Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1881, p. 3

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53-ivi- a wm- ijttmkii tin ttu trainaleeve acton u tolltswtt- i ewuv ww kightrtprest if toronto mail day express everest oaitmiitd night kvprest gait raixn day express western mail london mixed aowg east l0xarti 910am lspm 615 pm tsopm iiloem 9t42vm 1130 a m 4pm 930 ptn the meepeess tncsawiv monnw april 7 isi try bo fljwta ror berlin vtook mottoes card hoard try geo hynds school books enrcl- vjpes wrilinc paper try geo hyndi for rue combs drtaainc combe hair brushes purses spectacles try geo uvnds tor new styles in glass ware cruets knives spoons and forks a larsc stock a cheap itock gin na a call orders now taken for the revised edition of the kew teasamcut ejoesj sad other jottings toronto trqtii 1m donuedvnew dttav jf yon may now epek of mast winter the carpet will now receire their aeuuanaual beating tho anull boy playeth marblea these days and the pedestrian kaowcth all about it j the fteb pkess sent to any ad dress pjs paid atl lytir try it dcarborrower the edtir of tha georgetown straid haa been elected fresident of the bite uibwclib the council would do well to look 1 to the loose plants in the eidewslka before some accidents happen sraivc snow the spring show tor the cbnnty of halton will bo held in milton on friday a prfl 29th hosts of spring- advta la this weeks fcrrpctss lota of other carts too the fui puss i popular aa aa advertii- ing medium i the pabhc school board are talk ing qf purchasing a piece of land from ct smith adjoisuns the school grounds to add to the ptentute custpxs the customs duties col fectedst guelph in march amounted to 7- 1522 in march last year they were 6 2s5l increase 157971- the sale qf the stock and chattels io to the estate of the late hansom adame took place on monday and tuesday aiad was very largely attended posttoxed owing- to the scott icfimeting on tuesday evening the usual fortaushtlr meetin of the villie council wra postponed until tasdiy ercuihs i9h inst el king dodds is engaged to lec ture aniost the scott act id the counties of vtelland wentworfh elcin lincoln and lialtou eiaecgarenieuia amount to5m0 tljd0sl adkltitft wonder whit the clifford ami would do if it didnt et the fcee pc two or three sy before it the rrou- ia published we are afriid its local coiumra would appear rilocr empty discticefcl acoaple oeoar re ipectable i joun uku were pirsdinf the vetreeta ea sandiy ereuin ia a emiiutoii caiei couditioal where did tliey feet their uuwers where i r whiahey echo aaier where i beicmnx shells messrs a secord a fa- hare received a lot of beauti ful aeaaheda wbfth are wiling vtry fiat taee a pair o tbenv home to your wife ihtj willhelp to nuke the parlor attractive peof fosreatajtantments bare been with thia talented lecturer u ddreai a public meeting in firor of the scott act on thnnday ereninx uth inrt the pn will no doubtbe gretted with a larze audience pteeb sbaxtrrthe mfllon sirx eayx that one member of the towtf council ia afraid to question the qualificatioas of another for fear of hia own being aasiiled they mnat run thyiga m a very legal manner in the county town rthe incky lady forepangh haa i chosen from amonc scteral thousands photo- giapha of beautiful american women that of miss annie scott of uonongahela city pa aa being nearest approach to ideal perfection in form and features miae scott fates the prize of 10000 one of oar tflkge hotel keeper refused to allow men who are in favor of the scott art to put their teams in the hotel eheds oa the days of adams estate ie their actions in this matter will tend to greatly elevate them in the opinions of respectable people but of course they are free to do aa they deafiewith their own premises the several church sheds did good service alter tha above action had teen taken j the iclustiatn sciektirio iteffg the april number of this interesting and popular magazine ia just out among the various subjects illustrated in this number is an engraving of the late etnpernr of basras steam yacht lividia every num ber contains thirtytwo pages full f en shavings of noveltiea tnedesce and the nse- fhl arbj7pabliahedbz mnnn ca v farkeow kvn york af 160 fryear and old by ail news dealers mr 3 b king grand socrefarjr ioof has iasuad an abstract of theaemi annual returns from which it appears ahat tie total gain in membership last year was mwj low by death etc 1788 present mttbership 12272 paid forjaick henefiti amnighe year 1568739 j widows 6 w88j charity l91o86 bnriala 2- total2717eiotjino now amooul to 83736bsisan ipcveaae riiiglheyearofi8j886 k- did yowg told tm ft flri caprll i j ua tha oettiai enumerator oalld yoym i quetph easter was held yesttrday e joiui atpwitomi of tuoth djqfwathetottheaeiooy thomwhljisbh invgleoled to put in an appearanot and th old proverb didnt hitch thbtimt wo know a telegraph operator who wu given away pretty badly ou allfoolday driver ofmin forget that atrect crossuigs are intended for podeatrians not u ttfltiqii places tor vehiolea ono of oar hotel keepers i placed himself ju a criminal position on friday nirhtby selling liquor to minors miltoa nowipottt a bocoudhad fire cogiuo and rose tho anra wanta the council to put tn tanks at diflcrent parts of the town soectriekiu mr samuel moots has been appointed by the scott act cok- mittie olthis village to act u krujiuoer outhe day of the cloctioa lltttoxa popdlatioy thirty years ago the population el mutou m s00 to day it is said to be tskx july 200 ahead of our tntcrpriaihg village why didnt tha qualph ilereury hare tho courtesy to five the fese puxss credit for the list of aetou items it hich afk pcarcd in saturdays iaino tesueiocs at the last meoungof milton town council it was decided to sal the cvk co to carry their fire engine from toionto free of charge funds low ixstrccrtox a number of the mcmbcm of acton lodge l0of ko 204 atteudeiihe lodge of instruction held ia geetjih on tucsdaj- by uro j b king j s- of toronto a drunken mad parading the streets on monday cvecing ran against a lady who waa pissing him aaiost knocking her to ihe ground such cluracen should be lodged in the lockup uewake persong nting the new automatic pencils jui reminded that the purple lead used a deadly poison it is said that a piece the sire of a pea will cause the death of a rehust man complaint was mada at the last meeting of the board of school trustees that the instrument used by one of the teachers for punishing the children was too cruel for thia drilited age fptole pranshstext on sunday creninglast llev t l wilhinsou deliver ed a most interesting and instructive tcrmou en future punishmeit the sihject will be continued next sundav evening joffrsiurncatha orangetille ad kfziso haa changed hands 0 wing to con tinued illhealth mr t il kewtonhassotd 03t to messrs eustall erowuell of ein- csrdine we wish the new proprietor every success sefxeatior a nnmoer of he rate- piyersof the rural pbrtioacf actoa school division who are dissatisued with crisping arrangements are taking steps for separat ing the rural portion from the division if ther accomplish their object they intend to build a school couse and employ a teacher of their own scott act ileetnro the meeting in support ol the scottact held in gordons schjol house on monday evening was well attended eer j priugle m a- of georcjetownj delivered aa excellent address and at the close a vote was taken and near ly all present signified their intention of voting in favor of the act hcdses death joar ckirens were greatly kurprimjd en tuesday to hear of the sadden death of mr covert storey butcher of this viliagc deceased was attacked with a fit of appoplery oojjuuday but recovered and was at his shop a short time ou monday oa tuesdaf he was confined to his room and suddenly expired about twelve oclock noon iffe shixie teees there ehonld be a little more care devoted to the yoang shade trees situated ou some of our streets which if permitted to grow will soouie a5 ornament to the town horses are often tied to the guards or eventhe treea and it is most vexing to the person who haa plant ed oat the trees to find it bitten or other wise injured j ttieneewsity for advertising tstray cattle is a matterthat is teo often over looked a man may be kind enough to take up an estrav and feed it but the statute rsquires that such estrays be adver- tiied within given time if not so attended to the person harboring said animal may not only lose his pay for keeping but be liable to a criminal fine health jocsiil the cansdi utolik journal for march is to hand it contains articlea on the following subjects the tearly deathrat j eegulationof milk supply contagiousness of typhoid fever sewage and typhoid take care of your health and other subjects the journal should be extensively- read price 160 per annum address canada ifeawi jour nal totmlo ag wcttlttjeaivrepobt qur thanks aretuw to mrigcowetoltoh for a copy of heanniral report of theoutario agricultural college the report contains a large amount of informsttofliuterestingto farmersamong which is thetableof average yields ofthe tarious kindaof train i la our next issue we will giitfafi from the report ahow- ing the irerage yield of sptin wheat oat and barley i soon act beanos it b with great pleapre that we annpsnee ti onr readers that ber u4iaacmeroifpy thanieafortl formerly of the presbyterian church here will dv deuyer a lerinon in acton on sunday evening j7th insfc in connection with the present sttft act agi tation we are sure our citimns will be glad to welcome mr cameron to his old home and thaihe will have a large audi- encv v tin ptntria yiuri mii who wmiiployedm driver 6f m8hwsxv pm wagon last week laiulgad a i heavy bot drinkinr on saturday ud bnnday and paid the penalty on monday by a most riolont attack ol dehrium tremeni peiuftals mrc 0 speight it vialtins triendi in markhsin we had a call from mr laohlan kennedy of toronto on monday mr j j kelso printer goelph made ui a friendly oalllut thunday messrs george winlaw and win young left here on friday morning hut for carlisle dakota mr w s metavish of knox oollege toronto made us a friendly call 6a tuesday alternooa we had a call on satnrday from mr jaa wilds of the listowel glove works mr w reports business good miti etta matthews who haa been visit- ing friends in kingston for some lime past returned homo otttforvday messrs john ivdj and james moore jr operators who have been employed at the qtju depot here for some time past have been removed mt ross to gueljli passsn ger itatian and mr moore to brampton ilouoainuutir arl jith aprll8ave it fatth 8ick implementi the property of john mcooll near aihgrovs w herostroet auction eer i j tussdatj 12th april credit salt of hot- ooghbred atookjf and impleinonta the property of mr 0 8 smith aeton to be told u hit farm adjoining the q t k station gale to commenoe at 10 oclock wm bematrcet auotionssr moktur lptb aprilhals of real etute aed hosieheld furniture the property o the estate of the late mr moore evtrton f htmitfeet auctioneer notlom worth attention toutttlu tsas ssss woull liio wtto better roads more sidewalks laid this year people attend church regularly everyone pay hit honet debts the snow disappear more rapidly the village sidewalks looked after house cleaning days begun and over gossips and dead beats sent to botany ray building operations take a start thia season those who are leaving for new countries prosper the village council appoint a health committee plenty of work and go od wages for tho poor man boys punished for throwing stones on the streets all who owe lor the fun puns call and pay op a seller who thinks he got too much for his horse every man or woman mind his or her own business- beautiful spring come in real earnest and dreary winter retire au entcrprisine merchant who doesnt believe in advertising hundreds more to read the fan puxs the best local paper in the county every property owner endeavor to im prove the appearance of hia buildings etc a patent msdicinc man who is ready to admit that his decoctioa will net cure every thing a drinker who actually believes that he is a drunkard and that he sometimes tikes moce than isgood for him garden field v eoni rf sittcitica the board of tnirtoes of acton school dtvikioa met in the school hause on monday evening 4th inst pursuant go to adjournment members messrs s mioore m speigbt ai lashy j jjsaby and iks matthews minutes of last meeting read and confirmed the finance committee presented their report and recommended thatho following accounts be paid and that the chairman iesaa hia cheque in favor of the treasurer for amount of same thomis ifoorc salaryr march us hz less mckoliar 2s0q miss grant 1875 mrs ifnghes g25 hjmoore publishing annual report 512 total 89895 moved by alex laaby seconded by m speight that tha above report be adopted carried moved by j lisbf seconded by m sieight that mr thomas mootv teach er of first department be granted leave of absence on friday next carried moved by j lasby seconded by m speight hat the communication of mr c s smith respecting land for bcooi site be laid on the table to be consider ed at tho jane meeting carried moved by jat matthews seoonded by a- lasby that thia hoard adjourn to meet onmonday evening may 2nd isslrcarried i tdk ckidle ltwd t acton ou the 1st inst the wife of wm lynd of a son frdee in esqnesing on the 2nd inst the wife of hugh cyder of a son cauzsox in esquesing on th inst the wife of cbas cameron of a daughter the alt a asthtm lawsoit at the residence of the brides father on the gth inst by the hev d b cameron mf john arthurs to miss annie daughter of john lawson esq all of esquesing the crate storzv in acton on the 5th inst mr robert storey aged 41 years mcmlixajr in gaelph on the nth inst mr wm mcmillan of acton aged 87 years yellow oil is fab hceluxoi the rem edy tor palp lameness rheumatism croon deafness bums rjost bites stiff joints end ill flesh wounds aoy medicine dealer can furnish it a m1stakk it is a great and often fatal mistake to ake repeated drastic purgatives for constipation of the bowels tbey induce g lies end cause debility of the bowels ardook blood bitters is a safe and per- foot regulator of the bowels arousing the torpid liver ncd all the secretions to a healthy action acting on the kidneys and renovating and toning the system id the most perfect manner and flower scnooh books best wire bound school books at geo hynds see my 100 page 3c scribbling book drawing books blalcr and pencils pens end ink it will pay you to call and get my prices orders now iakon fotie revised edition of the new testament at geo hynds dealer in jewellery fancy goods books and stationery cistern and poreo pumps at j c hills j y 12 pounds of sugar for 9100 at as secord ico a stable lanterns cs cents at j c ltiui hats from 75 conti to 250 at jfyfes no 1 sad irons for so per lb at j c hills try t h hardings c5c tea worth 75 centa highest market price paid for pork at a secord ty cos first class retinned pressed milk pans at j 0 hills pork lard and fish cheap at t a hardings ladies ruadtles newest styles at christie henderson co give t h harding a call for general groceries aad piorimons 4 pounds good tvi fot100 at a secord cos a good second hand cook stoye oheap for cash at j 0 hills yon save tnonct hy huying your groceries and hardware irom as- cord ii co a good felt hat for 75 at jfyfes 1 impounds of good bright sngar for 100 at t h hardings cheap cash store coal ole best london coal oil 30 cents at j c hills 1 if you want a noliby durable and cneap suit jfyies is the place to go no i clorer and timothy seed cheap at a secord cos cistern and force pumps cheap at j c hills store depot highest market prica paid for fresh butter and eggsf at t h hard- ings scotch english and canadian sailings in crest variety at the east end clothing stare j fyfe acton lirgest assortment of garden wed in town all new andfrcsh at a secord 6c cos to t h hardingi cheap resedt store for flower pots cream crocks milk pans etc suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and mada in latest styles be suroito call and see them j fyfe acton highest market price paid for fresh vegga and no 1 butter at a secord cos toronto uil co are sole manufacture era b caatorinahmachine oil in- fringemerta will be prqeccned 15 will buy a i ocuve melodeon in griod order cost 50 2 sswing machines foreale at ouar tcr price j clispman they all do it ereryiwiy uses tea oerytobeaoulvuieebaukiverrakraee to the breath ass roar druzrfst tk sample package 6els laiue bottles s3 cents use castorine machine oil for all kindaof machinery it iselso excallent for harness or leather mating it water and weather proof if you suffer from snychronio aueaie arising from impure blood sluggish liver discorded kidneys or inactivity of the bowels if your nervous sjetem is debilitated from whatever cause arising do not despair but procure a rial bottle of burdock blood bitters it will only cost 10 cents large mottles 100 iror sale by all medicine dealers mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marble works dnslph aie noted for giving satisfsctien to those favor ing them with their orders h you need snything in their line be sun and remember them they do avery large business con sequently thev are aide to give better terms and keep better workmen than smaller works send to them for particulars manufacturers of keepers mowers and tfcresjiiiig maohinerjj prr gas- torine machine til to any other itwlll oetwear lard seal and elephant and is warranud not to gum zopesa from braaila a result of the newoommsrclul enlerprlsejust assuming- importance wllh brasll is the introduction of zopesa so jnsliy celebrated where it is known for ibeeare of all forms o ndlseslloii- theeompanr nave openeaa laboratory in toronto zcpxsa comes to us bijblf endors ed and reoommsoded its wohdorml afflultv to tbe digestive organs its certainty to re- llevs and cure dyspepsia and constipation makeslhls remarkable compound a neoe sltv in canada the oomrahv makesample bottles al tbe trifllor cost of 10 cents to be had of j b heoarvln actoa best and comfort lovbt iaoterliis browns household panacea has no equal for relievingipalnv both in ternal and external it oures flib in the hide back or bowels sore throat kheumatism toothi3he lilmbvg4and any mot a palo fcfaohe it will most surelyquickepibahtood and heal ai its acting power is wonderfnl brownsflousehflldpanacab heir it than over well assorted stock i in each department i vv 4ig5 mats ti in sugar from 3 to 12 its for one dollapw 15 lbs good fresh prunes for 100 newigrgol arriving daily christie hend t brownshouseboldpatiaais being acknowledged as the great jain reliernr and of double the strengtn of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family bandy for use when wanted as it really is the testremedy in tbe world for cram us in tha stomach and pains and aahes of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents abottli seeds at ijit e remamher those famous tsa8- w p browk i e in aoton 27ie imderiiyned having purchaied tlietockia trade and good vsttl of the business formerly carried on in aelon by j cliapman beg lo notify the public tliat the store will necessarily be closed for a few days to permit of some repairs being made and the opening and arrang ing of their extensive stock of drt goods millinery and boots 4- sho mmffiim immenso speina arrivals mammoth kouse georgetown f the xtev and fashionawe good are pouring in 359 cases and bales have arriveial- ready and consists of j block and colored silks black and colord cashmeres fancy dreea goods biac and colored lo3tres beautiful and new- gold prints crape muslins crape sateens satin d alsace prints and zanzibar checks hosiery small wares fancy goods and a superb stock of millinery and mantles oar hlllinery show boom is now open 4 iaree assortment of heltons and fancy l6akinffs parasols and sunshade an immense stock of domestic goods grey nud wfilte cot tons and denims a superb assortment of canadian and ported cloths and gents fnrnishinss for onrordercd wo inff department our ordered clothing department is j immense success carpets olleutsw boots a shoes ac we eerdlall lnvlte- inspeeslaai ef one or he lartrst rheapest indcetl anarted uoeks in istis serrloa ortke een- trr- weawaraiileeaallsractioii tte are tela lasfst on c1sh ud m secosd rmce lieleod anderson oo mammoth house odorgetows ihs tit f- vi stts pi w e 3d nstexiisqlt mebott a 2stt tjciiol main street v aotoni ontw wishes to announce to the people of acton and vioinity that he bad remqvad his tailorsng kftablishment to i be brempies lately occupied by mrs mcnair at tba rame lima i would thank those who have so lilierallypat- roniied me since oommehcing business in acton and so- licit a continuance- of their favors i rm i my siock of sprihgl goods 13 itow 00mpletb ahb 001ceis2s ts3 latbst ettlss is irish english scotoh and panadian tweeds w0ste3rs jg which were purchased for cash and wi consequently be- made up at as reason- ooable prioes for cash as any jhouseinihe trade erimihe my stock before purohasing elsewhere a perfect st guarnn iced large stock of spring eats in latesl styles v r e nelson i- m iii om yivjm oobi sty fhb but aorfmb af stalillon outs itti ih bctra heavy arerhbtd r v j at the pr3se jpres ofpiob ft price aper loot- eijio for 50 terms casju nb orders by raaivpromptly attended tc- l drugstore 1- ia smm

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