Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1881, p. 3

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i i 51 7 e p 3 r- swr tlutb taiml time tabu itriiaaleart acton si follows aoiso wist jtifiit kjpreia feoato mail dsyfitpmst erpttn it mind xteht espraaa gait mired dsrktnrcss western mitt lnii mired ooivo mit i ltojom 8lqom lpuu 5 13 p tar 4sufca uisuani 930 pra sign of th blf wtoh sec my large- slock of spectacles from 15c apih- lo 4 call and te my larue j ilck of berlin wools mottoes sitter crd board rtnrt enreloyet note farr combs toy doll beautiful wedding and birthday present in jltiswarc pitted ware vases the noted nines foe fancy cods iita cf the big walsh geo tynja jewellery t finer goods store aclou oat tie free press tncnsdav morsinc jan iss1 local and other jottings plenty afwiaw stock taliag is dost ia order valentines are cow being par- chased tcor held pancake socials ia eracystaa j two weeks from next uoaday scill be valentine s day lok out for tbt icicles they ire handier t almost every safe the preseat discussion an biptism tas beim the best thing ta draw a croad that acton ever bad the january ithaw will he necessi tatei to hurry up it it etpscis to cet its work in this month r to let that cbeerfaa and most ecdfjrtxbledcelutic aver vsranc storfc in mrs- sccjric block the pulton anm is clamoring cofsrare entice it it sorptions tn- ceed that tit cocnty tovn has existed so luzc jcc oat 5ui tenty fire cents to jlssrc beczacii bros toronto for a copy oi gils akiazzcrii istbebea publication d he kildeipr iaaitd ia canada ius apcidekr oa tvtciupsdn sir abrsci eastcn xtiiaeya metwith a psintli seciirsi ke sras accippinc i gja ha ihe fricriua oi hi tfcatab acaiuct tbf edcr ia lfc cipple eetcsthecoutiits eye- nur ot poicier ehox tfercs the tci ldi ia sir eittuas fice aad ilvrrx one of oar subscriber in cenenr i- lis subscriptioa for tte year jrrites althoh- irtttite a great nainber of pipers re l find time to read the fccc pfirr we voald catbe ritioat it r aarthiag it beiae iaitcciiiie a huee licrsal besides cricf a large atnocct of readiajr matter saea ia the- asirirsal verdiefcf all oar saoscribers ikcipiest fiecoa ilcndav 5fr a ez3 cf tassacamefa left koaie for ijoa- and in his ahsenee the itacse cat fire a larze hole vat bsrsed ia the air aad tiie- bafldin vas badiir daolaged wxta stscte- i little cirl passing along the raad aotieftd fhftsniote escaping frcea the viators and gave the alarm the neigh bin assecabled and extingizished the are vriji a few pails af irater tsrjis casrnrnaic is pre cipzsly icticafed la these eolcinns there xill be a cathering of sabbath tchool vorfc- ert in the detholist chareh of this riliace oatcesiiy aasvvtelnesday af tiert weefc the best fitrt at the cojnmaad of the cam- pcttee of macaceneat haa heea seeared osd thesubjecu to be disccssed are of rital ip2rtin5ei skill ke hrre acrand rally fcr a coaple of days 5 let those interested in saihati school work be pceseutto trork acd learn we hope to see grand resnlta from tils coarentiap of the s s cearen- tiaa ferxfsolc i if r w iroda of tjoroato is in ton uiss eiaaia tabby nf geargetovs is riiiting her aetoa frieadr- kiss clan hilts of strafford spent feir daya fiat week with her friends here eels w williacos gcelph i daff if i seefeice icraaej erin hare been is too dcriawhe debate 03 baptisat jdrvt xfnyder jr whhos been vidticg friesds a st catharineaand riein- itr dancg the oast sic weeks returned horne oa jdcndayyhaviogecijofedapeasant risit stiu nlcoyeu nit ni i iretuium sulacrilrri are oiiiiiiig iu thick et fsh for be flit 1 rem for 1881 follow the crowd couktr yajuur cm w 0r hu uestu olected to act u warden or hit county for lo8 1 pleue dont tjmov th im ram yonr idellr it it lh tpokir btrt wend flinnltoti spectator- 8atn very length lelogmph polct hfivo pasted thin office during tut past 6eko sotue oi litem r 00 foet in length we ire indebted to mr jam- l wtrrenfoe coptet of the lincoln nb stale journal and firth ifeb week it 7tm ia mother cotutna trill be fonnd n idrerliienient to the flect thit til partttrs mtug kaor churea far funeral purjioset will be required to ptytbe caretaker t fee of 50 cenli for the tame w hare pleasurein teturning our beattr ilsuki to those of our tub scrlber ho bive reueaed tlietr cub sctijitiooa and psid ortbem in adrncev u- would be a rut help to at if the reoiaindtr would da likewise fljccee bkoezs onfridar lafc a little oneytntrold oiiild ot jlr qire tieslit while- plsjing about a eewing tuachiae caught tuleft hand in tho mschine ireaking the first finger di lowry attended the little tniterer and the injured digit will soon be well igiin destte vs scattsa eikc the nianagiri of the skating riuk here threaten to etta those engaged ta the debate an biititm fur damages if the discussion it continued longer than this weefc the rink haa been almost deaerted ever siue the discasiort euui- ctenccd trie lttntt dodcc ian erclmnge tells of e new 6wicdle a- snwing nmchiae peddler takes notes for pay- aent and states the notes aio not to ly interest in some cases the notes unrt printed ta small tvp in the led hand corner a xairy rat4cmutertst liich the peddler eovers with his thumb while the mnhasft signs farmers and others would do well ui be antheit guard ogatiiit fmudt of this kind ilcv l geh hutuiliaiiipritirii ol in i very lsiije tiidietiee in tbo u m oltitrclthure uat sunday morning and eening milton avim mr a rob bell of nataagaweya bat our thaitka for a collection of ntftpaperi ipublithcd in oolorado they couuirt touia very laterealing tun and othtr reading matter i the wiktek thit aa far hai bei one of the best w infers w have had to thii part of the country for a number of yean the weather hai been cold at itaiff but bright and clear the altighing is excellent and busiucss has conaequently been good to far and ii likely to keep o all winter lectoee rer o l mckay d d missiontry from tauisui formosn will address a meeting in enuic chureb acton on friday 4th feb at 7 oclock pm on the subject of tdolitry as it exists among th heathen illustrating his address with idols mr mckay is a very able man and as he has bad considerable experience as a foreiga missionary his addre will no doubt bh a vary interesting one fwple are constantly asking us hnw we like georgetown we atiaaor firstrate lip top bully herald tiia is aaisfkctpry now let us somewhat modify this question we know the tctrald man is modest bow do the georgetown people like th new editor i milton kcict we presume the georgetown people will take mcr kindly to the new editor than thoy do at piesent after a few of the rough corners of inexperience which are yet apparent are knocked off j the pulpit on sunday tupming tast mr d brliaree of nasasgaweys occupied the pulpit of tho methodist church here and delivered a very in ttrcstinj discourse in the evening rev t l wilkinson preaohej a very able sermou on the belierers burial with christ by btptism crplttiiiu the subject clrarly and to the satif fac tion of idl prrnt elder a anderson of hmnilton preached in the uitciple meieting hoiik- ou sunday morning and rv h mc dirraii m a of torouto in the evening tee bis sxow stoejl the snow xtona of the season mode its sppearance here aboct cooii ou friday loot acd con tiaced catil suodsy doming there was a strong northeast wind daring the stonn and the roads xctrt badly driftad aboct eighteen inches of scow felr and oa satur day morning oar cittucx tamed outs suxasc to dike passable the sidewalks and road bat the snar seemed ta acjeama late nearly as last as it coald be cleaned away and by acfcfr the sanze wctk had to be perfrnied again daring the week the roads bare beea broken in very well and sleighing is now good aiin the eilbge constable was eaaged nearly all ity ca satsnlay notifying deliaqaeuts lo clean off ths sidewalks at present the snow is aboat a foot and a half deep oa the level bat there are some drifts in the streets hieh are faily sixfee deep and many yards in extent tie editors table chics co farxes ifr robert hold xesnat thicta of wis serjjx ns chicago papea pieiiihtktier pafees we beg to tender oar thanks to dr eobertson ii pp for th eoaer- for copies of reoort of ths oaurio leiclatcrenow in sessiaa tnr ukiot jacx jve hare receired from the itoronto news company a copy cf thealjorejaeraal it it foil af reading toatter interciting to ysn fulks price i5 ceatc toronto kews co toeonto vvioetoie agents- r ftai bnxet the first number of 2w eadqti which is monthly jaarual de leted to the interests of insurance com- paaiee has been receired at this office this a cw vectcce and we hayeno dosbt it will meet with i eccaarsging success it is rpabhshtd m toronto bietedav asxivetsaey tho 77th simivertxry of the birthjay of mr abram itattiewsof this village was celebrated at his residence on sturdsy litt by hifchiwren and a number of relatives justiefurei going to supper mr james mstthewi preaeated hiai with a comfortable arm chair on im half of the invited guests kind wishes ware exprsseed and reminitaaaces of the past were referred ta with pleasure a very enjoyable and profitable evening was speat and we wish hint many happy returns few person look as fresh and are as active at this sge as mr matthews mrs m a christie notloes worth atttntlon hats from 75 oonli to 25c at j fylci- i no i sad ironi for ec per lb at id 0 hills seoondihandbtovmfromfloo up at j 0 hills tin shop a becord j co hare tin very belt atock of leas in lawn a good stock of cpoklojo btovet at j 0 hillswill hi tojd jgeav dont fell lo try a secord ii coi now itock of teaa 0 k fire shovels at j 0 htui tin shop for 10c each hardwire of all kinda at a se cord cy ojs ladies tuattles newest itytes at christie henderton ii co a gxid second hand cook stoye cheap for cash at j c hills a good felt hat for t5 cents at j fyfes a secord co have just receiv ed a fresh lot of orangea and lemons ip von want a nobby durable snd cneap suit j fyfea is the place to go the bocal scuttles for sale at jy c kills tiu and store depot acton suits and overcoats at extremely low rites and uude in litest styles be sure to call and ice thetn j fyfc acton royal base burnor coal stove the best in the market at j c hills tin shop for the very finest tos good value in all prices go to a sccotd cos scotch english ard canadian suitings ia great variety at lie east end clothing store j fyfe acton j c hill hsi just received e splendid lot of grenito wato at bis tin shop broad i bread bread ocean house bread received daily froui hamilton at a secord cj cos for the very best quality new ertsan teas at i0 ceaits 5accutf60 cnts and 75 cents go co asecoid i- cos they ail do it ererjbody uses tea- liery la beaultl7llieethaiidctvefrsxracce lo the brcatti ast yoardrqjsist lof sample pekc ta larae uouiea5 cents knnufacturers of reapers jlowers and rircshing machinery refer cos- tortne machine lil to any other itwill oetwesr lard seat and elenhant aad it warranted not to guru mcquillan oi hsmiupn of the wellington marble works guelpb are noted for giving tstcfactioa to those favor ing them with their orders if yoa need anything ia their liie be sure and remember tbem tbey do a very large business eon seqaeatly they are able to gtrs better urmi and keep better workmen than smaller works send to themfor rortiealars aiii sl-r-fjp- 4 f on sale oca lriixpsis this moat eieeimat jasenile monthly far febroary hoe just been receired and is equal ia any former camber the ilhutratioos are good and the reading mattcf- consisting of both poetry 0 prase ia in every way calculated to ancie icfcrtfi ladimtract fie children sebseriptiac pric ffso per annum ad1 dtett the battk publiihiog company us t j bos mass sgiiqqi books- tic scpcxcm ducascftixl the delate oa biptunj betceca eert h mcxmztmli ifa at toronto lad t l tcijticfoo of thit rillxpe which hu been in prnjres daring tte put tro tecti i tili coutiacee in oor uit utne we rcpirtd up to wedntsdxy ereain on tandiy eren- iog vcr uxgp ncraber of perscm uscmbl- ed to heir the ditcnaioa it it eitinutcd thit 600 people were present the eabject ducaised wis the oae iatrodaced thefarfrer ereaiog thit tatptixnt idmiiustered by iprinktiqg ar poaring t scriptarilly per formed with eer ilr wilfcimoa u ifirm- at the ducsmoa of this ereofng wax in interettiit one tad the aadience auaifat- ed cotiderthle interest ia- it at the clot e of th eztnias it vu decided to contiaae the debate oa the tbore tubject with ilr wilfcicson u iffirmtnty for toother erening j owip to the rery inclement wetther of fridif evening the mdience vu prioct pally l composed of actoc people and numbered zboat 333- some howcrer were present who hid drivea foac or fire mile throagh the itorm thas erhibitin tfacr deep inter est oi cariosity on the sabjsct the die- cusaoa w ta tnterestias one- the cect mcitjag held was ok ilcaixy eveaicg whea the chcrch wtx died to its ttttnattcspicity both ia the taditorianx sad gxlleriet snd the sadience naicbered aboat g25 a new topic was iatrodaced tail evening by mr jfcdurmid u follows thit belierers only are proper sabjects of chriitisa bxp- tism the pros sad eon of thiabjec4 were discastiid snd thes same subject was contiimed on taasday creaing beftre a gathering of people ilmoit is urexs on the fonntr ereaiog on wednesday ereaing tbc faatthsnd iastsabject viz- that infant are p toper rabjects of christian baptism was opened by air wilkinson and u irita prsvioas propositions the opin ions of each were freely iven is well as the anthoritiet isretch cue for such opinions it is expected that tlik ereninc du cars ton will cbaclcde tue debate as the appoint ment of pablie ladres co decide ffhica de bater made the largest number af points oa the several pro posit ions was oat of the qacstioa the people are left to iaifji for themselng ud we hsye no doabt bat that ereiry perwa wfia has ttuaiti the debafc it now conclnsirely settled fn iiis or her opinion oa the foar sahjects ditcancd the people deserve ert credit fartheflrcellfnt- order observed thas far doriiie the debate notwtthetandioff tbemsay pafats broaght oat by the- speakers which receired the hearty endarsatioa of their friends io the sadience slates pens ink xexviko acrojr mr james wilds who has been employed as catter in the conadtgloys works in his village during the past eight or nine years is aboat co remove from acton mr wilds intends going to listowel and has made arrangements to engage in the manufacture of gloves milts etc in partnership with mr c selwood gjptleman of listowel and will do business under the name of wilds f- selwood in that town on tuesday evjning last the fellowworkmen of mr wild eiterfained him at an oyster supper at agnews hotel and presented him with a large photograph nicely framed of the glare cutters of the works eight in number we wish mr wilds success in his businesi and trust that himself and family will re ceive hearty welcome from the listowel people mr wilds leaves acton on monday dry goods and groceries btjchas winter woolens dress goods shirtings winceys mens hats- and caps mill jiery o will continue on slpbdat at 230 oclock and 7 pm t chapmans mammoth stare actok purchaser under 15 dollars cash oyer that i months ccjdit birgaina given in our daily bales usual v j chapman wykemstreet auotomr s christie henderson co acton thib wise show the contents of over- 60 cases of soots and shoes trcm tit silt kcttn is tve doalaioa tis vorr sxoouent qtujitr ci tilll good hil bssa hutnaituvutbi retm aa the ttctot q-aai- rttr virlty curtomt7 tad onnon l unwijused tsy say slnele anil la tat trifls i tut csjcrtuiitr li osind for procuring- tb rtquli- ttt trsll al tonur mpplr full lines of tweeds gray wmte and scarlet flanneli can- too flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles fine wool goods black costumes costume cloth etc just in use cistorine machine oil or all kinds ot machinery it is also excellent or harness or leather making it water and weather proof a gentleman his contributed 1500 to the endowment fund of albert college bvllwille the ccsple slomt in acton on the 20th inat the wiie of mr fred hf storey of a soa cooc in esqaesing on the 20th inst the wifrf of aaam cook eiq of a daughter ictsx eaektf white wheat jl05tollo treadwetl oil j 1 05 to i 03 spring wheat glssgcw old i 0i to 1 10 eedchaff 0 98 to 1 00 oats 0 u to 0 ss peas 0 60 to 0 70 barley- 0 65 to 0 83 rye 0 65 to 0 jo eggeperdcr 0 15 to o 22 batter dairy packed 0 16 to 0 is batter roll 0 18 to 0 22 potatoes new per bag 0 0 too 5 dressed hogs 5 50 to 6 50 ccclril hajtliets floor j2 75 to f 00 whftawhaa i 05 to i 10 lreadwu i 05 to i 08 springwhest glasgow 1 05 to i 10 redcniff 0 9s to i 0f 0u v t 0 m to 0 ss peas 0 60 to 0 72 barley j 0 c5 to 0 60 llye 0 65 to 0 7g eggsperdoi 0 15 to 0 22 batter dairy pseked 0 16 to 0 10 battr rolls potatoes oeir per bosh dressed hoes best value ia the county in gran ulated cut loaf icing coftte and baking sugars at a secord co a doctors nave him bp is it poos tbte that if r clodfray s up snd at worn aa1 cared by io simple a remedy r i assure yoa it i lri0 that bets entrer eatedoncl otli tuulcf but if op kilters and ocly ten days acihteuctor cave hint upane saljherauatil- vvlletay it ibat is ser i will co this ulnale ano set some for poor georee i tnow tioia are zood ask your j dealer for caslorine jlschine 111 acd see that the barrel is branded cistorine as none other it genuine j keader hatje joa a caogli that does not j to the usual comedies donotde ity do not despair but try rfagyards pectjral balsam the best cough cure kuorcn a few doses of this safe and pleasant medicine willbresk up she most obstinate cough alt medicict dealers sell it at 23 els per bottle vo van enar that in irere anj elironlc cai hteh have dnrdal oilier re nodiecvltdus com- ekxindsyropofwtlilctierryelvcsfcica aale relief anl ertecls a aedi cure that every famllj- who ichiiv icon liand ear defy couciik croop ytifviiltc oaths coldf krouchitlt andffl tlfrtrpflrdisaieu that oo ejitc bits been reported la which it failed to tire relief i that in every district where wlson- wl d caerry hoa betn tctroioeed lthas jumped law favor in an incredibly short time that yoa can fany ltfrom any taadlnc drat- gtstln wesieraontarlo crackea tnnfts cradsed lfps and roagaiicas of tne ekltt cast be cured by a sow apalfeatlozls at gaxbaarts farfatas bnlttt wmctt anl coots ss cents and la ad or an i sating druggists in vteetern ontsrla it ta guaxanteocl to give satis taction is every tnatancei tryit hsgyardsfecoral balsam contains no dangerous narcotic drug but is a purely vegetable healing bslsim cures by loosening fhephlegm and corrupt mt lerfrom the lungs andexpellingltfrom the systeui croup- asthma uronchitit hoarseness anj all pectoral dicaases yield to it promptly all dealers sell it hokestt is tint best polict our daily bread istweetest when gained by honet toil fdsgyards yellow oil is an honest oil and honestly speaking it cures more cases of aches jfnflame- ness stiffoints fleifi woundsarns scalds uralses kheiimstim deafness cold bore thrust and hsmmilon than any other ratnedy offered fur salft no household should be without it z0pesa from brsril asattsaltof ths ustr commercial enterprise est astuinlug importance wllb bratll la the introduction of zoeesa so jnatiy celebrate whre it is fcno wn for the care of all lormsotlndltestioii the company have oreneu a laboratory in toronto zopesa comes to us bishly endors- edond recomcainied its wondrfol affltilty tothe dicsstlve orsans its cartalnly to re lieve and cure dyspepsia an1 constipation otutflsthls remarkable corapoaart aneces sityiacaiada tliecomrany raakesample botuesatthe trtfunceost or 10 cents to be hftdofje ifccisivin aetna best and cemrort a the satterfng- browns household panacea hat no equal for relieving pain both in ternal andexlernal it cures- pain in the fide back or bbaeht sofethroat kheumatism toothtuh lumbago and any kind ot pain or acjft jlt willi trbst arely quicked hi blbd aadheal at its rcling tpoximiwaa4rcal brownt household panaeeiay being ocknowledgedas the great pnin heliever and of double the sirength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should he in every family hanay for use then wauled as it really isthe bestremfldy in the world for crumbs in tho stomach and pains and aches of nil kinds iume alvat8 bade a 8pbci1ltt of a 12 i0 wxncsl v d we are determined still to maintain the super iority of this line winceys plain and fancy from 5 centis op i remember their famous 50c tea i cheistie henderson co i tslssblctiox of partnership kolice is hereby given that the co partnership formerly subsisting between or the bndersigned as millers bakers ejle at xton under the style or firm of b k e kicvlin was disstlved by mutual consent on the first day a january rod that tie milling business will in futuit b carriecl on by b w kicklin and the bakery business by k kicklin son the old j firm will receive and pay all dcbls of he late copartnership dated this i9tiday ofanuary iwl i benukikwnicklxn edward nickljk wilnessra k kittenrwa n otice to hcbtoref ah acconnts due the undersigned siust be settled br the erst of febrosry otherwise they will be placed in other hands for collection- b4esk3xlik horse new shoeing shop hugrh mcdermid wo aid inform tte peopje of actoa and enrroonding country that he hex open ed a tjhop in the premises formerly occupied by mr j ames ryder and will carry anteli baainea of horssaioalnc ss cfmerl slacfcanit- bj la ail brtxefcu a woet shop will be carried on in con nection with the biicksinith shipaad all repairs tb cat ten sleighs bargies or waggons j kill be promptly attendvi to refaikiso of all kinds executed oa ihart aotice it all work warranted- 3tlcali solicited husk mtdarmld come to hills photo art studio mill st acton and if you dont know your own photograph now you will hereafter j citizens visitors all come and you will be well come csds w sill teas the qhea4p grocery w p br ow n has just receired a new stoct of groosrieslcrockory and glassware 0 18 to 0 2s 0 40 to 0 45 dhd is for sale byall pruggistsat 25 ceau 5 50 to 6 5q sjbouje the domplef a domesilc bible j pratisiikii bt jwlyoi co caelph ontario canada is acknowledged by he world to be the best ana mast complete family bible urer published a circulation more er- j teusifd thia all other bibles iff the best eridenc or its meriu being sold not by hundred of thousand finding rfljiaiy sale nofbnly in this country but reaefc ing nearfy arouud the world cat no another jgreit addittne matcing it eiill more intereftling asd useful si a com plete family bible fili golf or tui woriup of idols tirofnselyillastrawd tnu nsw fenturedes- crtbitine kale qclt or ttis iaa wonhip of th wnri 1 is one of limcfinse importance and ofnalimltedintereit so sreta proportion of tfteerjtii inhaliitrbtsar now anj orsr ha been woinlors tnxt toe lyttetn which hoi jt ihcmlv idolatry ought to be aotleritoou o j e rery thorf nlfal person inronatloa on thli iuttfecl in hitherto beea widely sjiitered and dlfflcall of access in thli rfiv featiira of oor bible lha faliest available material hsabeen examlatd tad urtwenual parts hateboboajht together ftfry tyitem offline worship ii herucx plained and its faatirta of freattssl tnters lllustrafd tua nflusooe of hesmtstnik a fan ths beopli vbobonr iotthn is purl lea- larfy traced man he vast difference brtween tills anrlot trna rillnlon mar gland oat la cirarcbnlrtest before the reader no rain nuva been kpartd m lecnrathf fulest llintrtillnn of tuf iabjcla suprh plctnrlrl jqprsntatln are tlren iherstor shciwlnt e cosdy emple and hrlnei tho ileludea prtamand worsfilte lar customs and decrtved iiungloailon ramcloas f nhurain lacrnses etc afio contiinlnr flrtj full pafe plates 2000 illcstration- at j e mcaarvins dru hiis te1s en 14 art eioelleat and have giren greatsatiafsction try them a 8nnijtd lot or h ta soon to be opened and very suitable for curittmat preienu i give him a call goods pelxrcredlrttietlllaije w p brown teas stoves stoves stationery etc i do not fail to see havills stock ol stoyes the cheapest andb variety la torra ordered music a speciality

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