lfj irsj m m mm i mm i38js ktvnpali jst decisions tiki poft oftim sytwili of licdtfijg cnaittihta i ills tuatoituftnl tooksas it itwer uo klloilicr directed lu his name or iriotljcrxor whether he has t-uh- mribed or tioiht rsronsib5 or pnymrnt i 2- if a pexm orders htv pacr dtsoontinufel h oiitstpay nil arrvars orlhe pullihojr may continue lo sea it until payment ft made and thtn collect to whale amount whether the paper u taken f rota thi 8c omiov s- the courts havt decided that refttsiiisi- to lake newspaper or perisdicils troojtltsjct office- ttmovinc and leaving ihrra un- called far t raise rice evidence o riieotiotial trawl mnexctox r ree press i ullitucd every tfiurscbvy stcmtnr 81 fer aimura in idvanqd puutii uueitt at kill a uierc ivlhtit tor ti- titoe front society la- true lice cimviclife tnvj suffer iii er rcctjiiualicitwo ll account of stotil mfrjictiitte tieboialetl briaas nllcctiuti it- seemed- to- osa ji tutiue aiid individuality ate cast tspou tcrtir audve believe whole sonif thoseho have never ptun id with thinking comiiii a jejr sight of past errors and re victj crai tlji so occupy ijii tuiridj ot- moore emms tsrcssim moesisc xov histp ocr coxtict svsteh i t what to do with criminals his generally been perplexing ques- tijil in olden times the people vied not seem to i pimle thetnselves very omen ii to be best tneaqs of casual blntuojetaotiowibtiidllij kufciicy of- the judgeju liis judgment even the political friends ul- sh accused wdutly vduuoimcl the infamous ilotiind tile inexuuiuiuu cjlidu4tit ovs tuotiglr ihoy ii miita lima ifgret- local matter8 8cct in- inic i iotund tile lu it lo u otlieiisf i tiply liul td uu- j hive alll thuirajt before re tirsdxs hrilijiik if thej are cnjiililb of tliiukjtig- nt anluujns of niieuduuti i a con- ijt itlluvvcd lo rcmk nt jtomis yfueitf tiiit otherwise he prvjijiit hiia from dwelling hit nuebte iosidm tatd llim the tiiut oar iy future that ii dwaiung for l lusay yeiri auhougti focne peopu tuaf gxri irisoa life as tooligltt l tum- iifhtu ot far certkiu individuils sho tre k mt there yet it is t fuct ilut vert ifew of thosu uhti have pnee crime egcu as etealicj sheep ur erci articles of leser value jiie calprjts frere hited without meccy public erecuttotis- were a ill m man were they ntd on roore- distsitpe npndp tried- ti ti very ordinary sight and sa com- ikey that in literatare heir fecelie cut litr luuiane views begxn to ptavail aid tatiisumeat to soule pil sstjement was neil time tua alio was- given njl setvitcnis wss text e luinmeaning of this was that tae coavict was cocdtniti- i edjto afciiid of slavctyaud ouligs- v tioit towjrk ander ktyjteoi of rigorous liseif vmi for a certain i nnmber of yraurfive lei or fer as tk case may be i gleam itfe ef hope war howtver held bat to the convict on entering the prisaa providedlie couductedhniiself iiii proper aunae and observe- the rules cftlae lusii-utton- a pttf of las servitude wcud be remittejjj and he wonfd be allowed to depart jcria great nmuber- of- cises meo icoayict5l of raunltr ald senieaced i btrhiriged have liad their sen tence commatwl to imprisoament been returb add beea thtfre beei perlii ps the best indication ofj 6ucac a of our prison system dajwslrg of tftem tor any pettyj llieai pirdons we belbye pvov st luleb bave the teust detii to very few do return ho live gtoba failures not as tie particeaerce2 bit s we out igitlsithe public at licrge holqj lhat if justice was uiettdj it sould be there would be j fewi- of these harribh murjters and thai we nud of every uy sjapers the libetul jiartv lo which tho ieleiidanu belonged nothing iatiiercfur more 6urprts- tui to u jtluu lo see a conuiipor- ary uking up cudii iu dfwtice of the wen who have jut ueai cuti- tiirucd by the court and thii pub- li- and turuiug opett jiuijje ram say to chf rge hint wi h pyliticil liis and tuttnprta prijuuices hgiiiut them we must sly it it deplorable that the wrtitui mai of any journal should lead it to an at tempt to shield ati adherent of its jiirty from thu retributive justly dae when the wrongdaing is genj crally admitted r when suchan tiawise policy ctn only redound o jtho discredit of the party iu whoie behilf it is presumed to speak vvcure fuither surprised at tlic unaauncsriient tuat the kccttd are the aid ims of au iucauous couvpir- acy got upliy soaie kcoutidrels who ale hiding ihcaistuek and that the couvictid men wiltsultir no injury from the effect of the verdict thii is strange aud also mystifying we nfess that it itmeitis any thiugthe cnituicg is unintelligible kow hemttiful uo3fehfkp thwc tlliwuwi at 0 w liillw- thcro aw ovor fifty rppliot tiou cir tho jituitiuu ii head 1cachcr u tho aolii puulic school tlie fuku press will tie given lo ucwkuuacrilwh croipuuwvitttho 1st of jsquarylsso fur 5100 tliervu lota b tuom in our auucriptioa urati orucw tames accident utv moudiy morrimg as alfred a soujof mr 8 soper wst uuiid- itigaibiejk iu a licit- in hunu woolen millk rockwbod h iu souie kvay became etiutnled in thff shifting itnd was tiry seriuusly hurt dr alcpiilldugli of ruck wotrij and d r keating of ouetph vero ituuitdiatcly cdkl iuatul cli txaiiilmillon llicy fuuiid tlikt both his linns i and out leg had been urokuuj paa itruiluiing au badthat it wa uecesary thi1 it should be it wnk not iinlill wns dieuriti to j co aiu vrctc could nty from that 4ac ol- ifdues aiid luibery that 1 iviiftydiclievn thu good news it waa loluqie three weeks before i waaj liheiated i had un tntcr viiiw jwilhj fiilhbr the day hofore i came awny and hewiisglud iwsi going lie wi his own iiture us licikful too for re dtjigthi in him e said ha thought ii slsenlencean unjust mie aitdtnistcjdto get qutsooa althe right tiiiit i hv looked forwaid yet to reoouoijuitiou- with her be be- licvedvas his wife he laved her very dearly utid thought constant ly if her he does nor blaaie her ill the least fur the preaelil unhappy coiiluiou ha scut- his love nud blessmg to ell hi children utid lie would haeuked to lend a messige to annie imt i dtd not shiuk i woull ever j have a chance to de liver ttj 1 still think uiyselftliejf will yet be reconotled i nevct theeiairecommutillysaw ijuycodr ii her fice after the amputated svuijmtliiio with mr iioper andjeagaiemeuti wis hrukca tfi uuul lauiily the voting man is lecoyil ikyjwere married then she bjj eriug as fast as could be expected in hhip local eeglsiatttreij ti ftr hfe while there is taere is hope and the murderer whobiihad his tentcne comtnut- ed looks frard- to release in a few jeirs- in mauy- c tses a person senas sentenced his ben released after serving frtini fifteen u twenty years hxl person senteuced fdra lesser- term- have been releasid alter- serving a jsmalt portion tit tlieiirterni syi asriostinc of the clemency of the etscutiveiwemiglifcfefefo the rcleiseof liuiso sturdy froai 4eepemtentitry after fprvin one jrarbe was sentenced for two ad there is everylikelihood of her father who was sentenced for ten years getttug a pardon beforrie bxlfj or erefi onthtrd of his tibie las expired although wa were pleased to bear of thereleise of miss sturdy and would hi happy to hexr of the speedy releawqf her fatlievyet we do not admire the principle of dis- missingiponvicis before the tertn their sentenciheisr erptred a person- may coniniifc a scnotft c4ni nd be sentenced to- srve a etni of years in tte eententisrr ber- lisps tn first thing- he does is to resolve to conform to the pules i of the lastittttion aud- wort witkia y wtil bivinjin view if hedoes so a parddaiftr serving part of his term now it may beeonsidered- vry- h a kime ami such like to j-e- lease vprisonep before tlie- expira tion or jis fcerin ijut that x hot the qaesrion person is 6en o prison noc altogether as a ptrhtsh- tnitit upon himsjlf bat also to serve lsjiwarnin to otliers and i tie warning is intepded to be effectual thoie who have been- sen- tnced f jr ufd shoald be kept for iife and tltosefbr a term of years should be kept nntil- their term exptresj the influence of friends interferes too muchvwitll the endn of justice if murderers and oriiinalsoff every descrirjgon iire to b sent again into our midst befolce paying the full penauy of cfiiir crfne society sliort time wiiloi tn afidemess notrliat thjty are going to tarn roandsnd ooiniuit the same deeds again bat tlieir rsturn hasa certain amonot of iriffiieoeeowr othersfhont the enorj of the lav hohiat j ay- 0 itfel because itk constat that tlie advi iers of his honor possess the confidence of the country after thty havt ceased ui be representatives because there will be ajegis- atit e interregnum until a new as- jeoi iljj is elected during which the 3oy itmor must act upon the advice if niea who are not under cohstiui- fact pi- ime a jey uce land tie meetionkfir the local isla i re may be held at any befc t j ftlie 1st february- issoj wttie rjia lie mail argueshat mnt ie very near- at han caoij the last election took on iil t18th of january 1875j ndl s citesithe coofedtralura act hici limits the contiuulnoe i of f each legislative atsemilr to a lend ot fuur years- buwiuere is ab jtlcr ptoviiiou ot tliitjlact ei he has oetlookt d virjl the ction tie case stands vr day of the return ot the h sgth thus i ti si for choosing the pnsenl ijly wis ihe 2nd of febrjiary tcefefore the preseutj r dies by effluxion of time on its the 2nd of fclruary 1673 last jession mast be held andj chd before the expiration of that ti e wris for iter assejcbly ongo t in accordance with cansuii tiooi 1 practice ano public rigtit to letrer frou uaxttoba bispotatoes ttieat yielcl i to ht ettttor of the free pcusi duxasitt i noticed in your very valuable- piperyau item say ing that ilnjur allan had shown you some very large potatoes three of wlucti weighed tkree pounds seven ounces and you wished to know who could beat tlltt iu reply i would sty that we on beat it as we can go laour jkjuui iiit and pick out a urge mimberof lotitoes that will weigh two pounds each and one of our neighuri picked up one which weighed our and a half pounds tiiis may bci burd to lclieve but- nevertheless u iv the truth there was a great crop cf wheat brought tf wheat f bete sta ve txised eisbteen from this wheat was not sown nntiljune antl i prettier siniie ill openidlru tui treo calcruiuaicnt civca by the sou ef retanuiwjof liiit viliacuu tucat eviiiuc iu ticir jiih id uccein iu every way tlie tall wai crowded aud alt who look part ih the programme thoaed by their mxuacr tiiat tuey dcuruiiucd to tuake the- ou- tertaiiiuient pimvc iuterestlai to li aadieuee aiieiuue j mrjuhu sf cujlit claamu l ilut lie alily- tilled uuj uoiiuira tiy lirat ciu the proraaiaic was a pieca i tuttruturtital raatic by majter jis lorier wlnca waa uu to hia uaal xuod ityle- it aaa fallowed by a i4i by mi ifattic sxtiglu entitled auut jemimai cruwtle aad was revl vcith the feeliw aud pauioa it requtretl lint ugpc nick- tm siug in rood kj lc tiic sliacirncii aad mr ft- i muorc read joha jsukwt seriuoa iu hit general pleat- iiw cuaucr mim xickltn played on iufsan accoaipauicd by meiryji peaiedto hkppy with father we ii tlufight she would have come nd liyed athoiue with father- i think she hjil a hcrt of sisterly as 6ipoie4x3 daughterly affeerioii to my m bs s heartily thanks all her ftieu is pcciaily those who took theijiklter ufhtrreleasa tn hand laud pixip ftlh has ij ever c full with coriietj pud they wen the uev 1l hobbj meat jlronj cariiwl it so successfully ffh and hops that at the r time the same energy of nciioli will be taken lopracuru iter rs ivivuk who she ihiuku ready suftetedfar mora than ho deserved auction sales w nintsrrnt avititnei- orj friuy ijui nov ws7 i kaciitii rann ktock aud linpltr tlieiimpcrly of mr u p 1 era- eas5 kale lo coin uicbce at i oclockilani sec posters loudjyapplauded rare aa addreix rtfcriiiir to tliokawi j temperance act the ladies iufl vfw q y t over ttc other x aud cuicr onttew l it i 1 1 pi f w ul 12 tuouttis crvtlit en mnns orcr ihc vivr a tlie cutire audience in- r i o- 5rel v dutiful x u lot is cia i knitatisi fxrra stock tiua tu- jlcmcuti ulougii to mr v dilic- spires svbjcu hits fanrie ciiniic rcudtrtd itr lcr csualhxiiiy niiawr xlisclnritinnliourcidiloathoft live lilijdik keptboac siu ditcwe- ci us with the idea of tlcmpijif uf keep laub ujjl mus kicklw orgiii lad ntcrj j chiii cyrutlvr f- vorcd kd udimcc willi another tclec- titie atari terviieiriilv cuclnrtii ulutli cnctiru win tifkiadcj io tiy mrjoha liilltiu thtvkiiti m- cuw hill witli the orn after ha usual voci of tiitukj- thv tirst of this tories cf ukmttjiy rtwtinijs crrpe to autut out here ibis- jfc2r we cne bnlel of a new kind be peued jritbia rtsoiiiimt- jtime uk tbree or four tbete- m kttti fiob 1 restraint who are in resp insibe advisers bit if llr ilowst choosb tasli upon the law and defy tiooulf obligations he post tone- be fneeling of the new lass rably until the last month of ihi twelve wliidi may legally mn iterv eno betweea the list sitting of this legislature which expire land the first sitting of the new on that isto say until tho lit ifebniry 1880 v of coursehe wot id be legally boundto hold the ciec ions for the new assembly sometime in jannsrv 18s0 at latest sothat menibers might as- irable and hold a sitting before the ifabrn sry- folio win iwelonot believe mr jjcowat wijiivail himself cf lis extreme rill ieial powers ni this case buj advise toe istneof writs for i new election within a reasonable time after the expiration of the exalting aisemblr cu 1 1 riiver saw full wheat goes not do so well as spring wheat owicic to lbs lurd winter a llr scott oue of our neighbor tried it and liad thirty five budhels tothe acn a cood pert of ethe wheat was hilled out with the ft est blit hot withstanding this it was a very gae sample the price of wiuat m emerson ii 55 cents per liusbi1 while on tjie vatikee side 75 cents is the price tbink ate cheaier on the oilier side thanbetej and gtain brings a- better price common lumber ranges in piice from 25 to 810 per thoufaud aud shingles are s525 pcrtliottsaudj and other things are in projortjou this part of jtauitobi is silting up- very fast laat year their were only- nine settlers west of dirjd horse crek now they are settled as far buck as the turtle sloun- talti j wishing yon would insert these few items in your valuablerpapcr so that some of the cl arheaded jjpeople of kassagaweyaand eques hug- can see what a prosperous 0 country we have out here s v iim younvtruly 1 j is m modaxatd fue above letter was wnt lis from bur friend 5ir mcdonald wlia removed from kassagaweya to manitoba last spaiug i and serves to ikiv that- he is well satisfied with his home in the iforthwesl he also promises ns to send occasmual items for publi cation which will always lie re ceived thankfully by us- s any news concerning the welfare of our oldfriend is always welcome ed fuke jaess to con- nwv okb ballotbot stufhntf case me resultof the trial in the ste ijauno ballotbox htuffing cose be- j i fore the court of queens bench was a batter of very little sujrprise to anyone however miicli thst 6ftbe evidence which i partion directly pointed to the guilt of the accused persons might havet been dibtotictedji the cirenmstantuil eyi- danoe was eortituily tu slrcjag as to leave no probability ofj their iojnoccnoe nearlyeverybooy iwij i believed to recognizn the justness ti el mcgarriidriiggist actau i1 i erirses at mcgarvias viuasctatmcu ciiuuc mitin slattliws hill purmifiut toudjjuiijujeut meniheis all plestlit h ivot tusetttgs iiiinutes wpve oad anjcoiliiuitd after cciusidiralile conversation ioucerniug thu hitchase of a- site for a cemetery it was mjved liy xlttsts cosui and hill that the fteve audmentrs c tuill and t ii smith baa cjiiiiuillcetoascer- tain where a kuiulae bile lo a cemetery may bo putrhiied- car ried tfe council then ulkcd for some time on the adyitahiliu- of build m m- greaj sbiiitaas andjr 1 i d r that def ie8 competition athalf o ths wbjoie of sfiyionl stock tobe off hayingbougm entire stock sython hollar two 0a tucijii cctu tiutt ms n f erin fsna sock aud luipltmcqu the iirnpcrty of mr aus suith twelve iffoutb credit fia cutm oirr s1 jsile tocoumcikc at 12 ociock thicy ce whale sheet i04tc hh jns allan maudiy lsh xav itlit- cin ikrin rartujuckiaid imylciticnu- tcnuf xiuder s7 cojii ortf tht rticiunt u intths credit on sprprcd jiint nit sale to com- ilktce at 1 uclnct ttfothe nud lot for sal ihit rcrv deiiraldc prnperty m aclou m vt gocr ulretoontost- n3 of a pf t frme htuw and alrot a tjalrtcr of tu acfc nf land on wbich is md tarn pump sji1 tutlreaups phimtrtxr all liriu fruit lick e cellar under the ii5c apiy to price tbenndersigdedr in ienderreir thanks to hl oumerous customers ti desirous o infirming tbrtd as weu as th general tjuliic uiat he it prepared to execute all orders- whether n work r eeoratiag or repairitt in a promptmechamcalanci saitiflfacjtorv lfanner r tee most senrioaiff ttagcns slefghs c for farming teaming or market use are to bs obtained iscm nim i it 1 tss mt u- we will for i ofir it nt die it nt i v r- i tlie amenlace tli mr tjambs at fitij cent oif tlie ic uevt wtiek ot same week rale at newpjckslidre att n i i0 lvfi7m tbe cttadte- iii sielbmae on the ilth instthe wifftof duallciway esq of a sou talithbricigelfaskoka on tho 1st inst the wife of robt liiljer esq- of a sou t r theiltik at theresitieoce of the brides bro- theri oa the i3th xov liy the rev d b cameron mr charles davidson to maggie yiiingest danghter of the late eanald mcdonald eec all of- es- aesing lo- acton onthfl 12fh inst the iter ehbl ft the methodist iar- sonapemr thoa g xtccracken of the villise of brussils to miss rath snrith of erin j toe gbate- ather residence in xassagaweya on the i2th inst mrs george vrieht aged 09 years funeral to day it 10 oclock a m in pukkwood on the 10th inst mrs ed barrie aed about 36 years atknatchtalt on monday 4th inst eliiabeth 4th daughter of mr wni ladgerhiir postmaster ngel 22 vcarj on jvfaiu street to about 50 rods above the rriroad track ail d it was fiimlly uipvid lj j b coaes j rtcouded by c t hoi that the cuuiiciljtjaboiiz thii street aud sidewalk cdiumittee to expend ha tumof s5 fvr the above pinposej tlierauueil then adjuuiued until ilundiy evening deceuibir 9ili to mec at 70 oclock iget vm smith uvfilixg hentiirsined is pnpael file set any kind of iwi ikclniiin scut buck add hand raws an the rte t liotfee and at reuoirhe ratec ktibl nu john street gtffouas oneycar lit rcallenujlrf oiie day last week representa tives of the giulph wiers inter viewed 5liss sturdy who us re turned iotup after terving one year in the provincial peuilen- tiaty for asiisting her father- in die abduction of miss catt which atfiiir will be remembered by all oiir readers and for which crime she weiit down for two yeais mis stunlv was quite cheerful and willing to give hie desired in- funrrtion sho reoited her trying position wlisd she heard the sen tence passed on herself and her father tlieir awful agony it part ing with ith0seit home the annoyance ctused by the pitihss gaie of tho crowds assembled at soibe of the stations on tie way down the feelings of aa fulness us the prison walls loomed in sight the terrible position they felt th-tit- selves to bo in when tlie doors fitted behind them- the awful agony which both felt when com pelledtp jiart inside the prison walls aftd lastlyher stay liehind tluse walls from tfje first how she was put into the sewing rnoar where sjremained- afiout tljree wopthi when slle was given iwoik more suited to her about the lidnse she vividly i described the routine of which all hare to keep due ob servance and also showed how her leisure hours were spent jter falher aidbeiself were allowed to conversejodce it month in tlie war dens room whehtliey lad a good long chat over the good days past l and cheered each other as best they could speaking of her father she aid lie was atfiist put tbbieakinj stones but ifcerwards wisallowiii to work at his tradi and now he is foreirau of thejraint shop he painted in his leisure time ascene on tho bivcr speed and also numerous poultiy scenes she fayn when the ghid tilings i of esrly release were told ine i could hardly believe it wasjtrue cntario hirness wj tdymnny fiienjaand cuilomera iltvish lo relum thtiiks for past varssnd aslc for a contina- once of fiat confidence which 1 truit has been euebcial to usall during theist eight years i have just secured the services l ofja first class r mqht harness maker ijr rgjoa lerra any panic rcqulr- injjalrl elas tif t iarnrna saow icfelueie ocrferalrainedlalcl i mrlfake of jtoh acxesa ooltabs iiasahlthreisilat on where known kips veiu cheap fott cash urpilrlni frompllr altrnaed to r creech ajtnn xov 7 bi sale begins oji tttesdat 12th k07 ffel firsl choice itiilkmscal go- h a specialty j undertaking paxtijalar attention i paid to- this branch of the business oafllai umkets buriaj eooos eaadlss hates and all kinds of funerij fdnjisb ingsiupplial oo the ahortes notice n im- class hzame wfll aitisd i cxeluisit heasoxauce bate3- i joiisspeifjhri xcttinoct 3 ts t- ij jiiow toeing filled withiall the iatest designs i sl i i j emcfiajvin druggist actoni oil cake at licgamn if you want ft toe i bedstead bureausidotoard j ceutre table gopd setting paairf i sofa or lounge j or in fact anything iu the fllrniture line you wlll fitifi them as goxl and cheap at jobls p htijre as any other place inthe conbtry he mso keeps a wee salected stockbf fails brooms aving bought early we will rt- fjfiie toirtliibk a ltrjre seretloir of ihe fjest laltjiriis iu die market t scotch tweed shirting j in great variety wofestbd cditi-ns- thotjseaikgs leatj and durablal all he latest styles in v h ajts ceut furwi s k ihcr r oiir stock is large and ell assortedl au the newest things in bsm ties and scaftffc i fxfe ss mcnb acton august jo 1877 li i j removed 1 1 hr george levens begs o intimate to ihe inhabitants ol acton and vicinity thai he has removed from the uremises formerly occupied by hini near ije- cords corner to mr ed ittthews nevt store on mulatnear kreck erick whp e he will keep hrsi fruitjc farnlturewareroomsi next door to begant hall j j emcoarvin druggistj actoo wnjoh hft will sell either bj the quart br can a cnoice stock of ii i 01oass t0bac003 always on hand birbenirtg done at the usual ratps newtantj oiitil krrol u any stjrle a bjt bear is 1ml farm implemjebfrs the undersigned has beet instruct- edby mraltxmdith to brltbypdbua auction iulot 8 con js tp of eriojn tuesday 2gth daioj nov the following articles span mrrtohe1 bsyb 7 years old horse 7 ye fa old cliesnut male- riiorouchljied bull rock bnttejr fly oith registerdpedrigree milk cows taovearotctiheifprs teer 3iears ojil 3 yearlinp kieers yeirling heiler 3 spring caliee lfc weu brftl i wes- s ieirbted mis wvlllred eftn luiober wagon sinj boggy jani mow wooden mowcomblneo keatper and mowef khrby make iiearly new iron bcuflier irifj plow sfephensonmske set lronflarrow fanning mill intggidg cilns set team haib8set jploir jharueas sad other atticlesnot mentioned r si i 10 tons of hatt and a irvj qnmiltyof turnips willbj sqld fd11 tijsh i ginipi v i ktrls- under casli ovet 1 that amonqt 2nienrtisvciaiv wil v 1 j jijlvffv 1 amle7ens- t mp jiss i rii riufe or jiaxkix am istcxil jstr lilttisui i i- lurmeimi niin cvtkv wori i u i r 11 eirr kjjiudiijuerajind k tlg it klu- fl ip i u5 u jtho i i i il oi krewu rented ir v itan m u iliemtrniicowiiit i vd i h- on uli ik ay hi u if rk liu tau civ be iy x lt- uizm vvp e tvj uilc u the very oon fiitci- tjie ciirtlljilon u rrjijifeg au utirrniui 1qi uuii 6 inl ute jiwu- 8hj jt icmrj itjcxtibibs rjllaclu udwfhr fiu- rjflm uljtumaliblu jrjiua liii li ciniuuoii lfuile vuu rulif tnuj iu biue 1 oji la bacit vhi lu- likl lu ii thuuldil eugbs co il h cwilel uuuiallit iairuau lvuuttr- touuluitr com- takisac j -i- i vj care the motafioojzint ilinjuiteriail creitrail lu cue lu- umai uaielkel oaricijadic aetlfiva li a ini ibe liivtmcir is pioiiil nriieiietjrv tbi peat ettlor il ccveswlih it i chides 1 w 1s ktue lacl lltlill stfj nul uarulless petsant ti tkr gus lnaunt case antl caii lieuijijtj ua wluer range ol uihpem every da- uf- witbgrvwi liccess llail ttetreh fitilucl eltahcfenoe fsyet ircmett vi rtxil ui us jrrjit voer oiirr disease any pet oinu nmiter biili maj- be rlcji ir l- qir old or v wtii if tuiienus rtm wi uie bove inful complaint will eitiul tha in toron wny day plj the weefc will ge prac proof free ol char ol its trugi poner iei iin in one ncplicai praclici ul its i i leslimoniaw from all parts iol tithe d ate jeonstantly cooiiiik oband givipi esbrfs- sion to ihe most grateul gnti- tudefor astdnishing obres whichj it lias performed and we woqld be pleised to receive jlestiinoui ulalroniall others wh eseiv uccekfuue f i t ivictidso tlie nigbesj re tispectability recomnietid ttjsa r effectual loniestic edy for the relief of pain in cases of tadden emergency carry it to your homes as it ft will prove n blcseinjg to your f iimilies and afflicted friends uiutialsare selling enormous iuantities of it whereverintroj lurieif i 1 challenge the wotiatto pro iduce its equal price 25 cents per bottle iv irodesoppkeo tjirooeh tb wholesale dru aid palent melicine louses offmontiesl- toronto hvimilior stid london sojlbt itt kvtsbraslxo naro i- cists i j idu v m i titror diyl liyj weil i i 4nl l h 1 301 a someoie now is- theiimefito invest in ciolta- ing arjjdhv j ofeegenthll is jbhe place tj igpiitw i am now ehpwing i firfji- tlass j ine of mm 1 i v altb i nice lotofjf-j- t i cildulculufic wmciiw6ie forpeuviriia cas i mint oe paid for j npy goods rurohtsed orauybarberingdoneat r the n w shop this rule will be 1 b given orj approred jojnl int btrictl p enforced f bttrything most besoljl as the 7 qemstkeet ai iotioneer ariy s- -t- i v