Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1881, p. 2

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t h bb tab fbee press artok tnrannu april 7 1881 i sss aowh soon act feiitio tbojcfiaiiijiioit niado another attack opon us ut week iu rofirvuco to ike acton petition for the scott act after a number ofinsurliim rcmiika respecting na ilsay it wilt givothe frktvptussauioppoitonity of cxercis trig ita honest trulhfujutiss concerning tw petition it attempt in a uiott cowardly manner to crawl out of the cofuer iuto whicn wa foreul h aud asks if the editor it ilia fttek press vill take oath and toy whether a cor uia father and eon to whose signature tie oditor witnessed actually signed the pititiob- in tvply to this itisuiua- iion wobc to slate that as sjonas the ikumjiiuti publishes tho uanes of the fulbecaud son referred to we will iu the next itaue of the fuek pkess pub lish an affidavit showius that tho eig- luturcs to which tho editor of this j j juruvl witnessed sro genuine hi we staled la a forticr issue wo am dcler- tuincd to keep the chmiwu to the truth iii this niftier aud till continue i in disclose its tnisrcpresenuliona vf the aclou piiitioo publullyaur list of -liaiw- dear cimiiau during ihelae eessioaof the on tariu legislature an act was passed repairing the parent or guardian of even- child not less than seven years uor more than thirteen years of age to cause such child to- attend a public school or any other school in which elementary iuitruclion is given daring the whole lima in each week for which such school is 6pen for iurtructioa 6l chillien and for the respective ponods of eleven week in each of the two terms of the public school year unlaas there be some reasonable excuse for una attendance this isa move in the right duecliot- bird will- if the act is prvierly earned into effect iasaret the education of children who ere at present growing up in ignorance in a coanlty where education ia freely provided for all- we trust the jact will receive proper attention here upou to addrcts the audience ho said that moral iufluenw had been used to reclaim all whom it war possible to reclaim but morel influence it not uffiolcut for all casta aud there la class no tviak that tip eotupjuulty muit protect it by legislation wo cant tell who among out ftiendt iray be dmwu into ibe whirlpool of iutedpijiiiuoe and wo oiust protect tho weak kxpoiienco will bring tculprohtbilloni the liquor trade is suob that a licence law hatfailed a complete stumping out is tequircd the reverend renllenian staledthat ha know hardly a wan for wonian in guolph who drlnic liquor at all who are not diunkards ill show ed how the course cmius which ere at present manufactured into liquor would if fed to cattle he tuor profit ablo both to the farmer aud tho country the scott act isa very good act and il loopholes are found in it thoy ill soon be remedied the quealion wag often asked what would the farmers and others do for accommodation if the hotels were closed but ho would assure everyone thallhcy would get all the accommodation they could pay for spoke about the properly question and showed that the pluses now occupied as hotels would gcnciolly bring more money if disposed of or tho use of other business and wo necdui be afraid of pplo luting their employ ment by the scott act coming iu force tteirusled that all present would vote foe the ac and remove the temptation from the young and lhat hilton would gain a great victory on the 13th of april both speakers worn heartily applaud- ed and received lha unanimous hanks of those piescct for their excellent addresses i after a colleciott had been taken np the nieetiug was brought to a close with the benediction tio vvrtvn hill m i m- rll m 1ft iter m ip 1m f j s30wa0jhs2hhj- luce tat ftifltiratwkscmbgetflu citifeas bcr j coefts oe sad vt b bjit gnrlpti tte epeaktist on tnesday erfninguuit a vecy large and iufiuentiil meeting of the citizens of our viliige and farnere of usui neighborhood was held in ihi presby terian chnrct mr paul kennedy was appointed to the chair and afur a few preliminary reinarts called on eer t l wilkinson who simply stated that as the revs coot ts and ball had been teemed fa address the meeting he would not occupy time the disirmm then introduced rev j contls who opened hk speech with tbctemarfc that the present agitation was probably the greatest moralmore merit which would occur during the lives of those of the present generation he said that all great reforms met with greit opposition and the prescnl one was no exception to the ruh spoke of the great change in public opinion on the temperance questii during the past fifty years and showi that by the foresight of temperance ineu hundred of thousands of men hare been saved from the curse of in- temperance during that period show- ed that the licerse system ia a failure and that moral suasion could not effect the object def ired without the assistance of legislation that moral suasion will be used for the tempted but legislation for lbeicbjpter legislation if just to all the rumseller his no guarantee that his business is a permanent one as his license is never granted for mors than twelve months and was liable to be refused him at the end of any year we dave total prohibition one seventh of the entire year from saturday night to mondny morning each week at present but we want prohibition daring the whole year and the scott act will assist us to strive at that- mr coutte explained a number of the prominent clauses of the boott act and taking a cosiness tier of it showed that the act would improve business instead of injuring it he also illustrated by comprisou the superiority of the scott act over he dankin act n con clusion the speaker arged the electors to do their duty by voting for the act and thus rote for soberness in our county and band down a grand and gori6u legacy to the rising genera ium the cbmrraan nude a few apprc- priaw remarks in support of temperance and this scott act and hoped all would wotefprit liev w s ball was then called bbds seeds to ac editor of the fete pnu dejlrsir i am very much pleased to observe the interest you manifest in your advocacy of anew town hall the absence o such a necessity has for some lime been evident and th first step taken hy our council at its last meeting is creditable to their good tense i understand the reeve purposes calling a meeting of the ratepayer soon to dis cuss he matter arid obtain their views let ns hope the proper spirit will prevail and that no hostile feeling to the project will prevail it is often a source of disparagement to municipal management that measures calculated to advance the interests of the village are not accorded the hearty support theyishoutd receive a most notable instance of this kind of thing was evident in the opposition to the ceme tery by law voted on a year ago in that case the necesiily of the measure was apparent to every intelligent cili- teuand yet from a want of interest respectable people were persuaded by the misreprtsenlatiaa of others to op pose the byuwjand today they regret having done so lit ng hope when our town fathers bring down their byiawlor the town hall it will receive a hearty support the fact of the matter is that apart from its necessity for civio- purposes it u a necessity to olrpjople for other considerations oac of the greatest drawbacks of this cdmmonityia the absence of bomo place of amgsement for yoang people were some place of entertainment provided where the youug men of our village could assemble and receive some kind ol benefit it would effect a great good if it did no mote than keep them from congregating tit street cornets or assembling in ilotes and shops to meet this want a mechanics institute and beading uoom migl t be establish- edor our bind might be allowed to occupy it on certain evenings and people would be delighted to go and hear them there is klpoafc an entire absence of amusements provided for the village and it is becoming very rare thing indeed to see a travelling enter tainment advertised to atop here the reason for this being that we have no place for bach and it is not an uncom mon remark for those accustomed to live in livelier towns to make that acton is a dreary place o live in there is no doubt but people may accastom themselves to anything even the most dreary state of things but as a rule where dreariness exists th people are found inactive and un pro gressive it is evidently a mistake to suppose that making money is the only thing essential to human happiness oven in this world and the social in stincts of our nature plainly tell as so i hope lo sea some estimate of the coat of the proposed hall in some futureswla of your paper ita probable size end the probable revenue we may hope to obtain from it but let as by all means as people desiring each a convenience unite to secure ita erection if within the range of reason and pos sibility- 1 v obsebveb a april 8th 1s8l gtafdeii field fron or am eorreapoideiil the aueasor mr m momuun b now engaged lu tbo assessment work sugar making mason is now open buttery little is bring don at it in this neighborhood an cnlcruihinent will bo hold in school house no 4 on friday evening 15th april moiesgaln prbskntkttok ai mr j y eistertirook is shout to remove to nebraska the members jjf eboneur church decided to niako him the rcolpu eut of an address and purse as a token of their appreciation of him ai a mem ber of the church and leader of tho choir accordingly on the evening of tho 29th ult tho following address was presented accompanied by a purse containing uearly 50 to ilrj 1 kattahnok dealt bro in anticipating your removal from our midst our feelings of respect for you and your dear part- uer have prompted ua to meet togethct ai wt do tonight to give expression in a tangible form to the sentiments of our hearta in view of tho early sever anco of the lies that havo bound ua togelher ao happily during tho years that are past we deeply rogret your removal and shall miss you greatly in the cotumuuily in tho social circle and in the church to which we belong and and espceiilly as organist and leader of the choir of our church tho rare musical ability which you possess has contributed greatly to he interest of p the public services of the church the sabbath school and oar socul gatherings and the cheerfulness with which thoso services have been render ed has greatly enhanced their value in our estimation as in inadequate yet tangible expression of oor high appre ciation of your services we present you with this purse permit nsto assure you of our kindliest feelings and oar best wishes for your incccss and proa perity in tho sphere to which you are about to remove we pray that the great head of tho church may open op to you spheres of usefulness in wlich your talents may be employed for his glory and the good of thoso with whom yea may- bo associated in behalf of lha members of ebcneier church jons r fisdee paster mr eislerbroofc wag giettly over come but replied in very suitable terms thanking the friends for their kind wishes and promising to nmember them in his new home i tauav on 3 0 aiktw wain town on rridayv thomtchanteiniutuuiilnatety low condition i t 6 6lf lodgof inittuoribnwaa mnduottd ijera last week mrijfijan lost oowlait wook from nillk fiver worth 90 a maple sugar social was held in the m ei church on tuesday evening mr jme perry has told lu fine brictcj house on main street north to the bev w mcfaddcn for 83700 two runaway ooourred lut monday in one the buggy was smashed and in the other the drivers leg was broken oaolph tho skating rink is closed forth oeason john hall of doujui is in jail for a mouth for selliog uuliouued whis j- v- john hood scored ono by exhibiting the first upting lamb at his butcher stall the model farmeri are now holiday ing the college roopens jtpril ihe 18ih during the past three months the city has had two fires loss goo lusured ed mccunn threw a bandfil of dust tn the faces of two ladies aud wu locked up and lined 500 f j chadwick ha been re elected aldfeiraau of st patrick ward by 64 volvs to evsn mttodonalds 17 small boy cjulter fell into a quarry hole full of water the other day and would have drowned but that kelly pulled hitn out professor roberts and over twenty students of the cornell university febaeu n y haye arranged to viait the ontario agricultural college about the i7th o may iljjtisbd authorized edition beady jin bay jemc5aryiisf dbccui8t acton ha made arrangements to supply the hetlsed hew testament as soon a pub lished tnar will bo a tariety of uses and bindings and tho prices will range from 80 oenu upwards orders aro now being taken endeata- lognes may bo soon at my drug store owing to tho expected largo demand orders should bo glted in by the fifth of april agents wanted j e mcarvin dbvggisf 2m actof special bargains sura off t rj t- m htocktaklnx completed and the campnlfrac goods lwpooit feb 1880 uatri pttrf utarii k son t ltnntc ilottfrral j tour fainkiller as a family ocri all has been in conitant use in my houiahold for a long term of yean and 1 woull never desire a better one it never fails me i call ft the old reliable yours very truly horace 6kymour 19 see adtehitemenl in another column tusccssiox on baptisb a tenfbr reply to the misrepretilauona wu uoularmld and tin aclon corrcttid- ent j in tbe llareti number of iht chrtitlin bsunl will appear la lie chrltilan onardlan f of orxt week br t l wilk1s80s- ooptei mar be obtalosd at ix ueqarrlns drug 8ure prtee 6 ceala i acton april suimssl iraiassoaaoro irsrws glaaaed trow our ftroliangaa geergetewn prof foster will address the people of georgetown on the 13th iiist the rrrlild hears some talk of a cotton mill being started in qeore- m town her jd leefc preached a temper ance sermon in the m e church last sunday jeyening a span of horses attacheho a waeon tanawayftom stewarltown on tuesday last week and ran to georgetown mr b coates of korval gave a blactboard exercise la the c m sunday school last sabbath morning kutoa public school eiaminationgtookplaco on friday ko appointment has yet bean nude to tbe vacant registrarship the milton agricultural works aro runto their utmost capacity rev mr cameron is out again not much the worse of his recent illness th newt wants the people to put forth every effort to carry the scott act mr 0 w cimpbell u again able to be oct though not altogether re covered mr w dlyon erm p p for this county leached mucoa on monday night last while hauling aaw logs ust week mr a dixon had his leg broken by the load upsetting oakvlllo drunken yoang men peaco here mr d chisholm is anting as census enumerator wm mccrarieys saw miu inenced operations last week i the tug golden city left her port on saturday last being the first depart ure of the season mr alfred hood of trafalgar win united in matrimony to miss lizzie vanol toronto on wednesday soth ult i the rev g h corniab of burling ton preached two excellent educational sermon last sabbath in the 0 m oburob j some malicious scoundrel throw a stone through one of the plateglass windows of mr john urquharts ding store front on sunday night last wevsk j a lodge of instruction was held by oakviue lodge no 132 i oojf on monday evening at which bro b r albertaon d d g m oxemplfflad and i them in the now work matelllng bag lost j lot on tuodar eventogv between lb lam line ftaaeilpz and aclon on the aelon oress itoad a travelling bag contain ngaqoaaulvofelolning flniler will great- r oblige by leaving information rtifeetln h abte at tba faas paxss oolee or at campbells hotel aeuin wm bjii1h acton april till mauagaweva 81000 fq3fi3g immlx cancer care coalloodkpo jjanceb ire txpot qanmaa v f cure wltboallbe nn of lbs knife the onvj- permanmt core in ibe world for particulars encicm scent tots c smith coaucoolr pjo canada- xvcaru swirl d certala disturb the bibber suop behoved 4 p ttoebes eva removed bis barber shop to tbe pre mues lalevocanpled by r e kelson lie bu atted up hie place with new furniture etea and nope by personal atteauon to locare tbe patronage of tba citlsens aalt- nglhute wbo bare given me their uutom la tbe past and aouelllag a oontlduaneie of tbelr tators i i am yoan respectrbliy jpwqbvdes actob hueh 2nd 1ss1 jt domiaioa boot shoe store nave just received an ira aenie ttoelt of boot udbbae of every deecrlpuoa com- pritldf all lines in hen womens childrens ordered work particular attention i s paid to ordered work and tba beat material will always be need repairing bepalrlng promptly and earefrlry attend ed to call and examine our 8uek kenney son atton march 1s81 great rangarftweedsforonr wondarfol 1450 solts comprisibflwiiicaijii 1 tba- we have yeo offered tiae tested coatiags lhinobce ority of new prints at 6 betiia per yak grand line of pvtlon mi at 121 cents periard pilesofbrownanddre6imkartotuwab andkentnokyjoto a a xr sooeial ralne in gray cottons at ti 8 9 and locenu va obertte bestti in bleadhed cottonslatho trade dress goods departmii w hare opened opened some lovely lines of new spring ere ri goods and t to match at very low price i new tsiut cord for dress nnrajinga new wki tassels nowbatwnsfn elegant patterns new uoe bl novel designs hr- fringe new embrnideriekewlae tios injd fichu v f il- curyttalns frwli howel and ohmp i j special attentsob to vrry nice lot of dents felt tuliinnwav spring s taltothan wo haroeret been abt to offer i i iwaaiaeztbama to 0xttlds 0i stemei dnringno rorme season have weben able tf dear pntovtock so thorrjoriayi during tbe past and we tballoffer this spririg ihochoicestt fmbattadv goods ever opened within the wallsohhe lion ioi bes tbnkfo the i cent patronage of the pas we abl strive tluaseaaoorndre hanevoe tomato lion the great dry uoodsgodtroofqnolph tf gxtelph j 5 stywi i kenry e grihlihton reacncai- ha painter oralnar pyar kanger decorator u prepared to take eootracu for palnung paper hanging and kalumlnlng prorder promptly attended to in town or codnlry terras reaionabie having an eperiene of tblrty years x can guarantee aaufaeiion lo all h e geinlinton mill st aoton n drteallaicliig establlshmant iii acton tbe underslfued beg to inform the ladles of acton and vicinity that tbey will open a hop in the premleeiiately occupied by hum maddiuxh at ibe residence of mrs george matthews on iiooday april lh anc will be prepared to exiente all ordtrs in dreaa mak- ing in ibelatcil tylee and at tbe moat reasonable prices f being practical dress siaketi we are pre pared to insure satisfaction in all order hbs jlckenzie a missis bb1d a rhwin jaelon mareb sist ll- v imo whitewashoag anl6 cloloalng v u prepared to ckahkkids of whltewaelhuggolosihg on the abortestvsotioe and at reaaon- able rates jbtleave voatobnxss at the ran niss ofllca acton p v smclotnlns cleanedja jsett orated v-p- cnbeseuteo credit sale shbrthorn cattle sheep horses and implements the undersigned has been instructed by 0- s smith esq to sell by public auction at tus farm ad joining the o t b- station acton on tuesday 12th april 81 tbe rellewlbs meek a lmpleawau- bhorttjorn cattle bhorthoni cow ifiss maud 2nd bred by jphn kpe guelph gbtby the pope 2u8j 7520 dam ttiu maud shortnarn cow lady smith vol t c h b bred by frederick smith acton bumeu shropshire england got by british lyon 30c09 darn lumelte 3rd 8horthorn cow maggie belle vol4c h b- got by constances juke flltt 7753 dam belle o halton shorthorn heifer miss maud 3rd calv ed cth june 1888 cot by duke of kent 5025 22815 dam miss maud 2nd beg vol 6 c h b shorthom heifer maid of falrview calved 10th july 1880 got by dnke of kent 5025 22825 dam imported lady smith eer vol 6 c h b shorthora boll calf sad duke of fair- view red calved hth ang 1880 got by duke of kent 5025 22825 dam maggie belle beg vol q c h b i horses 1 brown horse 1 colt b years old leonel homo 1 bay yearling colt got by ecvellier sheep 1 aged lincoln bam prize taker when ever shown 1 lincoln bam 3 ahearc i im ported lincoln bam aged i imported cotswold bam 1 leicester shearling bam bred by w whitlaw guelph j lineom shearling ram 2 lincoln shearling ewes took 1st prize at toronto hamfltanalon- don in 1880 1 leicester shearling ewes 17 leicester a lincoln ewes lambs ii side 6 imported cotswold ewes lambs at aide 1 pure bred collie dog piodel farm breed implement 2 iron flows stephenson make 1 gang plow 1 turnip bonfflerl two- wheel culti vator 1 iron cultivator i sheep rack for wagon or sleigh 1 lumber wagon new 1 lumber wagon and neck yoke 1 horse power cutting bex new 1 uidgls kirby keaper nearly new 1 single kirby mower nearly new ibillington seed drill new 1 large cylinder turnip cutter 1 box for dipping sheep 1 hay rack the beat manu factured as the herdsman is leaving and the pro prietor giving np fanning the above will be sold without reserve the farm consisting of 59 acres more or less will be sold on day of sale if not preti- ously on the farm is a good roughcast dweuing nonse with cdlarkitohenvnard a eoft water a new stone stable large- frame bam and two large sheds and frame stable with fixtures foraheep cattle with troll of water insid trjewu31rstcja young orebard m aerea are teeded down with timothy and clover and thb ton is in the best condition term reaaonablc and made- known on lay of asle bi on sajjpuc tlon to the prpjorietor 1 term far wtoek ud ieapientii and under cash oiler thai months credit on fnananlng a rnrerved olntnces- bam to op at to octrxar wiflv b3mstbb apaldraer gkani filgplalt tbp m -of- lstew mi s e 1st t a one of the largest andlmott aeeleotstocks ever expased in aoton eomp newest patterns and colors in scotch englise and canadian tweeds and steda also hats caps and genu fumishinga n great variety y mm gome to hilus photql art rudiqi illl st acton i v r iard if you dotft knpwyoti own photogtapli nowf you hereafter j citizens visiioijs tdl eoin and you will be wlhoine ji iv ii m cws wybill r brilliant u 1 3 bllygmjmil ind dipijoka on xs wewew awarded the only silvarmedal iter offered siespebal the lead and ehallen bomp ititicin spobexmlially v i ttt tte 3toir baikttmt block 1b in thisdeprtaent wo reoeite prompt attention mmxi m ffsm itrvi ifilpuun fit 6211 14 h vh ij w irwu 1

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