Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1881, p. 2

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siii 5 is5 bh the free press aitik ttirastuv ju issu i 1 1 x r x ii tic tonics oaurtrcpio titer idvtccs from lu scm n tire doilombl steamboat accident nt licit- aon prove that the loss oc lift wire ak it was flalcd to be whs lit first greatly tttvittmslimflci over two hundred and twenty live instead of una hundred and seventy u have been lost tint number of bodiya luting been uiken from the river it wilt probably bo found that viliyoiietbird of the whole number of jvoplc who entrusted thctu- relvca on the ill fated steamer hive miserably perished oue of the saddest featares of this toss is the grout pre ponderance ot young people not i few of whom were too young- id lake mk of ihciusclvys and were under the charge of whitivcs or friends as nstial in snoli ccctdcntts the lists of names of he losc are found to be madi- up la a very urge cxteutof those of thi waker sex t ctrrzrn tia ottvsri srasi isl tit sestt ltt the following resolution regarding temperance were- passed by the fcvsby lenatt srnod prior lotbiir adjournment last week i that thesynod reviews and rr iter lies its hitherto expressed conviction of the iniporunoe of the suhj and its rerdiccss to lend its sympathy and support to anyjproperly directed ffurt for the suppression cf intcnipopunce 2 that this synod n full sympathy with all efforts ptit forth in parliament with a view to the complete fujipa tiortcf the difior traffic rrjoictsthat the attempt made lately to ivsscrt the stringency of the sojtt act proved a failure acdit would place on recent ita unqualified dhapptoval of altretto jressive legislation 3 and recommended that tbe synod do proceed iii the direction as sugcted in the circular letter from thcailiance and recommends the general atieuibly to do likewise i tue synod would also place on record its conviction that total ab stinence from tntoricating liquor as a beverage is the duty oi every follower of christ thirdly lhic iujuiredt by iiuitiuhd irantlittou owing to the advance in nihltcat ectioitlithip during two him dred foam thoao gviieml classes are subdivided and copiously illustrated 81 that all willrvcogultt the magnitude of the labor performed intelligent persona will fur the most put be grate ful that they have moro exactly ibr words and will ot god eciimi sopwitloa on saturday last the council of the township of ewpteaiugdiot the village council and a deputation o he rural portion of cton school division in tie couucit chamber here o discuss the question o lh4 separation or be jural portion cf the school ilivilioii from the corporation of actotr the meeting opened at en oclock a tit with mr c s smith reeve in the chair tin- ratal portion through mr ate kennedy presented their grievances which were that the niixl portion can sider that they are now paying more school taxes bin they should and that they should not lie eompelll to assist iu building further school acconiuioda- tion the question of separation wis well ventilated by the members of loth councils and all seamed favorable to that wans of settliug the difficulty and i as the- equesing council is the body who has the- lower to- grant or leftae a separation the matter was left entirely in their hands to deal with as they thiuk proper the greauit difficulty in the event of a separation is the fact that the rural portion must select their school site outride the corporation of acton that would make it very inconvenient forsanic parts of the section or cist- forfeit all government grants- thi- viluce of acton may howee- petition the county council to remove a pirt of tbo village of acton from the cor poration and make it a part cf the towuship of ivqueeiag and by so doing a site conld be jeeutcd tovttt hau kbslxkcr tho poojlo show br ft ttnnlaoai veto that thor w la fvor of uu otcotlqa of totoi sail the meetiiik called tor monday evening last o discuss he erection of a own hall in hit municipality wis very well attended by prcikrty owner of ho village ltecvc kmitli occupied the chair plans fur towu halls were submitted by jussrs k snyder and j cameron of his village and a flnn o archikcta el torono any of whieb would very wi11 moet the rciuitxmcula o he village and ranging iu price from mo o f j000 tho mhjcot waa ihorooghly discusned ktatiktics witv presented by mr v ii storey showing lhat a hall costing 85000 would ixuiro a mtc ot about 2 7iq milk us ik levied ch year for a cnu of wculy years but that uo rcvuuue to iks derived from the ball would in reality hriim ho rato down to about one mill on be dollar when alfwhovmted bad spoken eu lie subject he following molious werejyir moved by major allan sccoijlby luibt ajuew thut this lueeling roommeud tlio village council to erert a titviihall ojcoit ixtweeulcamo and sfiwt movut by jauifs madhews seeondtu by imwarvl nicuill iu amcildint u hat thia unclinj ixxoninuml hecomicil to build a vsul u coc no moro than oxti compute and that it l0 tuilt accorvlitf ouo of the thac phuis tawutod tv he mooting tiie original motfon was carried unanim ously jfoisrs james matthews james moore and imwrra nichlin wero npkrnud as a couiiuittoo to prepare a pctitiou to i sub mitted to tho prorty owiuts aiding the council to tajo prhrditi towards tho erection of n town hall tiie cumoilue will no duubt canvas tie cs h co will not rest until ovcry man woman sad ohlld wtlhln a dlltaaee erf fifty aom hu hoard that tliey toll qry qjds hats groceries boots and shoes tej i i at almost wtiolesal prions see onp price for dress good sec our prices for caftan shlrf inct print denim dnelu see our prices for felt hnw and licnts furnishings sec our prices tor boots and shoes see ocr prices for readymade clothing they astonish everybody- viiho for rinruns is kkju wi kh de ted wo hope thst every property owner will sco thst it i to tho inkrests of our eulcr prisiiiii vilhfo to tipi the petition at tho same time we tnt that tliow who hold petty diuyrcncoi iu the mtttor will suik their prejudices atidpo with tile majonty c fully evpc to see a yoar liince a town ball in arton which will compare fjvinljy with that of uiy villo iu tho iroviiico atuz vulsfi csnaeil rorrtvisios w a rmi l t 1v prufiiiptiss the acti scott ac piie have been publishing the following item with eciisiderible erultaticn halton has one hotel keeper upon vbom the scoc act cannot act- tiie boundary lice between xtaltea and wentworth rnns thtcugh the brant house overlooking burlington bay and theptcfirietor projwses f reeling his bar in the uentworth end of his buijd- 1 uig next yeir they must remember that it will all depend upon whether the license ccmuiissiqners of wtqtwprth will grant the place aliccnsea streral ot our acton hotel keepers hive been tciting people that as soon asthe scott actjiisses they will go op to the town line iboat a mile and a hilt distant and erect hotels they will no doubt end that it will be about as biga job to gets license thete as where the scott act is in force as wellington county at present contains all the hotels the commissioners and then have been liberal will allow to hear these taen talk though a er gon would almost conclude that all they have to do is to erect their bar ootside of halton andccmmenccj to tell liquor with impunity it isnt well to b too presumptuous ilsslsivct xivrs trczx cr etea concoruri after tho hint in list issue i think it7 about time kcd woke up- i in compelled to crcusc myself with scarcity of news mr and jlrs jno y estcrbrook left here on thursday morning for s tv xcbraska tle sundiy school children of ebon- erer church intend having pic nic party at piislinch late da june 10th prospect divisiqu is preiartng tor a pic nic and concert day not yet deter mined jupon sacrament sunday in campmlvilla pretbjteriin church on 5th june james son of mr archibald bell ut his foot rather severely on monday last y xassagawevs cotincil met as court of revision on itonday 30th tilt the work of rebuilding lit jno canutes bouse is progressing very rapidly he has the structure rooted and enclosed and almost ready for plastering the 2tth of may was not celebrated publicly here everything passed off very quietly i well mr editor this is really all i can do for you this time and hope you will excuse my neglect in the past i neu council the villa thaiuler on tkcluv ovc prefcnt mr s riiih wc belicvo that profits lie in tho volume ot basinets done rather than in large profits on a smili turn over come with the crowd to tee glasgow house look having purchased the business jately carried mby a secord 6c cointhe i am npv prepared to ofkerjnducements in 1 procefis glasswarej- cosibcsfc w l e e crockery paints oils glass fc-ptittyi- nicest price paia for freah eggs bes value in 50 cent tea christie henderson co in the coarcil intj mitnlwrr ilccve id the chiii mcrsr i hctidrrma m siiht 1 w cxnipml ard y ii storey t ttmlcrt for liutiiijc etc vit street limp ucrc ojfici t- fiuncb v icmstrtt fio cents per nyut v kcllcy 0 cent ltix w ctutzf y so ccrtt morcd ty w u storey seondc 1 ly m sjkht thu the tender of jarncy af tliirtv cents jver nibt for litliliuk md-cs- tiuuiuliu ftrct umpi he acociiwl wid tliit bit pjto fitment couticuc dunuq the ilcicrcof tic coancil carnvd tlc fidiccc cocicittce- prcfcctcj their tilth njkrt red rrccicircnici thit the fol- lukrin iccciiit l ptm jcmiih crictniucisoillifjhtinifsisi iximcrto iirdiftrihinc trtcr yfio w ciurtc uric oat iretu 00 jto ltur do v iutrtlsx d 1 00 the rqkirt xra tdrptcd moved by i hcmlcrton ioadej by d cinjjwl thit tus ccinrtl adjocru to meet forthwith t5 court of revision cxirrtor rnvisioir only orejppcil witicccntcd bcictliit ai mr aler scconl wlza appcilcd aputut his uccumct ca ttclc luvio tlitpftjl of imc tlto iii cited far s du wronsfallj stock tnmfcncd tn j li icinoa dos withdrttn moved by w ii surcy iccnndcdbym spcght that the cletk arraoe the wi- meet roll ajphibeticallr crrricd cocrt adjourned to meet oa fridsy 3rd inct oitt grbogeet green sells cheap stidne earthenware etc all purchamd ior prompt ask f llbaral dltoount and will be told t rock ottom prices to thpie baudlnff we offer special bates in bfalu dunees locks 4c i have prreatty redaoed former prioefl and parti ee need not leave acton for cheap goods as i am bound not tybe undersold t have a splendid lot of bar vest tools cheap a car load of fihb salt just to band in leas sugars a i have a large stock at extra value pure coffee ground on the premises cheap 13 lbs good sugar for 1 11 lbs kaisixsforfl 1 12 lbe cuuuaktsfor fl 3 lbs good tea for 81 5 iu tea for 81 s ban soat tor 25 cent itev m i tits eflviml itstt tcstaaoat from all quarters there comes to us news as to how the revised new testa ment is received some looting upon jit dvorably and others dealing out unsparing condemnation even before thej have had titna to compare- it now in nearly all cases judgment conies too soon for very few hare had time to give it more than a cursory butvcy ignorant people who hare ben jin the habitof repardinj their itanaktioq of the tfolyj scripturcs aa every single word divinely breathed will have their superstition allocked by any alteration or omission though the change has peen for the letter the changes whicli have been made in the version may be grouped for the sake of convenience into three general classes first those arisinz from the condition of the exfc and mainly from mistakes and annotations of copytsta eraoodly thosedue to an amended text the most ancient manuscripts not hav ing been discovered when the king james version- was published and s3bje dbs glasawure of eyery variety cheap glass tea sotts fsr 65 oeats crockery and china of erery desoriptioa chamber setts from 1 up to 5 sugarcured hams dried bacon cokstaxtlr ok hakd v farmers produce takea iaeschaage for goods a w green sc3w80i soj from fjvr otra torrerpondtnt the glooni wluch hanji over tbo city ot ixmjon occasioned by tbelate disaster bas eskuslcd its fehalow even to ourqoit little viljoc a number of our citizens had frieritls and relatives wbo were drowned on the illfatcd victoria sleation was made o the disaster in the various cburches on sunday bev d strachan and wife have gone to make a short visit with tlicir friends iu dundalk where ifr stracban is to assist in the communion services sir greiff of eden ilfus will eupply his pulpit during his absence vc understand that rev j w freeman of this iibce will be absent a couplo of sundays ho goes to kticud canfereuco which is to be held in brantfcrrd dr carry is to occupy his pulpit cmzcv the old rellalite wilrans wild cherry has been nick- niml the old keliabie cough uem- cdy br a gentleman who has uscl it for many years and it richly deferres the name because iu roccesa in curing coufibs colds croup whooping cough bronchitis and latiot voice has been almost universal for children and adult in old standing cases and in new it always gives immediate relief and effects a speedy cure and u now tho standard cure for these diseases he sure to get the genuine in white wrap- per as there aremicy imitations tfold by druggists and medicine dealer cracked tlands cracked lipj and roughness of the skin can be cured by a few applications of guibourts parisian bahn which only costs sj cents and is 6old by all leading urugguts in western ontario trr it ten sestt act la ealton recount or njtcl0rs bvlaw srstaiked tiio recount of the baltota took place be fore judge millet on thuraday hut uewts tidfaw 5latlicson aud tizard appearisd on behalf of the autiscott act party aod sir ifcoibbon for the scott act associa tion it waa found that the irregularities in tbo hallota numbered by the depaty-rc- tarniai oflicers occurred ia antiscott act localities and that consequently tho bylaw was sustained by a largely iocreaaed ma jority the scott act is to ho submitted to the ratepayers of middlesex the cam paign will open shortly garden field thousands 1erisb before the meridian ot lile is reached in consequence- of disregarding lungdiseato in its earlier stage consumption fastens ita relent less graip upon thorn whilo iher do not even euspect its advent trifling or tampering with acough will not answer delay and unwisely chosen medicines both encourage its progres the pro per course is to select a wellknown and sterling remedy and use it systemati cally at the outset the best is north- rop lymans kmuleion ol cod liver oil and hypophoiphites of lime and soda the value of cod liver oil as a pulmonic is too well known to require comment- the hypophosphites are specially useful for tlreir invigorating properties contributing to the develop ment of muscular and fibrous tissue both ot which arc greatly depleted and weakened in cases ol pulmonary decline the bones arealso strengthened by their use this timehonored specific and tonicalso possefses properties as a blood purifier which reijder it valuable in cases of scrofula persous of weakly constitution derive remit adfgree of rigor obtainable from no other source and it has even proved iuelf a most efficient protection to those troubled with a heriditary tendency to the mala dies it is adapted to preventand relieve as before intimated its prompt use is particularly recommended in a climate rigorous as our own and wiifre tbo summer isso fleeting persons with weak chest and lungs are specialty in need of a reliable medicinal safeguard they will find none so welt adapted to their wants as this thoroughly tested and highly approved article prepared by northrop lyman toronto and sold by all druggists and flower ib el ist b ii s o 3st meegha1tt tailoe main street acton ont i i wishes to announce la the people of acton and vicinity lhat he hsj removed his tailorsug lutablishment to the bremisea lately occupied by lira mcnair at the rame time 1 would thank those who hare so liberally pat ronixed me since commencing business in acton and so licit a continuance ofj their favors my stock of spring goods is i0w 001itlexe aks oojcaises the latest sttles ik irish english scotch aad canadian twseds woesteds c- which wfcre purchased for cash and will consequently be made up at as reason- ouabla prices or cash as any house in the trade examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere a perfect st guaranteed large stocof spring hats ia latest styles e 33 nelson fuuikr8 stockbreed j ebk attevriox c taylor veterinary sargoon george town will call ia acton at henuetta hotel professional vrcvery tuesday from one to four pm he will bring with him his cele brated stallion kin gturge ho will call at silver o on hitwaf to acton frotr 10 to12 am king gcorra is the closest bred royal george in ontario mckiadleys celebrated royal george is king gcorget grandairc and grcat- graudsiro llo is also thrice bred ia the sir henrys c taylor to tue editor your arrangement of my advertisement does not quite suit me this is the way i would set up the type f i n e dtiotosrajhy il wprz gtriotly slsr sdiend- irj agsoatmant of r agns c w hill acton juno 2nd 1881 seeds at j e henry e crinlinton blticttcil house painter oralnar papar hanger and decorator is prepared to lake contracts for painting paper hanging- and kuomlnlng- jbsfomeri promptly altended to tn town or country terms reasonable hatlna an eapertenee of thirty rears i can guarantee satisfaction to all h b grin linton mill st aoton valuable village property forjale the subscriber oilers for tale lnat bean u- futly tunaled pleoo of ptdperty lying north of the lltr depot in ine coruoniuon or tbe village of aetod tbe ptoperty contains u aeroa mora or less r of whloh an ia a high stat of cultivation and nearly all slanted wllb fruit tress or ereiy d4crlptton aad all of tbe best varletlea thebalanee li good pastors land with a nevf mailing timm mn nlnji tbrouah it on which intuited aflih pond on iborremlset t tie re is a twostory brlfk dwehlis nearlyoomplftedaonuinlnf 8 rooms alaopsek kitchen with three rooms joed stable sjqd ibed and omelasa hard and tort water tt tho above would be a very desirable place for a retired sentlenta or tor a market gardener j terms liberal and made known on applica tion to kh snydee acton po mcgartinb la fct tjterrtluag riniy don tn price give mo a call and i will endeator to uhstfyon hat tun dvertisingwbat i intend to perform- a my motto is ittie nimble sixpence rafter tnan hie slow shilling t3come and ace ns and get right prices just weight and tramp measure acton jue 1st 1981 j b pearson i the ioiderful w i i our stock hf been replcmahed during this wiwk mtlj large lots of new and desirajalfj goods incladinx qrleffuia at present are difficult to procure l wo call the attention oi tbe ladies to m immense shipment jnst receited of goods for our millinery depajttmen eeprcsenting the kcwet shapes in hats aad bonaets new beaded laces intew ombre ribbons new lace fichus and cari new satinf parasols i isew surfthades 1 new silk lace mifts andrgloves c v newrbumings and muslins and tn every department of our basincis car assortment as coinpleto as at the begm- r niog oi the beson y f the prices we quote for qrbealeys and friths tapestry carpets arethe i ever known in crueiph and the sales in this department have been very large every persqn looarink for carpets should i see our stoofe sj3 john hogg soni i direct importers drug store acton

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