Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1878, p. 2

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-t-f- too frrr jjftfiliferto -t- i fi newi4jcr decisions i- and pc to rib likes a paper- ttgutiil km lh post office mieibr diricied id llis natne or suotleis of whether he his sub ila or loot u rej onsiua toe pax merit j il 2 ic jbrmt orders hit parer ditfoulinuflhonnuf psysllatrcarts or the tuuithcr may continue jo iccci il liiull pajrflcut is nude and lien collcit ilia whole amount whctier its paper is sieajrpm the rttitfluccl 3 the courts hare decided that rifqsinc- fak nsppert- ir pdriodicibf fsnt die post phiifc orrcmovidftand leavinc uiim uo sailed foriii riiju eca eridencao mlerftluai nail l- the atarax f ree peeks l 7 i iliiiaadarery tjauraibrj- moewn tl fer itjiiium in adtaics i rnrrstitt jdairsrka atoh is h8sp1table hilton county- techers are entertained hare j the associntlonv mostprofu- nbiemceunx towlor ptosoat ftea ilijuru e tit- osta-ty- h qrampiar jeofrraphyi raadr infft uniform promo- tioua etc etc disoosaed- all ro- homa satiafled xext wtuiru i ml 1 fcbtitrri ijkmrcttswa i- a- largo uiuulktot school leach- liend ocrj 1s7s jlrvenboiiotraitstliesure tomrcteudi lis moot and is in- timttely acquainted with ihe maw f merits s instincts of ill pur dumb relations ste we arc about to eire aa tily acdalale winter lnt jikcjtlie saddle of it tc are la le favored witu ah unusual f pli tf uiildl weather jcow hidhr vvnnorwtodietcd- fir cs something iudcki more rigorous re bhoiild hive jeiacorcpcltai to la ar our ljv3siuauhmiiidn for wlica ilr ctimot w it it mast be s a fiitteconl is tbbtrelltiioti fur kiia 16 1 be coatradicted and even tdieir he fa siiglitly oife o bu rek- 6jiuig itjoolj answeri to tell bim tb in the peqtlest possible nmtnaer era aasciublc vx actoo to the meeting of the lultou county teachers association wbicli i held it ihe school house ou thursday fridky and biturilrof last eefc mr liillc plsj 1 for haltbri and preaidealoc the niso- cwtion had just retunidj from algam the erentiij bfurlwrhcro j be bad been insjwting thoisccools durfpg the iast six- wetta the tchoonmum wis ikcacuted ju ihe -fullpa-iug- niannet in honor of the occasion at tlie audierrco took their matr tha words vtdcome to acton ere to be seen in the trail haadsouielj ort cd inwhite on ted llanacu in a ssmt circle orer the cloct wai tha appropriate iuott4 temltu fugit time flies j orer it j door leading into the second department viz lb it itiscriptioq llyceado j dix eimut br teaching- a leant on the trail facinj the teachers desk were the mottoes ditrj dis cipline and dilienix- patience perseverence and pulitcnea all neatly worked willi erergceenj- the doors and wiudowa vrere also is66ij tehow jfcter doeauot seem to be relating its iom cpon the jistricts srhich it is scoifgin ofcoqjse fie- number of jaily deal ha ig much less bat the redcclion is barely gropbttianilto tle amount of the jiving still- remaining- in that texr ihly distressed district tradfiidauj if achihl cau read ami wrjtethat is ill ilwt ia neoenxiy ijiit iiowoumuut catl cducdv fiuh of course it is a gain but il awitta him in geltiug a lfrc- ijuood tu chid i ljeltcroffj thn una vho ins no education at al but still otliera expect moro ftorii their childica than that they say thu wuilj goes ftntcr arery uy and thuy wane their clipdrvno take llieirpartin in asaire aa ciliiwis of iho country aud to be able do thif they irc- jiiira- to havo agncd cducition fa ontario wlucutiuu is a branch of jliiics bu the speaker was nut pepaie i to say i ahether this was a bcuefit ur nut but here univuraal tcuitrrtssa eiista it is required he leidt foi tome tuue on the jirivulgei of electors andbow to vote intelli- gtntly and low much belter ivldi aa blcira blsamlst tapiwvr seren years afct iqmiskdiget irho for the pbit tiose has been em ployed la tfceetdra brusufectoty ourravoanj woman in stontj kv lafterisii reeks of 4le he his wife- rascajled toqueboj id attend bmsiafers funeral leavj ing hrr husbiid to keej bachelors tall but flfkle man he quickly tired ofcoiuvttieals and thinking tiat now or narer iras the time to iartf a change ee sold out erery- thingv forgot sbil bis wife of his rheriatbcfuu ai djfdnnll uimself in iidndon sbnie fd iryears ago here he wa again jeiid with adesire forioiatrittjatiii bliss inii took un to himself wis xo2 proving more constintpia his second trial he has erect fehjits- wife frfr the xat four yfo two of which weie spent ri one of onr dtuens jkttlr wifclvc i got track of her erring lord ai d despatched letters tothe rjrhskeusorvcb proclaim- inz hsr nces thomaj ias lmaue aequainte wittfthe fact jbut gljiely denied nrerythtnjl patch inf np an e ise he quietly and unkoqwingty took the erat train sadth loavinj 11 knowledge of his present residen a in doubt- sirs knight has a b other in town who ukea charge c ther another three children it i iff a sieifc tht eri3jrpet acjry is adv terttsed to renl v th well kapwh haif way tre detwen guelp i and eldra has been ilitra av a fr 1 tl- j th ne and fees t tie jcrroa- 3- pjlte- gjarf cojr lh tnanth of aigust ataouni li tdm933tv5 tkarawis ii iirtisj murriegei aai2s dttht registered in toron- tbtorthewesfcdikg sept2s vrtha jlasons irrijojdfeuowvof kha united staes hire cpntriba- ted over 850000 for the sufferers id thi southern ptiies bctdereiwitb evergreens the whole presenting a uiavf beautilul and pleasing appearance andall reflect great credit and skill upon xir v h ilcdonald who haijcharga pf the decorations the opening services were- con- nas utiglit ilmiilcc fafilitios wcrfl rrqiiiro to tuterettcllierinelvcs j alfotded to act in a ciiminal uiant to jiadui 1 much larger tend- uor and forgeties and suclt aoti ancft tho luekiil jnilf joiir the value bf assessed ptoprty ill algorua or chool jiirpoi was iu 18t5 eioocio ral87c e6v5322 and ust yeai t53ui beiiig an lucfeuno of 9073 ia would bo of fitqiicnt occurrcnee 1co was thanltfut that tlii i i was nol much prevalent in this fair douiluinrrol ount thoce arelwo kinds of education employed in tcajning children one tudig to do jtwo yeata good tleollerlodoevilandwhiuj iftliocociltiybj ujltig pryspciv hcie differeut training are going jed in other sections uuder mr mc onttie icaclier should aiui high in konuvaadniiiiisirnlionsas algoiui the educalihf pcoceei in orfletthal a m 1 i lr iilkipil may be an hofior lo him souis people say that all iho edu- iios becu by m lueuus let him m or another llrul such evi- ilctloa of going la ruu is quil cktiorl ilieuvehildceii requite is lliat encouiugiug and wo waut uitifu of tjujy may make good jnfjliaiiics ort just such ruin pcos buslqs afweiilliag jnidcr lliopttal- dent iuuruh4 the fcuchers thai all wera txiecud tp take part ia thu diacusiiiuns as the uuetinya would then be moia profitable aul btcreitiug j mr moore h m of geoii town pis had inloriued llwiecvu tary that hit was unprepared willi hit piier ort graunuac and com position butj lliat mr malcbliii of georgetown would oiffl the sub ject for discussion j imr milcoiin would rather that the subject should ha left over rs he had not hied tiuiu to get upl a paper oil theisubjectl 1 mr coates did not like to be pressing particularly when a gouil 1 excuse was fortheoiuiug and ho iwouli refer mr milcolui to a wa it would betogivaour children a i vertatiou they had som time ago proper education it fquires tha j when hemalcolm had promised tulivation of the scvcrarqunlitksto to take qji a tutcctif he coajuj mate gaodworvien alii ureful would ixo was sura that mr citizens butiaajditiun to this it xialcolm could liot pkad iguoranie requiirrk faculty power filing etc of his subject and aould request toj make good men and women 1 tlnit bo would ietus lava it oknj therefore let it be our highest aim ed in stuae way and f licit mote jtoso develojje a chills miudthat wetnayproduwgood cbrisian luen and wumeni to do this all a child ttaebeis would likely uke part in the discuioii it mr li- ttls represented that he p gqod qualities must be studied and gentleuiett referred to tuijl luad i mujlual agreement and that m coates had ihlfilled his juict and now it remained for m malcpnn to do his- part ha asked lift opinion of the jasociation and a udaninious volo proclaimed that mr aljlcjoi eliould open thl- subject mr ualcolmhad forgotlcn he incident which mr cuatla had rekted but it would be ixnijii- ured haw difficult it was when lie was secretary o the assocution to get anyone lo liadla subjict anil hu uiv biivo nitde a rash nrouiisu 1 ducted by the 6ecrelaryof tn ai- soeiation mr coutea of liwille ind the roll was called after j which the motions nd the other impoct- atl business transacted at the last meeting of the assbciilidn ledttri ufcville were read and adopted tholtinates of the meeting of the managing committe ield in mil ton on the- 9 th of august were read and adopted tlie president mr littli then irformed tie- association that he bad recsired k telegram from mr j a- mcrllip that mr corns an ejxtlleh elocutiqnist- woafdlie jvitlj them od friday evening when he would render sqmereaiings tte iecre taiy alto- said that lie had tcceivai a letter from ilr well wood of oakville stating that he could not be present in time ia give his paper qn read ing i afterthis routine business mr little gave an address he said that the most of thosa present were aware that he had just return from algbroa districfwhere he hadbeen laboring hard during the past sii- weeks he doubted whelher the company present were ell aware of the tast proportions of this district it is twice a large as all the rest oe theprorince of- ontario and obvers aa area of over 301000 squire milei tke district lis rapidly settling- and aevcioid andif this is proprly done the teachers drawbacks will ibe demolished ha ihcu advised t teachetk to study the characters jof theiri studenta you cannot jforce education nor crai wisdom i into a childs mircl but bysuidyj ing tha character of tha child auil the capacity of its brain you will iiit mij to make it learn more than if this policy ft nkit fulluwed tea chers are bnly oac agent to devei- ope a childa mindfand not the ulost poltnt cither sometimes children hear oaths on the street wbich they store up in their minds and sometimes the childs parents drop words befure them aud it is impoasihlo for a teacher to eradicate these bad influenccs we kiojr so very little about what ia goin j on idths childs mind unless it is expressed iwe can find out frompupitir wfeit they enqw but we cant tell what they desire he llitn h iii always jesnioditht lesson of ujo next day tho liljtit ihojprorfioni ihpsd oj the loflfsl icloss lolhe liigheat ho also iibcl- 9 umw out a bchenio of iho days ilesson which ho thought wojif gobdjilun ho then advcdl thu teachers to procure titrjys sohool law as thai was d giq iiiitliohtv for r luefii lo rfstj tie dealt for bomo lima bti what- might be tfjltd iho active fesllcsshewi 6f children and said that if they wcto healthy they would bo jol necessity active- he thortghtthat boyssliould be restlesa aud likid ootobrr 3138 m r itmlvs kkbut 1 u r m mm if angula rljor mttire or whatever fou i tqikulidall be coiyidered lie wpuid thn call aturltiin to thijfaojuist nearly all ths ijandn and skoals- luad away frpm tho bduthoin poia of tbo oodtirnu rn treltiiiff wtha contiuonp ho would begin with 11 ontsido if it unit would bo the oceans lieti he galfcda ouch side o lhe coniieiit iusuceeaaion ihlandsud ba in ibis cruer- afler ihia the physical feat ury iho flit bo taken up he thought tui tnouauins thould ba first the mountain systems and their liutubims should bitpc- to see gilla who havu a rompah out ari4 all jiboul cutioaity when boy joe p fire citrjous to know things lliey cin bo led oo to success ha ium threw out hinta which if taken fip and followed by teachers would greatly help the children to learn as well as to eudeac themselves i to their teacher tiuchers should bo caixcul to set a- good example to itueir- pupils fuyorilisul should dot be iudulged iu by teachers us it freqiufntfy rauda bad friends irniong tbo pupils he theu show- ed the evils of this common liawt among- leathers pupils iiuijo their teacher childreu imitate tlieir itrenlit and a iminisler should be tb lies man in his flotk so slioiild the icacher bo jtbe bkt man aminig his pnpilsj as the rjiupils ickik up ui the teachers and iimiuto thtut he al-oj- advised rhenrlo inculdita on their pupils iuol lessuui ondnlso admoabiliid diemthat if they wished thiix gdiolara to obey tbora they shou d practicq whit they preach th tke plikenns uted ems next lorc all should bf nxfilaued and tablelands uoitld bo the siitiject jthori the ktructnre etc should bo understood uboutiho ilivera is the next ndiat ulid the iisiieeucc del ween a water- shed unci a watetparliiig ouid bo explained j a watemhedii that pgrtiuu of country- through- jvliich u river riinij and a wajerrartlmg is lha liighlhdge uf uiidwbichcjiusfa the walessto flow each way i th next subject should bo the ukes which hj wotilil lake up accoding lo the rior basins to which biiloiig jihu would ihea raf t to ehas afier ihail thi the ker l cmeron of tbamesfoi d duterenijpoiuls ile influeuco which the clima on the lindusdul iuiuits this he vould takji up suoir rain etci with regaid t ocean lie wnuld laieit u 1 same as the cautiuerlt he could uk up j besides tha tides ritids and curreuls the inhabilanfs of tho ocean mr jlufk asked what tine thould be taken up witi al theio hid not come with- the intention they ihmeic and advised ft e euchers mr day of eramosa jilciiied jwilh mr liltlos te he bad often noticed the diff btwwri i the d5iiiiiona w i ul speaking and j had i uothing ijjedul trsay ha ihought lliat it onr to secure succssatencver slijuld have the resci of his piuf and that the children shoal 1 ar not slavishly and at the definition was neaily correc saine lime look up oaud level wanted o kuow fbich wci theii teachers ash infpires cong- tbe bitier wy a coutinued eftce tiachersi as j well as o study in the systematic in wjs it reuce- h r6- i tfie the gwd tahb wourshea ia tl j txt woks bill he thought mr utiles he id be qurse nuer mothers have the important work j vriit 1 review or to learn eat 1 part j as it comes j mr little said he trout first cf moulding the miliilj of the rjjiug generation 1 the nioihtr ins the greatest iuqucnce j and she watches with interest the wort ofj each continent uiakio the leiichcr it itniaf tie lenieru- america a fpial study nnl und that tha children are tolbe wilh the others ace inliug instructed not only fur tlis wold to time and ojipojtunity but for eternity- and tire khotild i mr maccdluci of hat be taken as to what is biviilht thought that it vtis nottlieli liefutu tha young uiimls tim tbit was gone over hut the widiira woik is a nobis one he wliick itwasdone ajid everj take up tlia dliule worlj au then i li- iltoa ilottiit vav iu thinr itj lo in heir schools fban li dono it present i thn ossocuiiroo expreijed lr appreciation iof air licleui re- mnrlnby a hbarly yoteof thadki- a paper oi tbo 11 islory ol kill- cation in oirtario wa neat read if hr macallum m a p b hamilton lie oomnienced at ihe time when ontario was first leillfd- anj siwwed what giganllc ftrldsi tb causa of educjuirm bad made- up to the present tune reading tome statistics to shoiwils ileidy advareraen tle first ichoolin unlmiowis esalji1iedat icingslon in 1769 and ea what apfaoe our tcboolii have in oir land acenlury afterwardj he was glad lo eo jhl some of he lruileos of certain leel lions in lldlion owned teachers 1 residence and ho was pleacd lo find that one ot heso was invaclont lie thougbl tills was lha obij county in tbe nrownce wbere this wjs ihecaser lia clweoi by giving noma uughable iocldgts about bow scbouls were carried on tn ihearty days a rvote of thanks to mr mac- ctllum ivas eadered by too asso ciation the question drawer m ihea opened uad tha qdetions were atwevedby air g wunaa 11 p and mr macallum fbedrawer was found to contain eihteea questions ncavljr all ofwhich relet- red to tha management of scboobu this closed the ses- ion xtkiiiut the concert in the temperance hull was well palromred oo a- oouril ofillnes if- feotey could not b present to occupy the chair jnd ilr little reappointed- the cqneert opened by ihe band playing alively air arierj which missejs cameron and kicfilm and messrs hill andmalthews lang about the city itia strange of the trcuqrtr was also inttraeted lo gire tbe bfnd6 u a reccgniiionof their sen ice sod also 1 to lbs eitelakcijif tbepresbtleriarjllhureli it was tries mored and a4coadd lw tb next piaca of meethjg te qeorgetdwil on thwiadsy and friday tebroary 21 nd 2y 18w tbe most profitable meetcgoiy tha association ben came to a close- sigbtl londd i ifilct ho always con- tuo l bibla- should i be shquldte thoroughly mastered hi shculd be taught it- at the time a child could distinguish the natie of a tiling it time to commence and iheii by the time a clahl entered tbcsecoull chits its iiiiutl would be pnpcired for some other then adyiseti the teachers to teach tiljct iu cliisiliue he tliought their pupils discipline diligence i that every rending leacm shuuldlai iluty patience perseverance and to that vww iu wa- 1 sidered the subject of grammar taits oar school etnj 0 bean impirtaht one in tcaohiiig l i kr 1 ls uj and thought the youngest child only the bible should be nad as 1 the wmit of a textbook part of the opening eercmooiesj would teach in thja liiainn ia cbrdiar votu 1 n f ft jthere has befl amsntr at bellev given the fleshen killed and dn i fa bptchrs tqrrrn- ille a prize beipg- ivhq trfost rapidly l an ox j tnex o o of palmerstort who hid their ealt destroyed by weekago havealready r commenced- tbo j erecliou- of a new block byk yotj of tfrqthirda the litis jof thefirand ilodge of tha order of odjfellows hjis been changedtq v that of girnd lodge of the indo- pjndeqtofdera oddfellows j i r i i fthe rjirectdnjsf thegraatsveat- eim of cidadj aiinponce that after paying thv interest on terminabld bonds and dbentdra stack there ill be no balance remaining or dl vldcnoi ort preference stock oi fridar morning the early titui on the clrand trunk- was da- liyei atlforval livthe baggage car using thrown oflv the track incoa- sequence of tha eocomotive striking sjmw that was qn the truck the car was left behindhand the train rfrocedelwest itb very little le- lav there i already with reipnl to education very little- has been done is- yet hi was notat all prejwired to give an address aalieihadjitst returned from such a loos journey kivorg- travailed bvar 111000 miles since mornint he felt very much fatigit- ed anjl on ccountof his numer ous exposares during his trip he hai not felt well the past week and aa he had been occupiei tbe night before reading tba of correspondence which hidjacciima- iated during his absence- he had been unibla to prepare a speech and bped that any remarks he might hiake weald be kiadjy receiv ed he believed that crery one should biye an interest in the cause of edncaijonrlfi boudtries which are stiff itrarbarkatiob ooriditibn it was different out astha cause of education advances barbarism de clines 8me people bavefthe ide that heyfchow allaboiit educatioii aril it will generally be found lliit those profetxing this are those who know the least about it while thosa who haverstddied tbe subject mostwhen asked what it is can- not tell rdu but as fhey study the subject morej they jseeui to thint thy know less about it at least that wai the speakers exper ience when teaching school he sometimes thought lie taw some good teaching but now her thought different 8ume people had the opinion that education was a creut blessing and that it helped to di minish crime and consequently virtue would flourish an out land if it were necersarily encouraged but other peopleithiuk it is a greet curseand ihatwherever education ibliteness and by doing this our akildreu will gryw up to da honor men of intilligence i aftera iroja of thunfcc to mr xillk cut aisuciation adjourned un- rll 130 oclock t wiihreferencb to mr ldttks rate visit to algbrna tiio fwncer of the 13th ulsays stuooi rpsrtcnox r little bq public school inspecujr 1 idr this district- is noy making his- tdarof instiection of the public schools in the district and is icollecting- 1 tome very intctesting and inipottant facts in mnuectiott therewith j 1 the total nnmber of schools in operation- oil manitoiilin isjand iu 1875 wsa fire this year there are iourteen sch3ol sections and tnift teen schoqkin operation yd the sama j ear ihe totalnuri- ber of sjhqdhl inoperation through out thel district was ten with an there 1 trev about 100co settlers jgc daily attendance for the first half year of 263 i9 this year tha number of schools has in creased totwentytwowith twenty five departments and the daily ay- eraga attendance has increased to 578 17 a gross increase of 314 98 in tha daily attendance ui 5128 wore than doubled- i two union school sections have been lately organized in the town ships to the rear of bruce mines one between kose- and plumruer and one between plummer addition al and lefroy this is one of the most pleasing feaurjs iu the setllei ment of the district chat as soon as ever there issurecient population thepetipla orginite school sections steps hava beentaken by the in eieetor tl farm fur new aectipiiii on st josephs island forms if the petition required for the formation of new sections liave ijeen distributed in various parts 1 of the district and will probably lei lo the formation of other sections ttha luspaitor will we are sjire be gladlo commndi ata with tha settlers in any of tha inorganired townships and we lopaaur aet tiers in the newly formed settlements will dptu cbui- luiinication with liim with this ob ject in view withont delay let ters- should be addressed to k little esq publlvbchool inapecv briactonont i the atjtenilance at brucej mines pchbolf tie- last half yeaiv was the iieat in the district the daily aver age amounting to 9865 j prides arthuisj landing cauienextwitli j8g- 21 aiid baultbta marie third with- 6j2t that is a smali aver age for this town and the trustees j emojarruidrosguit acton j e mcoarvin druggist acton j ilmcgarvin druggist actoa made a yrauiiiir lesson hh wuulduot iutnkluce the text boiik untjl the puil had entered the fourth class and then the pujiila miud wlmld ba fully prepared 0 enter ihe subject with regard to composition hut thought it shot id bo the daily care of the teacher in answering 4leitions the pupil shouid be uuglit to construct its 6entencesprokjrlr in correcting comtlosiliqn the teacher should jbe careful not la correct too muqh if aslsteof icmjk3sition is ire- sented and it is briscling wjlh enore it wou dbe well to cortict only few of t e ikqtalir misukes as if alt are cot reeled itonlytrili coufuskintotbet pupils iqind hi was eorfr ihalj he had fcomei pre- ured to say so vjfcry utile on siich an important iueject ilr coates jliked ihe way iho subject hiidbeen introduced he ihought all had found it difficult to teach grammar with the text bocfc tlie teacher should try to interest his pupil iujtlie aubjtand then ihe child would learn far more ha thought that- if the method onllinjsdln mr malcolm was fol lowed the pupil would have an idea that there was something in grammar he did dot see before with rrgaid to composition i lie thon iht that if tli3 pupil was taught to answer questions correctly their comijositiou would not bristle with errors he liked thej idea of not coiccting all thfleirortjandi thought he would enforce the rule i mr stewart of sewarttown thought that teachers should know that yung jiespla considered trammar to be a tiresome anbject he believed the proper wiy to teach grammar was- tq make the pnpil thoroughly oonversant with eachpart of speech he cnlitelv agreed with mr malcolms remarks on ihe subject of composition mr nixon of limehouse conld suggest no improvements on the nie hod introduced i- mrqdoper of ciimpbellsyilia entirely agreed with mrmalcoinis remarks i m little said thedifeiuilyiesi perieiiced by children- in analziag sentences waagreafl it was liitd fjr them lo nbderstahd the dbstrucs terms he then exllained ia if nonns were enlarged ani lalsri showiid how this ahbul1 be laiight to pupils and then expiessedi his opinion as to when lheseprinciilea should bn langhywhieh cloaedjthe disiussioii ou this subject tj- eey d bi odmerbnofacidn then addressedtheteiiclraonjthe impottanca of school discijjine hu had been a teacher some years ago blithe bal no doubt that edu cation bad greatly advancedsince belongs s0hn speight acton ontario kroj yrol dajl t hiel li ot thjuks was would rqtiife a siaali foiiiine l tcudend to aud responded to j by gta lihrary that would cjnlaiu all im evd d tjameron after this iiifjrmatinn- he thougtit thai book which would cost allut rjo ffhich session closed at xiui1t ja mclltan m a delirer- rd au rxcellent icium iu tlie prcsbyierinn church rubjectthis oiniidi o oure there wai a large crowd presentand all vury uiuchetijoyod the lecture itonsixa sessiox tbo opening cereniouiea were conducted bv mr husband of oakille i mr lusfc of oakville high school stated that he had forgotten his essay on hygiene hilt ihah tlegniphed fat it and exiected to fewive it before lha niwli0gwas dver j mr ltuie said ho had notjhad time to preparers paper ou joeo gtaphy- fur advanced classes h would however endeavor to briug forward the subjectand craved the indulgence of those present for his scattered and desultory reparkt if he was- teaching ha would lay aside the uescripliau of the earths adrlace as- the definitions are too numerous and refer not only to he earth but to other things such is winds tides fcc geography should be divided intojtlirea potts si follows viz 1st ihose things pertaining to ihe land 2ul ihe water and 3rd the latmosijhenv and he would not forget to pojnl out the relations tese things bear to one another he would jtaacli that the earth was mans abode and treat geography in a practical inaaner if ha would not leach the definitions olhejuuiar classes as thoroughly as to- thebe advuncetl he would call the attention of the class to the pqsilious of the lakes on the earths surfaca some toeing iir above the level and sodio fai- below then some of the pecijliari- lies of tha mountain raiijeinould ba taught soma being bigherand runuiugin different direct than others but he would not mention a great many of these- thingslo the junior classes- ho would go a great dealfurther with the senior only risca teach con- the classes than tbe juniors not tellinglhem where a river iowa and empties- but would jtluhe otheriuinate details cerniug thessiivera while juniors would tell where the equator was the seniors would tell whyit wis there nd tkuwna with llieanbjecli rwlerffbe juniors answered to wh6tjlthe seniors should answer to what anil why he then baid he would liks to see the three new lines which jrere introduced by hcmboldt id 1817 onrour maps and showwjby example how these wouldbe a vast benefit to tho scholar thsjfijat thinij in taking tip a newninp should ho lo fix its positions bn the earths surface then ihe-foruiof- tha continent whellier it was- tri- j b mcgamntfrugist acton- j e- mcgarvin druggist aptou puld be i got up which would cju iiin all thai was required mr dy ii uiidi a spcculity of geogiapby bcciiuse it wg bald to learaj ha had tried several pirns and had at list aflojiijil ihe plan of makinj tho pupiu draw maps on their slated the retfrh he had done ibis was becmsei the pupils wcre always at a tnas- crtaju when tbey knew tlluir les sons in drawing a inip ho never allowed chepito put the names of the rivers etc ou them but would substitute strokes stirs etc and when asked lliejuipil wna expected totellthaiuiuyof eich stroke as soon as they were abla to name ilk the maiks thev jtiiew tlieir lesson f a teacher said he coiild finda great deal of iulormathin inpages text book and die thought that work djali fully with the subjc dr tiust bad read pjgea hilt it was not at all coiupetirut i he wanted fcouietbing that would em brace overvtliihgi ji dr lifcwlinn then wnscalled npon to give iris essay on liritbme- ttc common men aduit ithat ar- ilhrnetici is of rcat iiumrtance if a pupil studies arithmetic cor rectly it helps thern to leaijn other suiijecls with ease in aiithuialic the first thiuj to be done is to teach the pupil to count and 11 proper method shouktabe followed each thild should va laugh to courrf on a ballf rumevno school is fuinitbed unless if hasa frame and aliould be laughf affue earl- ieef years iio clearly jdio red how a child should bo t iugli i j coun and then went on and sho ed how that ifhis method wasfjl owed a child would shortly befa me ju- quainfcd with the principle 1 of ad dition subtractibn uiulti ilieation and division tf his iv was practised in our schools wt have no doubt i but that the childrr 1 would manifest more interest in his sub ject fhantliey do no v t s if was dinner fiuie the association adjourn ed uniil tha y aftersoos sessios when dx mcldlan resuui d he then dealt with the sublet fpr the more advanced pupils h i adris- ellfbeii mo and unseen d rockwood wjs smuinly liuing fldme with willie iiid was follow ed by dr louis of torooto reading lady clara veiedd vere lu giodstjlo ve mijbt here men tion uiat drlouuhaawritteha 600k onelqcjplion and iliorbaghlv nnderjfcindii the sulct lie u without doabt ihahiotraadar that his ever 1 coma befora audience mis christie sad ag aud fireiming of mother her usdal pleajing manner after tha itind uils ameron sane home of ify childhaqlv winch wu dulyapprcciiud bythe au-ll- euce iirrfimii llien readabidt the unjira boy the renle lifg of thii piece nu excellent buiialr louis mude a milaae in uyiug w pkae witfiiucu a roadnig as ibej tlo not uke la this village mr hos5 m i delfveej a sljort ajl drew in vrhich ho give soma excel- lent advice not only lo ibe leicben but 10 all present after on- inlerinisslon of fiie miuutei n felt mua kicklln sannbiut thle seirets oi llraiiduither s clffk- 1 lid was luudly appiaauw mr h uililoiii receired an encore forsinjjiag eesieol the lee andreatxlided to th- encbore withuue toy u god till another ii told -sir- christie told haw led by leaf the hoses fill nhicli reiei ronuda of apj iiirtjanil wis follokei- gy a sslectidii by the b ind dr- lqtk- revl brahlo del cirpio vthich iliss sir 1 14 bid leauirful dreams- messrs mifhews anl gihoon sarij luioaru wilch ahoy l aqcl iliss cambiti wuhed t kuow whydo jrurdmer liists fadei dr louis then lead uerrj 61 navarre in a very masterly manner afterlue ifonks otlle l beenseverally tender- to the chairmrn the jbincers speaksri andl rftaders the biod piired the kilional anihem and the audience dispersed uoaxlic stssiirir after the apeniujr ceremonies jrxuik was called upou lo-iead- his paperon uygieno jle gave some laugiiable uutuone the iesa true aui inleresthit tacu ab ui j wbst people eat and drink lie totd how to recover iperonwno had licu dmost drowned ani givi some idea of tic eaecf w iich purbj air has upoucbiltren and explir- edhow school ehould be venlilal edp uecoqgralulaled acton ori having tha cleanest ind best kept school he had seen dr louisof torbnler therl al dressed the meeting on the 6uljict of elocution he showed at soois length bqrr reading should be i taught in our school and thai leachars prejsenvwefa benesled by his adtice ir mctellah addressed the audi ence for about a quarter of an hour on lha importance of the toaolieh work and give excelltoi advice- mr cameron of burlington then brought on the subject of -unt- frrrm prrtnir iiin lia kalawl tilit k ikjw u iculkntw ui f ufii ui uu in artntv lihe i rcju by aj luo rr u uunrcae lo ltie unrui iwute w0hm8fulgl8ctwebv i c- mpkss av tiix f or navsiyp eitxiis ix i as calm fb evebt tvocnd fhigia t nd kills all giu tpfctiiii bill 1 nu mib lor bjei matim ofil meirm in tne jeefy boo ithvif l ilivi cncnulior wolrtllilqc at p tbtuiviatir ioifon- til lut ifhodujut it i row ih tiiiltiaciir el rcui lietciirle neu- ltu li llrtlu4uji- iiuru cuib krut lm iu bivio iln in bacn lhj utuei i uru lu nhouliur cwuililoa fi uetul tit uiaii- diuilif vi uict y ahl itultif ac r li iili tiirq iva mot i icltfc te if tiut me u tttioi iiitt ryclnjv j our njuxcr aai civfl it a trial liio 4jjvuuinyit u tmtiu mwj ielcl the gttitrct 1 ml sicces viih il nl lirittjjux- olc rati ueniiitti u- tcloer rwn o iif wilhgrt kur vcc- ium any iprfixipijou wmch r- kutcli ttnlij jeuiilceic t j irl t r nci il thl i 1 rawtl usael dual sf rent bvjtr wt tietieuftr rul nonil- tbal ibviiiii r v ruii ulv- be 1 n wr ly ul ur viomg wlo is uelll5lrluttlui vl liie itftr kilir cntliiillil vlllcmlll iho office in t nionto auydar or trie nee it will gajt prnciiati proof free o chaf ut ts mac pwr npr inin vae aupllca ed the fsacliers never 0 achqlara to fake heirf haveflieirlessou conectly t onehiif enforce the rule to do jf wi h quick nsss as well as correctly pu il will soon do both plaiqed that if his ideas i ere car riai puf all he trouble e pupils have concerning misc llaneous qiiqifiqna would bedonea ay with ha then showed how fracfiijns shonljl he tanhf and pro red con clusiveiy that if a child is correctly low to count hi wilt bi able to solve all and any 1 a headvances hedosep juestidns few remarks concerning tntntal ar- j r mcqarvin druggl ip i learnted form promouons the motion fliuuecardto this snbjct wtiiah was brought tomtarel bofaro d laid over was rerea1 tbe motion was to the effect ibil tho county council be tnomorajiiedto furnish mtfney to lha county school insfec tor lo enable him to irmuguriie a system of uniform promotion in our schools the subject- was ducussed pro and con until diuier lime when the meeting ladjiiirned until 130 oclock- jirremiqov8essio the subject ol uniform -pfqmo- lions wns iresamed mr little ex pressed his opinion on the tubject and read paper showing how lha project was carried ouf ia other counties- aller considerabia dis- cussipn an amendment by ilr ualcqlm ihat camfons motion be laid ever iilinexi meet ing ifid tholjthefresidttii to geiher irith jjlessis cameron mo peee and cooper beacotnmiuee to rind qui ibe best method qfcarrjing on the uniform prdmotiqn was carried ihe secretary was instructed to rorwardlhe henlssof the tisocia ion to the ladies who deci rated tbo chool housejltiey db idr the use of the preshylertarv xburch on thursday evening j the unstees q the tempejanoe- hall for its use on tnday areuing and the h artjt and special thanks o the asiocivon to mr ff u modonall who bore the burden ot tbe meetwgj ind attended to the comforts ol jtho toacbers preueut taclon j emgariu lliuggist acto ir 1 teslimonjals fromall garls of the domi iare eossjanuy coming lo handi givins- expres- lion lo ihe aiost grafefulgriti 1 uda for asinishingcurea which it baa performed arid wep would he pleased ib recye tetiinvni- alafrcm all oibers who usa it sucosfuliv v 1 livsiciilu ihe lilitl re- peqlaliilily recoil maal it ua a- aiost i ffectual vdimtalic jrt- ietiy lor ih- relief o ihsn in uuevof tudden rmergency cariy it to your homes and it tvilf prove a bfrsmog to your families andiifflicte1 frieodi rm 1 1 1 wbh djucffisuare telling enormous qjuahlities of it irherever mire- duced i i iim 1 1 mi ijlcliallengo the world lo pro- dqce its equal v- price 25 cents per bottle h the tradesnpplied tfoneiiuie iwkolbsale drug anttj jpatanv melicine hoiues of monujeal t hamllion andldrj4on sold btjai estkuriasiid osro l oisis i loij 3 t rs come one come all now is the time to iinve3t qlbth- ing add oreoimt toi m the place jto gt jt iain now showing fi first class- j line of- 1 island olsb anicp loto gnts furrshlnc whichiwerebotight far bbp this enables me to sell cheaper than miy other house ui the county call aad seefoyoxir- selves e aua9s anion ang 26 1873 id 1 to r to i thj wl da i s h

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