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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1881, p. 2

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tha free press actvi tprttkojiv april it 181 tut pin sow to vms j it ia well for electbre to make them- aelves eoquaiutedwith tbo form of the ulkt paper to be used ta the soott act election nest tuesday the ballot pupct which ba beonjitspircd is jrery simple oni no cuw for tie ratepayer melting any mistake the vow it or and against the petition and th following it the form of the ballot for the petition x against the fctitiou of course the volar will understand that for the petition means in ftvot of the soott ait and against the pa tten mevna ajptiw the act thm vrho wish to vole for the tut should mirk llifr ballot as appears fa the- dk gram those who wish to record thou voieagainst it must place thuurt in the t rcc belor bt mod to prsveut pirtoui iron going to the polls but the imqe u too im portant to be overbotmjtuiy trivial oohtideretlons let every other duty therefore be made secondary andtub- eorvioht to thii for the time being not much time need be ooniumed end euroly no mm who- bit hit eountrri good at heart wtll begrudge in hour to out hit tola against rooh haqt system of iniquity at the drink trtibo nor should neb consider r too great saortfioe to spend a day aotively and energetically trying to indue otheti to go to the polls or even taking them there ivel there he no inaotivity on the 19 th be up anl doing one and nil and you will bo rewarded with success ttollup a urge majority the larger tho majority the betur the moral effect dont be satisfied with merely carrying the measure but lot uaptll our whole strength break tha fotters of the rum- chained yiotim and bet the oap- tlys free tote for the soott aot taatwiudoitxtfr are yob rillina to sell waiafcer to make trioney why have it sold for you to save a few oents la taxea end hotel fare be consist ent- and vote for the soott act adv 1 fife issff- ii bather biil asssrtioa list usua of thegeorgetosn herald contained- in editorial in which the editor boasts of his wonderful success knee msuihtngf control ot that paper rod coaeiudes with uie following dis courteous paragraph the county i literally swaraing vriih nrwi papier men who are mere cringmr kiltroonr afraid to apeak their honest convicttoos irtt some ad verser withdraw hit p-ttreuiec- or a f w fiiucribers refaw hispajkt we cbnsijtr ttc taument of the herald rather btoad and iosaltinc nod our opiuion as to ite meiuings of words differs urjely from iu whatit means by tlr coacty is literally swarming t nwfaier men we ire ouabl to determine there are only sre of xir out jai of itef and we think the eiitorbusllave beea troahlcd with day diekins lnhe wrote nf swanua ai fir honest canrictioos ire ccnccrntti we think the most of us hitte bti sjieakirg oar opinions pretty plainly of late the editor of the ilcraitf is as yet a child m th profa- ron tud his cewnpafier brethren wldudi ayanyhactenuon to his mean iuhts tffurionk but if he lerasta in writing articles of the abora type we wouu kindly adrise him that he will be handled with anjlored hinds by his cocnty contctnporarfes fertom aocldaat at oeorjetonu as tha bennett houso bus was lear ing the grand trunk depogooiljelowii nfter meeting the 630 train on vej- ucsday erecing 6th insc a aorioos accident occurred as the bus was crossing the siding at the north of the depot a train was backing in and could not be teen tor tha building the bus was struck by th train and completely smashed to pieces the puaengrs a mrs mcpherson of atlhur and kiss austin daughter of vm austin of georgetown were badly hurt bang cut about the head and far the driver ia alio badly hurt it is a wodder that all were not failed ar they were thrown a consider able distance in the air and landed on frozen frroond the horses also had a narrow escape the harness was all torn off them with the exception ofthe collars 1q blame u attached to the driver itruottd tq and pulpl notloend get out poatan aofordingly all of whwh baa been dobs now i limply want to state that the utmost frankneiinm actuated the oommitue and we supposed we ware doing ewythtng for the best if any one it dlttatlafle lhare no doubt that the committee will moat cheerfully racaire or git any eiplanatlont in their power and ban utlafatorlly show to all oonoarned that they hart aeted in good falib and not in the intertau of any denomination we bare tried to know no man in this umptrano work from a denominational point of riiiw 1 will therefore take the rttpon- libllltyof calling a metting of the committee at onoe for mutual consulta tion and oipunations if reqaeated to do so by those aggrlered but at christian men let us not ansptet on another without the most satisfactory ground for to doing and especially i trust that to unseemly a thing at a collision will be avoided thanking you for your apace lam j yourt very truly t l wiutnrsojr acton april 13th 1881 p 9 sinoe the above was in type the matter has been amicably settled and the meeting it to lake plaoe in the methodist church according to the arrangement of the committee tlw t i scotftfe spare thai tree tayt the rwrutller liumxller i tpart my citw tayi this mothr runurler i tpartmy hutband tayt ht vife rum teller time my father tat4 iht child friend of humanity aii down thai vjxu tree kilh iht scott act are adv to na man has a right to make- money at tha expense of public morality therefore fasten the doors of the rumshops with scott act bolts and bars mr twothirds ofthe crime in cana da ia traceable to whiskey vote for the scott and lessen crime 4stc t2b scott aot ix babhtor cspecial fts fae prat per dcmimton viae ax t ga to pri the following telegram is recerl haimios antir i5nr 7co ric tha rote oa tts stt act h todiy rmltad ia a majority of ii3s afaiiut tha sel it bt aei rveckactaxmart hutferaaer rrahlmitaa ia tlaeund i j iker are alr st nlltc oa ibe dl tar- la aetea tker arc 10 mllu late rr lie tcau irtanit tokt axca adv a ezjuittioa t3s 70ts os the soott aot on tuesday next the 19 th inst the vole will be taken in this county on the scott act perhafs a pore im rrariant issue waa never placed before the electocsor the county and one that demands more soberminded and in telligetit treatment the question of the prohibition of the liquor traffic has long been agitatedbefore the country and various measures to this end pro posed but there has probably never been a more thorough or satisfactory one before the country than this and although it is a local option law to be j adopted by individual cities and coun lies yet it may become provincial by tein adopted iu each city and county fn the province or national by being adopted by each city and county in the dominion it has already been made proviocuhn p e island nearly so in new brunswick and the counties and cities of ontario are rapidly falling into line hamilton voted yesterday with good result it is hoped though the decision is not made known as ws go topreea halton votes on the 19th and wentworth oa the 22nd fp illof which places it is hoped a majority will lie secured for the act if so this will give a great impulse ito the move- itissi m v mm shedjlrf pas gnuesday i9th april the ladies of aoton and surrounding country are invited by visit their millinery show room on the occajion to their first grand display of fiatterff hats bomets for spring season 1881 to the ldiiar of tie fttc prtu deaesir i understand that there is some dirsatiafictioa in certain quart ers with the action of the scott act committee in selecting the methodist church as the place for rev l cam eron to preach next sunday evening hence a chairman of that committee i want the privilege of saying t fa words in their defence the friends of the scott act were all requested to remaip who conveniently could do to at the close of the meeting in the presbyterian church a week ago last tuesday night to consult about this vary matter as that night the first public ialtnution was given of mr camerons visit i fully expected to meet the pastor of the church there on that occasion and have the privilege of consulting his wishes as he was not present i consulted the wishes of those who remained numbering about 20 or upwards the general feeling was in favor of having the temperance sermon preached in the preabyterian church anda resolution was almost unanimous ly passed instructing the local com mittee to consult the authorities of that church on the subject and suggest ing that in case of any objection being urged the methodist church should be applied for i stated on that occasion that i would most cheerfully withdraw oy serrice for next sunday evening and go with my people to bear the sermon and that it made no difference lo us where it was preached a meet ing otnh committee to finally settle the matter waa then and there appointed zlsotxcntc timus exceldor edectru qilikorlk to tina iu vrighi ia gold pal eoanof itaf uhm u u tued i it it the cheapest medicine ever madt una dote cures common tore throat una bottle baa cured bronchitis fifty cents worth hit cured an old standing cough ii positively cures catarrh asthma and croup fifty cents horto hat cured eriek in the back and the same quantity lama back of elht yean standing uouretawelledneek tumors rheumatism neuralgia atifl joints spinal difficulties and pain and soreness in any put no matter where it may be nor from wnat eaose it may arise it al- ways does you good twenty five cents worth has cured ud eases of chronic and bloody dysentery one teatpoonful cures colic in is mutates tt will cure any case of piles that it possible to cure six to eight applications ia warranted to cure any case of excoriated nipples or inflamed breast for bruises i applied often and bound op there is never the slightest discoloration to the akin it lop the pain of a burn at soon at ap plied curat frosted feet boilt waits and corns nd wounds of every descrip tion on man or beast beware of imitation atk for dr thomas ecleetrio otl see that the signature of s k tnoxu it on the wrapper and the names of horthrop lyman are blown in the bttle and tixe ko onitk sold by all medicine dealers price 25 els kohthkop 4 lstuas toronto ont proprietors for he dominion korx idrfc salacted tad dtctritad great preparations hlve been made for a large attendance on tuesday i and following days extensive alterations in our show room have made it one of the largmt aad best lighted booms of tha mad ia western ontario and ourfaqilities for making our surprising dis play of fine goods we believe to be second to none or i indeayor to attend on the first day aa a great many of the choicest goods are gener ally disposed of at once at christie henderson fvfl f3 1- i john hogg son direct importers quilph to meet on the ensuing friday evening tnept in other counties ui may aad m i wa8 prellan it doubtless will exert a very powerful influence upon the general issue for the eye of the whole country it upon us as our action therefore it o have an importaut provincial and national bear ing we should feel the responsibility of giving a good account of ourselves every voter should do hit duty on the 19th without fail and go early to the polls and exercise that sacred preroga tive vested in him of deciding the nations wral or wot no doubt hfndrancft of various kinds will come fn the way and strong temptations will sqee da was reported at that meeting that certain leading members of the presby terumchorcb had exprested to certain members of the committee a decided wish thai the meeting should be held in the methodist church and that in consequence of this tbt authorities of the presbyterian oburcb had sot been applied to it wai accordingly decided at that- meeting a member of the session of said oburch being present that in deference to the wishea of the above mentioned members of the latter church the meeting should be held in the former and the secretary was in- garden field dont stultify your conscience and manhood by voting- asmlnst be scott let and so giving- the whiskey monster another term of deathdealing adv dyspepsia strenflrthcn your diges tion tan the atomach for ntllulni and ai ilmllallot ittrr atom at tool jou tare tha torfr naedi it lot itrtntth and vlcor toraaa eteaatec tha entire tataa lumdtaut tba uverkmpi roareanlaraod able to eal ua paonjaalu lttten and postal cards eonu tddahjextoutnczoraiialrombrasll poai- vrvxrboorcjdealtn and vigor it flvemii a 10 cent sample bold tir e mooarvin aeton itbasanitt6rad0btt the grey faain of age being brought with sorrow to tht grave is now we are glad to think becoming rarer every year as the use of cingaleae hair hvestorer becomes more general by its u i be scanty locti of age once more resume their former color snd the hair becomes tbiok and luxuriant at ever with lit aid we can now defy the change of rears resting assured that no grey ualr at any rale will come to sadden us sold by e hooarvin 60 oentt per bottle bathers 1 hatertt tkerttlt are you disturbed atnlf htand broken of your rest by a tiok ehild tufleriqg and crjing with the exoruoiatingpsin of cutting teeth t if so go at onoe and get a bottle of mrs wlnslowt soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little suflerer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who bat ever used it who will not tell you at onoe that it will regulate tht bowels and live rati to tht mother aad relief and health to he child operating like magio it it perfectly safe to use in all oases and pleasant to the taste and is tht pre scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 oentt a bottle if yon- would be able to say these handi are clean rote for the scott acfcv auction bala register moirdit ltth april salt of beal estate and hpuaebeld furniture the property of tht estate of the late mr moors bvarton v7 etmitreet anotionetr tsuesvar april slat anotfon sale of farm stock and implements the property of john t bobert watson lot 27 eon 6 eeqmting bala to eommehce at i oolsek geo gibht auotlonetr i arid hbwer ii art- l cmtly cheaper thaa ever i well aasorted stook in each department mefeio sugar from 8 to 12 lbs for onssollab 15 lbs erood fresh prunes for 100 those famous seeds at j s tote for the scott act aad tarn the streata jt wealth that now goes into the whisker trafflle into the legitimate channels of trade adv e in aoton tht aidertigned having purehated iht tlock in trade and good vql of the burinett formerly carried m in acton by j chapman bey to notify tht public that the ttort triq meeeuaruy be elated for a few dayt topermit of tome rtpain being made and the opening and arrang ing of their extetudve ttock of dbt qoods milunirt and boots f 8h0s8 mc0arhsts immense spuing- aamvals mammoth kousje georgetown the new and fashionable goods are pouring in 359 oases and hales have arrived a4 ready and consists of black and coloredbilka black and chlor d cashmerev fuo7 i drf3 goods b ack and cooreld ltibtrea beantifu andhttw gold prints crape ifoalins grope bateend satin etaaaoe prints and zanzibar checks hosiery small wares fancy goods and a superb stock of millinery and mantles otir millinery show sooto is now open a lame assortment of heltons and fancy cloakincs parasols and hnnsaatlea an immense stock of domestic coods grey and white cot i h tons and denims a superb assortment of canadian aad jstl ported cloths and cents fnrnishlnjpt for oor ordered cloth- lnt department our ordered clothlnjc departmeat lsai immense success i carxu llclaakabmtadlsaene we cerdtallf iaitlte uafmstaati eaeer ike ikrttwrrapeuaaa j aaaertwl matkaladiu aetheaeflkerea im it- we varaale aallafacuaa weave nta t luui a clan ual 1 tecoxt tuke j meleqd andsr30n ik oo mammorh fiottfta cbrojt a ttt tax ooorfwlomii tl main street f acton onl wishes lo announce to the people or aoton and vioinitythat he haa removm i tailorsna ktubluhment to the bremises lately occupied by idre menalr at tht ram time i wouldhank those vrhbhave so liberally pat roniaeof me since commencing business in aeton and to- licit a oontinuanoe of their favors n i my stock ofrisri 2cm h xtow opimsts xd wtoxgbu tub latsss bt irish english scotdh and canadian t7heids wostjbids cl whkh were purohased for oasb and will contequently be made up at at onable prioea lor oaah as any house ialhe trade examine myitook before purobhting elsewhere a perfeot ht guaranteed latge stools of spring bats ia latest tfylests r enelt3dl tl itf mrtmt of 1taluon out in th r r- ixtra heavy papeba8d v at the free press opflc price per lt tjm fer a tvi- wb vffsll promptly atiaaaad to drugfitoii s rtli

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