i lion of jtotha odea 0i is- lice of -a0- to- the free press dt6 halttn wuntt ofer october aw inrtai tkt trtinsreive acqi s itoltowt i uots wiaff f toronto mad r j bareipreas lwfp- irtmi li sjltr asmnrtttd actsu sat sight epressj s5im hit efcprcj j- 1130 atn wutcra invij j- t sltlvji lvalftamiied f v ss0pm matt to e tahle ulu and krlday resruured lealot hituutex before eo i moved 3airvetstsio itttur kssu3 pua itasi for to- roauvttttfl atn j i ktiitchbuu malt i mcamoatuealiyt itast s malted is fhclirae fpttathes crom taroto iv 1 tn vet- sdt rvw oa tues- troiii knmenui doit aud-krmay- service in the m kahtiatu botlj local y- u thodtstgturch titer met met nd ett c at lctwtti sufclocfc rewpectlvlr k- kotins pastor matters v 5ii lidc itliiij burtliistr riu jind 1 ii j ivircrfrajtfajx 4 u a fowe ancrixtt czabc crtu zfrijicitttrv fwe fv vjtrfk h w pvd jctcrlurv jet jfktcv cirrfcktr flflrf j i- ccoife j ccon ic rv tints tercfjr aatf sjackt jzirnt at vtift i and tfitkcri fidiwra ithi fruit t iit ivct etrcr jlhc jtt tlie pale tritd infill tnttbscchawert- bernard esrtf of isuctlr tlie icpott ot tii h c t jl ttiiinoscjijijiiki mack rpaccut chit tare tint aat cslitoruls knd a ur i retailer c ucsl rujihrsiivc tobe lct rer natil oeit irwfctoaifl ilvcr- tikeicau jiiv tilta crjrjil oat 1 j lotfaeotliec uiumiuj harness u lookinjr uir in l tlieltsiitea ofor oattonil tree r areltnmiag x j y f at j e rpzl the sklikruail-c-siiaoci- e zrintcj ni- ioir all j 6 wpro gat oa tlie kcc euli at seeing call 1ings 6ught iablef kthari- i tlieipefrreslijtriitu lnnii via piihualiijinll le dedicate j oa suii- iy 33ti iijt- i if to xifce ii ttnlxi j v we jre ttifrni- tint i nrjibcrrict ire pickticil m laice fkfrctea ia ihis neiaborlood j jftli tsee pces till gireti tn nt ycrilprrk from houli tho istuf7tniujry 1ss0 forsl15 oar dl tilde kit taea adorned ttitii z tcattifill ilwaqaet sc sxtor- dsjixt tifrpresettt of slixica kcllic avaiwaiiid bertie llcfianin printing ocereq dekriptiaa v orijeiea aad plain prinscd at the fecc peis osee all orders filled lvpiiipaj- neatlj and otiictly try sccfiirruai lentil t hjrc irere surpiicd meteor i64tahirirt tti s fcy xiiey if it in t bcaotifitl it -a- ii ao3a i tic to wear sa orsreoit ie tts old one louts tbiibj yoa tliuald pircltisc a nev one ix data tx rery caeap jicnoa- aai bar casrcii- aata aire gooi asjrtcjeats tie fkee feess kui ueiren to no sofcscfibahi- fruai ncic till tip lttlof juiiuj t8s fur 115 tilie ie jfroitfai seajrja for the fiai4iaf people wlio kire kept their tiite ht the cootloao all tttiiiaicr pejria tj thick it ia tinie to gefc- thitt ia tehooie proper i j tti ifioett ire natcausning theauelr thu season to odes aatacsa ict ths coming gorcraneafr is the salfeclrlach cilhtthe atbeatioa o auay d tbo e of a poetic tora of raiad v i thrt fiw fr fifcil ft vertised i i last vreett fezj rpttss found art oirni oa friday hut one day titer he iatae of thepapecj- tlda rhosi the vdae of the free fetsj aa aa adverti dag ttiedioai the toin liqe b1izk of ert- mosi and arrooadin towasliipi caaii tcactoa c a tai adxy af temoaoj to play ajjiaieof aaeloil a aae vn picked i op aoui d wn aixd the j rcettlt wis titi a lojiafarorof thebhxzen jthe score and other interesting have to be left pr they will appear next week lth- fttep pbess uriflte given to new i nuscrtbers froin nbiftiu tha it pj iatiakty 1s60 foe 115 1 ifrc 544 dams of uegeat hall i has joat it jxvei awci lot other orer- oxtiact reichj willbe made ap ia the skat styles aad a- fit piiranteed at pne raring from 12 co iiil spli adiit assortcqent oflieflgash i sad scotcl tyrhdi jaitstarafsluiigr ifc r ctxi f v r ullffant who has teen agent attbo id oasatioaforjthe jht fhree l yeariiefon m raonk- olldiltniaibntit j el mc- utrilt drug storu j aon tear evorlnw ga iusou laij almoat rery day sad rclutii witk tapty haadi flowers md giirdca vtgsuulcs hoali uo immediately homed ere th roit nipa tlicau gaargclnwn u tho pae choictt by the haitoa coadty ifoachtrt aajodationor thifir wtt mvatingj for cruis arid other infantine tioa couccreio the oatario busintm 1 college iicllcville ipply t thit office stating and muniwrtide cir- aivalsirill be the rags ia a tlwrt time staters raitht beja tothiak of toraf costume 000 rowatj for iny case i of worms iathc haaun srstrut vihcro jlrlj ilctisrvias wona foviders will not ef ftctscopk trjthem tbo hlton county tetciiors xsaociatiia said that they were bcucr eafcrtaiikd ia actoa than they uxrc ia say other place ia the county j j ttox r l camcrqii ofj taamtsford foraicrly of actoa coa- ducted the sacrameatal services ia the prvsbytcriia church ou suaday last i x reikirt is circulitc4 lliroiighi ouelplvthat ilrj it hictiag of tiuelph fonacrfy of the actoa fitax lrrs iarads atartiaga paper ia clifford i the feee fcess will ua given to ner subscribers frum aor till the 1st djaauary 1ss0 for 115 thee is lutsof rooat iaoar sabacriptua boots furttcv tiiates thesa frosty evenings it is act unusual to tee aynaat maa bid ker a herriaj- good bye iastcad of leia j3 ustc fur aa unur or so as vashis custaat a laiiathau tufcre an syo uer buildings in the coprieof eroctioaia thit village at the irecuttiuic three of ahicpart brick wd ucderstaad there are seve ral atore cct hoaies ia coateaplatiua amot iufthijus has disponed of his crockcrj- jtassware aid pateat mcdiciaes trade tad iartciuf thereof ie is purapc ia a stock of itardwuv paiau oils aad varauhes lc this is s lraocho busiacss mttchaftjd- iawactoa j v-r- i 7iijtan comtyu the only cosaty ia the ptoriuce of ontario where school teachers rvsijeuces are the property of the tnrd of trustees there are tiro ia the county uzd actoa caa boast of having cue of those psutionery at fltcgtrviuv that grwt amount of inteifeot rtroara firo moadajs uiu lilca vwtod thu uiag during th utter part of tut wkek has gooo h- now poal oibpo lias ln penod in etjtt towhihlp to bo known t uo nams ot uiakman jvm avaubomiigh u the poluautor ctiristio henderson k oo uavogroat uloasuro in intimating that heir millinery aud- maalla skow kooumisill be flfonod saturday neat their display of nice new mitlinery goods iiimmeuio ladles usu and boooou made and trimmod to order on ihortost notice all tlie latest novel- ties in styles shades aud colours mantles ready made and made wi order in the most approved 8tylotj mantle cloths fringes brsid it in great variety ctiriitio headenon 4 co nil ckeap tlta fitrx press will bo given to new aabjcribersfioru uo till the iitofjanniry issofbrf 115 a petition signed by soma of guelplis ianucntial citireas and urgest ratepayers has been forwarded to the ontario goverameau asking that body to suspend or delay its latictiaa o the- issue of the delcaturec for tlia water works ia utat to va one reasoafor this- is the imill majority with wkick this bylaw vris carried protection is all tha rags at pteseat but jtcall upon the old raeu the youag iara the youths and tha boys to come and praubt themielvcs from tke cold blasts- of the coining water by parchaafng their clothing overeoata aiaaela uaderikirta aad drawers fur caps gloves geats fttraishiags tc at the mjaatmoth houie peorgetawn where eitraordinary inducements will be held out cash we wsjatbargaius will be given jtclcod aitdcrsoa teo weather staxs about tbeso tiincs the fanner takes i walk of a pleasaat suaday aftcroooi togetpoiata oa weather iadicationi fdr the coming wiatcr if he fiuda the m ukratjhouses uacsually thfek and fitr ng the fish ctulectiag in the deepest water the acpurrct thick ia his sagur bcsi sad covered with ait especially hesv coat- ia of fur he hrqgs hissfaoullcrs sad takes a loot at tho family woodpile the seasoa is sure to lej a cold doe all these signs i are reported to bo stroogly marked this year i tim liist for the tew is a fiiir if ciiruti tlenderson i cos jolidstock neatly cut and well nude boots fir ir cttl off i r our awst low price allowed 0q reprodmhts usu happyt was auypurebwur jive or mors pairs welhrccetvcd a otalorm die toa eaterulnneat at oudterta kifcml house 1 i va gtand tncsieal and literary entertainment was held in duacria schdol house section 10 esquesiag oa the evening of sept 20th before large aad appreciative sudicoee the cr catertaiament opened with fsir canada by theschekd children sccompsaicd oa the organ by miss scjith their beloved teacher the next piece oa the lirogrkaiatu was a reading by jliis smith wuivh was well readered aiid duly t appreciated a 11005 take this letter to- my mithev by j p dana a bciicvim ar colds- almost every other person hu ono and they caught it without any trouble and the coldi of tha present icuon are of aierioui nature an epidemlo in that lino seemi to have itruek this looalitj and many vlctlma foci as thiagh lilo wu a burden ii woriu ssaxaictirutia hender- on k cos oelabratod urey flannels at a oenu itiett itook of wincey lhi lesan li extra food and cheap grand display at tweedi- bum niadn to order at bottom j prion try their famom 60 ont tea cluiitlo hendersbn co sell oheap hiritsebironr mtlllnbty shnw rooatit stocked full of all the latest uovelitics ia hats bonnotl osthert doweti libbons silks velvets lhau mantles urt ic all th abote goods are well selected and eitraordinary cheap the millinery ia well got up aud tinishod with taste in english and sytkr mcet aadert t oamadiam pacific rajlway 9sl0w00st mtu 8 auju1a securd having decided to move lo toronto will oomaaenoo on the sotli of sep- tejlbeitto sell all her goo ji below colla orderlo make a ipedy olear- anca she also purpoioj dlspoilng of her rare and very choice collect lion of bhriai bulbs andkluwer- ruou at a aaorttioe all boots un sold will bs removed ibhe ii alto desirous of teouiing a tenant for the properly she now jocouplet this is no delusion come and o cure bargaini 1251 co ucorhelown on friday ilanfrf iira swan presented urwith a wellloadodliranch iof rii blackberries grown ia her garden they werefrotn the second crop the productions of tha loil this year in this vicinity are very remark able friuoatiy a second crop of fruit has been shown us bflf frees sad bushes never before kuorn to bear more than one crop bilivivapap frem ear own correspondent tha new prejbrteriau chnrcb will lq opened for divine service oa sunday ua 20tii october wlieu an eloquent prtiaohec from toronto will 1m- present and conduct tha ceremonies aeolleetiou will bo uikra up in order to assititiu liqui dating the debt on the church it ia exineatlf requested that all of our frienda froul acton andelaev where wiilbo present on tha occaj sion a soiree willbe held on thi fow laving ilonday evening 21 si insl at 7- oclock a good choir will be iu attendance and some eicel lent tieidcer4 fruni toronto aiid elwhcra praect the- cliurcb iaa neatano hand soute alructute- erected by john cauipbelfi ca erin ithder the fiuperiutertdaneo of kr vyallcr mc- ksy architect georgetown it oua chruli hcadersoa fc co a social wilt be held at the rcsidclkjeor joha f t ihbrms let is ith eaa towtuhilt at kauesicg ateat one aad a half miles from aetna oatnei- day cveniuc sth iast proceedsj fur the orgsiifand of churchhill conrc giiiuasi charch all ere invited i the fbee psess will be given to now subscribers from nosr till the 1st of jnuart 1880 for 115 a canadian thistle measuring ovcr tea feet iuieagih has beea hang- ing in window fur- ths past fea days wcdo notwibto boast of this section of the coaatry being able to draft the sous of old mrs gtidhfy to grow big thistles bet it occam3 us that a loegeri one will be hard to or oa end dress gfo ids in all tlift nwrat shales of brpnia hsttte serfcc bltclc and oalpreiciihtif in tro rzrielf hjtk ivpt wortti fnngef buttons tc lo match inspection fcliattd pripesj eannted j ie henderson 5 go partyvliy mixsc ssuitlr toruei- mitiicani dunn ri ucst ia order thyt laag dublin bv t asmitiv v- heartily encored and re- tpodic to urith vtca uc were young together a rocitation by slice sraitii- catitjetl vert de societc ras appteci it deterred well asasocs by mr d stevcct th cxjnferoa men which cai laadly en cored aol res ponded to witlt gentie annie the next was comedy tn one act the enraluns oscer this u iilttitritive of draftia yoane men car the aumr the euruuin olseer generally cdmes uut second best especially wben he coniea factory chris sell cheap sroktijra j kotej yirioiis- reans are abstjnied for thi bcarcity of partridges this reason one of thfci he- ing thai tueytrc txued hy the fores which have eotjbeeatniaued mnchby thehnnenlitiy t tueir itins are worth bat little and so have mtiltipli- ed raiiiily sortaaen who ehoofc mast for fan raighiccfcjapaod deal of sport if they wojild go fojsiantine i t cirucge or iseiaos now aa the change of season tt cutnin an and tsurmff nfgtitifamiit hintl it u time whbsel character was so auy prfruyed by mui smith a to fairly m bring tlowiithe hucfi tiui characters uf two eld miidcn suitors of mrs grid- tjroc tgeahay afteriima for berlin- ve ore sorry to lose kind friend ad i cardial tv citizen been bnt we nitderitand hii new itnaian wtitj farroorb re- namerati e an i coneajdent y vriah hiffl every sai for you to be thinking of your blankets flaanels- winceys new tweeds dress goods new- mottled winccyibhwk colorel lustres cottooa pruit caaton fiianels and knitted goos tho spot to get theta in large variety ind vert cheap it at jtclcod aaderiott casl mammoth house georgetown i fcbsiso sjotchtbe kanjnis of lome is coming to cauada sooa in order to assume his doiiesas governor- geaeral the result ii that there is a general desire oa the part of a portion ofjthe people to become as scotch as possible aad glengarry and other caps are begiaaiag to show themselves hatters oaght to fc able to do ar jgnoxl trade in scotch cajs this fall i grafid opening day saturday jlstsept christie i tentlersont co of acton will ipea their milliaery and sfintle show bocios ori saturday 2it with- a most briuunt display of bnaacie hjfafiowefi bihbons daces fringes maktles maatle trinuaiig 4c- alleictra value farmers and others yho in- trid haviagi auction saiftt thisseaaon will finditti their interest to get their btlji priated at the feee peiss office those- comiig from a dytancc can have their bilv the ami day asthe jrderis given thus eiperiencing no delay or iionvnicnbe besides receiving a gratuitous notice in bur local column our tills are second to uone fot styk cgiryin druggist acvoa otget cp oodtarc very fheip- leys miss bitos and miss withers were ably taken by misws dana aad hamp shire respectively aud the earolliag osccriby mr j p duaa a comic etag 1 cruelty to aaimals bv mr ryraal of waferdowo was ably givea after thisthegraateveatoftheeveniag was iuaagerated aid flie huagry look of the cipectaat school coy gour- iaiaciier betokened that it was aot a moateat too soon efrcshraeatsj ia plsnty and sweet cider to wash- them down were hroaght forth and for the aert half hour eating was the order of the evening after all had btca satis- fied and thvfragmcnts cleared avvay the programme was resumed by a soog dreaming of ilome and mother by miss smith- which was feelingly ren dered oadvwarraiy applanded the- het pat malloy byjp duia was wei the rert on the ptdgramaie a comedy in two acts entitled taking a photograph was well played by misses smith arid brown aad messrs j- graat aad f p dunn the character josh eeadethc country cousiof who had to sit for his photo was played with great power by j p duhasnd was enthusiastically applauded the part of photographer was well acted by john grant a song the bed white aad wue by mr hampshire was loudly applauded tb best piece of the evening was a recitation mary queen of scotfs by miis smith who displayed in the reading of this piece a power of elocn- ji which has rarely leen totalled and never surpassed by anyone inthis neighborhood the next was comic song byjtr eymsl which received an encotev a onhy d- stewart was favorably received and followed by a burlesque br misses sraithandbrown entitled old and kew misa 8mith j as old and miss brown as new both acquitted themselveinth diitinotion a soog the bridge by miss smith a very difficult piece- was very ably given proceeds it i aid of t sunday school a very pleasant even ing was brought to a clow by the entiro company assisted by the audience singin fausuows for i8t8 edifuesing at georgatown oa friday lh october jvusagaweya at fclalloaville ori friday th october i vestern fair at loudon sept 30joctli2 j j puilinchat aberfoyle oct 8 ifjdton at ifutoo oct 10 and it the tlanladcdurtney bont tso- at lvchiue waa poatponod yester day uutil todsy wet weather ttttf firkt english newspaper puv iislted in cyprus bgan its existence at lirtmcn ori the 23th ut it is a fottrwg juttrnsl half of which hf printed iu greek kndiiklf in eng lish its title tcyprut a week- ly journal of agriculture and com- uietw and its price is 5i j aj young nur who is in thsg- ricu tural implement business in manitoba utelyiptud a short visit to some friends id xtuare village he gives the foliovting as unap- proxiuixtian oflhe amount of trade dune in hia liue in thatproviuca siuce last bpring 1200 ploughsj i0o combined reaiers 300 single inowerf too waggons 300 horse rskw 5 ue 100 brordcast seeders vi or it of iilpiita sulky ploughs und 33 threshing machines of which six are driven by steam actov hihivets i 2s to 27s flour fall wheat spring whcat iver spriug wheat barley u oats j few iv- batter frsh rolls butter salted rolls lard bght lard dark eggs new laid potatoes per bag apples per bsg hay person timothy seed clover seed dar goons 0 35 to i 00 0 9ctol 00 0 mtoo 90 i 0 otoo 75 0 sotoo u o oatoo w 6 10 toll 12 o 6fl too u 0 10 to 0 10 0 ostoo 09 o to uo io 0 60 to 0 6o i i t0 i0 00tol2 2 25 to qoo 25 to 0 on p relph hibketg j spxial ia the pass tiuss ptt 5oiiui- ioaiihc j j aeara oct 31878 flour per 100 2 50 to 3 00 white wheat par bush 0 90 tcj 1 00 treadwill sprfag wheat bod chaff oats barley peas hay per tan straw egg per doa butter per lbs potatoes per bag hogs per cjvt wood wool plts do 0 88 to o 93 odoto 0 9s 0 s5 to 0 90 i 0 34 to 0 3g 0 g5 to 0 75 0 65 to 0 go 8 00 to 10 00 3 00 to n 0 00 to 0 12 oil to 0 12 0 50 to 0 60 i so to 5 00 2 is to i 00 0 ii w 0 25 0 20 to 0 52 ts capltalisu t cealraeian the government of canada will re ccive proposals for constructing and workimts liua of railway oateniung from the province of outario to the talers of the pacific ocean the dis tance boiigabout 2000 memorandum of information for parties proposing to tender will be for warded odappbcatton aa underneath eogineersilleports maps ofthe coda- try to be traversed proolea of the sur veyed line speciiieatioas of prelimin ary works copies of the j act of the parliament of caaada under which it is proposed the railway is to be eon- tructed descriptions of the natural feafuroe of the country and its agricul tural aud mineral resources aad other infonnatioo may be seen on appuca- linn at this department or to the eoginecrtnchief at the canadian government otfises si queen vic toria street e- c londoaj sealed teadere marked tenders forpacific railway will be received addressed to the undersigned unfit the 1st day of december neat 1 f br atjx secretary public wrdadeptf ottawa ottawt may 20 1878 01 th date for- receiving proposals under tlie above ad vertiscaieatts here by eitinded to the lt jannarv 1679 fbratjx secretary pulilic works deportment ottawa 2ad september 1878 notice extesismon time this sroca belong tv p puraiture dealer fxtiiterer teas aad general grocery i wait for nest ma pxee press ejcm ceidehgo elecamtwajtlmg a complete sckinatraatoi la plaii and uraamcuul penmnship touni feolle wtuinf to afqutro rapid e- oad deaniful tiatdwrlllnj wlttitjota teacher will hid tlie giube a krfect lntrcur hundred are be- cuniini beautiful wtllent tliroujbout lue i hjuilalou ia tae cutted sruus uyusilp itctiastetsorsmirtesor curv sir oc convenient ilse fur pmdisnit wlilcli contain eoliles ikgilmllj willi toe llrtt liriiicmle oail troduall- pnrtit j the mot tlcifiat plain und ttnuiacm wnuue u ucxabtao auyxt u- tattluetjermtfii ts uiu knrlisli and ocuomeutal utteta uttband klriiw lukntiulcis ar a bpoi or wracks viltli full aniijkis iidd tmirnctlaa anu asaullllaitr eu cus to coualu tlje wlioifl i uflcedjtl post paid l fiv beattrtccrr j ontario uuiukfr txititge iiievluet out septliss infr risb is now ftmri lifted mtfrifl the latisst de3igm liiv- having 3obgllti early e will be ableto exliibirij marg electiou ofi the ibesf patterns hi iheimarket in gvem variety i x70r3tsd doitigi3 taotjssrxgs neat dr durable lttne latest- styles inl f- hats 1entts furnismcs our stick is large and wel iall tne newest j tibm and scarfs son is ths tm9 to get s good stow and a cheap oneand if you want toist mooey ga k tterart- co wahtova v uoohngstofcfv rwrgtotm ii borsteref alwiiys ktdoisictaw assorted inbofsl acton aajjmfrjo 187 fysb jmcfae ssssasaeocsba initoot and tell m prieesita tok h times anrstols assjv meat of tinvaxe nvrw ittfltock i jsfewiist ol write prorrtp j ly ittearled io biia fcotipn rairaateed- t stewart ooi mill street aewl j f photographs lshinftbl dijhlhrj sasss cajastiisst r inlhij department ot oar bni j ni sa r always show the very lateet bj proved styles ind mateitiis jio- dnced in the british and foreign irjirkels i we now hold an immense stock or i n w and fashionable materuis lor fi wear and have great conndenoa it soliciting thejinspection of every u tending purcaaser f we show speciauinei in all ti isv shades af lij cents 16 cents 2 cents and 25cenls andhave n 1 attalion in saying that for good t due and oorreit stjlea ire axe ti i a irpasfed in tti trade of this towo our determuiation is not to he t ndersold consequently re offer tie right goods t heap i a o bicbim p b in tanswer tomany jiu lines we lgtaiay that uur mil- 1 iserlf upbmbo for the season l ill be duly announced ia e day or h ffsil photogapheb wlshistp mnoiiioe lowscnstoni era that he has adsed greutiy to bi formorjadtlitios for tiking picnres and is now prepared to nake piolo- grtpnsefciiatidel6b30i5iaiay and at price to suit all j i v r in ptcttrra frame i koep talg and well selected siook i also great rariety q jjlottlding of i th latest design which will be piade to order on short notice iljnrel mel a call j20bt icnisvvhllll oiiorl uoav lhjlir rnyal beaufnrd dairt imp lady barnes sire imp royal oaford gwynne wiu serve cows on the farto adioiuing the g ie aetna terms pedigroe cowr s700 i grade co yp slsoctuhssioot credit- i c 9 smith ogtn otbaved cam into thefarmflt samnel clark lot ko 23 8th con esquesing three two year old stemnd one wo y ear ojd heiferi came about the middle of july the owner is reqoestett to prove proper ty pay charges and take them away m fonrteeodnys from this dat or tnfy actonscpt 26 is7k lt ggbeatttisscq ij- 6eileti1x1 0xtaei0 rrwa rfolsn of the abov lnslitutiqni i and the wort it li most suoeeafjy simpdhln us rtiown in uie srtjtt roecess of its eradnates ibrotaiuott ine oounirv i to prepnie boys and yooaai mid middle oied men rr ikimnoicikl- parolliyi1vli ln a tltoltooiih rdvjtaoncl fidueatlon in book- kceotng in all its fotnlj penmunhlo iriinmttlr l5irresponrin orammiu- and kpelbne baoslig mcthndu now lo deal wlthikitcs iir elllsof eiehaain eueekm uni hu tiiirisiifnnsloeas rantr ouav0ate of tkfi oollttik wliohove uprmdnttl ooorse ant tae their diplomas are beh eeh rteppliui lnbotpoiililons in which owing w tttcv enaiplftenraa of illietr anuwuese irwyswedllyolmo promotion famnnj our stodenjs are those who 4j hn ihrnntrh uin irrrntmilt solluola tlioue wlirkie dash tmvlecl to receive a 1ejn make mn as than at nil not required per 1k at hn trlaus men wot l wanted everj rheri lsihtla- cslh address tbci co ip torbeads kuvelov want blutkubi btaten enffi jaiis fuvelm tngorauy kindd send your onteia lo offlca our onteia lo n ri baostaetlob coarauloed y raster at worx for uintt el- pl6l e urtll aasnyou mad by the i en bos nu owofkfom outillsndterm a uuu aui uti o bw8is4s- siiivjt merchlitilll i ne in bwlorsfe tiyle m of the oolleik i t4ltlf fob snootos coarse ant ta en ll if lnaiflh week fteoouur and tnilverslu oa wel oducation id early tile eu rue former col- praeleai education sudu uinidealn every day life tne wtir w remedy ni that koowleflce every nay uin imo wm neglect und all tdaeeni which wlllhelp thetn world rtnecoue f loll rrtlniw-vena- mnbihlp are fentanajipueahou address ba jnoceta jn the jrrjaipritalrlnt ipeolmensoxpen- datpirtephx sale the adbscribec offers for sale farm silnatedon 1 til wn 3 ship of kriu th farm contain acres 80 of whion well timbered jl ire cleared balance titulars apply tn hieailswacfi wept 1st vss beuevdleont ly acton ang 28 1b78- 1 is situated ah i liver sjjahle havingnraad thejjvety 5taw and buiioei a formerly owned by mi li- a lanis ma ari jiry paxkl to lurubibt ptak bent oa ib btmla u rc sfflaanjirpomem paw- flrstdass elss at the host keasftntiblc bates teurscaali rii lajs on hand iji -t- f- jmattfle s i ickllv wa8hinc15 new jersejfir wttea r hbmaiivmaimhaivhntedted that eanaoc t fttnrraastt brut the ttsliatw fftpaeltru t neat uia bo uttli eltomirtqnittwii tbtajtoeti nratthbauttl effort lgulrtjwtutbej rapdlr all uia air btotuirf bert toatu amttnwrt fcles50meto the mattel all olid woqrl om meata brerr tostraowm juiit wvratitedior ill nan as ttrtctfrtot eu and kltymrtoaistoo ujf test trtaltllratratjd k ad drea pax1el st bkattpt waimid huff crmytpluted btaatea mt at jnbatnasil tr5bbsrpticuartl ttistramepti which rt eatwfntaoa aj fenm puetph cloth to iplt idus- ellis sow lree the w mile from the iuelph gravel ruad and about 4 mjlei ttoiri acton t olaoe is well watted there boiig mxkl well and ii erf ailing iprii g on nnaa that no nairunttuig done sat- fhbfanri 1 and akxl frame hnn and dni ryjeopla larnori the premi ics for futtberj i mr imporlafion of ffll ami winter woolras twilf haisotiif geuts v- futiilsbingviouds huvo liuw alt aajteu in j are ovaned up v fur th iupeoilou of 7 the anbtlo1 v ilw rv orbebeo cwtttwc p fartmhtx i wa r maxlog np suiu at fower i 1 price than vie have ever doue before i and burreoira tor the htitiui enr issnffioientjpuaranteauiul jul one ordenng clitbing frou usiuj-ob- lain perfiov fit with ll6islof workniaushlp 1 rtadyfmrde cidthisc overrate i jisttrs bu ts aud bov clothing al f whion areiiiiiuttfo- tuted on the premises audcut in i good ityletlaud pnoea to djly competition the wrylett ail wool twisr flannele atehshirtinn sodby the yard and grirbiedla cat wiiaoatiiuy axlra charge j j the latest tiiglisb and amenom style of halj tjonapnahg all uie uobbygoodijoutuiiseiiu -ij- nt3f iuimushlkd ttooiwra rvna tiea 0uaiufes uiiliwas nl utiiergotonuur uou- tionr 1 7 i i call and amffilbs ottf imnela-e- took beforja jiitaliavji- l- v rvuiage cnstrtmeri will please hear in i jacob f shfir lrlcincw or ratorilays aaooimtry work will ooijhpy hammeb osty ingeo clock par- aftvihakers wtsbulg a shavvwim tnuch lililige by calling oaring aiyllght ou i jjfrcluut mlara hualnh8ejil10 uia tft sit the time after dark tan til twelve o n jtiyfjajta tjsoblijbtkxs x iiballir 1 l fret press wuu