Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1881, p. 2

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flfesvs-s- slaaai hit 3gisg8 t teii frese press across tiickir march u is61 r li l atiost etjri saya lb torouta fibroin the old custeoi of eellinj eggs by the daieu raied of by uiaiouud still prevails jlyandbyt there will probably be k change unless all the hiui cu be iuahtccd to lay eggs iiutfoini weight of course there ig uo standard weight fur eggs soon tvwgh foukmii ounces to tua dcisn and sgtuc weigh at uigli u twenty and twenty four but it icitea is r dotn ell the same same tf our legislators who arc toakingabcuit for some grert reform to untliitake might bring in measure requiring ill lieui to lay eggs of i udifotai weight for ivciy duxru produced abiffsui siriftf we ifumthjt t rituiur af persons ffireijhg various kitirc of the iturinci aud uutu tvjlitkil pirlies met irtursiua uslrkial pi fueled the ftrjinintiare of a lew secret protestant ietr the muju cf the oixer and thainiufs mi title of its uffieers are to ha withheld from the pittite the reject of llie iter otgnuittttou is will to u- uncompromising hostility to the fjuraau cxtliolic hicrarchi every member is scum to never ciota or a human citholic for os isilucr civic irorinciitl or dqruiuiaaj all the energies of the order er to jis dv vo j to the abolition of separate actioi ecneua and nunneries the ardor discljiuit all connection rritb orange- im an argnirer w appointed et r tukry of 31200 pr aauum to visit the yirioat cities and toarns of taa ddtaia iiin to open branches the- profit and lks of the question ihouldbe kept ia aiiud in discussing thr drink irssc it furnishes good argument wbers others fail a recjat news item tells of an angry ditcuuion in k tendon dntmshep ayoungnien tras tilled x t bint oa the held the fciiikc thca arreth conh remember tiitltnj ho hid not struck the blof it rtk diiiik that did it a blicfc msn in suvcry times tras wartli 1000 a fvip rcsn in ctcadt is rorta mere ai ihe emigration oses ihe totil- cost of bringinj one mia into tho coan i tty nd then make uj the profit tftd ijcs ilqjaaat oa tjh one ait ytui en the- drink twenty ceatfi oa the other eid leas one man l00c a itcoaiative is stiadirg vith the etetai ip a drunken rca moanu and stku it theve u an uptet- snd a crih dtmap siloqo tbis tpqm rav the t2e of two hundred men for r orits month in repairing the roi for wtct of the repiire a whole train miy tra smashed how can ire expect cheap freight or reduction in- rates wuilt dram aojliaj makes tha working of radwevs so ctjtlv x vroromlidtx of porumjiwji ot1a marcttsut atthre oclock this afwrnoon the obrao0eueril procatded to tlio soatte tnd tlio com mow buiou tun- oioned to attend his eccalleacy goe asmnt to the hills passed lie then prorogued paiharaenfc concluding his apeach follows otntlcmen iftlie ffoutt if comment t la urr mjtya numa i thank you fot the suppuea yau hva so readily graaled slid licnilily coiignttulats you oa the ituprorcd coaditioa of the revenue ton oexiltmen of lie senalt icnttemtn oflheliuusc of commaut i bid you now farevoll jnd trust that bei parliament tisimmutvi shall be able to congmtulala ounclvfes oncauada havihg meanwhile enjoyed a scoxonof ieace and prosicriiy actaa vlunec cuunclt tho iilugiicotmcil matin the council clumber on miujay ereaing 2ut iust reore lu th chair llemhert all present iiiuutss of last meeting nad aud rtiognued tue fiuanca comwittas presantol tlieir munthly report and rsoommetidcd ptfiuent of the fullowiuj account j e itcgirvia taajries jloved by d henderson jcoonded br w i storay that tho ahova teport be adopted carried xiaven h- d henderson seconded by xi speight that the council meet hirery alternate tuesday evening dutiag ihe cuirsnt yetr at eight oclock p m carried moved by w h storey seconded by d hendenon that a sum of ten ilglurs be paid to james campbell for disbursing tin fuaertl expenses of the late john iicphes paying any iutlus to ellen xlcphee catried 11 storey gave notice that u the uort meeting of the canned ho would move seconded by ii speight that in the opinion of the council tho time has arrived jf hen step should be taken to secure a proper town hall with lock up jloved by d henderson seconded byh spnght that tho council aiijuuin to meet on tuudty evaiiog 5th of apu tik l piiluiim ittfemenl nich j- roin ro rtpidly iu the snmbirii stairs u eilr irkable and thjjh mue pratnl u tiaoe the jraovemenb in the far western states to esiglaml innuincptuia cannot h clined fur the clangs in sontiiru opinio j letliir ture s juthni si rr about to tubuit to the txp ixv vote an amendment to their especfive state oonstitutiens forbidd ing boilt tbeaunufacture and 6ils of liqupr the people of the south are oalv ijoir fiadins ont what their friends ia thi xorfa have dona before tlcm tat earn erprdens tha people bi aolu tn ttio ctmtl ad ppr tiaiil i necsaiuig more gtol lsza orphm aj itnxtic as iuni 1 ccd ii ninny othet wayaiiuiioveripie them and that it is time w put a stop to its evil work astrikingieatdreof e southern proliibitory awa is radicdl cttire no beer light other incentives to acquiring c are ercepted from the law certain cans- uce s lesson she c07 1iiisscj 7o rte ed itr rf tkc frfr prat dcae sia for some time past it has bet a matter of surprise to those aliens who take an active interest in sustaining the cow by law why the newly appointed constable of whom great things were expected does not- look mare cluselv after the public in terests in this particular possibly mr hcmstieet lieiuga huaaue person dislikes to deal harshly with citizens htvinjj cows tunning at inrce but may i ask whit possible use can it be to oners of animals to have them roam- tog the streets at this particular season unless for the exqnss purposa of committing depredations on ftrmrs ucibs and getting horsewhipped in retnrn r thcoiitiditx oripoaitinti to maniciial nciiuetitn in thin ptraculur art lb- pilt of otu irins fsavuis verj- much f ulistiiuicj and culls imidlr foi vigorous action on the part the con stable oesettvee acton slareh 2nd 18s1 ts fisctt mi str zzaim mlctx f v drjcfcicgfctbx diibigi4atotj v e ti en k with advant froo the southern git tfitiuit the seesran of the pominioa pa nient which plasei jso jfondfcy fu lxn4longonpjilvidgii from tho fltfiof december i8tjtr she 21st of the ajmpn amendoieat to destrhy the scott act u kilje4 fdrtftj preeenjfc he gorejnmjnipot parfag to defy rfje jrind of total prohibition tiirouglwut jhe joomtbion fka j5gbt ujopea more f ianfere to the coaatituoncies fa it will be gmtiff ing to oar numerous readers to learn lhit a work is soon to bo circulated in canada that moat prove us valuable and mdlspentible to the farmer as hia reaper or tovotmr labor- saving implement aad that will by its careful study and following the initruct- ions therein contained place him in 1 position to crexlly jacreasa his profits i it is well known fact that large profit have hitherto been made on slock rawing bfui6u mha uudcrstandj their huins and that the department pi stock breeding is now becoming mora imiortadt than erer and jielding letter returns thin- any otker branch of husbandry we do not say however that all have been successful who have embarked in this line for in that ss in all other walks of life there have been failures hitherto the want of a ertt- class reliable prsctial ork on live stock has heea felt by every farmer as a reference book f or breediag breaking teaming snellena baying sellinffvuse and care as well as wherein to obtain the most recent improved humaile methods for the prerervation and cae of stock the prevention of any disease and restoration of health of horses cattle shesp swine and poultry that greatwant is now to be supplied by the world publishing co of guelph the following ustimonialscromsome inr best judges speak for thcmselvoj have carefalfr examined complete mock eocyctopitdin une thousand pnjes in one vtilume having 400 lluilra- uotiadotoltdaiitlrel tolnforumilou 011 hortcs cattle sheep swine and poultry it certainly n new fenluio in agricul lurul utaratuie there lias long been a want both in kuropt and america of what 1 should like to call a text book oa this special brauch of rural eoouomy and the work now before mecouiet tha nearest to this idea at onto be ar- mats rtfereuce and tin sludlnts guide 1 hare no hecitatlon whatever in recent moudjng it to our farmers as well up to the timet throughly practical and whal jtn me gives itcrtalest rulue irf elu pi animals is haudlcd ia detail points and judging fully explained and illustrated and alfitoma in beulih and disease ably treated in short in this sge of live stock making your work is bound to have a very htrga circulation aitd should be lnrfi hands of every taruier yours raithfully w bcow ffessor nf agriculture and larni euperlateadaat qutrir jsth feb usl tlmf pulblidiiiig cumijany oitilfk- okxilkkkj think j r mannings book culled the illustrated stock uocior and iro rilotk eucyclopaadut from what 1 huve seen of it a very usclul book fur breeders aud farmers to havii to refer to 1 am gentlemen yours it ficuukcc wh- tioxs importer and breeder o sbfrlhoru and jiirelutd cattle colnwolct and south duwu sheep an i berkshire and mll whitu bread 01 pig und sutlulk hories esqoaixq 5larch15th ii fa tkr tioru rultukitt co tu- i utstttutx after a carefui urusal of lha llluttrated stock do tor and live stock eucyclupodia published bj you and wrilien by j rufsell mm- aiuf m 0 v wecinnt lui concluda tlut it is ono t tin mnt ruluable wurks 011 ll e uiji n m k including bones uit iei aud poultry ever juni publis we hava without uij t 1 lion secured acopy ot tha work lur iij own use and we would recommend thit every farmer and stock oknrr ia the country become the possessor of the book the illustrations are excellent and will teed to educate boso inter ested in cloci it many particulars which have hitherto been but iniper- ioctly utrdemuod oul sill eaable lusui to detect anf dueaae with which an animal is afflicted lie work will alco be lound mail useful in warning the unsuspecting purchaser against the arts ol the jockay we are yours uulkeipeelfiilly jaxu utksc jcnx llaixcic licit lisucu imminent imnger threatens any oue troubled witti a hwkine coujth in- flitniailion wlwn it attacks the delicita tistu- ol the langs an i bronchial tubes travels with penlous rjpility it ia worse than midness to neglect a coufth or cold to do sj is simply to utila cisumptiiin snd prercature death battle with and oterouiue the duciie in its iufancy andavert the peril do not allow the lung eating tubercles to dcvoope thcmelves belore lesorting to rucdicine experience rn ihown that the preparatiun best ndipied 10 subline a furmitbte cough to soothe and heat lie lacerated lungs is xortbiopfc ljmans emulsion ol cod tirer oil and hypiipbosptules of lime and toia a swift and sure specific tor bruuchii1 and lung affections laryngitis and tho vari ousfunu or scrofula it is not pretend ed tht tuis favorite remedy will cure fully devefopel consumption hut tht it will avert it is a lact loo well pruren to admit ot any reasonable dubt the lact is equally well known and appreci ated both by the public and the pro fession that tbe article is an admirable fertiliser of the blood iaiirting to it those constituents which are essential to the complete nutrition of the system aud its precervatioa in a state of health in an enfeebled system phuplnrus tlut nccersry element of bodily substance i deticient this constitu ent an well aa lime and soda important in bone formation re upplisl in ihe emulsion of cod lirec ud iepar tl ty sirthmp ic limati torntu told b au drucrisu uo van kiiovt that in tv re niljclirtinic easer rlwu lmierlu wlfittcilsl lusjfip r tti lu tlerry tiros laim atair reicraul ectcl k prl cerc that verr famlls- who kei u oa liftut nhiltfj- ceeiflit crocp athottt coexist lilii lrmichlllf nnt all iclnstrs j itlvrs tliat uosc ll bclm reijortedtu wulch it fjitcu to cite retler i tlut in even utdrlet wbrre riioait vl1 cnrrjr ha- bci n letoil it bar pimped tnw favor in an lacrttttbtr stiort lime tnat jna cn bijltrrnm any tsadlnsrrtrac- rttld rtfcicaoulailo crncail haad craclied ispa aad kouiaeanof te btclsioaii lio cured by a few fapalicauaasaf gulbattro faxiaul bain vtucll onlr costs 2s cents and la aild qralllaactiixs druriruta ta itestarzi qatarto it ix sxaaraatacd ta rtva satts- facuon in avorr lastaacc trv it baxiitirood april 10 1fs1 uusrt perry datii t sj i z ife i treat our customers prefer your i killer to any other medicine of tho saui nature and say its merits are equal to all it claims yours truly beextwood lumber co 1 k kuttk king of the fery goods freshi ohciice cheap new goods arriving daily -at- christie 13 s eaidford e e sollert j b williamson t hlocktaklne completed and be campaign oponed with new sprlni goods i goods already opened i 1 cjrwlrange rf tweeds for our wonderful m5jsuits comprising the nlesm oodsv thi- we have jto offafea pine worsted coatings mmeore uarlfy ofnew prints at 6 rents per yard grand line of cotton ishlriian at2jcensptrard piles of brown snd drab docks fancy uottonades and kentucky jeans vilue i grr c4n t 7 r 9 and locents we ober the boat valuer h r iihej teutons ii the trade i ods department 4 1 i y viuiuiijyiiiieof nawsprinf druroo4svaui4 trimniir j iiiatdi atvrrv lnw prices new iik conis for drew trim ninga new t31s r tassels new buttons fo elegiiitpaiterns sioei in novel desigos mcsv friugea sew mbroiderie kew laca tie and fiebua v evryihlns prosih wflvbi i mtwp j- l special alien lion to a vrry nice lo t n cents f el t ha a iti new spring style at bettaf sg- valla than we hsjye over been ableto offer u- main street aoton ont wishes lo announce to llie people of acton and vicinity that he has removed his tailoring bbtuislimecl to the bremiset latelr occupied oy tarn uckair at uie rame lime i would thank those who hsvf so liberally pat- roiiiwd ma since commencing business in acton and so licit a couiiouduce ol their favors my srock of spring goods irish english scotch aad canadian twebds wohstbds scc wtiicli vwe purchne- for cusfa and tll cotitcuftilly b mul up tt u reoa- 0abl jncet for cath tu ftny hnui i nt be trsuif examine mj itock lcfare purciiaiiug eucwtiero a pet feet til gurmuleei largo stock of spring hats in latest 6tyles r e nelson t- o our triends aa3 otistomers duiineno former season hsve we been ahleto clear out our atock so thoroujhlvaa during the pis and we shall offer this iprins the cfcoiieat irsnhest aol prettiest poods everopensd within he wkllsiiflhe lion with iei thinks for the ngnitv ont paironure ol the pnai we slnlufrtre this seaaoa more than eve to mkc th ijf lionlue greatdry uoodscoilieoffiaeiph- l gijelph jbicand- display this week of new spring tweeis at the east end clothing st0e p 4 s hv b adrerliiement ia another f the work and ordered one or oft they copimft their nwd rleulloral college and ex- onunoi m juelph feb 7its8l perirnenfalka aapablfi g too ifcrup mad0 njfa geksxemes i tv w bookj entitled examination of jour f- ctor live lllnstratied btbok jjo 4t2- see column dvspepsfa stretithen your dicta tion irg lh steiraaeh fnr utllulncandoa- iiuilltnr everjatora of looj roa take the totr needs it fur strength and vigors sopesa cleanses the entire system suiaalates ttia liver keeps you rejutar and able lo eat ten- pinny nails lalters and poslat cards come in dalir extoltlnj- zorcs irom brasll poar- ttvxraoarei tisillthaad vljorltglvsr in a 10 cent sample sold by i e ucciaryln acton hagyards pectorifll balsam a few doses relieve themostdijiretsiogoouch aada twentyfive cent bottle hrs cuied many a sufferer from asthma bronchitis croup inauenit ilaarsness and sore ness of the chest it is the grand speci fic or all throat and lungcomplalnts lead ing to coneumption thay all da jt everybody uses tea heryloteiinllrjbeeluaidetvefnicrareo to the brcatt aslc yoar drasxisttor lamrts packate 6 els larsot3otle85 cents higheat market price paid for freah eggs and no 1 butter at a secord i cos scotch engliah and canadian suitings ia ereat varitty at east end clothing store j fyfe actiin higheat market price paid for fresh butter and zip att h hard ine promptness to ac vdilor of ac tree prtu dearsib beriuit me to acknowl edge thruugh your pr he receipt of a chrque for one 1 undicd and mxit liollaia from the travelers iuaursdce cirpany of hattfoid in puuent of my claim for sixteen wtka indcltiuity iiok at time cuni by it vtip my lililiikin nil the i3ijnf 8ptmler lit tins is th secuid claim i- haw hd ngaiimt tb cmiiiy iuce taking idy policy in fcby 18s0 having receivsd 10 iu auguet fur an injury to my aim and i take plesaure in rtcommsnding the travelers to the public as a cyuimny noted for the prompt aad satisfactory manner iu which its business h done i having nceiied my cheque in litli ctee in side of ten days from tha time my claim wss made nut yours irnlr c s sititn jiinniv 7th ssi ltnni and exit llifhide back or- 1- klieumatism toolhic- any kind ot a pain or a ttost surely quicken iht i as its acting power aoton harness thtjnz tepot h n t a s one of the largest aaimoat aeeeit atneks ever expwm in acton efflnprlsingthw uawest paitemi an i coljr- usootch eneliseand canstun tweeds ariu wor- r steda alaullaia caps and genis fdrnishings in great variety j jrftffib parties recjoiring anything in ftarneas or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton cukh fur sale lot 23 con s ia th township of esqncs- ing 100 acres 60 cleared and under culti- vatinn uaiujce iod cedar sod black situ ctiml friu hvmic fswsin tin ttcitcou- burdock blood bitters ti ft i if sifu lcirr icung browns household panacea acknnwledied as the great pain believc- and of double he alrenglb of any other elixir orxidimcnl in the world ahould be in every family hanly for nse when wanted ss it really is the bestrtmedy in the world for cramps in the itomsch and fains and aches of all kinds and is for sals by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle dosters qava htm up ts it ptblo thst mroo ifray t np and at wflrfciiu1 cuwlbvso simple a emeilyt i iwvire yn ii u true that tie la rntirflir eared and wtu unihlnjbut tlontliut and ontr ten days njn his doctor ave htm up and said he lnustdli tvil-laj- it thai is so t will to tun cntnute and set some for poor jeotte i know ho aa zood msnnfaoinrera of reapers mowers andthresniogjiachinery rteler cas- lorlhe machine lil lo any other it will oelwenr inrd seal and elephant and is warranted not to guro i pork pird and fish cheap at t h harding a suits anj overcoats t extremely low rates audmade ia latest atyles be sore to csll and see them j fyle acton toronto oil co are sole manutaotur ers of castorine machine oil in- fringsmerla will be proaecuted drtsuiairig hsitiillishmenf in acton the anderslened bet to inform the ladles ot aelon aad vteiclly trial tuey wilt open a luoplnliifl pvmlssitataly occupied by mia msddsukli ahue resldeoee of mrs georte aluuhewffon monday april lihani will be preparej ta execute alt orders la dress male ine in tua laisl styles and at ihe most reasonable prles betdf prscucat dress makers we are rrs pared o iasare sautraclluu lo all orders mnckenneamiab beicakhwih accon march alt isslv ian the only medicine that racdttsfully purine the blood acts npon the liver boweli skin and kidneyi jyhile at the same tiiae it allay ti nerroos irritatim and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly ikd speedily etiringbilionsness jaundice dyipepsia constl- iirlioc ntsliicae ehenmatisai dropsylf ervomuigen- j rii complaints scrofula erysipelas 1 fii of chronic disease arising ltoa ir v n ch bowels or blood ucul jluirtiks t0k1c im tile world v i iihi i cc sea ibns iciana c hm ww adsdraet sv pitekmd qf chine sbw asshbe at babbeu suop keuoved i p tvosdex has removal tils barber shop lo the pre mists lately oecapled by it g nelson he ha titled up tue place with new furniture etc and hopes by prsoiial attention to seeareinepaironnzeoi iheeiia ps thank tnglbe wno have civen me their eustobi in tha past and sollotuog a eonunoaitee of thi ir favors i am roars rsspeouoly ie w08ubn aeion marohstad imi jt hrs treeaaaws tvarsn tewsltr b s sajs si mi tttaasl ifumjv tl dahi price 4 j ecus or s tor tl 1 i hrs ieewjaws tlew tsoraestle ttyes mi yrfa ia every cslec sbnejisx lw t so cqub tixx ss ttus iht patio tcs wstss4sa iivu 6rilliant suco jjotb tost lost on mondny an inst a note ol hand fir 1300 drawn by henry ecole payable to liiooaa arthur all parties are forbid degouiirc vrlin aaldoie as pamneut has beenstopied iirnny f co lt j emcgarviiis vt tvo tear3 a piret pxiaa silver medal and diploma on tjphoaterevl gootuntl 0wvj we were awarded the only silver medal ever offered lor special ueelleneaiti in tbis department wo take the lead and ohallenge competition receive prompt attention inapetttoa cordially invited worfold cmll i- t jsj sign oj the chair hadttohu blofoupp4r vtiadham 5 gpim drug store adton bntari l i i

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