v-v-vr- r i 7 tvjtsl ism p ii rt -u-lj- tfla feeb press anwl to tit n tuba march 31 issi ru lire woniiiitlhe year we re claim miwl rsswlycukted village iuiiciltti uko into eotumuralion the mvctionofj nil town hall ud hck hii en obie aentral wte in our villsge jsittee tiisfttinc coniijcrnblocojivomi ration on rise auljcot has been indulged in liyrtieraujwyciis and icitiseus rtn rlly- and at iw last meeting of the oltu avar til rttbljlsx council lie niauer was taken lip and noiiee or giveu that at the hcxc mmtiujf uiiiion would bo presented in the tfffcl that in the oiuiiion ol ahis council ibo liruc has arrived whin tf should- bo taken to 8hira a pro per town haluul lockup vva under hand ilut it is the intention of the council to visit a number of halls in lhr lawns fut information rcvpeeling vox cotislrticuon jsih1 cost of a bnitaut iiwo hull the recie will iralwbfy jlltt meeting oc the raliraytrs in jteikor k to lay before them the resull of the investigations ami to ns ctrtnin their opinions on the suljct not inst the matter tus been ikcn hold ufjjr the ptojicr authorities a trust it wiu puahed fuc4itjl with such despatch ns ix consistent willi the importance of the undertaking as kr lie public nicetini is concerned we ferl ceitain that he opinion ot hik kleijert will be undivided on this vacation as all are doubtless fully alive to the necessiy of secqtinj a public lull fpi- our village and 3 that it k nc siuy to the cotufori and coaven- ience of our continually increasing pojinutlon as int previous issoe re wonld advocate tha erection of a building which would meet the public require ments for the next twenty ycanr and in ctlyle cteditabu to otr industrious and enterprising town the halt might be liuttc two stories nigh with jaite- eent the grit story qltetl ap for the public haj the wcand for lodge rooms for secret societies and the bweiueol for lockup fire hall eta the kail proper wcxitd bring in wt- cdervble tevenae and the lodge rooms would add a very respectable aruqual to this the payment of the anionnt required f fir the erection of thenew hall cxa be extended over a period cf twenty years and it will thus be very light on lle purees of the ratepayers as the revejue derived from the hall will amount to more than the- annual interest on the sum required there is no doubt that diiferent men willihavediserentnpinionsori tiie sab- ijcctjlrat we know that pnblie opinion is in favor of a new hall and wj are con fident hat the great majority of the ratepayire will ass their influence it- tht direction what is yotir opinion aa ihb qnes tiont our columns are open spoak oat freely it is now time thai every man slicum clwm up the hfusu that bus collected about his buildings if lufl for a fow eck longer it will causo much sick nea mow than niauy tvalito every year discotfllies arenindu hhowing that llii most dangerous and deudly diseases ro cuumd by ncglveving 14 clean u the garbage aud wista i hut has accmiut uled fur months mid perhaps fyr years oursillsgo has been very fortunate in escaping tboso nisonses which is partly owing to the location but it should not cause us to neglect our duty wu w iii lruciivo it onnlalnt over kjcupngl in ono volume hating 400 illustrations on liotses ciilllo slictp lno and poul- try etc in my opinion uvory inniier tiiould luve ono nho lakes au interest in itook wiling ns it will pay for itself in asliorttluto i would not bo without a cop lor three limes the monoy it out youri truly os smith breedor of beioesler nj uncoln saoep and bhorthorn caltlo should ctein up all iho filth and put it wicro it can do no harm manufacturers of roapera mowers and threshing machinery r refer cas- torluc maohine iii to any other itwlll oelnenr lard seal and ulephanl and in warranted not lo gum ilagvaitis tectotul ijauim a few iloies relieve thoraoatdisltouiugeouph and 11 twentytiro cent bottle lira euieil manyauflnrorlrom attlimi bronchitir croup lutlueuia ilaarsnewv andyoio- lessoflha chest ttu the grand sped- fie lor oil ihtoiund lung coiuplalnts lead inglo qoneumption rse ozkcvs the commissioners are ananinioasly of the opinion that it would greatly facilitate the proper taking of the cen n if the public generally including clergymen school teachers newspaper men and all persons having any pub- iicconntetion to impress the fact that lite census is in no way connected with tixaifon and that the information giv en to eutimeralors it under thq strict est order of secrecy thn enunurators leing sworn not to reveal or to allow ny one whatever to give inloroiation jtainej during the taking of the census jln the crmuj ot 1871 enumeratore otaija a jireliidinary call and left a iiuiifcscheduis to oe filled up by the fkinaehader tliis schedule is dispen- bed with ia the iiresent census and i fturfl enumerator will have to gain the information requisite when he calls at the how manufacturers and otheis fa basiiieni should have ba hesitation in girjaglhe information as to their bosinwg lfotlinj will be re realed by those engaged in taking the the tzmtfltljjutee with iut popula tian of fifty millions and holiing the atatuaof ah independent nation is con tent with neyen heads of departmanta costtnj for salaries 5c000 a year janarla sith lest than a tenth of oar neighbors populiltoa sndoccttpyiag thepoaitioa of a dependency has thir teen heada of depa rtments who cost for ilirie 320qo a year or 810000 if vt vld the sessional indemnity who sajr csnadc is not too much govromj i seeds seeds frmcm uibtssk broidora it will lie gratifying lo our numerous readers to earn ihu a work is soon lo be circulated in ciinada thai must provo at valuable and mjljpontiblo lo the firmer as his reaper or any other labor- saving implement and that will by us careful iliidyund following the instruct ions therein contained phce him in a position to frcally increase hif profits tils a welt known fiet liathargs profits have hkhecto been uiade on stock raising by man who understand their huines atsd that the department ol stock brooding is now becoming more important than ercr and yielding better returns than any other branch of husbandry wo do not say however that alt haia been tucceisful who have embarked in this line for in that as in all other walks of life there havo been failures hitherto the want ol a first- class reliable pnctul aork on lire slock has been fell br every firmer as a reference boik or breeding broaking training ineltdrinir buying selling use and care is well as wherein to obtain the mst recent improred humane methods for the preservation and cart ot hockr the prevention of any disease and restoration of healih oc horrcs cattle sheep swine and poultry tlul great want is now to ija sujiplicd by the world publishing co ofguelph the fouowing lieitimoniils from some ofouriesl judjes 6peak lor themselves they have carerullr examined coaiplete copies of the work and ordered ono for their own use ontario agricultural college and ex perimental barm uuelph feb t ifcsl to tic iturld pttttsfuan cumwny gurtpk oexnekot i have made a careful examination or ycur new book entitled illustratied stock doctor and lire slock encjclopkdia una ihodvand pajes ia one valume baring 00 illustra tions dototed entirely lo information on horses cattle sheep swine and poultry la certainly a new feature in agricul tural literature there has long been a want both in europe and america of what i thonld like to call a text book on this special branch of rursl economy and tha work now before me comes the nearest to ibis idea at once the sr- mers reference and tha sloiknls guide i hare no hesitation wnatercr in recom mending it to our fanners as well up to the times throughly practical and what to rne gives itcrcalest value every cias ot animals is handled in detail points and judging fully explained anl illuttnitel and all items in health and disease ably treated in short in this r gci of live stock making your work is bound to have a very urge circulation and should us in lie hands of every fanner yours faithfully w enorrs professor of agriculture aud farm superintendent gcelra 15th feb issi iforf ptavjthicj cqtwxj gitelpk icxtlcirrs i thiak j l scannings book caiicd tlje iliuetraicd stack docfor and lvt stock encyclopaedia rromwhat i have seen of it a very uielul bonk for breeders and farmers 10 hare to refer to i am gentlemen ypnrs a ftedercs wu ktoxc importer end breeder of shorthorn and hereford cattle cotsirold and south dcivn sheep and berkshire and email white breed o pigs and suffolk horses to c world rihruklg coyi gtxtx 6celnr hatch 2 issi gesti after a careful examinaticn 0 yodr new work by dnjianning i am convinced that any man owning stock should possess a copy for years i have hid a strong prejudice ajrainet alt books sold by canvassers having known to many deceptions aud mfsreprcsenlatians palmed off on the people la that way but havingseen a fultcopy ol this work and having examined it thoroughly and every hoar t read it i became more and more convinced that i needed the work as am ceruin does every faimer who desires to succeed the work is ex tremely wrll arranged for references fust what you want to know and all can be found in a moment farmers sons should make it a daily prscico lo read some part of li book farmers jget- the work ii will pay yon well its circu- istion will add greatly to the wealth of csnada i was one of the parlies called upon to give evidence before the agri cultural commission and can say that tbeir report will be found of greit use and consider its veryhappy circum stance that dr mannings wirfc will be issued so near at the same time as all who receive the keport ill certainly require a copy of dr mannings work as the keport is lo dr mannings work like a spelling book by the aid of a dictionary it i not lo be wondered at thst nearly ail who gave evidence before that commission should have already ordered dr mannings work and given such fine testimonial in its favor doping the work will have lare circu lation and wisbingyou everraucccss lam gentlemen geoeoe ktjdd importer and breeder of devon cattle cotswold and southdown rihcop berk shire pigssod fancy fowls actojr march 24th issi tothe world pviluliltig co guelpl jestremex hsvtng carefully ex amined your publication entitled the illustrated block breeder and live slock encyclopoyiia by j h manning md v 8 i am satisfied ills of graat value lo farmers and stock breeders generally ft is the best work of the kind i have yet read tha genersl informal ton concerping each particular braed will he found mot interetine and in deotort oiv him up is ii pwslblo hint m r im irrajr up nml nt wnrk aud eynd by tt rtuijile a remejyt i amurc ym it k inm that lioucniroy euntlaul wifi iiotuini but itoni liters mid nmlvutuliysasnliiiilictorsavo liftn uiiabd fcim lio uuutiui- ivniladny it that u w i will so tint inlnuie and ki kmuj for xjor ucorc i kuaivbotssisi troal j i iieauacni why ieeocie a nunirtnr niartyr lo lattt- nriic vfeu mrxl clc nli 1 uuienj wlu turiy mire ihcrstje cf nil viirlticicorilthcrhkk r korvunt tuuiuie cuaie iliw vyfem leiralati- llu- fvcrilnw rt lleve cin tiratkii ctuio lonl itirlfy tin- hki rciinvalc the llitrmid lunc ui lfc nrivons synm una ilulrcfwlnc lcauacno will bo unulr n t saailiiboluts wcenu ijirjc iiotc tlo in cases efchranio diseases which doo torn hve failed to cute burdock ulood blilors hasndhieved ilsgrealcllrtumjilt all diteases of the blood livoranj kid neys scorfula llyfpepsirketvous le- bilitv rlieumatim pilesi female complaints andnll forms 61 lokt vitality are promptly cured by this jenovatipg tonic trial bottles only cost 10 cents uurdock lango the tnal marvelous purifycr blood bitters tvill speedily c sallow face 0 ena of freshness- health and beauty it regulates the bowau nets promptly on the liver add kidneys and slrenrihcns lucsjstcm when broken lonn bf kcrvous or cirnetal debility ask yodr druggist tor a trjal dalle the cost is only 10 cools large bottles 8100 1j arriving daily at christie henderson cos htocktaklns completed nnj rthcrnrnpnltm opened with jfewi i sprlnu oooas 1 goods ivlreftoy opened h i comprising be nicest goodi ore range rf tweeds for our wonderful 1450 huits tha- we bare yeo offered 1 fine- wortttt coatings mmelaarityofnewprintsatficonisperyard grandlineor crjllonaiirunp atlilccnispcrrard piles of brown and drub docks fancy cttonade i snd kentucky jeans p fecial tiluo in grey cotton at 7 8 9 and loeents we obet the lt value e f in bleached cottons ia tha- trade r dress goods dojpartnient ffe hare opened opened some lovely lines pf new spring dress goods sndtrimmmg to mslort at very low prices new silk cordr for dress trimmings rew fcus tsmeli new buuoi j in elegant patums new laces in novel designs nrtf fringes new embroideries new laos ties and fichus everything froth howl and chop dlsrelsia strengthen ynor digcs- hon tnne liie slomarh far utlllslne ami ai ilmllotlnx every atom of fou you tafc- the body recd it fur itrenglh and vlpor tiiru ckanus the entire lyttein umuuts lle tlvcr fcwryon regular and able 10 eat tn- pmny naik lellcrsanixroslaleardscome in dally xtoltlnezursxa irora urastl iosr ttvcpjioorc ncilth and vijrnrlt ctvcln a la ceut saraplc 80w by j e ilcciarvin actoa tiitwocru uxt ilarch isso fortwenlythreeyears last past lhave sold ierry davis paineiller and nave always found it to five good satisfaction i hare frequently used it in my family and received groat behcffltram the use ot it in that way although many imi tations of il have beenputonthemjrlet and arc put bed hard yet the old reliable perry davis tainkilter holds its own and is a very popular domestic medi cine yours respectfully jas avlswcmrir s seo advertisement in another column do vou tittoir that in severe and elirrnlc esre whleb hvtcs w ii wins cnra pninisyrpocftlldclcrryklvilmillttlalc reller ait encet a uperlj enre tliat rvry umlly wlio krrp it on hari eandtfy tvmclit crmp wlifvitliifc cioiif cil llnitirblll ant nil tfudrptdtayc ttiatitaer llss bcarcrortd m nljlcblt ilcd nclve rellet tba in every dlitrtct wbrre wllfonp vctd cnerry bi u itttnrpft it hat jcrarcd into lavor in an incrxdibly stort time tlml yoj can biy 11 from any kadlc trn- cltld voslernontado craclci itanca cracicd lira axa koojhncaa of tbe klu can be cured by- a fav apaltcatioaa of guibottrfs paxtaina balm watch oly ecsla cs ecnta and is said br all uadlns uvuekits la vtcstcrti ontirlo it is guaranteed ta atva sails cactloa ia everr instanco tnr it bankttrrtod april 10 ifso garden field ccsc anil canzfart a flic saaerfac broivnsifousehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and extern it cures ltin in the side back or bokcis sore throat kheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind ot a pain or ache- it will xosl surely quicken tha tloddand heal us its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any otber elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family hsnly for uso ahen wanted fas it really is the host remedy in the world forcrirats in the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle imminent uanger threatens anyone troubled with a hacking cough in- qammatfon when it attacks the delicate tisii o the lungs and bronchial tubes travels with perilous rapidity it is worse than madness to neglect a cough orooldf to do so is simply to invite consumption and premature death battle with and overcome the disease in its infancy andavort lhepofl do not allow the lung eating tubercles lo deveopij themselves before resortingto medicine experience has j shown that the preparation best adapted to subdue a formidable cough to soothe and heat iho lacerated lungs is northrop lymans emulsion of cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda a swift and sure specific br bronchial and lung aflections laryngitis and the vari ous firrnof scrofula lis noipreteud- ed that this favorite remedy will cure fully developed consumption but that it will avert it is a fact toowell proven to admit 6 any reasonable doubt the act is equally well known nnd sppreci- aed both by thepublio and the pro ivssion that the article is an admirable fertilizer of the blood hnphrtmg to it those constituents which are essential to the complete nutrition of the system and its preservation in a state of health in an enfeebled system phosptarrui that necessary element of bodily substance is deficient this constitu ent aaweiras lime and soda important in bono formation are supplied in the emulsion bf cod oil prepared by northrop lyman toronto sold by all druggists toronloxiil coinre sole mamitoolnis- ers of castorina machine oili in- fringemerts will be prosecuted and blower k distinct and peculiar combination fellow c0hfcus0 syrup of htpowphlfes lt sontsina the cltnniti weentisl to th sslsal orgsuatioi the oxidising agents and tooies la mmboutikmrith til iiirmiulingsrt ihorai jviiinlht merit of be ing slightlf alkiiiae sad is dispense l in li ouuvowait sd piiut le foftiof a synrp jueffects are nsoslly visible within tw ntyrour hems ar lsre cirkel by a stim- nliiiott of lie sppctite the dipsaoa and as raiioa eaitnnir dieejy into tha eircntatioa it fonos fit nerves aid lunh s ern t a lealuysc lion of lis retiolui neither disturbs the somsciiiiw iijaies im t rin uidtr gorged use and may u discoatiiad tt sry time wiitoat iiiuitnirior la s word it tha stinmtnts lo anrass the irerf tie tonics to ntsia it and insiit of s ll dr c fellows compound syrup of hypuphosphites tpsaax aka paucaxijnu curxi coertjmof tu rt unim rilh vtrmlwrslftii limln lhtlilr lij jiit ijmrw- iffdik 14 of jy lust of jrjmrff tm mts ntizr tl f voit l tm f ihe b- irpmi f- hk vi tolualaft t wijt nr s sw 6sk0 eoa a pampwxt i i v gpecisl attention to a vrry nicd lotof gents felt ua in new spring style at ti err talte than we hare ever been able to offer 1 lis m perry davis son lawrence gieiul agk3tj v0stseai- ak your doiler for ctornfl iictime hi wd e that the bnrrel u branded cttatortne as uouo- other is zopesa from enixil ai a rtialt of th nc comraardilt emcrprisc joiit atrqff irnrvrliiica wuli lirnttl h ttte tntrodacctou of zqpksa w ut celeurawi wlrre it it fcnqtrnfarltiecarieofluormsolndl4clqii tiiccoftipant bxre oreneu a laboratory in tomato tajvesa cornea to tw bciilj-cudore- dottiromcaiaci wonderful aflljltj o the ditthuve jrpxns us ctjrtaintj- to re lieve and ctirc dfsijia anucokupauan mates tuu rcmatfcabla compound bcc- cicrincaiada tlie comraur make sample battlexalltic trlflinc cost of 13 ctuu to be had oc j e ilciarrla actoi n ew sm i y to oir slrieilis and 0utimers during no former season have we been able to clear out onrstock so tboroo s during the past and we shall offer jhis spring the choicest freshest arc i preltiast goods ever opened withintfae wallsorthe lion with best thanks for the tusgtub cent ptronsge ol the past we shall strive this season more than ever to nuke uw jjj lion the great dry uooda centre of guelph t j d williamson oci guelph droftbmakinj establishment in actoa the andercntvlvc to inform th iiriles of acton adj viclrttj thai they will open a shop in ue pre niue talc ty oocapled by uis maddstukli al the retifeice of mm oeorte mntihetcf onmundayapruth an will be prepared to execute all rinlen in dre mak ing in 1 tic i ho st stoics acd at iho moat rpawnahla prte betne practical dret makers we are rrt- piarkl to injure- uif4clioi in auonlem acton faixh utu 1s1 i mo auction sale stock implements v chattels tho andetingiiod has ben mstmctodby the the erecatort tothe will of the la to lo sell hypnblteaaclloa at the stable late ly occupied by him at actos oa jsoxoar axo tvssoar ivii k s april 81 nl until toll the rollowtsf black a chatlett 8rojk3 iwjriarold colts 5 hones i yamod 0 wqrline elores aafiedmares l cot in calf 1 sieer rlstns i years iinlkxaxts ktr i threhlnff machine 1 slnla mower new mafsey 8 ne qansr plows 5 lumber wagsons 7 democrat waggons 9 single buggies iluggy top 2 palrboosielghs ilongblelgh power cut ting bix 8 plows turnip cutler tanilp drill kannldg mill salky rake se u iron ilarrowt 3 sett wooden harrows 4 sett doubla harness 8 ettl single harness 8 tells onlfllelreei i pair weigh scales a orlndilonfl 1 chaldron 1 hlone boat 1 wheelbarrow 3 crosscut haws b chains km bosb oata more or less k tons of bsr n qnanlliy of hsr in stack uxu llrlck a nambar of ottsr articles too numerons to meouon ii- barber suop rehotelt j p trokde ithi tcraovod hlx barber shop to the prfl mlcs lately occupied by r e nelson lie has qued ap the place with new furnuare etc and hopes by personal attefilion lo secare thsfpntronoge of the alliens- thaaa dfthosc tho hare pivcn me their cuitom fn the past and bodciuaf a eonunaaaea of their favorv i ara yoors respectfully jpwoauen actoti march snd issi si grand display this webi s p r r t h n a g t s one of the largest and moit seelect stocks ever expased in anion comprising uiw newest patterns and colors in scotch knglise and canadian tweeds andi vtor- isf sleds ajsu hals osps and genls furnishings in great rariely v j come to hills photo art studio t mill st acton m j bardorst neiillstg ointment ibcnld b wed ia cooaecrioa vud burdock blood uitlcn for caring ulcers auccuct fmn sorts- ftc pries u ana pr box t m1lburn 4 co sulx acsats toaarro -terhs- b500and nndor cash over ibat amount nine months credit on rarnlshllg approved jolal notes- ijay and pats cash sale tto oommenoe each day at 10 oclock sharp w nemstreet whstomr v dwcahrnell eiecators seeds at j e usgyarls 1ectoriai halsam is compos edof the most healing balsams and gams the balsams which enter into its composition were used by the na tives when america was first discovered nnd oro combined with other vegetable tonics so blended together tost it is a siieciso for all aaeolions of the throat and lungs thousands of bottles re used annually and it is considered one or the standard preparations of tha day and if you donft know yojarj own photograph now yoi wilihlf hereafter vj citizens visitors- all comeis an you will be well come i isijr brilliant succ hacyards pectoral balsam hat no equsl toe the pcrsunetu cure it cocuhi telds sort- tkroal assksoa mans whooping loogh ranrkltls ad sjltafdlseses swtt bmlu fnaanlmd it give utiifictlcn iluur n 8ico prcoricloivtaronto mcqarvins 1 3 two tsars awardsnino first prizas silver medal and diploma onljpnblstered qooa nd osbnrtt wjjj we wtro warded tho only buver mcdsl cjvor dftored forspepi1 liooileneeintjgftff in this depaitmant we take tho load aai challenge eompetitioii ordewcv ww receive prompt mention inspoction oonlially invitod j i y w0rsf0ldc sign o the ffliair azlctons block qw wnuham st gripjk drug store acton sbe00 m sym rjaictrvji rii7vtu j a t i