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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1878, p. 2

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-J^ mem ? TIJR FREE PRESS, ACTON/ IJAfLTON COUNTY, ONT,/J1?Lf ^8, ;J878. X l:"^v J'i IS 111 * . - i ;4fe ' Pi -^ $ I :: ! : v/^?r Wr: if ^ I8|H . I;-' -r - ;82sfP OTW I'.USJ CTOS- *KEE ritEJS|- The Emperor William Inia-left^ KILLED ON THi TJA0K. ' "" ------- .^ TuTluhw orofy ThundiiyMorning., , " A Wcjmau 0u:>*9 to AotoU, Advauoe! According to the Telegram it,. h.olil Ljimuhollj0 tj pur-' II: Par Annum in ftclmijfyaolfross T.-.\t,B::KT MOORE. Kiir.ok; would appear th.it. the Htitiali j cllivj-i O-jjJi,, i>:r.l JH Cabinet butt decided ttot to prorogue Viirnsi ay Morninc, Jilt 2e, 1S7S. Parliament until next yfr,- Tuis ruii oval' by tlio O.tr.a iioiuo., Icijow Ikii', naw her bittiu s <>" the Ht,op ht Campbell's hotel mi>l ;hIio w ih incapable of walking straight. Found three biscuiw (it). tho track ubitiit < in i?i it - w,r,t t.' i o ;5;;f5 tj'.iin lliii.t killed h.r,. . t', finis. Jfi ow.Tt-r., tinsmith, sworn, ir possiblv b.. in view of tho fact -plio Body Fo.arfally Muti- sli ' yl"* ^'Alpiuu was in my "- . - , , .iioi) uiid bought a tin pail and at, die .conference being over, .Ht - ( ' j ... she did not. pay tor Notr li th? tlma ia J*n:scrlbo and pnjVyonr Subscrip tions Tor the free Press* Editorial Notes. Sir 0 trivet W jUeley has arrived la Cyprus. - Tho -Q /eon bus invested End ILaCi-iStLU .vith tbo Order of the GarUr. I: is now asserted that th Tm- j d Parliament will not be dis- t. iVld 01.1s VOiF. --. Tlio fsVit Ituss'nHi movement for : . r tho evaluation e>f ' Boumelia - is j expected' tj-taka i>I.ic_> atx wrjeks [ 1,,C,^ r .... _ J Tl'.e Gt r:u:n Gor^innient bus! iepc.ils.-i ll.f order ivcfut'y publish- J IU.I tllll has beeti deemed beat to aseertnin fo -what contingencies tbo Berlin Treaty hiiJ tluit pi-ovidin^ for tlio cvflsion of Oypria u\uy give 1 ?ftei Tho Austriiin papers!re,"i?. in sjjd, warning Italy of tl.is ilnnger of playing with fire, and; thus Italy at present appears to buTvfmost ilone in ber eou)pbiint against the, iTrenty, save n-id except that' in JJY.ince tho R-iilicals have "protested ugainst it in the .person, of Gatu bi-tt;i," and in ii'.v-tettbj, Fransj there is.so.iroely kuo\vii)^"to wliat she pviy not bo worked up, and afreaity it is staled t! it the c,in vention with Turkey U:\\n in.ido serious strain Euniish aniitv. i upon French and Ieo Cream at C.'\V. IIl'l'j. J t!:e esnort.itiou ct Th. Pc;|e is about t P.>.r-.-:^i fjr aid to Robbery in .Vnpatsee. ;ippe.U to op tho duruiu' reujains of tb to appe.il ti rj.;j;i;-_vi o:" vva.it 0::jiiUu Ejip:re. ; - Tli-i trade r^tut-s of th.Tr-pji-t of Tj'rcuto fjr tht year en lin^Jine 30:Ii 'ut-re :' EstK-rfa, -f ' '"""" * Lrj^-! T i-\.>t-^ rh^:i ,],m!i! r! yAlW-NlM:,. July "2\ SjiiU'tniie I hid Liquor tho Gauso. On >S iturd.iy moniiu^ list about s:x o'clock; the limVn Npivmi aiouinl town tliat a woman had been J;il led 041'ilio U^acUj about Imll'a trile litdow Acton. If np]X'ai8 that Miss'Oatiy.iriiin Alo.Vlpiue, eauw to Acton, on the 5:17 train, to pur- uhris" an ittxi pot., soiuu ootton, unci s'lyeral other Hitioles, ' mil return houio on tho 0:.'i0 I'nii'n. After ar riving at tho hotel, in Aet.Vn iihe met ii per.sun. n.fu.'d E l.n in linn, whom tdi'inivked to li.ivo a ilrtuk Alter driiikirig h!id went dy.vn tjwn, in idu hor ptujliase.^, nn-.'.; re- tinned to the Hoiid, whuro she met another .'pemviiT, k:i-)wn UM 1'rif. Uii(ipH, witli Avhuu) slil had .sevjr.il ilrinltH. - At'i.'r'a s)i.)i-r-_ tiiun ijlie, iu eo:u[>.inv' with Cripps, wlu was ah.> yoin^ to Ij'tuel.D-.lsii, m id-.' their way to tin) (Jr.iud Triuik S.".iti-)i), he (C-ipjn) having told her tlr.it it" sli-.j would ;;.> with hi o 111) .would p'livli i.si' her tiek-t I'hev won: t) 'th<- S: itiou,. whf-re '.ilr'y bilrl 'Kl-Ver.ll pulls iVoui n b.ilthv' efr' whi^k.-V w|iii-!i s!ii' ith j,'. ! i>t nieiit.'the stove of J. X. Li-puui, diy ^^ "d=J lii-r-'r-hanf,. etc , at .'Centivvi 1:1 e; was broken into, the s:U'e l;u>i- open, an 1 l!io e-m- tentM. eotisistin,; oi'^l.'.i^'J iu notes. * S3J0 c!i-i::i-' Oil tiij.. M-rebailts' IJink lif X ip.m-e7 anvl all nit ?JiK) in cast), c.iiried uw;|v. T;io v ib- .ig i:vj:tf tann uon'j.j ta?anuu:it, | of the previous year. | ln:, . t!lK u-xck door.if the i^jre, Anot'jer revolution has br.'k-n ; ia.l proce?iiing to- tho site "li il'r-,1 a ^ut iu JIayti Av.ixis XorJ. j JaViiti hob', atid charged it with The ruin- was sup-j P0^1"1' Suffieie.it to blowjtho whole , , ..."' * : Iront out ainl il>pl ice thti sifo six PretieJ atcor a sham n'iit b"twf>n ; ; i r .1 11 1 * -. ' ' ; nie'ies from the wull wbe'.e tt st.>o'*. -'iasorger,! , Mr. Lipum is -Count,*,- Treasurer j and also Treasurer o' the (Jr.in^O --t-roepc.' in favor of Gen. aad I'-r. It ii-pp.'.irs thai rhey procif.) I j.l from the xt itinu to Gr-'.-ii street, w!i'.-re they weresiam ahout 0 oel.iek Uy Mr.'" John M;' t'.inii'sll. . After this n ithiug is ku-m-'n uliou't b-'r until sho was iuu:id tho next morning iilion^ 5 o'clock, on tin.' track a !i.nt di.-v t-iuee in-low - tlio Bt.t;inn, by [Win. Auckland, miller at Toltoa's,mills, who was going toL work.. l-j.; re turned to thu htai/iou mid informed the r.i'gat op-'ritcir, Mr. Wallift', who immediately got her placed iu the fivight house. Tlio li>;n.l mid anii-> irhioli wetv o:i th lot" the.track, were completely sever 1 from tho b idy no 1 l-'g-i, whio'i JL disastrous bnrrican prev.^jlet?" j ,lnd MasoriicXodge-.., and often haj ' UY between tho rails. Corone ttile hifge siHiKS of Uiony on hand, hur r 1,-,.,.,,ian was immediately fortunately" had paid out.- utiJ <! graphed for. pushed the bab.uee of tlio funds on" Tils Co0-.V::a3'TSV>,,!>T Sere- | baud in the brink u f>;w davs ago, j mt>t at 1:30 p. ml on .Siturday. 1 -r ths robbers would hav^ niallo ul After the jnrorb were sworn iii, they rviiirej to thai station to view the bo.lv of the decjtised, and then ^ royujLprockmation has been i "c'",lre" ,Tfid !'o!i3" h:'e 30"'e . - , : clu>', and aro looking after two issued ; la Cj-pnw dee!.ir-in3 the stmnei-a who visited tho storo the t tLi ^eft Iarlian island of St.,' Thotaas cv. '.he 9th and 10:h insj.,. -followed by in earthquake ToTdwelling? were levelled and tfcrr , - , ... Hmwh larger h.-.ul. 1 no safe was u jpsrsorrs UJlir lujur-sd. ^ [ T(.ry iargtJ onc_ of A.,lL.ri&,n Ui:inn. ' fac-.ure. iaieres: takea by tho Queca in tho j day- previous, no doubt for the pur-1 was to the place when) the accident oc curr?d. Tim lnijuest was resumed .Ht"3:20 o'clock. The lirst witness tho things t oiild n it a ay wluth ir shr) WfU iutoxie atod or not; (J Hill Bold t,ho iirticles, Tli.iin'ts U.iiuphull, tsworn.-NnJil I wris out pitehiugipit)itr4 wiiun she was iltviuy houao Frirlay evening; Kim. wasHui b.r tho. iutluouo.; of li 1]Uor when h'ii) e mi > ; w.u in bed ivhoiii'tny wil'o told liu the wo:u i'i wiis iciIlit I. /' ' HilMit Wallace, t-legraph ooer: iitor, sworn, slid' I first. Hiw Miss M-A'pin ) about 3 ofelo'-k, iilie onife to th.; station with Ur,ippi; bjih wjrc under tho injn )n-e of.Iiijujr ; they left tho .station ub),it \) o'clock. Mi'. Au.tkl.ul I. c-nil.) up t> ouo of the train ii mi, about ..o-, telling him -i w >:u i:i wis Itille.l.ou tho trick ; the di iV. -r palled slo.vly down tj tlio Kji'ir. ;. I w.m; .d i-vu iu tho engini; ;s i.v the body on the track ; tlio section in mi brought the bo ly uj/ to th j station. Tii-i hi pi Mt wis it.lj mi-ncd.until .M-mdiy, that th ' evi louce of oti: giueers Mii'its, S'.u'Wart and otlnn'J uii^iit Lie o')'..i'lied. Iii'piest re-mured on Mjiilav, K >!) . |. il luinndiou, laborer, laid I saw Miss MjAlpim- sworn about l> o'eloeki I'Vid iy evening, at Ci.impbell'j II )tel ; she ,w is nlon.'; s!i/> ssked me to hive'a driiiK of h-ier;' went into hotel mil had a glass; dou'tdtuiiw wliat ah) tocik ; after this she went down town and initio her tint-elians ; when fche, e linn back shi toid til) that sael would g) down in the train,' with uit! ; whilo at Cimpbell's, fJrippi cmio and pursu ido I her to ;; with him; tbuy st irted Oil' together; she w.isu't, s )!>;' C.-ipos di'lu't seem vory drunk; .Didn't see her after that. ' ' \ ' '. - W. 1' Marks, engineer, sworn, siid, Don't .know anything .about thisca.se. Am-engineer of pisicn- ger train going K ist about 3:15 it. m., stw no one oa the track. rek"2'qf. the .-island. commission will shortly 'he .-appoint- edto deal -with - tha topHilicatOa land quesKon. ' t ' Tao MiSSichusetts fsti'-e Bureau sx S^itisiis of Ltbor- ls busy in making an investigntj on, for the .purpose c-f ascertaini.tig, a3 nearjy ^as .passible, tLe :ictual number of persons that are unemployed. lc is believed tha't Jtae result- will prrvri that the 'a-j/auber' of ti'nem- j'or'tJ ha3 bacn /reatIV-overesti mated. ; raised ' Vosa of>,kin5 olwervatiou.s. Pay- j Pi-of. Ezra A Cripps, genllemin, ' ment of;the chequo rul noto3 has j sworn, said, I happined accident- been stojiped. Montrcnl Buslue-is. j________., ITesttrm Betallen Trill tlrsre. not d:3l TheT business community are agitated bv the ijffction of if ilatge Western retailers'- who number of vvesteru retauers wtio are withdrawing custom untl cinc-1- ling orders given, from n ipiuiber of wholesale men here trotk resent- lappine ajfy at Mr. - Oi'tnob-H's Hotel, oil Friday evening,: and this woman, Catharine MeAlpine, came in ; she ' was carrying a,good with her'; I purposed, g^ing to tlio K ick ; she. told me thatj was when; she lived^;' I helped her carry t.he >rtH)-is to*ihe station, chatting with her while th-r,:. . I of the. 12th troubles. The m iui- i referred to in the Wititr'n. bbt the fie,-' :hrro are unierstalel. Yo'ur corresp iiubmt- kmwa one >ot and bIios firm, tho st;nit>r irtuur of which in a Ctthoiic in , , , ,no way mixvd up iu the 1 it Secret Societies Act. It points out j troubles, who has git three largo tii't that At"; l.tke all others passed | orders cane A j!- -^ithin two days,' by the Coutio'. of Lower C-.in-.id* in besides snialler ones, 1S37, woit'd gb out of force in Tc-mber, lSf2, unless it had subse with her, in a b< leu- buy the liqu Another leg/.l-opinion is publish ed in Mintrnl '.-ith resp-jc: to tbe / N(> Mr. Mulhtrky .ha^' taken ; plr- It >ck, and 1 s ,,id w^jconld go to ' . ticuhir care to inform tho public l-gcthor. While at Gunob-H's, s!i > a nitu free! .1:1 half about 7 o'clock; could not Stv what time w'u were at th) station ; I saw' her drinking liquor, not merit on acc-junt of the termination i spirituous licjuor; slio h;td liq'ijir ; did not s-'e -he Sued ab mi p ir rook of it tu-'-re w is ii m i i a cloth over his eve-.il. Ci.uo beli's, with the worn in. S'-ie ii i I witji hsr one of thifs riot kettles. white inside,mi 1 a -basket full of othei stuli". I neye;: sliv her bo lore , she sai i eihe was g-iincr to th -Vfter leaving Acton kept steam on tilj iieai- the somiphoiv, then I sunt steam off; Siw something' on the track,' t.>ok it to bo tho remains of a vouugcalf; it was not daylight, and couldn't s,"<) very pl.ttn ; didn't see unytli-ing else mil I got to Georgetown ; coul.i see ii distance of 1.3!) y mis ; couldn't st'ip on that grille in Id-s than 'M'J yards ;: not likely feel Iriin r'inning o.-er any thing uulesi s,.un h-trl siibs:anJo crinieiu outlet wah the wheels. John Mc'JJuuell, laborer. Sworn, deal of HtulTl-^'1 w) soua womm and mm sitting 03. si le-.v.ilk no ir tank homo on m ij I street, about, -9 o-cl >c c on t'Vi I iy eve,iing; about 'juartei- of an hoar -il't r'.vi.r It s uv tiinui iigiin ( on Hioeu stupet, near Mr. It imshaw's first met her.j jjite; -tliooiht ;t-io in in wis I'rof, Uripps: ci t not know tlio will in. J imes ' ?. ewirtj. engineer.' jworn, s ii 1 w ifoii ".v.-): 13 p ssenger train li-itnej west.'on F.-i I iv n such luxuries hh grapes and tobacco. Krotn tobaeo totimotliy grass,from pejiehrH to potatoes, thero itt, wo uro uH.Aiirud,ii nearly itniiuimotis verdict that throughout the length und biuiull.li of tlio land this will bo a voiitiiblu year of ploufcy. Thero ia an enormous increase of i\ci-ejtgo under srhoiit,- and u magiiificim't crop in iiuticipitoil ftoin tho cut'Citl growing States of Iowa, Kinsis^ Nebraska und Miuno-fotii, The fears expiesiol iu Homo apt irters that more grain will jio ruis.-,d thm cm bo m trketeil urd born of the vory iutoxic itiou of. cuuiug abun- dance. In ot'ter 'viforil-i, wheat Avill b.i ho cheap that it will not pay tlio cost of it. long Ian 1 earrings), ho "wo pre.uiiii't it may again bo used in stead of svoo.l, jint as iu s >:n i out- of tho-way parts of Hp lin, sherry has si'iviid for j> irposis of lriiga- tioil, b Jt: lll:i<j it \V.IU UlJl'il plollfil'nl ill t|i w.it'.-r. T lis is an excellent look-jut for tlio great world of c'ou- situ: u-s, uul, c mil.luring how straightened theso have bo.-u by a general i-ed.i..-,.ion of p,-o!bs, w.r/Jtl-i, and tho opj> irtuuilie.-i of milting a living of any sort., ch <ap fool will bodoab'y a bom. It ii uj.ii-iiju- pl.icj. of. lei'ii iiic exo u'.ieuj) that abiiil.l mt tiaivosts up i::.lily re ive in lu.itiiy by Lh.i stim il ii th'y.givo to.'t-xp !iidituro of every kin I, T > ui ike tiling* even briglu.u- still it .should bo added that the promise of harvest is almo-it. ecpially gold iu li imp: ,\^i iu Am u-ie, i. , D if tlieu tiiero is the |) >7db!'.>." o'.it.islj'.iui," whie.'i won! 1 bo ill tbb in jr.j d id ly if the ci-'pi" were I'ilu lior. T io rjsk .is not strange to|th) Iviglish .Igri.'ultili'.ilist, for hj,is al.v'i/j ex ji ise 1 to it, aa I s >:nOtiiiit'.-i, whoa 'freluid acts tlw frieu 11/ umbrella lefs ed'jc.tively thm usual, his. har vests are miserabiv moigro. Odd ly enough, to'}, a deluge, not a drought',, is tho d tnger which se/^ms m >sl imuiinont this year, for thefe are uuplea.s mt sy.nptoiin of ;i sip" erabiu I Hie ) of in ijsture this 'silo the A'.l tutie. F irtim ttrely, h->-. - ever, t.'ie'>S'atos are so ,w:do that uniformity of climate and b,- cju- i"ipt-iii'jj of cropi is aim.iit impjj si/ilo, an 1 wjjllo'on-j region inn' Im Irencheil unoiher may merely be sprinkled by, tlu passing clouds. Sb the Ciit tclys-ii eoutiugoney may doubtless bo dismissed us u bug bear fit.'only for ".rogues in grain," ilil'l not likely oven to trouble any of them except the in n-o .ignorant who forget ho.v the urea of pro notion has widened with tho yens an! .hill' a dozm tlifFereut ciiu'i i'es eVntribnto to rip-'U what wo want." most romiirkiiblo 411011 of tlidhge.. Mrn. .;Yoiiuiansi followed; und pleaded for tho woman und ehildron now Hudhring from tho u'piiai ttba; Tiio Tinf.i publishes an official paragraph denying L;hntL)/d Ditf- forin has consented to prujo^g bia Win of office ns Govornor-Genenir of a. fiithor'a iiiteinper.iiieu,, ^filio" o^G'inuda, and iirinouyuing tbu't ho highly approved of the Temperance lettVea Canada iu Saptpmber. Bill of 1878, and believed it to be n great, advance on tho JDankiu Act. /' Mr, D. Willi.-, (iran;! Worthy Patriarch of the ,r}jiw of Tiiu;nr- uneo, said tb it thrbiigh their in fluence threoj inillion pjoplJ had titken the jdeil^o, Mr. MjOoukey hjvjIco of i the work iu .-Thieli ho -w.u ug-ige.l, and which n >.v h is 31,0'>!> support- u's hi reformotl in en. The'in'oci'ii.lingi were closed jvith prayer an 1 religious exercise. apteti A struggle Is 'going on at thn point whore tho Credit Valley Rail way should cro: the Greae.' West ern near Woodsiockj tho elT.;ct of the former Gompiny-'s employooa to cross the track of the latf;r being resisted l>y tho Western (mipj^/eo.-i. TIN WOMS. Maiii; Street, Acton. ". i wit ii^iTja Would respectfully chU tho at- Vtontion of the public to1','"' hw immense stock uf t<^ NEW AUVK Wll*!^ *_ I TI WMKAjfeB, ""ii TiLttiraa^SrV.-Auv. ; 1st. GiYh Solid aj a strati:! vvnti . w.-K.'::3,i,ioriei. F3H B5SL1H Flxm WATERLOO);' Thn C'reilit yaUcyt, Rnilwaj Ci'u.-J.alns Xc:ir Wofiilitoftlr. A grand exe.arsinn by Kiil nnd I .Steamer to , On 3 tturday afternoon fit 2;o0 p. m., tho Credit Valley II iii way , ^^r^. ! l to cro-H tho Great W,,/- | VW FORI A JM/EK, well till ^tln> arrival of No. 33 J il'er <s. 1'. It. to Toronto, thi).co b/ freight frouv'tho west, on the Great StbimV.F. li. jlixw.ill, to. the Western.,tho engine of which \IU- ^iyA-\#la,"'lr?,?':^n \*> Victoria connected, and ,,loc;;ed the track, j Vf^ ^ "bl'J "-"'S-'^'- .. and was soon-reinforced by a train ' ; TrUn ,ea?2s Waterloo at CISO a. from th- etst. i u.riVe.i in Act m at ~A'),, iind iiieu tlie.i held their o.ya very well, ar.-ii-ej in foronto at 9;.':o a.m. The autl.woro nit evui ovorp iwored fare for tin roua I trip tro:n A'! ton up m tho arrivii of a train load - of will be 8JNeoiit<; children under 1 '2, ii'.hs' 5 io. not ei>Htling. th j holior to a STqVES, &c. wliichbe is now selling/ , Very Cheap. O' Having had an experience 0/ rpanw years, all orders for , ; Sts^ainag1 ..... , r| - Will ro fille'l or> the aboi-ie'ii notice, and in'lho bejt styls. " ?\, Ba sure and go to. I^eith if 011 whnt guod ' ' ' or a good job of Eavetroughing done. , Prodaca-Taiien iii Exchansre. ' . Wil. LfilTil-,Proprietor." Aetori, Mjreh -iD, 1S77. .'. r'ing men fVooi II imiltoa. T rages at, intervals with v.ir s'iiee..-ss. 'l.'ho Kvmoathy of tl: peo ple is with- the Credit Vdley: About 1,0 Jd pioplo w^ro on the grtinnd. No sorio-.H injuriei were reported, wit"'i':tliu exception tU:it one of the Ilimikou- pjlieo struclr a'l tin.ili'-n l-wrg Hp;ctatoi-, niiu-jd J.oliu V uileear, a viol-ni blow, on the head,-an 1 tho latte-'is said t'i b) in a critic il c m-litiuh. Tiio Credit Valley sav they are bonipl to -er >ss, iei tlf-oy seem to have the sympathy (if tho crowd. ' . B3CKLHX & SaSST37lf BlaSS : Will accompany th-> - l^xiursion. ' linitiw mJii who mvy .^vint t) re>niia ii toi city can do so as their st,'irn3r ticket, is goi-I for an/ trip of the boat do.ring the Jay. Koturning triin will leave-Toron to at 7 3J p.too. Ui-n giving ai 2:) milo. sti!--" on th 1 Oat trio, and M _ the ciiy. It. W. \V,LLlA dS I WhIiP3 to.annoanee to KT?cu.= tom- .Cfiinrmin of Com. ! ?rs 3 a'}^\ grea'riy to hi*. Pkotographs, Phptog-faphs. -._ .r*>"-v. QMs. yf Hill, PHOTOGRAPHER, w'jrh .ytently ber.-n renewed, which does WfV3 miXPd up in the sipiabble, yet not uppejr to liave boeri the case, j he ia suffering. One traveller for It is further contended by this au- j * Catholic house returned from a thr>rity>at the insertion of the I t M**> tU -s^ing that h, was . - : I snubbed all along tho line. -h,veu Aj. in the Consolidate! Statutes prot.,?Unt houses are no: that bo was not the Millarky that i asked for brandy two or thn."- -won'! 'lia'p.jlv have ttie efT.-ct of re- as the following-ietter received by oao will show, i ; Betuaky, Ont., July 10. Gests,^ We of Ontario are de- G.-j.it Britaiii has obtained complete termined not to buy from Montroal- Ci,:i::--ol of the -Mediterranean by her j ere, unless they are -good men und true, since the infamous ^conduct is in the dump? becauss it exempt, r r liition of thelil'aal of 0/prus. of certain parties on tbo 12th, and idea is that'her naval power-Tim-->ii afDpl0 JiisBice/" ami British" in '.bat sea will be overshadowed by j libe.rty is established therrf.-'.. Got tirit of Eigldtvl, which ww already ,t!.->'r-ie, Milta and Gibriilter, the key to the otttlst being already 'in L'.r possesion. Some of the dis appointed people are beginning;'to- fcu?--i!.vor to make out that Great Er:"-uin,s conduct was marked bv duplicity, but had that- been the . your ciro'.Uar. iTiiug. This ia thy be:1 RoBsr.T Kexxedy. 1 It is presumed from the number: of such letters received,, that the Orangemen nd friends in the west have ngreed upon this- policy. Toronto L-icrosso Club has RUC: 1 cessfnlly wit!istod an atttu'c; up'>n . its possession of tho champion flig, cas* ir. had been coinpetant " for j wjuni and fourth t-h-ir. CK-fn plenipotentiaries to. pro- I games from the Montreal Club, m te.se.- ' I the niittcli. played, in Toronto oti Tl.n accounts from tbe various 'rounds received during the p.'it week are nil exceptionally fa vorable. From Newfoundland we Saturday aftftrnoon The lieated term at St. Louis, nccordln^j to the Glob?]Ds)iiocrut, .bis proved" chut tlie safest way to j pievent minstrolro is- to- abstain titar that,the pivsent is expected to j from the use of intoXKhiijlft. It prove the best fishing sc-a-soa that j says : " Of the total cises of cilep ii^s been for raanv years.! Tie Tab- | " de ^eU "<-P",'tl-;'i there wero but a very few which could not l>e " traced to the use of stimulants. ihtoxiftints could best stand tho cold,; tho heated 'term has shown that those.molt easily effected by the hot feather ai-o those who in dulge in tstimulants, und scientific investigation goes to show that the use of intoxicating beverages to the smallest extent ia injurious to/ the healthy system ; but how compara tively few act ns if they believed it,! ' EuthAic'.orv, the catch ^ing much j J^the lastiArctic expedition it was earlier tiian iibul. Rcjiorts from j shJowti 'that, total abstainers froiu the-Magdalen Jskimls say that the fisheries continue.good on tbo in- slicre- banks.flrid that quantities oi small niuckeral warn found in Pleas- -xiut Biy.'; The!-waters near Point d-.'3<. Montg are swarming with f/Or^oibes, and the salmon and co-1- fLbing, are exceptionally good a ,;t!-l?.lx^>i^'ije same point. times, but she got water impreg nated with jlorev's Bitters. Mrs1, Cimpbell made up the mixture;; i V/.I8 perfectly sober. S.'io did ul' the tieatiug ; treated twice; she. was very much intoxicited when I si/w hei-. Siiti pottre;! lirpror ilitD tile tin cup at' the station, out of tlkiibottle she had with her; I put n.ifjjr"" n good deal, she did not drink so much, but she -took her share. Trleft her at tho station a little before 9 o'ebx-k. member any more.- The next rryoruiug I found myself oh the green oppojito Wdiiam.ou Run- shaw's house. I think I had been sleeping; met John Shaw, Gimp bell's- hoitler, first thing in the morning' ; he nskiid n\ bad I heard what had happened; I said, no, wiiat's wrong; f To said, didn't yo;i htyr about that girl getting killed ; I said, what, girl ; be said:, tliatgi/l Von wi;re vich "last'evefiing, and he told ms, everyb:>dv kniiiv of 5b ac say good whiskey was in the bote I left hef sitting on the bench in side tbe station ; do not remember any one (particularly) being in the station with her./ Every body knows Prof Cripps. Win. Auckland, millor, sworn, said I was walking down the track,this morning abo it 5 o'clock, 'when I found the woman lying on ibe track ; she bad- been run- over by tho train ; immeclaitely I found her I went back to"the station, ami reported to Ptjbt. Wallaco tha/she wasjdead ; aa there was a freight train leaving the station, I got it stopped, and wetit down elpwly with it to where the body lav ; the conductor and one of, the' brake- men lifted the body oil' the track. Wallace went down on train; I went to thy work at Token's. Found the body lying about mirth and south, head and-, shouldors outside, body and legs between tlfo rails. ' I saw her bu'f'oro but do not Tiie cJrim.iby t-.-vni mica -tleeiiu ' T cmjt>r- Tho great intern itional toniper- atico demon it ration held on 'tho Grimsby Cimo Groun.Li, on Tours lay, ISth inst., was 11. auc- c-s-i iiiir|'i ili.'i !.-|, . vast crowds of p.'ople from all parts of We3torn Ontario being couveye 1 by rail and bo.it to the canip grounds, where extensive prep nations were m 11 ; for l their accommodation.'--r The ht; ui lu't j (nt-jp.ij attraction? of the gratin: -..-' .nvJ .e on- tr,?:c ; :..o -o wis not j Wj.;.0 m,,^appreciated' bv Urn visi- v-.i-v hrigut ,- coul 1 only see tar u* , Jl ,1 i i - " i li i,e ,! li lit , .1: l-.'t feel engiiin going i ta'* Wh.'J thoroughly enjoyed them- ovRi- ju.-iii-i.i; if -ii.'iue vent over i selves in, faiiibling. through the ifiv iruHt suo-t inc." Itould feel it; woods and glades during the inter- ........--3' ..... told ms, everybody know of She ident; did - not- heat1 anyone she ' had been drinkliiig'; ihiMO wis no b'lo i 1 oji- tno engine w!i'3'i -he -.vis i."--pf)-te l,ln str.itlor.l. Ii ib.'.l 1 .Uo \iijine. s.vurn. said-aii si-ier of the do :e l<e I, live at bi 1:0 house; , sister . h/ft borne about f> 6 clock on Fr.d'iy night, to come to Vttot):- she was sober at.tho time; she: tiM mo. if she did not enno hoiuo he/ore dirk, not to be uneasy, sho-.iT itil-1 ho down on tho train ; went to m^fit train when it cuns in. but she ill I not come ; , tvalk'etl up toe t.-ac ; ;is far as Amlre.T .Scott's, on 4'.h .line, thinking sue1 -would be coming; not meeting ber I leturned home -and went to bed ; ^ot up abouto o'elocli, and walked up the trick to Aclnnj when-near, the place of tho acc'nJent. I stw a mini* tier of roou ; Or- M ; iarvin! Inks I me it that was my.sister; lf-said it wis; lucked up bottle and Emptied out the lujuur; ;d m't know Crippj; s!io .-ijipc-ais to be just asslio loll I.flm't re- ! home except lior sh.es and sto.-ic- ings; her sioc.tin-g's wore nev ;' her shoes bid been worn about two week^ ; , when -.found shei ,'ia'd no stockings otu arid onlv onos.ioe w;ts ib'.'nd. ','j"' I Ur. Mcfjarvin. sworn, s;iid The Const iblo c i:iie to m/ pi ice about six o'clock-, and s ii I a womm \i.i> killed on thy track ; went down to the place and saw the body, but did not i> iriic.iinrly ex imine it. The jury returm.-d a verdict as follows :. - ..' We. the j-iri-, after hairing the evidence touching tno death of Uitlierine XlcAlpine, tin I "that the s.ii 1 '(Jiloej-iue -\Ie\lpino was killel on the til's' evening of the 19tli inst., or di tn )rning of the 20ih inst., oy beirii: run over liy a trairj. on U10 ir.lnd Trunk Iliilway, while under tho influence of lin/ior., missions.,' The-proceedings wore opened by a scriptural reading and prayer b'y R-v. AlivPalm'nr.' The ciiiiirmtn followed in a brief address urging internatiotul unani mity in th? suppreaaiou of- the liipior traffic. Prof. Foster, of F,e loricton, N.B. , dolivorol- au able historical address, proving that iu times past moral suasion liad always b ped by legal eiriolmouf,. io luld, lira* fou-.i 1 id on the pr.in '. Yellow fever is raging at ll'ivan u irh 1 Jlitauzis, and a few cases have occurred at Key""We-jt. Xii-i virion C )!uhrissio:iei-3 ut tiio Paris Exposition h ivo been officially no.tili-d. of au 1 invited to the Ititern-it-ion-il Exhibition at -Meloourno iu 1880. One William Sheelian, of Fort , Wayne, Ind.,fbet ibe,o',hei- Jay-, tliiit he coul 1 drink a pint of'whis key at o.uo.draught. His e^xo'pitor, Bubserj-.n-iilly appointed, ureUided that he could not do it. The II011. El'.v.ird Btrrou Gii.-iiidler, of .. D irciiester, ' Ni.-.v Brims wick, ouo of, II .r. M ijesty's c ii'nsel learned in the lav,-, .u ir-i zsited for Lr-'iit. cGoveruor,of the Province of N-.".v B.'tiuswicsi, vice the Hon. Si .L.Tiiley, resigned. It is a initt'.T for ^sincere regret th it tho Canadian contingent at Wnnbljlon have not succeeded in cirryiug iff tiio Ko'aporj cup, but upon tho.whole tlieir shooting, fje.s done them all ere lit, their sico^eS oven in thia conpetitiaii bavieg been larger than last yea*-. IItUllofGl>r,)h whoso leg wai aiii.iatite 1 at Eior.i W. F. ClfwP.MAN,. , . .Secretary of Com; 'J'icket^ can i>.-j'obtained fit the Fi:kb lJi:U5.sofli:e, ttie Station, or from the itev. Mr. flobbs. b'jon c tp- All law, a couple 01 miiiths ago, was -mov ing around a room tu the Commer cial Hotel, in E!ora, on Friday, when be tripojd an i tell, striking the end of the stump on the floor, und re-opjiiing the wound. This unfortuuiito accident will compel hiin to .keep his room for the next month.. _ i Wm. 'Piisl.'y;)' an employee ih the Ci lit saw AVorks, was eug-ig.;d. in running a small circular srw-, and while so doing a" sliver from a. biard which'ho was sawing be- FAE.1I* roa SALE , V/==KLf MAIL. ,1'ariIeH wl>,lilns to Sell AdvertLs-- I'BBl Tin-re. i* J!*arties WJsWns.li! former /.tciliiies for-.takibgipicteies, -and is now prepiireii to make Pholo- gi-iiplisseconri to none in ihe'C'ounty and at prices to suit all.' -1.'-j_ .- In Picture Frr.raes I. keep a larg4 an.l well selected stack. , Also, i great variety of iloultlings of th.. latest de^i^ii, which will be made lo orti-er on short notice. GiTe me a call..- ;" .; 3J C-n "" . -... cflAS. V)'. HILL, WAMT, FAsMIEiiS, STOP AMI 5LE . ^ The -Vgricuiiural Implement manu- . .; V . factured. by illie ^-^sjsaErsr - Hajixifaottipiiig Co'y, XEWCASTLK, , for sale by A W8M;^:l^1 SNYDER; ACTON", *A 'BTiTl^Bi?fl:-niJ.>aal wor.tl; ris.^j '. . ' j Ailvprll-J"- ; ~~ iii. Vf).SlOCk, ;S ile< o' .S.'ick ; el -m -r-.ts, etc. >>-e'J., !.'i>r /Aile, Kx'iibli-- |L:ons, int ttie snm r it )S, Bl ! Atlvei-Msc-nv-'lls j t-- em. for -.,,Ie aie- uise ri'-il i 11 tec j -Vf.kki.y .MAtr.. L> I fiirjs I"..r rtV-i t:;rc.i ! n..i>rllc>i! ; c-.-n-h ml . -"SI i iitieii.tl M-.,:-.l -Je. J Alv,.iel\em -i.-t (of ' ' 'arms f"i*s lie art- 11-. < > e ;'.)\ i.y M i 1 u 20- >' cplJ [of g>: * 1 n- AJUriis JIIIL. 1* iron to Exaturaas xotics to Tiis: creditors of John Wataoa, the elder, late of the Township of -Kstjues ing, in the County of Hal ton, deceased, who.died'0:1 or aho;it"-the ?tith day of Jane, 1S7S. aiiilallotHersdiaving claims agiiuit his estate*, are- hereliy -uoilliL-J to send to George S. G-ooilwAlie, of Ueorg.town, in the County \a! Haltou, the Solicitor of tho Elecatfrs , of the said deceased, on or bsfora1.\!i2 First (lay of August next, their names, ad dresses and descriptions, the full par- tiealirs of.tlieir claims, a.statement of "their account*/and tjle .nature ef the securities, if nuy, held Ky thc-ai. The siid uxecators will iairnediately after! th.i fist mjiiti-eiel day, Dreeeed to ilia- j trillaSe tin;Ousets i.f the si d -folia '.\':it- j sou. .-jmon'st.the p,irti's eutitled.thcrc- I to, li-jving regard only to tlie claims of f \yh:i:h th-jy sli.-JI h'avo received u )t:cJ .13 aforejaid. , - Ta'is notice b:o.ig given under, the I ne..ts-ij \ " T1I: '"' \uc ion , Wood s IAin Mower, *- - . Akron.Bjtickeve Mower, .- CODo,uer<i* Combined, Sbarp'd tiell-Dompjng Rake,/. .Newcastle Harvester. " - Horse Power [Pitt's], - (orainCrnsbers [geared] : ?traw Cutter?, etc. /Tbe al>ove cannot be surpassed by any other Machines made in the Dominion. Please Cfill and examine before purchasing elsewhere. April 25, 1873 i, ;' :. ' 1 3m. eiple that the mij>rity rules tho ic"lu'! '" "'"no 'w iy :I.;t,,rjli.-r aril 'p>l"v^'"%[ -h" :;itatc; 20 Vic. cap. minority in ,n tttors of w^faro \ t, with g,. at ^ h^e^^t^T^iv'p^t S)ho ejiijidire-1 that prohiloitiofi | force towards Paisley,-strikiiighiin | thereof, so distributed, to any 'person Si>!enditl Crop Prospects ytiafvin. druggist, Acton, ' J. E ilcOjarvin, drugjist; Acton, j J- E. M-:Giryin, druggist,, Aotgn ' The.following from tho Montreal Commarcktllliolcwhtssk been handed to us with tbe reiiUost tli.it we will publish1 it.. It shows that tho; crop in the States is eipial to what they are in Canada. '-. " According- to authorities from all parts of the Union, thepromiso of growing crops throughout th:) vast and productive expanses of the Great Rtpublic was nevermore encouraging. From New Jersey to California, from Texas to, M, tines every Stake, with tho single excep tion, it is-said, of Colorado, reports tho most brilliant'prospests for the yielding of: every description ' of food for man and boast, as well ag J. E. M-;G.iryiu, druggist, A?tou was legal mil j istili ible.- IEjii. i'Vank Lilm.-l, U.S. Con-' sul r.t flatn.ilton, spjke-of the scrip tural, use of.th'i word ' wine," which in thirty eight instances iu the Di- Glo, where, it was mentioned.appro vingly, was tliifcrmeuted, and in liu'. luiiiy iustiucj.-; where its ns-j was coiid-'ui'ied was f-irmeiitud. Rev. E.tra Hisk'ill held tljiat tht G >sp :\ was. tho'only means of reform available for tho drunkard,and tie pn:eaCcd this elf'jmiiuite style of J temperauo work. i . lion. S'u-itor Aikitis u/lvia 11I all preseut^to vlo their utmost to have the Temp'.Tan ?.e Act of lS78adt>pt ed, coutaiuing.as it did, public opin ion ci-ystalhz.-o^ A u a Ijoufuinent was linn made for dinner, during whichu thunder storm broke over the grounds and occ isiontd some discomfort. On re suming, the first speaker was Mr. 'Francis Murphy, who on rising was the-observed of all. cib- aervers. Ho has a bold, striking, .sympathetic presence, and .as lie tells the story of his life and labours enchains the attention of -bis hoar- iii-3 by the originality^ fervour, and eloquence of his language.', Tuere is nothing mawkishly sentimental or /hysterically self-condemn itory in his relation of his icoming up from the depths. Od the contrary while nothing extenuating, he usos hi.3 exporie'poo moro as landmarks, rucoguiztble by his fellow men, from which1 to direct a properjcobrse HiSiSpeeehi was tho speecu of the day, but will not bear condensation; besides, ho is likelv to appear in Toronto to apeak during tho autumn, and all will then have an opportunity of hearitur one nf tho ot v,-.;Kiie_ claim notice shall uot have heenreceived as .aforesaid, at tho-time of such distribution. . "" joir.v siiaw .MICHAEL LAMB, J Georgetown Ju!y's;h,US73. - gl'x Pitisix pjir.va._ ' = , ' if nit im-n j:H.-it-3ly c.\Ue 1 for"and; ex- pe:fses paid. tluy will 1)2 sold, i' " ' --" ^31. :, II. ADAMS, Poui.-Ike'epir. in the left side, ah Jut half way up the ribs, and penetrating to a depth of two qr three inches. Ho ia re covering. / It is understood tb xt the mem bers of the S ipre-mo Grand Orange laidge of British North America "recently .' assembled in Montreal, have -decided to raise u' fund of S 10,000 to test the leg-tit/ of the order in tlio Province of Quebec. It is their intention Co. push mat. ters to a speedy issue, to bring tho case'before tin's privy council in Eagl.-*fid as soon as possible. - Castadiah Loyalty. A London Times editorial on rhe Wimbledon meeting says :"'* Wo. have been re minded.by these events of the wide extent of our empire, und liavo >vit^ nessed a rignal proof of the hVyultv of soma of the most distant depend encies of the Crown. The presence of the Canadian volunteers at Wiin bledon has been felt to be more than usually significant. Tb strengthen ed and drew iclesor tbo bonds of ' :'----------------------------- -l Execatar3. 23t W.STEWART&CO / ' . solicit specialjittention to -. " / i ' ' ' ; - .',/ Atir'aotiva and" ' > PasMaaaljle. Liass. JO.S 1*J1STIX6 ofanjtfnds neatly ul >.-o n it'y o'^eotued at th FItKB 1'P.E.SS OFFICE, / ] BZiAO'S lrf-323. Kcii l!ie :*o-.: OBt8 11A11 Street, Our great specialties are / i SXLS TAIZZlli, - ' 03SA?. "piL'-OW FACTOHY OFJS.V.E3. flic siibscriher, having purchased the Acton Plow Works, is prepared to iifr- .nislr .Single ami D.Ju.bie 'Frame Iriui Plows," as we'i as the Bos3 Gang Plow, which has g.iined t-h'e reputation of being the beat Gang"Plow made, at th= usual rates.. AH repairs dona on the shortest notice and at the cheapest prices . 37-1 / - S\TDSKir] SMITH. 'J- -'] BUS .S2AB33, . - ... CHSLi-P" brotherhood a-nd loyalty.". -The Duke of Cambridge sho.wed his re cognition of the fact when in his speech to tho Canadian rfflemon he connected his-visit; to Wimbledon with the visit..ho recently paid to Malta ti-inspsct the Indian- Con-- 40^111 tingent." ' " Q5IOKT UO'K.V BJJ.-LEi . ': "Royal Beau ford," daAi, imp. "Lidy Barnes," sire, imp. .".' Royal-" Oxford GWynne," will servo cows qa the farm' liilyiitiiug the G.if.tt., ActAn. Terms.' Uas J. E, 3T;G.trvin, druggist, Act3n yeiM.-' ,y I DIED. Iii Acton, onaMie 22:id inst., James, sou of Iiobt. Aaderson, aged 7 months.' Near Acton, on tbo Igth insti, the wife of Jainea Robiasoa, agoi abo-Jt 51 years. ,' ,' i Near Acton, oa tho 20th"iu3t. Cath arine -McAlpine, aged 25 yoara. k, . Drowned liear Norval, oa Saturday, tho 20th inst., Mr. Samuel Hidgcway,' farmar, of, E.-331-J33, aged .-vbotit C5 Pailigreo Cows, 7.00 j ' ^radu Cows: $1.SC, cash ; 2.00, credit. C. SJS.MITH. JjArmers, now is tho time to" iup'rove yoifr stock Tho first prizs ball, "Sir VVijliaia Te.mplo," III, (83) got by "Sir .\jVilliiim. Temple,"[2.23U], dam Diana, by U=d Prince [b'02] g. daai itunetta, by ^h'i) Gaelph U iron [6'o0], -4119 g. g. dauj. Aim, by Patriot [52oj, W.U serye tibv.il oa the premised of .tkp uadersiau- ed-.tluring the season. -Turina to iu- siir'ij 00 Gratlecows, ?1.50. i i JOEL LESLIE, ' 1|35 J*o/S, eon lj .-;a. f iia "CTEi^rsnM VarT" Ciioaj. Linen Costumes, we are ofieriilgade.. ciaed bargains. . 44 r bmere Jao'kots. every price. ~ Corseis-rEvery- size of our popular- - .Adjustable Corset. = Gents' Furnishings, very ayraotiyo Millinery, ftishiqnt'.blo and cheap. -Linens-, Cotton.",-ijosicry, Sheetings Prints, QuaHs,-Jcc. Black Qnshmeres Cur stook is full assortedi , la^tcilan Partlialarly Aslica For. t. 4: -il-^rn* -N't ' ' ' GVE^IfH. Juus. -LISTS. ' j - ' >.."' =fe*h __jat__,___ V

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