Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1881, p. 4

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m wsfigbss tihrmh moiunyr japrll 7 1181 rqcgfq8 cqbxsa if u- k1 j- he elayhouse vojcr a fir in iho gardengrand a itiaugc habitation to jit tjfound jiutit vt baehca aid bart and board ami tiuldu bidden the qucrut board yhcm inn bit o crocket tik and tours breda of jdnk calisn airing o cones crutabaol caudle a piclutcbook and ttrasjcit o ill in coir nook y to idol bdein the imvs of nun with ohrcoaleye and tufloj with bran were thejr heathen who dwelt there t ob no indeed were th annuls v vet of the kind that canntd and laughand cry or be ticked and pray and when uiy are old tacit hair potrgxay thcicnatac arc margeiy kfd aud se their culls aw bryvru aud their cw are mac andllwy builded there in the luramcr heat a rlsd as tic unit aud tang u mtl the birda that hit in the ireslop hfjh awainiauuderaiuramer ey bat the dtirlitue builder whoftoilcd below an tinging herein the crelighv a caggsaaya mononaar some iaremou writer urns defines the meaning of the different iaucicfunjr driuki iniiiy akcr by which we may tain au entrance into prisons and almthottaaa bniatiy a brand for the uoaea of ill ihoscwna cannot corere their appetite ific a exua for many men taking a winding way home tact a cause for many unfriendly- pun ches acau fornunr silin- btr a dank that bnaj many to the bitv diarjf the aotrrco of manr real paiaa- u in 7adttaka which have t mere rsfcfhaft thctlinoof old- porter a weak roppocter for thoae who are wcik in bod v b01tt yrtte tseb3 dont write there aaid a father to his on who waa writing with a diamond on the wiudow whr notr bjcjoje fpa cant rah it oat did it ever occur to ton that yon are dahr writing what yon cant rub oat voa made a rude speech to yoor mother the other day it wrote itself upon her iorinr heart and gave her maeh pain it is there now and hnrtx her when the thinks of a yoa whispered a wicked thought one day in the ear of yoor playmate it wroie itself on his mind and led him to dp a wicked act it ia there now ton cant- nib it cat all toot thoughts all yoor words all your acta are written in the book of ncmorr be earefnl the record t listixy von cant rob it out gwat vrmpoffi the tmalleit cruat may aarc a human life the aniiuat ct niy lea to human athfe the tmiileat touch may caaae the body pin the amallest tparfc may ere a field of gram tic aimtileat deed may tcuthe truely bratre the tinplest akitt may aerre a life to iare tiit pa jleat drop the thinty may rclicre the eliijhteit ioi may make a heart to gricre tcoabt u ki amatt bat that it mar eonuin thcroae of pleaaura or the thorn of pain ifijir mind your iwyae dont let it apeak hart crbel unkind or wicked wordi ilindyourryw doat permit them to look oq wicked bouki pictures of objects mindjoar ears duat juffer them to ihrten to wicked ipeechsa aocgi or word mind your lipt dont tit atronff drink psisthem dont let the fuodot the glattoa cater between them l gtntlomao walking down ttrwtiu bottoti tb other day jitcked up ktuall pockot uenionndun book jwpt by k new york rtiavtulng ulmiaii ond among otter iota rtung itemi of thjahgbymu oroot the follow ing itcmt will bo of iatoreit to he ungulublo public particularly to the ianoceot wives aud iwmtheart at homo u woll u to ailljr girla iu neigb boring cition alio to tbe firou wo put uptbadollira h 250 2 01 3i 50 3 s3 2c 11 11 it 3 milce tritelled ttuuibcr of tniuka shown ttigplut sold goodi uon atdcvd tba tif told tha news likd didnt know lkoii asked to drink unink chajiged politics changed rvligion daily cxpcnoti allowed by tlio uqum 49 daily cjpnei actual g bfn to charch 0 acccaipaiavd girls from cbarali home j i girls flirttd wtlb 12 agreed to marry- 2 eict rouble with 1 kicked out of tha bouse 2 left by back door 3 dodged faro oa lailroad 5 namuer of persons cheated 3 tried to chest 01 hu ordered 3 snits of clothes nfide 2 goods sold for other grms 85000 commissions from rival firms 2sg salsry40 pec day for forty djfs 8240 ssrod from daily expenses f 1 20 money put ia saving bank 500 cash on hand 70 gotdraiik 11 badlysetap 2 slipped oat on hotelkwdors i cijurs amocod 200 cigars givon sway 3 number of days actual work 32 kumbec days charged firm to light wagons store up 2 auended horae noes it sladeon beu 881 lost oti beta 55 uy actual profit for forty dsys 40 firmactual profit forforty days 610 r words of wisdom borne men seem ncter satisfied unless they are bearing useless burdens the whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loadeat call of duty when we are alone we have our thoughts towatcu tn oqr femiiyoqc umper in society our tongues if all hearts were frank just and honest the inajot part of the virtues would be uselesato us the slightest sorrowfop iin is suifi- cient if it produce amendtnent tfcs grenfeit is insufficient if it do not ivor man has eyeryet reached to per fection fbat no man has ever yet been rendered any- the woisg by striving afjer it evecr man has three characters that which he exhibic that which he has and that which he thinks he has man carries under his hat a private theatnvwherein greater drams is vthj sa visimlto seietr the other night bickali went home aud found hia wife particularly retro spective she talked of the past with a ear and looked to he future with a righ olif by the way said bickels u he sat on the side of the bed pulling off hif hoots i saw a gentleman down town o day who whould give a thousand dollars to see you who was he i does ha live ui little rock r i dont know his name ill warrant that it was oliver gregg ko them it must be george weather- ton gueo again i might know his name if i were to hear it oh 1 do wtsh i knew ff said tha lady excitement wss it oscar eeo- plesl- guess again i remember his name now harvey glenkins v x6 his nami is lucas wenlwinf i dont fcnoara man by that name why would he gire a thoaesmd dollars ta learner- because hes blind josh billings there is advice enuff now lying around to fill just three worlds like this but what we art suffering most for it sum good exam ples joshs words are good but his spelling is bad are just the tblna nw sateana n th rlouvnda soiubl for menjng dreaaei at onl ttto ift loew es fi led gi damuk are exoolleol value oe sure to sea tne au aou u alt a s rkt utttlaa faam k i a mm m m wsiii iwi v m w for fine wide roods two oujea of fraooh akwool dress ooods just opened which art wj j wrtittorf frenob dfaaa goods both in faborooloii andblsok bain the bat that watkios prtees are w very low vbe quautlaa of hi aoodf hodst exptalu tba eoomou inoraaa in bu sale wuejt are 911282134 zdmoiak twilled grey sheellngi from 21 to 810 they a nnuiual good talna 2 juow wtim w fine iriah uarnuk are moolleot alu be sura to sea the w and 63u kurfs thay ar mtra ohaap kwftsow oottotti in obairt m them tho tahti puamta from20o to 3 for very fupty of mourning pilots from 8j jo he too sboolj m the inz ktasrthi r7ve7hansoraoxrort tuiirilngs from j to 22o an oxollnt lot ofoiford ulfunax a t21o vry dttatknib toiriillnh 20 and vid4 on un to x beludful thuu7lf erlou pturr itonly loo for fiaa wide roods two fjmsf i 5 ke swhtaalo very hsdsomalwibelf atooly vk wdl worthwaubjav franoh dree good bolb in fnoy color pa blaok ha had an enormous sale for man yeara they aresuoh good vulueand thastylaaonoat tho fa t ihat so good and durable and the kind auentlon that his customer always reoalvo at the bight benst w- ol u rkiii- raj thai morenow than they were a few yesrs auioe and be inoreasa la his sales for ztbnufj this yw w 271 fflthn www jlsj ooitomor know tbej eannot do belt anywharo than at lb eight bous on king stroet east oloao to hughion atriov aw a flrauus window drr wantad wemember the name is hamilton mar 17th 1831 thomas c watkins jamilton k distinct and peculiar combination tellows compound syrup of it aoalaln in rlaavms hatstlal to the animal orgauifalioii tha oxidising agents and tonica ineerablnttlnnwilh the tlntoaiiegffnt pliwpwtpnamdegoianiailt of bs- tag slightly alkaiina and iadiiui m tho eouveniaut lud palatshla lens of a synrp s affects ar ntaallr vhle within twrntyfoar hours and are marked by asto oladoa of the sppctfte the dipjtion and aaimjtion entflng difuy ta afroulauon it tones th iierres aud mnel uiti ahealthy action of lharottoni neither disturb the ifomach tmr lj- the iraiom wda jrolrago4 iw and may be diaoontlatted afrisy urn without liijrjuttiiieoe in a word tt paamaw thi rtiuralinu to arovue the ttungth th tonic to retain it and merit of a hih decree fellows compousd syrup cf hypophosphites spcuiu ann pjinjucmtv cuau oohwiiii f w llwiifklk rhitbi vi rroslrxhmi tktrt viirr ir vf t ihallrfr 1rmhii7fh umdt mma jlj trffl nriiw mxnr ibe n vooi fuvc ai4 mrar ruilwr k tpa t bpoatujuaty iklraitrttavtutfacncttam i avet4 fo k pajawtct perry davis son lawrence d22ejoi ioksts uosteeii bu r ffog k klidldbnllrii the only medicine that nccejufody purifies the blood acts upon the liver bowels skin and kidneys while at the tame time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing- biliousness jaundice dyspepsia consti pation headache bhetrmatiiiffi dropsyk errous and gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt eheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood rublfyihq tonic w the world aaaah so 1 t sttp klw uox tottsts keolae stsc hm in frta wnwirnsw k uk m ud ol taoir c in i cbfldna or huijoacctbtl n7 eak for brfos am rrwmams rw s ore n pcrlici la nlib7 tb7 hat e qal pre ij oafttt pr ackacv he4uacrk tvhj become a anfleriat- martyr to etad aetie when burjoek mood bitten will aorly ear uieeaaaeof alitarlueotelberslkor kemiu headebe eieauie tba irctem recnlt the secrefjoaic r uev coaullltn of uie uowelf parifr the hood reaorate ifte lirerittooe up uxervoux kfncm nd jutrtnln readaene will be uukonwn simple bottu 10 eanu uarta ilotuea sw acted than ia ever performed on the jpoj with stage beginning and ending eternity j jthe inafractiou received at the mother knee and the paternal lessons together with the pious and sweet souvenirs of the fireside are never effaced entirely from the soul small as may- appear the resources of typography they can nevertheless i lyetftn to the following graphic attempt at portrait painting expree- aiteofi i dyspepsia strengthen yoor diftea- tioo ra the xtomacrh for utltixinx and aa- almilaunc every akim of foou you lake tl- uorfry need it tur itrcnflli and visor svfxia eieanaec the entire tymeaj umaiatc tbe uterseproarearuarad able to eat tn- pionyiulbi lttert and posul card eome tndaxlrexlolllnazofcajllrocabnxxl pusl- tmt raoar cj heautr and tljor it clrtc la a la oent ample bold by x ejtodarvtn etoo thent nerr xuien are you disturbed at night and broken of yourreat bya ick child auflering and crying with the excruciating pin o culling teeth f so rco at oflce and get a bottle of sirs winalows soothing syrup it wilt relieve the poor little inflerer immediately depend upon it r there f nomutake about it there is not a mother on earth who bs ever need it who will not tell yoa at once tbatit will regulate the bowel and give rt o tha mother and relief and health to he child operating like magio it is perfectly safe to use in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is te pre scription ofone of the oldejt and best female pbjaicinan d nurse in tbe united state bold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle hothiaf to livs for a negro planter came to vicksburg the oiher day sold his cotton put his money in his pocketbook and started down the river leaning too far over the guard as the boat backed out he fell overboard his portmonnaie which was in his side pocket floated out and rod with his hat on the snr face of the water while the current carried the negro away the jawl was lowered and assistance at lonce started toward the drownlag man wh perceiving his treasure floating off raised his voioe and shouted sav dat pocketbook his head went under and ha dis appeared as he rote up again he davs 118 in dat pocketbook 1 scarcely had he uttered the words before he sank a second time the yawl came within reach just in time o rescue the drowning african as ha came up to the surface for the last time as soon as the water was wiped from his nose and mouth that ha could see and speak he asked did did yoa save that pocket bookr j ko i was theresponie well den said the negro regret fully what waa do use of savin me r v r t 0 herri- tsciiord indiffr- astpnisk juent ity enc meat wbyhaye ohiokens no hereafter i because they have their neokijtwirled iatbia ir the christian gleaner 100 a year alt uksecrabiarir jriaaxise con taining missionary nob- a from all partis of the world andwell illustrated with firstclass engravings one of the lal uxmionary periodica publithed specimen copice free address cnraistuh qleasee port hope oh th beat offer yet hade i fear of frank leatlei fablleatlona one tear for oalraj the frank leslie publishing co 15 day st new york will wnd frasx lcsuasa faiolt farsxn alcpageillastrated paper for only 100 per year fiuaxleauia yocso foixs devoted to the interest of the young people and con- taming much to interest those of a more mature age a 16page illustrated paper price per year 80 cents fbxxx limbs kanosii aonicsittnust lkd wobxcio ami a 16page illustrated japer for only 100 per year with dr b kendalls emingnt treatise on the horse and ite diseases a book of 100 pages 90 fine engravings free to each subscriber fiaxx iixsuxs ptnom or tbts dav a 10- page illnstrated pape juat the paper for sunday reading price only 75 oent per year including two beautilul chromos the first easter dawn and the first christ mas morn or all four o ou aiovt publication for tsoptr year samples of all of our publications ahdd lustrated catalogue without premiums far 15- cent all deiring steady and profitable employment should send at onoe before that territory is taken any of the above publications sent for six monha at half rates v adjos- fnairx lxsui ptrbiaaanro co v5jijhfllfchrfc cuelph cloth hall 181 received an immense stock of english and american silk hats scotch caps etc shaw murton merchant tailors chxelpfc johhstoats sarsafarilla and for frtwrwtm bloodt it ha been b oe leclo year ndha protcd to betboberjctruonlnh muket for sick hkasaffikpaxh nt eslsrop4sobteea- astulhs okab10 liale in aetobfby je iloqvvtn urnatuw msit- tsgj obg lha hew obgan fbom a fin tolasa canadian maker for isle bnitabli for the jlome susdayaehool or small c hnreb we wfll sell tbeabore very low for cash for full parttculaa apply to jl p 5oiw t tlio latest and host complete factory ia ttxe doaiinioaloxlob f sigiest honors ever avardedto any makor ia tie worla tstiltdal and diploma at ctntenniulj 1876 stiffflf and diploma at sgdnty australia 1877 fgtgotd medal at prnvcial exhibition toronto i 1s78 gruinke4l avard at industrial exhibition torontu 1879 we are now manufacturing square and upright eianqs best in the market oorrespondence solicited bend for ninatratod cattuosrao liajlbd free- address 7 dominion organ piano company bowllanyililib ontario f u crajke agit jjctobt kew swiss embroideries new hamburg embroideries cheap prices and extra qualities mm latestlar6est1 cmtatiinrerllooowots i8i 40ooxewwobasbii 5i sworfltoo naiiieau h tmatiw tuxchae4lealltaa nnmfcaodlui tier wshcta the att umomtnoeofum smbhauawtthtiiiteta klaeouihtldiortmjlttartk 8at wsmmi sb boafc of nlla bmsi ho o rhmaea work la rmeti tiw i uui h my b in qjntalof a umislllylaldlilidsierycvehbd t to lametkm oneh huijri wttatw hl toe rtrd to it taut itftiwroaghn mmiiwrmltti price b u n r sndoet of uunr klll and i ihr heulfoo be a sebool a ii whr mem cuuwt readily ndc had to it kn teacher and j rtljht naderof lb lanjuaje can aford to he a jt6rtt i ttooomonuicrtnotili ooortn4oumotbertisoe 14 rromlooaesi qnawtaiy strtawsajnig who b staada it la motirmf flctaln massr ruoxazu sr sr bcty tdvry atd 1 hftirreboliit lows jtovatoar-f- fnnvadubucrlmf tt boot b beoon ud a tkdenl of iba kngliah lnfnfri sod 1 li7sbt sale 30arj tables mill 8treet1 i where aof 0 i ladies corsets i 1 all sizes from 1 inches to 88 inches n ew elastic hip corsets new silks au the new shades at 50 cents per yard new strlpad silks boo nw japaass silks 40 wm steirt co gtjelpefr- speight son undertakers furniture pealers waggon 4 i av its quail ttessnp- undertakincetert description of puaeralbequisitesot the best 1 pbed at abortwt notice firatclaaa haiasi turniahed i fumltore in our cabmetmaldng pepartment we are prepared for the boring demand parlor suite sol centre tables waatnotbecisteadsi ao wackolla we have on hand a stock ofrarstob axumbrjwagona and fceinocrtr mannfaetntaa by mumitm fmm th hri tntyrfyv y hkb will be bold at thg lowert poe- ajbj rates s piisht it son aoton t cheap for cash at eayilts sutetxxtnxiiliik and job work a spodaltr au kinds of track tea u actuuig f or coosls j v emottber th jlaos next door tooeechs 8sddlry inr vvv8usapv v m kmr f pirstclass bi atreasoiiableratesr tool commercial an express deliver wagoaw ocb express traiojinil deliver any part of tbe town rr hsl ao parties indebted toltmiii tauishmenv are rfjjdwted lop witbohi farther delay arnd aavejii ed mauhows phreiiplogical jpx 1 vsdslf kaowx la amtdcs m evom mlsn us nstdbaf wotu fcety ytin im buceiiutatta cdtsswalr ha i mtssui spared to bait fe u best yabliottoa 1 oi teadtar lvsrytf nke acrn l mtjsll7n4tmrinr parta taoa itad uajjjl ikt ttey nagr bfttcr btv ko ta gema tullukv duldna iwopk slwsu raa at j umt ouy msa la mact of tlctwclwtm ttasvmcbttaf ts jaitt phrenblogioal bt k5rfpwtofpattabdji bes tt adi of tk eta kaik-ii-ijti- icbcrriaf a bt ra the toiaal or m sea or taar tad imtfl rewryy sihfcis vuk ike jda kty wfticli siscamstam and tse articut psieaosj ta u 16val os pkxeaolotrr ltasble tin reader t accost s fal tukfeat f homaa ksturs stfcu bt is tbiisudi of bu wlra i ft 7 how to wua c nb tbffjottpaibllmr p uf barisje bees rtauced troa fjoajlisintl kflfoo wsttmljiefraarauslrerasac avbh be tceiwd with each abacripj os tit jocwratsmd tbe ezpesmaf tbe bast ohucatwitj bt tent by obtlter tiiriu fe u by nilp totdtba sew book prautnt howto f fszustt ajcb afracneotj sed fbrdoecrip send auoonot ia p o ordtrt drafts oa j k roistered lesttcn tvj waatm scad so ceatt for cpedibta aw lists ctcn mttdaddnam oa aoetal card t tsaber u usxpl wkkb w31 be scat tm na bbwhi30xftlhl ts jn we har arranged f or curaabo phrenological journal aaabot wmeajw bt furnjahed wibi th fata psxsf fortk pryar v e r n 2 lanuvanelh uhnuu i t ftid tnrigcol ask jrour dealer for machiue oil and sej that i branded u none pi genuine i poten oair bliavy j ltbl7ahairoc4rrtl work and ead by o afmpl ara 1- uawaien ttls tro tha eurad and wlrt nouitst tt 9 oitendjotiarjbiiiioqtora minute fe wajji irtbiti vlnute udttt sott jot poof m ontatfnmlahedl istroeaions f ipnsubiat learn ia our inai plain that any one ota a ironhtm7trt ho one o kontod osl tars la a im u4tevernownb nttsaruseilatta eaaar whteh we jer nnjilaualwl mmv ffiisip j fi ms smbsasesasvw

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