1 fit- n i bee ss r n r i tbcmdai m6rmmv j x7 v f 1- 0 ism jtoewff i0irff cqbxs8 a dinner and a kiss i vara brought voursuhittr ulhcr ftaa blacksmiths daughter said as she uok tout her arms a tetti j and lilted it shining lid j there vuot any pt or irajjinf s i will cutyuu uiii aud opoa wv trllwmn sorehead she left i childish kin tlit blacksmith took off hit apron and dined in happy mood woudermr ranch at the savor hid in his humble food while ill about him were visions full el jrophcticsblis i but he never thought ol the magic iii hit little daughters kisa y hilc she ait with net kettle mociogt i merrily trudged away stopping at sight of a squirrel catching some wild birds lay and t thducbt no niauy a shadow of life and fate e should mist if always our fracal dinucrt were seasoned with a kiss tuc two sailors a mother of the green hill of vermont wis holdiuc by the right hand a son six teen years old mad with love the sea and it she stood liy the garden gale one morning she said r edward they tell me fori never ttv the ccan that the great temptation of seamans life u drink ffotnre me before yon quit yoor mothers baud that yon vtii nsrer drink lienor audj he said for the story i fire tctv die the promise and i went the globe over to calcutta and the ilcditerraueau isau fran cisco and the cape of good hope the north and sjonth pjei i saw thetn ail in forty years and i never saw a glass tilled with sparkling liqnur that my mother forth at the gate did not rise up before njy eyes and toliy a innocent of the taste of luiucr tvatttol that sweet evidence of the ioa er of a single word yet that is not half forstillcontinaedhc yesterday there came into my cuaatiug room a uau forty year old do yoa know mel v well taid he i was irobcht drunk into yoar presence on ahiphoaxd von were passenger they kicked me aside yen toot raeto yoor berth and kept me there till i had riept off my- intoxication van ihca asked roe if i had a mother i tiid i had hercr heard a ward friiu her lips yoa told me of yums at the ardch gaw and toniay i am master otaoe of tines ships in new storfc hiruor and came to aak yoa tocome to tee me the mothcrt worls oa the hilla of ver- moot god befthanfced for the mishty power of a single word 1 josh bhtliiiristitdropr tu plipocoplitsr j mil billtnjm m i ftjljo tnij 0 jila kti eri aliinax for 18 cicholora art ultcni a impgln ov tferirfxtsdoiut iroedotn to tlarn their own stockings i lid ruluf r 1b viilivrkrjotie tn jjurt ifguir umit lew im a gtuutiug old hair dyctl luulietor outy cut 20 disyt aiutuliuti tsr hia in evftyllilnj it a siiro j le put tuaul knudcll all out t sum wopla wont ulcava nhr liibg they tnnl ptovo tha ihiuga i v itut proye are ilia very lliingt i lelenvu tie aiptu good xnmplm aoiunj ilia ruloiii art the lett laws tlipy lean tnaftt hs who ipenda luj youngtr dayg in likapaslimt l uioigainj hiaiavlf tew dimrak and poverty two uiixarame aediuirs wko are certain to fortclosc at last and take posacisioti ov tie iretuikct a dandy in love it just klout at lad a file as a stick or uiouksis ton dy that hat hair melted tdarc it no good aubstitnlo for wis dotu but titencs it the bent that iiz been discovered ret i i never knew tiut ono iugdel in tti jifi aud lie had no mum caurrie liar a iiff drowned kitten jfst pulled out ov a wiil tiarrsd utid wut ut ufraiu the devil would lie it lie wat allowed tew visit ttteertli fot a short ecasou to lecruit hiiusclf too poor to take a taper be klnd boys horace mann talks to the boys at follows von are made u- be kind boys jenerocj manaaimoaa if there h a boy ia tchool who hat a elnh foot dont let him know yn eyer taw if there it a poor boy with rakred chdihet dont talk abcitracs in hit hearinf- if there it a lame boy assign him sotne part of the came that does not raire rannim- there ix a harrr one give hua an a yoir dinner if thare ia a dnll one help him to jet hit lesson if there it a bruzt one benatenvioctof him focif one boy it proid ofhts talents and mother it ecriont of him there are two great wrons and no more taleofc than be- fjre if a iarjer or stronger boy has injured yon and tt lorry for it forgire him all the school will thaw by their cocctertnces ho ranch better it it thin to hare a great fitchf moore of the kew york rural win aittiug in hi office one nftertieon souu yexrs ago when a farmr frieud cmie in and tid air jtoote i like your wrwr tmt time are fco hard i caiiuot jav far it ia that io frifnd jones t litm rry sorry to hearlhat you am to kor if yoa are ao hard run i will give you my wtper oli no t cant ate it as a rift i welt thsn lets see lior we can gl it i you raise chicketik i be liera ye a few but tiier do not lrin- much daat thcyt keither dors roy iaier cyst much xow i hare a- proposition to make to you ill coa- tinue your uakr and whetl yuu go home yoa may select from ycrar lot one chicken and call her mine take good crre of herjtnd brihgme tbi procecdr whether in eges or chickeat and we srill call it quart all right brother atoore and the fellow chuckled at what he thought a capital barata he obmfcttfcd the con tract strictly and at the end of the year found that he iiad paid about four prices for his paper he often tells the joke himreif and he never had the faces to say he war too poor to late u paier since that day imwento reduotloni in prlcfi to olow out tb winter itnolf wnlkltis haa ticided to roako great the goods and you kill l uw to 4mfllltvrf irndi ilrei tficn easlnjj luo iluoj thesumjorlmu fitnior ritinfu i do 1st that rhn imwatjikw uijeiiajiej- im j eotttastrrjbod will flof yr i all md- i aoprssitttia i the rslr wlllttttha aitsttoattaer fir mil inn with thauart ptodlabu eip ofjima aiw lraalghl tlltl i allnwreo iha oldnnnn ixtr ior ofjime orld dlemler eo hi dodttantfwii andnnautieter 1 i nnnmnnir at lh tr chjlt rt vfjfcawr tijhfhofthtkjonwiwhlh ww butf s wizslwii i il mutt ja pjr lu ytemiorianwj i cloae to liughfou tilcructnbtif the name ia mtmiuon jtn 2dts 1831 thomas c watkins hamilton a dislmct and peculiar combination felws compound syrup of rypophos phites it oouain lie tlrmmti nnlit to lb animal orgamiatiou the oxidising igiuol aisd tonlca in eonthiiivtioa with he sunalsf ing tct phosphomi posshilne th og tlvhtly alkauue and is dispense i iii the conrenient aud lauuu form of a lyrap vtfffreta are mtslly risbi within twntyfonr ham anlarsi mar w by a atio- ulatioa of the t the- diction and assimilation ulentig dutelly into tta circuaiio t it loalh nrrres aud inorle rtu a lrllbysc ion of th rti s 1 jsivi the ionach irr iijuret ice tyitem undst prolonged w and may be dttmuliiitul at ay lima without itwnvtawace j in a word itswsw tlnsfmnlaas to aronse the ttreagth the tonica to rataltt it tail tuuil of abyhdere i fellows compojsdsra of hypoph03phites gpcccilr 3 ptaijthslr cyact j c7e tt r nm twij umt lhftrt l ttlrmin ufipf ijij uiitii j perry davis son -lawrence- qeiulacen ucstamulii subscribe for the acton free press m r d m k mmvfflw she only medibina that sttccessfaljy ptrrifie the j blood acts upon the liver bowels jskiix and kidneys white at the same time it allays neryou irritation and etrengihens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache rheumatism dropky nervous ajjd gen eral debility female complaints 8crofula erysipelas salt rheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the dest blood pdbify1kc tokic ih the wopio gamrte battle ie t ktlscn i co sox kif tcuiu beaaur use 9im hn frtftaaas ttorm rawtfer is a safe icre sad effectual asttrevtr f v ia rhndtea r tdnhf pnce ss ccca ce j cxjl wrs rreesssaaa xew damestte dyea tn tvitkl k rrwy color csnjcr they tare c cc sat fnce tj ctastticr rrisac tor tngttists sad c thill f01i groceries if a body what i hare heard olliers say iboat tobacco i have heard dr alytworth tell what h knows abont tobacco aad that is no sinall amonnt of information oae nun told me that while prayinz with a qaidof tobacco in his nioath he waa strangled by the cpittle- bs this cleans he waa convicted that it was wroos for him to use it eapecally while addrsssioi the throne of mercy another says he did not realize that he wat a great slave to the weed till nu one occasion dur- ing a hnrrvin seiton of the year he ot oat of tobacco he determined not to drive to town jit in purpose to get some hntbefore the day scat passed he had torn the packers out of hi tssrnients and chewfd them to pieces to get what strength of to bacco still remaining in them- dearyoanj men who ns tobacco jrtve it np at ooce or yon will be enslaved by it the peoot saved a penny saved is a penny gained has long been one of englands und- iny proverbs the problem of ute years lias iieea how to bare the penny the poatonice savings banks would not take less than a shilling and other banks chat would take thesmallercoittk were distrusted sincftthe failure of so nuny banks dttnug the english bard times so tits penny was very apttcj drift into thedriafsbori mr fasrcett j l btw although physically a blind man the need that existed of giving the i above proverb practical value o he is now testing a plan for saving that penny by application to the pot- offioe art oblong card can be obtained oontrinicg twelve spaces the size of a pinny stamp the stampr ire bought one at a time and stuck on this card one by one till there is a shilling worth on the card then the stamped card ia taken at the postoffioe and the holder credited with the shilling six rural ooonties were selected as the plac of trial and li000 ncconnts were open ed at once the plan wag recently ex teddeaftii all england and now 70000 parsons have taken cards if a body eee a body propriate his hit should a body tick a iwdy jast or doing thatt if a body catch a body stealing iii old rye thou j body kick a body till a body cry f if a body ipy a body creeping round bis lot sboald a body treat a body to a load of shot 1 if a- feller chtch feller carrying os bis wood shpnm a feller whale a feller if a feller could i if a body want a body him to pntron- iz shouldnt a body pay a bodytiini to advertise 1 if a body cxtch a body wincing ft his wife should a body with a pistol take a bodys life j josttke a bottle of my oicdi cine- said a quack doctor to a con soutptsve and youll never cnugb again- la it so fatal as that t asked the patient a newspaper is a window throngh which men look ont upon the world without a newspaper a man is shut ap ia a small room and knows little ot nothing of what is happening outside of binikelt- in our dy the newtpaper vcill ketp a sensible man in rympatby with the worlds current history it is an nnfoidittr encycbpclw an nn bound book fot ever iaitjing and nerar finish id if yoa want a cood aodehenp artlcletn tounr syian jipis bimzox qun- sawier t1asii enkare syrups spices and tobaccos of all kinds fresh usd sweet hardware of all hniu guelph cloth mall orrrcrxifinyf far capt gloves and iit4 paints and oils hikges axd locks nails glass putty salt by the barrel all cheap for cash qo to o t hills wnt street- acton tha gtreatett bi k simple pore harm left remedy that enres every time and prevents disease b lcotpts tha blood pure stamacit recoia tunvuonrtrlvrrnetire tlie greatest btrfs- idirctjerconfemdoron man hop btiters t that rcmedv and lis proprietors art beloa blessed bt thoofandt wlm have beti saved and cured b it will yoa try it see other cotaaia low thin is sarah bornardt pa thtbidowof aahadet why jot t abop i as thin my ahlld as picniclemonarle kut if rtarah would only fake burdock blood bikers she eonldadd to her geih and beauty rery materially these pop- ularbttlersare no fancy dfint bulkpure and powerful tome that sets- upon be moniarb liver fckin and kidneys pari- lyink the blood andregqlnting theserre- tions while it renews exhausted vitality see testimonial- in another column p suaw d- the- hristian gleaner 100 a year as ukoectaiuax aaaztk con- twining stisaionaty nek frcitti il pru of the world and well illustrated with ereuclnss etikntvings out of he beil hlistioiiaru pcriadiarfi pullidird specimen copies frig address chkistux glkaser port hopf ont the bast offer yet mado fear of frank eesiiev pabueauobt oae rear for only 88j0 the frank leslie publishing co is dey st new york will send fkaxk lnstrxaa fuolt foizkd a igpago fllufitratod paper for only 100 per rear fuxxe lziiies itotxo fotxs devoted to the interest of the ypurnr people and con taining much to interest nose of a more mature age a 16paga illustrated paper price per year 50 cents fust ljsues nittoxit agriceltctist ixd woiuaxo faaitzn a 16page illustrated paper for only sloo per year with dr b jkendalls eminent treatise on the horse and its diseases a book of 100 pages 90 fine engravings free to each subscriber faasx leslcss pcuii or the dst a 18- page illustrated pager jnst the paper for sunday reading irlee only 75 cents per year including two beautiful ohromos xhe first easter dawn aud the first christ mas morn- or all our iff the ooowpaobeortoiijor 2s0 per year samples of all of our pnblieations and d instratodcatalogno without preminms for 15 cents all desiring steady and profitable employment should send at once before their territory is taken i any of the above publications sent for six rhontht at half rates address fiukk lntui pcnusifreo co udratmkn york r udereldhing uurtox ftcrejicul tailors i i i t tt is ft fpedfle in the enn of all diseases f uie kldoeys bladder prostatic por- toa cf ibebrlnanrgrsanalrritatioaoc the node ot uia bladdar burning rjnue ulecvgonorrbea in alt its stages ha cous ptjcharnea contrstion of uiokid- leyt brlest bust oqxit cubetec in- camnjatlo of thaiuuejjand bladder dropsy of hdnera aadxiue blocdr 1 urtne pain in thi breton cf the bladder pais in the bao urinary calcnla j benal cafcnlnj banal colic eelenlton ci trhw fregnantiurinatson qmvel tn ao iu firms inability to roism the wa ter patiearv n jprsopa advanred in hfa ut j airrjxsylnvebtiaaicb that rrctorm lio lrtno to its natural color rvmorcrli acid and bomteir and ute let ot uo excesarro too ot luteal- ff fm drint j i psixtl ir ill bottles forts asoodftwcrcam said tr ui omrwi wtt9inistoxeov jithsbstbuetk oktibjo ufctuirlli 17 ssuc casada fr sale in xolotl by j a heoarvln drnlst blutn ib i- in nmtrnh or ivrabilean mil tl mtg ronisatsi vi aboote1ndwlineor partltaftal rnlinlnrii tnl nnwnrwrlnt lojaltyininfas iik llrpiltl hldttii mat ihcflavrnmeiil wb ch ib uonuitne gives n i a rvk si t keep its ramviwtiii umy is t rl lo ha ofrootirowptsws s0ortof rnn n th jternmcan inrtr tojaff tiiannilieratni nfinrerrintii in haeenf mat which duls the jnr ml smi ui r tin immeduielr tolloiof w tl oobshhr v dfeulf th nprmely lm4irunt eiatc3 rat ken hur that m victory wiiiij- wtili iierplalnttn biota loslmi perlal power j n ourtimsareasjrilliiwa for i he itallr ftc fonrpata tbett drtfi twenlylaal roinmna tbaprtre hy mll poji ili is u eefs m oilinrja jrfi ttisjlargest and most complete factory in tie dominion 140x100 highest honors ever iwardedite any maker in tie world fsmdat ant diploma at centennial t tssuedal and diploma at syinij australia firgold ifedal tit jfrarintial kchililiou tnronto s5t iliijlitsl avcard ut iasiutrial rzhililien toronto is7s 1877 1878 1s79 we are nowymanufacturing square and upnght y jpi ajinqs best in the market correspqndencv solicited send for ilitutrmted csvtajosras mailed free- addresa dominion organ piano company bomianviiale ontario e vbaike 1gent lctoi dry goods proclamation we oommoneed on wednesday 1st deoemoer a geand cleaeelstg sale of odr iianssis stock of winter dry goods including of ttxrflm thtinliypirernelthnirt monili or 719 jrar foitwjffl pgij a the nimdgf tmionfiint srxl ajw fo- mxtuxf eparatrlr t vm a ytv portaftf ram m pr1t5a nf the wewclt hu fhrht rmtt nftylxcoltnnm utl enr poup mwji5 ffr clubs of en indlnvs10 will wnd mu extra copy trr addrw 1 w etolawd pablubrrofthefiuxifew york clfyi w is r lj7eey sale tables i 5l js mill street aotom is irhare you eiatgtit firstclass bigs arreasohable rates good commercial rigswl an express delivery wajon will meeji each ejaprssss train and deliver goods usj any part of tbe town 3i v m all partlfjl indelitrd to tbis tt- tablisbment are jrriinested let pay op j withoat farther delay arid save costs 5 ed matthei prbwietor m given away phrenological journal ti widely itfiovn ia abctk ad anpekttibclcta klon tat reatfinx varit fortr ittnd beacgy p fiuct ia literature csdtmrd iu ortfc tt wf 4 haaaa 3itii ia jji its poaso inriimtx tamwk phrnefbomy zthnolojr pkrsxiloct tlztofttha ium sdcan f bealta and do expeaae sb silk vcivpu dnv godn cchmertn vdveteent knallca sbawk mtnile clolhs ulsttr cloliii hoairry giott rimxinr lwxs slilltutry trioiaivd tnl uutriluiw clotfts tvettihgtri fumiiiluiiits nd th itnmrnscilock ol ana do expense tl i r t i v t x r i m i t r n f nake ii at best pubbcaliaa k- fnaai a itilc lmetlilie rhjfcillfijjucm jcllqcu tuwelsjhce curluq sheetings mio tendiax always to suke men beocr ptriiabt it i c bmbudj sad morally pares u iboali rati toe acwut w trill alao offer fr sale at the same urns a larxe uic of ladies fvbsin ssisssxt4 muffs boafand caps i ikcj ar au ski io of thamsla toaiav 4 1 icrihcrttxi n this is a splendid opportunity lo secure genuine b irfains at lass than regular priws remember this is no humbug but a genuine clearing sale qoods will be sold only for cash so cradtt at our reduced rales phrenological bust organ a new organ from a firstclass canadian moiorjor sale suitable or the horno snndayscbool or small chnroh ws trill sell the above very low or cash forfnuparticukasupplyto hpimoore liisaanoimk aelaf 11811 m stewart ol tjppei wrxdinic st tlus bm b made of plaster of rrisnd at lettete v ts titov tbe exact ttwation of each of th phreoofcpcal osxasil the head is iwahf tifeiire and tiiyoraiwrafal itterrjfif a place oh the cefitcrtthl ox nuateuia pariort r oficc orsmdy and anth receatiy has mid far ftea tlai p with the qlastraied key which atrompaaaf each ba aad the articles pahcshed fa the joncuci phrecorou ifll eaible the reader to beco fal atsdettol haaua kaliire oae of 4o hnf 7 c 4- 1 j hlli h h htubtteh4rau4ooiahifciiw m acton harness teu2tk fa0t0ey teraus tat joliwalb aev pohcshed at f m year vlwriajr ea itdocad tram 3oo rititle ntmhw- 0 ccbta when lie pi are sent s peon must be received ritn each sabatcrhkioti to pxr portajay- oa the jookal sad the expense of boxing aad padmrr the btao which wiq he sent by express or flo i- snallcr sbe 3l ve seat by mail pos wpwd vt w send the ocv boclv preminsn how to ezcct rlwfc axo aftxctiox saito6aenwxncikt- i send arnotat ia fkfc otdert draft q new yi la reentered letten postaceoampt tjecetrtd ranted scad tot cents for specimen omberl iiata ettl x tend address- oa postal jcard far aaaber u simple which will he scat tree j r r 7 so ftmsiti jtw w v have arranged for clrweio th itvkal journal as above which wihifc be fatviishad with the fn puds or iptisi per yev isf harseas and trunks uiadvto ordrin any stria raqnired oa short 6ti and at reasonabla pricaa repairing promptly attended to r ottgeoh the acton free press best local paper in h alton ccv furniture a good aiwbrtnient of first cllaa fnrni- litre of every deaqrip tion constantly on hand pries aa low hh qtielpli or goorge town john tpeioht a oau niutaiir undertaklno every descripuon rfcuffln and all funeril ret quia t always kept in itbck a hand some hbarss ttr uisbed at lo j rate helps yoorvlres trjr toaklns sshay bn eoiden erisore sjsmjisvvl- tliereby alkays w cxejvpoal njpossiit iro a joor door thwi vantage or- th gooil lor maklatul money t at ere cstertd centrally tutssstjyst wealth j while tnuie wlo dopot inr ruchehaneearexnrln in iniverry wsj waatj rnany m n women boys una atria- id wesft tor ns rlaht in ihelr own lomllt im tnebcskyjt jieaa will nay more ttusn ten tlmrssnctlnait we fcrnlsh ah bsrewlve ooiotams m all thai you n jhx frwi fl to lo bukeih very rapidly 15 c devotfl your whoe umt orcnly yc rooraentmf11uldforma1it bte4i kntrrtn addrrw moment full information ana ail lb tjg m addrrtai atuibox o portland hu m siottlt fomuhed tree with twjjb trsellorja lorcnncuetlfauhf probuou bnamesa any one w i twtoitienalneau earta and our tnstroetlob are so sltopna plain that any one nan mate great i irom she vry alert no one oan tail slldiumowcwa vsvimanareaiistieewal en boya addjslrw essw earss last a sisuiv trave aniacb attbe botsneea ove hundred dolten l alaajle week j hkejteverannwabelore all who are surprised at the eaue and rapidliyj whlcflllify ere able toi make tooaay tms n uaoitj johk spbigkt ut 1v r j v v- 1 1 vestcapital in iu we take all therlaejw i r money tionld write so who naed ready money stionhl writet tj 1 i vmv x