* M *k. - 4 rdk -<4 5Ut V* &j *.*& Jr m "V'-'JI -'* BP^'-S '^sJ Bi^*p"R PI f*-: 'j 'Vi^-'S ^ ^i-vs. ' : -;r lUKMIIHiffi____________ THE FREE'PRESS, ACTON, '" IIALTON fiOTOTY, mmm wnrarim i i.i iijLasBn ONT., 'IMAY 16, 1878. vT 1 Ancrtloto of Burns. Andrew illori^rr and litirna wero j '. pitted against each '-otlvsr'^to 'write j W pootry\ An epigram ^vaethoBub j . "> ject chosen, because,-113 .-Andrew [ "internally nrguocU" it j* the short ' est .of all* poems.'* Iu^ coipliim;t" -i ; ,*o hmvf'.titr cowpwiy rt;srl>'i>l that bis owu^iuouts'sliould supply thu -~ theme, j He icommouced \-r~ r and he paused. He then'iaid, ' Ye : *efyl was horn in 17S0 (the roa' date_:wus some yoa-ts curlier) bo 1 rea^T^lirtt tlieoonmioncomcn".' , He then; took his pen- in hand, foldb 1 " his p^pi't- with a" eonsejons air rot-' I authorship, squared himself U> the Taplej-llke. oao vrln-v eoiisalfwd i* no trifle ovtn'lo wvito ft letter, and felowly put down, id good round baud," as if Jio had been rnukiu;,' - out a bill of p'arcels, the true -._./ la seVentenV htrmlcr throfty-miuy.. > but beyond this, after \repeated at;. i tempts, he. wasinablo: to advance.; 5 < " Tlje"e$cor.d line w the Jlubicoui v ;J le*could uot pass. 'M. last,'" when Andrew Horner reluctantly ad- uiittecl that (lie viis not quite in ":_ tha vein, the pen, ink and paper .. w4re handed to his an tagquiat. Hy him ibey were._rfie<:ted, fr heiti: Btantly gave tjjV following; tv*{y. com, " ~.~ Id seventeen bunder' tliri-'tty-aitie. The devil gat i.taiT to mat' swine, : And pit it ih a cercer:_. r But shortly after cha.fi^cis his plan, .;'-i .." Mads it tsi sometiing.iike a iiian, . And c;dk'Jit Anlrijw Hoju^r.- llt.SON /5 -, ^J Simple Eeraeslrfor Diptlieria. An exchange publishes the fol lowing which gives a remarkably "simple bat effective" remedy for dipUieris. A fa vv years ago when diptheria was.racing in Englandja gentleman accompanied the cele brated Dr. Field in his rounds to f witness the so-called wonderful "cures which he performed" while the patients of-others were dropping on all sides. All he took with h.m i was powder of sulphur and. a quill, -Hid with these he cured every patient without-' exception. He .put a teaspoocful ot ilour of btim- j stone in a wineglass of water and stirred it with the finger instead of j a spoon, as the sulphur [does not raadily- amalgamate with water, j When the -sulphur was well mixed . he gave it as a gargJe' and in ten minutes the patient"-cSv-is out ol danger. ~He never -lost .a patient from, diptheria, ^f "the piti^nt cannot gargle take alive coal, pat it oa a shovel und spriiikieajs^ooii- ful or two cf pour of brimstone at . a time upon It. Let the sufferer inhale it, holding the head over; it, and the fungus will die. MERCHANT TAILGR. roo-!5uo;od Tukws thit>j>>ppttrt\intty of iitiuounc- iui: to t lk> pill-1 lot- tint hi* stoi'k oT Khl:I:Ii, Scotch j uikI CcVtiitili.nt- TWEEDS,'- CLOTHS, AKD WQ.RSTED" GOODS. la liew'ooulplt-'to. " '!, lit? it prepared to m.tko.-up in tjio latkst Styles, A Call" is Solititjed. . V JOHN "Mi LSI is" Kosk wood, ilart'}i Ct>. 1ST" 9 -' 5 ;. .m I I 523 CJ J HORSE BILLS Parties requiring Koiito Kilia this Huiiuon slioiil'.l Mind their y oidoriii'to tho FREE PfiESS OFFICE, Wlmie lln'y ciin Imvo them exe oii.lt'il iii iiii|)Ii!iuli(l workmim-liku iljiiiiiior and iiL-ruasomiblu rates, r __ Eomo sploudid cuts to select iffom. DANIEL F. BEATtY'S PIANOS &"os.G-Ajrs BEA Hi: .TT-Y'SCKrji'i. ,TON'Ofcf-:i) cai:- JUST A^HIVED, A splendid lot of Spring BOOtS :& "SltOiS.- -at run CENTRAL BOOT ~ & HOE STORE. For x^sstoring to Gray Hair , its : xurtural^itaiit? and Color. .' : - . " I : . A dressing fhich ' is tii ence agreea ble, healthy, and effectual for preserv ing the Lair. 'it soon r*. 'stores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or^ the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can' be saved, by ( this application, and stimulated 'it/ If plent-i activity, go mat a now browtt'of fully-used the whole roominay be j hair is produced. Insteadoffouling filled almoat to suiiocation; tha j the hair' with a pasty sediment, it patient can walk about in it inhal- j ^iU teep jt clean and rigorous. Its ing the fames with.doors and win- \ cccosional use will present tlid hair dows"shut. The mode of fumigat- j from turning gray, or falling off, CAST OUT " Bufe-'not Destroyed. II:ivinj mado ni'r.inficmoiits with ^Ir. Mitclifll, of iiilton, lor an agency Jfor tlie Brilo of 5a3h, Doors. ?raxaos,.21l3ttld.insa. ; Dros^a.-tfloorinff.laiio'otiaff, . "Waiaswt, EUi{??. tic. *. 1 am prepared "to fcirni>li liny of tho liove, at prices that defy com- jiotitiui. Please call, and seo sura- pies of moutliuj;, i.c , ij'efore ptir clnsing elsewheie." BLJKDS 30 CEI5TS PER FOOT. Eindly. tlruriciii!: cuitiiiiic-ro for ]'iijthik..r^ imiliiopinqstill to merit a l;iij bliare of your piitvo'iinjr'o". ; I am rospectfully ) om: ; Til U.S. KfJUAUE, Agent. '." S|lMl> :i'!:'\Ir. r,v..Vti,n':i (Ihl SI.HII I. : Acti.p, IHc. i7iii, 1-.TT. .- 6-1 v. I! It i\ N IV si; r'Ai.n A.\ " ri/i:!i)i.'T. mi IHIaTKI' <i"LlH"N l.llli I >lli i IS Wi' till' siv vrtciil toned lil.Kl iiniwt twr;<*t I nsi Mizn.-iitK ovrr l>ef.-- m:io'fu-i'in'Mu ilnr. or any t;t in- r cnun. try. Tin' iM.'fll ik ciiull('i>K<r'l '" c<|iMi, tn'rni. JjiMilH'CiiimtK anil loniiKcvci l'- fur.' grvi n. lli'i'K liOMoin piinlc- | rioikl now .n-iiily In Jn itj.-iH, h^i n.s. anil tJn* t'fiul** 111 gitnoi'al. All olliir. TIum- ci-lu- lirati'il "-In ariim ii'is 'iltti-r I lltno or (li'Kiiii' lin\i'il miiiI KlllplK'il anywlii'ii', on Jive i>i,'riUi'iliJi/o.,.v1 lc-t lilu). M. iii.vre- flllati':! Illiil rri'llil'll i l'll:HV< f palll lililll ^^ a\RTf 111 "illy U'a5" ai.! fllii-tcii.v. Kiil'-v I.ihIh. k, II In 'inli'i- to Wll-Tl' I I'll 111 l,M\ Ni'i l.-ciii! i;;j|Ii Il'-W j-i Call ;r.d ezr.mino tacm tsforo "cuyiac olaot7licre. FAInUKIlH, 8TOP AND SEE IK-rore Vou *'urUcr <Jo. ? Tho Agricultural impleBaentmanuj. factured by -the Manufacturing Oo'y, NEWCASl'LE, - for sale by ELL SNYDER,ACTON, viz: Wood's Iron Mower, i Akron Buckovo Mower, . Conqueror Combined, Sell'Dw'inping liake, Kewoa'stie Harvester, Iiorse Power [Pitt's],'- GrainCrU8her[gearedJ Ftraw Cuttern, eto. Tho above cannot be surpassed by any other Machines made in. the Dominion. Pleane'^all and examine befo/d purchasing blsewhere. . April 25, J 818 im THE! lOTON SK20JEAL ATTENTION 'QZY5V i W-0a3RBD FORE.- sli-i w &..15D ills. Minister-, Ti ll ive Ill-ill .iitl-ii \vai rant^'l.'i.r .-l.\ %-elir,- es St ric:'>' f]r.--t- cla-s." KXTItAiMtliSAltY I.I IIICR.V1. I)|.-(a>'.I.N I'-^lfl"I'n t" I'MiH'rlii s. ScIiiHill-, <-li' ri, t'li ., j i-e't at nlii'c ( vp no a^Mits, 'i'lui'^anil;- tl"\v ' Ulii^tni't'il Aclvi'i-li.-ci (' a'lu- nil with Ilbt < f t4'*.||-iiolil;ily; ail.v. f. iii li-.-o. l'^-niill.-l-.i' li KVi. a.aires- DANIEL F.-PEAITV, WiishliinKni, Niw Jerey, l:----------------1 =-------- r" K^OW By re&dlng funfl practlrfBl the Incftimablo truths con tallied In the beft tncdle* book ever IudciI, entitle* mif\M mSELF-1'UF.SEUVATIOS ! treats ofExli=u-'.tcd ViLilitv, rrccir.:ore Decllno I Nervous nna l'hytlcal Ptbility, unQ the cxitlcn '. coticotuituit ills ami untold mlsrriej that n;iu : tin rcfrom.nndcoutalnnDitirotlnn Woridnnlrw ! toriptioii5, coy one of n-liictit* worth tlicprico oj I the took. 11ii look was written by ihc most cs i tcnsIvoundlirobaUy the most UllfuIpraclitlonei i In America, to wtiomivflS awarded u Rold andjGTa cllcil mcdul by the Notional Medical Asrociailon A Taraphlct, tllustratnl ITita tbc very fiae - -ill ' ' (Ar-lon, Jlawlr20,.18T8.. : f THE OLDET CROCESVr MOUSE N ACTON In the placo to ge^ gocd chenp Groceries,'-' Crockery^ &las aad . Hardware, job i'i;i^TiN ofaiiuifldfi !iuutly i i l 'i>ro7a:>tly oreoutcd'at, lit I.RHE PREJS'S OFFICE, ' Xex( tii* tft>t QUJco"-Mill Utrcet.- NEW DOMtHtCH BOOT & SKv ^TORE Opposite Agnew's Hotel,'Main Htreet.rActoa. : I & Is th:6 ./, BEST NEWSPAPER P3< rt'.tf unf U tton.ir: ii-V iKriltStiit-.i-:i/i,| Pr(i ,"l UPfjR tuan.-'Ui-r-'i'- i !. i-ttur-nr ijt. \i|.UT"iR n.tMKi. F. K::.iTTV, WashtnBton New Jeraey. t \ ; t ?. ^v-wiaV^^,. ^<_7,0 -.--.^3i>fc'." ."i V^~.^: - > Steel Klpraf: ^ Tel cf art find beauty cat rntE to all. Send tor tti at cocc. AthlrcM INSTITUTE, No. * Bul-X HlA ancii Sty Eoitoo, Mnni. ^ SCttUJU TEACflEKS-: Ynu can . i o.isily increafo yp-ur salary by i ilevoting a very small jiortion of i your leisure time to my interest. I I do not expert ynu.tr> canvass for I tuy celebrated' Uealtj-'* Pianos aid Organs. unle.'-'Ji you Bee lit to; but ! the service 1 require of you is both I pleasant awl profitable. Full par i ticulaiy free. Address If.AMEb K. ! BEATry, Washington, New Jersey r ing the rooms with sulphur has often cnied most attacks of cold in the head, ifcc., at any time, and is recommended in case3 of asthma and consumption. Hens are. often set in their ways. Tiie most steadfast followers of oox fortunes Our creditors. Never communicate your affairs to one who seem3 anxious to know them. ." Dancing masters seldom, have any money, but are always taking steps tot raise- so me. George JSVashisgton wasn't al- '"wayf first even in war or in peace. He-iiarried a widow. * i "^ - v Women are not born politicians, and theys can pack a trunk better than, they could a convention. What.class of workmen.are al ways on strike, no matter what their w-ages HT6 ? Blacksmiths. We dou't be'ievo in miracle-,; but the other day.a deaf mute was giTeh a hearing by a magistrate. , If -editors printed everything they jure asked to .print, and m\y pressed everjthing they are asked to suppress, how little their journ als, would deserve to be called Newspdpen^ . An enthusiastic.'Indiana -.editor wrote "The battle is now opened." _But, alas ! the intelligent composi tor Bpelt " Battle" ? with an -" o" arid his leaders say they hare sus pected it all along. A western paper announces the illness of its editor, piously adding : " All good paying subscribers are rep nested to mention him in their prayers. The others need not, as the prayers of the wicked avail nothing." - -; A Sunday-school teacher wag tellina; her scholars, the other Sun day, about a bad boy who stole a hundred dollars, when, she was interrupted by one of her auditors vith the query, "and how the dickens, did he get such a bully chanpe," j- A granger arrived in St; Louis, took a look at the city and shot himself, In_ his pockets "were found thirty-fire cebti and; a *tub of- a led pencil, which cause the ; coroner's jury to return a verdict: ^Chicago editor^ couldn't stand rosperity." - - "- " This life/' ays Josh Billing " Jjb like a; g^me of cards. We m ust play jhe" hand dealt to ' us, und the creditjis not so.much -in winning, as;Tn;playing a pobr hand v-elL"; Wjiichi being interpreted ^RACE'S QE1EDRATCD ALV I'Sure Ui'lU-JTuj- t'lif .-iutTfrrr. rjitrAr.KD hy SETH.W.'FOWLp & SONS, b'j li.vaiii.s *_v .>vi;.ni.-i:, i : ilOSTUN-, mass. -' in GRACE'S. CKijliCKArrcD S.U.VK, Is a V.ci,"--tab!t' lVt'l>aratloii, . ntiny l,v. Dr. W'il- ia iCInii James* cy l:o -uri--il "ilii K..re.- and woiiiitls Hint rbal!k"l ttn? skill of the tno.-t (nlii'lnt pliy^iclaiiif of Ills <l i.., .----^.~ ....,. v. w.uy, ^lej/airtr ,.mIn, n[ jniy^iclaii.f of 1,1s .|...., u,.(| wan tions dunjrei'ous, raid injurious to tiw rt-^ir.|ed fry ail u-iioknew him ^sa pub- hair, the Vigor can only benefit-'but i lc ^'^ lur' cot harm it. If wanted mereV for, . rnicr - . ci:.vts a r.ox. - _. , Vnd consequently prevent.baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents i. the formation of danriruffj which is 'invented lit the i:tii often"s^.. uncleanly (and .offensive, armV.^'nroiTch'i.' Free from those deleterious sub- tiioi.snmisor ttif m.-t s stances which make some prepara tions h cot a HAIR DRESSING, nothing els^: | ran be found so dwirable. Contaip-- j ing neither oil nor dye, it -iosjs not !.T,.E3II ivoi-nds. vv.ozks j.imbs. ai. ?oil white cambric, and jet lasts : isifiA'M, ciiu.nr.AiNs. *ii:e uheast long oil ^ho hair, giving ;; f rich{' gi03P"lu^re; and a grate.fu. pc-rfumei Prepared by. Dr. j.- C. Ay%.- 'Si Co.'. : ^; ^**ctlcol arn! An.-.I-.-tir.al C iiciu!- - OlX>' <?r Jtl.. UlitKMlI.-.l'S f.vr'r^'-UKE* (imtE's fi;i.i-:n:: lts::> rai.vi: CURES I .> .- TlpPi&STO _ BOS&4V3T ThereisnoninnufiicturerofPinno.' and Organ's in this or nny other country who lian received ne mnny iinsi'Iicited in,lorsemontR as hus-Mrr l'.eatty. From every .State and Ter ritory coihep the same verdict. "They hie the bept in the trorld." IlliiF.ti-ated Advertiser, {Vntn].igUf- Edition) free. Address DANlEi, f. BEAT TV, Washingtun, New Jersey. If i s m And to arrive in a low duys a eui'plyof full ^.ycrs Catkartic ^ilis, sine Lii'.s. Kiivsii'in.Vs, r.isn - WO!'.3t."1t'AI.l.friI-^I-l.'.Mitl illiall. ' uiiai-i*i:i> ;ja:.s, Bi'Rxfi, c..Sfr:i:s, '.. KI-:L"S, SCALD-, r]~ -S IKKS, Ul.f'EaS, niis^". -siinos, shi-niji.l^. tk;:s, v.'kn.s, stii".-. I'tl.ILS All 'I:-.;--, HIK'KL^S, mr.vio.v.s, siv.iiss, Him/-, l:ii i:-', (ir-r-s ' lyiirri.ows. WAl.'T.S, III.ISTKUS, '^Tji's' I'IMI'lus, <-"r:N-s sp.i:i:vv, IT"II, IN(;itO\Vr--C; XAILS, NKTTI-K HASH, JjrSQLITO A.Vn H.KA I1ITE.-:, KI'IBCH HTINGR, And all cutaneous disease fc and eruptions - generally,. Fors.ilc l,y rvll drn^^iJts-. grncerp, -anti at all ti.nint'-yKt^ufc^ tliroii.-'lauu tlie llnl-^ toil:Slat -naiHl lirlilblrProvintes. Price1 by mail ;!!)cenf< For. the relief .-' urn! cure cf all iK-raK^'eincnts in Use .t.juia.-B, hy- C'|-| alltl IlL'HClii. .'J'lii'y arc a milil ---- ^lieeV'iieinipi/ri ! "OUOTOtJItAPIlEHS shoultl tor. J^iu'-fiii^uo'.'"-^ ' ' vv"r<1 ai- thr'ir n<1'Iri-es'if' tIiey: ... I'h'ry'ur minjial wish', to obtain a Piano or Organ in 'lalyvcr. >ii:rh CXcUlillL'P for PIjlOtOfii'.'Millilli.'. Ad is- pic". enl<.-a I iy ,>. ,.. i,.,v|p| an.l eveiy liiiniiv shoubl , (lres D.AMEI . I I'<xi' their priiti.'-iiuli an/1 e;I.; I.oii^- exjiC-l Alice iian_______________________________________ - Iii:' -.-ife-t, Ml.-irt,. ,'tlllt I ' "^^a ^ AOTCm 'PUNING llrliLLS ih-iisr?? .i '.ijeii'/rtifiA^* i:m' :.:.\'C L>re:n oa h'i r=-ii.-'f, -.- I;.-:, ,, , I I'^Vi'I ti.-'Jll in ' aL-v.l.'l.i-. P.y Iht ; .i:i j of-tlic ^'.'.scpin ex- I i.i !,-":. lii:':ii.,iij rcinnvi-il, ami 'the uholo lOT-kffl'...-; criirn-.-.-tr,i.ctTTj ft- lic.'iltlivactir- :ty. i:i'.;rK!j in-C'.:i;.- \vliii:ti bl-i-omu vivf T/-J ,"..;.-j f-:'.iL'v'i-b ;r.i ei(-;m.- e.l liy _; j/rr V I'ilf*, i 'ui .-:; .ml.:'.'..I i.'.tu :ir|:.ir,. Tims inripient -voItlu of in'-ii i;'i.'ii:L'e. v.h'ii rei-kor.eil oli'tliv: v.-i-j I:l!ilt::a-I' v.], n i -ajuv it, c.-ni harilly bo 'oai- J'iiIl-1. 'j'h.-ii- ni^ar-K'iatin? niafces the:,, j'ii;;i-.-,at I" I;il:e,::;i'l (ire^i.-rvCB tlicir viltnu> r-iiiiiliaircil I'm- any lcn^*.li of time, m iiiai; t-ie-v are ever fall, mul jierfecily rcliiibln Al'diOtltrli HMri'liliiir. thty are uiild, a'iul o|,cr-,: ntu wiUnnit I: -tnihaniy 'rj ttic-coiistitutiou o> tliti' or O'-euiiatinli- i'nl.i 'ii; ee-Jfia.- are ^l.^n on tho u-raniierto ei.-ii ijox.litr.v to ii'filirana-a Family Physic, cii'l for the I'tilioM-iiiK complaints; which tlic'se Villa rapiilly cure: F"i'I.T;ii'i);ii;i or Ii .tlon. l.lsr. Ieoiieo.. Ljii^-iior, anrt JLo.i* at v&ppc. titf, Uiey .liinH |,(, Uil.-en iiio!lej.-it4'lv to etiiniilate.ilie -i..aiacli, and restore ite healthy tone an.l .tjtii.n. For BtiVrr t'i:iii!aln Timl Its various vr,ipi.,in-. StHiom ESrailHchc,' (rU u i'illliic.i-'. ^:iii(ilf<> oi'.^-recii Nit-It. or<, CSHiou. Cf>Iic"niirl irilioua *'.. vr-i";, lliey .-iioilhl! lie ji:tlir-.iotl-ly lal.en for to correct the tli-eaveil .-u-tion, or oli-tr-a il.niF- ivhich caiiire It. : P&otogt'.'ipnini.'. Ad- Ij VI BEATTY, Wash- ingtori, New jersiey. reaioi'i For 5s>>entp'ry or SWai-rhu-u. hut ona nul.l ilo.-.i: i- scnur.-illv rei|iiiri/l. For JShvuniiHiimi, ot; <?nve;. I>iiiplf;)2ii of tl,<- !Tff<i>rt. I>:irn in tii'.\ iS<tl, tiucli. nial iotjii.. .tliev slmnlil lie coaUilno'.isly takijii, as l-rjiiiired, lo change the ili:-ease.:l action-r,r (he sv^tein. Witli>-t6h clinii^'e Iho-c c.oilijil.iiiiH ilfs.'i|i|ie.-il'. ! 1'or I>i'oiiiiy aii4-troi.i<;u! Kiivil. Ihk:,they."liL'tlilhetukcn"Iii l.ir;.'o ninl fi'e- qaent ilo-c-s to produce the efTcet or a ('rustic Vi'n>'e. ' . I'oi- N.ii>[ir<-'.;n, a lar/redo-e should,)> J-ikcn. u>. it inoilncua tlie ilc-.-ired efteet h". ayinpalhy. ' - At a IHnuir ViU, tahe one ortv.o J'lllnio promote di^-e-lion, and relievo tl-e slomndli. An nt-'Mi.-ional don' rtiiimlares .lie stomach ai'.d linwc.iH.Vl-lorcs till) "piietiK.. .,,,,1 in vi^'Ol'.- ate.s the s-vkU'iii. Tfuncc it is often adv/inm- Seons v.liere no serious dormi^i'inent cxifls. ;,( Who feels tolerahlv well, i.Rci llnd.- llui- u <li"e of tWs-e I'ill-i rnake^ him feel decic edly-better, from their .-leantine; and Teno vntiDs effect, on the di<u>tjyc'uppacutus. _" ri:pAKUD nr- I>. ^'..tMlIPKEIit, Prop. : <'ov. _------. ' Having purchased the above named e..fablibhuicnt, 1 am prepared to manu facture SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of LAN IN ' Promptly attended to, ' . 1).' \V. CAMPBELL. Acton. Dec. 4th; 1877. 22.3m "VSrAXTEE). I)ndiv,s and' ccntlcmcn to learn Tclff- J,'crjjh Operating fur oflices ojiening in the Doaiiiiion. Stamp for answer. Address ,.\!Avjfirr., P.i>x !m.'5, Toronto. rWM> Ul:Sl\K^^ Iii EX.- If von g y.-illl lllllll-adf. St.fleli-c.n. |.el_ ler lu-aiiR. F.nv,-lopes. Mert-anlili V. Hit-, Inn,or any kin-1, done In bislm p -t \le, 'fiend y.onr .irdeiK to l lie l< n mv: 1*ju:ss OiTlt'i'. Hatisfactloimuai'inijecd. FmgB f Any person who -.-III mnkt 51&S and rorwartl me n list ol l lie names ofg-flialilo jiitsoi-.f'm thiJine- j unnlntu! c^ wtio villi to proiurcrr 'n- i'sli'iiin<flit,',idtlici"-|>iiiiio or.lircan, I iyjJJ use tny host endeavtirs to .;e]i them one, and for overr I'lniio I sueci etlln sellinp to Mielr I'lst wil hill one year, 1 will creilit them vftlv-iJIO, and ror every flrcan-JO, to he .'ipi'lied on liiyrr.cnl of either n I'laiioor orKJiri; and wlimit atiiri'inlr'to u snin nufTicicnt to pay for an i nst ri:m/;lit snJrcternt t oIoitcsi Mh6Ieal^.prlep, I wiiiimni: dlately.'-.iii], the!iisirhment, rrcr, nj-jifier any ni.* iiinl in credited t he butane- jiiii.v l:o paid me In cnprnmd I will llll'li Klii)i them tlie Uisl.niiiieiit. Tl ey need not he known in the matter, and wll I he di'liifi UuIrfrlondKa renlser- vlen, n-s I shall maltn i>erlal ofTirs to thorn,selllne ft iiperlor InKfrniitrui for from onr.hnir <t> 1 wn-tlitrilii what Is ordlnrtrity asked liv aitelll s. 1*1 ease send innnllBtnt onre andnfier.yot'hnvp made ilimi'i"- Von enn edd (r, Jr.. Addrep? A-> A N* IE L I'M! KATT V W ash I ngtorf, New jerecy. THE^ GREAT IF-/-'HUMAN" GAtTSE . 'MISERY hi. mi mwaw. :9ns thaji^very man ought make Dr' '* P A7ss & CO., Practical Chemists tiiB mo& of kifl opportunities = ^OWXXl.iiUHa.i v..^. ^.. . j- ' ft**S>XiXX PC'IOISTS EVEBVWjaan / . p/Tatty's I; i ii ii i) o, .'grand, sriuare add upright, are pi'tmouneed hy tho ^pros'n und Lhe people AND a" the most, beautiful nridnweet- ost toned PlanoS over mamlfzicuir- eil. 8 .Mil on t 1 trial and nroiionncedrTiri WASHINGTON, best.In tin- .von<j. NEW JERSEY. ",a"y',K c-'lebratcd' uolnen TmreuftU Parlor (Jrpran. \ny fniiniifacturei ehullengei: trjiKjiml them.' They piHsess powei'i deptli, hrllilnney find -!yinpathetic delieas>-,oxr|iilRitely boautlfullysoltiell'ectH.atliMnooiilystop action ever invented ihnto.innot ho dis- arraiigedhy use. Th,e hellowH napaciiy iKsoureat thnthiit It'le "Hort Is roi]uir- ed with the foe'- to supply all tho ulr noee*Bar>v.- Host miniennd most elegant cnKOs In itho market. All solid w od ornirmnts. "Ivery Instrnmontfully 'vrir- ranaed 'or dx i'irmijt '- t-iyfirst. clasrt, and senionrrom f> to i> jjvs trf-st'rlrtl. ' ^?jdr<"Hinvf.:T, f, tit.uri, Wnsuine- ton Hew Jersey. >oor "citi . lV"e have recently ptihlislicd n in \v edi- ilo" of t)r. Culvrriioll'ii Oelclirnleil En- Kay on the riiilicnl anil perinani'iit cure (wilhont m> dIeJne)of Nervrns l>ehllity, Idcti'atojid PIivrI ca II neapaeity.ini led'- mentM to ilarrlaae, etc.,'resulting fiotn oxresses.. Price, in n aeulr d en veto;e, only 0 cents or t \7o iiostage stumps 'i'he felohratc-d iiothor, In this admir able EsHay clearly denifiisirnttf, f-rrjn thirty yeiirs' surcessiiil praetiee. tli.ip nla.rml>p;eonsr(priennes may :ho ni'lleaily Cur< d without, tlie [lailRoriius ilsdof illter'-. nal laedleine or the an-d-Hentron ojf tlie' knife; polntlnc out a modo of curb at once simple, certain mid eirpctnnl. hy m"nii of which every stiilerer.no miitiei- What his condition may he, may -euro Ii1me1f elie'niiry, prlvnloiv and ridlefall v. This I.cctoro should ho in Iheliatilsof overy youth andovery man in the hand. THE CCJAEinYI'IAh lT.im'JkI, CO., .PofltOfllao.Uox'jOSO. 41 AnnSt Ne-Yoik: -]y ThaundcrMtiiicJ aij.ojd retiree! physician having ">een permanently cured of the much cfreiitfed clisea'se IkitiHiiinpclon by a simple remedy, Is noxious to aalcc known, ^o 3iU'fcjIow-sutTerrcrs . the means of urc. i To^_aJl vy'lio -desire it, he will Rend a copy of lie prcscrq'iion usell, Trenof chargef with direc- ions furprejiaring ami lining the same, which will c fouhq asme tunc fpr C'ottaittiijttloti, Jtrotvr 7titij, -tUitni'rh., slxHniut, <c, O^dctiMburir, Box 1339. ; N.y, "Wall Pajcr. "Wineow Bllcds. &c. Ill the latent Styles had Patieins. I also lseep on hand a few of,, ^iIcB.sr tlinrly & LUe- ttich's ceiebialttl .' I.ANCE TL'OTU CKOS-'-CL'TSA-WS, The be.ist now in use. All goodn will bo sold low for cash or. pro duco. r Cash/or Hides. > CHARLfesT. HII.L, Mil! sitrec-t, icton. ' . pob. 19th, 187\*. : i. . - .i KEnn^Y & 302IT Wish to cull the attention of tneio. habitants of the Village of Acton "'and viciuity to their immense .stock of EO'OTS, S.S03S . & QRQOBEIBS.' CompHsing all the latest styles hi Boots and Shoes. Ordered Work receiveBOurppecinl "nttentiori. Repairing promptly at- tended to. ur Crocerj*1 Department . Is well BUpplied nith Teas, Sugars, h Fruits, Biscuits', 1 Tobaccos, Soaps, , Coffees,.-&c-,'&e Please call and examine Our-Stock. KESSEY i SON Acton, Dec.12 1877. 1878. SPRING ; OPEN ING/ 1878. Has now; in Stock a large and well assorted lot of DRY G-OODS, G-EiGdBRIBS, - ri CBOCKBRY, ' GLASSWARE, &c. Which ho will sell Cheap for Cash. . ' i , OTHING a specialty. A ge; assortraent of Felt and'"Straw Hats for Spring wear. Tho highest cash price-paid for Produce:6f all Idudsl Acton, March U, 1878. ; v " . . 37-3m SPBUffG SUITS1! All the latest patterns of COTCH, ENGtISH M CANADIAN S-CTITI25TGI-S i. ' iii the market. ; uits made to Order from $8 up i' '" -'" i A splendid selection of - ATS ! Full lines of Gents' A:lso Cottons, Shirtings and Ducks at thu East End Clothing Store/-',' Actbn.Aprllb, 1S78. FYFB & McNAB. Pa"blisi.ed in Ealtpfi.; Opuaiy 1 OJtfLrY ;I$ <? Per year, in adyanca -i > - i To Mercliants and other Business Hen in: Actons, as well-as throughout^the .-; -..-.ik County, the Free Press is: an . invaluable Adve^tisingr -; '( '.'-..' ' ' ' " '..-' \ - . ' - : - ' ' !" Medium. -.'[i. Sur Unrivalled Facilities/for. BxiooUg all kindiof BOOK A^ID JOB ^ITStTijNG nabl as to turn out irark e.al t snytkin^*Bfn UWfiHiM. u< T. iLBBRTMOOE^ Pttbli&Hw aad Ppopa?iotor.