Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1881, p. 1

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rirr if wijutasma wuw rv v lv iu m i n it 1 it published frair t3uasdar uorkinqi or s jpimiooiibi editor proprietor faa iasaa ptrure pnttsutxe bopsm ke tt door 10 atcumdiu chareh msi slnaf 0 tth fata ihttswirlbc sent j sibfcnbcra rwstaropaid for uoo per an cast m advance 1s0 if not o paid no piper discontinued till all arrears arenaid crccpl at the option of the publisher tvcanux4 ritts casual advertise- tncnus cents per line for the first inter- twa and j corns per lino for each subse- qtumt insurtiou cash professional cards w imcs or lv uti rr annum isouare vloper aannin pavablc in g ravjiht rom date of iuvcrtaiu auv special so the object of which is to promote tut pceaiuarv benefit of any individual or company to be couriered m advertise- mem the number- cf lires reckoned uv tae jpacff occupied cultured in- a ki of y wu cmxtrct antes 0u enhmxn mi jejr hl viliiran nn ver li art-rtf- ivmaaayear tn e tiitin vie mnttiik hall ci mm 1 muuit iurr r mmiie nioeiiik te c vrtn mir mnttht llliunn nniirili j xrterco itiree morula t1txj j50 juijt t vi 110 iro tw vreerirmtuwilkvclreettle dlrecilaii imhetemrlhlirrakunlcuttdas irciv rrttjt ry arcrtitn most cmrsrsmr cmtraet aerrtfcemrmimwl fx- uf o- y s en on xiinlanuil rlktjflust lfl over tlt ihemowior tanvt be i p uoore kluirprprwr this paper essris- vwioe tm oartda advexuinr acj n akinist vvtto r u isanil ri rtaive id-rtu- rctau for thic tapr vvw burcherc stanijer tbkmttloo la avne tin ficiupajxr a afaj of t 5wy lie itt fludualitmi and ii vitit conurdi 180 if not to paid volume vt no 32 aoton ont thursday february 3 1381 whole no 293 rx h krrrnedoe banker mcxvjr qjtmbiq x aekeral baxklkl busi ness traksaoted xoxst l02tss 0 apssotso hotes noto disooantod and interest allowed on deposits hitrckncc the bank of montreal flour and feed sross lawsox bros oaurivmmruuj infartn the pwpic af act tut victuititanltticy beura la tut octsc iiim ur ic- r ir loxrur itb ira p s t gnii of irlaitv college item- berorcc- i ur- wx lviece tt thff hctd of fred- it- cgarv- id u c ns o gnliitc of yiaiorit cniiersitt gsetgnc ojctxjtto ytui rit actcn en xwefriitani fridxy ircsj 2 to t p 12 if ckmrvicts gje required daring tny other cirscf the kfc notice kit itj h 5icgirrsi tlmg store will receive prompt s crrerort elour and feed store attl wilt ttjnccnrtundyoti haad t lailjucfcol lotje or itl ctsns ikctrntso family flour buckwheat flour graham flour meats rhvsicmni aai sbrnooas corn meal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts fme short chopped peas chopped cuts mixed chops oats peas- mldl ticli o feed utaiilykcpt in a arstclux store aujl4 ur34tta2rp4ttcfti tliliff u bsia u qr4rsl hsa call it tupcttfuuttfalirited mamhattak feed for horses csttle sheep pigs excelsior bakery b nicklin son in amuminr control of tht excelsior bak cry would rmrtf ully solicit a continu ance of the patronico heretofore bestowod on the lata firm they will always have on hand a good supply of iresh bread baas cakes and pastry 1uo biscuits of act hmds f i full stock of confectionery rcttc avd man alwvs ov haxd rre delivered o any part 0 tr toica mread and biteuitt yivcu in exchange for flwr orit ousfomers credit cuitomcrs will bo charged lc per loaf more than cash customers and all ac counts must be sctud onco a mouth oystelrparlor the oyster tudor will always b found with a cool supply of fftsdi oyslirs which wiil be served in any style e kick lis sox johx du1s pro urveyor civil iengiceor aud draughtsman of lew botcher slop maee woiii intlmntp tuthcpcotjlcofactin that 1 das purclikm- ui inikr uis lnetslrlelr cjtrrktiau ijy hr a ct t tntl tlixi he ksx kitaipon hand fialckmiuctuf beeb pork jiottoy sausage poaltry and gme in branson kc guclnh laprcrtxcd i andfoaltt- good forhorses har- 1 putoi tue in ty attend all surreys in ictou aa1 ricin- i epootlc r f ami ltoiebyslrit sttetitldq to bnflneca to ecurck flr stiile of ihe jtrinee of the obur meat delivered alauy time toaar ity orierj left as j e megartin drug store ictou will 1 prjmpuy attended to aetnc jan is tssiti ju illtiiesok itttorketat law solicitor in chancerr ic ofsce nerj door to wsiisms hotel liiltoa law30m bro ll bexkett to a cau dextist csonre- listek il lahk barristee quebec street gaelph skaxcff ofncc ca tfattfceirc baxtdlne hu rtrc xctaa troma orar cvzxr fanit ti fishek v s georgetowx oct icul visit acton every vtednes- day and wiz aueud to all calls pertaimj tohisprifoajion- orderaleftat sicgarvins dn iitore wiil receive pronipt attention ttzzls moderate tjfishee m w eixg qlozgcvw j ictiinciv otererydckriptxcn inadeto orlr joa te thintit notice ted most reimsabl terms repairing promptly tt- to advertisers select lilt of loci otipperff in ad kriucr vrko tpcndtuptcardtqgooo a ymr atdvli itrciu utt jna tzso of it in ous fid vritrti voter srfcrt lksi lui paid m lilr lut ycr ttill tlltifi qtifi atycttiiizz i did itliqtvcaaeritiy5laiit it is sot chflip liix it ia aa eaicst list tbe cjtuiccariatf rachihtttie naperr rc- vtiu th rwtne of uie piperis rilnttd in feu fccttfc it 1 tnteixinsiriee tu bft wbeu pnnti tncapitirtt letb uslt pprluuie iin the im tt- tiif rcipalilttmoverj towotnet tde ctrcautton ivery papir the raim charted ffirircrtiircjtrp ji rely aieflrtil ttie uotjtuten scfaeale the prie fottnricerrxrmin the prie furoxiclncb oaf aitth in the entire itt 1e fcts tu recnurr- ol tli p-pr- fr tlie itn snar rkl time sje sf txat rjellilticiaet3t wniir are kot rifct ai c 1teeklt t-ej- nre loetei u jx ifleterl ciiiikauf iniclts vth- nr5xiuet licensed a-uctioneer- far tcojctes of yikngrea azd hiltca orlsra itiisx tie feci fexss oaic ixton or t or r2ecc is acton trill be prosptlt lta j1 to terms reisoaiile f est cl1ss atkbee fctieliirfrr ti etrriees of sfr tttn cwa irtiib birlr wio ill cin- dect ty iiatutrts ffr r fc kwrks rlid give erery itttitinu tc the ziia of catouers- iadh me hitn vnarp2tnnic jf k woedex pitixta fukixyexxioxs expe- sinottsir cs1 pixiphy frcarciin cis- izc unitei ts aai ecrope fa- tiat jiiritel or no timgfij send for printed instiztloris- agemr in ppration tec rerrt hexergeisx otuwa ccnii itsjhtiiiial eaginerinj soljxiori of f- tnu iai drtaghicnxa- d oificios hotel actok robt rlttid uo in firstclass style with new fumi- tuxe oommercial travellers will find good atmmoiition and commodious- sample roams specialattenfionpaiitothewants ci tiie travelling pttiilie bar snpphed with the bistofluors and cigars good stabl ing snlattrntreidosllera t uitps pgifps pomis t e adam niannfsctnrer oi superior wellsnd cstern pumps wirieh will be put iaon short notice eepairinft promptir done flamiture made and repaired charges taoderate also aawi filed and set givfttipi a eall 8hop on frederick street ojrpcse dr lowrjs residenee t weadambv rtishfoebkiks r- tain prepared to pay the higheat eaah prcis for hid calsaunf deacons lamb ad sheep siiaa dehvered at my tannery lael leather taatantly os hand ames itoobi actok gcse 81 lot fob aub the undersigoed offers for aalej the pleudid stoqe dwelling 00 main street near mr c 15 smiths residence one 6fth of an tere with stnm ifanae in splendid condi tion sutic and shop 00 the premises msrd and sqft water srella title indisput- ble terns reasonable apply at vttt f axas officeieton or o aech mcifab vla oekwood termkgasii acailkouclred atoroirtrromitir rticnded to wtlliau farr 25 duet stands bought at a bargain -willbesold- fnreo urtss cheap b savage vrarckjmxeb jeweczss gijelph yioks illustrated floral guide geo p k whagt 1 for i6s1 is an elegant book of 120 pages one coljrtd flower plite and coo illustra tions with d locprncest v voifc j proverbs ktnnceia blneviiitcrbnifcln- fpheauinnd ilrp but re fcter tb ia thee tnlr are ti nop diiteic u lx tin pciov to remain inrf frrfc nr on- or becub whre hep kilteit are whr rin flop bitter care trtiuucnl b raae tnc fcl el ifeilion nch b kjtilkuu tcu nofirhr ortan vont slier wiw jc- fellnc r ell- nientikt hop iittritklii udoyoioal emembir ttbitterx nrer doe hrfnuitftoi jlrayuiooatlnly pa ft the bifmdeifueihest mach end feftii ilt lrcrtti tlut hop jll- tir qll nerve and btlmy f icp in nop so health irttit inactive hrer and arinrrycrfans iritaot ttop tlttfi trr pp r care ad prie jtellet j for bjr all draftfitt criptioas ol the lst flowars end vegetables and directions for grossing only 10 cents in english or gerntim u voaaltowardf order seeds deduct tho 10c yices seeds rxc the bst in tho world xhe floilu gcede will tell how to get and gros them yicks flower and vegetable garden 175 fagcs g colored flttes 503 engravings for 5q cents in paper covers 610o in eleg ant cloth in german or english j yicks ulastrated llonthly hcgazrac 32 j pcgea a colored phitc ii every namber and many fine engravings price 5 125 year five copies for 550u specimen nombers sent for 10 cents 8 trial copies for 2a cents address james yick eochesternx a lecruke to touvg ues oathe uu f manhood we hatereeerilrpnllsbedanew fduqi of dr rolrenreirs cele- bratedlfssar on utt ranical and rjrrranvr cure lthnut raeu ci7oritad billir mettnlan phyfle- avluvi resulilurfrom eiesst rrl ina sealed envelop onlrilett oriwportfunia nassagaweya lctjmbee shincle mills the free press actok tiniwnat feb 1881 pqsrar th6 happ7 mane by day no irituik caret ouail my peacoful calm coateuted hreail by ntidt tay ilutnbfln atver fttl of tcicjtne rtit sooa a ha ian with orwat beacni gimi uifj fair cliamherg uf the uv muaiuj i trace the uurmariojitrcimt tht wind their way around me xatar fill the iceno with uiuudlcu plenty aaddfllight and tuoljcd wild jjy uncem tereae i blots die nht i lilcts the kind ctratint power ecertcd thu fur frail mankind ami wlioaercommauddciccudi theihower and blare tde tiad iftppy the man who that it eue cvuteut with tint wluth nature gives hint iruitty lerrurf never iie he truly livet the uhj03t 8u8pi0i0h wait a moment for this one the speaker a middlasjcd gen- tlcutsn mr jturton who war rajitdlr srritiug ths addrea an some letters the oa waitiug via a clerk in the utaliahunt of jlarton i co 1re- mont st boston it it nary for these to be mailed to night to ro in lie first train to in tlta morning there ia a small amount of money m one of them it ought to 1 sent la the lost offie i iipiioae bat it is uk and i guesa it rendily tveiliug the jlitja fellow i a letter yes let us see he eon- junla of your kckeu j finding himaelf wrnred ho pro- lucvd i handful o lattra sjry7 but well have to invite you to tka walk with uj and forinini a round t honor they escorted hiui to 1 i ilic iolcf sintion he semed to hive aomelhtng in his hand that he wished 1 to be rid uf they gara wsypurposa lv atidjaoon heiird a jliglit click on lln paveuient nut eaily imfflcd a sharp eearch with matches brought a dupli cate key to liht arrived at the lockup hey relieved him of the lsctera and left him there to await bis trial mr morton running his eye over th colli mil uf the journal lighted upon this item thejraan whom officers white aud fatieraon arrested for robbing letter boxes lint confessed that it was not iiix sitt oflencf a quantity of mail matters haa been fuund rith hira amongst which he owns he found ber- eral sunis of money it can b sem at fepnlmtt of the kt-uffic- mr morton rode down tovu to the office asking to aee the recorernd mail matter be ran hia eye oyer them and was not much surprised to find the ones lis had given to his cleik to mail that tuesday evening the money had of coarse been abstracted the envelope having jbeen cirefully opened at ou cod and it still contained tha note that accompanied the money v never knew of sach a thingbefore thought mr morton aa he role home ward turongb this pieci of rascality- i hae tarned off forsythe wish i kner vhere he is it did look saspict ous though trying to ism his con science that told him- lie had been rash ill be be safe enough to mail it in a po bor i edith morton made a lovely pictow ves air and the quiefcmotioned at she sat under the subdued gaslight handsome youth of nineteen went out to tho nearest letterbox and deposited thurn therein mr morton looked tip from a pile of letters be vi ptruidn ax brian fur- nytbe entered at his summons i have received no receipt for the money you mailed last tuesday evening did you ke un mistake j eyeing the youth sharply i mailed them sir at the cornur he returned respscfully the rich blood munnting to liischcekt us he couipre bended that hewas under suspicion strange iiutuired mr morton warren is always punctual tiever kne carcleasues like this befire uu his putt weir you u gn now ii dashed off a note to the eutleuiau in pruvideuo- lend uiniltd it the tiert day h koeived nner tliuc the money had nut reached there ke rain suuiutuuett hisyiuiug clerk dj jou still uikitiuiu that you mailed tfcs letur all rightl i do sir aiiiu tht hiatal nudied niinliilly to his face at the imputation mr miuton eyeing idai iupictausty ilirouuii lis glaaw thought it proof uf guilt i have written to vvarrea and he informs me that h never twyuved the money you see sir under the cir cmusunees i can hardly trust you you msy iks innocent hut it looks suspicious i cannot retain you longai unless 1 1 have complete confidence in you i do not say that you hare peter 3ayer8 oii intimate that h ha on hard at h aeled dishonestly but it looks- oark sir dark mllulo kasarweia farmerle icnovn aaar7lllamlusaureeatoc1cof lumber lath and shinqle3 ocall kinds andoualiltas oheftp no i shlnetes s50 per saaare bill stuff cot to order tbemsoa8h petett sayeb8 acton dee ffi ts 2t ouiat aanl freslothoss who kith to tlie mleoraieo autuor iu ir i hnma lu ihemotpieiautaninror- eiay eleartr- demonstrates frf- lk1untd buitnesa known everjthina yjauebfmpriucetiaiaisrmmteoa wnir capiui not required- we will eonenees mar eadleau cured faruish yoa evsrsthluj- lib a rfsy and np- in danrwsnsof lolenji ovimwtnr wtti made without u in away tssoaeoltnelinlfi polntuirost a mode of f borae rter n ko rlk whalevsr ctrenonemplecerulnndeneojaiby jsnrnw workers wanted a onee hant means of wbleu every soflver nonatter fartiinm lh bt rjidles what bis eoodlilon may oeawr core nimsei blt aamoehar men nd ynon- boys and ctieapir prlralely and radically rirls mke erent pay koono wnu wllllnc m la lectare shnald be m the nanh ol j w work falls lo inaae mow jmjacyevbryday j2 riaittiai ettt manln the land than nut ie made rn a week nt any orofnarv rveryyontunaetrjnuy joptoynirnt those woo snipireai once will address i andasaortroiut to farlun audrcs hedical co htlatiettcoportlaodualn the calterwell a km it nyjwfc post office box nabbucb paww1c wanted xss an energetic honeat man to open a tan ujrz fiicklins bikwtlvivr i office of the new magnet telephone co m 1a z do earruw paioii and sign j this and adjoining counties jan i cash vl rf evertderfpuc 3 would s1 capital required to sneb man ths is u of aeflwjrwuf- lu and 127 dirk chicago iu and byron foraythe with hia ppiud sensitive nature stung td the quick by the unjust suspicion went out of the employ of morton is co wish bis scanty earnings in his pocket to seek employment elsewhere two policemen belonging to station 5 bostou met at the juncfon of thiir respective beats corner of tremont and dover streets about 3 anivtliem- series in a shadow thef spotted a man standing at the nearest letter boij seemingly engtged in something ques tionable after glancing around hastily and discovering po one in the dim starlight he unlocked the box and transferred the contents to his pookeu he repeated the profess at the nest bor when be reached ibe third one the officers who had followed stealthily ooncludiug lhai the siluation was ripr surpriseo hiaj by a faesy baod on each ehoulder donianding bat he wis about i i sm mailing utter he said in her warm bright sitting room idly dreaming ovsr a volume in crimson and gold that contrasted with the lily whitenem of her dimpled hand a rarely beautiful girl of eighteen with ayes couuiuiiu uufalbomabte depths of womanly tenderness and truth rich cream tinted complexion that deepened gradually into vivid color on her check a luoutb s we- i larable and firm and a form of txqursite propartiana sttircd iu a closely fitting drtsa of raatoon silk foouttiia in the hall and 0 papa youve come youre later than lisaal was the greeting that mr morton re ceived as he entered hia careworn tace relaxedjfrom its drawu lines as the girl putiliei situs aruuad his neck sud kiviod liiiu they passed into the iippe room with us bright silier and dtiuy cliiua whit ia the iu itter pap i skked his daughtsr noticing that he looked unusually thougiitful me hsiiued a lujmeut then told itr of bi diauiasal of bvruu fursythe ml thi 6ale a look of iuteuse kvtupathy oveispread her face i ompa how dreadfully he must have felt to be so unjustly suspcisd i haw him rt few times he looked too good ami noble to do anything mean diint you think you can find him v i am afraid not dear but i am going lc do what i can when edith laid her head on that night the face of the dsuoie yoiuli with fearless blue tl fair broad brow who was under tiie shadow of a dark suspicion haunted tier dream she bad never guessed that the vision of radiant loveliness that had appeared once or twice in her fathers dusky office in jaunty hat and velvet was indelibly engraved on the memory of byroii foraythe highspirited well- torn l she and that he cursed the l forbade him to try to win the pnte he covated mr mortons inquiries ior bira proved fruitless nd tha world wsgged on i i the crowds on the tbrooged side- walds stopped sad held their breath teams and turnouts tried to clear the way as a runaway hone came galloping iuleiferenoe clung to it with desperate grip ha was dragged along a short distance getting terribly bnuvd slid then others came to the men snd he was ukeu up insensible from the feet o the home that snmd pauting an i steaming bat conquered the occu pants of the carriage were a isdy and a gentleman whose white faces showsd the terrible fright they had experi enced bring him here said the ladys sweet and silveiy voiceaa they hesitat ed what to do aith the man we are alujoat home 1 my god i exclaimed mr morton for it was he and edith as they placed him on lbs soft cushions i is byron fursythe i for the terrified lore fee of efuh morton beside her father in tha open cirriage dad eaughttbe eye of byron fiiisythe and in an instant he had flang himself beween her sod s terrible danger said elith with a little cry of terror aa she recognized the face have we killed him f byron forty tha was unconscious that the little gloved hand which h would have counted a happiness to touch wsj resting gently npon the rich masses of brown hair that clustered above hia fair open brow the best medical sid was summoned and he was soon restored to conscious ness no prince could- bars been tended more carefully than he lying in a darkened chamber whose rich soft carpel muffled every sound he had a skilled nurse but edith herself often soothed hia restlessness in spite of careful nursing a hrain fever ensnud his wild ravings of unjust suspicion and hopeless love chilled the hearts of his listeners edith prayed thai he might live to know his innocence had been proved and her father whs had just come up from the borders of detlb longed for reason to ietmn list he might alone to ihe sensitive soul for the iujuslicu too boon was granted one afternocn he opened his ey to see ediths lovely face bending over him not radiant and animated ashe had seen it you here j where am i j it was your fittur who suspeeied ma ol he said weakly can you forgive me my boy 1 i was hasty i proved your innocence long ago willyou give me your hand i said mr morton who stood thsre toa almost gave yoerlife lr oars said elith in a faltering tone reaching out her hand also which he carried ravereutly to bis lips byron forsythe the junior pstlaw in the firm of morton co and tha harpy husbandof edith is a firm be liever in the doctrine that misfortunes are blessings in jlisguise and iwr pillo ull hail eyts dow to gel a dinner a gentleman who had travelled alamt pretty extensively was greatly perplexed to understand how it was that oilier persons were waited upon promptly and well served at the hotels while he was almost entirely iguored and could scarcely obtain a equare meal couiplaiu to or swear at the waiter as he might at lost bis eyee were opened to the dodge of feeing the waiter liberally and being of an in genious tarn of mind be determined to improve on the plan the liext hotel he dined at he took his seat very pompously at the table and look oat a wellfilled pocketbook- extracting therefrom a 10 bill which he laid on the white cloth beside his plate and his goblet upon it in an instant almost he was surround ed by waiters who seemed to vie with each other in attention every wish was anticipated and all the delicacies of the kitchen and pantry were placed before htm in tempting array having fared as sumptuously as a prince to the envy oi many of the guests be took up the greenback and beckoning to the nearest waiter was ini mediately besieged by half a doien or more holding the bill in ooehand he beat mm6 flesttaeat self reliance la juite distinrt fiom selfassertion pioples intentions can only be d- oided by their conduct i eiperienoe is a torch lighted in the ashes ol our hopes and delusions- mean touts like poor pictures are often found in goodlooking frames it is the lot of genius to be opv posed sod to be invlgorsied by opksi lion it is bamsn natnre to love to make experiments at the exjiense of others hope softens sorrow brightens plain surroundings aod eases a bard ot v hs who langhs at crnely sets bis heel on the neck of religion and god tineas v- i- it is more hpoorahle to acknowl edge coir faults thai to boast of our merits i there is nothing that so resnen he lace and mind as the constant prveue of good thougtiti people ssldora improve much when they hare no belter model thau uiem selves to copy after c fortane does not tnaterislly change men it only unmasks them and shows their true character it is easy to pick out flaws in other peoples work but far more profitable to do better wock yourself harsh words have many a time alien ated a childs feelings andcruahed out 1 r i all love of home j v gratitude is the fairest blossom that sf rings from the soul and tie heart of man kaoweth none joore fragrsat tears are to be looked ft not as proof of very j deep sorrose lut as gracious relief to the killing intensity of such grief j god hamor good humor is rightly reckoned a 1 moat valuable aid to a hajipy home life an equally good and useful faculty is a isense of humor or the faculty to have a little fuu along witi the humdrusn cares and works of lite how it vill brighten up things gener ally to have s lively witly couiiianion who sees the ridiculous points of things and can turn an omnoyaoee into aa occasion for laughtvr it does a great deal better tq laugh over some domeatif aisfaape than to cry or scold about tbeso many homes or lives ae doll because they sre allowed to become toe deeply inrpressed witi a sense of the cares and responsibilities of life t recognize ite blight and especislly its mirthful side into such a honsehaid good but dull the advut of a witty bumoroas friend is like suiujune on a cloudy- day white it is alwys op- pressire to hear persons constantly striving to say witty or funny things it is comfortable eeeiog wtst a bright- ener o little fun is to cake an effort to make sorne at home it is ftejl to mm off an impatient question some- limes and to regaidt fram a bumoroas point of view iostead of being irri tated abou it liugliler is better than tears j let us have a little more of it at home whatthe country seedi fewer doss rod snore sheep fewer fences and more pastures fewer bar rooms and more scbools fewer scrub cattle and more good ones fewer wire pullers in popular co- venliuns and mqre industriti fewer men wlio seek oiecesod mors men whom tht office seeks fewer loaferraboui railroad stations four corners storeaand taverns fewer f leaders to knuckle to popular prejudices when wrong i fewer impetnous young men eager to rush inio print and raise the devil generally fewer juvenile statesmen who are eager to f ueh into the places their seniors ana betters eught to occupy fewer great men eaade to order and of small material aod thrust in front of men who have capacity for greatness j v down tremont street champing his pointed to it with the other and in bits and foaming the driver who quired of the erowd was slightly intoxicated had complete ly lost control of bim there was no one bravo enough to attempt the rescue j ahorus do you see that bill i oh yes sir they all exclaimed in and ibf carriago was in roomenury danger of being overturned whensome one leaped from the crowd caught at ibe bridle of tlie excited animalj and then lake a good look at it b replied for yoii will never tee it again saying which be departed leaving the waiters aghast wit and humor a printers row a quad rangle a foot note tie shoemsiers bin an impressive mantbe pressman an nnpalaubls diah cold ahoulder how ta shine fo society get polish ed up a lawjjers brief ssi somelimee very extended of interest to mothers a atrllch ta time saveu nuieu yen ea 1 1 telttbeeger an old saw by looking at its teetlci opfosilion is ibe lifo of trade but some duot thiok eo a pn iiey bedhfvti but the pencil does beat whehatja lead the ul t oftkere being no sons in in tbuuasiat all moonshine i y- k it iii

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