nisussipshw at ai tfiw may lit isal i ifc tfcvemttat la iiimmav the catada temperance act enme- 101a foree in jimmon comity cm moiv dy may- nil and the following clipped fcin the watford ifivfiifr i ajeicr te vy encouraging 10 llicj tcuipeianco pvoplf and la u very fair nkcnuiua of what we itiay expect 111 oitr own county linear lionw jtnttly a veyk of probihilioii lus- ory baa been rcado in lamhlon kuj although littlo ctiiild be expected of lltf fev jteekr or months of ft new jatmakingpaeu agtml ctiaujom llw customs of county the icsttlls iiavu iwu most satisfactory to uio prc- iiibiiamsts- the absurd and untruthful accounts written for uio jailr pipers iy antic daring llio first few days oftlig week white the licensed victuallers blockado lasted only opened tho eyes of the reasonable people of the county to the unscrtfpiiluuyjess of those who ate readv to violate the law of the land tt s true that for ono jay a littlo in coayeaicnc2 was experienced by travel- ier in some pajts of the county by liie cosing of the hotels hut the demand for such accommodation like every other business soon regulated itself afcd tcitii a littlo help frotuthe temperance people every opjiortumty fj refresh man or boast as to bo had on tuesday ami on wednesday the striking hotel keejcrs were gud ti ppeji tiheic doare toate uieir cibtorhcrf ittjatkona asd many other places the hotel keepers showed tlitir good rcuse by opening thetr hotels as esuii on moajjty nsornrag thus saving thetn btrlyee the immilixtian cf being forced to do it a djty later the closing o the hotels has proved a most disastrous tnti impolite move on the put of the licensed victuallers and has aiienated ftom them much sympathy irhic a pare reasonsbla courso might have retained tho prohibition sentiment in lamb- jtoa is strong its advocates are well organized and determined that the law aluall ba tuforced and nothing but a defeat in he courts will cow prevent the ott ac from haying a fair trial frial in this county the mikl iuy for a rciipt yiiiu it u for n dog cuurn ami so thcacikgott on the attongurs hurii glib tongues the ypromimsji good doul jthqy excite the farmers interest phiy on his weukx nets flutter hla vuniy snd qnee thc paper is signed have ihc rest lirctty much theirown ay and thoao sharp ere uike cure jnol o put tlipuisolroa too freely in the power of luiikw they know low fir to go and ihoy generally lialtlliore but it is na weir for far mers to know that they cau bo swin dled within tho liw easier ilwrt they can ou side of it tcapsriaco la sslnd tlwro is horc for tlie old land yet when even civic festivities can he car ried out on totul abstinence principle tho mayor ot leeds recently entertain ed nino teetotal mayors at a banquet uiuong them being tha lord mayor of voik end tho mayors of winchester and worcester this oridenco of the ptogress of tompeiunce principles iu englarid is very encouraging especially as the ccamplc of thoso in authority counts far much there and demon strafes that tin class most difficult to turn from bid habiti and customs are lwginning to perccivo the ovils of drinking ex r5 dir a numbct of the western towns ard tillages hive adopted a plin by which jiiie streets era beautified at very little eipease the presidms oecr of tbc place proclaims a certain day in jo- jjpring a public holiday in onler to give tie citurns an opportunity to set cur shade trees ophite their pre mises onitbor day every good socictus of all ikiads for the pro tcction of the helpless the distressed and thcsujtcring are daily multiplying but perhaps that sucgested by a new vork pajicr to help tho wivjeipfdrunk- iiida to recover dmagea fxon deaiera ho fvh the lupaor to their buabands would not proyo tho leait worthy of sapport ttiero is a gtxxl dcil of talk fmong tome pcoplo about the vested righli ot the liquor dealer and much fcyrnpilby is raej over him nrhei any of his supposed prerogatives are inter- ftrrej with there iiro others in the conaiunity who hive a right to sympa thy besides him montreal itiircf etw55i kctb frozl mr ora krrapyki a the last regular meeting of vio- frjris temple i 0 g t rockwood the following officjra were instiuwi fur the present quarter w c t sis willisrasj w v iforrovr w s uro john jago v fs s s balk w t sisbjk wji- bra r carraws l g sii jago o 0 bro john walker l ifs sis mcllurray j it hs bro fittrimmous w c thos comer pwct thcs h edgir tfe work on the new st johns church is progressing favorably tho outario glove works employs msi dwt jfovso tuop littlo tunbi astray on thursday eyonlng ast thefonilly of mr john turner of this yijlagty was thrown into a sto of excitement by tho nonnppojirtyicoqf three of their cltrrii suaic willio sud kellie aged respectively 10 8 and g yearn who were sent to echoed in the morning mr tanter waaabaetit from hoiiuvbul mrs turner made all pasaihlu search aud enquiry for tto niltsing children until ucriy midniglit when she pro cflivd th aasisurcb of several of the neighbors wdo continued tho fearch until friday morning without success in tlicfliaining tliouevvsof tho children being lost coon spcead thtoughout the villngo and ahuostevery person turned out to lend his or her nsaistance in tho bratch the uavailingoiinion eecmtd to ha that us the children had not been to school during the day they had gone to tho mill pond to play and had pro bably fucu in and drowned in acconhtneo with this idea companies were formed to rjqdoro the pond when every boat was found and every ap proach to thu water caniini but no ugui of tho childrens pretence cculd be discorcred and tearcb was abandnned in that quarter tho woods and swamps ou all tidos of the village were then scoured jomo jriving out uud othcrsning on foot tuao who hud went out on foot returnel at nojn nretrieol ith tlicir long tramp and tludiug no tidings of tho objects ot their search after diunec when pro paratioas were about to bo mado for a mora thorough aud organised search and when all hoiiecf tinding the ehildrm ulivo was aiout being given up niouniing was turned into joy mr hugh cameron whq had gone iuto erin on the search was rewarded by finding tbs missing ones at tho house ofmr james kerr on tha cth coa about eic miles from here it scouts the children who hud played truant wero afraid to return home knowing that a punishment was in ttoro for them for so doinr conceived tho idea of going up to mr kerrs an icquaiut- arilo of jfr turners to cscipo tho merited chastiseoient they started from here in tha forenoon and arrived at mr kerrs about 3 or 4 oclock and as they suid thit thair prnts lad given them parmiiaiou to pjy the family a visit for a day or two no oneainsa at their appearance waa felt by mr kerrs family of coursa all wens glad to learn of the recovery of the little ones hut soma of ihosa who had cu jaced in the search felt vexed that they bad tired themselves out in searching in sncu astuudieb places for the missing childien still thiy had the assuranco of having done their duty 1ijj- always so met we bave eeeiyed this week a jarge consignment of also 3 cases of strar hat an4 sonnet shapes i in all the most popular designs the city gbqgefty a w cree i r zj 100 pair uf 51 and 75 cent corsets jtjst oipezsred another largfe stock of oots and shoes to arrive this week at prices that cannot be beat will oftp nil itoctr in in prmii latelr oeeopied by hn 8 a seeonl saturday 7th may j wlon lie lll ba prepared lo offer oaitalm in all linei in ofeoceries glassware crockery stonhw are ci tho goods vrtra received direct from montreal this week and as everything is fate fresh and ncf gailafaition will be given lo erery purciilej competition is the life of trade and rfva city orooery intends to lead in acton with fissvclxss gq00s jvd lowest pbwbp a w green i k f i the kn i wojsndie tjzi i tvcit ytj m txbs9 highest price paid for produce hughes griffin secobds block v acton jit larrre number of hands this eeason citizen is expected to iilant a tree some- tlie business is rapidly increasing where a tree is a good investment whether nuntsd in town or on a farm the jdanter cnay get little benefit from it in dollars and cents bat lierc 2re joie things worth having which are not reckoned in columns of figures pnt yourself in the pks of yonr grea grandchildren and ask ifthc old elms and oais and maples tha only living reminiexs cf yonr gncestry- are not jtorth a thohsind times what they cost would it not be good idea for the feeve of acton to raate a proclamation or this purpose f we believe that the piajority of the citizens would act in lbs matter and a most profitable day yoald thus te spent the attendance t the academy is very small at preheat ecozfaot ik sam0h oati of ausjiissq as most of orit readers rre ignorant pi the form of the path of allegiance crfce taken by iflimigrdts settling n ihe jotted states and which has to be ijiien err a- homestead can be secured re giy it terbatim a b make oath that it is vvnafe liii intention toifioomei citizen of th pniei states and lo renoance forever sll allegunce anctftdelity to any foreijn frince potentate state orsoyereignty- wliatayer apd more particularly to fiecorut qtreen of great britain and frelmd whereof ha is a subject and fhafc he will sopport the gonatitntion ard government of the tjnitd state how we would adc would it go pith he average canadian- to take thu path 1 prondas we arsof our cotmtry ao4 s qoble qicea jtnrj indeed co fiard to bixpflo tiina renounce forevr fill fealty to both and yet how many oanadiaos hare through tho policy of anprincs poiiticutn s heeq driven to fliis step on friday 23th nltan applicition was made to judge miller under tho provisions of th canada temperance let for a scrutiny- ot the ballots cast- at the late polling foe and against the petition for the enforcement of the tecoud part of tlie act on the ground that at acton the ballots had been so marked that tho voters could bo identi fied thu solicitor lor tho temperance party raised the point that the appli- ration wss made too late tho summing up of the- votes by the returning officer having been made oj the friday previous and the act requirin the applicatiorito he made within one week after the declaration of the result of the poll his honor reserved the point and granted the enlargement until friday hurt the petition was by one john aijace hotelkeeper at hilton and supported ay tha affidavit of hobert agnew hotelkeeper at acton the partjcalirs of the petition were that tho deputy returning officer had placed a number as well as his initials on the back of the hallo papers on friday the application was con emeredand after argument granted the scrutiny is to fako place on may 26th the petition was presented by ifr j matthespp solicitor and opposed by llr mcgibton solicitor for tha scott actparly as far ai mr j e mcgarrin deputy returning officer for this muni cipality is concerned he stales that he fallowed most carefully the instructions ofjthe ketqrqipg officer on the day of polling they all do it kvcrybcxly tiscs tci tkrj tobcamtlrtlicoothxntlclvofragrarco to tho breath ait yocrdrvecist for ttuiple pactaze 5 eta larca tiotuk25ccur aik your dealer for caslorine machine oil and re that tbo carrel is tended gastorine as nono other is enuiae with iho approach ot fpriof bllliary complaints prevail that often leaj to seriois remits guard ataintt their atticjc in time by using surdilc blood bitters lhe best ijver invigorator kidney corrector eegalator cif the bowels and secretion ana the purest most permanent tanie in the world far sate by all dealers dyspepsia- strengthen your digei 1od tflao tiie rlomacu far utlurlnfandaji- ttntuunc every alohi dffuoa you utc tto body needs it fur strength and vlcir z clcanseulbe enllreiftem sumnlates tno liver teepsyoa recalar and able to cat len- peanjnalu letters and postal ctrtls come in dally extolling jisjiirora uratll tosr- rivcruoorrj neillluind vlgarltcivc in 10 cent fcatnple bold by j e uctiarvln actca h el istb x so asq-r- matn street acton ont wifliee io announce to the people or acton and vicinity that he hu moved bli tailorsng iulluument to the bremiicj lately occupied by mrs ilonufr at tha nine lime i would thank those who have io liberally pal- roaiwd me since commenang buiineaa in acton and wr licit a continuance of their favor my stock ofprig goods is kcw 03msletz ajtb 001cbissj3 tss jiatsst sttls3 st itish english scotch and caaadiaa tweeds wobsteds -c- which weropurchased for cash and will consequently be nude up at as reuon- oaabla prices or cash as any house iatha trade examine zny stock i before purchasing elsewhere a perfect st guaranteed large stock of spriag sats ia latest styles re nelson pkdak psts the underaiotcd have a larrc nombcrot firstclass roand and split cedar poiu for tile which uicy will deliver to cnitomera e xicklixasox whitewashing and coloring mothers who are startled at tha nour of midnight by that ominous hoarse cough of your little ones what would you not give for a prompt and certain means of relief from that dread destroy er of your children croup i such a means you may have for ihclnhing cost of scents it is llagyards yellow oil he great household remedy for ail in- fiimmatory and painful diseases do not rest over night again without it- a cough is uanlly the eftorl of saturo to ezpel some morbid matter irritating the air passages of the lungs it may however proceed from an inflamed or irritable condition ol the throat a slight rash or humor often per ceptible let lie cause be what it may the re uiedy should be hagyards pector al balsam ajpurely vegetable balainic throat and lung healer far side by all dealers in medicine at 2o cents per bottle praiox 0 feb 12 i8s0 ilutri perryldacu k son i lutmacc montreal i hare much pleasure in adding to the already numerous testimonials you have leceived in reference to the superior medicinal qualities of ferry pavis pain- killer iaving sold a great number of bottles of it which in all cases have givpn the greateit satisfaction anc relief to my customers can honestly recom mend il as oneol the best paiu remedies made i yours respeotfuljy i 0 fl allisoif flwing to the expected large demand b6f- see advertibement jo another colnmn t stotice to debtoks all parties indcbud lo the csutc of the lite lunjom aiumi cither by note or book account are requested to call and- aottle their accoaata forthwith w h storey i acton may 4th si revised new testament authorized edition ready in may jemcgarvin uucgtilst actoxi wmsels03ir cretvsoxs potuvem is prepared to do all kinds ot wnitewasuivg colohinq ou the shortest notice and at reason able rates 3leave your ouneka at tha mis raas office actou p 8clatlilnr cleaned sea omtcd wm neiqs i alti mantle silks a- mantle cashmeres ffelnges glwlps satin paraspts t i fine dress materials rphese goods vce haye just opeked otjt and our patrox3 that tllev are exceptionally j good value i m v i the bare feet that our sales thua ji far in 1881 are largetr that they have j ever been jn the history of our aqu ft ahnw pnnn1iigi thfi ll public appreciateour efforts to place before them goods which for quality and price are second to none ih the dominipn m mmj a big purchase in colored drbes silks at 75 cts a yard all the ner sprihgsamcies represented intbhis lot i johx noaa son dict importers w guelpli v ba oa tour gnarl ajojcist eyery day faywen are avip- fm tf tfepipg for- stfange hagyard pectoral balsam is a purely vegetable healing balaanj it cures by loosening the phlepm and corrupt mat ier from the lmngs apd expellinf it from uia system croup ahfaina bronr cliitis uoarfeness ana al ptotoral diseases yield to il promptly j i costs 2j ctnta per bottle garden field hasmads arrangements to supply he kevisrd new testament as soon a pub lished tlera will bo o variety of sues and bindings and the prices will range from so cents upwards j orders iye now being token onjrl cata- loguea may be seen ot my drug sore- f ioe haxk atjood fm horse for 8 apply at tins office tit fobstee m pliysician surgeon ic taofficp iallrs seoords bjock aeton ont orders should be gived io by the fifth of apri mffestst and flower fsediair j 33 waiil paper at- days b00kst0ee tttt abe now sso wtoq odb new papers of the very latest designs and colon the advance inado in vrall paper decoratioaa during the last year has been very extensive handsome new designs at t5 17 p and 30c a roll we hay9 bor- dera to match our papers the ladies of acton am invited to exam ini onr atoek ol papers ytth match borders it will pay them to corns o pays book store for wall popr for r8hay ho goods toguif aodontpppesareaiyaylov pay ring cheap i iv m iv i qtartlinc o dl discovery mahhoop restored nalutu imprttdtom ewutog pnnub nertooi debility lnt mnhocd etc inrijn tnrjiaunm nnlfi du eornra a rljxv vlf ear tttlcjj kbwih odfrzb l33imease spsinq- arrivals mammoth house i georgetown c tho new and fashionable goods aro poming jia 359 oasos and bales have artivecial- ready and ooasists of black and colored siilts blaok and colord casiufceres fancy dress goodb b ack and ooore d lustres beautif u and new gpljl prists craps muslins crape sateens satin daasace prints and zanzibar checks hosiery email wares fy goods and a superb stock of millinery and mantles onr millinery show room is now opni a larsc assortment pimehojis and fancy clenklnks laraols nn sunshades an immense stock of domestic goods krcynud white cot tons and denims a snperb assortment or canadian anil intv ported cloths and tents fnrnlshlngs for onr ordered clw- jng department onr ordered clotblns department li an immense sneeess r be tf ikf fjlfft rhrapwt 4 bntjiuairtrd urlu la ikli awriaii mke m- tir- w mnlllfmhlicttsl wr ru aialna if buui tt ush m 6etsu nicer- 1 mobeqd anderson it 00 mammoth house 94oretowb ii lrmmw- drug store acto sbip9s ij ismi3msmmm m t