Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1878, p. 2

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mmm thf i 6i i nil of ox trke preislj 1 luhcil every thirt i j i for aahuitt in 1 lay suruinc advance- sp faivlb ipess f i t awkt ooftk jjrrtbr press agtqnj flaltxn editorial notes rnritstxv iotisiso atiwrlj is7 domlaaort etqcuoti j ft f fite dqwiriiou elections are gs- edso come offva fit about tuoljih of saplcoiber tliii wing ttt lin lioojucenieiit made by govcmofcat papers rqii supposed lo be coctccf a changn of llihictry luis occur- rvd 6 hayli pmeral uneasi ness prevails inkhe republic an attempt is about to bo maft telsubniiitha tciuprtixs ac of is78 in tie county of vork n b a great part of the historic toiii or krs h been destroyed by fire eiusod byi an vxptusiau in iu4 ittiuci j thaliilt rfravidiirg fur tb clos ing 6f pablieljoasekia ireland on sunday passed its third reading tu the hqiaocf cjuiiuous by z3- to ilodiovr we slrah tiootbilesg see iaitiuiug le additional energy t7v- i f infiefcd into theroatrqverity wwli lis no isutuinga delinato stipe itjisuiliuajt ameetceddstatit jyiiccusjoey f iltbe ther4rm eaudujce but lke inservativp man srhb aspres farhouorsat tii elections lios not vet been broujrkt beforthe public the hallon xf tv a few weeks v ago gave its readers a list of nimes lef pipjabgjandidiucs who would mn- on tie conservative ticket tus nacies ire r3artiy bj chisboim yrilliaut reudlkw wc riaty dr free- manjfienry fibster john i huriar and v keanii- v sime of the manchester ridicits propose tonoiurailc jftsa heleu tbracr tuc parliament at ida uert general ejection and ik ui practical jruito tba questioa of wbutaiuv rights 1 -i- i the bentenco of dritlli passed ujicii thoauiers cilberl aud io for lb murder of tue4jcyini ou xfaaitoulin iitaixt hi been ram muted to ten yeaiv polial aemtwlv in cacb case i tue diffijiulties heteea grekt- bjalsrays as totbe jattputed cross ing near woodstock appear to have wi clay on4fcei settled as worlj on tbjliue the valley iju cliicagoa feoridnyt ago tbff ahotniakeiastruet orbiglier wages midnoi tho buitolicra fiooi tbo bopsbvo joined thein it is en- peeled that in a few days tli fiiitauera will follow aud hen tho5uiko will bo- ebiuplijlo the rusullj wliicli will necessarily follow will bb the entire disapaiiiuce of this branch ofi induktry from chicugo for although both cm- ployert and mioycd have so far kept their teuiptia tbo views bo- itsrecri i tliciu kxit irrecoitilable ithe iriastets arc ulreiidy lilkitig of tupplyirg tueiuitlvea wild jtock from lli ejwtern j factories wbeie tho wqimeu iutcmj uking their jlibar to they harii apparently not yet 4 tied pint has petlw- ttia lirgost iulingpflpultios tjl any of the europiiut capitals nuturally the eskisition is attracting unusuilly largoriiuuiliers to tiiit fully two mid a half million people must be in the city at ttie present time the cabmen evidently could not allow such an opportunity- lb pass iind 5000 of thcmhavb etrnck ki as thev control tuoulv h t0 1 iplautedjiaulljhosnv eliilbt dtoclie taecvcoesi ittidla aw has bw is successful in his raission ti e igl to complete he tajj ife has creditatidhv fansof steel rtii o fiaisnitlie lie lord d ulteriii tislis tte east- j era province y- cfeistocdct tboearlwndfiinnt- cf dtisrin couilpeieed a pxfaroiigb uietlieteni townsbijs to b4 their good byes to itffl pcoi jde of thatseeti6n wka have not so far leste objects of so tainy vice- ti visits asotfcec more- ifivored localities tnepiecjatdrne p4nd tley areait 60vrjl itlis ecafeely necessary to say we wttli eack other hi ldoinj theb iridjiii testify ing to onv ddpitting frorprcor notonty tbeif attniifnt to bptisli instiluiions bat tke eigl respect which theyeitieffcriifor the rtatesmanwhcdirigrtiieias sii- years has been tbeoaaoted upre seitatire in gioidi of kit llajes tyiieqaeec r jtift easfrn qaesuod accordicgrfd renort jtbe piit- ern qiestion is destined in ifssc- latiod wliicji woaldseeirto ihite beenberiokty cooiaienced to ring kbouta yarietyof startliag cha lges among these an anglo fi nca proleclonie of eyjjl and syi is is alked of as not improbable in isijcieiit tie sacr vnt nes- or bei exacted- to be sxtis- credit u ia of the latter joad has been resuiaed the womansnitragistsihare gain ed an imporuct victory in svei ctitnpsiireue billtllokingwotnec to vote in sehool meetings having passed tke houvajof e-pcescnta- tiyds after previously pissing in the senate censrr vailer rirlwit s that ilr george md to riise money- credit valley rjil- telegrapied that suidps bratlftra harb irringed h purchased 15000 witlt fkstecings 3 to sl rnauus elora and oca igeville and have ilso rrngei this issaldect or rolling stock ta the required bonuses and ike ejjiirig8 of de bentures i factorilrregulateiir grtstbri am if- is anticipated- wsl- receive a farther ccsiion of territory in 6tta ifinor and austria may notlimi prbiauy assume thij proteclokte ejamalis further an tinder- etindpg is repiried between ny tria ajid iurfcey opoaithe occapa- hioaof bosnia and hersgqvinbbj j former which engages -to- vant any future alliinpe betwitn jtassulciins and cnristtansj e ifneedssary during eussiin a ci- vpatiqnl indee3 tie understainfr between austria and the pdrb is- ioofced ubn as a guarantee by austati of the integhfy of th 2u ropna possessions of thepotej tii6n is to great britain c wn action outiude of diplomacy a c- tn- missirjii is about to is3a9jtoenot ire into the advantages and expeum of fie ecpbwes and tigris routes of praitwaypehile lines of railray ire jirqecti between the sea of jlir- r and aleppo and l4tweu aiexandriiand bigdid euiporary rcniirks the tiiies jiro propitious i in euglaid foi onjertakins of tfiis kind tuejiojuisitijn of cyprus pf no hilan trad sigftifetfcss are four thouaand tons of- tfe fails ready fpr ship- meiitwbicii canj bet laid this sea son v i the xnilxjin f war is nearly over if it ee wera anything tut aa insigt ifckiri oatbreakl a i 1 j but from vhate er piint it may be- regardej i th onlft conclusion wliice may be if jitiraately arrivdl at as to its tsm uatioamust be as an answer to prayer ffdr certainly 3eneral hjjivird the fighting be lis dne could dl be put into a epvi twenty fotr hours wortl tha question if thecatiyelaw of i katal basbeen bought before imperial parliia eat by ill as a cpn- 1 it trfiy it aadi keen it as na 44 v will make a large demand j npon tho productive resources of easland to fit the valley of he eupbrafesfprihigi roaifto iniiil will nke a loud call upon her iron works- and raxchilie shops ianue shwiflastrial interests uf england have been heartily enlisted bf ier premier on his side off this great question the men engaged jin rtbeai interests are wee aware tuatj the new turltey will require a sup ply of tbeuietals and wirel of engand in such- nnuiberlesj forms as will not fail ttfproduce tja ef- feet of mitigating- her present cam merdial dcprestjohj so that in a material as well as political seijie the government is likely to strepg then ftciibld upon ts people jbr itfiaaiatiopblicy convjiiietitj incsthr of conveyance uboitt the city the iucoaveniltne 5f this movement can bo wc-illun- erstood llf the visitors- would oiity consider it their duty to strike tobi and leave tho city a few days of the eiisting arrangement woild content the johui and might pos ibly bringtheai to their sanses anotkec viulent raitt aadjhdii etornz adeompanicd by heayyjwtnds swept ovar the lower ijifcej region and atlantic states bnl tnurtdav night and fri lay morniuki orillia and belleville suffered esticcialiy but considerable danisgewas daub throughout the two counties of simcoeand hastings while vent- worth sliddleser petbrboro prince edward and froittenac had ilieir share of the tornado through put the stales of- new york xus- jachasettacodnectictit aiidnaw hampshire the jlonn was generally felt in northern kewyork raik road and telegrapli communication was interrupted and many high roads were impassable in con necticut several lives were lest and throughout ithe whole area of the storm the crops hiva suffered sa vereiy t ire the r fc arthur there tires of that cjl ony ate allowed if their laws to sell their minis jeable jromea for cattle and to r ractisa i jiolygimy without checkor limilt a oitb mission uu been appdiated to en quire into tie natter kndan ef- fattwilljitiw be madolto induce tie kjifsrs to wtbdraw from the operation- of thta liwand to as snuie the privile es anjl duties- of british subjects several disturl ahces toot place on siotrdaydurii g the orange pro cession at ottawi where a number of- montreal oral geman took part in the celebratioi qf tua relief of decry- in the evening a crowd jabbered altlie or pot with the in tentionof attach iiigjthe visitors and it was found necessary to- call utl4 portion f the governor generals foot g lards to preserve tha pease ejret this precaution however would hive been insuffici ent to prevent further trbtible which wasonlyai aidddby inducing the visiting brethren tb marbh to the junction tb xe jmites out of town and there tie the train for home i i l on the eraser the can- itue baure beliatti hanlai v7ms tits trpfession- i alsirjt8 ecnllrace wallace ross second hos- ider third the birriejregstts has been ir mojt pronounced success ineyery respect- the morning of tlio i2b broke is fresh and fair as ever dawned tiie- western eky bright blue and cloudless- an the eastern flushed to tha rnitb witk pirple and orange and fieckodwitb bright siecks of goijen fire the bay ytus like agreat inirror with not a ripple to break the beautiful re fleeted picture of sky and landscaio- hat laj far don beneath- its gleaming surface at halfpait live hbwever little dare blue streaks went cutting their way across its bright placid face and by sir oclock the whole surface of tmcoursowas brokpn up witli patches und steaks of ripples to an ettent that unmistakably told of a freshening ibreeze at nins be bay wasalmbstfcalm agaip but as the forenoon advanced the breeze freshened again and continued to blow pretty strongly till the time far starting the the great singla iquft professional i aca drew near in the meantime tha trains froiu otb n f dltateui bikslkscutl uce fop thi raw there were but four aniiiea messrs j philips k limbb aiiue hoach of totpuub and 11 smdfucdof uiirrib it was a holly coukitfld face and fltiished with puillillnjt necoud aiidjsmidfoid third turnad his jbiioyiu the wring di iqcliour and on lietdiug fo hoiiie lie funud liiiuirf au fat behiiiii- lie uiada uo further effort tolgb tb lie ruil j i 1 the itxole eowh jucu iuwas nbttiil after six that the man weiciculled for lid gical eveut uf bsuiay tho siugiobciillers jiok oiraa ik nil buck ipptoidid hm has teljoni ifdver been brought togoliicr bione couest it wis a beuutiful sight to see ten long blunder thella uiaishalltd in hub sidu by tide tiiou tuulgrasty juturorlikb 4alr kixtthu nhoiu aat haiitai tllciii came evan iiiriis ihim elliot then plaujlcd- ifth llunuc sixth mcku6aytuih cuulcer etfitti lutlur liiutu jtd yard ilk i aud ouuiduof all h4lakwal wheii jjia staiiiiig iglwl was riveurehiotplisied and walhicb uuasj were quickjiiad weut olialii guat rule hey weiiiquicklyl fullowiilby lutuer eliulatij itiid hosuier boss wiia lh liiiijute usthcr38 or theiv boutsjmid haiilali 6 when half a uiilo had beed trajeijicd wallace ross had aistronj jeid at the mile roaa hid littlabcttertliau all 0ioii length the best if it haulan wa4 pulling vcry fastbutiueilher ipeared to be putting fofivard aiiy cxka exettiouif while plaisled autl ijusmer weri niafciug a line slitif gu for third plica when about two niiieabad been- traversed rosa- was palling ouly 30 to the mfadte but suddculj haulan was seen ui be putting extra vigor into hiaj2 to the miuute stroke boss soon gal togtherfura more rapid sttokf aiid a splendid brush continued to ike tuni where rosswaajnly lead tng liyabout half a length hauku iwung round the fusida buoy and leaded for home kext camii hos lner and plaiited closb logelheraud ben riisswto bad lost tliree places oy a mislakeintaniug but he bad uo nation of igivtng it upi and pull ing 34 to thej uiiniite soon disposed of plaisled and hosiner i at three uiiles hatilan was only leading by a short lengthand ross uoulnty tonelliing r lp dttm im mm a ff iabeli 1 1 i i i r 1 fi j i i u n i a- u i wnd wliicli ta turn tin ittuiiv s iiit ii iit tiw et client- lohitioii be hail lilld ujv lo this point while pilt luther i ilm second man oliciid lo wnldj home abbiit njqn inter of hi ilia from tho fiuisiij plautfd ad litlier beiit 0 thdr ojn pulling eucli and lio icqat eifiliiig di bfxliu wjiold rigubta fuupweil i her wb jiiiniug at oiaiy f ok i lliuy wow eieirboiiiiitliat haiicca icdio- porjliiiid inmn a at a pibuitum tljo gull was 1 iand tjiu prow of lilbeis 1 was it fctyj juclies fonviinl of isleds io lock tlio lal win z iy a veiv durt liulfifciigtl mcknii was thinl hrtebr our leat havn n lengths the leudeia rohxwak a good fouciji oiid utt fifth j liu eudd regalia wh chliiis boeii iu all mpictsa niait liroiluunced butceisj the s have been well j cijiitesied thi iiigliiiiil and evtiylhilig has piricd off smoothly nj fauiifac iy very largo huiiibitg have bet ijbrougltt la tha town iid the ma t thorough and ample preparn swee made for their iccom notation j lo jitoprictoiii of illia boul auticipaling aruah englgid a great iuiiibekof roodis in puivota houses i t 1 i ary riots ouawa i p largo crowd jof yoiipg ent- tow tieutice j3oys and jtrue blu x lismuibled in ottawa bii the 121 iqst fir the puriota ofgtly cele irating the anuiveiaiiry of llie clos ng of tbff gates ofderry i t ia procession foriuetl at he ora iga kaili and marched j bp oc luriociirect to sparka anil up spa kso in junition withvl ling onsseeti at this j point a ajin atteihpteil to puss through the ranis aud oovof iho britotie told bim that it would not b4 illowal whe i he mde a rush through and atteiipted to rip the bandsmen in char a of the bi drum in a mo- iuen he wis leurrpanded aud re- ciivel seyerat blow on he bead and face 11a succeeded aubse qucuiy in celtinj iptoa black- smill alshop where the crowd fot- lovei ljiru upd struck him several tuok blows he walrlhen bualled i foialijjiiiwttcrc keit vbftxi aig 1 13- al a family figbiiil edgefield sttilast niglit brobkertoniy was killed iinvirg six bullbll i fired into jhr 1 1 1 ilaik tonoy was fatally wounded w l cpmmaif a friend of toneys was badly woiilfdcd dumea booth wis instantly icillttd thonuibooili- wua also killcd and licpjiviin coolh mortally wounded five olliirookcnionj were wonnded all- were lowclam whiles wade hampton was uddreasiiiga politinl meeting iienr iy and ordered tho uiilifia lo ho scene ibiit they ar- rind toolado lo check he fight itcefdenf to 4 freigllt train a smipus accident occurred on hii loopiine of ibpi great west ern railway abotit tii30 oclock tueodat biorning j is no i 1 freigbt going east wiif appvoachin the long ibridgo abbot- orw iiiije- weitol tba imcbb ntton thtfinle bf a car gave wty the trainjforl- luniilcly kept nfelyiov tha trnek until llio briilgn r pissed jbwt immedialely after passing oleven cara liojivily liden with grain qoiir bacqu laroi preapi- lawdowa the embtukmfnt into a ditch ii distance bf ten feet they were shattered fo atoms irtige quantities of freight were screwed in the utmost cbnfnjion around tha scene of j ibe disaster the trainmen had a nanw escape fortunately uo one was injured the road was completely blocked up aud traffic was suspended- until about 230 pm pasaenger trains were cat suspended tiaiufi being run east and i weicto the ruiuj and paastmgarii tranfjerrcd with very utile iucouyeuiap ce j j th stauof siege jincuba has been raijed i ii n the miners strikes in h el north of france have iterpiinalei i the deaths from the recent fam ine in india ara offijially given at 1650000 the regular editor of the toron to rcji7rifflmrpiria ia at present on a viaitjto ibeold country j the xinitobaendjof the can kj tinwarjbi 1 1uo wants tibar i stewart ictononf l j- i je are maliriifl4f ly keepfng a firsuelmickiofsli- klodl of tin vfare of litaj i i illatebtdeiians j ithleb for donblliiy arid bean1y defy competitjok i stoves alwa v8 in stocs k- frj eavetr0irg8io- a ipeciiliyv i acros the rliliug opibsits bradirigs ary v uited ovoc aid ran down the euiba the salmaa sshery river is ini full ai tivity ning of thisijl is adsw industry hii excellencyjtha governor poaneral las recoivpd from englaidt 1 jhor majesiya gift p 210009 p lib cobstructiou of the ifcnt gai quebec m-i- j v iwpcruliaia bifln rocvcd rati joyprurfsyiug bat tbo ftpojla of tba unliealtliinem of the ialind have been cxiiggerked aiicllhat jaligoaht feveii are tare to jbritisbjcblumlria and so farbas proved jsuccessfu nearlv 2400 men arejeinployel at the eigbtcan nerieiar present on rtha frazer and bo river presents au nnusually busy appearance daandjnight th fiahingboiitg hxvis iheic tieta spread and bodk very icnssful hnuls liavaboen ol taitibd oliinasa labor is tavgely cuployjed lie in door part of the v oik being iiotjy- donamjy hongi liapli 8alinou cshefy bids ficirli bedbma pno of thd piinciimil indt strito of brjtiab culnmwa j ii i ellccjirvtu dragging aclou l j e uc1rvi i r iti kment iiiulet directiba of the rai fighting hard lor the lead butlumb r piles followed by everl ihefuruijer kept bis eye on bis rival brio i ouce among tbe piles li tid toof care not to let hm get too had n i iiiliculiy iu sirettug liim- ieat 1ha excitement ujuofit first self kb is badly injured- 1 the distill itucy broke up the procesaon for a ime bijt afur the excite mentvas subdued it ras re foruixl aud ni ached tbrfough queen bridge audd ike streets ou the fi ta and uarch j to ljwer town riii wei- lingbistiect jaud tho judseiiu bridge vluuiaichingiowa siissur- street and wlieuiear tha cocuur of yurkitreet moro trvuble oqcur- red aid it as thought tona time ii would result iu a serious row fortunafely however wiie couas is previiled- and- the di tuibr co was uellel before any oue is severely injured wljen quiet ws restored the j money was -now- over but in the uieaniinio hqsmer had managed lo discourage plaistftd and hetoo had in easy time pfit for the last three fiirlouga pat luther 1 cams in futiith hekcu fifth elliott sixth aid the others unplaced tha easy manner in which th winners of the prize money finished places their case tn susliia positiuu that any statement or esfjtualb of the spaces occurring between thein would be not only uselss but misleading the oflkial time was 3s12 but- some outsiders imaka it a triile lofcv second dayl- f the main interist in the regatta ceased after haiibm was aunoujicjid nctr in thagreat race oil mon day and a large uumbec left town- nevertheless i good cruwll remain ed to see the second days sport and they weib rewarded by seeing threo hotly cjutested races xn east wind sprang up in the foceuoon and about noon it was accompanied by rain and hail br four oclock however the water was eousiliered calm enough to pet iiit the start if the fiocble ecoll ejice this race was far skifij eishteen fdet ajug and under two miles with a turn the following crews came to tha starting buora harry humuhreys ajid r renisardaori thos siulter andiw gireaux arthur humplirefa and william biruey j and wallace ross and geo jl hoaraer the humphreys renuardsbu pair cania home easy wjnners andia lively raca- took pa hetwteul tba other two for- second place bat ulter aai in an almost solid mass of living glmt r freisit the graud stand oppitite the starlihg buoys as the hour fur starting drew near wai completely occupied even the siandingrrqojtij being considerably crowded the crowd klaembledj could not have uttmbcrea less than 18000 or 19000 jthonjli it is cxtieaiely diflieflltto funa an estimateqf a crowd scattered oyer alich a great sparerid ktruug along nearly two miles of regular coast liue foguqiazdluce j bis race there wera only three entries the leanders qf hamilton dark blue and white the torobtos of tbrbiito light blue audlwhtte and the argonauts nfltorbmcydarfc and light blue the race was two miles htraight aay for eight silver cup and was won by tha leanders wh pullacl a very good stroke fplloued aishort friclutnglli by the toionos widi thefargouaulb in tha rear- t i j locat pbdatefcplt mcs j tu ya a very fama affair w thofgaiidaiiriblolioriiiwcnt b lltii fruul- attha ou act and won wlilr tha litfiioatijuio itiio noilj brptliottbold ptabo nil thi way- with iobnbfillieri ioiiio liatamwlbjibiodf tbo vriniicra pulled injvdry good form and had to advanugi of aaoryiiglit boat eaux took- kecosp dor3lgcpllice itlib btirters were jolin hahlan ayoungerbrotherofjheiohampion and frank adair of txjtonlo the gbtudeaur brothers ofsitlierly harfy humphreys and rennrdsbu oljijrontoj and riley and parrltr lofcoliingwood the haitian ahair crew came in first gandeaur crew aecond an i iiiltiypartner third the hunipbrevireunirdsbn ciw- broke a rowlock and of course dropped oiit- coksotatigs hack- this waa tha event of the day andfiue contest it prjved to be all of the starters in if ondaya open singla skull race were in it except tlfe priza winners and morris wlw was indisposed at the words are yu ready 1 all flfeat awiy prbiiply except lathory 10 waiud for the wqri qb oi is rajiorfc of a gun haalartod ver t boata length bebiud luiated wa quickly to tho front ihoh 8nebnd uckua third ekj- roh fquilh cotiucr fifthnid iidier wlip waj ecloao in ebpro itrtt on venchliig tliti turn tlicre wai appirently link ohatiii ju ihtir veapootlvfl poaltiorii lutnlng mckohi umui1 bad lilck followed liim tho flaga had boon torn off lie buoys by tho wind and wavojji iind bo bad tolb6kfo ai lrck st eitfc prooe siott continued j its down sussex p clajence up dalhoiisietto and b ck to thd hall viii hekii pers iridge sparks aud jcfcouuiji street where iliev dkpersid mber bfjuutonmei arrived front ignireal ibis afterfkohj and it ra expectedjtbata row would occur when thejlontrejil oretiiera aik u procession to utoj station the guards were orderedjvout in casejca riot and ball barifid siirvft out iiiaa oclock the- britaiis formed in at youu t 1 1 sion ai tiia orapge hall druggist actoa jemcjiirnlthggitfaeil femcairvlnruggiavaclonmedala i the road and as l j lada pacasc rdlway telegraili line u itu tuuuder biy basbocncomplst- nngs brew- j l the sontreal delegation lo tha stiiwrenca and ottawa depot here a mob of about 500 tjuion men and ruftsmen had congregated to me t them oue hundred men from t ia governorgenerals foot guard t were stationed on hie plat- form ast of tho stakoni under commi nd of cpionel whita and ilayoi rninga jthe chief of police werit to tua cianga hall and advise i the koung britons not to procee l to the rcgulardepot but i to mai 1 biuetly to the junction about bee niiles ont on the rich- moud odd wiiere they could em bark itielly and prevent a riot tiiey eached ho j unction about eleven oclock wjtliout any disturb- ca cccirring stcasawmm burned on iuuday morning at 330 the watchi iu at the largf steam saw millali l three kiveis owbed by riss rjtcliie ii co discivered dense vdlumea of smbka iaitiing from t lajeugini room and immedi ately oideavdreo to extinguish the lire w th the appliances for that purpos i on the preniiseaand giving an al rui to the fire brigade which jrajsooa pn1lio spot but tha fin buvingmadoeuck headway the mi i being very dry the wtolo buildirg was ioedily in flame and hnyond all effort jto save it the maoliiie iuop abiding and be boilers end drying ihcd alio iho largo i oak of eawn itunbtr wore ivud tlio mill i imurod for 001io4f u000r the wnid rf iho inlbrnaljonal jury o tlio paris expoaitloriaro not pi bljilietf but it hmldtbe- americ nri cttbibltoi liava nior ban t i ecl brantfard has twenty eight teach ers of whoi twentyfi re are fe males udd three males it expen ded liccq for schpol purjkjses last year clancy the fehun jsentcncjd to imprisoujneilt fur iifej will be re- lej on a ticket btienj next month 1 active work onthoconstrucjiqn of the bejieviilo ptirth hail ing iviilway waa cjuttueiicei yes terday i i many qf tke farmers of ex county are liishiuglheir grain iu the fields hiiviuj no toym fur eu mticji of it in their batns i i fifteen persnas were killed and fifty mbrinjurucf by u railway ac- cideiit at alingo junction on the cincinnali ikailroad last wednes day morning i j ttia c v bitlviiu at leist have dojif iugeriolt one good tutn vix- thatjof wiking up theauthori- tics of tli g v r jtii such on extent ihiit thiy have seen fit to build a viv brick passtiiger station a wut that ba b4ii long felt and one that will ba duly appreci ated i p vo may eipeel sootf dtliear something defiuite as tottha results ojl uicksons grind trunk missfautb euglabd ho bvridg ar rived by the last eagljah stckmei- inierviewa uavealready been hjetween- jlr and pro- railway peppla in montreal sit is within tha possibilities that before the king if the new york central leaves montreal there nnybe further running- ar- rangemebienlered inlb i it wblmapjxai tha already at thecbaimenbainent of taeoperatid of the treaty of berlin there are serious difficulties to baj encounier- ed several of thaiprincipalitieg andpetty stales which were to ba placed under more effective guard ianship refuse- to have such a protectorate and in consequence fighting his couimenbed which some think may impeiiuhe cener- al peacei and may give to the british oppositipn and mr glad stone other opportunities lofafmign- ing lbfd beac6nsfielduefore parlia ment ianiiiithe bur of public opinion produce taketa ame jatcaib alt work guaranteed jm tstewillt itjcp iseetheilsr or i rxbuj rojmte- i4 5li iw- sttfa ln crbesrfcca manufactured by lie i company of gohn itriited sfjatas do j you want to buy fftrw i adtrrtac ttre i partlm irutuc 1 txr bead rbcnt i arlltnlkdllluol fabm for biiie arw ineerlcd jollio watxir jlaii 1 rwui fursoc wictr inmnlon th w- dluonai vordlv adtvrtlrmcbtaof farmafic kale are jjllutiled 19 hie mitor 23cd racli inientmi eafnstf- dlluoalwordll rtft i adrerfsiiixiitjol ittvebiook aocuon iftaim or sodi la ultnebtafeie- seed jji inr s1e exhibit- i oi lioti id aliened i iat ibe talmv aduictjiaith l 1 now buering fpr able in- addittba tbuisatobtof qrcoeriesl v r y crockeir tbe following floods say hike hiyrori jrm5- se7ti03 crius scythoi ecttio stbnae i saatis o v also a splendid lot of i i n j v ware im photogpvaiher- yvma to ahdoano tpbla cualort orstbhl he ha added breatly to bit former iellhlki for ed bn ulfln d totra oir proportibtiftto aar p182gai btw wrtfak ail 1 ndiwr7arvdjmfsfnos in flo orb framei j ikcpa iiii and ol mloottd itoek p alio grt wleiy oj ileulslbgi bf th i f w- io too aud awards oiiaut w nniv mahufactufedjiii kv- ttil7 store ja oym tltat jeeps a se- it- i ieotioaioftmff line of carpenters haiti satra meetfc- saws keyhole saws masdna trowele paints palkojils with the celebrated j rubber ii f ji always in stoct j i s4hlnll be soliow for cash for laldc chaulfisf hill lhllbtretctoa iv tkirli in i jo thiil aboq9 t j i feb 19th js7s- i having bought out the midori department u fl j c hustf ss ill- wafcimaior aal jeweller aqioisroitt i will be ableiin a few days to- show a v english and scotch ttreqds paaby 0oat- iags black broad cloth d6ekifli cemtsv rurnihincs fcoaoj lliichiwillallt thi gejjmbs -i- 3t 6lin qtice u- vsdage enstonlers will pleafe beif ia mindth4ik3iaircnttuigisdons day niahta except for conn tker km imp p j 1 ipifti vi sx i t i i 1 enl tax fori i all vlllkgera wiping tiun wifttouoi i by c ooribgtlaykkht in stordyaucqaltryorktriuoecnpy all toe time listr dark otil iiwelr o clock if deofi lctel pf 8 autrat strayed to tkotfrewaci of d ft e toltbn about tbenlddlt o junvtwo pigicne blaolt and tbi other white the owner may hare the aaae by yrovto property myjig eipeotea and tklnkway 8t u k a t6mvsv aliimurt ipdnitriobrwi i iff lnorith itroott near artot t nrtripbrittlrtlfrl for ii yvt suuop r kit- 1 j- r- fr ir

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