Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1878, p. 3

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hip tendering i cot tomtit is ihemea lo ihitu lajl ordtci w ileal iai sals- i are to udu k nttt fjraiih shorten ill attoar 1 rates isight h it y x theee 31 1876 fcsa ttttalv uhe tuilk t taint leave uwu as follows t aotito vrit- sight ktpwsa imik toronto rail tjv0abi day ktptws fpni express vlpu astltntkd tts pv 4- ittuqwtca lo night lilcrt cjiiisltoi ttondettoi kipht express- gait mired ihy express western mail j loudon mired otsatit sjo mb oisnt its0 am lil7nt tts0lm mail tike tahlk iiuciuct j aallycct sstsaro otf mat smi uu if all tor tu- rontoliqanu i ktiauihballmallmwmanloatacctay aiit friday recltred letters murtkc malted is minutes before cointfume jtatia ficatio frwrtiafrekvfclbnm ftamtnroulamluw vet jfcl ptl ttoitt knatehballkss am oa tom dan wr fridays i 1 service in the hcthodttt church ever gabtnlh both rtkhulnc aid is eidrr o lsj ant saelock respectively ravkvttonns iwor ibltef m ibe at p3tlm n cwiti t fitzinff k nuues in rem lue i ooiiel irbe seir- w1 a in basest it tbulm ticrcat- 4 scoofrl inxie io i u vestment lurtimin r ranjenf oa wnich rjeneeh lower ovr pirholt- or vcxlc iqt otitic i til- eil st kny day df ipsrfjt of local mwtir8 ktcntlijpj luircfiiistrt trill find i fa wv mfniittofr fo cai ow inigtrt my tlotk el rcr paiw eqlik ad virvsri matttnt flitter kc furfa aiii a5 mrf iff iiiicti jatvttcrfyl joai ciirlrfar d uei gji fitfotv fr tar wj irr ut iariaafc a fcw cc tkf arocr fkuiut vti fladur cv jrkrlkrjt a spcciadci irpatred o j iiouui hot advtirtiw- t cgy ti r bottie id pakdt tloalorl ior cc l aaecenrotr uns erit jacbavwlae uii janx icommerclit tlioacicuk gtr in book- eetxwaiaipr rgtxmmzr ads bow a ixhxetik itmutsi dc supptof icwrllt0 fct lbo who jnoaticdiols ftnatrviuie olt- p refelre c rtmeot rv a knotwdre in ttae- eanulalar mnuofnent 1 money is raw printing office rembvwl stiioqrj t icgirvint ttmttoir till be all sataji -torv- chrisuj headcsaa 4 cof 11 ciajv t j post be ii lis old fkce j pmssbaiiiing the smell of itorapipa tar- jiuit fijli iix 4ir fiocil csmk cieap at the free fuss office iior nice clittie sbaev comilhacrr y jtle beautifttl snow fell oa satujuiilcoaj nigtu j far parlor or heating stottgobrt slevjrttco tlie taroato aviefcly ffwtjisr is tc lest ajdic paper m cnatljl- siibscttitiousrpcc it this office for any of tlie eteriry papere ott lectures of jdl kinds gpiol and enlarged uko life at c v httte i s actori sdiool board vatcts in the sfclitol hocsc thctt iloadaj gnj shirt and drawees xeallr ertra ralae at clirutic hcadex- ttca ccc a11 dyestnfft wld at je ifcsrriabnig- store are warranted it make pood ealotx i trthe featirs paring bea has made its appearance aid is cheating a arore aaong oafjuredilei th apolecroo in this eection tlii text g terr abundant and tok prices are te consequence j- k ail of bobectstna fnulica- tionsfar fate at tjiia athce 1 f the man itrbo is vithant in otercoatat tiita season of the year never likes to talkaoont tne leather tn fkee peess will be ren to ner anbaenbers from nosr till theiitof jantmrti60fors105 indies dress gooda spicial attentioacnmeert fabrics makes and colorai at cttristie heudettoa t la conwqnence of the price of flour tne price if potuid loaf of bread has been reduced jo 10 cents j i j- floral cards of different strles eieap at tbe feee peess office elder 0 g herlzog wil preaciiri thediacipte keetrag rlanse actei next lord vdaf at- it ttciotfc a m also at 52q fj m 1 1 000 reward for sny csje of vorma irr the bnman syvtm woere j e m ogarrins worm pqwdera trill not ef- feet a care try tbern ilfra e fiaber ia having her jumse on still street next door toi tbe feaaftaras otoee repainted irtpre- sesti a good appearance hot cheap ho5r nice sr tne usual exclamations from enstoraers eramining christie hendersbn x cos goods j j i v acton diriaiott song of tern perance irtend giving an open dtr sioaon rnesdar ereniae 12th kov a good prpgrsmmeis being prepaxod bringynar picture to chan w hih and have hem enlarged and framed joa rill save ptofita made braait travelling throajjii the conn- f the jeee peek sill begirea to nesr ahbscribera frotr ncrw till the lit of janoarr 1680 for l05 there is lotaof room in irar snokriptioa books far nernamefc a qoaii match between mr ffttcinerotofjartooaid geo oibba at gemgttami for i li side itu been arrange4 to ufa place in aetwotlrvmaybadofko f 1 imuecx excifeniehtt ne mmunoth hooae gtwrgewwtr abont those beafatifttl mantlei japerb ifd- linery lovely shawb tfflf maga6- coit display of buckand colored suks nrjpi 9bi loll ch ap j r1 jr4 oaal tjtovi j g a t ktcvir tco r ther do youtjttjr jour tea scoauiwcc tclov a luui anti fat at j e me garvta t drag store i assortek cirii for sate at tbo fitrx rkssofho cheap j i i s i t le tuflcejt arevin ittcti- j cd t lantitvinr day is ccariorj t 10 utett designs in floral girds at this feee press office ctll j i j at ujesr glasgos- uaune i slmrayt u-e- christie ttcuilcnon ccsfnnuswctca sit bifi of good soap for 25 cents r tircutjfive bars fqr 100 at the to t office store i i eraember that the free paxssf srinuog office lias jiecn rcaiovcd to tier doorjothe xtcthodist cbarch the free press rill be given to ner sttbscribent from new till the itk of januarr i ssi far 105 ma hies mantles mantlei have oacismincd cnristie iicndcr- sod osifuitlca cheap neat and warm ptrine aetvice will be held in st ai ans ghnrch on seaday ncit at 100 i tnv the holy commcuiioa rilltx administered in avednekfay aftcntoon mr j vcm jindy kilted a ho nt months j old rhich rtighed 325 poandr pretttgoej isnt- it t i tt will soon be time far the yottng ladies to commence j vork on slippers vhiclr they intend to t abont christmas time silent and true by may armies ficnunf- tor sale st this ofucc r t- galloways new 25 certs ilr brick bailding on ittjl street is assum ing la rce proportiocs when guished it witj present a very neat appearuoe c stewarti uotuivejput iu atarp stock of tamps lsiipciamneys of sll kinds cheap mr c s smith fias decided to go nt of the cattle business and will lure n auction sale of sll his thoroigubrejs on wednesday 13th knv r jeccingreational chnrch aciot finds its hands pretty fall with the mw charcb liabditibct is cheer- e4 bj several adlitiuas u iu nambcr cuifmi liuupfaelckt jgraedfathers clock lets ulkiisibont isntit well where is the docklavhcrcts the lirmidfathec what uthe maltcc witli the old time- piecej e mc garvins dreg itirc cgy the low tbe fcrar cent display o ah the abore goobuafrnmreoedented low jrict mcteod anufcnoni co jgiles liniment at j srvins mr john bennett of erin has ceen awarded f q ijy the eranoso tcjwnsliip coencil fr his expenses and troime in keeping a boy- who had his isg broken by a threshing machine sam time ago c w iliu wuhes to remint the icople of acton and vicinity that re ian copy and enlarge iictafes as well is other photographers and wonld ask wopte to inspect his work before ord- rbtg i hraagh stents rf rom oter ta- ai mr e h arm well known in a ctinj u aooat to icavegtfelph for ton ntrt j where he has entered into part lership with a gentleman who is urg y engaged in fh maiafsctnre of gotc jshdsitver witch cases i a rplendid ipt of new over coatings jart received at regetft hall slsc a nice lot of readymade overcoats che sp for cash rigusfa scotch sad caaidkn tweeds always in stock onfered dothing a tpeculty and j fit gnaranteedr g e adails this cnttntrr is terribtr tie- moi alised and soon the greatest crimes wil excite no wpnder we should hot be i urprised to heir of several voting mei wejfcnow of sletghinc- their girls bef ire the year iaont the free press will be gifen to new babscnbers froia now till thf iutof janaary i880for sii05 imr wru hemstreet aac- tio ieer is prepared to self by pnblic sni tion for farmers orotheta st resson- abfe rates i orfeti left at thta office or at lis residence kockwood fo will be tromptly attended to -ith- best valqa in thejiifriret ch ristie fienderkin ooe winceys i j oti sanday tvemnj tne ifirst- alrwflc the season reached thlsjvil iajei accompanying tm high wind an 1 rant the weather grcwcoldj and dnripjjthe night it waa very sejire prbabiy this ia vennors storm a co iplejof weeks after date i gents order ymir clottog iafc mpleod anderson 4i ch gerge- tow j that is the spot to get four clothing cheap style and workmanship ttiunrpassed variety to choose jfrdm iiemenie their otsters their 0rr- ists their eadymide clothing ithoir clothing theiroehfafunnshihgs reap largo attractive and datable ie to nuke money by aaviie it aiameromly signed petition fjomthereaidentooferin volag wi presented ta the township conoea at ii a last meeting praying that the jconn- c 1 ebnsider the necessity of prdtidin i lockjop f prevent if possible t jie too i eannt la lew mewifig of individ- t all who are present at all large gather- jgsuieriayaugethe matter was 1 ud oyer for futore oonsidera tioaj uoids aw very muddy clirittie hondonon sell ohean j guy fawkes day it next tuday i 1 i rfof k cook slovo go o vt suvrarttco i j kit yottr tignudards a utile ttphlctl halloween thero wcro elighi fui of inow on 8atiday and monday uighta i 1 h ii gentiine frenci kd button coots at christie unioroi t cos icheap see them the frketacss wilube given ta now sttucrilxsrs from now ll the 1st of jinaarf 1880 forl05 we saw a nwn going to work the other day with a lone brown hair on his coat slecvttand he had uoiisur strange wasnt it tlte love fest and sacra ment of the ixirds sapper will bo ad ministered in the jlethodist church ncxtsabbathf after morning service the qrand trank railway will issairclarn tickets from acton to montreal on kov stlt good until kov 12th inclusive tor 1210 ko danu many will patwniio this cheap excar- lion the boya are waroed asjtinst doing any miichicf aoood own tojibht the constable has been in itrncled tobe on the watch and any one doing mischief may expect to be arealed i mr james bums has com tnenccd bttsiaesaih the batcherin line in this atuage it is his intention to always give good and cheap meat and he expects to reccive a fair share of patronage mr sttnael moore has pm- chaacd the firm lot 30 con 3 town ship of esquesing from mr thos somcr fjr 5500 mr sojacu viffc lately puclusod this farm jebj mr jos fcarntev ywe tfmtid advise our ciliaona to take in their cabbific today or at least before dark fclijht yon know the boys alcmys go iranting arottnd an hsltowcctt to find sanicthing to thrtro and a cabbage head with stalk tin i comes very handy renientbcr that the free prcss office has been rctaored froni th old stand next door to the just office to the building formerly occupied by t stcwsrt t co as a tinshop the utter baililinf has been erprcssly nnd tastefully fitte up fr us all oar friends arc invited to call and see us gl oil at t stewart ii cos tinshop wlnln a ntituner of actohunk were ni tue piucc yu luinuay evening waitini for the mail to be distributed they were saucny sar prised by hearing a lamp chimney ex plode with a lnd report- the glass fell in thousanda of pieces and the affair casied coosideralfte excitement it will be seen by advertise ment that mr geo levcns nas remov ed his barber shop from the building he formerly oecnpied nar secorus corner to mr ed matthews tfew stofe oa mill street near frederick 1chre besidesdoing barbering he will open a stock of ovcters ctjrars tobaccos canned trait etc give him a call cm ancient festivities of kal loween generally devoted by boys anc yoang men to mischief snd by maidens to matrimanial divinations isj herei tha amosement of the girts is of a harm test description bat that of the terner sex u not always so tnd the village constable will be obliged to eep a sharp lookout tonight to oar yonn- friends who contemplate committing matrimoay the following memorantlum t needed outfittmay prove vslusble onetable one cradle two cjiairt one stoat broom two tabs one rucket one bejd dishes to flxz rooko or arirr stooios so cjjt tcjl j therttis no certainty of happiness without the tsst article a largo stock of floral cards for sale at tie free press office ctosp owing lo collision on the arand trunk east o acton this morn- ingi mall was delayed several hours anypotson intending linsvo auction sales thir season will end it to heir intarcst to get heir bills print- pd at the fjtx pnlas amce wo can- not be beaten or neatness clioabncss or proraptneas try u a 8ocval will be given it the residence of mr chrii saackhimmcr lot 32 con township of fajuesitig on wednesday cvciiiug 6th kovembcr all are invited o attend a firstclass entertainment isespectad a number of teams will be in the village to t tku oads thus giving ill a chance to at tend we have received a copy of the lllviimfed alnlan ivcicr which cotitains a sorietqf engranngs respect ing the mora ituoortaut buildings manufactures an works of melbourne and some of the father towns of vic toria australia amongst them is a view of iclboarueaiidotthe haidins now course of construction for the liuraitionsl exhibiaon which is tobo held at that city i during 1880 the newspaper fitol contaios a short but interesting account in frcuclrand english of the colony its history iu cuinata ita ujstitutionsand the advan- tscea which if offers to colonists the 930pm iran on sac- ttrday came near meeting with a serious accidcbt at brtslan it appears that the operator at berlin held an ordoc todetiin this train at iiis station for orders which he fuiled o do pending litis order tho trnin dtfrsitcher gave an up freightj train tfrders at beriitiio cross tht down passenger atljbrta- latt there being norfipjterierjtlor at theluter rlaee the up ficighj ast got clerr- of switch whea the down train eatct along tunti ma- injoniofthe raany narrow escapes experienced lately by g t r riria if tjie two trains had struck at this plsoo the accident yotild hive been tory serious as there is s terr steep embankment oa ecsli side of the track o we have frequently of late been under the necessity of calling at tention to the actions of a gang bf worthless young vagalrcnds won ire in the habit of going around town av eight till very late making unearthly uoiscs and proving themselves a nniexnee we have called the stteutiaa cltnc vfllaifaatkharlttea m tftraohmtriiii which these young scoundrels mlii having but they do not seem to have taken any action itr the matter near ly every night daringthe past ao weeks they have made the rounds of the village visiting nearly every house and throwing pcaanand small stones against the windows besides in some- instances breikicg windows we suppose that i these youths who by the way have rcry good opinions of themselves 4hiak thst tjiis is expel- lent fan bat tre would strise them to stop as we hatre been told by one 0 oar citizens that if they azia go nesr his place he has prepared a doc of powder and shot which will be ad- uuhiswsd withoui stint h this state of affsirt is continued daring next wack the next issue of the frxe 1riss pll contaid an entire list of the namesof the boys who are concerned thpbpyi are known j 1 a the return of cold weather to the faverstticken districts 0 tne south is hailed with jjybyi the itihahians j the rpiorts say tnit the fever is gradually disappeartrfs a500 eeward i the above reward will be paid on the recovery or information which will lead to the recovery whether dts i or alivo of ablsck jjewfoundland dog aliont i months old answeta to the name of sporty lie disappeared ou mottdiy evening lhint 18u j f 11 storey boy wanted to ietia thi ritnttas sutlnmi apply immouaitlyi it twi eflej iip cballng note drawn by j ciuil aunoni are warned against pur- isllig a note drawn by j cluaholm on jabetinetljor f1000 and payable buthosolhocv 18lt i j08cril8h0lm qahu fou timber the lubscriher is proparod to pay cash or all fitave timber shingle timber and basewood rvrsrdelivored t the factory lately purchased from brown k hal 18iy edwakd m00ke o pek divisiox acton division sons of temperance intend holding an open division and tvceentortainmanton tuesday evening 12th ncy iu the temperance hall aiton a good committee has been sppointedand no pains willbe spared to nuke the entertainment pleasant to oil ij v i82t br obpse or comattxt oaeepastuav strayed front he premises ofhe labacnber jot 25 con 6 township- of itsssagaweya about the 15th of sep- tember two sheep one ewe with a very short tail and a lamb with a long tail and a black spot on the hind leg auv information will be thank fully reccirod by hie owner is2t john mefcixkos txoese to let i on chnfch afreet opposite smiths hop kiln applyat orrs furniture wsrehousc ori atthis office 17 st itsiejelsid is mbw tieing tiled withj all the 1 laiest qesigns in having bought early wb will be able to exuibit n lage feltjction o 1 he best patterns in the nfrirket i i scfltchj tweeds shirtings in great variety j w0h3ted 00 ati jras teotjsehinaj neat and iurabie alltke latest styles f irlatti ent s fumishificr qur stock 13 large and well assorted all t he hewestithings inbofs tib 3 and soifsj aeronaagast20jl8r7 pype m mcnab u ptjulactschool i teacher8 examinations la accotxlocc irith the statute and the ticucral peculation the seraian anil ertuniaatjott o uaiadidatea for public school tcacllem 1 soconl ouf s certiflctts vmwhewditttfw towajhal miltoni commencing on f itanday the tdtlt decr i8ts at 130 p m j forms of the notice to be pteviously given by thccaadiditcscin be obtain- cdon tpplicatioa to any couaityiln- spector it is indispensable that candidates j should uotify j the undersigned sori ltriit titax nik lonc xovoissi of i trctr tnvcniidni iv prosenx vnunsclvea for kj- i j j e llttte i p s inspector co halton acton 21st octibcr 1s73 i tjurh fo sale i rhe subscriber offers farsale jthe form sftusted trtt im li con 3 towa- ship of erin thia forni contains 100 acre- 6q of which are cleared balance well timbered it isisitnatid abbit a mile from jthe gaelph gravel road andabout k miles from acton the place is well watf red there being a good well and nevenrailiacspruig on the farm and a cood frameihouse j and barn od the realises for further par ticulars apply to i i j i aco b ff s her lucknbw or hftim swacrlhahmek i 1 ospriage- acton aug 2s 1878 1 0aike gtmcgartin j 0- auction sales w ffoljteixr iurnoxexar in acton on main street mr henry smith enruitare on lov 7th see posters f j jas otonml 21 eon 7 era- neys at 5a wch and all dyewooda mrs s a 3ec0hd lstselling her choicest rosea shrubs grapevines etc at 50 doton and rhubarb at j60c nerdoxen gorgeooa tulips atj 25c per dozen exquisite hyactntbos ai 50c ier doaen charming little snowdrops disis and crocuses at i2j per dozen these bowers will not bloom unless moved in the fall union package dyes at ilotrper packet all kinds of iili at 10c per box hnhreakable lamp chint i talmage sajs he met judges and statesmen in the haunts of vice he visited in jiew lyort ko newspaper men were to be found in the gilded palaces of sin and shame of gotham however they never leave the tight track i and if a member of the fourth estate had been foand his abjactauld hare been identically the same as tahmagesto take notes and warn their readers to shun the broad road startwsai wa strnck witlf araamentthe other fay at the law price of dry goods at the mammoth house such lovely dress goods black and colored cashmeres corja of win ceys warm white and grey flannels canton flannels blankets tickings denims table linens prints and cottons i was really astonished and asked ifcleodj anderson t co where theybat inch piles of dry goods at such tow prices they answered the cash and buying larse quantities fetch them this is the place to buy cheap goock we have received a specimen number of the new form of the cai dim iisdepcnaeirf a joamal published in the interest of the congregational churches it has formerly been issued monthly but the publishers have ie- termiaedto issue it weekly it cop tains newa concerning the chnrches from ail parte of the dominion besidos rny jot her articles of peculiar interest members of the church every churchmember should take it one dollar per annum adoesstb silcox 340 spadina avenue j toronto the orsfc number will be issned on jan 11879 jr raosa on 2nd kov farm stockjand implements- 1 i m hall tot 23 con 6 eramdei on 5th nov farm stock and imple ments j i geo qtbbtxtrctiotexttv at c s smiths farm near the g t e station on wednesday nor3th shorthorn bulls and rows ijo- wooted sheep horses and befkshira pigs see posters and advl j jejfcgryindgi f bckinbtmcgrymr 450 paces a volume of overtoq pasld firsc- llcat kccelpui or information for cverjbodr given to every sub- scrlbertothe i we8terh aovertiseb i eoec xbv balance of i8t8 free to bctt subscribers rich rarxesfo aarxtst liaxhar tenxa i best kvett ortxead i isffi 07 attsaotioitsj l latest news from all over the werld 2 ehrht pages t cola sood papefi dear itfarmers page edllei by p clkrae tfeaehers pepartraent especially edited- l- 1 sbalanoeofl78 gratis il 6 dr coaes keelpes enlanredana lm- nrovff lo every snbscrlcerv j iflladteslwpartmout music pfothrm 4c 1 n speotowestemptitarlo newar u scompletetempefanee tr0riralpery5 keetpebook or ifeferred mvg eniravlnga welllnetoo ji otno baoctnart tlwwubeot premium bolanoe of 17 raua t partles wishing u canvass for the aotishb shoold lend sprsisl asking- tor iree agents pekte awj lampieeoptes addrew cpratnunlcjliorj ofln tiahekuv t co i loodou ontario at ic per loand aeiioyedii mr george ieveni begs to intimate to the sihabitans olaclon and vicinity that he has remofed from the premises formerly omupied by him near se- oordsanrnef to mred matthews new store oh hillst near krecb erick whee le will keep fresh oystier s vhichhewill sell either by the qilart or can a choice ttbok of oichias xojacoos i u1 tafoamirso ram pshdnblt 1 bst elm rvf sasssrsmticsitt in lliis deps rtment of onr boat nesg tealway show the very latest approved style s and mateiials pro- tiuced in tbe british and foreign markets wenow hoi i an immense stock of new and fash onable materials lor follwear and have great eonffdence in soliciting t te inspection of every ictending par afabr we show special lines in all the new shades at uoenta 15 cems 20 cents and 25 cents and have no hesitation in saying that forgood yalue and oorrect styles we are not surpassed in he trkdedflhistown oar determlnsuon is not to- be nndersdld c jnsequently ie offer the right gpc is cheap i a o bccpam pis in answer to many in- qatriea we bear to say that our mil likeryoviniba for the season jjnoanced in day or nod a cheap one and waul to sare money goj to t vsistrrart o nil stove coouaj sto7ti tirlo stortfi v a stotfi tn4 0 fits alirayi in stock and prices to suit be timest a firstoias afassrt- met of tinwar now ia stock t jobbinp of allkinds j rolnpv ly attended to and i faoi3cn emarantev id t m stewart mill street act unu satis- co n r- photograph ptiqtogri cias photogbaphkpfv vishes tosnnoarkwtohjsctsioiri- ers that hehas added greatly to bis former aciliiies tor taking pjctvits and is now prepared to make photo graphs aeeonc to none ipthet3oairtj sod u prices to snitali j in picture frames i kefcp a largw ami well selected elockj also a great yarietjef mpuldinga offvivi latest design wliicnil be made to order on short notices giro me will be duly two cooking lv parlour coal mantjeactt ess of- tilt oopf and has now in stock large inppljjot the best parlor heaurig and cooking stoves wood or coal jnow m use remember hisjstock of stoyee thebeh ia the market aild are guamnteedtp gifa satisfaction wnile the prices are si muoh lower tharfformerly that i alidesiring a good article should call ekamine and secure their choice without delay 5 eavytrpghln3 a specialty au kinds af tinware stovepipe and everything usually kept in a firetelass tin shop on hand at ihe lowest prioe t wmi leith acton oct 30 1s8- boots sjhoes for everyov at orjposite agews ij ot 2l j aotonr ont any person in want of agood woll- fitting pair of j boots ffeshoes cannot do better than iallat kenney ttjons theykeep polh- ing bjt the best goods to atock 1- alwajsnn hand ri 3ibarberfnjt done at the usual rates ajrane new stand c orilers serve l any style hear i cash must oe paid for anrjoods purqbased or any barbering done at the hew shop this rule wll be itriotlyeofofted i ge0leyx8 isln j f- i i si i bes t geods ih atock in oroffiti drk they can equal tf vh lurpaas anything iutoirn j v 1 specialty ail parlies indebted lo tv i above firm are requested to ffltl and settle immmiately and tt acton oct kenket 91378 son s2dm t cnir whill l ac3tqn e i navingpuretaaed the literj htablt j and bosuiess formwlxjoaaed br j mr bl- adams we ire ore- ipared to lurniih l nriitwbiis at6ie ostj beajcnftme j tebiclisa gool bigs always orj hand enul 1 att express waggon tneeta et7 trair and delivef any oda that arrttje for the metchapu and tbwrts- peopw hatthews 4itlcixiri fueltcatee if yon want a niqo bedstead lljeatre tatte csijod seitiiigcliair sofa or louaijo or in fact anything in the furniture line you willfrnd tbim as goadsond v che at purnitwre wareh01o8jj as any other place in the country hb also teeps awell eleetjjerti stock of ijrptjetis bnisles orrs fariihnre wilrerociiir i sett door to regfnt hall quelph cloth mfc our importation fall and whiter woolens tweedaj hafeand genu furnishing woods batenoje ill arrived and re opened i sip j i- tut tha inspeotron of j thepnbliejj a rvutiie4v ordered cl0thinc dea partiieni j we aremakinanp snjla at a ipwerj irice than we have eotrtonbforex jnd onr record for the last t year issuffioient guarantee that sr one ordering clothing frt nr can obj tain a perfect fit yflfh inebast ol workbianshii i readyilade tvsxmt j clothing all of which are tnannfacf lured on the premises and cpmni good style and at pricei frlftfl compefltion r j the wry best ml wool tweed flannels and shirtings sold by thf- yard and garment oal without axtra charge- the latest unglisb tad atoertoaf styles of hat comprising all to nobby goah out twteaaiim i qvir miiwtwj5ii shirts nndeotbwftaetiei coharavi glotei ombreflif and sthergobas too numeroai 10 mot tlonr v v 1- t- call and ewnlr slobkbrforvpilintaaiink- i 11 vwt mpttrviji i juronaoty sha lueiph seph job stwwta4ll aeatly iojiittyeeotl at n l br fife press ofrtpj m ririlmtflllusse i u itlx

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