Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1878, p. 3

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^j&%^ iiC?.:/;;.";; !3 r'EVt: Haw : j Trains rt A'l^' > NLsh'. F.vpiys*. ;:: T.Vronto mail :"PT KspJVM. - Y,i\*$*1 - 4 Gait mixed - - j ' iioiMi >:vst. Xi*l;t Express - i- ,G~lt mixed- -.' '-* .-VVy Kxprcss' -' Western inail-(- i , J^-*adon mix*d McGarvin's ding fitorv. .- j . ] to record the death of ouo of our must ' .-. prom!sina youths. Patrick Maloncy \SMOl.m. f 6u* SiiJw Room is crowded with ca^vr ! 1,ui1 beeii-idliug some time-, and on Sun L.Vip.m. i customers. The i-cnson why tuninifliu-' 5.17 p.m. Iory i* a h The prices right the at- ":07 p.m. j tendance agreeable ami obliging, also Mantles, Shawls, Parasols, sun hats .Vc 3:3.-1 a.m. V>:4-: a.m. U:30a,m; 5:17 p.m. 9:30 p. in. day morning last about 9 o'clock ho wh inkbii much worse and died in ft few minutes. Ho was 17 yc:irs of ace.... His 3E5KCEKE3B IHmBJttt/fl/'JJ.BMIli'agaa THE FREE PRESS, -ACT0.KT, HAIfTON, COUNTY, ON*.', MAY 16, 1878. ingnrmn Gross SchhI at \T. E. j If. i^ our sad duty this week I JsT/^W APVEUTlfc EMKNTH. vin's ding store. . 1 to record the death of ouo of our must rr.-.fK. . _^---j 'rriowN&iiir of nassaa-j JL WEVA. COURT OT REVISION | AND APPEAL. (Tho Court if ItovisioiJ and appeal for tho -$tfwuship of Xassagjiwoya, will bo hold\\t tho Township liktlon Monday. " ..... ' All y-***VT tiTtiie SIct^oiVaiuA^h every I : ^.atAiM*** 'vcntftc hv--iiifi)r.v>iii hix *OM boi morinln*Maudrvcn- \-^\ ~4ie '"' tb*- ttrti*. Sat-ttMn-rtr each raoatu. Rev. U. Holms," I'astor. LOCAL MATTERS. -Weddinjj and Birthday to noiio in tho county. " Xohby cheap , Ji, aud fashionable goods-" Mel.eod, Ander son 4 LV, Georgetown. -:" - - The .t.'ii.'nV'f.T Xctf&yiij'cr U<)>:ir!er ay a :," There appears a growiujt prewnu in Fancy Goods and Jewellery |jtendency for sermon rcp^rtiug among U the \T>r round Go<->. HvnAs Jew- ,.......' f.i. ,, j. . .> ii i the couutry-editors, tollowm' the TaSU- " .- __. I of the city '* blankot-sheeta. ihis ""^ I pricitice is questionable. In the tirsf 1 y\\(t, they re not read by one-tenth :"'"Ipart ofrtho reiders of any paper; and ^ Mil^t Seed t M^J&rTln'a. u her* en Sunday."-' _ ' - Dau^ut tbo station \rears a ban on his w atch chain^ ' ^.Etitlr^liV; <I*a7t' *iViettt^ i "n^aVw*^0^ iu'aijil, . ... i Piiro <irvin"a. Honey at J. E. Mc- .Mantles, .>nawis, 1'arasois, nun nais ve, : ) Mel.cod, Anderami &. Co.. Ueorgotowu. ', remains wero followed to tho grave by , ... ,, ,_ . . , j ' i\ lariio number of friends, and. wo rest " ' . I assured he will not soon ho forgotten -----Reiuly M;ule Clothing, wo nro I by thoso to whom ho was a pleasant holding a eie.-.i iug sale fif Toady made j ,^1 alTeetionato companion. Hi j f rioiids clothuiK rtWSWt: Groat bargains m M Uu,ir ntroavenK>ut tho mor0 w hi8 me us, youths and. bovr suits, pants,) , , ,. , Vest, .orAts *o,' Likewise remomember , kdouts woromoro than ordinarv, and ourordcrod clothiilgdepartment.'seooud | ho gave promiso of a bright and useful life. And-, while wo muit bow beforo the decree of an all-wiBe God, we oan- not, without Borrow, seo prospects liko his cutoff by the hand of death. Mr. Maloney has tho sincero sympathy of .bis neighbors under bis heavy loai. Act9ii Villaeo Council. " i Tlia pouneil wot on Monday evening,'piirenant to adjoarnuieut. All tho members present.: The Reevo in tho chair. Tho minutes of lust meeting wore read and con firmed. It was moved by "Mr. Oo-Ucs, secondod by Mr. Speight, Unit tho aura of $9.33 bo granted to Mia. Speight, being.two-thirda value of j tho iJVtli day of May no: nvoya, will be xU" on Moiulaj -------........j ... ___j ......'t'misuiug. A. parties intereatuil therein will pleas take notice. .1. KASTlillHKOUK, T'p Clerk. Nassagiuveya, May l.r>, ] 878. - - ! the fnace can b utilized to a :A-cater ' . f rv>lit U. a majurity of the reader*; Se eondly, thcyT ate very imperfect, a^d call give but ajueagre idea of the dls* couro as they aro brokenly pn^ented, liud IserPft of. the tmpreSSivcness thrown Around them"by the specters, and havo no rc.il effect upon these who readthum. Thirdly, the sermon can interesttbut. a j. | few *u:rpi:le thesanctuary iii.whteh'it W3S aelivered. Those who .beard "fH I Matthews' Hall yesterxlay. TOOll -FOR SALJE Tho undersigned," on [account of old ago, has decided to Help his lirst-class weaving loom, ho having l'" moro u for it. It is in good .condition, and can be soon at Mr. Jas. or '1'hos. Watson's near tho Btation. 4(1-11.; a-iR^-nsri) .TA^ES.NVATSON. .egent Hall,'9 ACTOliT. ROYAM^Xi II\\liI!OTLL. .Mr. K. Clark, Hnlpiietor. Dno of liit; most comuio-Uous Hole's lu ibe county.- ,Oooil oominerrlnl room, Tlu l>:ir Ik nhvuj'S supplltnl v,'---- - - -- ----- brniulsoi liq inrs anil cl);tirs. I'linl-clnss tt>Hi<K, aiid iiltoutlvu, rltualeu In tr.u hiislnH ViIIuku. ILh the choleest hosUer.- Ilousu liart. of tti3 ! :. CliiitlC.'i'ropriotor. /J.IS1I FOR STAivE TIMUKR ; Having purchased tl|c millB formerly 1 belonging to 1\ & H. Sayers, at Spey- $ j urn ist Bide, I am prepared to telm and oak Stave Til also be paid for good.s pay cash for soft her. Cash will bund'Pino. IS-lt EDYVAUD MOORE. i, t . i sheon killed bv doga. Carriod.: I would.inot care t^ see it preri'^Xed 111*0.'. -T e ; ___Hfc J. C\ Hurst has tho most r.nattrlctive a manner, fcr.the major- [ Moved by Mr. Ooakes, seconded beautiful store-front in town. '.;'- | >sy ^ ll,e readers, this may be Uid i-by Mr. Smith, that tho Bum 'of $3 1 j F "NtcGarvin's dm""' R'ore ' ll'"vu M3 eonori) riilo^tbat people will I for the months of May, Juno and is the besT pl*' to Luv s^teliablo !'P ^-"P" .verm.ui if they'ha^'a de. i Jalj ^ ^^ ^ Jolm jicthe()> sctjls. ' . ~ - ! sire to.lieat'it, aiid'if'they.do-not p.-.r? ' x> t> v. 'iLs^ i tiaularly care Vr it. tliey do not cftrato *>>- rr?*.l Wirnuai is going tpT5ave 1 . cm u in tn local journal. - - _ said he was a good man. r. * | Tho. tush continues for thoso . i dress : silks at ">0c. and for -ilie dress swds at 5, 7.' 1U, 1">, SO,'25c. The V-Ila^jc of Acton,.'-meet* in. Mattbevrs' '. most of the above goods are worth ifail, on tSc 10th'-of June, next. three times the money, and the ones at j :20c. J.io .-.re worth double the money. man seen ' stars-'at I The greatest dross slaughter evor Jielil ! i_tS? stitie:; the other night, by jumping c^a n:ov:r. train a^^i rais^iu^ ^he ]>'at. to be paid to James "Campbell Carried. I Moved by. Mr. -Speight, seconded by Mr.. Hill, that tho .Council ad journ to meet as a court of Re vision on tho second Mondny in June. Carried. |, TDUBllC ;SC1I06L ': TEACHER3" EXAMINATIONS. iu Canada. McLeod. Anderson & C. M^aiui^th House. Georgetnu. 1 OUECIiEn JI.1TCH. evening lust tho frost icre yesterdayti>Torottta to seaj reUim' matcii between t3ia (Jruelph ft-: p:; b.vi: jaee. The race was won ! u'tij county of Hal ton players took .esjiiy.l-y It.-jdaa by foui boat lengths, 'place in : the " Cik-donitm. l'liill. Kurn-') ScoJhC MsCatkin's. j Guelplt. . The hall was well filled Halton Spring Assizes. Tho Spring Assize opened on .Tuesday, 7tu inst., i at 11 a. "in,, Hon. Mr. JiiHtice Gwynno presid ing; Joh.11 Dewiir, Ksq., County In accordance with the Statute, and tho General Ite^ulations, the July-Ex amination of Candidates, lor the year 1878, will bo held as follows : For- First Class. At tho Nor mal Schools, Toronto and Ottawa, on Thursday, 1 lth July, 1873, at*9 a.m. For Second Class. the Town Hall, Milton, and the Dakrille High School, on Monday, 8th July, at - l]-m" j For Third Class.-ju thc.Town Hall, Milton, on Monday, 10th July at 2 p.mv . Forms of the notice to be previously given by the candidates, can be obtain ed on application to any Inspector. It is indispensable that candidates should ^notify tho . undersigned; not later fliuii the 1st of June, of their indention to present themselves opens his new storei to-day for business, May 8th, 1878. In " Be^ent Hair' will be found , all the latest novelties in Fancsr and. Staple GRENADINES Among the numeroiis important arrivals which f have lately come ts band, we would ask special attention to. Fifty Pieces Choice Now Black Grenadines in all the new and favorite makes for the season. CHEAP. ' i 1 Case Handsome "Boulrette" Dress Goods, at present commanding an immense sale in New 'fork, and other cities of . 1 fashion. These we shall sell. AT TWE^1 TY-FIVE GENTS XEB" YAKD, und every lady should see them. pa Case ILovely^ "White Goods, including Piques, MsirseilleB, Brjllinnts, Lawns, Centennwl Strip*/?, Styiss- Checks, etc., ranging from 10 cents per yard and upwards. For a choice variety of Ifew and Fashionable Goods, ladies should come direot to the Fashionable West End, Guelph. A. 0. BUGHAM, Pnnhtonable West End Dress. Millinery and MuntleKetabllebmeE-t. Guelp'll, April. I8,"l878. " . ' fH / iof ;s. .' 'Pi hie 'b. . # I- s. I with sjieciators during the whule '.natcb. Some fine play".w.aa Inade by members of fcolh teuu'ii At this match the Fcoro stoo<l Guelph 40 ; Hilton 35. At tho former match Halton beat Guelph by" 6 games, to tbatj-hey will require to ', - -. -r .- --. -,'iiUy-sjtintlier rtiiitch to deKjrmine trKd_frf-^ftto^'ttt'pai.a.l "MiMchVe-'-tho -test players. The i.:--.:r It.:il.'S:itiird':iv tiigiit f.>r_N "b' ii.-. Silk Handkerchief*', Sctrfs^Tie-. 1-i UcV Prunella aiid Kitl ButTo-e-.l L"v*ts aud Slippers. t'heap. ^-Lececn, the illicit still man, :Js csught in Toronto oh AVeduc^i'^y }!c sutiico toiiuelpb. Crown Attorney ", or, I for cxaininntio.u. All notices to the De Fsn' Clerk of Assizo ~ ' : J-partmcut of m'teudinu cain)iilatcs must "The fallciwiiig is a list of tli'o l' ,<* through the lVesiding In- " I spector. ' KOBT. I.ITTLK, - P. S. I. I'o, Halton. Actpa, 20th April, 1878. J=iaths;-nd pay i"ae o/.$^00. ' ^\"e regret-to leurn tilal Mr. E-->>>crx- Fish.er, who hxi been ailing for sonic tiTne past was taken suddenly i'l oa Tueiiiay evenics, and died at noon following ia the score .Halto.v. . Grn.rii. 1 reiterdar. He Vas aged about 40 years Some persons plaved a con rfroin re rags, out low. tings BO It Leslie........4 Me^ibboh . ...0 Hill...____...I pdat'.he\v3..!.2 ; Harvey......3 j Snijtiison.;:..- temptaole tr:ck. .-^le-KSevenings ago iy I Wahlie......i'S p'sV.Erhig everal dj>5t nobs lad g*tc_ l*tchea '-p with ^hitefraih on Main st. so thaf any person taking huld would ct their hiii<J* dirt v. : it's funny I that when vou esk a peribn to advertise, he cetierally de- filmgs ^tiHtitho( -statetnent ^tiiat ' na- body'll see it." ' But if yoa advertiise tome little caper.*if-his, gratis, he gets indignant .oxer the certainty that '.'*efybody'll see i\" "-- 'iVx-^-Thje framedwfellirtgioasedate- j ly' occupied by Mr. Alexander Reid, &ac"tbe H, & X. ..\V. depot, in tfeis vil lage, w*s totally destroyed by tire Wed. urnky niornin^r Sth irtsL-, at 2 o'clock. TSie hW* hM;OB bee ^ofccmiivd: for w?e's:,~*nii it is soppoaed to have been .the work of an incendiary. Mr. John _K eitnedy, - formerly of Actoht, was the owner.-i-Geor<jeiotcn Herald. *' Limehouaa hi ho hotel licensa 1 coir: The Commissioners seen tit not to grant a/liceriae to ilr. Thoa. Hume, bat did not give any reason for not do ing so. " Mr. Hume, of coarse, i'conaJ3-' rbly paazled at not having been grill t- d a license, <a he. keep* a first-class house And ht* very tccuolodfttiou. He inionas as that there are a great num. number of travellers and others come to hi* hotxse for accozsodAtion, but, that if he does not receive a license he w-ill not adlow any person to put up at his place. He is taiiog steps to try and get a license. 2 Smith":...'.. 42 2 1 McKenzic^.y.y 1 2 Dempsey......5 2 2 Naismith'..'. ...4 2 3 Middleton....2 3 -0: McQuillan'...'.1 0 '3'Sladdock ...:.2 3 Caverhill . . . r.2", 1 Brown........4 1 '[ Monrc.....,"..." 3 C-tyue.......-:0 3 ' t'arinicliael___1" 1 iS.inpson.. .. i iS 1 Cameron.. 4 4 Kennedy......3 2' Waldrond .. , .6 2 Grand Jurors : -John Foster, fore- oian ; W. J. Djugliisa, lid. Gordon, R. Graham, A. Hall, Jas. Meiiziea, Geo. Murison, \V. .McCalluin, Iloiit. Reid, James Ityder, Abrahnni StTnson, John Stewart, G. C. Tb.ofifp'SOn, G. Wrigglosworth, and W. W. Roe. '. . , His LordBbip addressed the Grand Jury, who handed in their presentment,--; whiuli ws.8 .read. They were'then' discharged, there being no criminal business. The presentment reads as fol lows : l1 To Sir. Justice 35 21' 40t21 A _. championship' rcatcb Was played b'e't'weea' John Leslie^- of Halton. and Murdoch McKenzio of Giiclpb, resuUinsr, in a victory for the'latter. Tho former gentle man won one game only, the bit- telr tro^amfls, and 4here was one draw. Mr. McKenzie now claima to be champion of the counties of of Wellington and Halton. Surprise Fatty and Oyster Sapper. On Wednesday evening, 8th inst., i Miss Lizzie McCiregor was entertained at on oyster supuer, at her own resid ence, by the young people of tlu; ' fifth and SUtli concessions, Xassagaweya, as a token of esteem and friendship on her dcp&rture for the West. After the spread had been heartily partaken ot all join_ed in an evenin^s's sport, which Was carried out successfully. The party broke up at a seasonsblo hour, all well pleased with the evening's enjoyment, but sorry,'jt'o part with bo dear a friend. We can best illastrate'our feeling to3 wards our friend in these few versei : .'. So you're ffoing to leave theihomestead, And your mother good and kind j We're eure it must a trial he To leave such ties behind. --- His L'ird.<hip, Cricyiiiie : The Giaud Jury empannelled for the present Awizog for the County of Halton, beg leave= to make the following presentment : We congratulato fUe county upon thje freedom from crime, and that no indictment has .been presented for our. consideration. We have examined the jail in course of completion, and aro pleased to report that it is com modious and. safe, und will enable the Sheriff to-rinake a proper classification of prisoners in future. We nro pleased to greet your Lordship- in tho enjoyment of health, and trust that you may (JJA8H FOR SKINS. I am, prepared to pay the highest cash price, west .of Toronto for all classes of Oalf'h'id Sheep Skinny deliv ered at my tannery.. Lace Leather con stantly on'hand. : ' " 4l-lv___________ JAMES M00RE. jKarmers, nowjs the time to iiiprovo. your stock The tirst pri/.e bull, ;" Sir William TeiripV' lir..J8:i) got by. ".Sir William Temple,"[2*J(*oJ, dam I>iana, by I?ed Prince [til)2] . dam Anuctta, by the Guelph Baron [SB0], 4419 g. g. dami Aim, by Patriot [r>2;">], will nerve cows on the premised of the u'nderaign- cd during the season. Terms to in sure Thorough-bred coivn, $-1.00 Grade cows, SI.50. :' JOKL, LESLIE, 44-2m* Lot No. "), eon 1, Erin. Ladies' and O-entlemesi^ sFuraisMag Croeds Hats, 0apsy Boots and Shoos. CHOICE NEW SEASOiN" TEA, VERT CHEAP. TAIL0B1MG FSPEGISITY ! lu .jihis department will be found the latest de- sisjiis and patterns -in. .SCOTCH,- CANADIAN, FKENCU and E.VGEISH TWEEDS and COAT^ INGS, and best of Trhmljing*. Spring and Sura- [iincr Fashion Plates just received from New York This "department will be under the able ruan^- agement of MR. GEO. iil. ADAMS, a first-class cultcr. Perfect*;fitting . garments guaranteed. Suits from $8.0!) to 30.00, and got up on short noiice. i .- -. J. C. HURST. , Acton, May;tli,' 1S78. i! CONTINUES TO 5 ^ ,f- & Co's. ' L.-Ui. LADIES' STRATI" HATS aM> rox.vkts Cleaned, dyed and altered to the pre sent fashion. I MU3.. WM. THOMPSON*, 43-3m Bower Street, Acton, SUMMER "CIRCULAR! A YOUNG CHSEFTIAH Hide your heads, you donkey race, Forthe Young CiiiKKTiAN-'siuthisplacc. 3STEW BRICK STORE, -OIF-' THEIR MILLINER it '" ----------,------ .... . i'OUNG CH1F.FTIAX wilf stand lgng DO spared to this country as {or mares this season, health and wc.ith- an prnamont to tho Bench which er permitting, in tho townships of Erin )icest 1<*U its. haa such a well-deserved place in the jconfidenfce of our pooplo. _"r . John Fos.teb, Foreman., The following cagei were dis posed of: THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA i VS. WEBSTER. ' J. F. Monck. for plf.; W'i.Lnidr law for deft. . Vjjrdict for plf., and $1581^45 dapnges. iWORTS VS. REID. C. B.Jw. Bigger for plf.; no one for': deft. Verdict for . plf., 580 damages. ' - . COKSOLIDATED BANK,OF CANADA VS. KOUBEB. I )ress Irer tm p*ttb ^JQ. I 4k.. m -wSeedp, Seeds, t McQarvin's.. ' - We'-notice that our sidewalks are beginning to get pretty. '" seedy'. looking in some places,- especiallyvlen Mill and Main streets. It would'be well to hive the holes and broken '"places' fyredTip aToIfc, befoi the corpor- atLqh has" an action for damages" on their_hands. Several times during the pat week parties have come very near getting their ankle* Bpsa.ined.~in theso fcolei', and others have nearly had their legs broken. Acton has generally had . .good sidewalk*, and if we don't -want to get-a name for bad sidewalks, like Milton and Georgetown has, something should be done immediately. Mr. W, J. Kidney, of Camp- belhsville/ha* fitted up, ii first-claSB ' style the hotel formerly [occupied by': Mr. Davidson, in that -village. 'The house was thoroughly refitted by Mr. Kidney, with the expectation of receiv ing & license this year. The license ""vaa not granted, but promised as soon I as thd^Sif ^a]i^y"^4lbway; wojlrTJe-l startfeit"" T"h"ere"is But ooeTiotel"Th"4he village at present, "and is said that two are required--, to aebomodatt: the public. Even if only.Cne license is: to be grant ed, it i* thenght that the commissioners ehoald-liave given the preference,to Mr. i lus is the best house,, and ho Eramosa, Nassagaweya and Esipicsiug. YotTXi: CniElTTAN is from Nothrrby, and Nctherby from Imported Netherby. Ilis dam was sireil by Major Thompson's Horse, Stewartoh, grand-dam by Ilark- away. , TeI'.ms. Season Maros, $6 j Sincle Leap, $4. WALTE" " " ' 14413't'! -VTOTIOE, Any perison wishing to have paint ing or paperingl done ehoald leayo their orders with (i. B. Lavens, who will be at leisure every day except Wednesday and Saturday of oach week. Shaving and ilaircutting done at the shop every day except thoso mentioned a'oovp, and every night iv-i. <~i f'rs-ff- >Mt is th^ greg,t attraction. Please' ]feave your orders early, ancl iiave no disappointment ibr the 24:th. '-' ' i U ! ' -Hi .S Blk ROBINSOX, 1 Proprietor, Indeed, -we're sure, you must feel sad 'folleaye:tihe dear old place, For t'wiilflsfl ^o fresh memories Of your father's loving face. And then there is your host of friends, All sorry with you to part, But still we know they'll keep for youA warm place uoar their heart. ; ,i Mahy^-"we'rc snre.'wilf bo the ties . To tall your thoughts back here, For 'tis here your scenes of childhood ore, "."" i And the ones you hold so dear.- ' * jSotv, -Lizziei don't^forget your friends, But bear them aye in mind, V For, we arc sure, you'll travel far Before ^truer onotf you'll find. We know you're goingio be with those Who"ll'oe kind to you while there, But still there's something'about home You caniiot find elsewhere. Home ! 'in that word there is a sound That Jseems to thrill the heart, . For round it there are pleasures, _ From iljhich we're lpth.to pari. And what a cheering thought this is, When our home oir earth is d.dne. That there's a brighter one awaiting us Far, far above the sun. _ IToTgeetiagain on earth will bo '- iheijiiayer and wish of all, J But tvV11 - leave ' the future with the Eord, .,.; Whbdoeth all things well. Or Should we ne'er meet on earth again, W.c'hope to-meetahove, Where we wiji then together dwell With Christ in perfect love. . ., ; T -- T ,-: - , GE'J- B. LEVINS J. F. Monck for plf. ; no one licton, April 10, 1878 foj-d-dt. Verdict-for plf., S175.G8 ' v Kidney, as ma us me "f> "v^=^4------ . _ trnlv - ' ; is capable &*&&%&& ^^'tSL\3^^&. derly manner. ' i ItelcwEVi Youno Peo^-| Aeton, May.15, 1878. A6-2 duuiages. m'cranet vs.-waters. W. Laidlaw for plf. ; no one for deft. Verdict for-plf., 1 damages for detention of vessel, und valuo of vessel found to be $90(3... I^"CE VS. CL"A.RK. '- (Ejectment.) W. Laidlnw for plf.; no one for deft. Viirdict for plf., and one /shilling damages. XTNIGUTS. OF PVTUIAS: ThQ mombera of CdantheXnXso- Xo. 18, K. of V. are hereby reciilostcd to asscmblo'in the Lodge Room on Friday morning next at 1Q o'clock sharp, ifor the p.urpoBe of att'endine tho funeral'of ouriafp brother Robert Fisher. 6y ^rder, , J. P. SECORD^C C. "yiLLAGiE OF ACTON. \i " - "^ ."" a The^Hitting of the COURT OF REVISION For tho Villajp of.Acfcon, will be held At ^Matthews' Hall, . ' ' ON Monday, --10th of'June, 1878. -, At:7';30 o'clock p.m-.- Appellants and o'fchers , will please take notice.: The roll can,-he examined atmybmee. JOHN ROSS, Clerk. 4G-3t. TDtOW FACTORY OPENED. Tho subscriber, having purchased the Acton Plow Works, jis prepared to fnr- ninh Single andrDoublo Frame Iron Plows, as well a* the Boss Gang Plow, which has gaineirthe-reputation of being tho best Gang Plow wade, at the usual rates. All repairs done on the shortest notice and at the cheapest prices. 37-tf . SYDNEY SMITH. QiSiOIJT 'ttoit~X BULIii *' Royal Bcauford," dam; imp. "Lady Barnes," Birc,-.-iinp. "Royal Oxford Gsvyune," will servo cows on the farm adjoining tho ft.I.R., Acton. Terms. Pedigree Cows, 7.00 ; Grade Cows, JS2.Q0. 10 per cent oil" for cash. [ Also two Berkshire Boars will be kept for service at tho samo place. Terms, $1.00, cash. 40-Gm C. S. SMITH. FREH0H .MANTJ.ES Jl.-CdST-OME Also, a splendid Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, consisting of "black and color ed Silks, Cashmeres and Fancy Dress Gbods. Kid Gloves, all the new shades (1, 2 and 3 buttons), Lisle Thread Gloves, Parasols, Sunshades, Lace Goods, Trimmings and Fringes, Prints, Comtrices, Muslins, Grey Linens, White and Grey Cottons. _ ftP ^ ; English., Frenoli and Seraan ^a- i% m Immense stock of i"^ Those nea and comfortable Tie Shoes in great demand. It; ;:t;- Hi a Mi GENTS'FELT HATS in new and leading1 styles.; 7-EAVING I WEAVING 11 All orders intho Woavinglincprompt ly 'attended to. Special attention paid toCarpet Weaving. P MRS. H.^IcLOUGHLIN, 45,4t (?ornerp. -^totice Any / J. B.MGarvia, druggist, Actoii.j J..^McG;vrvin, drnggi-t, Actou.J J, E. McGurvin, druggist, Acton. person or persons found trespas sing ei'ther fishing or shooting, on lots E half 26, E. & W. half 27, .28, and 29, 5tlieon., towiiship of Bsquesmg, and t)r. Morrow's promises in this village will beproseouted'according to law. - Wl f DR. MORROW. JAS. SHAW," ; -T10BT. WATSON, : ANN G0UPON. JOHN MANN," ' ^.^t '" JOHN WARREN, Keady-Made Clothing, Black and B/ne Broad cloths, Diagonals, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. SUIT.S MADE TO ORDER, AND A PERFECT FIT GUAKANTBBD, Olf-#0 feALE. A full assortment of Gents'Furnishings. "VV^Uite Dress Shirts, Collars. Cuffs, Tie*, etc. A splendid Siot'k of Choice Family Groceries. r> TEAS A SPECIALTY. JAMES SYiVION", in returning thanks to hi** numerous friends and custoixier.s for tlie veryflibef-al. support accorded to him since he commenced business in Acton, would remind them that never before in the history of Canada were-such bar gains offered in1 Acton. Tlie Goods* have been bought for Cash>|nd"will be sold at a small ad- vaiice on cost, M r JAMES SYMON. Produce ot all kinds takn in exchange, at t(ie highest market price. l ^ HEMBMBBS, THE IPLAQB: THE tfEW BRICEiSTORE MAIN ST-.yLACT0N. Acton, April 10th, 1878." ., ' daily of new and fresh lots 01 -G-bods.' Yoii ;can always de pend on getting the /latest. Buy Mpntroal "WJMts Gpttons '. . - ' '-":-.' Best value in the Market. : ithout a rlvay-our Famous 50c. Tea. 511ds:"fiD|r7'$2.25, : ~ Acton, May 7th, -t878. ! " , i \>A

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