defmitesteps b& taken and speculation be alto gether superseded by.'fact. A pnblic meeting was hold in D- Hill's Hall, at jJallmafml, on tho evening p( Tuosd.iy, tho' 7th inst., 'to dihoyss tho " NationiU Policy.1' Tho meeting wus oalled undv^r tho auspices "of the PomtivionLongue, but a cordial iuvittion was ox- tendoil to thoso holding opposite views to nilrfi-css the mooting. 'MivD. Iloiulerson, of Acton, was appointed lehnirm.ui. Hisa duties, howover, beyond calling on the diil!Ctit spcakeiti,' wcro very light, as Drtllinsfad iimintainod iusual reputation-for good order, the iiudienco apparently being imioh iiitorestiHl in the subjoct under dis- ciiax^on. - ; Mr. Thos.. Goldio, of Guolph, was tirst called upon. = IIIo doalt more particularly with tho subject with which he would bo supposed to.bo most ftrmliftr, RtlTdncing con vinoing nrgutneu^s in favor of re taining our homo market, for our own produce, and showing that with a mo.dorAte protection for thu farmer and minor, trade would bo fostered between Ontario and tho Lower Provinces mutually advan- (ngeous, at the samo timo giving large employment to the carrying trade, aa, in every case whon a full cargo can be obUinod -both wajB, freights are nndoubtodly lorer. Mr. Mallny, of Erin, followod in a speech of forty minutes, in which he endeavored to show that tho ad vocates of the national policvwere insincere, instancing some of the -recent votes in the House at Otta wa on motions for protection to grain, coal, etc, pnt forward by supporters of tho Hon. Mr. Mac kenzie, for the purpose of throwing cold water on the subject. Instead, however, of showing an instance of want of sincerity on the part of the advocates of the National Policy, he' only succeeded in illustrating a lack- of candidneaa'on the .part of his own friends. Mr. A. W. Wright, of Toronto, followed .with the speech of tho 4-evening, and completely laid out the champion Free Trader of Erin, who, while enjoying tho advantages of a 17 J per cent, tariff in his own particular lino of business, almost bursts with alarm at the prospoct of the agriculturalist, who buys his plows, getting' even a very mod erate protection;^ Mr.. Wright, who was .well posted on his subject, spoke for about one: hour and a half," and wa listened, to with wrapt attention. Ho combatted fully-such arguments as protection and high prices to the container being synonymous,and, by statistics, showed thata well-regulated protec tion system and certain prosperity unavoidably go together. A vote of thanks to tbocbair, on motion of Mr! Wright, seconded by - W. C. Beatty, Esq., and put by Mr. Milloy, brought to a close a pleasant, and/no doubt, a profit- CoH. Tho Council met, pursuant fo adjournment, _nt Stowarttown, on Friday,; April liGlh Tho lloovo in tho oiinir. Mimibersnll picKcnt. Tho iniiiutoH of lust mucling wore read unil continued. A letter from Mr. A. IT. Wright, relating to road iillowauco 2;'> and' 2G, wii"j vondj. Also a petition from Goo. C Thompson nnd othuls. i-olating to briilge on crossroad 10 antflt, IHh con. Moved by Mr. LindHny, second: edby Sir. Hhortrood, that tho Treas urer pay to John Sjirowl 1.GC being ^ value of 1 Bhoep killed by dogs, tho owner or owners being unknown, t.'urriod. Moved, by Mr. Shortrbod, second ed by Mr. McKuory, that the Bum of SI3.20 bo paid to Robert Hill, F'dthniahtor, for -. plank Piorco bridge, i. Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mi. Lindsay, that the account of Black it Dilta, amoTtiting tn 320.00, for printing 250.'copies of Township accounts, bo paid by Treasurer. Carried. ~' Moved by Mr. MjoB'riery, second ed by Mr. Shortreod, that leave be granted to introdnse n By-law to divida S. S. No. f>, to two school sections, and for other purposes, and that Bald By-law bo road thu first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, acenndod by Mr. Graham,-that the By-law to divide school Roclion No. 5, in the township of Esqttesing, into two sections, be read a' second and third times and passed. Carried. Moved jby Mr..: Shortreed, sec onded-by Mr. Graham, that leave bo granted to introduce a By-law to appoint ovorseors of highway*, fence viewers, and ponndkeepers, for tho township of Enquesing fur tho current year, and that said By law bo read the first time. Car ried. ' Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. McEnerv, that the By-law for the appointment of overseers of highways, fence viewers and pound- keepers bo read the second and third times and passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Shortreed that the sum of 86.00 be paid by the Treasurer to Mr,1 James H. Niron, Patbmaster, being the cost of erecting a new culvert at Ashgrove. Curried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded iVhen Is (i man IHmiiiIc? If tho ruggosted libnl kiiIIm ngninat tlioRe nowsjiiiprrs which liavi' hiiiUnLiit- tho dipsomaniaou! tt'iimincii'M of corhiiii M.P.'H.'dioul-l ,001110 to lViiil-ion thoy will no doubt resiilt in Homo good in Hull-liug the ,tliN||uted question, when is a imyi drunk ? Wo prtisumo the pliiiiitifl'ti will Dun they admit tho indulgence, of not kin bovorhgf-H, but deny i that woro sufiicioiit.ly . nH'octcd tlicrnby to juslify tho ch.argo of druiikonnoNs. Thon it will he neceisary to legally dotermino in cbritv. Would it bo evitiuueo' of intoxication if n-dingumed stalos mun should-chaso the wnilcr giils around tho dining. rnom Of u St.. ThonjiwH holi.'H If, when ninlciiig n spoce.h, ho atnggera-Rnil s'liijiblcs and uolds ou li.ko grim do,\th to tho ritils of tho platform to keop from tumbling off, would.that be? proof of driiiikonnoss, or voulil it be tiJken only aa indicating pre monitory symptoms of paralysis induced by drinking strong black teat If an honorable member, wialiing to retire from tho iogis- lativo chainbor, shpuld, as a pre paratdry inoveinont, lio down on Ilia ftico before tho speaker, would you any ho was drunk, or that he waB introducing a new form of salutation to tho presiding officer ? Or if somo other eqtiHlly honorable mcnibler should rise to address the IIouso in dislt'tliilc not usuitlly re cognized in polite Bociety, would that tte a sign of drunkenness or only Lis first appearance in a now stylo of evening dress? Would it bo necessary, in order to prove a man drjtnk, that you thoulil testify to hi*/having nfTo^tionhtcly em braced -one of the lamp posts in front of the parliamentary build ings and declared to it in audiblo tones jliat it was tho dearest friend of his life from whom wild horses should not tear him away ) Or, that bo was unable to lio flat on thofloor without holding on to the a chair to keep him from off? will bo, of cottrsb, a very important point to sottlo ; and wo must cjnfosB that ,in view of tho difficulties that seem to aiiso, we have jravo doubts whether it would be wise to call any man drnnk--no mattor how much he may'hr ve imbibed, or how peculiar ly ho niay act after tho imbibition. Marrowfat, who resides on express ;r! MS. JAS. BITSJTS. Ilavifi/t miide ni'mngctnenfn ith tlio <i. 'j'i It. is now propnioU to .; carry any 15XPRBSS AND FREIGHT Dtliverecl at Acton station, nt VERY CHEAP ItATJSS, Ho biiio nntt soo that Mucnn cafrioK.; your goodH, as ho is suro to dVlivor them safo. { 4-.1-.3in. " .- a V z*&' leg of falling This M by Mr. Graham, that the Treasurer;^- -"jarrowiat, wno resiacs on r,RvtoT),n RBll. tho.nmoffnrlv. ' Simcoo street, and who, from the. paytoThos. Bell, tho sum of forty two dollars, for six road scrapers furnished by him for this munici pality, viz : two for Wan! No. 3, and one for each : of the other Wards. Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, that the load divi-- gii?n over which Mr. Hugh McColl is Pathruastor, he extended to in- cludo hereafter James McPiierson *nd Archibald McDonald. Car ried.' Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded; by Mr. Graham, that Messrs. David LawBon and Thos. Bell bo appointed Comtniusionjera. in con- junction with Edward Nixon to supemtend the construction of sidewalks in tho villugO/Of Stewart- town. Also, that'Thomas Smith be appointed Commissioner for the. village of Norval, instep.;} of Arthur Little, resigned. Carried. gloved \,r Mr. McEnery, second ' j- Mr. Shortreed, that tho =d fact of his name being Timothy, feels brjnnd to tako a littlo for hi" stomach'b sake, was talking to his neighbor, Jnmts Smiley, tho other night olbout tho.reportcd tendency to inel riety an Ihe part of our public jnejri, and was virtuously in- dignano thereat. " Wtjll," snid ho ; " no man over with rnore than I could Baw mo carry." " Thi as poli er, " hn I'b so," said James, who is toly ' oblivious to passing ovpnta es a Tory newspapor report- I 1 lavo seen you ^hen I A woman named'Brown . coin- mi tted iuicide in Toronto', by drowningsheraelf in a cistern. 'It .is learned from varioua quairtere in Western Ontario that resolutions-are being unanimously adopted by the Orange lodges, pledging the brethren to celebrate the next 12 th of lazily by joining - the praeesbion of <!ha Montreal brethren, should they be f.o request ed by the proper authorities of the Orange Institution. Jt is expect ed chat tho parade will be large end influential, a large number of Ontario lodges having signified rWeir intention of being present on the occasion. An altercation, leading to blows, rietween John Willoughby and a y!.:ung mBQ:n'imed Douglass, of tbe ..- ..Xth concession of Essa, on the 24th ~i;It., resulted in the death of the '. former on tho following day. .-Douglass, who in about 19, bad b:en in tbe employ of AVilloughby, who- recently .identified himslf -v-ttij the " bluf ribljon" temperanee ir.fi'.yement, an^ endeavored to per- .Miwde Douglas- to follow his ex-; a"ip'o. The young man objected, and tho result whh an angry; olter* .ration, but-.witbo'it blows. On Tuesday W.llo-.ighby accosted Doaglaas,, who was passing his jibice, and the quarrel was revived. Willoughby strnck-pouzlass and a fight ensued, in which Willoughby -,Bitstainedinjuries intheabdominal Vegiona, He fully exonerated Donglaas frdrn.all blame. I>eceas- od leares a- wJfe and four hildren. The Pari* Exposition was open ed or* tbe 1st. Water wis let into' I/icbine Canal Sunday night. It is estimated that 9,000 tons of phosphat-o will be rained this year in Canada^ The prospectus of* a now journal, to be called the Extter Reflector has been issued, ': Active: operations haver erlroady been, commenced on tbe Credit Valley Railway. TboBoston Post thinks tho Mc- Coakey letters were a deliberate furgery. A libel 6uit has been eatered against tbe Chicago Times, which first published them. Preliminaries have boen entered into for buildine; a^short branch of the Great Western; Railway into Guelpb, if propertytowners can be goi to dispose 6t right-of way on reasonable terms. The by-law to raise 412,000 to aid in the construction of the Artturr Junction Railway, , from Goldstone to Arthur village; was submitted to the ratepayers on t;he 1st inst., and carried unanimously. Tbe General Assembly or the Presbyterian Church in Canada will meet in Hamilton on the 12th of next month. It is expeotod there will be about 350 nrmisters and elders in the city during the meeting of the Assembly, which will laat over a week. An attempt is boingj nrvfe to get np another Fenian [raid scare in Buffalo the raid being con ditional upon the outbreak of hos tilities between Russia and Eng land. A similar report of a Fenian dpseenfc upon Jlhe Nova Scotia arid New Brunswick coast, under Russian aiwpices, is .offici ally contradicted from St, Peters burg. . ' -, thought you. ought to have made two loads of it.' And perhaps that is as fur s we would bo justified in going until the C-ollrls establish a preno'lent. We rrjay add, however, that idiatingu shed poot, who is entitled to speak] on this subject with au thority, but whose name, for obvi ous reasons, we are not at liberty :r , . . ,- to.mention, has said that Treasurer pay to Frederick Near/,,.. . . ,.,' 40 'if K: r ..____r__' *-ot drunk is.ho who from the flnor 9.33, bemg 3 value of two sheep fCan rise a^ain anU drink some more killed by dogs, tbe owners of which are unknown, Carried. The Council then adjourned till the 31st of May. Georgetown Herald. ": EramoKa Township Council. This.Council met at the Centre Inn, on Monday, the 6th inst. All the members present j the Keevo in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Alexander Mcintosh appeared before |tho Council and stated his case in detail in the matter of his being sued nt the Division court at Rock wood for bis conduct in; the office of Road Overreer forEramosa. After the Council had given this, case' due consideration, it was moved by Mr. Waters, seconded by Mr, Mutrie, and ordered that Alexander Molntosh be refunded twtfr dollars and twenty-five : cents collected from hi in by the Division .Court, and two dollars and Beventy- flvo cents expenses jfor defending the suit brought against him yby John Mcintosh for statute labor. Messrs'. Waters and H-ortop wero appointed a Committee to examine all roads on the South side; of the gravel road; and the Reeve and Messrs. Duffield and Mutrie as a committee ibr the roads on( the North side of the gravel road, for the improvement of which petitions and applications had boon present ed and made, and to report at the next meeting of Council. J. An derson'* bill of $1.55 for station ary was orderedjto be paid. : Two road scrapers were ordered to be procured for tho divisions undor Josiah RoyceXand "Charles Mc- Dougal. SS.OO'were ordered to be paid to John O'Boyle for repairing __________ ._jo prog And who lean neither drink nor rifie." But "druhker" atill is ho who lien i. With hia heols. pointed toward the skies. Lijndon Adncrtiier. Ac;to.\ haqkctk Flour . J. Tall Wheat,; Spring Wheat, Sprouted Spring Barley J. Oats .1. Fea '-.'}. Buttor (frrkh rolls) 'Butter (salted rolli) Lard (light) Lard (dark);r-. .. EggV(newilaid) Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag Hay, per ton, Timothy seed!. - Clover soed . , Dry Good* .. S'J 50 to 3 00 J 1;5 to 1 iS . 0 95 to 1 05 Wheat 0 75 to 1 95 0 00 to 0 00 0 30 to 0 34 0 (50 to 0 65 0 15 to 0 15 O 12 toO 14 0 10 toO 10 0 08, to 0 09 0 08 to 0 10 fl GO to 0 05 1 00 to 1 25 10 00 to 12 00 2 25 to 0 00 4 25 to 0 0o Cheap GirELPil HAKKF.TS. i'prcial to thr. Freb Pkes.i, per Domin ion.Line. jGuelpb, May "nd, 1879 Flour, por 100 . . $2 50 to 3 00 White Wheat, per bush 1 15 to 1 25 Treadwoll Spring Wheat. Oats, Barley, Peas Hay, per ton Egg, per Anz. Butter, per lbs Potatoes per Hogs, per cwt Clover seod Timothy see do bag a.. 1 08to'I 22 0 90 to 1-13 : 0 35 to O 40 0 40 to 0 45 0 55 to 0 70 10 00 toI2 00 0 OS to 0 09 0 13 to O 15 0 40 to 0 50 4 00 to 5 00 4 00 to 5 00 1 80 to 2 25 To'Cleanse your Houses, ; Who are prejmred to r, "" And thoroughly Kmovato houses at tho very lowest rates. Orders from town and country attended to. All orders to be left at William Walker's residence, Johu-st., Actoii. : Arto", April 17 V Walker & ;Cameron C3-0 TO- </ji -.r. i Livery Stable- Having purchared thq.Livory .Stable mid business foimorly oWned by Mr. It. Adams, we are pre-. pared to furnish First-Class Kiiis at tbe Slost Keasonable Kates. TERMS CAXfl. Good Commercial Itigs always on hand. MATTHEWS i NICKLIN, 41-Bin.. John .Street, Acton. James Ryder Wlshr- to tti.-j.ik the public for the nalrouage (licy liavi'Co'i>ii.'i'rcd iij<- J o.LjIilm heretofore. As liln bewks and not"S wero destroyeJ li>; tlrp, ho would bo thankful It -those iigaiiiKi whom ho hu/J nole* would give inm ih" -Uatt-s i nd amourt oi thcui, ami also if tlio.oe-whose account.-) -hnvi- bfcn rendered would brine them lorward auduetlle. Ho would also say; that he Is Z71VL 0AS.37ZH3 oa BTJSIIT^SS at tho ollfltaal, wlioro M(> will lr< la>J to see-*i. old ous- K.mi'r.i. and. si* tjmes are bird, no hus made the urlc<-.s to Milt them. Look at fhr*e Bn(e.<: tumiier Was^ou, complete, with spring seat. $7i).M'J. Domocrnt w'a^on, ^100 tof IIP. liUiit'lea. #K>0 10 $110. : All wnp require a WV.fr^on or Bujjl'V nt these latcscall and ylve jour orders at once. Hatorial and "Workmanship Gttaraateod. .0Ufl-'N^ MERCHANT TAILOR, his opportunity of ann i the public ilj!nt his st sisting of English, .Scot: Takes this opportunity of announc ing to the public ilj!nt his stock""- consisting of English, .Scotch and Canadian TWEEDS,, CLOTHS, AND WORSTED GOODS, He Is new complete, prepared to ratfke iip in the LATEST \ STYLES, , And good Workmanship. Satisfaction Gaarantesa. A Call is Solicited. JOHN JSELSOA' Kockwood, March 20. 1S77' 38-3m Drug-s,^Dye Stuffef; ^ Soaps, I^rfumery^rs ; )J\ Garden <3c Flower Seeds 'PATENT MEDJeWEt,:-fTC.; A'! Goods warranted and as cheap as^osaible. THE PdST OFFJGE ^3_ Acton, Fob. 14, 1873.': IS MATTHEWS. IA SPEC8AL S Pim PB33iS Jobbing an follons : 4 HORSE-SHOEING A SPEOIAT/TY New Hhot-s, a->0. Polling Sho^p, JOc. h.I)llro iiorKCK, $lili0, fur new shop*. , " l.ou, rorsettlnsjhoec. Lay lnir Mlioa r. 50c. to ?1.00. ' Cpuliern, ^T>c. to 50c. , AH other Jobbing in proportion; fJ2?" These prices nro for Cash only. All work cluirued Iho old rates. Further rnrtlculurs nsxt week. Yours truly, ' " -3m JAMES Rl'DE'R. LOOK T T. Stewart & Co Having purchased th Tinsmith busi nes.s from Mr. Robert Fisher, would respectfully solicit the continuance of the patronage heretofore extend ed to him, together with as much more m the public of Acton and vicinity shall be pleased to extend. All work entrusted to our Mr. Stewart will roceivo prompt and careful attention. Etfs' OodoA. Uratmui, and Com forting , of tho natm ' By a thorough knowledge ral laws which govorn the operations . af digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of-the fine properties of well solectod cocoa, Mr. Epps hag provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may. ajhvo us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by thff judicious usoof suoh' Our Stock is now weILa,ssorted ! ' - and shall be enlarged as sdon j as possible. and be convinced that this is the place to get tho best value for your meney. i milyart lying between lots 2Cu^StX'St^ fifth line, . t | J to resist ovtry tendency to dis'oase. After transacting some other l Hundreds ofiubtle maladies.are floating business respecting a tiriidge at lot(a*oun? us H^y-,*-0 attack wher'over -- - - -- - there is a woiik point; We may; escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure bloocfandapro-' perly nou.risl.ed frame." Civil Service fJazetU. Sold only in packets labeled 26, on the second line, the Council adjourned, to meet again^ at the Centre Inn, on Monday, 27th inst., at 10 o'clock A.M., aa a] Court of Revision "James Errs & Co., Homoeopathic t' a th.,. .- t r.i i Chemist, 48, Threftdneedle Street, and J. A. DAVIDSON, Tp Clerk. 170, Piccadilly/London." I Stand *- Next door Methodist Church.- to tbe 41-'8m T. STEWART & CO. X^KESSMIKING. . / Wo take thiB opportunity of annonnc- ing_ to tho inhabitants of_ Acton and vicinity that we have started dressmak ing at Mrs. Stone's residence/ John-st. Orders left.w^th us will receive prompt attention. The most reasonable prices charged. (39-3m MISSES BELL & STO^E A^ Invite attention and inspection to speciul lot of 5,000 "T^RDS OF NKW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS Purchased at a Dispount :; 33 per cent. The Jot was detained in cable hence the large sacrifice. These goods .are cheaper than have been offered for years, and oould not be replaced. cf transit by NO FAMU.T SHOULD BUTlTHElU i v; i- Winter DH? G00D5J before, they see our immense stook of New- and Fashionable ' Goods W. Stewart & -Go,, C.IIELPU. March 12, 1878. g-txeiil^s:. rriTalsJ argains. ^ We are constantly receiving.'New "'Goods'-from-. British and American Markets, and we hare to-day the .largest and most completely-,-j assorted stock in iiue'pli, and -v * i - * -'." - .fresh goods nre coming to r ^ hand every1 day, . . v "HEnglisli and American Prints,! Duoks, Sortings, and-all other varieiies of Staple Dry Goodsjdur Stock is immense', and prices are astonishingly fovt. '1 Special for ffatttti-] We have the%rgest stock of Tweeds lind Coatings in town. -Canadian..'Tweeds were ne^erlso| low as they are to-day. Several choice lines just in. Prices^ -,-( (lesparate. Our cutteir never makes a misfit. Order, j Clothing fully 20%', below other Gnelph houses. - : miLuu We have now-on hand tlie largest and choicest. stock of Millinery we have ever shown. Every lady should ^ inspect it. We have just opened out a full, lot of Plovers, Feathers, E-iTjTsonSj \v 1 and. Hat Ornaments. DBBSS"GOOD^ L We are also showing a grand variety of Dress Goods. Ask to eee our New Lines at 8 cents, 10'centa and 12 cents a yard, j They are grea^t bargains. , j JUST IN Dress liinens, 12?c, splendid valnfe 'v stripisd Idiaeas, lQc, very oneaB. - 't- torn GLOVES." Our Dollar Kid Glove is acknowledged to be the best article ever in* i ported. This Glove.was manufactured specially for "The Lion,'.j., - I ; and is stamped with our own nmneto avoid imitr.tion. ^ye \ . guarantee it=to bo the best dollar Glove ever offered... j "WHITE COTTON HOSE. Four Pairs |r Twenty-Five Cents. . !- ' Our Dressmaking Branqh. j- Is constantly crowded with orders. LadiesJnd they can get sui|e4t|;ih Lion far better than any other plao'e, andat muchlower 7 j ? prices, Mrs. Thompson is_still in charge. . -^ .- For.Uheap. Goods and oourteous tieatmerltgo to the Lion. . . - J. D. WILLIAMSON & CjO, Guelpb, May 8, 18.78. ,; - ' ;, , i

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