Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1878, p. 4

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HH eriiSfia tiiL.hi ,vr <1- . THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, OHfTj. JULY 25, 1878. A n\ra:3,nivs iroi.o<;v. tier ov. An'l V.-.v : .- lUr: -IT.'- V, .c,v briC ,er figure slight, i-.:'iv.ol-:K-il ; -:.vvv v5 U fo.-u- i :i s.-t rft'es- was her art. e-.-t e,"-.M l.i't res:sl her ; "..':..; t i ,.ir . '.'...-v charms, :iv ;U.-.ivlo rose, l.-iui-.e': \Y! , .V.';: Me. \ iV.il.k. \vi:h V^iar.i, : r.. s ;.l" V-. th. Ui \ lit.' i'- -. r.t-.d leaves her IV \'. ; C -of st I-Uicv A tteteoliYO ttutv.'itU'cl. Tlio following stow is ulmiM ir'o' /"*eo-ui to Iv it'ti.' : - A en-iain i-uil- \J 'nv c.:iii|iniiy ;-u>.)"'.Mi'.l thjt ilii-vj lie v.as :ifc?r Dickens. SB h " ;-i Sli'l ' i'^ ' 1V"> tou wan: to hire a reporter V enquired .; re! 110-t-d. voung mm, ;is he thrust Li> iikimir.ited olfac tory-into this cilice vesterduy. lie was informed that we had el'. :he htijvwe it quitv.i at present.. J S?rrv-^very s-orry,'. he ' said. tniwiuc -ii'iiit? i^w ; >s;st 2io;ieJ by eq'.iit. in -,-,< '-r iV.ui the im mortal Ph-kt-r.:- u-jv.t; life hi a re- jvsrttr ;*drs: I heard c-f i", and con- chtd-. ^i ::t cr.c\* to (r,T;:i tha" mvsoh'. D.oker.s r.ir.a > a jV'i-'.-t y.ocess, of it, and nL.: has !-L-t'Ji dee once Citn be ih-:.e .'._ .' Vi'e vck^v.-iii- -.: that Pickens Lai iv-.a.h- atilto a hi.: -t 'A vlr-c'.i-d hi:.' young,.' ar.d all 1 w.- tui'.er the Eauic . u"S' You have r.u j'ijcc fe 'XopIa.ee at prc-s?it.' * Mighty scrry,' n j-I.'cd the appli cant : hav- .v:>; be-:n reading David C-.-ntirrrk-id,"' ar.d am veiy aiuch charmed with, the aathors woii' Ix-i'-ig o'<':V.'.u-,ii J li^passi-n^i"i\i tr.ivollin^' wiilio.ui tivkt ts. : o u do- ti'Ctivi) Was billt to tj-avi-1 oil (hi1 Mains- Oiil' dny ho hoard a pas mngi'r rvmtuk that it. was vit^ ' easy to j;o.from Draytoji to M.wiv'!1 itold willioul i\ \ii-Ict. .Tin' 'di>; t.-i-tivo va'.vln'd his man i"U'si.-lv, and T-'as s;u in i.--i-d to liud him liaml a prfip.-r liV:ift to tin- iM!:,ii:i'lor. 1'uuii'init into .-invi'isaiion with tho passou^or, ihi> iiMi't'tivo .said ", " I -ilio'.dd like to know yout plan'for travflli:;^ willn.ut a ticket us 1 am a friapiont-tr.iwlh'iviuvp I don't mind ..giving yoti u dollar tor the tip,'1 " P.-:u\" s.^ivl tho man, and sifter pcckt'tiii^ tho . bi'il ho ivniarkoil, ijaiotl'y, "Wi'.i-n 1 \va::;' to trtivi-1 wivhout :i U-'io't. 1 w.Jk." i Xovit >!o?pair, hut if you do, work o.a in ik-^pair. s^ .' Tho '!> r oT ft socrot Bin snjjpns.t "it is ho thoy arc ralkitiL' about. An artit-t i^ >iot as sir horso, hi't he oau draw object.^ " I^ftin afraid, do.ir vrifo, while I am goni-, ah^'onco cauijuoi love." O doar, never !" tho lot!g->r you stay away thn more I will liko von.'-' r '-,.' H ft o f-. cv3 CJ. fl b5 C'"r"H r- C/5 S V J fcj: K ',' JH "^ H -S <1 >4J fW (PQ fe * <^ .'. *<i J v r^ASH FOR SKINS. J am prepared to pay the lwgh'on'^ 4!.'ish priru for all oiaswB of Litmi) ^M Slieojt Sltins, delivered ftt wy lu:r-y. l.aeu I.eatlu1)' cunslmitly " hmid. 11-lv iJAMKS MOO UK: rK.ivix: wkavix<;: ft All i>rlcr.s in tin! Weaviii^liucprompt: ly attended to, S.peeial aUuntmn Jiaid to t'ai'pel Weaving. MltS. 11, MoLOUllllLlN, -10- it near l'iii;\v*is' Coi:m:1'.s. busln -ws ,vou can elipn^e In. $.") to J'J > I'l'r day mail ly any worker <l eiiliet i; x. ri^ht In tlielr nwn Ini- >'li les. I'unli'iilav.M mill rmnpli'S vv'i.rill i"i fr.'i'." Improve pnnr spare time at tho4 Inisltii'.sJ. Ail ire:ii SriNSoN & Co., I'lirtlani!, ?:}ii\:h; DANIEL F. BSATTY'S BIAaffOS&Oft&ANS James Ryder \Vl(ilie ft thn.ilc tin! pnlilir for t)i jHarouui!otlii'>'i.H\-oeoiiU'i)'i-U "1>- O.l lllllj llliJ'CUlfoI'V. Ah'1iHI>"oUhiiiiiI not "h.worn rtrKtroynl hv tlrr, lib wuuUl bo tliaiiltful Jl tlinxu iiK'nliiHl wt)o;u IxiljuiiJ imUii would Blvo In in llio iluli'N i ml nuioiiiit itl tiicm, ami nlso If those- wUiokk uecolinlH lmvo lieun roniliTi'd woulil bring tin-in mrwarU and Keltic. Ho wouju ulomj' that ho la STILL 0AP.r.YINa on BUSINESS at'tlio olActaad, - whoro lu- will be itbul to hoc lilBold eus- lojllers-, mill, an llliKS are lllird, UO.UaH mailu tliu prices to suit lliuni. -, I.nolt ill liexe ItalCH i humlM-T Wn(,'oii, oowjduli', Wltfl Iprlllfc : Mint, $7iuiu. Deiniie-rat WugluMi, $100 to $110. UllUKll'H. *100 ui$liu. All who rupil e u Wnegrtu or lluepy ut theso rnleii call una t'lvo juur wuuru ul once. Hfltorlal and. "v7orteatmotlp Qaarantooa. JQhJN NELSON MERCHANT TAILOR. jTnkos thin oppoKuhity qf nnnoune^ \f THE ^lCTON Tal U It * N 1) SlJIIAIil'! .V.Vn t'l'KKillT.nn nK VTTY'M<:KI,K- 1!Uati:d (i'H.iiKN -joNdtn:]! pau- 1,1 lit ultti AN are the sweeirsl Itnicil and inoKt iierlei'l Inst TiiniMil-s- ever before BEATTY ! n^ as ti ii ) iri'iip Tho ,-h, who fhrtastod that preaohor v.mi,- he oouid j.tvao'.i withiiut" uctcs/did not moan bank noted/ *i*/. Ayer's IrVis For itstoricg to Gray Hair its natural Vitality acd Color. A dressing fhich y. iii it- <" - once , ag.-oea- ^for pfeserv- . --'"^5 CAST OUT But not Destroyed. that - \\\. UAving niaiio arr incomonts. ^: li Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, lor an agency lor tho sale of Sash. Dsors. Trac^.. Itoullinss, DrosEcl Peoria?, shiotlajf, Wainscot, Slain?, Ssc. 1 atn prop irod to furnish nny of the b 'vs. at prices thai defy com petition, -l'leaso call and 8eo 8:uu- ples of mouliing, c., oefore pur chasing else here. BLIHD3 30 C-HT PER FOOT. Kindly tliankin^ customers for I'astfavi.rsaiu! tiopin^still to merit'n l-'ir blinro of your patronage. I am ipspectfully yours TllOfi. EBBAOE, Agent. Shop nt .Mr- i' rton's old stand Aclon. [Vr. LTili. 1-77. iti-ly. JIubblUK r.D follorn I nOKSK-SHOKIft'G A SPECIALTY Now SlioeH.i'ic. KotltiigHhoeii, 10c. ICntlro HorhcH, J2.IO, for low si x-k. " I.iki, fur^olUjijsliooc l,n>-liiehiir'.6i>>vi*l.iio. CoutifiH, -Hii. tn66c. All oilier JobbiiiK liiiiiroportlon. f^P These priccu ara for Cash only. Alt work <-|iurit<;d Hip old rates. lliuirificiured in lljiv or any ofer iroun tr.%'. 'i'le world is fc-liullei'i:id In <npin, lln'iu. lieitdUeounls'ind (<iriilcvoi be fore Kivi-n. line* liotunn panic prlecsi now ready to Jo b 'is, aieiilj'. and tho trad" In gpneriil. An ot'uir.- Tlicse cclo- nral'od In arum-ins -elili'-r I'lnno or lirtriiiO tioxeJ find Nhlpix-d anywhorc, on live r lifteen da>-s* lesl trial, .Moni-y re- ----.-- ---- - - -- , funded and frelL'Ul eliurnei pit Ul Imtb , further imrtlculuru next woclt. wily* if In nny way iiUMilisfurtniy. Kully warranted fur six years jisslrlo.'ly nri-t- eiun. F..\THAUU1HN.\HY .1.1 HKItAl, Ill.-fOI; NT.sglvcnloChin eh' b. Schools, l.odg. s, llalle, Mnilsi$>r,T>rliei-Ht et<\, i In ofdiTto lmvo them iliimjiiccd uloncc wbcro I have no ni;er;lA. Thonsiiiidb now in une.'Now I'.lltftm'cd Advnrilscr(("nln- Iokiid Edition) with llitt "f le.llmonluls, now rradi,', sent iree. Kiol>lll'.<'<i In IMil. -------------- -~-.-. Wus, 41-3ra Youru truly, JAMES RYDER. infi to'the put.lio (lint his stock- oiiEjstjng of Engliuh, Kcutch uud Cainuliaij TWEEDS/. CLOTHS, J ; y^>. ' AJ^D WORSTED GOODS. | I* new'Sgroplel, "" i " He lie preparc/1 to ruuko up in tlia LklEST STYLES, And good VVoritmunsliip, Bat! tfactlca Guarantce4. A Call 1h Solicited. JOHN NELSON Bocicwood. March fiO. 1877 ' 38-3m v is,the t . H'UU), kl'fJi' nil'. r.ni'ii*i;rii m i. Addr*i-pANIELF. BCaTTY. odd union, jSow Jeriicy, ;or a in nee SiGH PAINTERS ^"r^.,. Hon of 111" I ..tiled S;iiiv-iii,i Provinces toar.Mver; ii- i livri!snm-nt. ^d^1res I IV1KI Y. BiATTI, W'.ishlngtol,, i.-w J.-rscr. KNOW THYSELF \*:. H = styl-.'. . "Ddvii Co:>p-;-;-r1-Jd, nor Center- N ft-" iitij,' we vent-Hied to sutgest.' 'Perhaps you're ri'ih: ; J?-5, hot !%_y~ I'recoilec:. you ar-e.right ; much ob!:^i:d ; L-otE jilr.iir;^ b.i.-et-..li Jute- ];.", in i hi.ve- got i; iu.-.s ion;**a.-e .'. V.-iil b;> y,i to a f-w da-,.-. ar..i s' 5'.' '.' w* ii'.j: s you Jwiil no; fo"g-t -in- if a - '-""-iiV.S '.' <~: -. 3 . v 'uo.d day." V, (.- pr.-imis-.-:; to remember Lim \5* %iiUl. 5 -v'M|s ;ISK .na .ti:o j-r-Ttng ma^'-.vittarew. Protr;:^;: c L7 beacon light cr.c-.- . \ % 'Bei-.j.inilr. F.-d.::^.;:: a-J 2s.- o'i-oa Bun.ijiar-.f ' a!in Leg 'T.^t T dl is tho : cLs^. i ; i^r :n :.:e : ..': Ci.--e .at: I'm ;; U-.'-o.' ? t o.i-oa Uu:r.ij:ir:(- r.e- s-p&r uj".:--fjs: arid .i.-d w Ojw-ita:i.-: c:i Policies vs. scect. old Uac; poiitios, ': 1 ua lie, iv a"D'--mocri r r.reiiuhliciin.iii At!a:;tu, -- :!cli aprer-L-Ler. tacilt'-i risaiui c:: the subject o'i irata -, i old 3/^r-=i>2>v^ to its original -colon ici'h the gloss a7id freshness of youth. Thin haitis thickened, fall- j ing hair checked, and baldness oftei, ; though not always, cured by its ase. Nothing can icstore the Lair irhers the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; . but such as remain can be saved by , this accusation,,and stimulated'int-n i aotmtr, so-tnat a new growth of ';haifis produced. Instead of fouling } tho hair with a P^sty sediment, it i will keep it clean and -vigorous. Its | ^vcasioiial u$3 will present the hair ! fi'j'.a turriiircj gray or fnlliii.s'oiT, [ \:;J conioquvntly, prevent baldness. ' The restor.ition of Vitality it givbs tothe scrdri r.iTe?ts -and preve-nja i tb-j formation of Saiicruff, whicli i^ ! often so upcleanly and ofretisivo. Free from those deh-torious stih- r Etances which make some jircpara- i tions daneerouSj.and injurious to tlio j hair, tke Vigor citn only L.enent, but i not harm it. If wanted .icc-re'tJ for j ; s HAIR DRESSING, nothing else ran be found so desirable;. Contain ing neither oil nor-dyej it doss'not soil wHite cambric," and \ec Jasts ? "i-i'---'- - - - Br o<Mng m>4 prctlttB tho Inestimable truths co talncd In tho best inedloa, book crrr Issued, cntltlel BELF-VUESEnVATIOD Price only (1. Scntb/sui -------------------------on receipt << P*!?**,. tu of Exhiurted \ntUty. Premature Decline Kcrroui and Phyflcal Debility, and the endUa aoaeomituit, Mi and untold miseries tht rein) lherrfrom,Jid contains more Uian WpriKtoa1 pr crlnlions, any one of vhich Is trortn iac price ol tucbook. lblbool:wawrittenbyihemote teasiTC and probably the most skilful practiuonei |n America, to whom was awarded a gold and Jew rUid medal by the Katlonal Medical Association A Pamphlet, illustrated with tbc Tcry flat* Btecl Engraving* Tel of art ana. bedutj^ ent YitEl to all. Send for It at once. Address I IT.ADODY UEDICALaBUlf API E INSTITUTE, No. Bul-THYSfcLP acbBUBoiton. Mas*. I MlWIibl I .________________________________________ JTJST ARRIVED, A plefcdid lot of Spring Boots & Shoes. AT THE- HEAL QRACE'S QELEBRATED $ALVE .. Sure SrllrfTor !ic SnTcrcr. "-"If-SLPAEEBIIVJ SETH V.'. FOYYLE h SONS.J 6C- U.lRRtSOX AYES.UE, I13STOX, 31 ASS. PII ACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE, Is a Vo^Mable Prrparation, Invented In the 17tli en'.tity by Dr.W'll- ilini lir.iC'-.-rtar^eou lu KIiik Jume :irin3". 'i-'liriii^b its agency lie 'uiri liiu *.-an<l--of the nioht serious fcorc-s ami \,-.. : .-.!- lo.-il l-allle 1 the skill of the most ( of I1I3 di/.ai.-d was regarded by all who know tiiiu us a nub- icl.unufii.-tiir. . - I'ltICi: .-") CENTS A BOX. man, Earn *' L>:::n'io bo;:!t d;iit, boss," ,. -V. r-i!. i. coin^z prstty Etraigiit," one iL".'critts, an, de" 3 it:id;kri, ur.L :lu Wun'rle svtid-' :I fc:.o-.~ ^I-,'.,- I ,.. . i. I , itu'der '.vh.-.t dry ca I don't boi-ic-r'wirl .J=r ^i:s dU stiff." . '" "f* ilL""'r t!ult 70U vot. on ll|e i.Dtfajocriiric ticket every time." " *. "I vote.wid rn_v young marsier "hat I ntisied., w'un he-waat no tigj?r csri a.buck rabbit." " '"i-jv,-, ili:i': y.-j-j know that this is soincj b sc->;' on your color 1 " But hit aiut goin,' b'ick on n;y be'lly, an' fcf L.do^'t tend t^r ilat,.de c-:'.i rain dat comes 'long uiout w;;sh de cola-r. right outen me. I long on the .ham- giving " ? ric,h, clos?7 Itutie, and a gratt-fu. p?i fume. Prepared by Dr. 1, C. Aye.- & Co., y-Hctical and Analytical C'ncmi-"*. ZOiFKT.L, pi.iS3 GOIAj BY * I r- DHVHG13IS E.VEr.^UnES Ayci"s Cathartic Pills, i:!n t tf.iiiii no chance3 in dis Lis tless, i>cs3. I'm gc-ttin' ole. an' u its de hungrier I gits I .1 -ft ^SSSSJ .- lei-i I d-.iz f-jf' a f^c." " LiJOk :it liie. I Vote the Re publican ticket, and I'm not losing jxu-y C-sh." . " You sorter preaches round, jik-i.dor.'t you.? . "Sometimes-; yes. Why 1" " C'aze, dats'w-h'ir de iun'comes in. I don't git tto chance for to in-iil outen no bearer hat, au I .loii't eat oSfen no plat^ w'uat dey t-iics up "church kleck_shun in. I'm a mhjhcy Jvnesome nigger, ad' .'.-as to scuSly 'long de bjs' I kin vvi iout aiiv congregavion t icy iiaclt."' ; Tho preacher looked at Jits watch yv.l Kaid he wotjhl talk some more /i.iother time, wi.ilo U:.cl3 Reccus, with u Ksruiia smile; o-.i iiia veuur ti:;lo fdcj went down .street. *--J!%: i h^ M ileu of ithiform ha-b-ts i-soldiers. A teetotalers excess Water- girt." : . - - Lid failure the undertaker's, "latest tiling out/'-r-One* Jinsbind. . Green' p;>ple reason, gripes, Lijctoro' bills, I/op.ihir otiinion is the greatest Jie'in/sbe world. A we.fi'c m.in- y^hio^- a dollar. -Oao who can't For the relief and core or all dcran^-emc'liL-i in the cl"in::eh, iiv- er; and bcuel.-). rJhcy are a. mild ape'"'.e:it, and an e.veii-T' ]iii ^-a- tne. Ui-ii:-'j,itre- ly vi'a-e::di;e, Uiey c";;.*;i;n no Mir.-f c.n-y or iaii:end ferioiii =i.-':rie=<; and snffc-rint' i> l-'revented by and'every family chouM !..ve. tiieai'en hand lbr tlieir prf,teetioii and i-oiief, v.ia-n tefjiiired. I-oair e.\pen-cijee nas proved them to be the ^-ife-t, Mi,-e?t, and market* .iho-.iad.-. J!y their ocea^icnal !iC, U.3 blond ;s nnrilied, ihe *-.irrlii-tiuu:- of the fyMeni e.v-/ ncl'.ed, ob-inietinjis rcmovcil, and 'the wliolo -i:a<..liiner}- oflii'u res-trrcd in its ."leaitliv activ- ' cf. lalji-iail or^.-j.-is'ivhifji beeome clor.-r'yl fad Miu;:i-!i ajafrlennsert by .lun-'s J'ills, ir.d stiiaal^t^d into action. Ti^us jneipicut ii-ea?o 1- c^tSnx'-d into healtli. iliG value of .iiii-h fh;in^"-.', ivhf-n recknned /on tije x:it .miltitude- -h-Iio cnj.oy it, can hirdly be e.oin- -.inti.-d. Their sujfar-coafinjr makes thefn .ik-a-.-iritrn; t:ike, and prekerves Uielr virtues auiinpaired for any lensUi of time, so that, iiey are over fi-e.-li, und perfectly reliable. Vllaon^h se.ireljing, th'jy are mild, and oper- .-.t'/ ivitiiout disturban*^ to Uae constitution O' diet or occupation. Kull dire'tions arc Kl.n oh the" wrapper to -arh box, ho-.v u> nse ihcm asa Farailv i*nysic, ^nn for the following complaints, wliicli tbese i'iil* rapidly cure : For Ry*iirjMia or Intligprstlon, X,lr lf"i"'. J,-.ini-uor, and JLosa of Al'pe, *it<-, tiiuy should Jie taken moderately to liinnlatfc t)ie sL..njach, and restqre its hiapltliy tone ami aetiuii. ' m j ; for Liver Complaint and its Tarioiu symptoms, ITiii-iiii I>3iJaclie,' (UcU sii;-art-at--li<*, OTaniiflSce or drt'en Dirk-* -,r;- , l:!io(l>. Zllilic and Jflloua '* e:;r, t)";y >lion!d be jndiciouslv taken for ....." ei-.--, to-eorrc-'-.f tbo I'.Wci.-cd aetion, or -'.riii-t:oiif- v-l.i:h caai-e it. I'lril.v.fruia-y or >iirrliaiu, but one :.d--l doi-f ' iii-iicrally required. ' Kfivtunatiiiiii, Ciotit, firnveJ, i'alrtitti'rii.tt of ttii- lEciiit, t=-atn in <( !<-. T:.tcU, and I.cj>n, they should e eoi}ij:!:;iJH-h' :^i;en, as reijiiirad, to eji.-mpre He di-ea-eil arli/.i, of li,e frt=ia. With ach irn^e iho.-e coaijH<'ints d.'vaj pear. 'For 2*t'oiy and rro;Mi;-ul iv.lT- '"; .. t.hey fho'ild he tnkr-j, in huge nnd fre- ;-'.:-.:!. tuirMri to produce tne htf&A of a (trastic I'P'L'e. * For Ki!fir-,r<-*i.ton, a larpe dor'j rhr.nld be .'d:e:i,.io, it produeej ilie desired effect b" yiFij.-iff.'y. - ' . - - - , " A>- a liitiriT I'm, tnkeoneortivo I'tllxto proa:' !.o di--'< - tion, and relieve tl*? stomneh. -An neea i;,;,,:! do.-.e Mliniihitc .'he stonuieh ad 'jov.-ei-, n:-tore- tlie appelit-?, mui fiivittor- de.< the ..y^leiii. .H-'nce it is often advanl.v .'enus where n(i--b.-ionii deranmnient cxifl.i. yae who ft-f-l.tolerably well, often llnds tlia; a do-* ofthete l-llln makes Jiim feel decia- erlly hrut".; froni liieir rlvniisin^ and reno ' valine effect on the ilige^tive uppf.ratiLS, ; i 5 rKKPATlED EY Dr. J. Q ATZS. Cc CO., Practical Chamxnta, I^O&jjlz, MAUS\. U. S. A. I SOB EAtil BV .Mi D."-U,'i PS t VJ: UVWlIEli* GEACE'.S C'ELEBR tTEO SALVE CUKES n.r.'ii .-r>., Fr.ozK.v ijmbs.-sai.t liant-M, ciiiLiii. M.v.s, -soiii: niiKAsr, S-dll-; I.Il'H, KllVSlPJlI^AS, 11INO- WOItJI.-i,CAI.I,VSt;,S, MALI) litAli; CHAI'I'KIJ 1IAM>>, IIL'BNS, l' l:S, KKI.O.V.I, SC.II.J-, S II'.KS, ULCKUH, ivoi.-.-.n.-, srivos, shi.mji.i:.s, - l-KSTUllS, . V.-IISK," teTIKS, PIt.KS A!I.'-K->S, Vftr.CKI.ES, :r..'.vioS3, si>;:\i.ss, n in,<, iiiti:<, curs wikixows IV. HITS, 3JI.ISTBUM, TAN i'iiipli^; i.-oitxs, SCl'ItVY, ITOFI, I.VGROWIMi NAILS, NKTTLH KASH, MUSaCITO AND KLKA IltTES, iJl'IUdu ;'..., stinos, i And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. ! lo by all druggists, grocers, nnd int/'-ys For sale at ail country stores tn rou-rljoult he' I Jill t';d Stat.-s and Itrllish Provinces. PrJce by mail;:Uci^nt^ / PHOTOGRAPHERS should tor- ward me their address if they wish to obtain a Piario'or Organ in exchange for i Photographing. Ad' dress DANIEL F. UEATTY, WaJh- ington, New Jensey; -, r --------1----A-----'h mtm PLAH9NG MILLS D. W. C13IPBELL, Prop. Having purchased the above named establishment, I am prepared to manu facture -'j SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGSi&c All kinds of PLANING Promptly attended to, - 1). \V. CAMPBELL. Acton, Dee. 4th, 1377. 22-3m SCllO'JL TEACI1EKS:' You cm. easily;increns'e your salary by devoting n very small portion of your leisure'time to my interest. 1 rlo not expect you to canvass for my celebrated BeaU}'a I'i.'inos aid Organs unless you Bee fit Jo; but the service I require pf you is both pleasant nnd profitable. Full par ticulars frep. Address DAMEL K. BEATTY, \Vushinton, New Jersey *'*OBaAH There la no manufacturerofPianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received as many tirsiSuiiciteri indorsements as hns Mr. Beatty; From every State nnd Ter ritory edmes the same verdict, "They'r.r'5 tho boVt in .the world." Illustrated. Advertiser, (Catalogue E lition) free. Address DANlEf. K. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. Ladies and gentlemen to lirn Tele- gr.-.ph ()|>cratiiig for olfices opening in the Du'.uinion. Stamp for answer. Address MAtt.MiKE, i Box 9oi5, Toronto. [TO Bl'SINESS MEN'. If you J_ "want llillb'-aiU, .Statements, Let- ic-i- heaus, Knvi-lmu'S. Wereaiitlli I'llnt- ini;, of any kind, done lu b.ifiini ssstyle, send your ordeis ,lo-1 lie h ki:h I'iikss olilee. Hutisfaelloilci'.aranteed. F-^JTC | Any person who will tnnki BSlil. i and forward men list oi the names of.r.oliable peisnps- ol Ibiliac- ijirilntaner wlio wub lo proeurei-n in- Htl-uneiit, eitlier Piano orOrfrnn, I will tisfe in v Oeiil oodeavori-.to fcoll I licni one, and for every I'lnno 1 succeed In selbup to t bei r 11st within one year, 1 will credit them with SlO.anc) for every UruiiiifS, to be applied on payment of eitlier a I'lnnoor Orcai ; and when It amounts to a sum ytifflclent to pa>- foran instremf nt solf-ciei at t-^elowesl wholesale price. 1 wilTimmtdiatel.vsiiip tlielnstromcni, free.orafierany hi* lant t s credited the bn'nriccmay be paid mn |n cash and I will then ship them the instrument. Tie}' nrednoi be Known In the matter. tun! will bedeiiiiillH-lifrleiMlparealser- vlre, as 1 shall make sperlnl oOferK to them'.selllnt.'4i uperlor Inslrumenl for from orie-linlf o two-fbirilM wiiat, is ordinarily nsked bvaiienls. Plensesend meallslal-once midnTier you bnve made Innulrv-yon enn ndil to it.'* Addrrug nANlELK.DEATTV WasbrDgton.New jersey... THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. . We have recently published a new edi tion of r. Calvcrn cll'a C'clcnrntcil i:- suy on the radical and permanent cure - -fwlXhout.m-'fllelne)of Nervous Hebllity, Mental and Plryslcallncaraeity.Impedl- mouts to Marriage, etc., resulting iiom eicessep. Price, In aBealed envelore,only 6 cents or two postage stamps. The celebrated author. In this admir able Essay clearly demongirates, from thirty years' Buecessrul practice, that alarming consequences may bo radically cured wlthputtlie dangerous usoof Interr- nal inedlclne or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at onco simple, certain nnd effectual, by meant of which every sufferor.no matter -what his condition mny be, may, cure lilm'elf cheaply, privately and radically. Tills Lecture should be In the hands of everyi-youtb andevery man in the band.' THE tULVEKWF.H. MEDIM1 VO., I HAnnSl,, New York. PpstOfflce Box 1580. , - 4-ly CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. Call &sd examine them beforo buying oliss'wlicrc. I, EPPS' Oo'COA. (iEATErOLAKD OoSf- roBTIKO, "By a thorough knowledge ' The undesigned an old retired physician hiring of the natnral laws : which govern the Wen permanently cured ofthe much d>eadeddiaeaa 3PE0IAL ATTE2TT10N GIVES' "' TO baEBBED T'OEE. CRAJNE& SON 'Acton, March 20, 1878.. NEW DOMINION BOOT & SHOE STORE jT Opposite Agnew's Hotel, Main Street, Aciou. KENNEY & S01T Wish to call the attention of the in habitants of the Village of Acton and [vicinity to. their immense *tock of BOOTSi SHOES & GH0CEEIES. Comrlrising all the latest styles in, Boots and Shoe's.- Ordered Work receives our special attention. Itepairiiig promptly at tended tO. c' Oar Grocery Department Is well supplied with Teas, Sugars, f Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, Cofiees.&c^, &c Please call and exniriine Our Stock. , ;-; ; KENXEY & SU^ fActoni Dec, 12 1877. BEST NEWSPAPER ^ :-r Fri *0 8 Brad oiiS dl tW<*< year J nan { T.\.per Hi v-r !j KUOrf uadel Cvrd| MUI'- .'; A t.l<ec - A"-lvd lton-1 acieol ivn| w - aiy I ere JI -. fTrl _ wiiel refill Nc " . - - Eiiblislied in Halton Cwinty! "" i x * <WtY i$ i;R Per year, in advance. f. 1878. SPRING OPENING. 1878, nn Has now in Stock a large find well assorted lot of DRY GOODS, ;G-ROCBRIBS, I \.!' OROCKteRY, GLASSWARE, &c. "\Yliichho \v|Jl sell CheitT for Cash ADY CLOTHING a specialty. A large, assortment of and Straw | Hafts for wear. Felt The highefit cash price paid-for Produce of all kinds Acton, March 14, 187S. mmw, r,: SP^I^TG striTS! All the latest patterns of SCOTCH,^ ENGLISH SXTITIitsTG-S AND CANADIAN -Consampdon by a simple remedy, is. anxious t6> govern operations of digestion and nutrition, utcin'ow'nTo'hVfefio'wAuffeKrs'the"meaW of I with a;= delicately llavored beverage MtU, Catarrh. Axthnla, &c' which may save us many heavy doctors' " " bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradunlly'built up until stronxonough to rafliBt avery 'tondency to disoase. HuudrcdB of subtle maladies are fionting around tis' ready to attack wherever, there is a weak point. We may escapo many a fatal shaft b/ keeping ourselves' well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." -Civil fit'.ruice Guvtle. ' Sold only in pickets labelled "James Errs & Oo., -Homcoopathic Chemiht, i'i, Throidueoillc Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." in the 'market. i / o ' i j & - Suits made to Ord^r fromj8 up A splendid sb].ection of S PRIM C ti ATS'.!. Furnishing-s rei>srw4h stamps pay postage, J. p. Mountain, >.. Oudcusburjr, Dpx 13=9. N.Y. Full lines of Gents' Also Cottons, Shirtings ttud Ducks at tho East End Clothing Store. I AoAprilK.1678. '>mF^ -^*a -^UWj j**ff$U*X* ^rFr**tm^Z*Q*'f'***:,lj JIJ / i r a M ' Atl-a- ^"-*-J. To Merchants and other Eusinets Men in Acton, as well as throughout the-, > I ' - 3 > --'.;!--. - ' ' ' :" -' County, the Free Press is,an , -invaluable Advertising Medium. V and ' ;latei] tad bad bra - tta stt Vll Alll f ai aol lf tn ' F.il fori ; S>tl| -?/ 1: Odr Unrivalled Facilities for'Executing all kinds t T" &- jBOOK AND JOB PRINTING" / Enable us to turn out work equal to any thing done in the oitiei. FYFE'& McNAB. T. A. & H. P. ^OOR, f* ) v /, PaWisli^rs aad Proprietors. .jij U; g&&<L^AS&

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