Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1881, p. 5

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l x tncitspaa mjrxixcmrch2irjkl reeve fms cqrwbr a w68 to s07l whatever yon urettsrlitum w 1 the liars s jrward nod slate boyil thnuiih clever at rusca and hrn it eacnses lies 1 tulskin and pitidd knsve boys 1 atiocr 1 src ti- fruik loy tii ujuiacejiind net bora i slukvivv the ri t tvkcr of liyul be open abaveboard and uuu bya i yliw jjtt aw be kind boys be crntle in manners and mind boyt tii man cenlic in mica wutds kithemper l uccn is the culciuia ttutv tviad i pal yaa ire be true boys be visible luroirtt ud thtuagh iwyt 1 leave to uthcrs the sliamwair the crtcuicg and craciniinr la fan and in earnest be true boys cw4 cijam fcr tin coats dont yon believe that brs a jootf cigar vaa never offered far sale fcirlire ccuts or any other number of cents that ia cod forfo i rnafqrartflnthftisciiert why ia it easy to brak into an old nans house because bis gait it broken aad hia ioctt are few thea doe a ton not take after bis father wbei hia fitter leates him nothing to take ii there word in the nchah language that contains all the to vela 1 s aaqact- tiooahiy why ia a womans bcaaty like a 10 liill because when once changed it soon coca why shoald aofc ladies arid gentlemen take castor oil because it is oniv iuuaded or docking people hoar many sides are there to a pitcher tsro inside androuaii what ia the proper length for ladies crinoline i a little above two feet what xrord ia it which by changing a tingle letter becomes ita own opposite untied auited wiafc lhre wotsa dki adam aae when he inlroduccdhiniteif to ere irhich read backwards and fofwardvthc same t mad am iat adao why naa eye made for adara a ei- pren cotnpany when a boy falu into the water what is the 6nt thiu hedoes he getawet which is ih greatest namber ait dcac dea or half a dolea doien5 why fit loria scrca of coarse six dcrca dccn bein ad aad half 1 dozen dozen 72 why is twicd tea like twice elerea be- caise twice tea are tweaty and twice eleven axe twentytwo too what ia that which the more yoa tike from it the larger ft grows t a hole whf ia the letter like 1 pigs tail becaase its at the end of pork why are hogs more intelligent than hntnana becicsethey nose knows every thing esiic ciiiis wiiy don it two hilling lcnn rtid 11 fivcmscnt cigkrawiu young linni tilkti until lua tat wnm lit biiu i wliyis it lht women wttli tba wt compleiioni dcwjeruuly ruiu thorn with coamclics t why f it hut n wwlthy and icct- able man will sacrifieo irido inoucyj aud comfvrl to git into politios t i why i illhal a mn it tho street car who ictiowi the loat ithvnys iavs the most talkiigl- why it it that so many topla stand rtdy ip help tho itrtuger mor and tuumdenf carlo their liutivcst why u it unit a mutt with 180 pcundi v cut causidure liituidf an offset lor a man with 5 ouuecs of hriiua i why ia it that uuisicsni who aro liic poorest puyen- and aingeri aro lln quickcat to ehaw off their acquire menta 1 wlut vma rtnual only h ci tho 10 and p ixbnl 20 w 25 fof tho rie w w lold form bl mmoj llerr q vartou tiraaqt mtbl for f 5 rn ff nt only loo vory aunerlar fhu bliirlin in lr 0 riinc sun whiln shlor fully vsrd wirto eio wo n an p iwdldil flinlraw le wall twenty this weak ar jmt tho ihinti ker sataei h ci lioo whlw ahlrllnk at only k uto makes fromirljlo lo in 31 i twillad groy rilicillus fii i u qnc irish d1n1uk are oicollenl ii the isjo klqaathaynto vary lijmdo ranging on upiowo raautiful iliu uiucli diaipir than laiuoason very ho htdau enotnwui aala for many jcurs they are iuedgooain 11 lll vcorihtml j oui pitci ioino allkckl lifary and m 30i to p3 for ry ym ulinld tee if and j r- in a etuall cfiurch at a viuagtncar brighton where the congregation coald not afford to pay ait organist they bought a lelcacling organ a compact instrument well iiiited to thr purpose and constructed ta play fortj different tunei the sexton had- iu structions hew to- wt it going and how to stop it but urfortuiiately he forgot thu lattr part of hia biasness and after singing the firat four vervio ofa hymn previbas to tho perraon the organ could uot be stopped apd it continued playini two tenses more then just ai the clergyman completed the wurda let us rrayi the organ dieted and started a fresh tuue thi- minister ait it out patiently and then renewed his introductory words it as pray when click went tha organ agam ano stanixrorr anolnrr mrtr the textoa and others coutinucd their exertions to find out the epnutf but co one could put a stop to it k they got four of the stoutest men iu the church to shoulder the perverse in- rtrumeot and they carried if down the centre isk of the church pla fnj away into the churchyard where it eititinuei clicking and playing until thi wfbole forty tures were finished an ounce of mother is worth a pound ofclsrgyi he that cmhet bear with other peoples passions cannot govern his own i to be open to argument and to be open to contictioa are two different things a maaa character is lifca a fence for yoaeanriot strenxthea it by whiia wash they who are onabls to eotem themaelves are always tteairous of governing others vpay as yoa go and tata care yoa dont go before yoa pay sara whea yon are yoang to spend when yoa are old the hum of the teakettle paid foe is far raoro beaatiful than an operatic air on a piano that is not if mart wouldbut bee more of the future in tho present and mark the harvest in tha bad then life would be more teaateoas to them than it is sincerity is speaking as we think be- uetingaa wo vtend acting aa we pro- fesa performing ai wo promise and being ia we appear to be laneceaeti efyati the yickshnrgh boy can stand up with any other toy in the world agiihsl an accusation the ether day when a vickthcrgh mother discovered sugir on the ptntry ehelf she called her boy and said some one has been stealing this sugar is it possible f he exclaimed roll ing up his eyes in astomthmeat yes it is possible and the thief is not far wkv either aiiichej do yoa suspect father k i dont couldut ba the cat could ill he enquired glancing uuder the tuble tn search of the feline cat dont eat sagar yoang rein they dont v kosir th thief is a boy about your age he ir eh t id joat like io catch him in here once v if the sugar is disturbed again she said at she covered tha box i know of hoy wholl get his jacket dusted thats bally i i wiah yond let me stay out of bchool sos to see yoa catch and maul him and he went out to devour the other lamps sogood und durable niid the kind alleniiaa llnthli cililouicir ikviy- 1 fv a leivt- rt tio i 71 i lou t- i hilt lmstlrfiestbesfr oortawllsdooworv ims tw 3000 eaagtstltafa 4600 ketf rtobds udxcnlxf bloplilo4l dictionary t m ofrer wqo hamea tnn tb canaauavdtmsolotiauiralhj jbrotdvildd lni twr toon la th cmtcatl af tia poilllon of tb ng1uhmaa with that of hi tynimu ratty aid of ihtrauaitfc bekasto customers knew thev ennnot do bettor iinywuotu than at tue uigni u iuo v b h bwil iwimajiiferenea workin whlehlhilb customers itcuiember the name li camillon marulu 18s1 thomas c watkim hamiltaa k distinct and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of mp0p1otes it conati vs cltnkni esvniat to tha animal orgaualku the ipiiliia j gtiti and tonics in jmtiav tw u hy a ttim into tha e lecrrtioni lt and may i in a word it f hi stmulaau to awaie tho sttcegth tne tonics to ntala it aax mcit of a hyu dcre felldys c0ilp0j0 syhirp of hyp0p1iq3phites spitsilt am riro akckitr cuiia iilkv j- 1 ifwlf ixs e j perry davis son lawrence buftlw m xutj uii ixaiwlv ilw iufecs3iarj ja a- blood acts npoa thelirer bowels slda and kidneys while at tie same time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and j speedily curing biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti- j pation headache hheumatian dropsyhervons und gen- j era debility female compkxints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum and every species of clironio dkcasa arising fiom disordered lifer kidneys stomach eovrcls or elooi the best blood pupipyiki totilc lil tilt vchlo samwe botue- c t cilbi t ce vli izjs kkl rcmiar t je 8le hrs freemaat ttonji tei sit i price s f 5 hrt freetnanl xrw n drei i v dandier ucr te oil t s tttl l lv r iie ud teectii dttnertr of nn la diidrca or cx ia trrrf cbix ter uiakuoa aai aft your dealer fr giftorico machine ttl and soe that the cartel u branded cistorine as none oihcr it enuice pepal opesa from ere r coaimcrclal cntrrrt j- iraporue ilh urucil is lic iclr or zopra so iiuy celfbruei trlurc ii j tnoarnfocllvciireof alllortasomudltclioij 1 theeonipanj- bate oiened a ubratorr in toronto zartajccomes to da lutoly endors ed and rprammuhej it tondtrfal kajulty to tne dfccstlve vfkm its certalcir to re lieve and curedysrlcpnia anlcoillpallan mates nls remartabl mmpjnul a ceces- sitr incaid the comaij watcwaple txitllesk lue irifllnc cott a id ceau to be hadorik ifctiarvlu acton t paiiit- lscfien hotbcktii i uatber areyoa disturbed at nicht and broken of yorir rest by a sick child suflering aid crjini frith the excruciating pjia o catti nje leelh t if so to at once and get a bottle of kfrs winilons soothing sjrrup it will rilieve the poor utile suflerer immediately depend upon it j there ts no muujce about it vterc is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who trill cot tell you at once tbt it will regulate the bowels and give rest to tha mother and relief iind heiuu to the child operating like magic it is dtrfdcliysate to usein 4t cases and pleaaant to the taste and is mo pre scription ofonc of the oldest and best female physiciarisan d nurse in the united slates sold everywhere at 25 centa a bottle a crtol ifotts sot to stcr pjei when a snbacriber wishes tha paper atopped nolify ua by letter bs sure and do this and thusaave yourself and ua annoyance of conrae yoa will also be sure that all arrearages are paid wg have no accoanf3 with our sab ecrihern erceptapoa our list and no naue ua be i fafeea off until paid to date dnnt returu thtr paper to the pssjujssfer and hire hiru send it to iis mat iced refused lcnusein case that you artrii arrenra ffecia fcfip rendic -ic- snt and cjllecs the uouey for lie sxmb whether it ia taken out of the office or not every request to discon tinue tba paper will be attended to at once arileai arreara are already dne in bich case ibe arrears must first be paid a request when subscribing to i atop my paper when the money rnna i out ia alwaya roted in our book and acted upon tha- aama is tho cas the request is received b-forc- irrtairs heconie doe i presidentelect garfield who was inaugurated last week never uttered a batter sentiment than when ha said the other day to a visitor i am the saperintecdent of this great farm for four years and with gods help i mean to raise and reap a great crop of prosperity for the peopla who- have par me in cbarge tnat marvelous purifyer burdock blood bitters will speedily change the sallow face to one of freshness taealih and beauty it regulates the bowels acts promptly on the liver and kidneys and strengthens he system when broken doprt by nervotis or general debility iak your draggist for a trial bottle the cost ia only 10 cants large bottles 100 headache why becomes sunsrinf martyr ia etsad ache irhcu fluruca idoui uiueis will surly tuie tile canse uc alt vat lliea orell uer tilrk t kervtus headaalie cltalse ih slsiem rtsnlalo uic petreilotie relieve couctiiuou of uie boirelft pnrfly tlit biood reuuvulc uie llterandujiie akuefiervouf ttsven ana uisircsslna- teadiciie will be aukuvwu tiamlebuuirs lu cents large homes siu hagyards tectorial balsam is compos edut the most bealing baisanisund gutiis lheiisauiswulch enter into us cumposiuou were used by the na tives iv ben america waafirsldiscovered aud are combined with other testable tonics so blended tojeiher tbal it la a speciho for all adaqiions of the throat and lungs 1liouunds of boitleaare used annually and it is considered one ofthe stauoard praparatlons ol tba day in cases of cbrodio diseases which doo tors nave failed to cure burdock blood bitters haa achieved its greatest triumph all diseases of the blood liver and kid- neys ttcorfula dyspepsir nervous de- bilitr bhcumatum piles female complain is and ell forms otlosf vitality are promptly cured by this reoovatirg towo irlaljiotuesoiilyootho oentf fthe phristiaik gleaner just received cur xew speiitg tee suitings shaw murton kemlicat tailors gtjblp ec 100 a year 1 t x tjk5ectariax sragaztke con- uining missionary je froin ail pirte of the world and well illustrated with firstclass engravings qne of in beic uistionary piriiidkah nibluhtd sixcimcn eopiufree addrsa cbbistux gleaktnt port hope oni the best offer yof made i fear of frank leslies pabtlcaflant one i aeur- for only s750 pie frank leslie pnblishingco 15 dey st new york will 6cndiusk ltsunss fiiolt fercjd a 16pago illnstrated paper for only si00 peryear jfbaxfc liiauis yottsg-foxcb- devoted to the interest of the youiis sjoople and con taining ranch to interest those of a more mature ago a igpage illustrated paper price per year 50 ceuts j fexsk lesuts nitiavu anrtcntctisi ixo woeedg faklfer a lgpa illustrated paper for only 5100 per year with dr d jkendairs eminent treatise on the horse and its diseases a book of 100 fages 90 dno engravings free to each subscriber i fnaik lesiizs pcnrrr or tne dtv a 10- page illnstrated paper jnst the papcrfor sunday reading price only 75 cents per year hiclnaing two beautiful cbromos the first easter dawn and the firtf cvrsi- jbehstohs u7ek hhplisit klepsu and for purfylns tho blood it has been la u9 1 or i years and haa nrotcd lo bo iho brt preparation in toe tr- tet for kci itlillalar pajs 13 tlis bide oi hack uver com- iaist rcrpus on the face dys- mbia 1 iu3 and all disoaaca that arise trcci n liaordered liver or an im- pnrcblood lbousandaotoin kjlaaeitandclvelttotbqirchuuren rfiy- ddnns prcccrc it dauy tbooa who uso u once reccnunend it to otlicrs tj it is ronio from yellow lock ttondn- 1 na6ar5aparuxwil4c2icr76iiaiein dacccon bacsafms wmararccn other wcutnown vamable boots ecrtai hueirlcuy vegetable and can- net hurt lis mofct delicate constitution it is oe c tho best morticing in use f for iurndiun tho towels i it is rd by all rcrpommo druggist 1 at one dollar for a onartbotua or ate 1 iter- 1 boules te flvo flolim those who cannot obtain a bottle of e i fills tnedlclne froza their dmnplst marl iseztdus oneool8randwqwuioeuverul 1 to them free of anycharfita j 1 vfflswatolistbta tbfraa oktaeio inas horn jji50perjcar or all mr of the afov- bamplesof all of onr pnbhoafers and iv lostrated catalogue without prerni ums f o 15 cents all desiring steady and profitable employment should send at once before their iexritory is taken aiiy of fiaahoveimblicatlensaeuworaii hiiuialt rate- l- v subscribe for ti acton free press i larseit and host complete factory ia tic deiiiiiiiob 140100 any idakor in tie worll tthtdal and dihniat ctrjenuiui ttileilal and uijjitna ni sijj aiurala ggriw medal ul pruciucial kthilitivh toronto grutjhfit atrard at industrial extilititn tvronlu 1876 1s77 1s7s 1st we ane now manufacturing square and tfpright best in the market correspondence solicited sand for illustrated gataloffue mailed free address dominion- organ piano ompany menl no one reference workin whlekieesvin flnd all thai ie may biln quest of nostiala qnarrythatwl i yield mm ereryowhu demands reqlilra tho lispertlon otsoeh a he may saf inlhimammwh lnbrtjs haiv ln retard lola lunea iu thoroainea lie eompaetnrh and its prw it l ti amasiaf prodncl of literary skill aad meehanjeal ork- manshlp then should not be a sehool in the dotalnloe whero access cannot readily aad constantly tit had to 1l no teacher and e mijtmadd eo reader of tha language can afford tobevhbott ii for ii is a monumedui work nouejtribote to our arand old nvahemongne from london qoarlerly brlw- tha bola it standi ii is nwft respectable an mrtalnly m war rumul ejbum psmoaa- atsxtaht a necessity w ersry edoealed man lard zfrossom etery scholar- knoirs lie ralna- w m frantl tkt zruldrlaa- the book haabeeocn indlspmusklsle rrarr student f tbe engllsli lanjnita ifsswass t wmtt cirf jntia v s ii s livery sale iboarlill stables mill street aoton firstclass bigs at reasonable rates good commercial bigs an exrress deliverywagon villioeet each eiptlefa train nnd deliver golda any part of the town 1 i t all parilos intlevkd to tails tallihmenl are reoested to pay tip wiihoul further delay andaave costs k i 1 proprietor t ttox y i l wll t fa sutl we oommencei on wedassday lstdscemtser agrax0 clearing sale of orjk imiksse sroce of winter dry goods 1 -lsclcdlng- silks velvets dress goods ciiimercs vrlvtuens maotlos shawls mantle clolhs uuter cloths hosiery gluvis riijlions twees ilillinery tiiumod and uutrimuied cloths tweedigtnu funiislnnga and aiiiiuinenso stock of tableliutn- tabknkpkius a linen towels lice curlhinc sbeeiings we will also fjer fir sale at the ssmeunle a urgestock of ladies fuks in jiuos and caps this is a splendid oppirtunity to secure ueuuine birgains at loss than regular prices kemember this is no humiiug but jenumo clearing je tioods will besod only for cash no credilai our reduced rales wmsteavart f co tjrrer wrspbau st fl iltjt w hi 1 etiological journal j reilji wohj forty ftm ud oecwpph puct iq litemcrt ezeluvrdr it oa vu lit lio nimia 5avlar ia all iu pu iactoijng pvew himia savliir m all iu phucuncii l r yy afcl 1 i tk mitar f iiuiui aj a imrrd to akt it the twl pbtaiio 3 uqfcftk imrrd to aakt u the fci pwlaio fpr fvakrtl cna- atla wndum iw4r to ke coca bcttr plnnwlf weatilly tad mtvly fircai iij ji mi h jqcaquv lait they raiy betcr ki aoto eoera nrti trmia im v u irdrtn voonj cati ad he jfhthliw v titr nutr nakt the oan cf thesimuci to wk in j phrenological biistjf tbb femt u mat c tljutcr cf thh od i- v h to vimv lb txict location of rich of lit phfioioi v oixa lhg bedu ntarly liicueaadvcrf oni v- drttrrint tuct on ihsccvitcrtilsi ci nuatelia l5 ikoruiraiidailtlrtrcity h id for jeo tfc f riih the iuiutmda tey wtiich comanin wen nd the saiutje wjbliltlia the t tw it phrenoluxj- nl cable the teaitr tlcoaet ol maieat or hofivm niture ots of thse ibadd be ia the kiadi of h nlt vcud knov ho to ijtar chracttt terms tne jprtnai is ao rabihtd it 9 year itiatinf brca rsduced from joot lipflt ia vhea thtpresiijistnrsett us jeatftitair r erpi- inulitt i wu be it j nail poitpajit a0t01t hasn33ss- truns fjqm autwia when the jresirjis mctt be receiirod wiia each tabsaiptisn ti ob tie joiis ad the expanse of boxing mi the buatji which wibttiat br cxpicu 1 mailer utt wu be teat by sail poitpajd s au 1- g fa wchtn j und the new bfcpreiju howjro sa la rejtsierd lcrv poujtgoriuitpt tg moss oddscnpti send aaioiintj p o ordef dufk oatinf t1 wanted st id to ceny fr ipectwen number ustv etc r ad ilrstbn ppal card w atmbar u iiaplc whirl wcl be leat free vl r j- wo have arrnogrd fort ciiiig ttjj phrmologioxl oitrnaivu abort irliich wffj be furuislifld witvh the fu pxss or 2lc jr per year tt aesess and tiiukks made to order in any itvle rcqnired 6n short notisa and at reasonable prices eepairing promptly attended to r oreeoh the acton free press best local pkper in halton do furniture a nalurv i- john 3pei0ht w- ia r undmtakino every description f coffins oaskvrs a av ttfticara sum wli sumvladcntrst tun antul limlnriw t atm4 tautjii csiii5viisi tjkmtrta tnqxn0sac0luaailww f lizm hail beauteous bounteous gjsidasg 4 bprinn this was- mark twains iw- poem but the dire diseases inademv tpncg ppoill tha romance bvb3ft blood bitter is the prise remednhj remedy priied byal wuo havfitrieov as fht best ibioor itutryiug tohio ma systehi reguitor n tfi markeii cures all blooj huomslfo t ip strolulatoa common pimple suprt bottles 10gnts lor sale tghi lit v- i in medicine w m cntat fnrnlaoed irstrttbij monti ajmji fbakk fjeexra ptraijiainro co usaystamiklrsirtnk ohas a ew rstelaaa cnadan i j r sale snitalit for tho homo t ubooh or small church we mllifi iil nave vurv low for oash eoriull parucnlaaa r to u bpjmodiu3 t fist passs omoss aofen fab 11 1888 caw tvucsi vi i uilnstrtwort- wcmini 5tiii1l4 fjylivf made ijie i jijwyf ft ctols2 wptin ttkbll i r willpwi 8trjbbt aoton y u wbrjs i i 1 str ntions lor eps ii vrofltable hoincsa any taaetn thbnaldilf leardarm our instrncllhivarasop 4atn that an7tne can rnfte m ilromtbxvrrysturt nonnecas vvcminsreisnei butliieag r aiiw t e r ans rg ijj- nhi- n ma ar n 1 iuikiuiiii vsi- iryftfeaw

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