Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1878, p. 4

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-:,j;:.^p -'Hv: i^v*xcj.\K!jM.iUt.j^*^ MiXu^*mi>'. ^ssax-issn aoisKcirsxciaets^ssaets^stsssnsa taxsxmsoBa THE Fib;E PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT,, AUGUTS i, 1878J V!; V- =#F uh AT!' ! A man i;> Midi!" liar, u nut of j ivat'buttons wtiioh ho. lm;\vonv :- ! ri-.\'i allof In-- coats for sKini-fifty j wills'. Tlvv me Im'ue wlijlo peal !, law valued .it ..: "> ciel', iili'd were'i i luou^lil from llulv upon ;m ";0.1d | su ': ! . m s.ntotit iiiimy years n;;o. v. " ." J\i;Vn, " said bright f*;ii'ing- fiol.* hov. just.homo from n sli^lil- el'-hur.d liiterininuient, "J. wish 1 ;vas aoonjiirci. " "Why, my eon i" " 1 wouhl nun you into uTut, call up (!te out, and wouldn't J have fun T' t. Monday, while r-no of"o\ir oili.'O i"vs wag at w.'ik ai hi:, o.'iso set- "S '.v]H,i ;l '""" lledijod potato boy Av.o lies tins s:ae^ the c; ih the wdl-lovcj joiva \\uh~aelu t$!ldo Its (l jiiioluiuice mil lioya.' cj'.iw ling op toxoids tho copy. Aiior i;et(iiig in close proximity to ho MSS. ho stopped and seemed to iVd .icir deep- *ii'u will vc.-.ch'-my cars will tall their .bitter ? A::.i iv me nli never knew. OX hv.-.rts vo.-.rn lush V. Ii .mc- f>w no v..' ho deeply mt-eivsb d. It serins id- L~ -1 'most h:o>vdib|.' that this but; could ioi Nv-iiii uutiliXiiursdiiy to find out ivbi'UO.-tho potato t'u lis tiro .Incited. The validity.of wedlock in Amor- lev, under . certain circumstances, without a uninuago ceremony, has been ullli tiled anew by Jihl;;o Ash- tijan, of. riiilaili'lphvi. r Tim suit 1 = was about thor^ I0'}000 that John Simon, ilvi'.ii; intcst.ite, had Kit. '">; tV.iriy fiur years before his leath he !v:>l livru with a woman i it bout iiavmii been, mar: icd to +3 ft P c3 a* (a 9 % '& : t- S feu a fe ..13 55- PI ^JASH FOR SKIMS. L-'-.tm ftifpajTil'to pay tli.- liijdit'ftt -|-U mAa ' T^Tr/l AV c:ili j'.riro fur nil I'Jiuism ,.f I.iimb ami J 9,11108 JCvV CL 55 X Slu-i'i'i Skiii'H.'-di'livi'riMl at my taiini-ry. Lao" laathi'V i'"iiiiitivntl.V <'i' hiinil. .11 -1 v .1AMKS Mirour;. jjAviNt;: wi:avix;j! All tii-ilrrs iivtli.t! \Vi':ivi!ii;li!ii< prompt ly atti'Udi'il (i). /Spiii-itiriittt'iitiim jiaitl to Carin'L Wi'avit)^. Mlt'S. 11. MidA)U(JHMN",- 10-^t urn' I'iiewsun's CoiiMais. V i'iiics- Tlicir Gjr.ls names.* raid Xirfe* 1^' '.<- Union are toi'::1= fooi:a ia rhUauclph::; J-e.Quaker .ir :Thcsum-.'^t, most stylish, tho H .";.-k -iin^?-.d. ard ;he -gaytst, in ^- >' ?]' s--*:l i>l:L-:T.t and inte'- l/ kctrai. iu Bi^on jlodo: u Aliens. 1 Tl.o s-oi'ti-s:- toiil p.^tiiost, ia i|] r>d;i:nD:-e lo-.toii-.fuf.il City. lij Ti.e iv.est firr.dish, oKi- luaidt.-h !>T -n:-..i cra~.:.i5t on armed o'dk-ers, iii % Cir.ciouati ibeVl^een Ci'y. . l| Tii? o;,-t -Frei.cby,. thu most !;: 1 .r.ir^---"--""-'-- r'-'e loners' liair-j-.'acd ]f t^e mos^-.fising dvoss^s. iii Xow, :;'t. Orleans-^-^he Crescent C;;y. -1- l'..e ii'-o.-,: d'.j'.lo.nane and schom-- .[:; ir.-.'-in V.'asbhijion City of iias- % EiScen: Distances.' / . ;" Tlie worst il.'-rts. the ntcst a'.ro- ;'-,' c'.cv.s raan deoeivcra and Leart- m breu"-:e'i'3. in Chicago r-ice Garden l" t:iy.-- __ .(' u . . Ti;e i'oest and-raost aa.iag, 1:1 . Desroit City of Straits, j, .The n:qsr dashii:^ and the fastest. the City ofjMounds. i:! ' 'Ttic cra.tidiest dreiscs and the coo'- ' th<^ .^riVfey.- - , , . i The most coqnc-t:i=h eye.s and its 1 ]ovc-":r=t br.:n-0ttes, iti Nash.die thr- Ci:-y of -il-.-cks. Ti^dniteV in Quir.cy Le lloiei Ctty.y ' ": '<- ' l'.er, but she had ,a! .vay-s passed us ! his wifo.a.inl slie and in-f ehih'iiii ih'in.iiuied a ohure ot tlie propovtrr The children by u former w if;'-icon tested the V.ai'n, but- htivo lost their cause. Wisconsin has . iu>t d a law "e^ah/lut; the r.iar of ntry man or woman who to lho toyctlior as lUsbamUnd %viM -3 llllslll'SM .Villi I'Ull (Miitnitc Iii. $a in o-1' I'rr day mail;- liy.aii-y woiltcr iif eiiliiT si-x, rlvcliL In then PiirtleulitvK and niiuplrh wcrllrSi ftvo, .Iirtpi'"vti puur Kparc tlnw at ties ImKl.ies-. iMt-livs.-, Si'l.Nsii.N & Co., t'oillunil, .\Jalln'. - . own loo CAST OUT 3ut not Destroyed. HS :W^% chif^ines: o-i Ayer's H^ir "Vigor For iteskoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. K A dressing ihich i>. iii once ag-.-eea- ble, healthy, and efieo:u*al for presery- ling the hair. 'it soon re- 'stores faded or gray hair to tts original eohr, icith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often, . though not always, cured by its usejC Nothing can restore tne hair where the-r follicles are destroyed,x>r. the glandis atrophied and decayed y= but such 'as remain can be saved by this aDclication, and stimulated >nfr actmtr, 'so tnat a new growtL of hair is produced. \ Instead of fouling- , the; hair with a 'pasty sediment,, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will present the hair ; from turning ^rray or falling ofi^ : "ind consequently prevent baldness. : The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of danclraffj which )3 often so urvcleanly and offensive.' Free^-from those deleterious 6ub- 6tanc9s which make some pVepara- tions dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can onlj. benefit, but not harm it. If wanted merely for &-HATB DRESSING, nothing" elsa : can be found so desirable. Contain- ] ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and jet lasts the slightest., feet lug of long on the hair, giving fi r rich, void bathing -alto- gloss**lustre, and a gratefu-perfume. Prepared "by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, P^Sctlcaa and Analytical Cnemi-*, Z.OWET.T., 3TASS ] Uaviiig rnailo arr-in.aetiicni.s with 'Mr. Mitchj?'!. of .Milton, lor an nijrncy! lor the saio ot S:.ch. Drs. Frirajs^T^aaldincs, " : Va:s.3co. sidinj'.fts. 1 am prop ireiTto fuir.i>-li auy of Hio li va, at prices tli.it ilely^cii.ju- petition. I'le.a'se eall and see's nil- pies of niou] Hnt!. ic, obloto pur chasing oison hei'-e: 3L!^D 3 0 C2I1T P3 FD3T. Kindly thanking i*u-ionur I'oj- nasi law Vsainl hoping si til to merit a r"ir share of your |i:it <-cln:i^*. 1 am respectluIIv yours . THUS. KUBAiJE. A^enl. stunt DANIEL 'JF- BSATtY'S PIANOS ft OBaAlTS- BEATTY ^DiaSs'i'iV^u^ ami wi'itjunT,in) hi: ittv'siikij:- iti;.iTi:i> li'iiju'-N juxutnoi) t'Ait- l.lllt. l Ittli \N ill-f th/xs\\-x*!-(rsl Iiiium] nr.tl iiiuM pi-rln-t lusii uhi'-ms tiVir ln*rmv uiitii"f.H,lr.ri,<l In tins or miy dtiw.r ootiii- tr..\-. Tlif worl.l ts chaijci'i:! it i'ti inpui,. lliom. Ucsl tltucniiiits "lid term*, ovor lc- forr ylVi i>; Uiu'It I'liiiom piuilc prln-hl iio'w ready to Jo .-lurs, adonis, nii'J tlio tr.'i'P'lil i;eii<'i':il. Am olti-r. Tliei-c cole- I'rati'il In -1) am -ins itiliir I'laiai ci|- III;;.in' IiomiiI mill -111m i-il iiiiywlii'ic, op livii or liiipi-n 'lays' list ltl.il. Moih-.v Hc=- finiilcil mill iVflitlit Pli:ii'i;i> piikl Imth I'ltys inn any way ui.tan'sra"/oiy. I'uMy w.iri.oil .-<l '<-r' -1\ .veins : * ia i 1<-| Iv tlr>t- e a-. i-:xTi:.\u;tiuNAitY i.i.ni:itAi, IM-COtiN f.-iilini to I'1.1,1; i'ti- s .Sri,i ii ilt,, l.oiljj.'s. Ilnll-.M luKJii -i_T.M.li< i.-i, oil'.. In outer to li.-iv,. Hi 'in iiiti'O'iiiei'd .11 unci' wlu'io I I'nvi' p.i>-:i'.:.'llls, 'riioiiMinil>, now 111 use. New 1!Iii-1 ra'id Ailvorilsei C'iOii- li^UU IMlMou, Willi list < I ti-tluiollliili;, iu'\v rea'lv. M-iii irre. -! *<uti 1 Isl-..-** In ls.i. Ai.ir. OANIEL F. BEATTY, Waslllii^lon, Ni'ii Jers',v, W'lHlirM to (tin.ik JUo public for lho jMitrumiifo Hu'.v Imve.otinfeueil "i>- oo liltn liu^oiflfofe. A* \>ih books ntul noj."N worn (IcxtroycJ- liy jlr'r, bo would Ikj llinnlifiit II thoHO nnnliiht whom li'bl<J nolim would lvo linn the ilaii'K t ml 1'iiioa t <>i Iticiu, mill <>Uo II' tnoKu Miliosn tii'eouiiu; Imvo urea iiiiuliii'ii iTonld liilngtbem 1'iirwurJ- mid Kettle. Jin woulu ulku Mty Unit lio 1 SXILL OAHRTIxTa on BUGIITESS' at the. old sto-nd, where heAvllI ha (,'lad to see hlHOld cllH- tomcrs, mid, iih times are hard, Ho has iiiiule lho lulci'H to Hull litem. JL'lHlh Ml. IlKHC Itllll'K; 'Mini her \Viik<<>i'. Complute, wit4l Hprlnji seal. $7IU'H Di'iiiueial WiiKuon, $1()0 t<& Jilt.'. llui/iiu-H, $1(10 ,o $110. . All who rupilie a Wnttitoi) or Jiugiy ot lliohc lutesuiill and tjjvu jiiui' oruciH ut oneo. Matorial and \7orkmaschip Guaranteed, JiiblilliK nil Colloim I 11OP.SE-SUOKIN0 A SPECIALTY Now .Shoes, a.'ic. HetllncHhooB, 10c. i-'iitlro .Ilof sen,' J'JaiO, for now hi-im-s. " I.iki, fiirsetllnx shoeF, IjiiylriKSht-nr*, 60e. to $1 .IK). , ' ' Coul'ers, .5c. to &llc, AU other'Johhlnijlji projiojllon. li-4!" TIipso priccH nro for CiihIi only." All-ivorlt i'han;ril the old rules'. Kuilher jiiu'Hiailui'K ii'.-Nt wci-k. Yours truly, . 41.3m .lA.tll-IS ItYWER. S'.iop'at lop, 11,-i-. !i;- o 7,h,t I'lTluu's oul slant <"} - ^.ti-iy. 1 S!G?J PAi:JT213 wi: . .1 Si I 111 iol I'ro'-iiic-s to answer u - i I.->r; is.'iio-nr. A-plre-s .U1MCI. F. B2:.IT-TV, W.isliliistoi., .New J ^' r.^c T. Impoitant to {Suthcfs. Avoid bathing within two hoy.ts aftee.-a meal. Avoid Lathing y.Ler.- tfshauate'd by f.-.tig'.ie r-r ff'j:v, any h -other cause. Avoiu Wihing wiijn -the body is w.n m. provided no t me ii, lo;^ ia,gattirig-ihto the.tvs.ter. Avoid chi:;i"g tiieijo'ly by.si;t:ij^ naked on the shr-re or .in boats tifter Laving been in the water. Avoid re.niiinir.g toa' lorig in tlie .crater; leave the water immeduitoly if there is ether in the ppe.n air, if after!hav- ' i32 been a short, time in the v?atei, ; tiierfi is a senaa of chilliness with (; iia.-nbness of the hsnds an J feet.v, Ti:e--vigorous a-nd strong may bathe I. r-a-.iy m the morning on an. empty, j .stosnacli. Tae young and those that are weak had better bathe three ho-.irs after a meal ; the best v.\v.r: for such is frb'ti-two to thiee Lours after bi'C-akfiist. Those who ;-.re sobji-cc to -sftacks of giddiness -r.nd'faintness, ,md those who suffer '.from palpitation and otIier:sen.ce of d^eomfor^atXhe heart, .sh/ould not batiie without first consoling their 'medical advL-.c-r. Xever put off till ivha.i-c.tn be done just as well the day nfter. " Here is your writ of attaeb- ri.er.'.," swl a town clerk _ys lie t -banded a lover a marriage liscence. ' '"^^ m -H "^H >. :fficSg I'f -:W K tt r-'i^^^S 'iiiBS^rS K ^ ^-^^ li K ^ K 5 -:tiJ?g&&W Be 1:4 iv>^9E^H 1 i i- iT^S "~ - ;-.'*t;i=j ' 3ihere is a difference in maid- "rtsiids; the milk made in the cotin- t"~ is not the same as milk made ' ;n the city. 'A rr.ari who knows the world; vrid neyer bo 1 ashbii, and that n:"-n; who knows himself will never be VTit^udent. The~gi'l who succeeds in wjn--- T:\:iz the triw love of a truij-man i:rikes,o. lucky lift and is herself r lucky miss, Physician : " Ycuir pulse is still high, my friend'!'" -t)id you get the' 1-ecbes till right the day before yesterday? Patient': " Yes, sir, I wit 'em' right enough, but mightn't 1 have- 'em Idled next time i" ' . "Ap-irregularjappientioo frequent-' ; keeping lato hours, his master -,t length look occasion to tipplv J m3 weighty..argnmentR to con- / 'tice hitri of the " error of his ays," Daring the chastisement, r.e "coutinuaily exdaimel, "ETow l-'.ng will you serve tho Devil!" i-:3 doy replied, whimpering, - I belLe\'e "TTiv indeutttre will be out in th Lj0:;ths!" 4ynrs Cathartic Fills, For the relief and cure of all deraugenieiits in the Etnmacl), liv. erv and howels. They are a, mild, aperient, and an excellent purga tive. Being pure ly vegetable, they contain no nier-' curj- or mineral whatever. Jiuch tc-rious slctiicss and EnlTering is prevented hy i their tii'nely use; ahd every family should _*{ have 'them on- haud'for their protection and ; : relief, v.iien required. Lonpr erpcr'.ence has ----- ~: \ proved them to he the F.'ife^t, surest, and , " | best of &!I the 1'ills, with which tre market to-morrow i Ehound.--. I!y Pieir occasional nec.ths blootj l'riMi-iiied, Die 'irruptions of the isyBtem ex pelled, oh-tnictions removed,and the_whoIj' machine^- of life restrred to its healthy activ- ity; Internal organs which become c!orr<^l and .clti^^-i.ili arc cleansed by Ai/er'* Jh^iits, "and ti;!iul'iteil into actioh. Thus incipient .i.li.-ease i- ch;injri*d into health, tlie value of hi'h chatii'o, whi-n reckoned fin Hie vn>; multitxides ulio enjoy it, can hardlv he com-- inite^h Their F,m<ar-continpr makes their, piea^nnt to Lake, and preserves their virtue.1! unimpaireif for any length of time, fo that they are ever fre-h, and perfectly reliable. Although tearctiing, Uiey are mild, and oper ate without ui.-turbanw ',3 the constitution ol diet or oc.cuiiation. Full directions are jrivi^i on the wrapper to each han.'how to u=e them as a Familv Physic, andffor the fo'.lowir.g complaints, which these -Villa rapi-liy cure : lor U/j>einia or Intllsreiitlon. I,l*t- lewneM, lani-uor, and TLon of Anpe- tite, they should he taken moderately to stimulate the stomach, and-rpsfore its healthy tone and action. For liver Complaint and its Tariotu symptoms, Bihoiu Heartache, Mick If eililiicllf. Jaundice or GrrrnHck- nfM>, Itilioua Colic and IJIIioni JFe- w, they should he judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action, or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dj.cntiTr or'IMarrlicni, but ona mild dose is genenillv required. . " For ZKIiruiuatiHTii, Gont, Cravei ^arji-eation of thu ISeurr, Pain In iU': i:rte, Back, and B.oir:, the'v should he continuously taken, as reiiuired, tfi change the di-e.T-cd action of the njjetem. With uttch chnc^c those complaint* disappear. For I>rt!>y and IBron.icitl w< il- Insra, thoy sh.'iild he taken in Inrprn and fre quent doses to produce tlio effect o( a drastic Ulr^c. .. For Knppreion, a lar?e dorc should be aken, as it produces tlw desired efl'cct= bu sympathy. As a Wnnrr rill, take one or two Pill* tt> promote di^ebtion, and relieve tl*-c stomach". An occasional elofce stimulates Clio st/imnch and bow/ils, restores (he appetite, and inviRor^ atc- theL-syi-tem. Hence it ir, often ndvanta- ceoiis where no serious derangement cxistn.- One who feels tolerably wqll, often flndsltha'. a dose of these Fill* makes him feel decid edly better, from their cleansing and reno vating effect on.tlie digestive apparatus, rnt:PAiti:n by reo j. Dr. 3. P AYZB.&. CO., Practical Chemists I^OTFJJir, KA.SK.. V. 8, .1. By ri'lInR tmiS practicing the inrptiin.iblc trulhn con tiiim-U in the bcit nicdica bnok ever lusiinl, rntitlci .SliU'-riUSEKVATIO^ Price only $1. Scntbyinal _________________on rcciipt of priee. I treats of F.xlinu-ted Vitality, I'o ri:.luri' DeTjtni; Kervounaud Pliytlral Dibilily, anil the endUu concomitant ill* mil untold mi-trieMlirit rcjirt thercfroin, and contains more than Wori^-inr.l pr tcriptionn, am-one of which I. worth the price ol the book. Tlii* book was written !>y tlie tncitcx tenjive orrJ probubly the mo.it skilfuliirnctiticnci In America, to whom was awarded a cold and Jew Ui'd medal I'T the National Medical Association A' Pamphlet, illustrated with_the_vcry due* 6t'ccl Encravines a mar- Tel of art nd beauty icnt rr.EE to til. Send for It irt once. Adilrcsi PF.AEODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Ilul- Cach St.. Bos'.oa, Mail. 81 ^THYSELF S' U;llO')l, TEACHKIiS : Yon cat. easily increase your salary l. a very small portion ol your lei-.u>e tiinc to niy interest. 1 do not ONpect you to canvass foi my celebr.,te(i Heatty's l'iimrs aid Orcans unless you see iilj'to;. bill the service 1 reqiine of you is lio'h pleasant anil profitable. -Pull par tienpir-free. Address. D AMEL K. 51'i.VT'ry, Washington, New Jersey ^RAC E' QELEBHATEO SALVE A Sort EtllcfTor the Saffcrtr. C !^H SL"Jpr.i.rAi;r.D nvjjy^?-;._,, .- -JSETH 'W. FOWLE &SONS.& crtrj SG HAhmsox avenue,- C3B ' ESS7I tosroN, mass. 'T; GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE, Is a Vegotable Preparation, invented in tlie tvtli c-ntiny by Dr. Wil li, m C.r..r", Siirscon 1" M'i;t .lani".- irmv Tlironstli Its atr.ency lie <-ured -= of Hie tno^t s--rloiis.sores and \-oirid' that bafilfd the skill of the ni<i-t r-niiiient pliv,Ir-rah. of li.js d-t.v.iuid was rr-irArdeil Dy'iiU who know lilm li. a pub ic benefactor. PEICE 21 CENTS A I10.X. .CB.VCX'S tTLEBn ITED SALVE CURES \_. Fi.rs.n wor:rn:', nmzr.x i.trir.s, salt llllKL'JI, CIIILIlT.Al-SS, i-or.E lii'.n.Vsj-, i soai: mi's, i:i:vsii*i:i.\s, iu::<;- ' / WoBMS.CAI.r.r-KS.^CAiii) IIIiAp; ";' C1,A1'1'KI> JAM'S, tir/ESS, C.i-SV EltS, FELONS, s AI.P-, SIRI-.S, ULCEUS, WHU.VUS, STINO.i, . SIII.Mil.ES, l'B,TKia, ' iVESS, STIES, purs An:-ess, yitra-KLES, iirxinys, sa'i'.^INS, noil.", IHTK, dcT.s WHITLOWS WAI1TS, IlEISTEnS, TAN piMi'i.i^, corns, Kcerivy, itch, isgp.owino xa;:.i, nettle hash, MUSilUlTO AND KLfeA 11ITES, SPIDEII STINGS, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions i ' _ Kenerally, For sale by all drnsitsts. grocers, and at all ciunt'y storesllirou,'limit the Uni- led Htnteii an I British Provinces. Price tl: jy maiinocenu PHOTOfJRAPHERS" sliould tor- ward me their address if they: wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash- ington.'New Jersey. 1 AGT0I1 PLANING MILLS -; D. W. CASIPUELL, Prop, : Having purcliasnd,-tlio almvc named e^talj^^Liment, I am "prepared to manu facture ."" SA^H, DOORS, ;'-' H . MOULDINGS'i &c All kinds o " " ORGAN Tbere is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited ini!orserronts-:ns has Mr. Beatty. From every .State and Ter ritory comes the same verdict. "They aro the be.-t in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catniogur- E lilion) free. Address DaNIEl K BEATTY, Washington, New .Jersey. r.VXTEU. NIN i Promptly attended to. 'y - . D. w. campbellL r > 4cton. Dec. 4th, 1877. 22-3mJ gXPRES S i MB,. JAS. BUENS Having made arrangements with the . G. T. R. is now propared'to X" . carry any EXPftESS AND FBEIQHT:' Delivered at A'^fonstation, at VERY CHEAP RATES, Be sure and see that Burns carries vour^oods, as he is sure to deliver them, safe, . - 45-3m. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele"- graph Operating for otiiccs opening in the -Dominion. Stamp for answcT. Address Man\u:i:i:, Box M.I, Toronto. TO BI'KINESS MK.V If you want Hillli'.-ads. Stalt-iiMints-, Lct- icrlieaos. EnveKu'os, .Moreant ll< Pilnl- lni;,or miy kin I, done In buslru ssityle, semi your ordeis to lho Iiiee PI .Es^ olllco. SallsfnctloiiKUur.'intccd. prvCC f Any person who wlllmnki rElkaC i and forward men list o; the names of reliahlo pors<>j ^ ol ihcfi uc- o,iialntiir.ci -who wli-h to proitin i-n In strument, either Pieiio oi Ortrnli, I "Will use my best endeavors to sell them one, and for ovorv Piano i suec* ed In selhnp tot heli list wit hln one year, I wlllcredit them with $10, and for every Organ $5, to be applied on-payment of cither n PlanoorOrRni'; and when it amounts to nsnm m indent to pay for.an Ii'stra.mpnt Relcct-ei at t :e tourst wholesale prlrr, 1 wlllimmciiiatel.i ship ihoiiisirumeni, free.orafii rany nj'lani is credited the balance m$'.v he emd mo in cash and I will then ship- them the Instrument. TLey need hot bo Known in the matter, and will bedelnf. thelrfrlemlsa real ser vice, as I shall make Kprrlnl offers to tiiem,selllnsin nperlor Inslnuiioiii for from onr.Iinir lo two-IUinls what Is ordinarily asked bvjiuentfi. Plcnsesend meallslatfvieeaiidnfieryotiliaveriinde Inoulrv' yon nnn ndd to it. Address n.\NlEL,F.UEATTY Washington,New jersey. THE.GREAT CAUSE of :;human misery We have recent'y published n now edi tion of l>r. <'nlver\vrli,n Crlrlirnlrd Es- nayonttie rndlca? and permunont core (withoftt in'dlelne)of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical IoenpnclIy.Impedi ments' to Marriage, etc., resulting flom excesses. Price, In asealed envelore,only G cents or two postage stamps. Tho celebrated author. In this admir able Essay clearly.-drmoiistrales, from thirty years' Riiecosaiul practice. th.,t nlnrmli-'gcoiisoqueHco's may he radically "cured williout therdangerous useoflnter- nal medicine or jllie application of the knife; pointing otit a modo of cure nl once simple, certain and effectual, by meansf which everysuilorcr.no irinttcr whitt his condition mny be, mry cure liirnsolf oberiply, privnteiv ami radically. This J,eet ore should be In the hands of every youlh andevery man In the hand. ME Cl'LVEKV.'ElIi .MEDICIAI, <'0., 41 Ann St,, New York, PostOfflce Box 4586. . - 4-ly tisaiixiBtbn) ?cpdl11The undersigned an old retired physician having en permanently cured of the much dreaded disease Coimumptton by a simple remedy, is anxious to Cf^ST ARRIVED, / . A eplcr.did lot of Spring Soots & S3io;;s. AT Tin:-- CENTRAL BCOT &SHGE CTORE. JOHN NELSON MERCHANT TAILOR. ' KOCKIiVOOU, Takes thia.opportunity of nnnounc ing to the pullic that hio stoolc ponsUting of JOnglisb, Kcolch and Caoadjun -' " T WEEDS,', CLOTHS, AND WORSTED GOODS, -? ; Ib new compleU, He is prepared to ranko up in tho LATEST STALES. And good Workmanisnip. : Satielactica auartsteefl. tt.Cnl! is Solicited. ', ' JOHN NELSON llockwood, March 20. 1877 38-3m NEW DOMINION BOOT & SHOE STORE <? ..'.- CSOppotlto Agnew's Hotel, Main tjtieet, Acton. Call czi. csamino ticm before buyiEB ciccwiicrc. SPECIAL ' ATTEWTI02T 'QIVEN TO ORDERED VOTE. CRAINE& SON 'Acton, Jlnrch 20. IS7S. SE1TNEY A SON Wish (o call the a.ttr-rition of lliein- habiliintH of the Village or Acton and Vicinity 10 their immense Kiosk of- 30CTS, SSOES & G&OCEEIES. Comprising nil tho latPBl styles in Boots mid Shoes. Ordered Work receives our epechil attention. Repairing promptly;at-. tended to. ACTOW \-.(. Ti iSithp BEST NEWSPAPER PaJDliskai ia Eahosi lGouat7?! riOur Grocery Department Is well supplied with '! Teas, Sugars, ~k Fruits, Biscuits; Tobaccos, Soaps, Coffees, &.C., &c Please call n,nd examine,Our Stock; , KENSEY & SOA Acton. Dec. 1.21877. S 1 QNtYl ;vlf ft:- Per year, in advance. 187a. SPRING OPENINa 1878. J. ~VT. Maian Has now in Stock a large aud wgll assorted lot of DRY GOODS, l [ GROCERIES, ^ J CROCKilRT, .GLASSWARE, &c. "Which ho will sell Cheup for Cash. . i 1 - BEADY-MADE CLOTHING a specialty. v A large' assortment of Pelt and Straw Hats for Spring wear, ^The highest cash price paid for Pxoduce of all kinds. <JY"W\ J^-AlTsT. Acfon'i March 11, 1S78. 37-3m SPRING SUITS sake known to. "his fellow-sufferers the mean* of lire. To nil who desire it, he will send a copy of he prescription used, free of charge, withdirco- ' ions for preparing and using the same, which will k found a sure cure for Consumption, liron- flit in, Catarrh, Asthma, Cc. mzm All the latest patterns of COTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN i io the market.! Suits made to Order from $8 up .A splendid selection of \- SPRINa_H|ATS ! Full lines of Gents' Furnisiiing's Also Cottons, Shirtings and Ducks_at the East !End Clothing Store. April 8,1878. FYFE & McNAB, -' HX To Merchants and other business Men ia t^ . Acton, as well as throughout the X. County, the Free Press is an V' invaluable Advertising "" ~ Medium. i %. Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kindi tBOOK ANB. JOB PRINTING Enable ub to turn o'at work, equal to ny thing done in the citieB. ?'--'. Tl A. & H. P. MOOBl^ -\- j *. I-.?; "T Puhlishers aad Proprietors.1 <A*t. H . : '" ^ faV|ajs'rgFlBSgiS'B^mr- JHUftjea2tjBf&fl|^

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