Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1878, p. 1

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tl tyceuk- lki par- r cvef before cr r cocn- rai-cverbe- tic rrr l j sand ttcle- i money t- i niuboh fnua fcrcoita- ettiiiei ii tic cs2 tertcititirgrsx kcri tit race- vrihootv tie ttrr stfl heal 1ysele j scn mn r salary- by rcrtiac of irinuresl i canvas for time ild fit tbtnt jtccie toiji fell psr- sew jersey ako ercitiieos ary cikr as diay j hile mr -tt-jter- verdict tie world vmskrrce siiisieuk scjrlersir rnre yctos is published every thutif korkkkcl jlttlth freji press building sert to tie jxctixuitcuttrchl terxsoae dollar rastily iwujluwlracitiuuturiuctiii of tja ye sine to oirt itircceiiu xa tieuert or flshl luus is uiviec tor urn itirhaus cumuo- ctrd a i rorril ui count allbwfi on alvir i terli to joy persoa taotts iyettrcnmw i if ai t lb rial uutijrtilj 4fcl chxrrttf afar special xotlw the olcectorirlih ereiiirttilreruttatfal refilertinarterij jcliejs uj urths nzstxzss cards vs n l r itt si b utuk vu tilts li d u xioiiaow pujsi idti in a v h-r- ri is lv tie- t mii- iu cijys 4lt t- a u si jon ce- s ti it ilrllvrur lurajamoivlmj tfoax mv f r d ultussaxvtorti rutfr iif iulu jin cltj jrtfi iv cuaiss s civil- pngieef iatielph o1j ill rozjr5lkt j0 t- k irjc vuir- ti- is- euiw ae s tn cuiv i r rairfiit pknt tl xlilr tti- cli ultrli lill ci ars in 1 cl vr flrv a 1 1 ici uiiler t fh-is- i tt mk t cuvirscctek t -i- ir j lixii rtrti its i fum i m j l lic si-stt- i end tn r- a cm l r ttr- test vls ben ys female ii0-l-rr- irrefuallet i rt ij- irins bm 1 rrrfi aiai fit o rcaecr jf5ern the noffl at ilcrjl tsdatm avmpiion br r fit jntj im dni anb cqhffciipmeb cwloway tlio eaee pbess will be givou ta tww subsenbem from new till the ht of jiinvntcv issojxar 8100 tai can iby lir- ladtliiqais c to i ixew ie other minyficturer sui5- wiy beiuse ho sell unlr for cull ukesjio risks and lias no bk accounts merit is ftillj witru as strictty first clifj un irotii 5 to 13 moay relulikd ni botu jrny liy bita if cimt far riansur exit testini isiuneof rcliaui you i rcu i rictory tres dasikl kceatlv aasb- iugtpn xtirjerievj pl itie tti- rti asa tlles puso lesperoffan every instrti- el forsiryers i and lire sent jiys test trhl i freight iiiit u yire uitia- tllustmtei afv 0tlufttton nni icmiiuirrl bis patrons iv knoir ail- olr cmttflt i ti womkrfrtl wliit biuof folks if avc pot to loie thetr bouu aiidtheir nuvotluy carcaacs dc cwt in oliicure ludcis became ilcy tlfe iiuuidu our pilo uvlcivo thciu iu the i lurch ithcviuisht btvc kniiwii o iiii lu tirue r aud corns acd joined our church fife doctrinatuat weadvocale the ray that va baptiicj arc primitive and siuroapare ths rest arcouly iiw j we hold the inula ot all the tru lb liy study rud research i of chirac its hid btr other folks tlut bully for our church wis cist our mlntitcrit in moulds dae pattern for tlicia all we tt their voice ou oue note bcforetjity get a call if ouc should dare to chingc his views we thtu tpjily the bircli ahl it ttiit iails ue lire hira oat and ciahe hiru leave our church coavcreioute believe to bo i a ciuia round to ns i the holding o auothir creed we- thict ridiculous of colirie vc love to save ihcirsoubv an3 take a linly tcteh hat lots of linuy we krov are lost iwcauilo they miss our cluuch our charity liius lots of sin lhat if oliroiru it chuks but soiueho it aint big enough to cover other folks a dreadful hauly yarrilcut this lacve u tjwl or eiuircli but fat ill it leaves r marin vids for thos lutido our eharch lifegiving u ateri vi ilitineo j hcirrieil tlrrouljh our pijies iv if it coes through other tule3 its liiaiiater or snijiji i wo help the pur we heal the tie if dttiuq via oiir pereh kliferlaiirt wht tba roam and every elwirwifx loaded with eoah- hti cloaks arid of mmo who v fnlwttli her ueedle buawlj ve juit sa tlw dinmytoant asaottocrtiigwj il1 wi tcr wid ueury unil dme hip jietmkmijt wbeu wo bate fit- itiu vii our pi ornately there ra i strive oatdc vll re iiiiic hurch actohlpuffithqbctlfl f tiupnell prop i rl j kite naeifel our jihs xri- lia iu ihrnlusun t itrtli zva ioith wil kat j aiijjiitt attiv fiinl nut our ijijii e ivl cts tin rt fit it btrifgj tljit jfl ihonll iciv si uiayjia the lurch iut at i uuajinmiilysttft tlin tlie we-c- rcbarcit it lint ircparud t xzits roc irxvevnxs lsltcix3jjc4rop tif or no iare tvnd r otiiwunata itec wlcit enieer solicitor f pt i ofiwunl 0 fjlvek lozt sr iw ntiit fiiqnaleier2zf ei 1 in rixrnteed eeiiriiccamojalt h tr til travel- t ajfiu el utr a5ucx nr eitl is nti u ua grslst i sash podrs mouldings all tiniso imtn u ictoo dec tth istpi rer cf ox hoxt ttlil sll for those inside the juici si listen hen o rinj the b aid rail to ret a teat this li the eiily afrihie mule with piktcecaructrnplcte dont iitiu si shore tliur eisa vir niikc a ier iircii yyi ii yjiri 0 c iu a jjii oar rwra slipshod ma wat iu caisriieu 23ra iiii n d jane wire to 1k nnir- ied til n vlk driiipin- into tlici i a i j i i i tajlf tifttinsfoyiti uueeueiiiiiit j proaftlyatteided tn i t ir i 1j i 3urlfoucid auut llary eiiistiiu jane tibottt ioute of her ojahciate aiid tnvsteiious bridal prep iratioht aunt mary was alunyvcousiderate and sympathetic in becwordd mid ways aiid ilark hfced bsr il tt jowii bylor iuunwonteo liktico aiid with a olpudfcl brow jaca looked at bim furtively front btli ind tie tlouda of white btlj ww 1i1c3 and tuusliu in btr lap cs lie tudinaas trilies in berdaiuty work- the veto n rtcdihy re wi bh iarnews if ute on fair 0 dat style witit no furniture taveilersici 1uj o il itrcximcaollaitlon sal iokti llos scuavl rtiorcs pecla tott vaaii otiieiravef vriimrus best rne lsis coraderelal notation special cttuliat pat vtujpalc rirsapplie rlotareatl cltrr- ifeative tlosfliri yctji ojehsteiiet tciosnsea aadtloaeet tarthecaunttesorivelilngtnann iei- toa umeri lrt stllie kcr tscss tne actr or atrav rasltlerc in ritlciro irii iijprqinitlyatteulleito tfjrms reasonable au1a- ek ii- x afccrwrfiiii td the public 0 au boss 4 rotrncal pre fr roa want i jooa ajjcrkjseiittuj- ceokge gibbs lie nndernits his basiceai suit alii askriis hillntrcrs k ui pliotograplis plioibgrapi photogilipher trree p tlwt hehas adde4 greatly itnd at prices to mtau i- in picture ffsoesi keep jurw and well elected tocfc jeo a great raiiety of jtoldings of tv- sd mil b made ta order oasaort nifice ggre ale 4csu citas w hill 326ai lovr factokvj opfeved the tabscinar having pnreh used the acfoa pjotf jworfces prcpara to for- igatl powu as tibboa vueu hsgained the spatatw ov abdv llfstylillth s binds escsk intpcaieats c uri be sodjiy jj iytnj oy cu ayccc- sate at 12 cf clock terms ten cioaths credit on approved joiat uote all entries miut be made to ilr jia ryder ec wil hsilstrect auctioiiecr stf biiltt iiiaking its vtge and ari- eittiifrtclory ecswera to tier nu titer alter tfu it ut iu this hiiv oifsfliteatioiuas if lie wera l- ivjein lcctiaiilciu devicw milled or titner comioafljkicrnamsmal dcsigletraaa maric labels c3vet aelaiiintf intcrferenctf iufnnimntf audali- nikint reiatlaii to pateatfirnnititlr attendee tie patent ogce may eul in mo- teas e patent office ar- able to mtjce closer exantotiotisundfejciie paunu more promptly ni witti frraijer ad etcr claims t ii ltioteu iiolfie remote riuzti sketch enl iteseriplton cf ypcr device wo will mate an examtuaiian free of ensrrre ant advise rou a to lt puvlritabllliy jtilcgrtefronilencestriclly contsslcutlal j prices as low as those of any reliable 1 tte refer to offiilals in the patent i offlce aiit to inventors in every state 01 the union adufcsf i v uprotite patent office wcshinatoh 00 binj ccatindtunii miuules lalbten fl rutber etuud way aunt asked suddenly well mail wlut is it i this yciiug man started and lock ed np at iter with a buttle as bright as if a heavy fojr badneeu lifted off bis mental boriion us li6said i declare atmt mary i didut mean to rpeakof it but i iaut s netybiij as a prlovetfoveif next tbareday not the cetemouy- itselt mind you i shall really enjoy the displiy in the church but i refer to all the life that ii to follow marriage is mueed the most important erent ofmrfetiirt and the outlook to every teliectiya mind must boa serious ouev siid the sweet- faced old lady j but may 1 esk what bus brought up tbe sul- jcctso iuiucessiveljr- before you to night f the fuc ii aunt ifjir re- iiuj if anybody runs inupailiis they niutt ukojts as they dud iu rhii wacnov air oyer cordial vtl- comryutit t- went ijonjj into itbe kitcliiin wbcru henry tvasscfljing biuiself at till tea table whicdif you will believe aunt mitry run their little cuokingtablo tevfred with a strip of ouclotli a fewold pieoe of crockery wero scattered upoji it without regard to ordjck tlio little bit of a kitchen wan untidy tha slovodirty and rujsty tlitra wero memotics of saturdays baking iri tboeliapoaud appfarjuicx of hour dough and grcasu otij the floor ubl aud doorlathes add aj rsalt coddsb with a icotton etrmg tied around its tail was bansing to the knob of the icluaet door i su- etnvbair was rough aud frowzy and bet gown wta torn and sailed dear me who could have iuittgiueii tlnctsuch a state of thiugs wasfoon ta follow their gteat aud tspensive wedding what a piouf e ortovc- liiicss ilio bade was 1 they utight ici well utict tw r ibrje roons nt a flat to dtn up in as to own that large and elegantlyfurnished house and not tisj it or to bo misuse it this ecvnj rathef diicusrtgt me were jane aiuvitiditrir ate in that way i think l wolild rather liaye everything sfop j jct where it is i lnlioveu would save us a world of tiqitble and wt would- go on looking at married life as wo woulet luvo tttado it tlirough rosecolorei gu3er and mail moved tmeviily got tip ner vously and going aruunj the table seated hi melf by janee side and tendesy kiiistd tbe pretty tejirieu- ful faci sha raitcl toward hiui while aunt ilmy was considerately loultiug anuilur way r icrhaps kenry is not i alto gether blsuetess iu tha pnmiiks aid atmtxlitiy coniirig bteic tu ihoualla with a red face alto an etiitgctic hunt fortbe shears did be fix himself up for tcaj i ob dear uo teplied jlarkj et dojn and ate bisihtxad and mild in bis sbttt tletvr culhir- leci and caavalle3 and with tu- hrinhcd hair and whutefi lie wonld uot have shown himslf to suiaii isith a piglit before his marriage f assure you auut mary looked at ihe pretty saii eluek oil the tyaritil took out heryohi ioncil wroto a lillle noje and theusaiil to thi ou0g man t t wish muk deir yuu would carry this billet over to my nephew hoiaco atderrv tur no they liveiu fho east tenemeut in the rutherford block you know and on thestreugth of yourcuiiim- ship that ii to- boj ijwant you to run in without ceiemony llartlcamo buck in an fcdnr with a radient face tlemoving nishat hie mado aunt mary a ijw bow sayinff i anvery mnch obliged to yoai wouldnt eurrender the opportunity that maybegracicnfly given me of helping make a iwkflj with jnno here for any earthly coi iidemlion indeed cried ivunt mary in seemirg surprise peril a pi yotil ill bu good eriotigu to tellbrtvliat one from a greataunt men inboiicty would leave miss waiiwoodetfulljfbkilj miy frefa to bestow her hanrtiipoa ueedle it was thissswhoiivei was so fortunato as owin teajio mut and shn held it up tcjijthtt captain kandolli il tho my inspection it was ascallopcd favored individual is infinitely to circle of scaiut broadcloth with tj his credit god is good to the klipper ruu down at the heel em irish 1 joes tlio saying brpidered in it in black wostcdj witb tho wqtds xevef get sliishod this has been a constant reminder la me julia went on veiu i erupted to neglect any rifling duty for the firittime my eya would fall na or recall trio tho ibiy bant robbsrics hayo principilly demonstraterl tho elii pidity if ho shu fainily ed wcbell jyailho president of tile manliitbii concerrl lih ocotuor kin is kk ys candidate for ilayort i dick sell 11 once in congress is celehnvted for graving btjuattod on words of aunt mitiiaa irtitto and i hii vviill street obligationf clus i would not only da whit i iiatl t sclieltet iniou trust company tlipught of celeclinjbut wolild you may lbmember iraa stripped by d it a littlo better if possiblrt horace c ark k co in the panic horace too has kept mo fidling into slipshod ways by his own habita of ucttness he a vav touches up bis toilet for otyl slle before every meal as punc- siliously aa if wa had coaipauy of eiurse when ht is to thoughtful of ise i cannot bo lesa regardful of biml all these utile things take l few of the precious momenta of onr fleeltug liye- bht wu consider their obiervance onr bounden and iuttrchangeable duty since house- keeping is the principal business i liavo in hitrid i want to ido ray best in thac vocitiou tbba at conscientious and painstaking in that as i would in teaching music- or- any other accomplishment 1 enjoy my work aud it conies cjsy to me i take both pleasure and pride in it and i think thisccret of my success in this humble sphi re qf mine has been mytesping everjtbing up from the very first and never allowing myself m the smallest pariicular to fall iuto sbp- sbod ways matk and jine no their beautiful welloidered home en tho bauks of the connecticut only the other evening fcpoko cf the two lessons lhat december evening bdught them and the histing impression they wrought tho kcwj york dutchman is an acquisitivi bravo and steady but very often stupid character how well are v reminded by these suc cessful bank robberies of the long lived warnings cf tho founder of our eruj not yenr treasure up on earth where thieves break through and steal there is a pretty accurate description of i safe burglary tire amount of plundekgot in this robber mast uadbuotedly sliraolata the robbing ower it- will tetiipt niechaiiici and mea of resources into ihe craft for stealing or such pioportions as this rankswilh the prizes of cat lei eiitrrb and willian le bqtinl eightlbebind the manhattaudisk is hkty lliirs low dive aitil a tjbtonoustlirevea quarter hous ton strtiet arid thirtieth at dthiity first streets sro tho st- nlajiius lano and haymarket of kew yorkjry mary ie hac was jv beauli m diugltler fji eister of thodas c field- who was socially the most w tetfjlcd a- tirilliant msmbcrof the tweed ring onebf the fields generous acts icrformed before money beganto flow to him from the ring ooffrs wis tio educate his niece after her graduation she was invited by her uncle to como to new a woman went into barbers shop on c street sorco eeks ago and wanted to know iioji much it cost to dye- a mans hair and mous tache the prico was named then she asked he barberitoget bjadyaj and follow her j why cantitho man comej hero asked tho batberi hcs dead lepliedtbc womtn and thoiast thing hsaid to hie when ho wits passing away wasi f sally fixnie up pretty for ytho funerjalii his hair curled beatiti- fullyj but was a littlo gray it wont took well to seo woman cry trig rpund a poffiu with an old groy- headd utanitnit so- 1 want him fixed lip a jitile he was hlwnys a beaufy when he hail his hair dyed i know tifwarif mine fixed up that way if iwas gray- and dead ttie barber djedthe dead toshs hairui ha highes6 styleof therart undliits widow remarked hen all was over that was tbn love liest corpse ever buried- on the comstpck k i m j khcw it of course a detroit grocer who has a- lit tle limolostndy hnhiun nature and wiiod irioneyif ueojilyhud a lilile inoro ime wrote a rioto to seyerai parties selected for the ori- ritsioq to the effect lhat ne had lost liis account books and must depend upon their honor to call and give ut the balance- against tbeau one o i7f itevt roaz tsttsa york and preside over his household mrs fields having become estrangr ed front hira here her ambition to shine in social life was ully j gratified in tho course of tim gorititsc society rcsoes the iriss arlvprij tcuptitios for j mrs fields obtained a dtvorsc from pvsk kebeitse vixeac ritoj the hlm itkrateltext otftee gill ii0 editoi frui ovr tlir chttpydzrl v 1evyokk soy till lgrs- thire is a song that sings sit s not itlvays may but in the isht of current even s we begin them replied that he ptesomed he 6wed three or foqrdoibire when tho booki showed that owed 28 another thoughtiherp might tlie pnal ty of pepnlarijy is eotr tho penalty of tiin bhoea u 4id feet i j tho penklty of tight botiu corn the penally of a bity i p- le nights i tbe penalty of pow dlnom is bad wine v penalty of a prisjtrjy iio i j anempty hiijer i the initalty of jjodblhfi i vsilrer knife fork nd pooo j e the penalty of lunfcga sayii half a dollar one dollar if jiberal to the niuse the pobelijif lidvihga hnci ofvsnsionsenlto yoii is inriltng imij e dozen friends io ccinib sail eai j v thepetiaty of tnlertering bo tweeu rein and wife is ise fre quently accompanied with hwiri from both j j the penalty of remaining aingle huviog naania who cares daittat- ton for yous is aburtaauy prer- ed by thutjrie of yotir shirt tbepeailty of bnjing chmp clotheaistbs samo8 thlit of graug to lawthe certaintyof losing rp suit anu haipg to pay forjt l tbe penalty ivf a legicyi or a for- tone is discovery of a host bf poor relations you never dreaiat of arid a nuntber bf debts yon had qoitt fprgottenl v i advice to married popfc marir inyonr own rigioii never both be angrjit onoe kever tauat- with a pastmniir be a pcsiible balance against him j take though he had been very careful to v b v re l0f uv 1 i payctsh dosrn and yet hisaccount was 14 and over out of twelve or fourteen customers tho grocer found one who replied thaf he owed id being- fifty cent4 too machs k then wrote toeachmiat lie had found his books and sent statement ofaecountj and as they dropped into the etoro one ai a time each laugh shook hands andrcmarkedr i knew- it- was orje of ycrur ijokea qf course and so ithoughi roboke never allow a request to be ap pealed rj let stuabnegatibn be the bahh ofbtth t sbfis fcer busbandi and ono of theallegt- ri- v k r 1 v 1 iugivo vou a chancb to playit j t nnefiuhi i c 1 l j 1 to think that this awertiou il a mis take so far as the family of that n nue is concerted since the tirjie f tho engagement of miss carrie may to mr james gordon bonnett i an unfortunate epitode in its re sults t c- the nutoriaus duel and iu provocation- tha house of which sho is so fair adaugbter has been tnonght frequtntjy before the pub lic and although that young isdy has heitilf at iitst succeeded in eluding- the press visitants her brother and sitter have bad to pay the jouriululic piper ft is a wbnlgiaiiu der thvy are conspicuous for they are both remarkably handsome and popular in scicty but their fight- in tho public prints eeem al- t liko a fatality tiiey are as it were prodtiiiqc two rfiorts havejust affuided meatanddriuk fur the chatiercis one is that miss edith may ia to be- mrfol lions itt her complaint associated the names of her husband and niece several months later fhe viuvlearocd more or lessqf hields association with mrs garrtlt and wis oado very unlnppyj at last came the breakup of thering and fields fltil to canada mrs oar t sent with hhn and- mre fields wasdeft behind without tha means clear through cfslipt- about this time she 1 anj w q uecame a mither blip retired f ifqrgot never n sceept- able excuse t a good wjfbis tho grealtst earthly itlessings ifyorimust critfcita 4t tbo done lovingly jviato rilsrrig8a4nttet ofbotpl al judgement i v- marry in a fabily wjriclv yftt havo long known tt is a commonicomjilaint that thwr ne er muke a remark it the ax- farm and farrit life is tot alppreciat- pense of tlio another edlby our people we long for ho x6tf ulkatbneanahjer either moreeloqaept ptrrsnits ortho wnya i arid fashions of tfe town but tho fanner has the most gana unil rarntife tronft her sumptuous hctme to a uiojest- resideuca futlier up the river her marital troubles led berjto coutract the habit cf taking opium and she became a wreck for sbma time she had been receiv ihyiiemitunces suppi t-i- t 1 o iased to have has changed your mind so sudden- l iie alirou the other that mr fred- may haj received fiffel iv and there tan up stiuofilnd opened the doo llfe who thlt ia the at the top lsyoutod me anc y such a charming picture hat i iu tiue tl of saw a living room i either utj jr i a parlor dining room nor kitchen cwter j t lltau jj but a happy combination of the en thruado attractive and home- lj wom q n r iiko by peafect matness ordr and hls of jmlinsi to good taste uch a qordlal wei- tlii h novr lft1 ftr that i had lo be snre c intitl 4ith l il como was hin reattrs gjjide to eudantfwritikc a complete selftnstrnctor in flam sad orriaracntal penmanship toangpeo ib wishing- lo acqnlrc a rapid cif and tjeiutlur bat dwrtllcff lwltfioatu teacec frill fltid ila gulvz a perfect- lahitcelori liaudredt be- oomlnzbeaatlful writers toroujliout tlie it -4- j coavenleot illlll r- r j r iriliftil aaalyuls andidt issll a poabfrajiejron j luca cas dttvenlent size fur practising wlifcli tlie raol eleffant plain anj iruapieital veiling oa osarattfiittv hitzsr ortn- taiuinjrgermau tcxt old knrllsti anrf iof kittu ar- l liook of w pages u earraved caj w coatla plawj f ff obeifl- frfce 5100 pmtffliil nsua rates altrlpairsto ontbejiwrtea t j 4 tnvsvir onvrlo f i mi ipt plied mack hesitatingly have just come ifrom cousin henrys as i waspassmg the gate on my way here i heard the woodshed dojropeo aud- susans voca call out sjpjleps readyl the pleasing vision of n neat idiuirig- rooii a cosyj teatable and taro happy contented young souls en joying the nicely cookedf tijstefujly setvel evening irical rose ui befow me aodi cotild not resist the im- pnlsp to turn buck and uk u look at theni i rnh in uncereuioiipus ly as is my wqntannouncthr my- self as i opened the sittingroom rdoor by a hearty good eyening there was no sir- in tha ropiu but plenty pf dust and disorder coma right i hen shouled but henry sad i followed his voice i through tho diningrqamun- warmtd except by tho faraway warmth of thai kitchen fire a large basket cf ijougb unfolded and unironed clothes wai turned bottom upwanloa the extension table an iaiuieusi clothes horso filled keartily ashamed of mysely tlia inheritance of propel ly ij is nmj it caine over mo hovf well i ca abioidfor wealthy uked to know both hoi acj and lis t0 make sure of the perpf- charming wire and that i had uot 0 t naiiis by holding callej on them before i golden bait andindeedttts 1 civs julia vonr npti- and fimknowu here since mr she read it with a fittlo laugh and saiford one of our ttncl thatt suouidfuke off my uachelors ami a pillar of the ituton overcoat anj fake tea with theai club fumfihes anploof the cosey rourid table th itsjkind captam randolph anawwbite cloth arid pretty tea- irishman but he lias lived a looked s5 mating 1j could ideal onthe continent wealthiest service i our ten at seven his al den laid 80 6 and it it nrfiesisttheteriipution hdrjat dresden that he first met miss rlno g outofitho sbfre till may tter acquaintance there he sees to the clcsil up was slight hut coming to this coua e6 l l our tea at hllf past i trv he peseuted himsein a suitor nave w woa hel uint tuls summer at miss may is a beautiful set off- by a dainty w into apton ml bniriette with dark eyes lirtrbimnle toilet was qamrttfi- uucij uv swagsi leaf and erfcn and tip that- fori how ed uj t i fin it will le remembered tlmtshawas code froiuields she woscon- suihtly afraid herlchild- a bright little boy would be stolen and r became a raring maniac onlsalurday iasi she teas sent to th insane asylum i at thefiist dinner of the lotos club this seasoa sir whilelaw reid calledupon mr d cf croly ura siwech sayingtiiat he was theronty present example ofi a inetroiielitan journalist- who had created the paper of which he was editor sayiug tha word in the sense o laving established the journal etc mru cuoly in a anodel reply safdthatbe preferred ori that occuaion to ha something whif h the editor of the triluia would not fail to understand f e a cipher wherefore mi reid not to be outdortf said that even if mr cijrjlyhad wish noc scctet meaiiidg eonlotbe attached to him these hits at the tfiluini tjden expose set the table in a roar jjihjxis mr orolya resignation as editor of the graijilc jtistarinbunc- ttu- ed has been received with pro- iont found- lsgrel jiverythfng was not amicable but mr croly having ight been ii journalistic harness since 5t iri desirous of resting for ti tiriie jhowas probibly- tho dean cf thej- new yoik editors save dim a man of neat jfertiily of idas i d personally very popular mr o oly cairits with him tho esteem ind regard of all who know fiad life sweeter if less highly sea- conej tharianyotherl he alone striciif rpeaking lus a- home hpw can a man take root arid thrive without land he witteshis history upon bis field how many tie3 how many resources he hop his friendships wiih his catllo his team his dog his lrcesthe satisfqc tioa iu lis growing crop in his iui proved fields his intimacy with nature with bird arid benstj and wilh tha quickening elemental fcces bu cd operation with the clouds the sou tbe seasons he wind rain and- frosc nothing niii taks the tariouscocial distem- pjts which the city trad artificial life breed out of a man like farming liko direct and lovibg contact whi the soil it hurnbliahijii leaches aim patience arid r4 terence and re- soores the prrpertcne to his kyttem cling to tie farm makri muchof it put yourself into it bestow your hiatt and your biaiti upon it so thatlt shall bayiir ofyou arid radi ate your virtue afier you rdays work itdonel ii ij great julias 1 and drwas plaini buf tasty and tiea saratoga l ait- bv a dainty whito apton girla bnide he with irtdlierjsuletiletwascpini iiiiii leaf and erhfnu olossoiit in ber shining half hor ace iu a handsom5dressirggon and embroidered slippers looked every inch a geritlemau ie is the situation nade nscona- denlial and 1 asked mrs alden how she had managed t him little housekeeper arid x used to besomewbat inclined to le careless inmyhabitej and i suppose my friends had so u diis- giving3asti triy ability to keep amoiig niy wedding de half house settle rescued from the yacht uohaiik at the tiine oommodpre garnet and others met theirdeath cffstapletonj her pwsorvec was urleis ilon- ant aiid as was natural under sncli romsnfio condition it vasjsooav after btaled that they were ehgagef down into being such- a f nk j u fa7 no founjittidu in fact- if well uiformeil pelsous mav be ndal all een tlio jeatha year of so sgo of mr llouaiit who was one ol thoiiuoht viidtv popular yjung gentle- frrr r- theljireathot soandal is beyond tho coitrol ofcardamqn eedi seaqnablp adviscfije kind lo bvery aodj that husavole ffo goout into the country and enjoy itbe beauties of nature nuthifg is handsomer than the foresttfat this season whacs the 0530 01 your trying to lis kbpnt it sailuujsilyi says ihe piagisrate very irijlently tavontjrou u lawyer i wlktsu fffect climato has on nalurll dtveljifiment 1 in california the make llcohol uijit ot beeta here we maao beasts out of iacui hoh- i j i fearful enfonutcr jsiiys tho chesley finteriirise 5 itho other day pu tha farm of mr u gregg of greonock a most terribia and fataljencohnler took placa between ttvp who hive for some time been notorious fi r the hatred s which j they exhibited to- vijirds each other- ionflie niotsifag attho fiiht theptfties referred to were engaged in jadjoiniug fields and- for somo tiiiie jcouwrited tbeoj- selyej with casting glances of do- fiarice attach other bnt this only added fuel to the fire and at lust theouo crossed the fence and at tacked the otiier with thu ntuiost fiiry but little hi known of- the fijjht us the ciiif fiuggiessar lost bis life and the 6lhr is severely in- il about tliii heal ariditiuno at home or in company givo your warmest ai mpithiea foe each olhets trials j j if one is angry det the ihefpah tbe lips only for a kiss- the very felicity ia hb mritnus- pulivationaf usefulness fteverapeak loud tporipaaolber unless the house ia on fire lfeachj strive to yiili oftonest to tlfo wishesofthe other j marry into different llload anil 1 leniptrniynt from yrriir ojin- r always ieava hi in v wfaj loving worils liir they may be life bit j never deceive for i he iheartf once mialel cauaievcr tr 1st wholly itgin never find fault unles it ts peri 1 fectly ccrwn a faillt has been coin- mitted i j it is the mother who 1 anolds tm character and fixes tho pestiuyof the child j du not herald he sacrifices joa make to each otheis tastoa habita or iireferebcet i i a hesitafing or grim jue vlinti the wishes w the olher jifwiiyji grates nn amoving heari consult ono anotheririall tttlfa coiiies within xhaeiporietjcej obse- vation or uphero of tho plbqr lif those who mariyfor physfcifl aharacterisiio orexurnl c4nside- fttions will faaiif haputriesi- never tfjlectori a past jactiori which was donbwithu good wotivi aud wththeiestjadgineutlat tub timel i i jure ccnditiontcfgia in tepnutof- the oecnireueo vhnhleriuiuatejl so disastibmslf both- cuuibatjlutaj jeere qiiite sober at th timound jealousy is mipposud to have been ontlflb so fierce j warriors wasi found to be quite deau tlie other had tho ekin of hia jorehaad banging over his eyes vhnv blod ia3 irtckljng dpwp iii i beard 1 we should have stated thatthe lwhtaic vo describ- i furenoo tvhilnver jxl v jjj jroplicatid aud- i4 afghanistan ed waitievceuvwo tuai canny cutehman js waifjf and prudent even in bk dealiai with divine proyideuc jat tfla gtitagowresbytery a fqvtniuht aaa a motion came tip under the tubs frirthe appointaveltt of a iday nf thanksgiving for peacoaud j for it 11 ttbuadanb hawtst- tlia jafghsa- oooiplications tutiogluvben aiddeuly aud peace berngj liy i ureans sure tha arithi r iuf tl 0 e- mbitiob suggested that if wpriu ta well to pspon8 baukinr tjhe j mgihty ur peace while tli8 pre state of thiajp laated thev v peaoawotitdilmvebeert tvirisf 1 4 frorii tha motion bitjor diajjiroix aiipllcatioriidf ite seoloh u f ir liitir iplittirnj ly rwliieiilitw a riiauiuioualy rciolved thjat it m tl anks tothealijiighty foripasj si ouhibe offered on the wirt uiderttwudiiig that tl pet cofjw j and hat floi j 0 ilhe preset nucuji is ihevtoicoiif jjaihm ha pi i li v 1 i- i camibmcm

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