i 595 i fi l fd as llornii m- iuotis vlle iikc to- ntie u libs i- ltd of rln r i1 si van willi hi ibilki nil coa4 hlijiiii m j- ce kifl-vnipivmi- toronto mail tltr kipcest- krprcss jilt oimil gohilxjst stcrli espvcs gait mirvd j ikv kxprcti i uvcrn mil j ronioa raited rkrvr tir f tito harvest u put alia i all ilia uovcuici in tie and fjljelph cloth hawk acton at follow- ucmlcd cnl ik generally the- u r tad clothing store f and winter east eaii clothing store tjpsvm iascaiixlyimy bnuinkuiibocvi ql tqvjton nromisa lo lo intuit- h jqcbcnthcclccuauycl 1 iiiv lkipm i ally abundant j11 ot superior 4ultty 1slipki mrwmiiwtonj ifcrectmcl j i nuiulij iucw liricfc hooie on mill nn fthca lielicajs this rsrij st- tra 1134 ion 51 vbl o-sojtim- i siits closco laouvrcr fciab m fil45l pm mall ror tci kokdilyall mall lionmontiiclnjt kreklml ltlcrs t turlld i rmti tctorscwliicfliniov- kllls kwetllu lnim trontiiiil lii vrl 17 pm tkot 1 it it the licit 5 cents ie i i fthiiyiu ill tlm ioui o tuj pour nuulii back home ooj mill uuoivuppj hca lichci tbit ilia liindaj jonmprootiou hwiety bato iisvud iiuriduill olfiiinj a rcwiitj of 10 for kucli iisfprinfttion m am loml ta tho ciidviction of aiij om killing or even iliooting at nay wild duck tcforothtxktu fixed by lit w larcoarrivnugfniikivil ttnd i- vj1 uir cvlbr vwj e atvirfljlsi u ikvud it iu duil ofcring a rcwjtru of sio for duch cnre itx tie mcthojift church cvct t ucv k herat lamr lr lqsal mtter5- tj-ij- circulir ioiul htck couiti fintttovs vcot tcci nl i l jclrysh kiniis j wntcbcs ckikjjcrclcry rnil siytclcs re rvite in mitttlicas hall next 1 ro gt to rx-imm- tlsci uccoitit of- tlio tnjss of rcriurj rttcr ixutlcr of kvals 5 ii vjrtvou mio lifls u ll ixceti cticrdrris- styk there is tea mr j5 kjrr vlvrrtisfs in iotihvrcjifran ftcs3cr forbuimin his ccit ciiliae wnkf na mll strctt ilkts instil llp hit iules frm ti ccnlsvup a ihc kist tail cthi ijlyrr i tiio nntv vic in tnjrn wbrri k user ktvrt anil puve ttrt a tli ilyais vuca va iat ci i- xywtbit ihcuiluftn cnhot vijs otriis trc ivkia r s k i hop iikinc it bfiiii ta tlis e t iy r tmi-r- 5tidtcr mty 4sbiv k jfuvton merchant tiiii ifjrp t jvov is cliotttiitt to tiftl titi j h mcurvmv five cent tout sjt i ttio late mini imtp conrlcr- aliiy iwollcn oifcrcevsj lit awaits tur tiii ncikrhwitt i on axwmt of llitt ubicnco of the llccve utt milty cvcninc thcro vu uomcctini at the ccumil tv lof t rtut dlmjiprt rfrort rrcnstff jofics iu tova it ales sccorvv sulliy u tkvrv although this ifctlia fa ret month f autumn mc htvp not yet hid iiiy pkras oa tho subject uaiiilctl in tllflcct wcrttlt wc hivc lintl so ftiid nf hts gremly wtnlcrrl the firmtrt iu this dcigulwrhwj with their sixdiuc j winter 5ikv1i suctcdjfrom to tiirrct withthalittjmustiuhi- ihlo mid chcit lry iwkli over tliawa to thfr public ro licg ti remind tho puhho tht thraagu the tcv ire je- irestioji on the fvfeigu tnarkcuvo hire occn tijaucd ti ky tixklsdorucjimp- vv ilitti vrcr litfyre tud irjiryi deter- cuued taghe the advantage i9 the jbh- ir ttil iudxkimitici mimuiiith hoasc mclcod ajnlcrtaa j co tieorgetoivu qaurlo contniercut cllc cclleville oxt r 0 reajttv t- co p we refer mlr resulere ti tl ors adver- titetncbtrin ttutlitr column of this inititupon vjicu is seknowloilgctv to ivi thpitst ijwrjuigh bafincjj college diuc j in csntu ah ytiun mrn ehtuhl -p- r j it m mc the kuoivlcdctstcouisiti to voi is to inil uilh iu until vai rjimouiit thsjl ontario iomnicroixl tllfcc can ilnpixt thirutmlce is provo1 by ttiy hnmlrcils of its friluils vrhn trc now tilling rcntnuurittirc mu rpniblc ltwttul ipifitimi vhiarc tuuccivfully cur era tometlnpoi hnncmrj- th tv 1 i nnvilfc thin iu ciiv otlirr public tkiijn bcr sli f cxctlwtit rcilin mrttrr 1 iojvl ft sin mortntl pubiiut price j celita our importation octall anj winter woolen ivccdr ilaunndocnu- lirnlsliiug uoodi bars now all j arrif ed and arc opened up fur ihojntpccuon of tuij nnlilio -iivnie- ordered clothikc de- partmeur we ira tnivlnf up luits at a loirer prise tlwn wo bavo orer dono before anifoiir record for ira last iojrotm is juflicienl guarknlcalliafamr onn onlerlng clotulng froti its cjn ob ulni ptrfeoi ttvwim tlo bwvor workrrjinibip jrejvdifmwe ctotkikrv overijati lllswnr kutt and bdy clblbing alt ir wtijcb iro jnanufae- tured on tba proinisce and cut in gooei tlyle and it prtcei to defy competition tlie rery best all wool tveeds fbihneu itn i stiiriintjs iolj by the yaril atid garments cuv without any eitra cliirgc tho litest knglub and americaa styles of hats comprising all tils nobby gdoit but thit easm cents eormishihc coqds sbirtk uniicrclothing tkviris ties collar tilore umlirelai and otlier good too numerous lo men- tiori r i ojill lanel oximine our immemaj ttotk befrije puicbsfing i s1uw mukiiix i merchant tuilorf iuclpli fpt121878 u3m m 7 pl 3 i 1818 is gji i jntatea stripes aiidj check baniiiome j iiaiti xambrics id bllckand kajrf iblbjtoal brovn and myrtle i cuica designi in bladlc and wbita rriiti j ijh j i- another ixit ofdre uncnt very lateulhyfck irrecglisk and ainetiean finen hand lace keti cuflj and collarr i i ilaulliccnt iotiaian ties in ilea anslk- n beit stock of rankr uogierr 111 in s thalwiiole rode j- new goods alftiyi find their way j o tho fisbionablo vl kcd firft j rendering our steele always sllrao j litojand keepiiijjusbusy evenlra tlieiuulliirjasbn i vif are opening todfy 10 cases- neipoods thoroughly fepienisliinr a0 tttat i shi67nbiewfileati find hillincrrlestabiihme 0re if itn ihment y 15 1873 ehi ti iiul iiinu win hejiftmi ikikvilfti tlnn in riy othrr ihco uiviui a uumiins ctllte in ctntda it tlm united sut the t ihi circular con uicjng fulifrmt shipwill jclixularconlaici tn mii sinifiis of fltunm be uiiilvfrc oi appucitinn rrittjtltiiklr ta cif scat tvrltlkc men on krnlay moth iliiittrtet aiiltiincer 10d0 ivrnnl for any ciroof uirri in the vumati pvteni where k mixt iiis witiii invturs mil not tf- cl t cui- try thfin i i m t v t- ar n the twe work au adverlifemcnt f l 1 tfiich rjijcars4n mioiikt coliijim is the ctsj t niicfjiil oivra his firm farm pro lvgthn of mr s j ijeatty of tvk a ft sale on i ttutaro iasines oihcf vlcville tliuur lit yw ltc-n- at whereit i ui1 t i rmr iteaty i its author h a pujiicifnt tiyher i is vuluahle tt his woiks ll- ou xroakviiii ainl writing have lx cnre tintililial lcin react ocjl fur nte inptihlic tlj bv the iiiuistcr of y l 1 wueatmn it 1 a zed intructir in pritten is the oil ihit theart firpcnminrliip by tjic rase of k ivintiktnsn or iiiisl may ivrjo rjunnitii of fil itvoojs rf n- iivnel attht kt 1inl otlii ftrfv of trail tf faa mak which any yoiuitnxn or 1 ucome a kj writer witho or it ysrfen tirofitalhernplycl tbin in oi for cmlcitia ill tit i wsil s the idi ic of rl hloo a the fuix r- jive it a trial j f moijjirvin prissi arent ifo- the mrihn iisn may it tlienil practiiii trtiicnicut iid tuid f ctuths in actm on the 0r in- f mr p s aroistriag of a jiosutcr in artoi on the imh inl he fife tf- i ii arent to- the v in n the mill irt uvui0 rwsis fflro ilncni oilrit putesi silver rrir- m m lwa of a ton t j v mr rfed pfalu tiishe- i v rtiitalliraj 1 i tr tth i nt stil ti a ivrwo sben jfi iji pi- ity tor oor aiji m-v- ii irua stre u i ins knvv la srtiee ao e sni aw jv itik or lirp iijii rn v s yjn jvwnion iwiy tl r v ts i tic t i f r rl rjs ii- iirm03tl fatin of u i j r r 7fn is caijl to v ilrt ilish ftiei i ni cuiv ii t 10i r the ni of j hnuutvij ddlilwlj c oi iiitu rupocr rltfir- is tjr- ivsi for- lrixw a vi 1 cattlr tuli ve trcciu his grti flsta in iii vtritihli blvirifrdrpii it 1 l com pjait km aaeliu i by- ail ilrircs for sii all ehiviivs ill im ri iielrloylof dcif ani ilm cril lriu iiel troh acton en 1 iliiiuin ujini tlnir nw rk 10 tjic vily l prijf uill ovc a eail rrrikctinlly riicite virrcemternt r jintue to suinr u ucnten-vjr- their lam lis so ittvi ltlwd of tl cnin7 mfrr iti i s a iari ht iirhoari i k 1-a- 1iu ptemrii applet per im n hay prrra uiniv i jaliyseel cm uvevl cvulri pastel toro-v- v o7fein livtcreniuj on their tiy u niivrce hst acift it was mr jtcutitaitrrtu deat sinl 1o jvairh ftict mitr the i jt javtvviiiayvciiiiaoycr lv t uuinh o ijcllevjle f cllay s0n jueir uf rucr pkes er doiiin- i ticeirijsep 12 1s7s nmr jierlc1 t w tr s 00 prliasb p vo to 0 p5 il cakadiah pacific railvfay vol ccpttatuu d ccn tractor tlicfiovernmentoe cnaiu will re f s ciivc jriniiiiciu fur contlmtitig ri d wnrkinn a line of iliilwry extinuinn fmm tho province of ontario to ilic watcrt of the 1acilie 0ca the d- tsie beiiig about vm railed meaioranilnni of information tor parties propping in tchikt will be for- wtrlcl on application as uiiilcrceaui iciiivcrs ktjwrtf nop of the cijp- try to lie trvcried protitis of tlic car- veycilline iieiticftiiint of prelimin ary works ccpic of the act tf the iarhaiacnt of cauiia under vhichit ii ntmil the llailwav to coi tor wittim wewa aemriitin of the nriaral turaljitiil mineral rcsenrees ami otller iufortiation irsv be teen on applica tion jit tbi lteprttrcnt orto the kngifrccrintiref at the canadian tlovtynineiit oiiees 31 quevu vic- th3 wife torhjrecr k t london scaled tcnurs rrriked tenders for lkiiierrilsy will be rechvet iililrttsel to the oiolersincd until tie i lt day of ueinl cr riatt r uliat x seerelry rnbicv ill r i ottawa ily ij isis si to l w i3lt0 iii rmtu- to mn ii it i ip toll 11 in to it us to i ull 11 to u iu i oil to 0 ti- 40 t tl 76 iojo1 1 12 jo to 0 ot to o no 1x0 iceextexsiov of time i t i late f t roeiin proprcibr iiil r the ab oe vlvfrliseiiicat i tir by stenul t the 1st jnnarv isti 1vkpaux scercitrv 1iiliie wprts ivprtmelit vltttra 2il september isis p 1 i o q fl vrio v treavl spriits v slats at ifj atorl ofcliioip chmv m stv china and eerral p r i irtinvrt of clatcare st a l peril rrrv soiiy cr vry aithinrthe n j ptatoe pir lu- ivlu i i- i votes i ol le- hich idx tiohof iieirrf- rl ji 3 birimjycii c cii yr t di rtrthaa cru al chrlcit- ii iribrr n fc their ilvrttiifcre mtx lays j yitirtimeil you vrisb j 1 ov pjuhin it cicri ih rfn to jcop t buy- miltlhji y- in thy tuve j wd vri liialy- 03 the etreet bik canlioply r 1 ud erjail then stoop dorn tuscyirtir- lf pilany tfihfs jnd brvrs in tpievi up jtlhrir hv trc cnrdcj ar cor proprittv iij ts tnitrlticra ti the iiiarii-to- bicts xiiny tv j6lu rfttririlltip ladlw thai we jkip aiirstcla5 milliner ah iraj ul land jrit yi ufpmii ajvmv 1 pre nrctjronilkringctt tl pn poicd fy prevent trrsoys rqih uftrmw ires from parking ovtr tin p u uii- vi irfciih vniidhc kv idea to 1 wurhj- bntcliers cflflbraffcl vtotice ill 3 rd to 4 oa na to 0 ii oa tod j h o o id m p ff rtst cctelmitrhl cohen tnr itixfuil xlparlor orcah8 eteoa st cttlts o rabble tiikrf ii- trctlla jr dtsstuuful solo 600 orcr on crraaaa4 rccotomefid ihfm u lirirtljltrrtceia v- kj rii viel p uelitty vmhlnctoo x j v k a clssylfbii i school tlachtfis i mi iumi yon cm cashrt7ctca4 year ii tti1 0 otn the unied 6ta ill adtnip pt vwrlacvirtniwt tali oawriiniii ii lnrt lha attj cra bajflnrihi lmto6cxid ores v lirptfr lhaa magillpiobnti display ii i i 1 1 ip at tfitabi imm briqk storb alsoj a l stock of stable ndaney idrygocidis- conoistkig of black and color- edi8ilii8 fancy difass go bk ieid gib v3 ail the hpw sftadfea i 2 and 3 buttton ij thread- gloves parasjdlb isunhades- lace good tr imings and fringes prints j e brhtrices muslins l hite and grey cottons il- eaglisia frenoe and eiiatt j i- beady5fnde cloiliiiig black and biue-brbnq- clodis diagonals english scotch and caradialn tweedsi umu m11e ofeder and a peegtv fit gltal anteel- ofi no sale afulunsortrneht of gents furnishings white driers sliirts collars cnffs xm etc i a splcnjid stock of r choice fnniilj grvoceries- toas a j i i 1 ijame stmoni in retiirniug thank ltd his numerotisfriehdsaud customers for the vcrylifaefflb support j accorded to liim since jie cpihincncfl business in actoiiwibuld remind uhebi ihaf nerer before in the history of cimadajweresudh bar gains ofeed in acton the goods have been bought for cadi ifnd rm he sbid at a small ad- vaiice on cost i h 1 if i uames symfcn pro 1334 ot all kindi taken in etshangs at the highest market pries rilmeilbeb place the isfbtibriek stokeumain st a0t0 aftonaprii 10th 1873 i- i jcs ill ftv vt ufs ffi asbwsamk km no rem la rj wm u ther ujatorr scai b irit 0 hoq rei j swh fanmalcetaoneetwj jb pilxtixc ofallfctads ro kenlv j fttk feess c u t 1h tc 0 95 pa to o is p w to 0 s3 p co to n 7 p s to o en i uo to in oo 3 lolos 51 0i0tn 0 12 i 12 too 13jgygal i 311 tr 0 ii ct g 4 vit thuf j r pr- j ail pcmrkisare rrrmptl kpfinet cut- rnanel fr tin ttun moh hraicrtotfn slaiti- hnllotv gronnd uzzrtrk best enzlish i vit- a i t ili i mate at fjco ilyiids cwtllcry store iiidlnn rtiniieca for ferae ie comnlalnt itirl- 1 i mrfi mtiin indian ons unracm fir every ulninltr tiftlir- 1 tints iol tireilh irlctf ii rents mtt mo iti patflrrrtli itrrn oeitv f rnttrtit irtkiil tiitirc rfmdj- tn the itrjwi lltitnliitiicitlierroft feil pcrirlare rramed caat cut- ti le tini or otherf w injunilt tli- tree oa j plllsa west pari lot23 ird onnl twoihit purely veeetaile ejnirl s i any pereo clvicte o mjm sfe ijaulllitt any sci lining kill be proecu to law ust tjl rceorilin s smith inlwahejtoilveife i phot 4rtph tfl i j vooil pr vrhcre which ualbecnfoiilil m tii owner buys all uh villi m ce hppene1 to l i crnff henderson cc co nrt mint vnis not rcomrcl fcnt theikly m nw rl aty litrgf qnsntities of j etviiij forgot oeof hcriclovcsj which new iki1 for ithe fall trade thoir she nay have by calling ctocl thi tew nil ban beer telccttdr ilh i l more than imial care and purchased at bjkyro jlcmmiiiskpicsh-dj- vcryttoinv pricej wliieu enables 1 t thcrn to otter the- very 1cu terms to in ptreliucrs they respectfully j he ancl- r i hieo jgf uitstjf puljhc i lay rcv itiikcs iifer lur rnsmaiilayvciiitg rt- ti ftht tfext rurlifct ttcl-rnl- bby ortctry aitxfim that dlbis old itiu te rjiit bitk to- him rtd rifcdoiifsir canfor hdi ly lxyig listhcrp tfjods a cor respondent writer ata pd meeting of the county oritneioje f soujh enj ix i uottfiyic- siturdiy eteiiug jtorfc ioudfhti retigntd the of tenders ill be received nptn jiti- diy 23rd iriit for the mnvciry iid carpenter rk of irelur and kitch n 10 ftift walk of celkrsift higli alio tender for mjtsonry cntl crpcatiir ori for building a stonif cirriage tlrnp fugartwalkoftj funtiehed tlio lowcztj not necctssrily acccpte u 2t coutif muter the members of the county lodejwrei very torryto hear tlitt he indcosit- to euch a deciiun cud pretiei hiisi to withdraw lif xzhv nttion he mformtdthe mcmverd w6a b itbit hcha1 hitenuined upon that fep t bveut bfone ihchontes could beer 1tnil they- wert relncuaily jbligej to tricated the tongue of the rgori was izff cpt- kro ytohomc late deputy broken and 4 kw scratches oa the county miev tfhereffte wsumts the hlrsc leg vras tho only damage tending pin-iv- invite s continuance of the patron iq lilicrtlly ciicmldtn thcin in th pft tndiwlnrerthr ptthlie no prins will he fpftred to place before their customers the very best value i j on saurjay night kst noluv mchatn a young man in the employ of mr jbcoates of this village was sentrsiith atarh of horses for somo eabl on arrivincafc the pit- he ap pears to have driven too nsartbs edge andone of iaa horas sctdental fell an pilliiu the other horse end the waon ahing with it the ifir nets had 11 rjiaterltd my tender uydert enjilngor cmtiii el irtcffljjruntk mr mini llcnrtbnrn wprs ttivce waftrs urn ail iinmejito tlle ut ilfcrthiiiiru imlcrs filtvl tt fctiuvrn remedy fr coihf cols or mrj moiriu rmicintrated itustur- fr mr moons tlnp itij cuon trlceii cents tr mocurjcijrnutniiiunlrirfkajvm m moon v toot hrr tic dp iicrntk itrkmocin indian foe iaillcjn jcentf mrs monii riijrok iuil tunucl tttin ktller lutbe wortd trr it frlce 2 cenw kilm worm snirrtmjiniiliiiiti warm utmjet- lirlte i3 cents rodby ttvtx mqrro ac ori jlciontcpuiui7ru mmr anteatereryrutcc4rftftl eleqahiywait v- and ornamental ij i vonnj pcbtlfl xrtiitinc to aifre ratldccrniul ticaiuai hand- rrt line kcrostit urvclierj wlllflnaiiieittuc a pi rfect tnrtroctir j kniktrtf nrt be isimiru tituitiufiil wrtlers thpitclutur t ikjalatoaiume united stratcsljiisirtf it i i i j- 1 ltennslof awiictof corr srw ot convenient fire fyf prretjunp willed coitaln cmpe bcfiqmnjf wuu tht am priheuiifft uiil cnutcau- prrvurs u- if ktffcktcu tecnted t tii office l kccclkept oflice mil f crcf i trritilirtnt ineof biedx te- a ikrik ofm hvgm or x it fve a1tt i co i ontarlult septllcti p nli accounts- due tob sc ejick tins bakery especially thifo tttitt j t ihweheen standing rihen lurt yehr puddr anorev nrttitbepjidimmcdiitely j pills i yu female vote actyniaierv l pjoaitionfor the rpniiinder cf the year we lias v rejflindillie gentlemen thst at lrdcrei cbthinc department lerrainvif iaf kj v- jk coition troaserirjgvsqd fancy vtst- ingr all kew fmhiomble and ce3p jtodire were never in a batter pnsilijn boots itnd shosx vytxeb to ihatv ia tera and teatii ser fnr a frw wectp none hut a ciid tcitmstcr tvitli a 6rstclass team necdrpplv ii akvuek or aj hurray 10it par5ti0aslle j rliq solacriber ofteifor bile the firm sitnstcd on lot ii con 3 tdn ship oferin this fscoi contains 100 ficres 0 of aehieh are cleared balance well timbered ui fittvtcd rbout tiici nilrtare fate unl iswe remedy lnlosfsnisr irw irrecnylues arls he from unv enure w hdea e tcstffil s4st eistid is being ijjjlecii with all tlie j designs in i- j wmmwm j having bauglit eaijly we wolf tie ablfetiexliiliit ajarge selecitiou of the best patterns in the iilarketr- f sco agton ivery stable th injgreat variety ya ttobstjbp 00atis taotjsesigs neat and i durable j a 11 the latent atylesm hat s geiytfs furwihlncs 1 sjouri laigeantif welw assorted 411 the newest thmgsp in bo jfs itles and soarffar f i i fyfe mcnasi acton ingnst 20 187 raphs tiieniltt ostirio cnx i j hs7infj snrchajedtho luory iattble aid business formerly ovenedby llrp adam woiare pre- rjsrotl to furnish firstfiass kiss at he most t asonalilo rates tssmsciku good commercial iaigsalwayi on hsnd can cetthe nnest rimu um 7 v the he clamp sto lrt tad irtrtk nererin a batter pnsilijn cr0 well mane of goo4 stoci amtxrui 1 to tare oat nobby sylifib pud cheap k tttlie loxeat paying prfces clothing and ientsfijriiuhinjf fii ffpcisi diseorat on my pnrehmaof 51 oioj time ilchiin j clothing and gents tunittning in sn rcfioa inntcl mcleod vjidersoa z purr or cirer at any 113 tunc co mammoth koaje- j tjr their fsmons so cent tert 1 j j z i6ctcriri clnfis acton 1 j e dniggiet acton 1 nndncqadjirame nonaewuu barn on tlie premiscsjfor farther par- ticulirs applv b- i 1 j k jacob fisfter ucknote or iiira1i swackhviilek j i otpring acton aor 58 i 7 j nit vt5 vvej op tee c0u il weet sstoioitl posnieas i t ane ipwfkb jsfi fut bcas iphotogra i photographs i ti 1 jehpxoqriphebi j tt1io vtadtstlhwarc j i 1 wislwi to annotinoe trihis eastern iiwjj jl iaki iskwarpoh j aci0n oxtf 5hilfnredtlyattnrroiieniidr j p is the bo gang 1linr f5cv fevfjlbtfchis shteatherepatauonotbeirig ere tuiiha lju hriod greatly tohir fortnej- ocililies fciruking piottiies and is nraw prepared to malfs fhptp graphs seoojirj tcinonoin the cotinly y j iln fioinrjo frftraas keep a lrgi ll iu inl iell selected itocjk also n iiifhscrilier hiring purchased the lowf worts is prepared to fur- jgle ati4 ii jalue frame iron oloslgn whlcfi will -bomada- 0 order op short notice girtm6 jrcnll tjri t 82i5dtt chasw hitt je kcgarvinjdciitigiaetou per vcar x76 airb maldagfriilas ijlkeplnga flwtclsss stook qf al kiidsof tinware oftha laiest dbjwk3 which fordarablllty and bkiirtyifa- j ieitt mmpethjlokv stoves alwiyin stock j