Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1878, p. 3

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i- i fm i i i the free t a vri iv tiar timu tfttatijn ml toiluws iihv ripris losom yturoatoejiail 910am i i dr erpftit eipcesil uallincma j i ifjfltko lost scitatkiprai ultmiir ii i toijettttatl wmtctnliuii lci0 155pm slpm t0 jm jwatt umaut 5l pm malli tihe tibte i j jblil cioskd i olj- j il m jteo fja- hall fot ft- rotullloveu i kt mchbuil mall kmoanjjootwadara aodrtluayal kcewrttfjtcltertintt n mailed is muuut6tfcojmnmc aii wfcmto u futh iv9iaam i jvlutetyuirmlttv vvt jfclr vm cajfjindfwiijtya a service tntlivmctluxlitl church ever sthbfctwj htninort lncwl c rjhtnr j tfcv kusavbihr si mattsr3 circular ivwlu hick lunib firc cvfaw voir pttncs rnli k ruiecwttcrrau kinds ot watches clsksj- jewellery ud jccucles i rairodat tfovnvnde jjwclviry store ssuuflm heights j jjpjm iuerfromttiriv in ikit it v i i disciisiians are of freefct ccctlrrrlcc r-tt- 1 sec now kt pcfct oi hsee 4 ivesit icalu iiitertise- ccrt in oaxhtteolcaiiv rfarej to carbotv tdd return ncitttcy my toccnts a ihjrvs vis it mors useful usoh otxamcaui vt tbk scisun oe the 1 f- iucururtn fitjt are the rule noir toacirsiicdv artj the ex emption t lrcppnll ts rj fill iveeds arc nov twht ppeakl tthe krst ettd cloth izgficrt r stsswp j h swra of t5ie are ihijvp i iirse quntitiea oictaretizxjactoa tthtcgpimy diakistratiqa at tsir art til ur ply ttitoded smith a krtf shcirlai imiac i ilic rtaplopv rjc wn fuc hii 3 ibonott0n citw kollii acxt tie8 b ur- imd go to swjioro ltcihutiitdayat j i rrbo buwjfco atntn hois hobbjf mlting at ry4 itesav l rittw f fel mobicviiii fty sucatr liu ftit- s it a sheet i towtijuip council mi at the toirn hall j stowartt kh l mar a- 3j iott j i if yott vraqt to apond ttaholt- diirluaaaujuj flsu tau7 scariwruttoihul 0 iil ttw idjttiy pajwrt ars i filled with political ipch bowada ftwtt turauy loial atvi whauvei it iiutttur af fatracw in ttu rciiiitv lianas tiouicd tlfnir jriiii mpancglic laadcut lh all ton jj i through dr ti utloo ttrafame ani ictorii poffc oa hst 3iildrea t xctori sliipjiftt lira it t pirty jn 1 n frijav lat qilff nr sir silrer vtcrs whralria ran i plintoiraiilipr ifient nt tat- cryr it icohi it ktrnv jeara i sect 1paet as and if- lash w ilftoo rek5nl for anr lk ac pftrc iatlic hnciin rfrttrci lerc- k hsrinr vfm prilcrx trill tot ef- et s czrei trr itfii iciutik5 are again at nrt ou lyiy jtrg lart ttey rjlcd kk tb j- rci line aad nade icy cith tjv i articice ffjmdkrtiuj ke a wru iktcrc io the riisctpjeldetitin hccse frifay ercniagi salject coatioa eiue uiheligica all arc icrited ittss the fi jian tegetame bjtterr tr ijynt x atidlirer crrai plaint ntimneii d by all dmggtsi j for ii iijall cheir litirsiid drocrait messrs ci r stify hcjidtrboti y ivc nc aetna tu rpkc eriflcd of itocidpsiidcft ittec fiit friiliy- tku is tlia largest iipaect of letter ever cade frota ac a attim troclitmatio is concerning tbe v 6otaigigakjectihc rliare len ported li ap tfcrdaocttheeaaiity by thetre 1001115 tidleere jthe pcllicg ple far v aetna will be ittsuttteav blil- 1 i condnitor fho held hia train at the siatii fori thort time tb other ertdicg jt for inppoai4 poaaeiiger aaigr iatly dirpleased vhea he fodidtiititvtaa tearecroa- ij j ie garvin drocziet a ctoii- kern for the ueridan qaadrupie ial silre j craetabatt the kindnc rotuucuj of mutca c have rtived a cpy of the ituforni iiccic tptc h tiaatr rvilt ui norefea iatjeis ctcuta huriiithuit gcierady east eud cluthuig stofo i 1 there ate quitja nnmbcttf iaoitpitchertiia acto oot a jiii occapici a pcoaiiaeat positiaaqanouly creryttrcet a boy ith i hideout ale fse tjpcarcd at ourbffiefl kimo taesdij- eveciagt from the ettn he tuadc tue c he vox eider druii crxty i i tlobandjireclicrd n 11 cm hall ilooday cretfo akheydid aa auhto iutctfreitu thc j lervicca which are liciielduiilelcoiperaizce loaivcveryceuinj t coaa liantiiij isilhepneias cecce of oarlxyf acd it ii larprii iag hoa many are traced into the com ficmt artteriiiclaa patehea oad or- chardx of the fanatra 1 caiutcrios- the cammani- cit jappjoredjitt iat weekt facf pejss raoa later oftroth iaitid of readiifi ui the j jovh- iiae thattepentabimtaa necaistrjr to aal- tatioo it tsouidteai tha reiat- aace vu mat tmoeaaory to oaltationl x f i- thero tadetlh fit peach one aad thiy ihoalil betept oatoftheaay the ptiealtaia afi abaadancebc praiaiac acid load j are certain to prodece- fatal resnlu i eatea ia any qaantity a child died receotly in parit frxn eatig the tefnel m namber of iieach ptaaich cruohed and ate j i xir gfi e adamay of ileiil hallaaa ba iococaifl ii ntihing kaie ritendiic colli purchisea if met cumatauftlie bcrt elclijii e ttixh aad seutei tateia hat cccr tmjssrttd iatntbe ekhty ilr aitistt u a prictieil eitter jainl nj ace ardertf clathlaj at the ipnt hall nay lie rare o i pwdl tit wc ijcxs frootclperieaikj teir tporunieii jthrte ataauo weit inmad siciliaapoci on tuftiay ottecioon tritu thc eldectauon of do- iacitoaietallthooiinit actyependiag ouiat to hiiara oae of them difcurercrt ain raucd hix jaa taotxhot it ttevaoppme the of the tcexed cp a itarep aad a trsehich tm ixinl4 tot bj- each of the other poruiw i thcyacre aatiajied jcowtls the tiroal to aeh with j e ifcoorriajs five cent tjirikc soap geritk ordr roarj clulhins frost iilhj town tae latest ttoveltietj ia all dc- portineat suxu voar vroetfl get a dublir cheap ind fcell fitting tail at eitrnnliniry wpncca a- fall as- nrtaientorkeati facuielrijat keaue- aicni trs- hau at iesathhi oue half the original erieec onuiiau itraai initocilpcand 15c j j all piasitsa ilereutnti btschaoicil fjfnieraaad othtrt iriihicg imr jacob fiihoc- ditliti hit ami id erin or aale a light hiia ml jmtetday htcholtallaldtliadtiii i a laig quantity ofcorh in thia btighborhood ii j atttcua i with hatiin alt th iatit rtvlei from 5 cent up at ta katt edd clothfag swr bminwa at the acfon plow ftrtofy i vorybrik aarr nntnur of ploughi are being lold ra miabjuit actoniini wtnt toottelptlttlsattttdiy to ic coloi oiktia they all tliotgkt it f u wi itoekwood civic holidajr next tueaday eacuriion to scarboro ifeikhujtii conjunction with ui actaa eccanionjii th attraction it it a practice among some of the y otjng boyt around ton wforn inta rangt and make aimoat nightly raida na the orehordi in thia neighbor- aood i tha bon of teraperincp of aetoi are having the interior ot their hall oeiitikcd by xhiunhfg the wallt cad folatiar the wiiaicoatiustojitljel itholhcrivoolrott mr david ncltucloo left actoa oaj wtdotay morairg for cbloaibov ontario county there he till take chartc of the eoofie r thap which beloujjt to ilr- 1 coatoi ot actoa i there ia ccmjiariliely utile ehan0 inthegneijih markfta thia kctk wheal 0at ad peaa are nbont the same but barley hatcomt dairn about 10 cent a bushel the 5th of sflptebiberia the date fited by the govcruorcenejal for the joint tddttuca by the municipal codqcila of oatoria it ia eaptcted that the eicnrtion vhich iearea toron to oa tueaday 3rd sept aillbe rery large at over too nianicipalltiei haire alnaady aignified their iatention of eo- if- i tha cjearicgj 5w will con- tinae- at the m aaitnoth iooaa up 11 the soth day of atrgujt oreat bar- gaiaawillbeginaap to that data in order to effect a clearance ladiet and geatleawut wifll giteyoa thegoodi at rice yon nerer heard of before laipectioa iaritecw ka tronhle to ahaa- the good kow ia yoar time to mike money by katiog- it ileleod andcooa t co mtv thos itcalackoa btonght ox a italk of corn the other day which meararcd 11 feat t iuchea ia length and waa rawn on liefamof urno jcorar eramoaa j vtrdt mr allaa ilcdoopu toldaa he had a pach of rwcet corn frfm which he cat ktolka 10 feet in length whu can beat thesej jxhe r vt jhitp who filled the paijitt i in the mclfcxliil charch here ou samlay th init died- at the reiidtcce o hit ton jolia thilp of londoa iflcr a inert illaehi he hd pootcd the tctm of thrte core i and tea j cari iboat forty ot which he pent ia the miaiiiryi he waaat oue time stationed oo thia cfrcait the ilethodut s s eiatic jiventa siitha ifave on taoadaf aftcrnooa was well attlclided dver s0 being pceseht the music by thechiucett was eupireciitd giimes of all kuuk were indulged in after jwhichthsrcfrimhuienl ubleajciiled tha atttotioa ot the picaioers fur a lime all aaf that a good tiaie ra sjpeat r juhoppiojiitig eouiinottom in ail tha j fm aot0 dexl mondty j ltll school board mbetohn tho bchool houae on monday eten iag aisocloewv j mr alcasmord hnpurohued the stock of mr jbecordi jnoi secord leatctjor toronto- lo-mor- row i i mi hr wtk left aotos onstouday morning for michigan when sh inttndi viaiting er friendt for time m- tho keiinedylim bten enrapd ht w- hftory ejq glora raonottctarer u tnvcllar to fiuthi poiitioi onaerly occupied by mr alel stcprd f bopiciceertsa btvilneaa men andolhenroot employing atr aor eoununt can bare heir bdoki legularly wiltlen upland polled account made out eic neallraod accurately and at modcrav termi at thia office u p ifoo3 rthe eicnic givutt fjr the children ot st albana sanday schoci ni fridar lilt wot rery auccefifxl io ercry respect th wttther wa evert thing that oouldlje deitcdand a very enjoyable aftcrnooa wa ipentiu games ot arion kinda lutening to the mutic o the liaud and duporin oc the tretlmenl which were provided ia abundance bt tha lulieioi the congrr gallon the superintendent i and teachert of tk icheal aatirt to rz prei their thanfci l vfr j c hill and the members of the band- for their kind atteadanoa and excelleut mniioj to c uutlr eiq for the uae ihe gnond and to ura chaa cameron and atcarn mccanu and hlouackou for the haudibme ibooqoet of dowera whijh adorned the refrahment uu coitiatca oton 678jj mutoti 6li a friendly quoit ialeh between ten bctuoging- to i tber actoa club and ten ef the mikon club waa pitched in aflttoa slooday afwr noon ai reaulted in rietory for the former cib orden from town and eootitry ttenc ed vvilliam i walked reside i tocletoe whirijre and thoroughly benovatetiowetut tbl very lowesftatei j i i ft aeto iiprfl t7187wm i tc joti alljorden u be left il nsuacton j walker gamer on ii i mf mmm bpifemd stpcfe of i the lectarp delivered hy ilev djbcauitran in the preahyterfan cttrrch on thundny- evening lai was well attended ibe lecforer handled iris aaljecl very earefullj at the close of the lectute bev mr hobhs complimented mr cameron oi his able lectore and afuiivsrds aaiihing tnflie priatiafi line ehaad- sre ttoideriatlhii oscei where dictated- co tbe uoiutbes ot tbe their ortii matter ofjxibat kind i- oalaun cttripes handsome i ftalu canjbrha in bljtcjrniid karf btue seal bron and llyrtle j choice designa in flafck and while print j j another ldtof dres unens very litest etyleallaecglish and american linen eind luce belay cuflv andj3ollani i llagmflcenl parisian tlea in lace and silk best btock of fancy hosiery la the whole trade j new goods always find their way to the toshioniwa ivitt end firft rendering lourlstockiiiways attrac tive and keepingiii busy en in the dull season j vveareoeonngtchay it cues ew goojt thoroughly repienijihyf pur stock i j- k0 bccham rhloabetteit eejl brest uan tie and millinery estejblbihrnent auelphjsaiyis 1838 staps acid iajney soojis consi8tinrdf ijjfack and col ed silks 3ash meres and faiio df els gobds glofes il isliaies 1 2v and isle3 jtjiread oyfi sunisliades r iitcfe 3ami iga and pring e aiiuvo- jdmtrices x i ydsli m grey i zav em wmtemnvjiey english ccnilderwbks ex- jcitemest war manifestod through out i the enthe naui bat very little nioney if any changed hand at first the neuwt cileretat eev tred alt rink- ho i a where hi ckojeron wax pitted trgwisst hr flaverhill bnt the onkokerf aooa becaue convinced that hugh waa too msch fur his man and they then went oft 17 etreoorage lea favored fitcbetm at the finish of the uialctt thcscote stood acton wfjjsiiiton 513 being 53 painti in favor of the actoa slab the names and secret of each player followi it- actov initox- pijcexo i ctkfo ci cavtrhai 2s ke4ey m i kickii grant butler balk loag kicklin lowry zimmertqaa mcitackon ci ci ko 2 59 joeei- l 1 foster ko j 61 stoddard 7 uoat k4 6t coot st duff ko s 61- sheppotd 61 t fmter 576 513 and ilver 1 picils ware pishei ii m kawa farts 1 5 seatiutotd ixn ererflariicti fu lyjrirranted aid i s lc j- 1 irries ilirex v i3sr i u sold very cheap qnite alnmber of tramps have jets in thi vicirjjty during the part week scz ijvau cia fill apifj- fal tijoryi bat a lisajtrecoble jtaell of liquor fiiff the a mosjiaere while they tztiiiiiifit ilauseer ji sd hastles tlie balance of ocr j iflinerj- and jiantles shaubecleared ut aioaeiolfwice oqdf in m ny hastadcco litta costcmei tvrap rf andijaea wit- eri deaded bii joina will be riven whoevir waats a jzo to the- several er- carnanowiaoarcha3oe ucleod andinca t cojocorgetowa j r 7iiofices bi ve been posted by the aathorities f tnf grand trunk jknwayjateajn ssinkaieijrfftiie 7road iwarjaidg people from- walking ion tho vraciffndati tiata jfiai wie be impaed on mytone foaadguiity of dwbeyinthe m -j- drug 6torea ar looking mch batter nov than waa ths usual i ttmtwjxfoie- a village dinf store waa generally ee midered a dingy-look- injjplaei with rowaof dirty bottles along 4 sbelt tcnoaghxto make any petaoo staudeiito tiihjtoltifc awoant ofipoiaoniejjia oar dnur storiiibt ahvely appearance ii v ijjth iieon refltted and i op and it is said that the beat and neatest ilton county pity receive bkla a will ii fane cheaply neatlypro iad well j farfcrs by raoill wih- r immediate- jjattjiatioa sole hi a contemporary imkkes tje nj fin following proposuion if at rcriberfiidjj a iiae in hu papepthat hj 1 this woold be ij great eonvaieace feepesxiheirdutyaa bethought ith regard to tuch commaiicaticru ex appeared in laati weeks issue k short time ago the people in the neichborhocd of crcw6ctni cor- ncn petitioned g randtmak anthoritiea to have a flag station for thai place doe notlike oci cannot ijjrecwith it he will bring his paper ia the office and point oat the offending line lt editor will takffii scisiori and fcuf it out for him- thi ptapoaition mgh please soraeofburtdwaspeople r i weeki issue of he they have jreoetally i acton conti drqj stores inji j in ust i weeki issue of ftiepiua nirju barns advertised somesheep which hkd strayed from his premise and a day or so afterwards mr johhlawson ifald him that the sheep bid strayed to his farm mr 3uroa says uiatibaavif not beea r the advertisenea t hedosat th ink j he would hivefound the sheep a he had no idea they had strayed so far we ia reaejpt- 6f the jtairimxtlalff a jarnaj devoted to lovercoartship and inarriage pub- llahedf atwilliasnsport pa it eolaoihaare itiufilleiwithmaawnial adyertiseaienf rhich ihewa theeper ii appreciited dtia j good way for the timid young man to propoaa mar- rure alio the ibachew annmber ot marriage have bee eojitraeud throagb its eolnine tiere isneilirabt many person wefldjihrpvioffitheir singl ijesabatbutie thetiaudity about wping k f doc iwafsbftat fd reemmend the paper-to- buiaaliilar raa8rs 8ub- taie ffilllaniji- knwon prim cents a year i tu copies 10 cent all etten shoou be rfiraied to alem b p vin e mtkjxrvindrnjgixtactott i o i cd jp- b o 3 i 1 3- theiahabitantiiiavktowarkto acton eockwood before they can bojjrd the cars and now since notices have been posted warning people trout walk ing on the track the inconvenience wil be doubly ftlt wtunderstand that the petitiohjiras sicned byovet ninety ratepayer tn that neigh borhoad and the stalion would not put the com pany about iu any way and cost hat liide and in fheluair respect it would soon repay fac cost of iftelfwe cannot tee why he company would not granf he pedfion ax wiff be seen by adrortiee- ment the day appointed for civic holi day has licen changed from thursday ssptfith to tuadayi 6eptj3rd tins ha been done in consequeuse -of- the committees having made belter arrange- meata with the railway as had- the hohday been oa tharsday jthe fare to scarhoio height would havt been 100 while having it on tuesday it hasbeen fixed for 75 cenu eielswood citic holiday is oh the aae diy and the committees of both plaeasj jeiijedr tho taking a larger excursion train and aupou tim s cheaper th aw jn kookwodd will be 1100 au who- fateid viaitir vicftria tark ithlssommer should take advantali of ydsexeniaion as it will probably be the last of the aeastn a humbes id ears wiube at acton station thus preventing rush whaarth train oomes in the game laws at thervq neat of a correspondent we pubiijh the iattierised game law resptung which thern ap pears to bo considerubla- differetico of opinion iti the duly of every perion io see that these laws are faitlifnllyobservcd si tha reason ifdr so doing is too obvious to 1 re tauire explauktion koner of the animala or birds hereinafter metttianed ihall be hunted taken or killed within the periods hereinafter limited deer elkl moose fieindeer or cariboo between the fifteenth day of december arid the fifteenth day of pteinberjin uie folljwiig year w 1 idturktys g rouse fheasaftts priiirie foal or partridge between the first dr febrnary i the first day of october 1 f quaili between ithe fittt day of jnnuuryfuud liw 6rt day offoo tober t i woodcock betwoeii the8st avy ofjanumy aud the first day of august 1 v stnie betwtefi the first diy of jdny and the fifteeuth day of augtiftt i waterfowl which are known n malurdj gray ouck black duck wood jor huramer duck and all kinds of ductkiiown uteal be- tweentite first dky of january and thb 6rt day of chiiteubrr other duckej wild hwane or geee be ween the first day of may the first dy iseptember harrt or balibit between the first day of harch and tbw iftt dayiiftptembtjfi j nobeuver imuuknrt minv sable martin pawon otter or kaberihall be jbtsnted taken ok wiled or bed in the poeaewon of any person between tbefirt dayof may and the j 6rt day of veniber m m m 00 14 k h o w w q pfbdftfttttf umxthtv trlv9 wetttipjjawtrtrfr3nt3- xamd sent a test wd nd ttm best la tbt jfwid ikattj ui pojff 7dqicv effect mdtmwilt rob 1 stop ietlon evtr to- mmmkatmmmrtmtta uut esnnoc tsn5td wfc3 tboljcuow cspccurls 0 x ltt but iium c3ori li itanlredtrum tlm tec w piffcll ui0 alx ntccatarr beet bud and moil iafctn the mkelaii touo wood otu- kwt uuttrobicst fullr turaawd for ilx s rtrvlr first clwtod iet oaifrom5a41 risrtatlftlxlatjlttmiiliebtf- yyj- is rtrteflr first clwtod iet oaifrom5a41 lcxt lrlftltlatjv ttv 7tuhstth ircacthmedrelaubonii jr joliaetl off o jpmioca tif orcahs ni pftmen ad bouuiwcsi irben thteicblatriiert hai been fiztcnslrei prc uirftbrtmitaaoalhattidcd tttnraon cacalz inth tiume quoui frors iiia tradejourtialji write for wplanalion bend dotttr hiwtimed piano ud organ adnklrcft tlaltlltsftlillii tucl phfllrmj ttiff uwrert cterrttbb and toounda w th tad tetoath ottbtf r etttt ptlq ksq jots ittrwipaper frec- ttt wuhhictvb af k hfxxhiaisal tha acton monthly sale will hi held it ajaews ifowu u fai diy aukiuda of s6kimpl willbo soidbypiihg 5qc d emcqrtifl drngit abton tfcrtrwajrybthr jpieoejj sile at 12 oclock teblii tea moatba approved ioint note all ebirios mast bo raadw ily der gee iwilhejistfteet oai tjjobtalne eoaotciil aifdloll 1 ixojyjv orol eomnoandsv ornamvuial des sua umui caveiuiaaaaraens lit irfcrenh innrtnimeil aoovau niaut re-ii- j ustyj so- j in isonequenoe of long oobtiued lttweatlerthere is little fisting doing at the magdalen islaidt and thi season catol will it u mght beibolpw the twrsfce f pgtentonee eeeorflcl 0 u potent oiac r elnser eaaunmtlons and jphrt pi bfust obpoalte we an aolfr 10 more prmipur ad iu trlainbj ja ihos wbre re jel- i jor jghakeijleh jil itesertpluinortourdjrvltet we wlu make an examluauon tree or otta siadvlnfoa m to mjsjal j ti eoneaiotidenee afotuf adett prtmi jo aatom ojt wnl vfnttt tofoiejlnmlha j wbob awlo laveuum 14 eery the unjoa- ttaourw ubxjltflsa oproswpatoflicej roe pitisi t nis j- i 1 mnujiil iroinjtljejrtetited at th fsee piess ofbtcb keal ike pu osee still street j i 1 actow lively stable st 00 lhotogftaphjbei wot toh at ward me thlr xttdi ess it hey wfsh to otitaio pis 0 r orgk 1 in exdfaange for pbotogra mgt ad dress daniel i 9ftf w1 tagtonewjertiar i1 haying purohsjred thebjvery stable and bujluejm formerly cwnedlby li 1j adams we hre prej- pared to tarnish nntluakvkfes at the host beasonable pates tebiiscsa goodcmmrelal bigs alwis on hand mattbiwsrtcxiiit ijaffim stoftef 4 qf v ib thepnew buttoiris i -lu- froncli and crexman xaoseh keadymade olotbini black and bjtiejijioadf- cloths dtigonalsj english scbtchafiftganadietn tweeds swita m2dto qllde ajfld- 1 pebftsfiuahakyeed or no sale a full nsjonrientdf gents ftirnishtngs vie drew sbifts pdflars h8i tie eck w i a 8ilcttdid 5tock of cjipice family igfepceri sl ix ieajis3pecialty f rjames s jpl returiiins tliins t bjisj umerqus frie us and qustomers for tlte yexy i ierjal iupport accfi tied to jhimjsincc ije comuie ttetitl business iptoivowd reraijid titenjubti igvjei jeforcjfn the jiistqry of canajda wereiiicli i bars gains 9fjtred m 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