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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1881, p. 1

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svesr tafaaiur itqsktxo blv if moore bellter proprietor itixv pvtusaixc ne doortomeiikkimoiuavh a ihn n be terj to bam poatans mid for lo0 per an- nam srvawtvso ir not paid ko except at the opuoa of the nnbuahcr quent insert cash ikfoasioual eds ifjll jp anna pavahl in g tromaateofinst ou anv special cvoucaie obtof which fa to promote company to be considered an advertise ment the number ol lines reckoned lv wggtmmsmsm nanus outeolanm one rear halt column one year s an t l wna o u rr onfcolnmnrttxihonib hair column stxmanlhs tj mntt eotom n si moniiii jm emou huevmomht naumamnlhreemoriht it tffloj- ktu jiw moo an 20 hi woj bffnsmzf nottnt must wt theiollowloc h hooke tmitar proprietor ajvertfalr acta l 5jv- klnt st vce to oata tc trs2 w t adrcrtlemrnt for vr bptviasa manarcr w- hixwrr it bv it c r s ksduaie of trifiifr college uan- ber of college- of physjcians and surgeons- osca and residenoe at the head of fred erick st acton v lf mcgartct- if d it- c p 6 j t gradaate e victoria cauersitr 0c0xai3owt qkhz1q tth1 tisit aetan on- tsesday and fridajv from 2 tc a p n 1 ii hia hrrioea are iwjoirod dnriag any othsr davr of the weei notioe left at j e if cgarrina drag store will receive prompt attention gtqjt ojvtjtmo x azxeral baxkixq dust- xess tiuksacteti mivsz loaitsb ok athiotss notfs discounted and interest allowed on deposits antertuixes- the bank of moafcreal flour and feed srone j tiws05y bbjos ictju and viclulu luattlitfy iivcmo mia u ptemlscs arroiu drl uc- qcnrtas rutdcect dt 1 u 1cathes0s attorxetat f tisohcitarincnianoejvio twit door o ttahaeoi hotel fhltaa lt bzyszit e town oow notrr i dextlst gtorge- ti fishefi v s ge6bgeto wk ont will tiazt acton stut wedn- daj- azid wiu attend to all cahj pertaining to hu profession omerileftit hcgarrini rdrnf sajra vffirreceita prompt ttieitian tfrms mndate i e kikg asfbsr iran fonatfecfc kaamsis m af rerjdenpticn made to ordec oa chartesi ngtse tad most reasonable term- fiejpairiag- prompilj- at- yul e i3teeet- licensed ancfioueer- for the crastiaofeqisgtcsi and helton- oidrs left at the frrr pazss oce actcn or tt or- residence eulctea dhbe grcm ahecded to tenss reasoatble j eaaer casu h ato money tojoanonthe nortfajke fefw4s sfc s fam and at tug iciest ratd of interest in sees of isoo and npwpds flour and peed store and will tcep constiintlj oabafad a luuilcefcoc j flotjje top all cdcds ifclctlixs family flour buckwheat floor graham flour com meal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped peas chopped oats mixed chops oata peaa and all kiada rf feed nsnallj- kpt in a firrtclass store all gxois iolivorel to tar put ti his viilixi is a s ori s2ta cqu ii rtepecffully eolicilei h amhattah feed for horses cattle sheep pigs and foaltry good for horses nay- inc epizootic lwdom bros actoajan isltsiu b nicklin son in asstunlni control of the ewelaior boi- cry would rcapoctfauyaolictt a contmu- anco otituo patronace heretofore bestosod on the late firm they will always hare on hand a good supply of freshbread bans caku and pastry eiscvirs of an xivos a ful stock or confectionert ecrc axd fresh alwirg os itakd bread ddltercd to aiitj jnrl of uit foiau ertad and hiiscuiu gicai in axhangi for flour credit cu8tomr credit cnitomers will be charged lc per loaf more than each customers and all ac counts must be settled once a month acnw tntmmut april 14 1881 pobffbr oyster parlor ta oyster parlor will always he found with a food supply of fresh oysters which will be screed m any style e mckmk sov to adyertisers qsa soirai bos- solwt list e lssai itjsjajsrs a a adzrflterirho rpcndipvardt of 5000 a vtxr and icljj iacuu ess thrxtt i5q of if in hit lu irrilfs totfr stuu local lui paid k ldier latt vtar tiaalltfcs ctiht itianatficsojeitttetirt itisaoikjotpliat- it lata eeasst list- tfce eatioenauilscxrctrwhatttie papeia ere- wben tue nmeoftiie paperls priaud sn frxi fcctrri it is in erery insunce rhtbyst tiuio premiam iter 5 fcptaiiiaoreterr lownandtlie drcalition gf terr prr toe ralc5cared fotbdrertlrfpsnti iwrir ix 2 8 i axd 5 odxce cases a mew stock jat received b sayace ttctsihator fr juwllsr quelplt pesi class baebek- i hare tecaredthe semeis of ifr win con a firztdiss usrber who will cou- dsct my btt for a fetr veeks and give ererr attention to the- wanta of customers kindly give him yoarpatronac je woedex taiexts fou ixtexiioxs ekpe- a- brnorslt txi properlv secured in can- ads the cmud slztei and enrobe ea- tmt guarantoed or no charge send for printed instmciioni agency in operation tcryeara hesbtgbifit 1 ottawa cacada vftfi jt engineenng solicitors o e- tents and draughtsman j tvqmikioxsote a6t0x eobt jlagnewroprietor the new eotet is fittedup in firstclas style with hew furni ture commercial traveller wili cnl good yv and commodious sample eooms- bpecial attention paid to the runts of the travelling public bar supplied with the best of laquors and cigars sood stabl ing and attentive kaplan tisaiob skdcs vlaii prepared to pay the highest cash ft ci fpr hides calfskins deacons lamb and sheep smns deliteredat my tannery laoe conetanlilv on hand james 1ioobe kasss x rtlseiige faivtlvc harmgtjpened a paint shop in the prem- ises next door to xicklinjbakery i am pre pared to do carriaga paiiting and sign writing of erery descriptioa and would re spectfully toticitthe patronageof the people of aetoo and vicinity james scott y pkopektt fob kaifi the most valnable and desirable property rer offered jn acton conaistingoi dwelling sfoti and several rajaot iota situate en main bower and willow streets to be sold in parcels to suit purchasers terms i h sihth proprietor acton msrelt 8th 18s1 m- jjolise si lot fob kale the undersigned offers for sale tis splendid stone dwelling oh maia street near m a c s- smiths residence one fifth of an era with stone moose in splendid eondt 1m statu and shop on the premises jjfrbsrd and soft water wells title indisput ible terms reasonable apijt at tea m msomee octo aecrlmcnab jes eockweod er khl nerefore wh iter t anjnrtlerr kin the mniv rer wttk scott at tue tte list dclad83saerfpaiieie of which un kre siomt dattt 0d is5 weekly tlev prc locatei in ws duercnt cuic and towns ofwuieh k ae tlaie capiuis places of otersqss ropalatlnnaud6scaumr scats fareoarof list and ocijer infortaaltan ad dress geo p rowkllco 10 sproce stkew roric proverbs ko oneeaa t wcwbcn th stomachf biotdjlverandfcdcetirelitauliranti hop bitten keeptlieni bo tie erentert noartrucpg tiitcanre- tlttr trenfft hencrandcraure on earth j flop bitters attsimilbutoreiiuinoi3trtcfcor oat of health whera hop bitten are tised wtir o sop bitters core so rouen bcao ther give god digestion rich btoodaod uealthy s edonof all ihd ottans e matterwhawroar ftellngio rwi ment is rop fiilteis will judo yoood r remember ho bitters nsrerdoes harm bai good always and conunoaur porirytbe boodeiantiie stomach andbwecteii the breath with hop blt- ieaj y qnet nerves and balinrattep lo hop bitters ko health with fnacuve llrer and artnary organs without hop blugn trr p roofih core nd pala keller forsal byaudrcggls a gbtat cache w hchax misery is he iflii of mnw39 the mutual life assoctatlox qp caxada head office iuhixtoy oxt cfltcrcaikit sepcait 9701 99000000 policies on the kesievz fckd puts issued by this company only fandcopyright contain a plain statement afthe amount of cash value of paidup insurance the policy- holder rill be entitled to rccciveif discou- tiuuing the pavmeut of premiums i 10 15 20 15 3 35 payments tc h p moore a free pkess office acton it never pays it never pays tofret and grow wbsn fortune setms oor fosi the better bled will look ahead and strike the braver blow your luck is work and thom that shirk 8hould uotumtmt tboir deem but yield the pity and clear the way that better men have room it never pays to wreck the health in drudging after gain and he ia told who thinks that gold la cheapest bought with pain an humblo lot a cosy cot have tempted even kings for station high that wealth will buy not oft contentment brings it nevtr pays 1 a blunt refrain well worthy of a song for are and youth must learn th truth that nothing pays thats wroo j tha good and purs alone are sure to bring prolonged success while w tut is right in heavens sight is always sura to bless vote for the scott act more pitfalls oat ol the your boys adv and re- way of whole matter was definitely decided mrs parties went back to the kitch en where luke ruddilore was spread ing his poor thin fingers over the blase ot the fire his tattered garments stoam- ing as if bo were a pillar of vapor he wont let you lse it luke said she i thought he wouldnt then ive got to starve like any other dogl eald luis euddilove turning awsy moodily and after all i dont suppose it makes muchdif ferenee whether 1 shuffle out of the world to day or tomorrow 0 luke not to your wifs f shed be better without me said luke dowqheartedly out she ought not to be ought and is are two different things mrs partlet uoodnight i l aint going to be tavern though ill wager something he squire thought i was and isnt it natural enough that he should think so luke t yes yes alary i dont ssy but what it is murmured luko ruddilove ia the same dejected tone be had used throughout the interview stay 1 mrs partlet called to him as his hand lay on the door latch in 1 low voice heres a dollar luke ifr partlet save me to buy a new piece of oil cloth to pot in front of the dining room stove but ill try and make the old one do a little while longer and lnke or the take of old times for the sake of your poor wife will jod do better v luke ruddilore j looked vacantly first at the fresh new bankbill in his hand and then at the blooming young matron who placed itthere thank you mary he said and crept out of the warm bright kitchen into the storm and darkness that reign ed outside mrs partlet stood looking j i tearer to h a sort n at the the grey and tha we hnverecentlrpnbllshedanew odlrton of or colverwelfi icete braird ear on tue roaloarand raj- pcrmanedt core wllboul meui- jrtjtskertootdbtntymentalooclphytc siocaracllyimpedimenuotmarrlageelc reoitloe finmescess e vmjriretna sealed envelope only sjets or itrol postage tump tbe i alebrated author in this admirable essay elegrly demonstrates from thirty ly ifnl fs orinterntm jeryyou 5l very iiian u the und jwdreaa the- csuverirell it postofflesox medical co 1j an st ew trtt- atviaim of yenwid inwsae basle a victim jtij3los aotoisr depot parties requiring anything in etrness or trunks to save money should go 0 r cbeb oh acton- albert college belleville oxt fss gnaxxus scboql eisdixind affords excellent faculties for eixcnvi srcmzs preparation for 3datriculation in law modicine or arts or for teachers ex aminations btndents also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexan dra college for ladies or the musical academy average expense lor tuition in solid branches with board boom fuel 61c only 8300 per week tenhs open sept 9th 1880 jah 6th 1881 and april li 1881 forircular8 ic address president jb jinis dj belleville ontario s5 oolflt sent free to those wbo wlsb to engage tu tbe mwtpleaaanlandprof iu01s business known evervtblng new capltalnot required we will furnuft you everalblng- su a dsy and up nrds is easily made without suying away from homo over night ko risk wnateves- manv new workers wanedai oooo many aremaklnsfonnnesat the boslnes ladles aula as much as men and young boys and eirls make crcat pay no one who is willing to work falls to make more mosey every day than can be made in a week at any ortllnnrvi employment those who engage atones will and a abort road to fortune audrea th hilxttooponuind stains wanted eqnire i am glsd i had that leaky elot fixed in the bam roof last week i dare say ive done a very foolish thing she pondered but indeed i i could not help it of course hell spend the one dollar 2 ill how it did rain that apiil night none of your undecided show rs with hesitating intervals si it were lelwean a3c of your miidporsistent pi tterings into the kitchen fire on the roof but a regular urn pest a wild deluge a rush of arrowy drops aad a thunder of opening floo la squire partlet heard the- a igry rat tling against tha casements aid drew his snug easy chair a little the fire a great open mass df glitter ing anthracite and gazed- wi o f aleepy reflective satisfsctit crimson moreen curtains and cat fast asleep on the hearth canary bird lolled into adrusy bail of yellow down on its perci this is snugj quoth the once in a ir cayr to be she ithtless he the object to a stormy night whils when a fellows und and theres nothing in paxtica done mary yes mrs partlet answered was flitting about between kit ben and sitting room with a blue chi apron tied around her waist ini ready to come in now josiah now 1- wonder tatia voce if that was really a knock at the door or just a little rush of the wind and rain v she went to the door neve and a minute or two afterwards went to her husbands chair jo dear its luke ruddfl ve jhe said apprehensively the squire never looted up from his paper tell him hes made a mistake tavern is on thecorner beyouk but he wants to know if you will lend him a dollar said mrs partlet and oouldnt you have told him no without the preliminary cenmony of coming in hare to ask me 1 is it likely that i shall lend a dollar r even a cenf to luke ruddilove t wby i had a gnat deel better throw it in among yonder red coals no of cou so no airs partlet hesitatedv he looksso pinched and cold and wretched josiah he say i theres nobody in the world to leth m have a cent all the better for him f be did butlcndvit sharply enum iated the squire if it had corns to i bat pitch half dozen years ago ptrbaps he wouldnt have been the miieiable man he is now 7 we used to go to school together laid mn xktflrt igendy uau the smartest boy in the clsss thats probable enough said the squire but it doesnt alt p the faot mthysfa jjurhhken f etoh now send him about his business polly let laughing- floorvr mantel stun to be sureiiid mts buck ingham like they do in thepublio buildings you know that is natural enough well its kind o queer but luke ruddilove never want like nobody else folks tbink its dreadful queer he should put a onedollar bill- in with the other things mr partlet felt her cheeks flush scarlet she glanced up to where the squire was checking off a list of legal items in the bill he was making out against some client but he never looked round and mrs buckingham went on with her never ceasing flow of chitchat and so the color died away in her cheek after all tbe money had been her own to give and the olj oil cloth in front of the dining room btoru had answered very well i she met luke ruddilove that after noon for the first time since his return to sequossett luke himself yet edf himself the demon of intemperance crushed out of his nature and its better nobler elements triumphing at last he looked her brightly in the face as he held out his hand mary i i am glad to see you baek here again luke she said tremulously and well ydu may be he lejoined do you remember the night yougave me the dollar and begged me nnt to go to the tavern t i yea i that night was the pivot on which my whole destiny inrneav you were kind to me when every one spoke coldv ly you trusted me when all otberfaees were averted i vowed a yow to my self to prove worthy of your iconfidence and i kept it i did not spend the money i treasured it up and heaven has added mightily to my little store i put the dollar bill underjthe corner stone of my new home foptfee house has risen from it and it alone i wont offer toyooback he added snulingly fjtijwsegfmrnbjbmahoti andrywhrtliflaeuiwant htsmbntoed teo1 flsveaiwjtbwtoihiiioboiiecuy the oiks hihvrions grsst tew him walk dmursly into daaeon alien pew j the worthy deaeonjqnlckly lsi his angry pa and kate u at t betwaaithss tmjlaattobajtlotbealslej thadiaeoo allowed fast i aod raised hia foofagaln 1 butahltbatnrsttickwurhlslsjtl for mr sheep walkeetslewly back about a rod tls said and ere the deacon coum retreat it stood him onihisbea4 the congregatlnn then arose and went for that era sheep but several well directed butt just piled them in a heap then rushed they straightway for tbe with voices long and loud while ratnmy struck the hindmost man and shot him through the crowd mm legalize nothing hurt li mor ally wrong and injurious vote for the scott actvair t i- iiialdjt it at the public house and i shall do without my oil cloth that will be the end of itall and there was a conscious flush on her cheek as if she had done something wrong when she rejoice i the squire in the sitting room well said squire partlet has that neerdo sveel gone at last f yes to stokes tavern i suppose v i hope not jjuiah i doat im afraid its past hoping for said the squire shrugiugg bis shoulders and now for a pleasant evening how it does rain to be sure u hits lh worij wendi and mrs partlet kept the secret of wltt j then avoid creditors the the dollar bill within her own heart debtors chain ia cold and tieavy and it was sir months afterward that ft l rust on the heart and make the squire came into the room where it cold and weary credit is s hungry his wife was preserving some great nd j wolf and hunts down its victims like a the luck might go from me with it bnt god will help me to keep faithful ill tell yon what i will do mary ji will give money and words of trust and encouragement to some other poor wretch as you gave to me l preserve yonr good name and conscience by removing the soul- 4 estroylns whiskey business from our county hy rotina f or the scott actddr i pat as t0t7 80 bioorande arnantka champion wsjisefife rieeor goose faitowj gokonv average tiildi of onln taksmfrom model tarm seperta in our lastissue we stated that we would this week present oor readers with extracts frimthe annual report of the ontario agricultural college showing the average yields of the different verities of spring wheat bats and barley bjlos will be found tables containing nine varieties of each also the average yield of nine vorities of potatoes r springwheat vleixtt m 1ckx wiioottib b lostnation 221j u white russian 28 1 61 19w 60 i i7 s 16 60 13j 60 b 59 m1 1015 i9j oats vasmr wbscbx fort william 5b 71be hopetown no 1 4 bnllmans char lottetowh 11 16 colorado iowa ix j 6 bullmans black 8 m charlotsfown89 it anstraliah 87 2 j colorado 8611 j spanish 35 80 barley vibnrr na aces russian hnhess 35b olbe carterschevalier s3 6 halletts pedigree 53 6 thaoet r 14 russian t 80- 10 eotters prise 28 sixbowed 22 m spring 22 li probestier 20 40 potatoes per acbxj 199b ittbatery g 193 12 hedium 191 so vs hwtlltf rough anmuohoneinar 1 office of the new magnet telephone co to this and eajtoing oountlesj small eeah capital reoturear to raoh a man this is an excellent opening for money making bnsl- aa3bastampowfcety wm vmmmpm just let him know that be i lad better not waste it coming here aft ir dollers ana the squire leaned bi ok in his as if the cr ys00msi apples into jelly well well quoth he wonders will never cease the ruddiloves have gone away gone where 1 dont know out west somewhere with a colony and they say luke haint touched a drop in six months im glad of that said mrs part- let it wont last long said the squire despsiringly why not v oh i dont know i havent any faith in these sudden reforms mrs partlet was silent she thought thankfully that after all luke bad not spent tbe dollar bill for liquok six months six years the time sped along in days and weeks almost before busy little mrs partlet knew 1 that it was gone tho ruddiloves had got back to bequoaset they do say said mrs bucking ham that hes bought that ere lot down opposite the court house and is goin to build suoh a house as never was hs must have prospered greatly aid the gentle mis partlet and his wife wears a silk gown that will stand alone with ita own richness said mrs buckingham i can remember the time when luke ruddilove was nothing but s poor drunksu creajnre all the more credit to wm now said mrs partlet emphatically its ail to be of tan said mrs bnckihgham witli mantels and int laid noon and hes put a lot of paper and things nnder th corner one hind is hunted ia the forest there is no escape from its eagle eye no matter how skillfully you may rua the gaunt let from your office to yourhome you may in order to steer clear of an an- frequehted street dash round some corner or into an alley but ycu are just sore to bump against another more formidable than the one got rid of debt ia a cup of sorrow within itself pay day will come and will always come too boon you cannot glide it oyer and hide it either from friends or foes liko oil in water it rises in view al ways there are always sneerers ready to mock it tis ah nnsheathedaword hanging by a thread to do without is a cross that fevir know how to bear learn to bear it and be a man among man nobodys slave rase does not exist among unpaid notes nor happi ness in tho apparel owned by your sneering tradesman do not be cangnt napping on tnelotn bnt tote for tue scott act nnd vote early adv sa7 toikt ton klin a great many people say whkubey dont mean in their prayers asootch- man went behind a fence topray ana declared to the lord that if the fence should fall on him it would bi no more than he deserved at that momejit won wind ble the fence oyer on tbe tttioner hirpse bsatuyjfrom hi knees and- cried out in a ftigbtenea woe heoh lod x itilan awfn warld tbiij thing tli eertwisrliaif hl t ty iv l vaeirrt eureka st lawrence srecess extra early ver mont peerless 173 86 largest late rose 161 23 fair tubers bnowoake 160 32 smsx eariy ohio 160 12 fairsizn brownells supar- wrv 143 44 3mau we trust the above will prove botk i 11 interesting and profitable to our cultural readers agri- vote for the scott act anales sen taxation jdr sow s vu laien sowa the following story is told ot a coun sel who- was taken down yery neatly by a witness whom he wss browbeating i sms necessary to the counsels cans to make ttje witness break down the following dialogue ensued counsel how old are yon t witness seyentytwoyeara counsel your jmemory of course is not so vivjd as it was twenty yean ago witness i think it is counsel sute some circumstance that oocorred say twelve yean ago and we shall be able to judge whether your memery is unimpatrsa witness i sppesl to the cotrtj i refuse tobe iiiitertogated in this matter judgfrp you had better aniwer the question f witness well te jf yodeompe me to do it l wilt about twelve yean ago you addressing the counsel studied jn mr br- oni connaei yea i witness at that time your father came into my office arid said to me mr dt i my son ii jx be examined tomorrow and i wish yon to lend me twentyfive dollareto bay him wit of clothes i advanced the money end from that day totnis at has never eeea repiid i remember it as tho it wai yeswey opurisel cohsherawlr aajej- tba will do sir jd may go down i i calaisiiotlier eptoiriu total inhibition by pllng rtkrnmvk isitbtortliesefttai- v ss ns vur

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